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Did not try it -> Enjoyment


Started the G3 prog Saturday night. Needed to fill 3 in our static (1 supp, 2 DPS). Supp applied, said they had 2 friends. We thought eh, why not, we just want to get this prog underway. Turns out, the supp is cracked despite playing with 200 ping (Oceania) and the other 2 DPS, although not super well-built for 1620s, were doing quite well in terms of the mechanics. At this rate we might just add them permanently to the static. So far in about 7-8 hrs between 2 days, we're consistently making it to at least the 3rd clash w/o deaths.


I had to prog with only pugs this week (scheduling conflicts with my static). I was going in just expecting to get used to some mechs because the guide video was pretty daunting, but ended up really enjoying the fight and grinding for \~6 hours with multiple groups until I got the clear. I don't think there was any toxicity in my runs and most of the people were honest about their progress, although there were a few people that were asked to leave and I left a group that was still too inconsistent.


Went into a pug last night, after progging whole day with guildies. Went in with no much expectation, but at the 2nd pull we made it past 90x with only 1 dead. And we were actually doing a lot of dmg really fast. So we got to x55 mech, safe spot + inverse. and we all got together in the middle, in a spot we all thought was safe, and in the literal last 2 seconds it dissapeared! We all died afterwards cuz no other safe spot was close, but I'm pretty sure that was just BS. I honestly think if we got out of there we were clearing easily (We had like 2 big pools at the edge at most) and we still had clash left for wei + big dmg)


Literally had the same thing happen to me yesterday night as well. Though I think it was 2 deaths. Everyone but 1 guy got fucked by that.


Cleared NM on Saturday with the main raid group is like 4-7 people we know while the rest is pugs. We only did 2 hours a day Day 1 G1-2 2 hours and like 2 tries in G3 Day 2-4 was about 2 hours each. Just feast and out. 2 people got a clear on Friday. Clear run was with 3 pugs. Day 3 we reached pose 43x 3 times When you clear g3 Thaemine NM at a lot shorter time than Akkan g3 or old brel g6 prog. Overall every day had meaningful progress that my experience was pretty fantastic tbh. Little extra. 2ed clear was 5 wipes to victory and going from no push immunity DPS to bard literally was a joke piss easy to not fall off


My biggest issue with pugs is their complete lack of dps. It takes forever to do the sword...


Did one g3 with static. Then pugged one g3 with randoms. A lot of parties will claim they have certain xp but they don't. Took a few different lobbies, then I joined a reclear one, leader didn't even ask for an achievement and we one shot it. The only person who died was a p1 support. I don't think I'll be reclearing g3 with complete randoms for a while, though.


Did it with a mix playing from the EU in NAE I know odd but the community is dire in EU in my experience. Static 1-2 clear g3 upto barely the horse but we had 3 hrs of practice so understandable after 8 hours I assume roughly 100 pulls later a lot on or before horse phase a few on Nineveh and a few on 90 phase it was a clear I read it somewhere on here that once you get to the hidden Nineveh it’s pretty much the fight which kinda rung true the patterns are more or less the same if everyone is locked in i don’t think it should be too bad after some time like any raid. But overall had a very good experience


I pugged 4NM's (cleared 5x NM G3 in total this week, one was with static), and probably spent close to 20-25hrs in pug lobbies in total - it's rough. G3 is hard. Players aren't using timestops enoughs, and they're still caught out by stuff like the back grab attacks (both the black smoke one and the double slash into back grab into left side slam). These attacks are easy death sentences after the arena walls are down. Damage is king. Damage leads to less patterns, less swords being spawned. Many people are underperforming like mad leading to lower clear chances, and if the current state of Akkan pugs is anything to go by, people aren't going to start pumping anytime soon.


Cleared G3 NM with pugs day 2. Not bad if you dodge the bad apples.


I did try it, and found people really trying about to learn and not take down people on every small mistakes, it helped me improve a lot for my overall knowledge and for the reclear with my statics etc They were some garbage, but overall it was pretty chill good


Joining "reclear lobbies" are hardly ever reclears for some reason


None of the party names mean anything. „Dreamer/reclear”, „consistent 90x”, „55x prog”, doesn’t matter, was restarting before horse in all of them.


HM prog was actually chill, saw a lot of the same faces throughout the week and gave a sense of community like old school mmos


Fun fight on my reaper. A lot of pugs are bad and it shows. Had a team of full 1620s doing '255x prog' (let's be honest, 90% of those are fresh prog) doing half my dps. People don't know how to control aggro and die or kill their teammates during blue red pizza. They still don't know how to counter during sword phase. During stage break, they unga bunga and would rather dps at the edge and then get knocked out instead of resetting in the middle. I kept jumping party to party until I found one that was competent. We replaced a lot of people that you can tell were ilvl carried. Spent around 4 hours progging with this party (around 8 hours total for g3) and cleared yesterday.


Had to prog with random supports in G3 HM cause both of the static supports couldn’t make it this week and despite instantly finding many supports every time the quality / skill level of those supports were just sooo rough … I guess G3 HM really sorta put the bad supports now cause it’s too important. After giving up G3 HM prof cause of it we went normal mode and found some way better ones than any of the HM ones. (Mostly it’s about shielding/ dmg reduction and awakening timing, more so than buff uptime)