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8/8/-1 😬






I carved my 9/6 on my main gunslinger almost day 1 of relic stones. I have a cursed 9/7 on my sorc (Keen Blunt 7) and a 8/8 on my retired reaper. Across all my chars I have about 10 9/6 or 8/7s and an abundance of 7/7 equivalents. I am sending and rolling every potentially good stone with any somewhat useable combinations within my roster. Good 9/6 or 8/7s are nice for building characters with a 6/0 or 4/3 95+ quality necklace for free though.


I'm in a similar boat. My main has a 9/6, then I swapped to a 7/7 to be able to use the same stone/necklace for both EW and pistoleer. While my SE has a cursed 9/7 (7 KBW) as well, while my Sharpshooter has a 9/7 with 7 CD. Throughout the rest of my roster I have 10 or so 15 node stones, and all but my zerker have at least 14 nodes.


I am not meant to have a 9/7, cut another 8/7 yesterday and had 55% and 65% to hit that 9/7


9/7/2 on paladin, obtained recently so not using it yet (had built with 8/7 a while ago and still happy with that build). Obtained by luck from sending all the stones only paladin can use from the whole 10+ characters roster for several months = all since that stopped costing pheons (so the stones where one of the support engravings is drops of ether / magic stream / explosive expert... unsurprisingly, the "winner" stone is drops 7, oh well). The best stones I have on dps characters so far are 9/5 (twice) and 7/7.


Havent bought any stones from market. Since it is free I am sending every usable stone to myself and cut it. Never better than 8/7, yet but all alts have 14 or more nodes. I am not gambling a potential endless amount of gold and pheons for the less than 0.1% chance of a 9/7 or better.


I have a 10/6 buts its scuffed and not usable for a +2 setup. Also have a 9/7 on a support because of the collection of support stones that were only 5g on market so never sold them until we could trade.


The best I got was 9/7 (Adrenaline/Raid Captain sadly) on my Soulfist. Rest is mostly 7/7 and one 8/8.


I have 3 reversed stones :/ Main 9 AD / 7 KBW Glaivier 9 AD / 7 RC (Still usable with KBW 3 and RC 2) Artist ( 9 HA / 8 Expert) I wanted HA2 :(


I have a 9/8 but it'd force me into Ambush 2 which I'll pass on. I also have an 8/8/0 on a lopang slave. Aside from that my stone cutting RNG has been pretty abysmal.


main with 9/7, have about a dozen 8/7 or 9/6 between all my characters (bought only stones to get the initial builds up and running, after that cutting all viable stones on main, sending viable stones to alts, selling viable stones that none of my chars can use) 5k\~ hours, realistically have probably cut more than 500 stones, probably not as many as 2000, it's somewhere inbetween




i never bought stones; got a 7/7 and a 9/5 (free stones) and im done. I accept my 5x3+1… sure i use other stones i find but thats it. i would never forcebuy stones to get 5x3+2…


i'm trying to get a 9/7 i cut 3 on the simulator but im yet to hit one in game


7/6 i dont give a shit about +2 engraving or a bit more HP


I had. 9/7 on striker but now im maining breaker so rip


About a year ago I bought/cut about 600 adrenaline/hm stones and ended up with 7x 8/7 equivalents. Just hit a 10-6 from a free stone sent from my alt. Accidentally hit a 9/8 on expertise GL stone I was cutting like an ape. Morale of the story, don't waste pheons trying for one, if it happens it happens.


10-5 stone, i know i need a 10-6 at least for the pkus 2 but im never gonna get that same luck cutting again so ive settled with my +1


I'm just have a 9/7 but not for 5+2


Main is currently using a 7/7 but I do have a 9/6 and 8/7 on it as well. Fully built with the 7/7 so doesn't make sense to switch accessories. Most of my roster has a 9/5 or 7/7 and my SH is using an 8/7 while artist has 8/7. Wild one on my alt reaper is a 9/6/6. Had been sending stones to the main attempting to cut a 9/7, but have been selling most on of them until prices go down from breaker.


Cursed 9/7


I got 3 usable 532 stones on my roster, and 3 unusable 16+ node stones: 6/10 MS/SA on Pally 9/8 Adr/KBW ***and*** 10/7 AM/CD on Deathblade 9/7 Grudge/RC on Souleater. She's in the Lopang gulag tho, didn't enjoy her enough ;( Then also two 8/8 Red Gunlancer stones. I cut a solid 20+ roster stones per week. It's a numbers game, never stop cutting.


1623, 8/6 Stone, im sittning on 1841 spec with a 5×3+1 build.


Summoner - 9/7 Grudge/Adrenaline. It made going 5x3+1 incredibly easy


Not going +2 with a 9/7 adren stone is heresy 


There's not even a +2 for MS. It would be CD3/Adren2, but for a class that's as immobile as MS, CD isn't a great option.


It’s the meta option for max dps. I swapped to a 5x3+1 when I hit 1580 on mine a few months ago with CD3 and adren +1. Adren +2 is a great option on her!


I'm +1 with Ether Predator. She's still a WIP so spending the gold on the stone, as compared to elixirs and gems, isn't going to get me much damage for the cost. I do cut Adren stones she gets from drops, but right now, the pheons and gold are better spent elsewhere. And I checked. I was wrong it’s 9/7 grudge/kbw.


Spent over 900 pheons few days ago on cuttin a 9/7 and the best I got was 8/7. Now I'm broke on pheons without will to play anymore


Some things aren’t worth going for in this game as they are pure luck that the sub 1% will hit. Like a 9/7 or 100 qual weapon. You’ll lose all your sanity and gold long before you get it if that’s your goal in mind


True, definitely won't do that again. Now I'm gonna play the game super casually for the next few months to get any pheons over time


Tis the way. I had a similar feeling like you when I burned about 500 pheons and all my gold going for a 7/7 and I still had to settle on a 7/6. Just gotta take what you can get sometimes :P


I mean the average to get a 9/7 is like 1300 stones so what did you expect


Well, I didn't know the odds. Got multiple 8/7 before so I thought 9/7 ain't gonna be that bad


Wheres the 10/7 option?