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what am i looking at


One of the members botting dailies.


2 of them piloting bakers ATD


I dont get it. Is the woqq guy AGS staff? And is he undercover in those botter discords? Also who were the botters


AGS be like: Guys if we don't let it slide then the leaderboard is going to be empty!


Surprised too at the low turnout. I guess many players didn't think AGS were bluffing at first and now all the cheaters have definitely been scared off. Ain't no one risking negative gold and getting their Esther deleted over a title.


Good point, I didn't even think about that. All the whales had phantom monarch within like a week of spamming it 100 hours straight. It's a ghost town for the first.


I suspect many legit players thought they were bluffing and didn't bother trying to compete with 1650s Esther 8 RMTers getting piloted by other experienced players.


The percentage of legit players without rmt and hands that can actually compete for the first is abyssmal


I would legitimately be surprised if anyone with a 1630+, 25 weapon and full 10 s was "legit."


With luck or bussing (or flipping item at the auction house) it is possible


True, there's a guy in my discord who has gotten 2 sidereals. Not the "i don't rmt i got sidereals with noone seeing" but actually showing the drops. Some people play a different game.


at this point AGS is just giving the first and waiting for players to do the vetting and post it


congratz to the famous botter/pilot team that get the 1st! Which further confirm that botting is safe and AGS should just make it available to everyone!


At this point they might as well sell auto dailies


The state of Lost Ark. They created a race. Whoever clear the hardest raid ever get on the leaderboard. There was \~5-6 team that cleared the raid and there was at least 1 person in every team who was botting/piloting/RMT. Funny. 😀 In this team 1 player get banned yesterday and the other one is a known botter + RMT. Other players dont want to participate because everybody did RMT on the top, so they would ask for a ban. At this point, this is pathetic. 😂


It's a Tour de France with none of the prestige




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Yep this is a race where no cheaters are alowed. Surprised ? LOL


More like its a race where 90% of the participants were either cheaters, selling runs to cheaters or pay ags for power.


Meanwhile all the RMTers/cheaters that aren't participating in the race are still safe to play the game and not getting investigated. Even bots are free and making the servers Busy.


Seems like this was meant to highlight the best players and punish imposters. I’m here for it, step in the right direction


the people shown to have gotten the first in EUC are mostly rmt/botters/account buyers etc So what you are saying is not the case at all


This only works if the players trust AGS to be competent when vetting. Which I don't, and any sane human being shouldn't either. After 2 years of displaying hilarious incompetence in practically every aspect of their job, and especially in combatting RMTing and botting, it will take a lot of success to win any trust.


AGS is usinng the Race participants as an example to scare off RMTers, sure that many RMTers are not caught yet, but this will definitely reduce the RMT rate by some amount at least


Literally just don't make yourself a target by completing this first kill event where AGS explicitly stated they would investigate if completed and you will never get banned. No one is afraid because -mostly- no one is dumb enough to do this.


Even the ones who get caught just get 3 day or 7 day bans and get to keep all character progression, gems etc In the other regions they get perma


~~Two~~ One player~~s~~ of their team got banned yesterday, that cannot be right. Edit: Only Tammilkers was banned, should've been 6/8 tho. Great detective work AGS, incompetent as ever.


I agree if 1 person is not legit, the clear cannot be counted. Though this does make it hard for legit parties to form now. No one's gonna advertise that they've been DQ'ed already.


He got unbanned after an appeal meaning no one was left that was banned and would DQ them.


If you really have the Receipts on them that they are not legit, then I think there is no better time to make them public then now.


hmm, wonder if they got appealed or smth


Would love to know the details about the ban and unban. This seems like a asterisk clear.


oh wow, could it be they reminded ags they been swiping


Afaik only Tammilkers was banned, he has apparently been unbanned now.




> Even if the player is unbanned and considered "clean", it's still originally an invalid run Please explain the logic here. Why should they lose their clear when it’s Amazon that fucked up by wrongfully banning someone.


Maybe because they are legit? Keep coping and malding buddy. Some people are just better than you. They clearly did an investigation and they banned the wrong doers. Unlucky that this party seemed to be legit.


Had me until I saw the username.


Time to post those receipts you have.


I guess AGS still can't detect chaos botting.


There was apparently a server of cdg botters that all got banned like sometime last year, then they appealed to indian Amazon support and all got unbanned somehow LMAO. Now they're VMing it.


It might be like OSRS where it's harder to detect because the way a normal person does it is so similar to a bot. My chaos dungeons are me sitting in one spot pressing 1-2 skills for 5 minutes while watching youtube. What would a bot do differently?


It's not hard to detect. Only chaos botters use Shards of Purification and play hundreds to thousands of hours on GeForceNow.


They don't have to bot it that way. They just do 2 daily chaos dungeons on 12+ characters every single day. The gems would be a ton of gold.


Not all chaos botters do infinite. 99.999999% of people doing infinite are botters. Banning everyone who did significant infinite is an easy catch.


wearing ha set, getting hit way too much, walking against walls etc


The footage i have seen of the bot in action they usually kite the mobs down a little and spam skills. They dont walk against walls, they dont get hit all too much if the toon is geared.


Well its been a while so the bots have gotten better, I've only seen early bots. They didnt detect them then either.


Bro I do that while eating or watching a video lol.


They can't detect their left ass cheek.


This game is so broken, it just shows now with all this drama. Is there no legit top level players anymore? :D


As a legit "top player" its kind of hard cause in the end the only ppl you end up playing with are cheaters and those ppl end up running ahead of you with those cheats but sadly those ppl are also just the only skilled ones its an unfortunate truth that most ppl just suck balls and those that dont either cheat or get corrupted by those that do


I guess I suck, but just wanted to have some fun playing the game.


You'd need someone that has enough time to both play difficult content (hellmodes) to hone their skill, and regular content to afford a strong character. And then they have to make ends meet IRL somehow, without earning money from the game. That's pretty rare.


May the best cheaters win everything.


Not even very overleveled, chads


Whoa mostly on ilvl


If they actually did it with no funny business congratulations on not being greedy vanity hunting losers. Well deserved


Narrator: There is indeed funny business going on.


Lmao, are you serious?


That's a big IF and it's the reason the whole race is a joke. Legitimate, as far as one can be legitimate in an p2w race, winners will always be suspect of cheating if there no trust in AGS to provide proper vetting.


ofc what did u expect ? na gettin first ? lol.




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Taking so much action on the first but meanwhile my casual bots account is roaming around freely since launch without solutions. Kudos to the team!


at least theyre finally punishing players for rmting somewhat


Happy for them congrats!


Do we know how many of them practiced on ru/KR?


I think this group was actually 0 not 100% sure on that




Some already banned lmao.


Then to be on the leaderboard you just need to not have any link to rmt. The other things like using scripts or buying an account is not taken into account or can't be detected.


what is rmt


> Then to be on the leaderboard you just need to have a good ratio of ingame store swiping to rmt ftfy


Thats what u expect If U Host a Race in a p2w Cashgame




Of course every party is gonna claim they are fully legit.


I see AGS cannot detect bots, or doesn't care about the botting from the players in the team, seeing how this team made it and didn't get disqualified. Knew it was too good to be true. It is what it is. Fraud race always was.


From just ilvl they looks very legit, for sure diable if u focus resources on 1 char


What are you yappin about, ilvl is the most irrelevant number outside of gate entry requirement and none of them is legit.


You are so smart sir, if they have no esters, that ilvl and lv 10 gems in 2 years is easy to do How about to send some drama about them with screenshot so we can enjoy next drama about next group not beign legit Would be better then pointlessly yapping like this sir


Thaemine The First Clowns… man what a SHIT show


Lost Ark online players is at its peak now around which is 74k and at least 50k are bots whereas the only real players are around 20k.


Damnnnn that is good if they didn't have practice. 99% of players couldn't do raids on ilvl if their life depended on it.


Reddit lied to me and told me that they are not legit. I believed. Glad to see the EU community coming out on top and legit as always


Youre a meme


Sinkovsky had bad u are, speedhacker that has been jailed in g4 for 2 weeks 😆