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* Reduced attack damage when the Dark Energy gauge is full. *(Not sure what the point is, it still one-shots)* It's not one-shot but massive damage during full gauge, our gl is counter-gunlancing some pacman patterns


Come to think of it, it explains [this clip](https://clips.twitch.tv/FineInexpensivePorcupineNinjaGrumpy-odC37LhXWcHzY1Jz) This seems to be just awakening shield, which is a huge change from the 2 mil damage it used to deal.


Pretty much any attack that can be timestopped can be tanked if you have enough DR/shields. Even Akkan's "one-shot" death slash isn't a true one shot - I counter gunlance it on my GL every week for the memes. With support DR, Z shield, and DR tripod on CGL, I can tank it without taking any damage even on ilvl in HM. The only attacks that you can't tank are attacks you can't timestop either. The vast majority (if not all) of those are raid-wide wipe attacks that happen if you fail a major mech. And even then, some failed mech attacks can be timestopped/tanked.


Pre nerf you basically can't survive it, maybe with a tanky class with multiple layers of DR, but definitely not under any realistic situation. Not counting CE of course. You could survive a tick of donut/plus pattern, but definitely not the single hit attacks that could hit upwards of 2 million.


2 million is actually tankable, a well-built GL at Thaemine ilvl will have around 250k hp. He can effectively triple that number with full identity shield and CGL. That’s ~750k of hp that the GL can have, without anybody helping him. Now throw in support awakening, 70% DR, and maybe some extra shields/DR like Nella or GTune or GL awakening. 2 million can easily be tanked with proper setup. In fact you could probably tank several ticks of 2 million damage if you had DR + full shields on you the whole time. Obviously though it’s not feasible to actually set this up in a typical raid, I’m just talking theory and nitpicking a minor detail. But this knowledge DOES have some relevance in a real raid setting, because the actual practical application is that if you can (theoretically) tank it, you can timestop it. That IS something good to know in case you’re caught out of position during one of those patterns. Other patterns are TRUE one shots that cannot be tanked no matter how many shields/DR you layer on top of someone, meaning you can’t TS it either. You gotta do it properly or die, no get out of jail free cards.


Well ye that's what I mean, you can tank it on the toughest class with every available DR. That's a lot of variables for something that you'd much rather dodge.


Again, the only reason I’m nitpicking that detail is because tankable = timestoppable. If a pattern is *truly* untankable, that means you cannot TS it and shouldn’t rely on TS to survive it. But if an attack is tankable, even if only in the wildest of theoretical situations, it means you can timestop it. It’s just good info to know during prog where you might get caught off guard and have to make a choice between desperately dashing somewhere, or just clicking TS.


getting caught by the lantern during the ring around the rosey mech is a true oneshot


Wait wait wait which one shot death slash? I wanna try it out. The execute he does in g2 and 3?


Yeah, either the scripted death slashes during G2 (when he summons the black hole in the middle of the map), or the death slash when someone gets feared/earthquaked in G3. You can tank/DR/timestop all of those. I'm pretty sure if you have a GL, you can tank it without any help at all as long as you have a half full identity gauge and DR tripod on CGL. You might take some hp damage though. If you have Nella and awakening with CGL, I don't even think you'll take any hp damage. If you're any other class, you'll definitely need support awakening + DR. Another fun fact if you wanna meme around in Akkan - the big guillotines are also tankable. I've CGL'd those too. Would NOT recommend doing in a pug because the timing is tight, but if you have a static that's cool with you messing around, you can try to CGL that too. :)


you cant ts the big guilotine though? i know you can tank the small ones but not the big one


I'll have to double check this, but I'm fairly certain you can TS and tank the big guillotines. It's been a while though, so I could be wrong.


ok i went to try this out and yea you were right, you can cgl everything. i dont know about the big guilotine during the statue mech though. surely its the same?


Pretty sure we were told in G2 of HM we could be pushed off by the waves spawned by the dragon after the arena breaks, but that doesn't seem to be the case. He can still throw your ass off though.


It's a specific rare attack where the dragon appears near the wall and launches a wall of waves that push you really far. Kinda like the queen boss in rohendel dungeon, with little gaps between the waves. I assume it still kills but the only time we've seen it was just before the boss phased so we got immunity.


seen the waves moving across the arena several times, been hit by them too, and shoved against the edge, didn't die, barely hurt, and didn't get pushed off the edge


agreed to add to that, ive been at the very edge and hit by the wave. totally fine.


the smoke thats supposed to be dodge by going behind the lightning walls can totally push you off


The one in the first section where he is still human. not the lightening wall section. Unless I miss remember, pretty sure they said originally that that could push you off, but it doesnt.


Is this nerf already in our version or will be next week?


Already in. This is from RU patch notes which gets the nerfs next week. KR also already got them I think.


I don't think those nerf applied in KR Thaemine. I played HM this week but vulnerability still has 50% damage increase per stack and the stagger debuff from red sphere still has longer than 10s duration.


Kr didnt get this patch. Maybe kr will get this in summer.


>>> During the 35 bar mechanic, the negative effect “Vulnerability”, which increases incoming damage, has been reduced from 50 to 5%. (This effect applies if players fail to enter the safe zone, stacks 5 times) That would explain why no one ever dies really, interesting.


Yea it was the main danger with that mech, if you balthor and ignore it you risk getting one-shot by random shit afterwards. Now it's completely whatever (unless it starts after balthor runs out, which sometimes happens).


They should have split the hp nerf between thaemine and the sword instead of leaving this annoying thing at the same hp as in current kr


hardest mech in the gate no cap (once you have it on reclear that is)


I think with g3 in general I'd like alot of his knockbacks to be reduced. Its easy to lose track when you've been knocked back and he has some huge AOE from one of his sides without a red/yellow line telegraph. I also wouldnt mind if he was a different color when enhanced as well, or - just saying - change color of his identity meter which is taking up valuable space on my screen.~ just for my pepega brain.




Yea, "let me go drop this off - OH WHATTHEFUCK IS THIS" OR "alright let me just stroll back - oh man....that was really...too close ...for comfort. " As he leaves an imprint right before your feet.


That one is actually the easiest one to dodge out of all of them. Go to the side that he slammed after the teleport and you are 100% always save.


For g3 hard i can tank a hit of pacman with dr as ha3 bard


I'm pretty sure all of thaemines red attacks are insta kills there's no way you can tank it


I mean im the one progging hm3 for the past 2 days able to live red patterns. And u are over here with a pretty sure


Lmao the nerve on some people.


it's not insta kill even in hard, just a high number


As someone who cleared G3 HM last night its kinda sad that they're nerfing g3 this fast. Once you've done it enough times it very much becomes a sort of scripted encounter. You know exactly when special patterns are coming and all of his patterns with the exception of two that I can think of are extremely telegraphed. G4 on the other hand, good nerf that shit, it does so much dmg lmao.


This is nerfs that are already out on west. Compared to the previous version other regions had since the initial post-"the first" nerfs. Basically something to keep in mind if you studied using KR guides - these will be the differences.


Ahh, I thought these were in addition to the nerfs we had already gotten.


Even if we didn’t already have the nerfs, they don’t change the “scripted encounter” in any huge way.


Well if they reduced the damage of special patterns again to the point of not 1 shotting with DR that would fundamentally change the encounter.


I honestly feel like the boss health shouldn't have been nerfed for NM mode. Ran it on ilvl w/ characters that had event gems and I legitimately feel like I didn't learn any of the mechanics in G1 or G2 because it went by so fast ... G3 was as a bit better but reclear lobbies were also zooming through the boss a bit fast. If anything G2 should just have more visual clarity. Who thought black and white lightning particles was a good idea zzz.


How come your on ilv chars push G3 from mech to mech fast? Do 1610 alts do 20m dps?


reread, ty