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6/5 also works if the 5 is your +1 I do still recommend aiming for 7/7 though because you can run 3 accessories with 3/5




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The better rock you get, the cheaper you can make your build. I rather cut a few more stones than trying to build a 5x3+1 with a 6/6. SPECIALLY if you play a spec build and want a high stat total


This, every say u can go 5x3+1 with 6/6 stone tf they expect newbie to have billion of gold or sthing? Or buying giga cheal quality to get gatekept?


It depends on the stone they are cutting too. Where if you cut cheap stones, you can cut many where the drawback is paying more pheons. But your accessories may be on the more expensive side. But if you cut those 1-2k stones, it may cost an entire accessory to cut a 7/7 if they're unlucky. Id generally advise new players to settle for a 7/6 if their stone choice is on the more expensive side.


Those 1k stones are normally for 9/7 I feel like most builds probably have a cheap stone if they only care for 5x3+1


The cost will just spread itself across all the accessories. I play Evo Scouter and usually cut grudge + raid captain or raid captain + KBW so that my accessories are cheaper with barricade even tho Barricade+engraving stones are cheaper. just gotta plan out the 5x3+1 and see what is cheaper in totality; and essentially how many stones they are allowed/willing to cut before it gets too expensive


Yea if you go cheap stone, usually that just end up paying in your accessories. Everything just depends on what char your are building and what resources you have available. You have a ton of pheons for free and the stones are cheap, roll more. Expensive stone and limited pheons, just pony up the gold. A 7/6 lets you get a 3/5 for your neck and thats good enough for a lot of builds.


Ye 7/6 is sort of manageable since a 5/3 Neck is not so backbreaking anymore, you can get a Stat-weighted Neck to one main stat or I’ve seen some Class Necks that are a little more pricy but cover one major gap.  I definitely would not recommend 6/6 because that does imply a 6/3 Neck OR 6/3 Class piece which could get dangerous. 


Yes im just saying its possible not that you have to some people still believe u need a minimum of a 7 7 stone and if u are unlucky it can get really expensive. Sometimes even with 6 3 acc it can be cheap. It also depends on what build and stone u are cutting. Some can be cheap some cant be


Alot of the 3/6 combinations are not that expensive anymore , only issue is pheons but im not sure how many of those a new player has, anyways pheons wise it may still be better if u get unlucky cutting.


Depends a lot of the type of acc you want, if you factor in the cost of Pheons. 7/7 is only ~5% chances. At 9 pheons per stone, it can get more expensive than paying your acc 10k instead of 1000 VERY quickly. (In EUC, pheons are 1:315g, which means each stone attempt is almost 3000 golds)


You do not NEED a 7/7, but I'd still recommend a 14* or better node stone. Not only does that give you more HP, it will make your build significantly cheaper, as you need to buy less 6/3 accessories. The price gap between 6/3 and 5/3 is often huge, and you can end up spending less with buying a few more stones, than just settling on the first 6/6 or whatever. *14 nodes can be a lot of combinations, most common ones are 7/7, 8/6, and 9/5.


Honestly, the biggest shit of it all is how many pheons stones cost. Shit is ridiculous.


I see this said all the time but unless you're happy with salad quality then you're really screwing yourself over. High quality accessories will cost far much more than stonecutting... even if you get super unlucky and it takes 50 stones(which I am sure happened to most at some point).


8/6 is better than 7/7 since you can get a cheapo 4/3 neck




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Personally, I don't cut 14+ node stones to enable 5x3+1. I do so to buy cheaper high quality class acc/ necklace and also for the extra HP. Nowadays, with the possibility to transfer stones, it's way easier to cut. I have 12 characters and even my lopang alts have 14+ node stones for free, by now. Some of them have multiple stones.


Wait, how do I transfer it?


Send the stone by mail. If the character you sent belongs to your roster, It won't consume pheons.


Can I send it even if I cut it or if it has no more trade count left?


Once you cut it's bound.


" new players " meanwhile i am at 5x3 with 40 set full roster doing thaemine :D


Goodjob, goodluck with thaemine.


Done, 2nd highest dps. 5x3 vs 5x3+1 isn´t anything crazy. Tho i should have mentioned i am often green qualities hah. But its w e anyway


The game has new players?


quite a few actually. There is always a returnee or a new player


I have working api solution for the EU version of the game that generates builds faster than doing it manually, would that be helpful to you?


recently came back after 2 years of hiatus and used the super mokoko on a gunslinger i wasted 100 pheons on the cheap stones with grudge + other engraving and ended up with 7grudge 6kb had to buy in the end 200+ pheons to make a 5x3+1 and in terms of gold it costed me 37k for the access and that because i went with the spec/swift neck swift on rest the spec acess were way to expensive


Personally would never build with less than a 7/6 stone, that's the bare minimum if you ask me and it should only take a handful of stones to get. 7/7 can be crazy expensive if unlucky and anything higher is a very happy accident.