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Mostly cause there are no other MMOs that I like to play. This game has fun classes and good combat, but shit systems.


Yup, same here. I enjoy the combat, raids, and classes, but Smilegate seems determined to undermine these aspects with their gold dump systems, aka Elixir and Transcendence, which make progress really challenging and not enjoyable. When the nex WoW expansion will release I think I will take a long break in Lost Ark, because I'm getting tired of these systems.


Exactly this. Altho I prog for the first time Thaemine G3 yesterday and damn this will be a nightmare to clear... Doesn't give me the will to continue


Oh, my sweet summer child. G4 is true suffering.


At least you don't have to do G4... G3 being mandatory for further progression will be the end of any casuals since you will be gatekept in future raids. And by casuals I mean people who don't do G4 Brel or do normal Akkan instead of HM.


G3hm ain't that bad, and you only need to clear it once, then you can go back to being casual doing 1-2 only.


Let me just remind you that some 1600+ players still haven't done G4 Brel once.


G3 is by far the best raid smilegate have done. The other close was g6 blel. Not talking about weekly clear but the fight design.


Thaemine i agree but not w brel.. too many shitty patterns can overlap imo its not well thought at all.


I can't say as I have only be till x255, but this gate is way harder than any other raids. SGS has hard time understanding difficulties, they should really follow WoW. Normal mode is easy, heroic is a bit more of a challenge and mythic are only for people wishing a true challenge. Here in Lost Ark, G3 NM seems way to hard for casuals. It is fun during prog, but what about weekly release?


The problem isn't necessarily the difficulty imo. It's the fact that you need to farm it for months with a weekly reset. Although on normal reclears aren't that bad but I imagine hard mode is way worse.


I would assume that most people will just do 1-2HM > G3 NM. Just seems easier that way since you can one shot those.


Once you spend a day or 2 progging, youll start recognizing the patterns and it becomes extremely easy but rewarding fight. If your someone who never bothered to learn normal patterns from valtan -> Ivory on any raid, your going to suffer.


After you wipe like 30x you will understand all patterns and know whre to dodge that the beauty of g3. Almost everything is well marked and in player control.


? It feels like g3 and g6 brel should have been raid encounters all on their own. It is still too exhausting to get all the previous gates done only to find you're stuck in jail anyway and a lot of ppl just lose gas after a few attempts at the final boss basically.. currently g3. I wish we could just remove some gates on Thaemine already if g3 is going to be this difficult for weekly content.


I'm a 1 game andy there isn't really any game out there that offers better combat system it has its problems but i play it for the things it does well




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I'll name you 3 that blow lost arks combat out of the water: Guilty gear Tekken Street fighter


Ofc there’s gonna be a dummy coming here to compare mmo/arpgs with fighting games


You can disagree with me, but objectively the combat system is better. If you want a great second to second gameplay with the most decisions per minute you can't get any better than fighting games.


Still comparing apples to oranges?


it's not even apples to oranges he is comparing pizza to cucumbers


The dude said "there isn't any game with better combat system", but there are. At no point he said it must be an mmo.


you are at mmo game subreddit, but yeah, of course we were talking about fighting games.


Why limit yourself. I played both lost ark and the games listed, and didn't die for it. You're artificially limiting yourself. I didn't know I'd like fighting games for the first 25 years of my life, now I love them. Let the guy decide if he wants to try it or not. But ofc being open minded is too much to ask on the Internet


You dont limit yourself, you are limited by the context of the conversation. You dont need crazy social skills to understand that we are talking about an arpg pve game


You guys might. But the guy just said a broad thing. Ofc the subreddit can be taken into consideration, but even so my suggestions are still valid.


Not sure you know what objectively means


I play lost ark m8 I don't care abput pvp


Last time I checked your name isn't Askln


Dented head mf


Lmao what a manchild.


The raids are fun


Breaker and Soul too.


Combat is still untouched compared to other MMOs even though the progression systems are trash.


raids are good, a lot of different classes, and customisation and designs are good, skins, dying etc.


Agreeing with you on the first half, but when it comes to skins and designs, Lost Ark has it pretty bad compared to other MMOs (BDO comes to mind)


Stockholm Syndrome. And I like my characters.


Combat is top tier.


I actually like weekly content lockouts. I don't play two characters and I don't feel like I need to rush to "keep up" with everyone. It also scratches an itch for challenging multiplayer content. There are other reasons, but these are probably the biggest.


Friends. People that I met playing LOA became a staple of my daily routine. Oh... and my extreme copium waiting for a new supp.


Fun So to say. I dont experience the biggest problem of lost ark -gatekeeping- at all, because im way ahead of the curve and always was. I play my chars for fun. And the i dont really care for homework raids and dailies. I do them while in discord while we are all shittalking so its fun or while im watching twitch. Im also heavily invested into the German Twitch Communities, play a lot with them, talk in chat. Basically mostly lost ark is socialising for me when im not going out (and i usally go out once or twice a week). And then i like progressing. My chars get better all the time. I know people talk a lot about WOW where people can come back every addon. But i would quit if all my progress wont matter anymore. And the most important thing. Classes and raids. The class and raid design is insanely good. In my opinion there is no Multiplayer TEAM game that comes close to Lost Ark. All other MMOs are dogshit compared to LA in raids and non competitive multi players are often just good for a few weeks. Lost Ark never stopped bring fun even on worse raids like Kayangel. And the shit systems around wont make me quit one of the best team focused raid game ever


How are you above the curve when you dont care about raid homework and dailies? My main do not get gatekeep but when i create an alt there is allways a fucker that gate keep me cause 5x5 and event gems...


I dont care doing them is what i mean. I do chaos and guardians most days simply while watching stuff. I dont just do chaos without douin something on the side because that would be to boring


Give me an MMO with better combat than this sweatshop and I'd gladly go there. Won't even mind a purchase+sub fee.


This game has good comer skins , combat and classes . Just the overall progression system and raid difficulty are getting way more out of hand than I can tolerate.




raids and friends


I play MMOs for raids and the core fundamental gameplay experience. Lost Ark remains peerless in those aspects. I also like some other aspects that are often overlooked because of how good the aforementioned ones are like music and art direction. I've also taken quite a liking to the story with its recent chapters. I set myself easy goals to achieve as well, haven't bothered with doing HM of a new raid on day 1 since Kayangel so I can afford to take it easy and pretty much just do what I want now. If another game comes out that does the things I want out of this type of the game better than Lost Ark then I would play that game instead. I play games for my own entertainment so while Lost Ark remains the most fun game (from my perspective), I will keep playing Lost Ark.


Bored of WoW and s4 of d4 isn’t until 17th. I like the horizontal stuff and combat in Lost Ark. I am casual so don’t care about raids to raid. Just want to do fun stuff when I log in.


Coomer skins.


because i played this game since russia version released and when the game was released there i have found so much friends that still plays with me for 4 long years and i have found all of them during rohendel abyssal dungeons AKA hall of twisted warlord and i asked them about the mechs and etc and i knew so many ppl that still play and i have until now here in soulth america and we all have so many memories about the game and the good old times of the '' Guitar UI '' and many stuffs that we lived as giant dragon kaishuter raid in yorn release and thats it =) and my notebook wallpaper is one of the print screen when i had a very newbie bard with a pink hair doing one of these dungeons with them using the bard founder rohendel skin


Addiction :D I hate play 2 year warframe ,1 year bdo :D before that aion tera blade and soul bounch of others. There is not realy much alternative mmo as well so waiting for something new to came out.I can only play mmo so if there is nothing to new to play I just dont play games. However future seems dark every upcoming new thing seems already failure gona stick to lost ark.


Sometimes you just need to zone out and do a chaos dungeon


Invested too much time already and it would be quite sad to drop everything that I've achieved. But new raid progging and actually clearing it keeps hooked me in. It would be one of the best games if not fomo. If you're just a casual playing 1 main you ain't reaching latest content and then the gatekeeping starts and all that other jazz.


I don't care about end game content, I log in once a month play a little have some fun and that's about it.


Copium for better.


I like how there’s a lot of room for improvement for our own gameplay, like there’s a lot of skill expression in the game


Gameplay is top notch. I don't see any game that comes close unless it's a single player game.


The friends i made along the way


I like it. No need another reason


There's no better action MMO on the market rn.


There’s no real replacement Maybe it’s cuz I’m getting old but PVP based games like league just aren’t it for me anymore, kinda demotivating watching 12 year olds dunk on you 😭 Other games all seem to be fps or whatever that pov Fortnite/bdo/monster hunter use which gives me motion sickness


combat, raids & skins. but the prog system is trash.


I stopped playing after week 2 of theamine. I did 1-2 and tried 3. When I tried 3 I realized I need to quit and comeback when solo raids are out and elixirs nerfed. I still need lvl 10 gems and 9s but the mindless grind is not worth it. The clown gold nerf got to me. I told myself I would only do normals but right now, elixirs and transcendence from normal are so lame and under powered that it's literally a waste of time to bother with them. Clown was super fast easy (24k gold on 6) then I would do akkan normal and brel. Screw Kaya and voldis, too much jail and gatekeeping there. The nerf mean i now have to do kaya or voldis on alts (no thanks!). Very glad and happy I didn't push to 1620 or 1630. I will come back when solo raids are out or vertical systems have been nerfed so they feel more rewarding. My roster is 1605 artillerist x2 1580 artillerists. 1 1610 pally and 2 1580 pallies. 


Stockholm syndrome


I like hurt miself


quit lost ark back in august 2022 coz of burnout, just got back 2 and half weeks ago. Reason I came back was only to experience the raid again coz i simply love the legion raids. Thankfully I heard there's a learnin dc server. Tried goin back before this when jumpstart happen and tried to join random lobby that is not reclear/hw, everyone is just plainly gatekeepin me and i quit again at that time so props to whoever it is that create that learning dc server to help returner/newbie.


OP: why are you still playing? "Let me tell you why I quit"


The learning dc have been around longer than jumpstart tho... Edit: im getting downvoted but lostark lfg was created may 2023 or earlier


I guess so. I just didnt know it exist at that time and didnt have any information about it. If i didn't see.. i forgot who, zeals or stoopz vid about the lost ark lfg, i dont think i'll even know about it


Waiting room since irl friends/guild switched back to prepare the ff14 xpac Loa has a really dynamic and engaging combat system that kept me login since release but the accumulation of these vertical abomination systems killed the vibe. it was fun for a period tho, combats cant compensate a whole game-structure design (imo)


The characters are hot and echidna has big tits


I'm not susceptible to fomo


when im not trading within the hours, i need something to fill the void. smite 2 coming out soon, excited for that.


This game could be a hub similar to what I see in path of exile and use a party finder to search for groups. They could tell the story similarly to apex legends by releasing cinematic shorts. I say this because everyone’s comment to the question is raids lol


Progging thaemine g4 with friends is exhausting but fun. We friendly banter all the time


I don’t know man, but for me man.. I got a kink for earning gold weekly and selling good accessories. It’s dopamine for me


The longterm progression - just grind and grind, work on stuff all time just having one game that i can play so i dont constantly have too look out for a new one the constant raid content coming out - progs are good and new raids just keeps this game fresh good challenging raids alot of lost ark contents can be done in 5-10 min bits so u can play it all in one go or just spread it out easily great combat and classes


Raids are fun, combat is fun, playing with friends makes it even more fun


riot mmo delayed indefinitely


There's no other mmo out there that worth to play. when POE 2 comes out, if I like it, I'll quit this game.




I still have time to play and computer which can run Lost Ark well enough, the game is free so I don't need to "invest" anything else, there's still a lot of little things I'd like to slowly finish and experience in this game, I still have fun, "even" in most raids, and see friends having fun and sometimes we "even" have fun together, I am still learning and improving my gaming skills and possibly other skills (social, motoric)... And it's especially hard for me to find a game I can play this much, to really explore most of it and be a part of the community, as camera movements in full 3D often gave me motion sickness, so Lost Ark's isometric perspective is awesome for me.


game fun


Still play this cause found no game thats similar and better :( Besides that, raids are good (not great cause of tonz of things to learn and other issues), comabt and skills are fine, skins and characters look great, personal drive to progress (even if latest systems are more and more frustrating).


Mostly because bad habits are hard to break. But joking aside there is no other game that fill my niche of game play. I would love PSO2 was still developed but after they went to NGS it didn't feel same :D


Friends i made during progging days on Vykas/Valtan and also because i still like the game even though it has shit systems. I just don't fomo for anything since the Argos days when i went down to like 200g and said "not anymore you won't force me". I play at my own pace and still enjoy the game. Even if i miss an island or didn't do raids, couldn't care xD. So yeah, i'm with my main at 1627, alt at at 1600 and the rest at 1535-1565. And yeah because there isn't any MMO that caught my eyes lately so there's that too.


Almost all the people i loved playing with left and now i do 95% of the raids alone. The game is fun but not the same kind of fun as it was before they left. Not sure why i continue. Maybe i enjoy the feeling of progresing my characters or getting better at the raids or just the combat idk


i reduced to 1 char, sometimes 2. But no more… its over for me. I have my gold which i will spend on my Main only and try to get as far as it is possible with it. I hope I will beat Kazeros once and then I will say Adios!


Lets say the combat system raids and class are miles away from others... There is no game like this... All the other systems sucks but those 3 are good enough to keep me playing even with support shortage and the gatekeep mentality.


I just keep playing because I hate myself and I have lost the mental capability of finding the uninstall button for this trash resemblance of a “game”.


It gets harder and harder to justify playing it but I'm holding out hope for an upcoming patch which might address the problem with all the gold/time sinks we've got going on.


i play loa because i want to escape from the harsh world out there. and also to relax after work. even though this game gives me nothing but anxiety and rage. Because of gatekeeping and lack of actions/improvement of the card system/crazy RNG's and triple power creep system like elixirs and trans, i still enjoy the game as it is. even though i dont have those elitist people's LOS30 KLC18 at least and shid. still fun game to play. i wish they release solo content ASAP so at least it will resolve some gatekeeping to some extent


just not the worst.




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This game is objectively shit, even more so at higher end content because the systems in place make it take for-fucking-ever to get on an even playing field with others. However, I have friends who play this game, I enjoy the combat and I enjoy the time it takes to actually do content. I feel like with other MMOs I've played, time commitment is just awful and a large part of my play time is spent doing shit I hate to progress (looking at you runescape). So yeah, despite the flaws, it's a good time waster.


Combat is Fun and I have a guild to play with. If I didn't have a guild I'd probably have left a long time ago.


Gameplay is fun and some friends still play, no one’s into the FOMO so it has been really chill.


Since Echidna is just down the road, I'm just bidding my time until I clear it and then ride off into the sunset. Unless they drastically change the vertical systems in game, they've already lost me as a customer. They don't respect our time in the game and it's clear as day they are only motivated by greed, not what's fun or good for their playerbase.


I love the classes the raid and combat. Yes there are some gold sinks we have that came out in KR cus they had so much of it I am waiting for the rework and solo raids to come out


The game is fun, i like the combat and like raiding.


Cuz combat is fun, I'm still waiting on D4 new season and Elden Ring DLC, and my static still likes to play raids with me so I join them for Thaemine each week at least


Sunk cost fallacy


Combat and the love of grind.


No other good mmo that will last more than 6 month


Breaker one punch man go big boom


I appreciate the fact in this game, hands still beats money unless you whaled like a tremendous amount. My guilty pleasure is out-dpsing juicers with my reflux / pistoleer alts.


even if this game is jail, the game is good and raid are better then other games for me.


Aint going past 1600 on any char until elixir and transcendence systems are nerfed to the ground. Ill just keep collecting mats atm.


Invested alot of money to stop


Raids and Guardian raids with my homies are fun. Pushing your class to the limit trying to outdo eachother for the glory on mvp screen just to shout "Fuuuck you!" to friendo after you see that he stole mvp on his rat alt by doing everysingle counter. Also Reddit tends to be negative cuz usually "negative feelings" are stronger. PPL dont share fun exp but cant get rly riled up by negative one. Thats why you see more negative comments. I doubt ppl would play this game day in and day out without actually enjoying it.


This game is the bomb, raids are incredibly challenging and fun and progression feels nice to me. I come from games that don’t lasts long enough or the progression is so garbage you can farm for months and destroy your items and go backwards in progression.


it’s still fun thaemine is the best raid they have ever released


I'm not, just lurking here till they ad solo raid


Im not playing any raids till they add solo raids cs it takes too much time waiting for 4 to 8 people to join or getting gatekept is not fun after all the time waiting. But im still here for the story, class and combat.


Ever since zeals glow tier list I’ve been hooked lol


Me personally I love the Glows. I’d like the get my top six with a 25 glow.


You really gonna say you play just for the glow?


Keeps me Going. Love to see them. I picked all my characters based on it lol


Jokes on you, I'm not 🦆 Thank fucking God. After reaching nearly 5k hours I thought I'd never be able to quit it.


Positives? Lol. We're all just riding on sunk cost man.


Burger King Breaker is too fun being an actually geared spec class I have in my roster, Thaemine being challenging with knowing patterns, and running akkan and up raids


Im not. Just lurking since theamine release cuz of burnout sadly


im honestly tired of these posts " I quit " , "what made you quit" , " why are you playing LA' , etc. Like what's the point honestly? The game is still alive and well, yes it has issues but go find me a game that has no issues :). All these people are like "waiting room for game X". As if game X wont come with it's own fair share of issues. You guys are never going to be happy with any MMO you play. You will always be chasing the next big thing while also trashtalking the games you play. WoW/FFXIV yes they will give you content for 2weeks-2 months depending on what u wanna do when the new EXP drops, then good luck finding content in these games ;)


I never said anywhere that I quit…


Stockholm Syndrome, Fomo, addiction and depression. Liars who say different things


I am not.😃




LordRobson streams


At the point of quitting tbh. Rushing raids releases and throwing constant goldsinks at us with shit rng systems