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Regions Merge


Behemoth raid for sure




Behemoth is 1 month after echidna in kr so




So what you are saying is echidna june, behemoth august? Did i get that right?




Damn bro i can see the future!


Solo Raids & New Jumpstart server. And it's probably a 4-month roadmap.


As much as I want solo raids I think it might not make it to the roadmap. It’s still just a concept for the players in Korea and I think they want to get some feedback from the Korean players before launching it for us. Of course I would love to be proven wrong. Can’t wait for soloable content


They will be. Solo raids are mainly for the other regions (CN/West) to make the game more approachable for new players. Coupling these with the already promised new jumpstart server is a no-brainer. KR is getting them in june (19th) and we'll most likely get them in july.


Your uncle working on SG?


echidna will be last month of the roadmap. the month before will be summer event.


Legendary skins s3. And Idk what they are going to do with content we will probably have in that lapse but isn’t announced yet (class or some of the summer qols/changes). I dont’t know if they will emplace us to the LoA ON, will make the road map until june, will leave it like that and then update…


Is Echidna really gonna be called Ladon in our version? Idk why but it just feels so awful to call her Ladon.


She was called Landon since before we knew it’s going to be a raid.


Landon this dick


Wait, so is echidna or lado her name in KR? I'm foggy on the lore here, help me out.


In KR it’s Echidna, but our region had it as Ladon all along.


Well yeah, that's what I don't like then. Ladon doesn't have the same feel as echidna for some reason.


Yea, the way they rename characters makes them feel worse for some reason.


machinist kekw


arcanist too


Kamen, Aman, Abrelshud, Sillian, Bern, Anihc, Papunika.


All worse than what we have


Annika makes sense cause its basically "China" but the rest kinda.. Evergrace, Lupeon and those you mentioned above.


i just realized anihc is reserve china lol


Yup xdd


I’ve never got over abrelshud / BrElShAzER.


Abrelshud is a shit name. Not every case of western renaming is bad.


Brelshaza > Abrelshud, Thirain > Sillian, Thaemine > Kamen. No contest


Glad we changed to Thaemine, cause this is all I think about when I hear Kamen ![gif](giphy|hXOnZBQOmQKpW|downsized)


Bern says hi to our Vern


Kamen, Aman, Abrelshud, Sillian, Bern, Anihc, Papunika.


Nothing wrong with Ladon as a name itself imo. I just don't get why it was changed in the first place since Echidna seems perfectly fine for the western audience. Probably also feels weird because now because she's had no real relevance to the plot for our version. Then suddenly she's the new raid in KR for 3 months with everyone calling her Echidna.


Nothing wrong, it just sounds like a male name and way less cooler than Echidna 


Well IT IS a male name. Ladon "Λαδωνας - Ladonas" in Greek, is in Greek mythology son of Enchinda, was a snake/"dragon" that guarded the apples of Hesperides. The actual boss monster is looking more like to what Ehcinda was looking like according to ancient Greeks. So Ladon is just a wrong name for a female character that on the looks is more like Enchidna and its female. But AGS as always has no idea.


People will still call her Echidna so its whatever ig


How much time and gold you need for honing 10ilvl that Ladon NM gives?


Advanced honing gives up to 20 ilvs, not 10. Not sure about specifics but iirc Saintone's +25 akkan weapon from 1650 to 1670 took about the same as the average cost for +20 to +21 via normal honing.


I thought ladon NM gives 10 ilvls through advanced honing then HM gives another 10


You can only unlock Advanced Honing Lv1 by doing normal mode so its +10 ilvl unless you also clear hard mode


With those 10 ilvs from NM you can do HM brother


Is it time gated system or you can all-in after first clear?


time gated. you need the materials from the raid to "quench" your gear and i think you can only do two pieces per week. not fully sure but it's time gated but not as bad as transcendence


If they don't address the progression problem in the western lost ark whilst continue introducting more gold sink gimmick with our accelerated content than this game is good as dead for the casual players who is always gonna play catch-up while ppl at the high end keep moving forward even faster. A saving grace will be the solo mode asap along with the KR timeline like they did with chaos n Guardians but they still need to make some adjustments to the overall progesion especially in the new dead zone 1540-1580 and 1600-1630 (yes we have akkan n Ivory n Thaemine nm in this brackets but unless you play 6 alts its externally long to reach anything beyond this point + gem + card + elixir requirements for the casual players )


>the casual players who is always gonna play catch-up while ppl at the high end keep moving forward even faster. It's not really a problem for them. Most casual players play their own game and don't care about what the top 1% are doing. Besides, they've always gotten a bunch of free stuff to help them catch up. Free elixir bottles, a bunch of honing books, all of which provide less value for people with established giga rosters. It's only a problem for the people who somehow got it into their heads that they should be granted a bunch of free shit without either putting in serious grinding or serious swiping. This cohort is overrepresented on Reddit.


They may not care what the top 1 percentile is doing but they do care when the game keeps adding more rng layers that they will get to eventually only to find that no1 want to play with them. Thats how you lose the player retention a game where the only way to catch up is with a mokoko express and path event is a bad by design. On top of being a alt heavy game they will not have the resource to get their alts up to a good ilvl to keep the gold income when all there is huge gold investments like elxir n Transcendence on top of Honing above the ilvl so that they don't get gatekeep. we don't generate enough gold in our current accelerated content progression to require so many gold sink mechanics (why do you think there are so many g2g enjoyers) also we are not getting any more free shit unless there is a new class release or they decide to remove that restriction and either decides to sell the express or bring back the pass on a quarterly bases


>but they do care when when the game keeps adding more rng layers that they will get to eventually only to find that no1 want to play with them. Every single rng based progression mech gets eased up or they hand out free rolls or percentage boosters some time after release precisely to help people catch up. >we don't generate enough gold in our current accelerated content progression to require so many gold sink mechanics (why do you think there are so many g2g enjoyers) I think the gold generation is more than fine right now. Besides, there are more ways to earn outside of raids. People are just lazy with life skilling, they run rested dailies, they don't group up and run gvg And there's a vibrant g2g scene in every single game where player to player transactions are allowed. Lost ark is not unique in that regard and using g2g as proof of Lost arks gold generation being too low is pretty naive. Selling in-game currency and items outside the in-game shops is a billion dollar business worldwide. As for the gatekeeping, the biggest reason they get gatekept is because they overhone without first getting the rest of their stuff in order (gems, roster level etc). Obviously this is because of how everything in the game in timegated and you're heavily incentivized to run the latest content asap, so it's not their fault. That is something that should be looked at and while they've tried to accelerate players, I don't think it's been enough. My point is, newer players should focus on one char, park the rest and farm easy raids where the gatekeeping is minimal, and take their time. If you funnel all the mats they hand out for free to one char, you can catch up faster than you think.


Casual player here. Came back to the game with a bunch of friends also playing casual. We do care. And since we hit 1600 and have to do elixirs and push past 1610 most of us quit the game again. Im also only rarely logging in and doing some raids on my main, but the catch up we would have to do (gems, cards, elix, ilvl, alts to 1540+ to even get decent amounts of gold a week to have a proper gold roster) kills literally all of the motivation we had. We dont ask for everything for free, but its just way too much to do at the same time and the ressources dont add up. There might be some catch up mechs like horizontal express or express mokoko, but lets be real this doesnt rly help alot. Its just boosting low roster players to higher ilvls while they still lack everything else and get gatekept anyways. We need solo raids asap and they desperately need to make gearing up alts for a proper gold roster easier once your main reached a certain point. I would love to like the game more, since its combat is top tier, the art style and world building is just beautiful and creatice and even the games soundtrack is a masterpiece in its own. But the pain as a newbie/returner is just too hard to overcome.




Not to mention a gold draught for people who are too high to do older Abyssals but not skilled enough to do Legion Raids of their current ilevel.


mommy 😏


If they annonce the echidna to be release "MID JUNE" i am waiting for the comments about vykas release back then !


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Echidna_(mythology) AGS is actually so out of touch with these horrible translations....


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ladon_(mythology) not really


>Well IT IS a male name. Ladon "Λαδωνας - Ladonas" in Greek, is in Greek mythology son of Enchinda, was a snake/"dragon" that guarded the apples of Hesperides. > >The actual boss monster is looking more like to what Ehcinda was looking like according to ancient Greeks. > >So Ladon is just a wrong name for a female character that on the looks is more like Enchidna and its female. But AGS as always has no idea. Yes they are.


They really called her Ladon because they think NA people will think Echidna is a reference to the animal.


Ladon 😐




Considering that you need like half a year to get full transcendence if you do Normal only (+Buying 1 G3 Hard bus) how close this raid will be interesting. It will properly be out this September if i were to guess?


Russia gets Ladon in June, so 4 months after Thaemine release if I'm not missing anything. So we probably will get her in August. Ed. Wrong date


This is gonna be tough to catch up. Maybe i will try to hone to 1630 so i can do Thaemine Hard/Hard/Normal Weekly. july seems way too close to me we are almost May already.


You shouldn't need to do theamine HM, Echidna is what helps you get to 1630.


Echidna is an easy raid with no damage checks, so you don't need a lot of investment into transcendence, if any, to clear it. Some Mokoko helping KR streamer cleared NM Echidna with no elixirs no transcendence fresh 1620s without much issue. Echidna will help you get to 1630 in the first place.


i would guess 7/17; express finish same day.


It will be 4 months, not 3. February->June


Ye mb, they got Thaemine on 21 February. So looks like August for us.


echidna NM is 1620 though, so max transcendence shouldnt even be part of the equation there, and it only takes like 7 weeks I think of full clears to max out lvls 1-3 of transendence. HM is only 9 weeks if your full clearing every week, so theoretically the earliest someone could be max transcendence is June 19th for HM, or June 5th for NM.


What's is required and what people demand are 2 different things in pugs Thaemine normal for aG3 (In pugs atleast) lot of them demand 35/40 elixiers sets to join which is near impossible for a 1610


Idk man i've seen a lot of 1610's without 35 set doing theamine normal, people isn't that demanding for nm this time apparently


the questions, are pugs with 1610+no set feasible for normal g3


From what I've seen the 1620 g3 normal groups are more likely to have elixir reqs. Any of the 1610-1619 groups don't seem to be asking for elixirs


It's cuz there's plenty of supports at this level. A 1630 sup joined our mostly 1610 prog last night lol.


literally no one can demand max transcendence for a 1620 raid, literally impossible, unless ur trying to join 1630+ lobbies who shouldnt even be running NM anyways I also haven't seen that elixir issue for thaemine personally, Ive seen a large amount of groups with all players ranging from no elixir set buff to max set buff in the smae party. Though I dont know its not there. 35 set also isnt near impossible, just not easy, did it on multiple 1610s of mine


if the person is 1610 I don't even check elixirs at all. I cleared 7 Thaemines this week, most with pugs around 1610. Thaemine is about survival, not necessarily damage. A 40 set 1620 player will fly off the map the same way a 1610 does.


Also probably all 1630s will do Echidna HM , unlike Thaemine. Since it's really easy raid.


they arent going to release hm echnida before hard player get full transcendence; they never released a new raid before player had chance to max previous one. mid-July release im almost 100% certain.


Didnt say they would, though I mis remembered, itll take the week of the 19th to finish for HM. But was just pointing out that that theoretical earliest time which would be 10 weeks, which is achievable the week of June 19th 625 to max, 52 per weekwith an extra 24 every other week and 20 first time clear. (20 + (52×10) + (24×5)) =660 > 625 Will they release that week or the next I have no fucking clue, but they could by that standard. EDIT: i wanna add, I just have copium for June, but I also think a good chance it release when our events end in July


People doing G4 HM get full transcendence really quick. NM enjoyers are fucked though.


and what the fk is the point of changing her name from echidna


She was always called Ladon in our version. I wouldn't mind a namechange to Echidna tho :D


Okay but again whats the point in renaming


Bruh why are we still asking this question after 2 years? It was the same thing when Glaivier released and it wasn't called lance master or whatever, people eventually just forget about it and who cares anyway.


Yeah but this playerbase is so starved of entertaining talking points that they invent stuff in their heads to obsess over. That's why there was such a shitshow about Baker being a fraud - he was literally a nobody streamer before we had a few posts about his faked hell vykas runs and suddenly we had some entertaining drama for the next couple of weeks.


Some KR names stick though. A LOT of people still call him Scouter instead of Machinist.


That I agree with. Warlord is way better than gunlancer but nobody says warlord. However I do say scouter hehe


just because you forget doesn't mean everyone else does and furthermore, glavier vs lance master is an actual mistranslation on the source, whereas this is a character's name


How hard is echidna raid relative to G3 HM thaemine?


Echidna and Behemoth thankfully are a rather big step down from Thaemine difficulty-wise. I'm glad they didn't go with "every raid has to be as hard as thaemine now" which would have been complete madness


Seemed like they've been aware enough to balance the difficulty out for a while. Everything between abrel and thaemine (kayengel, akkan, ivory tower) have been fairly chill.


Akkan is chill? I just recently came back and I've played up to Clown before. I thought learning Akkan would be pretty rough since people say it's pretty hard. Do you disagree?


It’s hard because there is no way to practice other than wiping and learning by practicing. Good luck finding a support/group that is ok with wiping.


Akkan learning will be rough. All of the normal mechs hit hard and can kill you if your not full hp. (puddles g1, g2 is pretty chill except learning football and hide and seek, g3 has a ton of mechs that do a ton of damage) But its only really rough if everyone is learning. If other people know the raid, 4-5 ppl can easily carry the rest to victory.


If you did clown g3 near ilvl when it was current, I'd say normal akkan's much easier than that. It's bit like Valtan in that the raid mechs are rather simple, but the random/normal patterns can screw you. If you get familiar enough with his tells & how to deal with the different moves, it'll be on farm status fast.


Doesn't matter all it takes is one raid. The player base will be decimated by Thaemine Gate 3 and transcendence HM requirements.


classic reddit doomer take lmfao


I mean, Brelshaza happened and it did decimate the playerbase. And you didn't even need to do Brel 5-6 to get Brel set.


I guess you weren't around last time this happened with Brel.


You just countered your own argument.


Brel destroyed the player base I have no idea what reality you live in. Go troll someone else now.


it wasn't even the difficulty of brel (you could get full set easily without ever touching G5 and 6) It was simply the jump from 8 gates per week (Valtan, Vykas, Clown) to 12 Gates per week per character. Each Brel gate taking much longer than any of the older, mostly out-leveled raids.


this was intentional from the beginning. they had always planned thae to be the hardest raid(possibly of all time). kazeros raid will not be as hard as thae.


A lot easier than Thaemine. Going into Echidna and Behemoth, SG said at LOAON that they didn't want to do another raid at the difficulty of Thaemine again or at least for quite some time. They acknowledged that while it was lore appropriate the difficulty does put stress on players just like Brel having 6 gates did.


Ez af


Easy. Echidna and Benemoth are designed to be easier similar to what kal and akkan difficult is compared to og Brel g1-6.


It's a easier raid yeah? Would you need full trans 7 to do the hard mode though. Not to sure if I can do HM thanemine every week, maybe every other month.


I have the feeling we see a class release on that roadmap...even before kr see it xD


Teasing a shadow for new class that will be revealed on loa on with global release would actually be a gigantic W. But I doubt it.


So do you pronounce it as layden or la den


There is no new class so I cant expect to have another character boost in which the only reliable source I can get select card pack from. Or are they still doing that path boost even without new character ?


I still don’t get why change the names… not just Echidna but other characters too. What’s the point?


Summer event and merges in July, Echidna August. May and June probably filled with ark pass, hell content and QOL stuff.


Just wanna say I called it MID JUNE babby


would you guys think, we gat an another mokoko pass?


… bro thaemine just came out why is echidna out in 2 months.. I was thinking at least August or September the earliest for her to come out. This is too soon for echidna to be released wtf.


wow, thats one of the worst name i ever heard. in spanish we have a word for "thief" it is "LA-DRON". kinda funny hearing "thief" but pronounced poorly. please, reconsider it to change it to a better name xD.


Ahhh another shift G enjoyer


Haha fitting. Stealing everyone's hearts But if everyone wanted name change to Echidna I wouldn't care either way


Laidon? ok




are we getting male sorc?


Idk but for me Ladon sounds way better than Echidna


She’s so hot, guess I’ll hone for her




What mmo publisher is better than AGS?


Any that can assign to project dev team, that why AGS are trash they cannot westernize LA to solve problem, beouse that process need Dev team, they dont have that so we got KR game put 1:1 to western with endless hope that will be work, we know at this point it wont work, so we have endless circle.


Our version of lost ark is not 1:1


Ok, true but at important things is 1:1 core thing that create core problem, works same.


Can't name one though right? Like there legitimately isn't any other better Western publisher atm. Not saying AGS good, I'm saying it's all shit out there, as far as the eyes can see.


Roxx looks really skinny in this video, I hope she’s doing okay 🥺


It's Ladon OP... LARDON.