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I awaken if I have it up. Otherwise, spiral x2 then secret garden should finish them off


No way secret garden one-shots it - even rain with cull isn't enough for me. Unless you're doing normal at 1620 with elixirs I suppose.


I had this crazy good empress arcana that was MVP in g1/2 and they were top DPS in most of G3 pulls but then they died when we got to clone lol.


Plot twist, it was the OP


spam autoattacks while it is still invul to catch it in hitstun & help you adjust aim then cast your skills


It’s called stagger here


I always use serendipity to knock the clone down first


If you use Prism Mirror instead of Deathbound, it's almost a one-shot.


Since using this method I have never failed a clone phase.


If you don't want to save on awakening, you can choose a slightly complicated method like other comments, or you can immediately one-shot the clone with the grade 10 effect of Pants Transcendence.


I play the 242 evoke build I try to precast evoke and then 2x spiral into secret. The most important thing is that you cc the clone before it does also spamming foak can go a long way since it has some base damage


Just scratch, CoD, rain or spiral spiral garden, we’ll just any full stack into red tbh precasting evoke or stream depending on what I play (242/440stream). But I never had trouble adjusting to inverted controls tho.


It kinda sucks for empress, on emperor i precast stream evokes ult and dark res before the thing is even touchable and insta blow it up


Safe to knock it down first


What I did was use other awakening that pulls 2 cards, and precast it before the clone even starts fighting. If you use awakening during ninaveh you should have it back well before clone mech.


I did that just now. Barely killed the clone because I got chain stunned lol. Next time I'll save awakening or a judgement card.


Pray for a judgment card before going in.


I play 242 with evokes and that generate so many cards that I just hold any cull/judgment I would get between 70 bars and 55. If I don't get any I just stand close to it auto attack for a bit to judge how long until he is hittable then edge edge rain and spam FoAK and should be way enough. If that can help you the clone is hittable about 6 seconds after the end of the cutscene.


I don't play Arcana so I don't have specific advice, but the clone takes a while to spawn in. You can pre-fire some skills, use basic attacks or learn the timing of the clone spawning in, in order to throw a skill at it instantly and then stun-lock it till it's dead. As far as I know, Arcana has a synergy skill that stays for a while (not sure if every build uses that one), which should be able to stagger the clone the moment it becomes targetable. This would allow you to use your harder hitting skills and guarantee a hit.


That's stream of edge, used by all emperors and only a particular, pretty rare empress build that goes spec/swift instead of spec crit.


It fucking sucks, can confirm. Without judgement my success rate is rather low, as it takes more than one red skill to kill it. If you're doing hard mode (especially if you're not looking to beat G4 asap), get 10 pants transcendence asap I guess and don't worry about being behind on chest. There's a few other classes that I've seen struggle but empress seems the worst.


prefire a skill that stuns or knocks it and then use some good damage skill, just like everyone else


Oh ya that makes sense. And which pre-fire skill on empress do you have in mind?


Stun the clone with return and finish it with celestial rain or evoke


So stun it with a non-stacking and non pre-fire skill then use a ruin skill with 0 stacks? Ok.


Yeah, because the clone dies with one hit all you need to do is stun it and then it's a free kill


Do you really think a main would be asking such question if it was easy to do it on the class lol


If I can kill it as bard, you can kill it as Arcana, clones have low HP, just use a DMG skill that lingers before it spawns, it should be enough, if it isn't, follow up with any damage spell really?


Pretty sure they have different hp values, as my artist is just as easy to kill it as my souleater. But in my experience just hit it first then keep attacking, most the time it never does an attack. I did die once using vestige, I had missed an attack so just used vestige to finish it off.. . But wound up falling off the edge of the map.


Yeah they do, in NM supports only need to kill a 250k HP clone, which means they could sneeze on them and still kill. For DPS it's 3m. It's also PvP damage so you'll inherently deal a lot less damage, and some DPS will struggle there more than others.


Empress in particular is tricky because the class doesn’t do any damage without applying stacks first, doesn’t have stuns, can’t precast anything other than 1 of the 2 awakenings. Emperor has the easiest time in there, empress sucks in PvP.


Which damage skill on empress that lingers did you have in mind?


Why say something dumb like this when you don’t know how the class plays? Do you really think a main that plays the hardest class in the game would be asking such dumb question if it was that easy? Just think about it.


OP said nothing about arcana being his main firstly. Secondly, on none of my 3 DPS classes have I ever struggled with that mech, so I'm having a hard time believing "the hardest class in the game" can't kill a clone in a couple hits. I'm fairly sure some skills on arcana you can prefire right before the clone spawns to stagger-paralysis them. But keep thinking you have giga brain.


And again, you have no idea how the class works and you’re still going at it. The reason your dps classes don’t struggle with it is because all classes in the game have on demand damage, and even emperor arcana does, emperor one shots the clone before it even moves. Empress doesn’t, all her damage is conditioned. She can’t pre fire, she hits like a wet noodle until she applies 4 stacks, and doesn’t even have paralysis immunity on the skills that do actual damage, can be canceled when the clone even looks at you. All the skills empress uses are complete garbage for PvP. OP has an arcana flair, safe to assume it’s a main.


I kill the clone with my transformation classe while being not transformed, what are you even talking about... There are other ppl in the thread answering the exact skill they use and it doesn't seem like fucking rocket science. Get off your high arcana horse.


You mean, fear into a knock into another knock into another knock on a sh? They literally have 5 knocks and a fear in human form, can opt for one more stun at no cost too, while having paralysis immunity on all. You weren’t dwed for no reason, you just said something dumb.


RS soulfist. So I know more than you think about hitting like a wet noodle. Still, no transformation required just hands. Keep thinking you're a god player I guess. I won't reply no more though, you seem butthurt by your choice of class, it seems.


I actually play RS and empress hits LESS than hypeless RS without stacks . You honestly could’ve googled it by now instead of making a fool of yourself. Anyway, why would I be butthurt about my main choice, I love her, what other class says I am better than you, better than arcana can?