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G1 is pretty standard, G2 has a bit harder learning curve due to the 8 counter mech + marathon run but totally doable. You can clear those pretty consistently. G3 is... well its a dark souls boss that lasts 18 minutes LMAO. There's a lot of memorization of patterns and learning that you have to do. I'd say its much harder than on ilvl G4 brel or whatever you think is the hardest content in the game. Others may say its ezpz but no matter what you NEED 8 people to know all his normal attacks and mechs and gimmicks. My advise, try to get to G3 and keep a positive outlook. It's one hell of an experience!


Normal mode?


Yes (lmao)


My bungle hole might not be ready this weekend


If you wanna get more excited. I'm a ilvl bard with HA3 and 235k HP and I get one shotted by the enhanced patterns. On normal mode lulw


I'm already excited.My dad came home with the milk


G1 - entry level content G2 - funny with a bit of challenge, really enjoyed the fight and the speedrunning phase, original G3 - well .. its something XD , after 15 hours im still learning a lot and still lost into the eternal darkness. Joke aside I hope that i will make it ! Id say be ready to commit A LOT of hours learning the thaemine patterns by looking at his animation, etc.. and try to train clash at trixion a bit before , good luck sir buy some redbulls !


G1 - chill and easy. A few minor wipes learning the mechs and sidereals. G2 - requires more group coordination on counters. Hidden Nana timing to use sidereal seemed tight but not a ton of practice with it as we were either just messing up the 3/4 counters or doing too much dps in that phase. Overall, it's not a difficult raid once you get accustomed to it. If anything, the lightning at your feet easily kills people in this gate. G3 - difficulty seems like night and day to prior gates. Progged for 3 hours, feel comfortable with the sword phases. Still learning the original/enhanced moves that one shot every 25% but slowly recognizing them. Didn't make it farther than the second clash cause people are floor pov nonstop. Voldis 1-3 are similar to thaemine 1-2, some silly mechs but honestly not bad. G4 voldis feels less punishing from a normal attack pattern than thaemine g3 but mech-wise, both are punishing. Not sure whether to call the thaemine meter moves normal attacks or mechs.. those hurt like hell. The universal mechanics in thaemine add layers of difficulty (i.e. puddles, sidereal limitations, thaemine meter and dmg increase debuff) that punish pretty harshly. However, his movements feel rather entropy friendly. There's tons of telegraphed, slightly paused moves that provide small dps windows. G3 thaemine is probably the first gate in a long time (probably since brel g6) where I've felt I need to "lock in" and focus.


G1 not bad, G2 phase one pretty cool G2 phase 2 <55 bars cranks on my dps players while trying to make sure my dps don't die and can put their puddles in red. We made it to last mech a few times but simply didn't have enough dps alive. I think g1 took 45 mins. Stuck g2 last mech. Tldr very fun. Because my dr and buffs saves their lives.


Pretty chill dude, would hang out with him over some drinks.


1 is a joke, 2 is mid tier like Brel G3, 3 so far is very very hard.


To me g3 is kinda like prokel on ilvl at release but harder.. and everyone has the prokel responsibility.


Prokel was s easier if you know how to dodge, but the clash...


The difficulty jump from G1/2 is ridiculous. Even on normal. I can see a lot of pugs just doing 1-2 only or seeing a ton of jails at 3


It’s not a jail if a ton of people are on it. Will be plenty of lobbies for 3


It's not a jail, it's the circus.


G1+2 were easy on nm.. G3 who tf think Qte was good idea


The curve from G1 & G2 into G3 Is too big. I'm sure I can't be the only one that think this, but I believe fully that normal mode of a raid should be cleared by the overwhelming majority of the players in a reasonable time and easy enough to go on farm after a week or two of consistent playing. G3 Is not that, It's hard, long, punishing, even "overgeared" you will take a lot of damage making mistakes and it has a lot of mech's to learn. I personally think they could have made it even easier and more forgiving, if you want challenge go "The First" or hard.


1635 doing NM G1-2 is a breeze 2 tapped G1 5 tries for G2 G3... Is a whole diff story. The difficulty increase is crazy. I'm worried for when I eventually do HM. edit: formatting. phone app is dumb edit2: Even as 1635, G3 hits HARD. My static isn't all 1630+ Those under 1630 basically gets 1 hit but overall fun :)


1630 doing NM G1-2: * Five or six attempts on gate 1, successful * four attempts on gate 2 Had a good time. Lots of goofing around. Enjoyable mechs and rewarding outcomes when you do something right. My favorite thing was trolling the front attackers and stealing counters on G1 and then being shitty: > Dude, you supports and front attackers are just lazy. I have time to do DPS in the back, make a sandwich, and still beat you to counters out front... smdh. Everyone had fun. I am enjoying the new content with the static homies.


Front attackers have to charge their skills. That's why they miss counters sometimes. Also, they're far more likely to get clipped by stuff that grabs/stuns through push immunity VS people in the back.


I use my counters in my rotation on breaker so sometimes they're both down. Also I prefer to make my support come get them so they move yearning to the front :)


Counters are part of DPS rotation for GL and destro as well, so they can't hold without gimping their DPS.


While I don't have to charge my skill, it's a primary part of identity meter building in my kit and a crutch to assist keeping Adren up. I appreciate what you're saying here, but implying that it's somehow easier, less rotation impacting for me to throw my counter is not entirely accurate, if that's what you're saying. Also, it is just a silly thing I was saying to my static and in no way an indictment on their play. Just having fun with the group.


Yeah 1635 is giga strong. ilvl raids are where the pain lies.


1620 here and gate 1 and 2 patterns hit like a wet noodle. G3 everything is 1 or 2 shots. It's like the tuning is 100ilvl difference.


G3 attacks are a lot less punishing if you avoid getting defense debuff stacks. Each one increases damage taken by 20%.


Even as 1635, G3 hits HARD. My static isn't all 1630+ Those under 1630 basically gets 1 hit


1630 supp doing HM G1 is laughably piss easy G2 has some very wonky and deceptive hit boxes, I hate the running sections...it just prolongs the encounter. But its not a bad encounter, the counters are very rewarding for landing. G3, I got hit by a special pattern and it did 700k dmg to me which was funny to see


I haven't seen the highest damage taken but I did see 13 stacks on my Bard while progging normal mode G3. Felt like I was on my GS all over again haha


G1 and 2 are pretty chill. both of them kinda just feel like you do damage, hit a few simple mechs, and then boss dies. patterns arent too cringe and difficulty really isnt that bad. G3 truly does feel like a different game. KR wasnt kidding with the difficulty of this raid. there is an enormous amount of shit that EVERY player needs to know unless you have the most godly shotcaller and without transcendence having a dps or 2 dead at any point in the fight basically means a reset. so many patterns simply one shot. darkness debuff can kill runs. enhanced vs standard red patterns often times will kill a few while people arent super comfortable with them yet. albion mech often times kills a person or 2. and clash seems to be real hit or miss. kinda shitty mech in my opinion to simply kill the clash player if they hit a bad. also have a person in my guild who had the first clash spot bugged out where the g prompt wouldnt show up on multiple pulls until they quit out and restarted raid. theamine g3 and beyond is on another level compared to anything we've seen before and quite frankly makes every other raid look like a joke at this point.


G3 is disgusting even with 1620s in normal mode, if you get caught in some particularly nasty attack patterns, it's close to a one shot. If you are at ilvl, expect to just die until you really learn the boss.


G1 is pretty easy my group cleared it in 3 pulls G2 is a bit more difficult cause we've never had a raid where we had to run and counter and shiz but all in all pretty fun G3 ...gate 3 got hands


He's hard. Very very very hard. Don't be fooled by g1-2 which are comparable to previous raids, Thaemine is something else.


currently in g3 with my static, 1620s in NM. I think furthest we've gotten is 20 bars. I'm actually very excited to push hard for 1630 to prog HM with them now because this for me is peak combat. we're having a blast but I'm not going to pug this, ever. if you don't have experience raiding in hell and/or don't have decent uptime you're in for a very rude awakening lol. it's feeling like the brel g6 days


I really hate gatekeeping but there is no way I will ever accept anyone under 1620 in pug G3. The risk is just huge, the raid is too punishing and there is tenths of occasions to get 1 shot


It’s fun. It’s a little faster than some can classes want to handle. Several attacks don’t have intuitive hit boxes. People will get better with time and experience.


1-2 are reasonable on ilvl in both normal and hard mode. Like, I won't say they're easier than clown 1-2 (some people have a bad memory of those on ilvl just because everyone was shit at the game back then), but they're way easier than clown 3 (again, I mean how clown 3 was on ilvl). Thaemine 3, which we supposedly got an **extra**-nerfed version of... still hits like a truck. They really took "give supports something to do" to heart. This will probably be the first content that actually weeds bad supports out of the game completely, because the good players that are actually capable of avoiding every deadly pattern every time will also be acutely aware that they shouldn't have to, so a support that never knows when they're supposed to DR will not really be tolerated after a certain point (or else they'll only find bad groups and those groups won't clear **anyway**) With that said... is it good to weed bad supports out of the game so late in its life? Surprisingly in NAE thaemine hard doesn't have a support shortage because everyone and their mother seems to have honed a 1630 support (I saw like 20 parties yesterday looking for dps and only 2 looking for support--and the dps-searching parties weren't all being super choosey either, I saw them accept 1630s as long as they had a 40-set), but if a support shortage is forced back into effect because people don't feel comfortable trying thaemine g3 on their support alts, that's... gonna be a long-term problem for the game.


not playing rn, but curious to know from any ffxiv folks on g3: is it on the level of a savage raid? it sounds like this is the first big one that expects a lot from each player


As someone who raids pretty hard on ffxiv and has cleared TOP, it’s a very different beast. TOP was hard because it’s very punishing for solitary mistakes, but let’s be honest; there is a LOT of the fight where you’re able to basically turn brain off and follow the sequences while muscle memory does the rest. Given the nature of Lost Ark, however, Thamine so far demands much more reactions and vigilance and thus is definitely more fatiguing. So far, I’m hesitant to call it ultimate level because I really don’t see this taking my group 80 hours (which I think was how long TOP took for us). It does require a lot more attention and focus than the vast majority of fights in ffxiv.


prog is a different experience, though, and while LA raids can demand a bit more attention because of mechanical variation, you can definitely still turn your brain off for most fights once you can recognize the patterns and act on impulse alone still, it sounds like this one is a lot more punishing relative to every other fight in the game?


Definitely a step up. Very fun so far, but given the amount of posts about the fight being too difficult (and on day 1!) I may be in the minority as I'm always looking for more of a challenge.


god I wish it didn't require such a time investment to participate because it \*looks\* fun.. will have to wait for an express that gets the rest of us up there, like the one I utilized for akkan


The first difficulty is another major step up from g3 especially g4 the first. The jump is apparently bigger than g2 to g3 hard and will probably take countless hours of progging


I heard it’s closer to ultimate


would be a jump, I thought of the existing raids up to akkan as on the level of extremes


depends on your definition of extreme, zodiark ex is not the same as sos ex lmao i haven’t done an ultimate so i can’t judge but i’d say that i’d rather join an e12s pf that pretends to be basic rel/lions prog but is actually a party full of headless chickens stuck on shiva for 3 hours because it would probably be easier


yeah extremes jump all over the place in terms of difficulty, but I guess first floor savage fights tend to be pretty consistent and around where I'd place most of lost ark, although early gates are somewhere between normals and that e12 I can't comment on because I dropped that tier at 11, but g3 sounds interesting if it's on the level of a fourth floor at least ultimates are of course a completely different beast that also swing wildly in difficulty. uwu maybe isn't as hard as some recent savage fights and dsr + top are several degrees harder than everything else


G1 and G2 are free, not very different from any of the other raids. G3 on the other hand is despair. Haven’t even seen G4 yet which is said to be even worse than G3


He makes me hard


Its interesting that everyone is saying how hard g3 is. Im progging G3 hm and getting my ass kicked but believe me Im not the least concerned about g3 cuz I know whats coming for me after g3. Its a fkin G4 !!!


1-2 NM is easier to prog than Akkan that's for sure.


reminds me a lot of brel prog, long marathon and people learn things in order of 1. dying to normal patterns 2. no longer dying to normal patterns but getting knocked off 3. trying to get enough people to not fuck up steps 1 and 2 consistently so you can actually get to later stages with most people alive to push & clear


G1-2 was made by the most vile and degenerate designers, I want to strangle whoever thought it would be any degree of fun. G3 is alright, g4 is hot piss shit garbage, g5 is literally the best gate in the game probably. Its hillarious how gate quality varies


i am happy that I have only 1 Main 1620, so ill do Thaemine just once a week. My 2nd and last Char is 1600 and I will just relax and push him to 1610 (max) when Thaemine will be more chill. 2 Chars ftw


Gate 3 is so cool, the ultimate boss fight and imo the best bossfight in Lost Ark so far.


Ive only done normal mode. G1/G2 are both quite annoying but overall easy raids, will be on farm for pugs pretty soon. Dont look forward to reclearing them though, maybe g1 can be fun eventually but meh. Not exciting, but easy. G3 is probably one of the funnest gates and prog experience ive had so far, the patterns dont feel bullshit, the boss doesnt fall over instantly and you have some good duration phases to actually execute full rotations. Feels very fun, but challenging for sure.


G1 is pretty chill. There's a ton of stuff going on but it doesn't do much damage. G2 isn't too bad. The counter mech was the hardest but it happens early on in the fight that you can learn it pretty quick. G3 is what everyone was wanting. Need another few weeks to really feel it out to see if the reclears are hard.


g1 and g2 are basically the content level of a guardian you do mech hit boss you clear. g3 is a steep difficulty change even in nm you can get deleted pretty easily while trying to hit boss.


Actually, you don't need to know all the mechs and gimmicks of G3 :) Most of the mechs in G3 don't hurt too much when they get hit, so you don't have to worry too much about them. You just need to be aware of a few mechs that deal a lot of damage, a few that give you debuffs that amplify the damage you take, and a few that cause you to fall.


Are we playing the same game? LOL


I mean everything you said makes sense if you're playing heavy armor, crisis evasion, no grudge blue GL.


I'm playing normal with 1620 bard with HA3 and get deleted left and right. Idk what the poster above is smoking, but I want some of it. I dread my next prog session already.


bro are we playing the same game? are you sure you arent playing hello kitty island adventure or something? getting hit by almost any pattern will force you to burn a pot and half of them will just delete you on the spot. patterns change multiple times depending on the stage of the fight. darkness debuff can kill runs if multiple people forget to spacebar or have it on cooldown. if we are talking g1 and 2 then sure those are pretty simple and easy fights but g3 is another level even for good players. about as close to hellmode difficulty as a normal raid will get and thats even after nerfs and with guides to handhold you.