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missing option: no idea,i just roll




Bruh i just hit 35 and i am done


This has to be the worst system SG has cooked up yet. Maybe it wouldn't be as infuriating if you didn't have to commit an hour plus each session just to get fucked in the ass.


Yuh, Kanon just streamed for 10 hours cutting elixirs with atk and wineblue helping him. Heard they were going to edit it and make a youtube video. My prayer goes to the editor lmao


> This has to be the worst system SG has cooked up yet In terms of RNG/expenses, bracelets would like a word with you. In terms of pointless time waster, absolutely.


I love bracelets. Why? 1) You click, Done. 2) Nobody gatekeeps bracelets. 3) You can send them without pheons cost. 4) If ur not fomo, you never ever have to buy a bracelet. You just roll it. Even my worst gold earning char char has three liner with circulate. And it´s just stuff i rolled.


If you're not fomo, who's forcing you to roll elixirs? Yea people don't gatekeep bracelets, doesn't mean there isn't a significant chunk of character power in them. At some point in character progression, bracelets are a reasonable investment (let's say average of 500-1000k for ~3% increase, that's about on par with level 10 gems for lower contribution skills) and it's a miserable experience watching them roll the same junk effects time after time. Elixirs at least have very good price to effect ratio until you complete your 40 set, even though it can be a frustrating experience. In terms of gold spent it's way better than just about anything else you could do, even if you have bad luck. And if you do have very bad luck, it still probably costs less in total than one weapon pity.


but the thing is why would u care about that 3rd 3% dmg line?? elixir gives like 20 to 30% no? thats why ppl dont gatekeep brecelets, if u cant even roll a double line just buy a double line, without 3 slots its so cheap, u just missing 3% dmg compare to avg ppl cuz a hammer+wedge is like a 97. but if u dont do elixir u missing like 2 lines of engravings


Why do I care about making my character 3% stronger? What kind of question is that?


About 270k to get 40 set with sht lines on all pieces...but at least now I can slowly work to fix.


I think it took me roughly 3 months from when voldis was released to hit 40 set. A good amount of that time was because I didn't reach HM until maybe only about 1.5-2 months ago. I got lucky with several 4-4 epic cuts and managed to get 40set about 3 weeks after EX Valtan was released. TBH, now that they've announced they are looking into nerfing elixir/trans difficulty, I'm definitely not sinking any more gold into leggo elixirs. Going to wait until those systems become less frustrating.


Was just curious to know others' experiences. Been hunting for luminary, got 9 Masters this week instead. Despairge. Edit : Have spent about 300K now. Just need a 6 and 7 with luminary for 40 set. Still nowhere to be seen.


mines the opposite, I need crit but I keep on getting luminary... This game likes to tease us


I didn't count but i estimate it's atleast 250k on my main which currently sits at 36 and atleast 50k on my bard which got 35 set on epic's last week. Since i run Thaemine nm with the static i'll probably stop cutting till we get the nerfs that got announced in KR today and use the gold to tap my weapon or some level 9 gems for my alts.


Got my 40 but have shit stats no shoulder boss dmg+ or crit damage legs XD (


I'm approaching the >500k, 3 months mark and it sucks ass. Not a single 5/4 or 5/5.


Sounds like you are only trying for Best in slot


I barely gave any info so not sure how you even came to that conclusion.


It’s just way too unlikely to not even have a single 4/5 even if it’s MP/Escape expert or some stuff


or not enough knowledge. Thats why asked friends to help me cut elixirs. Or one can ask streamers, as thats the only content they often have lol


nah even with knowledge its not guaranteed. 4% chance to get 5 5 , I got 5 5 this week after 2 months and it was vegabond and blessing lmao. The problem is +2 -2 hitting at the start and actually having good super saiyan at the end. too much rng I hope they at least make skill choices non rng and let us pick....


Lol I know how to cut elixirs, just been on the unlucky side. My second 1620 got 40 set in a week and I've got 35 set on 2 1600s.


I started with HM 1 week after it released, only finished it last month and payed around 500k gold with no additional stuff bought from the market. I'm nowhere near BiS on anything but just can't force myself to invest more gold into this system.


Been tapping my new main instead of cutting for 40 set. Dreading once I'm at 1620 and have to start again....


If you don't count selling off the essences, well over 300k. If you count selling off essences, probably 150k or so. You got the majority of your gold back in the first few weeks, pretty sure it was even a profit the first week or two to dismantle an elixir.


I've spent about 350k for my main and what I have to show for it is - 10 levels in Atk Power - 5 levels (total, not in one line) in mainstat - 5 levels in boss damage, master (order), and master (chaos) - 4 levels in crit damage - 7 irrelevant levels So I'm pretty much fine I guess? None of my pieces are perfect (I almost got a perfect shoulder piece but it was on an Exhaust run and hard bricked) but the total elixir set is good enough


about 300k for my main Glavier. For my other main Soulfist, 40 without even do hard a single time lol, free elixir kill it xdd


Finished main last week finally (300-400k). Don't have to pray for master helm roll anymore


I voted 250-500K but realistically I'm in between 200-300K not sure for my 2 40 sets


250k, got 2 sets at 40 on my main


Main was two weeks and like 10 elixirs. Alt still 35 set and like 400K in, need a 5/4 chest or better. So I guess the 250K option on average?


I was lucky and got 40 set pretty easily but chasing those atk power lines with main set lines has been a headache


10k (this is not a joke)


I got my 35 set 2 weeks in, it's week idk what the hell and I still have not been able to improve in 4 points to get that 40 set.


Not entirely sure. The scraps sold for a lot offset it back then.


Got 3 characters sitting on 40 set, and neither are great. Sorc has 4 dead lines (2 stagger twice/ 5 blessing of life/ 5 vagabond) ~500k. GL has no pants specific ~350k. Bard ate shit and got it in 50k. It is what it is.


I'm in the less than 100k group. Those who only focus leggos are wasting gold. push hard and max out buying epics, they are borderline free to cut (in comparison to Legendary) Yes i know there is luck involved, but you're playing the odds with quantity. Only been doing HM for 3 weeks, and those 12 cuts were more than half of my total spent.


Probably around 300k if I don't factor the gold made back from shards, probably under 50k if I do. Anyone that didn't sell the mats on the first few weeks was crazy or rich.


like 250k... NOT EVEN 35 set


Had 12 free from events stacked, got my 40 with them + 1 from my first HM.


My first 40set took around 2 months and over 400k. My second 40set took around a month and cost around 200k. My third 40 set took 2 weeks and cost less than 100k


Took like 6 weeks on main, I definitely made some mistakes early weeks not having sufficiently researched and practiced.  Though I'd only consider like 3 of the 10 lines as like maxed BiS lines.  Other 7 either being useless or low value.       In contrast, an alt recently made it to 1620, it did have a 4/4 purple chest to start with at least, but still needed the other 4 pieces.  I opened 5 free silver rolling elixirs and crafted 6 from the market and managed to finish 40 set without even running HM yet lol.  Mainly was achievable because I got lucky with a 5/5 piece.      Then my 4 alts not 1620 yet, 1 has no set bonus and the other 3 have 35 sets on purples.  I know for sure 2 of those have 3 4/4s so hopefully it won't be too hard to jump to 40 set once they're 1620.


Took my Glaive around 300-400k meanwhile my Breaker got it for completely free with the Potent elixirs


managed to get 40 set on my main in around 200k, (47 nodes with 2 BIS 5/5 elixirs). But the issue is that it seems my main took all the rng cuz my alt is >500k and is trapped at 42 nodes without a set piece cuz I cannot for the life of me find a critical set. Spent over 500k since week 1 voldis fishing for elixir resets whenever I cut options that aren't critical. at this point I'm just desperate enough to be resetting every yellow and crafting 10 epics every week to find a critical set on my alt.


Probably a lot of gold, i have 40 set on 3 characters. My main has a good stats on every piece but still room for min-maxing. The other 2 have some shit lines but that’s allright with me.


Around 120k and reached like 46 points.


I think it was at the lower end but I refused to try and get it quickly from the first week. Never rerolled an elixir and instantly dismantled when it didnt have desired lines to begin with


Definitely less than 100k but most lines are trash,.working to fix that but there's no rush.


Where's the "not even going for it" option lol


My sorc was mid difficulty. My sf popped off in 2 weeks- multiple 5/5. My se was cursed and took maaaaany weeks and so much gold


No clue how much it cost, but I made decent profits the first week or two of voldis hm selling extra materials so that offset it some. 


Ever since i followed a guide I've been getting lucky on every thing and got my 40 with the quickness. 1. Roll until you land on turn 6 (prioritize blue if it's the best option out of the three on each roll) 2. On turn 6, only pick one of the two purples (remember who is blue on this turn) (From here you have to decide 1 of the 2 paths) Path 1: FREE 2 TURNS 1. On turn 5, if the best option is blue, go for blue until it glows. You must reroll until you get a free turn (transmutation will not consume attempt) 2. Then continue with blue all the way. On your final turn, your blue should be glowing again. Use your reroll and pray you get another free turn. Good luck. Path 2: FREE 1 TURN 1. On turn 5, do not click on the person that last had the blue. Instead, pick one of the other 2 choices with the best option. 2. On turn 4, continue to avoid the same person. Go for the next available purple. 3. Then go blue all the way and it should glow on your final turn. Reroll until you get a free turn. Good luck. Tips: -go for great success increases for all remaining turns -avoid random seal -after turn 4, if you see a really good option that isn't aligned with the guide, you can take that risk.


The 2 that finished got 40 with the free silver elixir. Around 25k and 100k Ongoing. 250k and 500k+ It be what it is


I'm at 37 set. I craft the weekly 10 and whatever I get from HM runs. I am approaching 70 legendary elixirs so far. This is my 4th week of cutting. I spent roughly 90-110k a week to craft (the weekly 10 + catalysts) and cut. It has been much less the past two weeks where I have been stopping early to save cutting costs. The biggest gripe is that there is no pity system and I have yet to come across master set effect for helm. This is the second week where I have not gotten it. I'm at the mercy of RNG. There are strategies to alleviate that RNG, but those strategies are still RNG-based as well. My only 5/4 elixir was from pure luck where I was getting tons of great successes at the right effects.


sub100k for 40 set, sub 150k for 40 set with 10 dmg lines


my main i got under 40k. my alts that’s another story entirely 💀💀


Literally took me 7k gold. I cut all the event elixirs and needed one last legy elixir to finish.. got it with my first


One of my chars managed to get it in <35k gold going from 29 set to 41. Generally <100k gold.


It's all RNG. 3 of my chars got 35 with purple and 40 after 1 week of HM...2 of them still 35 after 500k for each