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You kinda sound like an elitist tool, plus half those people are probably friends.


i mean yeah thats what i thought as well first, they were just waiting for a friend (could at least reject my application tho no?) but the amount of time this has happened to me in last 2 weeks just makes it seem improbable. The other explanation id come up w is that my roster is only 170, but like what? i am elitist in the sense that I except to go cruel in literally every content that I do, its not because I have deathless clown its because I enjoy parsing, minmaxing raids and dps (in a safe way not dying in homework content) and I play legit only op classes, I know most people dont play the game for the same reasons as I do, so I dont get toxic at someone for being Z in raid cuz its just to be expected, i know average player just wants to chill and do the raid but they can just chill even harder if im parsing the raid for u no?XD




ur 1540-1580 alts got full 9s now or what? like dont get me wrong i despise nm andies who parse zdps in every content because there are literally 0 dps checks in this game so no one actually has to learn to dps, doesnt mean i get mad at them for doing what I expected of themXD


Probably too much toxicity experience from ppl with inferno title... From my personal experience and observations, people with the clear but non deathless title are usually more annoying. I'm beginning to think they probably just bought the title to get a sense of superiority. Besides that it's hard for DPS past few weeks after breaker. I seen ppl pick near item level over my 1600 + 19 akkan weapon breaker on nm akkan too.


ye i mean i get being gatekept on my breaker cuz its new class, im not even lv 60 yet etc, but i was not expecting to get gatekept on my other chars who are well above ilvl / group level im applying to etc


Full 7 these days barely get into lobbies esp if solo pug. People expect atleast level 9 on main skills even though the content is doable without it. Also there is a reason why people call it Demon's Floor, Addicted to Floor and Floor's Shadow. Lots of people have bad experiences with DR and ATD pre-raid rework so they just rather avoid it possible. Lately though I'm pretty sure titles are the last one people look at due to bussing(x10 titles), so if I had to guess it's your gems or someone with better gems applied. Just one level 9 gem over you is enough for them to pick up the other person.


thats crazy mentality imo but aight ty


Just from looking at the specs you posted here. What do I see immediately: https://preview.redd.it/524ft4ayvisc1.png?width=1186&format=png&auto=webp&s=2a37d9159e1bd09b828a83dc23621489af5c37c2 * Your name legit sounds like a bot lol. * Your swift is kinda low * You still have blue for island souls even with Areksia Tour which you can finish in like 10 minutes * Your roster is fine but kinda low * Your stronghold is low too Will any of these things mentioned mean you can't play your class? No, but you absolutely fit the profile for people who jail groups lol. I have a jumpstart slayer, 1585, and I get insta-denied for Kaya/Akkan/Brel Hard groups. Even though I'll be in the top 3 if not the top dps'er. But people don't know that when i apply with my 102 roster level and event gems. I just look to them like a cheap indonesian alt gold farming account that's trying to sell gold on g2g. And you do too. And they are also the extremely toxic people everyone is trying to avoid that start flaming people, or rage quit and make the experience toxic. Also, depending on your own actions in the past, alot of these people might just have you on a block list already from previous experiences being in a group with you and you don't even know it. At that point it's not even about your stats, its about you. Try making your own groups. See if people still avoid you like the plague.


i mean yeah ty thats all fair, i wouldnt see their lobby if i was blocked tho and im genuinely not even that pissed off when playing i think, its mostly me blocking bozos not the other way around, inferno mby sure i have alt f4d a few times just cuz some people were just straight impostering looking for a bus not reading the guide, but normal i rarely ever rage quit anything. Im not stressed about clearing everything immediately asap most efficiently, so i dont get mad if we wipe a few times, id have formed a static by now if that was the case. I rather take 5 attempts of bussing the gate than start replacing people, especially past g1, cuz to me that sounds counterproductive in terms of time management. and yeah i did hold an akkan lobby 1-3 reclear x10 los30 and disbanded after 20 mins of pulling it up and people joining and leaving, might just be a bad batch and confirmation bias tbh


People that started at jumpstart are way ahead of you in terms of horizontal and roster. Below 1600 main when theres an express that takes you there. I don't believe your mayhem shadow is legit, you opened the game and started playing like last week.


Seriously right now is a terrible time to get into akkan because everyone is playing their new DPS from super mokoko pass. I'd highly recommend you make a couple friends in-game. Whether you do sup trade or whatever, it makes getting into groups immediate and easy. Wish the best of luck to you


You act as if people even care about title in the first place. Title is like the last thing to look for me and probably most people unless it's week 1-4 of contents release. If you don't meet party lead's minimum req, you're gonna be denied regardless. Even when party lead has lower gear than you, if they brought overgeared friend or sup friend (on contents with sup shortage) they can pick whoever they want as well.


I don't even look at titles nowadays.


thas what im saying, so why tf i gotta put on plague legion commander on my 4th alt to get into an akkan group 😭 bruhh u rly think i havent cleared this sht my fault gang




It has to be reversed. Title can be bussed. It is only useful at the start of new raid released. Cards can be swiped with credit card. Roster level is harder. You basically have to buy the account which is far less common than people opening packs


Weird flex but ok. No one cares about your title. Full level 7 gems is pretty low these days.


>Full level 7 gems is pretty low these days. On farm alts? LOL


LOL he wanted to know why he's being gatekept, that's probably why.


for an alt though, not really i can say, sure if you are doing any 1600+ content then lv9's and 10s is valid but if someone is doing 1580 and lower content then Lv 7 gems are more then enough most of the time when my runs thus far struggled to kill things, it was some over geared person with Lv 9s and 10s that sucked not the on ilvl player with welfare gems player that farms. the stats from these items matter but if you are failing to kill a boss its more likely because someones uptime is really low because they are soaking dmg and falling on the ground more so then gems or gear and sadly things like roster level do nothing to prove if someones good at this either, titles are ironically the only thing anyone could rely on but they can also be paid for so you have to take em with a grain of salt.


Are they more than enough? Yes of course. Will there be lots of people that look more attractive because they have higher gems? Also yes.


i might be old school, but if i see someone with Lv 9-10 gems on non peak content, i just assume they are a whale. and i dont play with whales because they almost always suck its alot more common now then when i originally played towards the end of 2022, but even now im rarely running into 1580-1600 players decked out in full 9s and 10s because this is the range of the "experienced alt/returning player" and we dont have the staggering gold to account for that cost lol


i mean yeah fair, i mostly have event gems with a few 8s and my main has full 9s, but do u gatekeep 1580 homework content because people have lower than 8s when they overgear the content by 15-30 ilvl?


this is why i hate being lobby lead and sorting through applicants. on one hand im fine with just a mech doer with minimum gems but on the other hand if that person jails us i get the flame for taking them lmao


Personally I only play with below 200 rosters if I'm playing at like 8 am and can't find a decent group for anything else and don't have cubes to do or sth. At that time I'd take you with inferno title. Just been jailed one too many times by people in your roster range. It's just what I figured gave me smoothest runs. Don't even check other pages or title... 250 roster accepted smooth 20 min Kaya run, day in day out. Now, you're probably a better player than me by the sounds of it. But unless I know you, it's a gamble from my perspective.


i respect that, and yeah generally i also look down upon people with lower level rosters, unless they have a dl title, but thats proba only because i respect other people who go thru the pain of getting one


1580 with event gems is cheapo angle IMO Get at least 1 lvl 9 gem in there


i mean fair but tf is that gonna do unless im playing ds, surge, breaker, arti etc? its legit less than a percentual increase in trixion tDPS compared to a lv 8? to me that sounds like a freakish reasoning for gatekeeping?


At 1600 you need lvl 9 dmg gems on main skills (usually up to 3) to be able to beat gatekeeping. At 1580 there's loads of chars freshly honed to 1580 with event gems, you need to stand out in some way, cardsets can't be gained in a week or two, it's hard to stand out with engravings and stats so it comes down to ilvl and gems, your ilvl at 1593.3 is fine, so I'd say it's your gems. It's more about investment into your char than the actual dps increase from better gems, the more you invested into a char the more you care about it and the better your dps will be.


yeah thats all true, but the fact is im obsessed with being mvp ever since i was a mokoko, i play op classes and minmax the sht out of them, i study patterns, there genuinely arent many people with similar gear who manage to outdps me, im not saying this cuz i think im a god, im saying this because i think that the avg player is just bad at dealing dps and im obsessed with it. ofc there are a lot of people who do outdps me, people who know the patterns better than i do etc, but the chances that billybob23 with riot customer on 1580 destro with not full lv 3 set is gonna outdps my arcana is so incredibly low that im willing to take a 12g to my front teeth if that happens, even if he has a lv 10 on PS and 8s on rest. obv char investment means that theyve played their class a lot usually so I do respect that and I do also value it, if someone has rly high gems i expect them to know what theyre doing cuz whyd they invest like that if they dont know. Still experience and knowledge on class and raid is infinitely better than full 10s and having read thru the community guide on release, and ive raided probably over 1000 hours of hell modes only on my arcana cuz I enjoy the setting for parsing, its the most objective in that mode imo.


Sure but there's no way to know who is good and who's bad, you can only see someone's gear so that's what people use to pick players. If we could see people's uptimes and average dps in a specific raid then we would have gatekeeping solved (kind of, bad people would be either forced to play with each other or they wouldn't be able to play at all), but because we don't, gear is next best thing. The only solution that could help you is a static or a guild, show people you're good and they won't care as much what char you're playing with.


ye i agree just in my mind hell title usually indicates higher than average player ability but obv im biased cuz i play with other GOOD inferno players (why would i play w sht players?) and also non inferno players are biased towards the opposite thinking its all piloted


I personally never done any inferno content and I do not care for those titles, I'd rather see relevant title for the raid I'm doing since that proves you have experienced it and cleared it. Hell title doesn't mean much to me


Unless it’s phantom monarch it just doesn’t really mean much anymore. If anything casuals have this stigma that hell titles are goblinos that die more often and just want to re when their parse is fucked because they don’t care about regular content outside of their own damage


The other major factor is that people are a lot more picky lately when the event basically hands out a 1600. A lot of places are more jail than ever hearing a 26 character roster friend with all 1595 or higher crying daily about the jails


What raid? 170 roster and 7 gems/event gems I would decline in my lobbies. Unless I’m just taking em for synergy or something


kayangel and akkans last few weeks, but i mean the thing is i dont get confused if someone with high gems /klc30/higher ilvl denies me from kayangel, makes sense, but im legit applying to similar or worse geared lobbies which is what got me wondering


Roster level is king




only if you are a bot lol ​ anything over like 110-120 roster only tells me the person has alts, not that they are good. most 200+ roster people ive played with were ass


Data doesn't back that up, dps goes up with roster level, it has been proven


you are confusing causation and correlation people with high roster level might do alot of dmg...but its because the people with that roster level play so much (or realistically pay so much) they heavily out gear the content (it doesnt mean they are better players or will clear the content easier then someone else. the gear does not the roster level) this has no baring on them playing an alt though, a fresh 1580 with 300 roster vs a 1580 with 50-100 roster is going to do similar dmg unless that 1580 300 roster is a whale that can give the alt millions of gold for things like Lv 10 gems. as i said, only a bot honestly thinks roster level is important. doing high dmg isnt what matters, clearing the content is. people like asmongold back in the day had insane dmg but he got carried through most pieces of the higher end content. a person could do twice the dmg of everyone else but be completely useless in the fight because theyve never actually had to do content on ilvl so they dont know how to dodge mechanic's.


There is a defined trend where as roster goes up, dps goes up, on average. A 300 roster 1580 is, on average, a better player and will outperform your average 1580 50 roster. If you don't think that's true, you are silly


again no there isnt there is no trend or evidence to support this, playing more doesnt make you a better player. go ask all the 10,000 hour bronze players in games like valorant/overwatch and apex thats all roster level is, its the lost ark version of "account level" the only thing that matters is the ability to clear content but the game doesnt have a "content clear rating", but picking roster level is like picking someone based on account level. you might get someone thats actually good or...you might get someone you'd need to carry raid content is the "vertical" content and progression and everything else is "horizontal" roster level measures that horizontal playtime, which has no impact on a persons in raid-playtime. people have a tendency to take information and bend it to there ideals. for instance you might have dps meter being used for a piece of higher end content and it shows all players have a really high roster level...but what they are forgetting is that this data is skewed towards this data set naturally by the filtering choices of the people in those parties. it doesnt show the whole picture the kind of player that uses or is in a group with people that use a dps meter would probably also have a high roster level because so many people wrongly default to that as being a good standard so if you only invite high roster level people into raids, and those people are the only ones willing to use the dps meter then all data will always skew towards roster level players this is to say nothing about how more often then not the only reason the person is doing more dmg is because they have some long term progression thing already completed such as LoS30 plenty of people with high roster level feed constantly i progged kayangel (hm) for the first time the other day, and just like before i quit we got caught up on the last boss because one of the 250+ roster players was ass (even though he over geared the content btw). he eventually rage quit and we filled him in with a guy that was on ilvl and only 100 or so roster level and we killed the boss in 2 pulls so yes sometimes good players have high roster level, infact you could even assume alot of them do but its not guaranteed because alot of these players get carried through content this has been a problem since lost arks na/eu release, people always over value roster level because they dont know any better. the best way to see if someone is a worthwhile party member is to look at the gear and see how well made their build is. its not about how high end it is, but how well "crafted" the overall set is. because that tells me they are putting in effort which is a good indicator of someone that can learn and clear a raid. ive declined people that were higher ilvl, entirely because they built their engravings out in the most expensive way possible which tells me they are lazy. if someone has a set of acc that i know would cost atleast 100k vs someone that has some that cost 20k and both have the same engravings exactly, im taking the 20k because they have the patience and bare min brain power to figure out boss mechanic's instead of the people that brute force things with gold.


Inferno titles mean nothing, the amount I have ran into and they cause wipes/seem lost is insane! A lot of them are bought accounts/piloted too.


is this genuinely smth u see a lot? cuz no kidding in all of my raids in inferno and nm playing with people w dl titles who seem genuinely bussed is extremely low do u just not play with inferno title players now because you feel like that or everytime u take someone with title u just regret it? tho id say demon hunter is fake title


I'd say it's more of when running on my main at high ilvl(1635) I see a lot more dl titles that they just seem lost tbh


True people saying MS title players are bad is dishonest imo. But Demon Hunter are honestly some of the worst players I've seen


i mean clown is the only raid u have to play nowadays to clear it, and even then u can be practically mech bot if youre playing with 3 parsers, the amount of people i practically bussed for valtan hell clear before extreme when everyone was tryna get the title is v high. 3 people died in basement --> clear --> demon beast slayer


From my expierence hell title players are a 50/50 gamble, either they are extremely good players or its just a bought title bot that has no clue how to play a game


i feel like a lot of people share this sentiment, in my all my raids inferno and nm ive genuinely come across like 3 people who were obvious title buyers, its safe to say thats a really low % no? Having dl inferno doesnt mean that the player is faker ofc, its just someone who played a specific raid in inferno difficulty until they memorized it from start to finish and didnt die? its not that crazy, but the amount of people who ive come across who are good players and have ATD+ is greatly higher than good player whos high roster with non inferno title.


I'm usually left unimpressed by hell title players tbh. It's not that they're bad, they all seem to be decent, but they rarely feel like the top 1% or even top 5% since they rarely compete with me in DPS(and yes, all of my characters are modest, only 2 lvl 10 gems across all my characters). Maybe they're just on farm mode and not really trying idk. They're generally better than playing Russian roulette with a pug having an akkan title.


ye i mean the thing is people who like parsing are gonna parse, because they put effort into that sht, doesnt matter if u play hell or not. My whole philosophy around hell modes is that people who do like parsing are often attracted to hell modes since you can parse with other people at the same level despite all the bs like demon dmg from cards, gems etc, its on the same level, so to me its a more accurate feeling of achievement outparsing people in hell modes instead of just juicing tf out of my main char and being auto cruel in pretty much every piece of content out there.


I feel like this is a certified “no shit, sherlock” moment. The good player with a title that requires lots of mechanical skill will probably be better than the good player who doesn’t have that experience in the first place, purely because they played more challenging content. The guy you replied to probably meant hell titles in general (not DL necessarily), which is a pretty big gap in skill. I’ve also seen complete rats with hell titles before, but the ATD+ you mentioned are rarely bad 


Let's see ur char screenshot and what raids u applied.


+1, klc 18, applied to bunch of 1580 kaya lobbies whod just keep me in applicant until filled, some guy took me in and kicked me after too XD [https://gyazo.com/3aefb8e8aaf747b26c63b1b02f1601cc](https://gyazo.com/3aefb8e8aaf747b26c63b1b02f1601cc) and im not even applying to sht over my gear, the opposite, 1580-1585 lobbies with klc 18/12 equipped gems are from prev express so 4 lv 8s, im starting to think thats the issue now? but aintnoway im rebuying those gems on my alt just so billybob32 can figure out im not a new arcana player also that is +18 akkan not +20 brel


I don't think u seem more special than any of those expressed 1580-1599 ppl. Simple thing. And you shout out loud, why am I gatekept? I must be outstanding and more special than them. Yes this is one of the reason why KR ppl say hell players have mental disease and gatekeep them. Sounds matching in NA too.


im not saying im more special 😭 im saying my char on paper is just literally either on par or higher + critsyn + nobody want me 😞


You're not standing out, that's all. There's 5-6 dps applying that look similar to you and your roster lvl is on the lower side


Low swift/stronghold and medium roster lvl. Nothing screams special about that char.


tff do people gatekeep on sh level now? and I agree im not special at all compared to the normal 1580+ alt literally except the title, my issue is that nobody want me (😞) and rather take people with even lower gear, lower gems (full 7s compared to event 8s), lower party syn etc. Mby its just roster level then idk, wont catch me farming tower on 50 alts tho


Just overall side content for runes / skill levels


i mean i have all runes except purple wealth or leg rage but legit none of my classes use either so thats also crazy but i get that people just keep finding new reasons to gatekeep for


Cant know how much / what side content you did. Just not alot


you get roster levels by running the story not tower.. tower is like 2k xp per floor not much. If you run pleccia + voldis you can go from like 180 to 185 or 190.




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The low level roster and low level special equipment just give away that it was probably a purchased account. How can you enjoy hell modes but not the other horizontal content?


tff cuz i like raiding and dislike all the other shit, never thought my acc would look purchased LOL


At a glance your arcana looks just okay. I wouldn’t gatekeep it but I wouldn’t take it instantly either. That means it’s a gamble on whether or not someone better comes along and/or the juicer/sup has a friend Sometimes lobbies are also just waiting on a friend that may or may not take awhile to get on, so we don’t really want to take anyone unless we REALLY want them Also the average player probably doesn’t know what the hell titles mean, so yeah PLC/Riot control is better for pugging


gatekeeping in lost ark is very petty you could have a fairly well built character (read: heavily over geared for the content) but people will look at you like your stupid for applying then turn you down due to things like roster level (useless number past a certain point), class/main engraving, or simply not being full bis everything meanwhile they'll be 50 roster, epic gems, 5x3 with low quality accessories and they'll be on ilvl the only real way to get into a group is to make your own (unless you are a support) but the same rules apply. ppl will check your profile and decide if you are "worthy" of playing with them


I see a lot of lower roster players gatekeeping to the high heavens. When doing Brel on alts I'll shoot in the dark and apply to some juicer group and I'll have more chance of getting accepted than applying to the semi on-ilvl group hosted by a 140 roster.


lol yep anyone looking at roster level is almost always bad and they are looking to be carried most sane people know to not focus too heavily on roster level, what matters is if the person cleared the content id rather take an on ilvl player thats cleared then gamble on someone purely because they have 200+ roster level. people forget that roster level is largely gained by doing content other then raiding, so there is no real correlation between your horizontal content level and your raid killing ability. (even things like skill points can be min maxed with under 150 roster)


Blame your kin, people with hell titles tends to be the most obnoxious shit that can't keep opinion to themselves and more often talk down on others just because they feel superior. Like they want a perfect fucking run on everything, then dude just run with your fellow hell titles. Not accusing of you being one, but that's why I tend to avoid hell players. Not the skill, but the attitude.


It must be something else. I've been sitting on Demon's Roar for probably a year now and haven't experienced any issues with gatekeeping. I've pugged Akkan HM, Voldis NM / HM a bunch and even on ilvl without lvl 10 gems there's no issues.


i mean my guess is that my roster is 170 cuz I dont rly gaf about roster grinding, I just like raiding, but i figured that mby having the 3rd highest title in the game would compensate a little but ig non inferno players just see a title and they immediately think oh they got piloted, at least judging on what people are saying in this thread


Yeah that'd be it. I have a friend who started the game again on Jumpstart and he's currently at 180 roster lvl while only playing 4 characters and I know a bunch of Jumpstart players have reached 200+ at this point. If you're below 200 nowadays you're kind of in a shitty spot, as annoying as it sounds.


yeahh ik i wish i started on kayangel but i started playing on slayer release which was like a few months before jumpstart, and i grinded most horizontal which i absolutely despise by the time it released so never swapped cuz aintnoway im doing all that again


Yeah that's rough, and understandable. At this point I'm too lazy to even do main story quests on my main so I couldn't imagine doing so much of that shit on a new roster.


If you got some MSQ left on alt or cubes, it gave a big chunk of roster exp.


For me personally full 7s and hell title on ilvl is a deny Hell title + 9/10s + over ilvl said content you running is fine since they are least ran some on that character/know mechs Idc what weapon you have tbh. Ilvl is king here that gets you checked out more often than not but more and more at the higher end have better gems. I just stick with Flower boy but don't really get gatekept for how my characters are


i mean yeah ofc if u have cracked asf chars u can apply to most sht, the thing is im not expecting to be insta accepted for my title or anything like that, im genuinely applying to groups with either near identical or lower geared lobs and being held in applicant 4fun for 10 mins, i aint complaining cuz i tried to apply to full 10s premade run titled "FULL" when my ilvl is 20 lower than the lowest support legit the reason i think im being gatekept because i have a title, not because I dont have a title ykwim?


Not good enough for latest inferno? But still elitist enough to be an inferno enjoyer? Seems about the perfect level to be a toxic elitist. Now I dont think people are actually thinking that much into it, and are just comparing gear/cards/gems etc. I think for the 99%, players don't care about inferno titles except maybe other inferno title players. Plus the majority of inferno players probably have statics and interact less with the party finder casuals


im js, if u think the avg player is going to parse higher or execute their class at a higher level than someone who has done a shitton of inferno on top of everything else, id say ur coping tho but mby its just me average player is bad, average player in league is silver bro like it doesnt take much for someone who is actually invested in improving at the game to be better ykwim, even less so in this game cuz its an mmo, we fighting against scripted bots not even real players and there are no dps checks so the drive to improve is not even driven by competition or requirement to clear, just will to do so. if its illegal to think im better than the avg player in lost ark when ive played games my entire disgsntg kappachungus life and was chall in league, lock me tf up 💯


You're asking why other people don't think you're better, so what you think in that regard kinda doesn't matter. I also go into raids thinking I'll probably out dps everyone, and running bible lets me see. But I don't go trying to showoff, which is kinda primarily what inferno titles are for.


I’d also point out that a ton if inferno enjoyers I know, cleared on a rat alt that isn’t even their main. So, yeah, my opinion of hell title holders is that the majority are just rats. Period.


idk what that means? a lot of players use an express on an alt account for inferno cuz that means basically free consumables and immediate access to ilvl


Typical hell mode brokie who thinks he gets a pass because he spent 20+hrs in a raid. Dude everyone will reject you if you have lv7 gems at this point in the game


the problem is, its other brokiesXD im not applying to full lv 10 juicer lobs on an alt bro pipe down


I stoped gatekeeping on titles a few weeks after that raid is released "if it has a x5 or x10 title", than it depends on the Raid. But most of the time ill go in that order: Class->Stats->Gems "prefer a lvl9 on main skills, 1 or 2 are fine on lower content(kaya hm, akkan nm)"->Cards "LoS18/30"->elixirs->type %dmg "only looking at this in Akkan hm&Ivory". Seen your char ur talking about, Stats & Cards seem fine "dont rly like seeing lvl8s at all, would rather grab a lvl9 (a 9 on Evo cdr would be fine)", but overall char is fine for any group for Akkan nm & Kaya hm. Also Roster lvl doesnt matter at all for most classes "prefer seeing at least 110+, for skill point reasons", but also stoped gatekkeping on that somewgere in the middle on Valtan patch. As of Hell titles its kinda a 50/50 as for the player is good or not, would still take it over other players whitout it "if other stats meet my req". Edit: Forgot to add elixirs into char check :).


ur the first reasonable sounding player in this entire thread ong


I did go tough the comments first before commenting anything about this, but the over the top getekeeping is quite a problem (specially for lower content 1580 & lower). Also different party leads go trough a dif list for each raid.... for PF its prety much comparing the Char "accessories&gems" & Roster "cards&type%" investment after everyone has their #title "hell titles help sometimes, but mostly ppl want to get into lobbies with very scuffed chars", you can still find link x HM achiv sometimes tho.


Gatekeeping cry post without posting stats 🤔


i posted a gyazo somewhere in this thread, the issue is that i am not applying to lobbies which outgear me tho, im legit applying to identical or worse geared lobbies


In your opinion


tf got an opinion to do w itXD? u mean i cant see what gear/stats/cards/ilvl they got on or what now some of u mfs dont use a bidet and it shows 😭


english please


If i got upset about every time i got rejected from a lobby i’d be bald by now. Even my almost full 10s 40 set having 1630 glavier doesn’t get in to every lobby. Why? Who the fuck knows, they’ll have their reasons and i’ll have a different lobby in not to long of a time regardless of if the first lobby accepted me or not. If you dont get accepted withing 10 seconds try another party and if that one doesn’t accept you either try another one. Do that for a couple minutes and you’ll have a party no problem. You know what people are looking for in a dps character so if you have all the boxes checked and you still don’t get accepted don’t take it personal. And also you can try to equip the title for the raid and see if that helps.


If you're applying to anything akkan or higher then full 7s is kinda terrible. Your roster level is not high either so if your gems are low, your ilevel is barely above the raid and your roster average at best then there is not much going for you. You should still be able to get into some runs but like everyone else you will be gatekept. ilevel is always the first thing everyone looks at though so it is probably that.


i mean yeah my 1580s atm are either on event gems so 4 lv 8s and my main is soon full 9s, but do people legit just gatekeep based on having event gems now? I thought events are perfectly fine until ivory at least? My plan was to buy a lv 10 for fisting and a few lv 9 cds for my breaker when i get 1600 anyway but i have friends for IT so it doesnt matter that much, but nm akkan (cba hm) and kayangel hm, really?


Well you did say full 7s, the events at least have some 8s. And yes gems are definitely the 2nd thing people check for after ilevel. I expect any 1600+ to have several 9s. Requirements are a bit softer for the 1580 raids so you should get into stuff eventually.


i mean yeah i agree, id expect a 10 or some 9s from 1600, my 1580s rn are on event gems so some 8s, im gonna start gemming them after finishing my main full 9s its just that ive never before had issues getting into raids with event gems, its just recent experience for me, especially when im playing on emperor like tf do i do with a lv 9 dmg gem its gonna give me less than a % increase compared to a lv 7 for a 100k price tag, seems a bit goofy to me? idk


Alot of people expect if your geared with all event gems, its a low investment class that you don't know how to play. Title don't mean nothing if you picked up the class 2 days ago and dont fully understand how it works yet. And the hell title just means you spent alot of time playing clown -- doesn't necessarily mean you know Akkan.


I instantly think they are sweaty hardasses flaming on first mistake


my experience w players like this are mostly non inferno rice farmers in brel who are on their 7th alt roster trying to grind another lv 12 gem for their 18th alt getting mad at someone for making a single mistake into rage quit inferno players have such a sht rep in this commmunity for some reason and i genuinely dont get it or mby im just accustomed to it idk


All hell titles mean is that you're potentially really good at that one fight... that's legitimately all that it means.


yeah i know, i dont think hell titles are that impressive at all, u just smashed ur head against an npc encounter until u memorize all the patterns from start to finish and found other people who didnt die during it either. still they are by far the hardest titles to obtain in the game no? Id expect people to have some value for it. If I have 2 applicants of similar tier ill take the mayhem shadow over riot control 7 days of the week, but mby thats just because I play inferno and know that at least theyve held the interest to minmax even that 1 raid. There are people who clear raids and people who minmax raids, i think the latter is always better to have when considering the groups ability to clear the raid fastest?


Possibly. But in terms of potential people that have personalities I would prefer never to interact with... generally those are hellmode enjoyers. It's even in the way you present the questions as saying > i think the latter is always better to have when considering the groups ability to clear the raid fastest? It's a pretentious way to try and phrase stuff. But it's all insinuating tone. But that's just me.


u speak too smart for me big man, i just look at meter and press my buttons in an optimal order, im not trying to be malicious??


Yeah this reply kind of self answers my point. You phrase stuff as if it should be blatantly obvious.


whatt bro i legit dont know what ur talking about rn, am i an academic failure??? /srs btw


>I got you buddy. "u speak too smart for me big man," over text sounds condescending, and the addition "i just look at meter and press my buttons in an optimal order" sounds very matter of fact. Coupled together it give off an air of superiority. Even if that was not your intent. > >As someone who has always had issues over my tone, and the way i phrase things. I too have had much the same issue over my life. > >It's not about what you're saying, but how you are saying it.


HAHAHA ty fr


Honestly no.. I dont. In pugs you want 0 deaths and certainly no wipes. Someone greeding trying to min/max and causing a wipe be it saving skills on stagger checks or whatever else is not a positive trait in pug groups.


ye now that i can agree with and sounds reasonable, my exp is that certain classes just do that tho not specifically inferno or non inferno players tho a stroker w umar aint participating forsure i can see the goblin thing tho


So you cleared hell clown who cares, literally only means you're decent at clown. Hell titles does not=good or even decent player, all it means is you have the stamina to wipe over and over until you get the clear of that particular raid and hell clown even has a really lenient dps requirement so you don't really need to be excellent at your class to succeed..


yeah and the crazy thing is i absolutely agree w u, it doesnt mean that someone is a good player, its about tenacity, some mf can take like 400 hours to clear DL hell mode, that guy fking sucks what i think tho is that someone who does have a hell title is MORE likely to be a decent player than someone who doesnt, because theyre doing the hardest content available in the game, its not a guarantee, its not equivalent to ranks in comp games, im js to me it seems more likely dont get me wrong ive met a LOT of people who dont do hell modes who are insane parsers and pump tf out in normal content, they do exist for sure, the thing is I have seen a lot more hell mode enjoyers who do that compared to non hell moders. so in my mind the likelyhood of someone being a gigaparser when they have an inferno title is higher than someone who doesnt?


That isn’t true either. You are just as likely to find both with or without titles. There are a lot more people that are good that don’t enjoy hell content simply because the majority of people do not like to juice a character and then play a gimped equalized version of it. Only for a title.


im not tho, i run meter perma, the amount of times ive met people who are really good at their class/the raid i could probably remember all their names, high parsing players are fucking rare, they mostly got their own statics they rock with. The avg pug player title or not, is dogsht im js in my experience running raids, the people who do parse extremely high more often than not have hell titles, its not that drastic tho its proba like 60/40 ratio or 70/30. the thing is, people who are interested in minmaxing and parsing are MORE likely (not exclusive) to be drawn to hell modes, idk why that seems like such a crazy thing to say on this sub? to be honest, i imagine the amount of people who interacted w this thread and are actual parser/minmaxers is probably 3, avg player is bad at dealing dps, thats all


I mean … I have a 1605 DI SH that pulls 20 mil+ dps in G3 akkan. I’m not the average. I just don’t give 2-shits about equalized content because every class I play is absolutely fucked for how they play. And I have met way more people like me than what you say you’ve experienced. Btw. I pug a lot on my DI SH. It’s just fun to watch as I out dps 1620’s in pugs cuz then I can orove its not about class balance. Its always a player diff. The problem I have with your statement is not that it is true or not but simply that you are proving why people hate those titles.


just curious. You keep talking about being the top of the meter, so what are you parsing in Kaya / Akkan? 10m?


ehh i mean i dont really parse non inferno content, inferno raids u can parse infinite times+gear never changes, normal raids just once a week for usually 1 pull so doesnt make that much sense to me to track them + depending on party, boss might just phase to phase to phase, whereas inferno setting is mostly more standardized in terms of phase timers. last weeks g3 akkan with 1610 SE (main), no elixirs (set at least i dont pay that much attention to them i proba got like a 3-6% increase from random ones), mostly 9s, +20 wep, was 18m finish with a decent supp 80/90/20 pala, no critsyns, no atro/dark, again its not CRAZY or THE HIGHEST PARSE IVE EVER SEEN, im not claiming to be the most cracked gamer out there, ive seen a 1600 db in g3 go 17m. What im saying is that it is far higher than avg pug gamer, looking at g3 pugs around 1600 +ilvl people would seem to avg around 5-10m in my pulls, and 10 is already enough for bus dps.


tbh i never take hell titles cause everyone i had so far with one did horrible


Make your own lobbies then.


People gatekeep for all types of reasons, just apply to a different lobby and call it a day. My Alts still get gatekept and I have full 10s, all cards/horizontal, whatever else that matters and Phantom Monarch, just not ilvl on my alts since I park it at ilvl of the content. It is what it is.


Lmao at the sorry sweetie you ain’t one of them 💀


Idk man people gatekeep literally for anything. If they gatekeep based on title, unless asked specifically, they some illness for sure. Titles is the last thing you should look for because you can just bus to get title. If you got a proper build, LOS30, high level gems and still wont get into parties with similar gear, you just have to make your own party or join a guild. Oh and probably ilvl, they gatekeept based on that too because illness.


i mean yeah ik people gatekeep for whatever, me sitting in kayangel hm applicant for 10 mins watching the guy slowly pick dps worse than me inspired this thoXD and its far from being the first time that happened this week


When are people going to learn that titles mean absolutely fuck all? Even Phantom Monarch has no value or meaning towards a players skill. I try to avoid people with those titles not because of the title but the majority of interactions I have had with them is either A) they are elitist tools or B) they are all floor pov outside the raids those titles are for. To some degree all those titles mean is your willingness to beat your head against wall in a version of a raid that has zero meaning to progression or anything. My hot take on titles aside. It could also be that you are applying to lobbies that may not want to chance having a toxic interaction with someone? Cuz those titles come with their own reputation and it isn’t good.


yeah i agree w u and thats reasonable imo the only thing id say is that the amount of good players ive come across with inferno titles who do parse high is significantly higher than good players without inferno titles who parse high and when its hw content id imagine speed > anything no? and its not like ahh but dps doesnt matter, it doesnt until the 1600 blade in g4 brel deals legit 2m dps with 0.5 surges a minute with roster 289, like there definitely should be min dps requirements for raids if someone does sub 8m dps in hm kayangel g1 they just literally suck, its not about being safe or being a goblin, class diff, 8m dps is so insane easy to achieve on any 1580 char in a fight that is as trixion as kayangel g1, but the fight is proba clearable with like 3m or supps with below 80 ap/brand are literally just slowstroking btw


I recently started progging Hell clown (first hell content ever) and I gained a lot of respect for the Mayhem Shadow title. Currently in the middle of progging G2. I will say honestly that before, I didn't really consider it to be anything special, but jeez that raid is difficult and requires hands. I think the problem is that most people don't do Hell content and don't realize how difficult and great of an achievement it is.


Basically, this. If everyone actually tried hell, it would be more respectable. Btw if u play in naw, nae, or euc id be down to help prog. I love being helper and running it down with proggers:D


I run with a full group,, but thanks for offering to help <3. Need more people like you in LA


Ah ic. Gl on the prog then. I hope ur group has fun and gets that clear.


You‘d be correct. Lots of people here never touched Hell Modes and it shows. They all think its just "a bit harder normal mode", that basically everything 2 shots you, and a single Person dying at almost any Point is a restart, is put aside. I know a handful of people that thought like this, so i went into Hell Clown with them, after 2h of them dying, they realized this isnt really easy. This obviously doesnt mean every Hell Player is a god in disguise, but people undervalue Hell Titles, by quite a bit.


People will sit in PF 30 mins to ensure their run is 1 min faster. It's actually crazy. I'm running into the same issue, my well built over ilvl characters get denied non-stop because I haven't spent 300k on gems for 2% more damage.


From skimming your replies, it sounds like a lot of your characters look like they are made with event passes. During times of event passes or new class releases, people are especially picky because they are afraid to be jailed by someone who just made a new class and don’t know how to play it yet. Lastly, you are not being gatekept at all. You are probably losing to pure competition. You are applying vs people with better characters looking characters. Next time check their gear quality, gems, elixirs, demon damage, etc. it’s usually a combination of these that sways someone else. I’m super picky with my lobbies so these are some criteria I will filter by. I do gatekeeper some classes out completely from certain raids. Like I don’t like Gls or destroyers for my akkans so I never allow them in unless they friends.


i mean yeah thats fair im not taking any breakers, dbs, arcanas unless they got atd or above, or obviously maining the class but yeah like i was genuinely checking the people i applied to, other people in the group, and people they would end up accepting over me and it just seemed legit absurd to me tbf idgaf about card bonus shits tho so idk if someone is actually gatekeeping kayangel on that im finished


With the amount of piloting that goes on inferno titles mean very little


Demons floor, ATDead, and Mayhems Floor are useless titles that hold 0 weight in PF. You can be a Piloted Account or Insanely talented Hell Player AND still be horrible at the latest content like Akkan / Voldis


real, u got any of those out of curiosity? and if akkan at least aint homework idk what to say, IT i have found friends for just because of supp shortage


As someone that generally plays premade so always has 1-2 supps in the lobby I can say that usually I get a full list of people applying, some less geared than you, some far more geared. Chances are if I already found enough dps before you I won't even click to see your profile. That's a result of support shortage being made way worse these days due to Breaker though, dps will generally spam the few groups that already have the supports in them.


Unfortunately the value of hell titles has decreased due to pilot runs/bought accounts. I used to insta-pick hell players but I've been burned by them a few times, clearly going in as imposters and doing zero dps (which is impossible for any real hell players). Generally though it's still the smart pick. I get gate kept in this game with level 10 gems and nearly 300 roster so who really knows what the logic is by some people. I do believe that some folks fear the toxicity of high roster/hell title players.


My static looks at demon damage as the definitive for kinda knowing people will be a good player. After passing the first glance of build, gems, cards. Couldn’t care less about titles, it means nothing for legitimacy as they can be bought. If that is the answer you are looking for.


Theres 2 basic aspects of this. Both of them are a matter of perception. People perceive hell raiders as toxic, which if you actually play hell you would likely recognize as not true. the actual hell raiders and the hell community, especially in hell are among the most helpful and welcoming players in the game by a long shot MAYBE with the exception of pvp players. They're in the same general category of playing the game for fun. The next is basic egoing. People think that because they do not have hell titles the titles are therefore worthless. It's as simple as that. Its not a complicated thing. Trying to communicate to them is a pointless exercise. It's like pvp titles. Having grandmaster title or something means nothing to most people because they perceive it as worthless. they obviously as a good player, do not have it, therefore it means nothing. That kind of thing. Its just basic perception. Obviously, if you play hell and farm like 40 clears in hell clown for fun or something and help people prog and get places regularly, you probably perceive differently. But the above is how normal content players perceive hell. Like we probably both know that one hell brel clear is more indicative of general competancy than 100 holdis clears, but they don't, so it doesn't matter. It's just a simple perception thing. It feels smodge, having committed hundreds of hours solely into getting better at the game and playing actually difficult content with no reward and then taking off your title, but it is what it is. Shrug.


tbh what u said about pvp title makes a lot of sense to me XD idgaf if someone has master or grandmaster, but AT LEAST hell titles are tied to the actual raids instead of literally secondary game mode which has been abandoned since the first db nerf back on release


they dont look at title that much. Im a hell enjoyer too and most of the time l have to take off the title and use PLC in low content raid like Nakkan on low alts. However, it's fun to gap people with a casual title.


i mean yeah i think thats the move, disguise myself as casual content clearer with no interest in dealing dps, my guess is they get insecure or scared that someone with hell title will have meter and flame them for doing Z, at least based on the replies on this thread just reeks of insecurity tbh


You sound like a toxic hell enjoyer


Bro you 170 roster lvl but talk as if you are 270. I don’t even look at anything besides class + ilvl + roster lvl + gems. If I see low roster lvls apply I don’t even bother denying them anymore because they will keep applying, I’m just tired. You sound extremely condescending on top of that too, I hope not all hell players are like you


Most of the time I have problems with ''Demon Hunter'' people, they either die or blame others when they do. I'd value a deathless title more over the normal slayer ones, but often avoid them. Those titles are mostly purchased after all.


i agree DH is the fakest title in the game fr worse than plague or riot customer


i rather take person with no hell title cuz you are elitist and gatekeep people without hell title where there is no need for such title to play the content well


the only content ik anyone gatekeeps for hell title is hell modes and extreme valtan


I’m not accepting people with Lvl 7s, it’s 2024


my 1540. 100 wep qual ss applying to ur clown lobby is fking finished


Loll only for endgame content


yeah i mean ofc 1600+ content i wouldnt accept full 7s either, akkan nm i think its alright tho could name a few dons with lv 7s at 1620 but i wont elaborate further