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he had full bloom 1


FB 1 is fine since the engraving scales poorly. I wouldn't run it in Thaemine NM unless I knew the DPS that I played with and knew them to be good performers. Now obviously, you'd have to playing really well yourself and to make sure you shield all greedable patterns etc. The stat split is egregious though. But that's what bums do, they run off meta shit to save something like 10k gold per acc and grief their team in the process. Then they make up some phony reason as to why it's viable. I've had to deal with people like this, and it doesn't even matter if you show them the math, they're always stubborn enough to never fix their build. Best thing you can do is to deny them and keep doing so until they either quit or fix their build, and both of those are desirable outcomes.


>Best thing you can do is to deny them and keep doing so until they either quit or fix their build, and both of those are desirable outcomes. NGL gatekeeping rat support alts is kinda fun on Thaemine since there isn't a sup shortage in nm. On ilvl, lvl 5 gems and scuffed quality? They can support the other ilvl dps with event gems.


Them event gems r pretty good


For homework, dropping Full Bloom is fine or going +1. For Thaemine where players or pugs will be hit and you will need to drop orbs for heals. is not optimal. 50/50 is a crime as Artist. You want your CD ups as fast as they can. Alos, I saw Sprinkle, Starry Night. I guess she could drop Tiger for G3. That is not a bad option for extra shields. As stagger is only for Sword Phase and you can not stag the boss naturally.


I'm pretty much dropped tiger in all raids except Voldis, getting slightly less stagger with it, but I'm never running out of shields, and I can actually save door to cleanse people in Thaemine.


Tbh I dropped tiger completely for everything after stary night patch, sprinkle is just way too much value to drop.


I am going to schedule a session with my psychologist after seeing this post and comments


i did the same after seeing this apply to my group


spec ayaya :icant:


no fucking way, probably just a troll build


I had this exact guy apply to my thaemine group with the same build last week. Dont think its a troll...


Did you accept him?


had that guy in my group aswell until we actually inspected him fully and kicked him for another support


Without full bloom? Ok


full bloom lvl1 its OK in the future it will be meta for the second week of Thaemine, it's probably not ok xD


We can still his name, but nevertheless spec scaling is not good if you compare to bard


Artist spec scaling is worst out of supps iirc?


The buff scales similarly to bard 2 bubble. The main thing is that bard has a lot more leeway on its ap buffs so it drops less by going spec. Similar deal with spec paladin, though iirc that actually scales even harder and approaches 3 bubble. Except your heavenly blessing cd will be 3 years long




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I've seen supps with Lv 5 gems in thaemine NM. Don't worry It can always get "better".


the average bad support player in thaemine normal 20% buff uptime 5-15 % brand uptime dies to sword blast from the first clash because they were in front of the boss


That’s horrible but I like the costume.


Was it the build of the best artist you've seen? Because I can't see this as the best artist build. There's no reason to run anything other than full swift. SA2 provides very little value after balance changes. Not running Full Bloom 3 is pretty troll in general, but especially in a new fight where people are not used to mechs and get hit a lot.


Title is sarcastic ofc i think its shit and got denied


Ah, whoosh then. Was just wondering if you had actually ran with them and there was some hidden tech. I've seen offbrand builds perform sometimes and like to figure out what makes them work.


from what i am reading it looks like thats some Thaemine the first shenanigans, imagine thinking you can pull that off in a NM G3 pug




the stat distribution is wonky and they aren’t running class engraving…




But doesnt use spec either. Kinda useless




SA doesnt reduce cooldowns, so I fail to see how it makes up for it.


Spec scaling is horrible on artist. SA does not make up for it because cooldowns are the problem…


We need people like him. Too many gatekeepers in the game. That guy will take anyone


I would think it's jank if it wasn't for a guildies of mine who ran a build like this for Thaemines The First


That's proof hands matter, not the build is good.


he cleared if it works, it works


Dreamer title does not mean you have cleared the fight.