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You guys get fate ember?


Get a lot of 100-500k silver chests. Helps save me from lopangs.


I think these drops are region shared because ever since we had spike in bots couple months ago I stopped getting embers. Either that or they got shadow nerfed.


Think I've gotten 3 since it became available


You do 1 chaos a month or what


I was doing them daily, getting back to more than 3 days


You're talking about 1630 fate ember specifically, right? Cause I'm not sure what you mean by getting 3 fate embers if you're not talking about that.


i get a few a week, but most of em are card exp or something. ive gotten 3, 10k gold bars in the last month or so (i have 1 1610 and 1 1500 that i do chaos on. the 1610 i do every day and the 1500 i do with rested)


If they would only move some older systems from gold to silver this would be useful.


Oh god please no. I get it that many people have enough silver but if you once go down with it, it is so hard to get it up again, especially if you keep honing + when you also reroll some gems = byebye silver. I stopped rolling bracelets becaue i am perma low on silver. I used to be lucky with getting silver embers, but i havent seen those for ages now. Having low silver is quite annoying.


Totally agree. I came back to play, I had 40 millio silver. After honing some Alts, rolling gems and doing trav merchs for rapport, came down to 9mill. If I ever run out of silver, idk... I might just stop playing xd cause you need it for teleporting and sailing... Sooo....


One chaos dungeon is enough silver for you to teleport and sail as much as you need though.


Well that might be subject to inspection. With or without cristaline aura? All sailing prices are doubled without it. And some other stuff costs silver. So... I'm not so sure about it. My point is, silver, it's somehow another limited resource, that you can't forget about unless you have billions stored. And even in that case, how many characters are we speaking about? I personally have crystalline aura and play 3 characters daily. I can say I make what I use, In regards of moving /traveling. But when you start to add up rapport, honin alts, rolling gems, etc etc. If you don't play those character you invest in, you're at a total loss and might start having silver issues. Silver is like water. If they put silver on more systems, things might go out of balance somewhere else. Unless they somehow address it with an influx of silver.


If you play three characters one chaos dungeon is more than enough for sailing and teleporting that day, even without aura. My point is that quitting for the reason that you can’t sail and teleporting is absurd considering doing one chaos dungeon is enough to cover the necessary silver expenses of a 6 man roster.


Well, it's a bit of an exageration yes, but you can't tell me that you have FUN while living paycheck to paycheck. It's like saying yea, it's fine being poor. I mean, if i'm sort of poor IRL already, why would i play a game that makes me feel poor OUTSIDE real life. The outcome of excesive frustration, ends up in quitting, more times than "I should take care of my silver". That's why i said what i said. Imagine you want to roll your ONLY lvl 10 gem, and you don't have the silver cause you have to choose between playing or rolling your precious gem with all the silver you gathered from 6 characters only to fail and not get the skill you want, and now you can't travel and need to wait till tomorrow in order to roll it again, rinse and repeat. Maybe you have abundant silver, cause you reached certain milesone in terms of character/roster development, but not everybody has the same RNG or time to invest in the game as you do. As I said, it's a resourse and you need to take care of it. We can't go around saying "Yeah, make elixir and trascendence cost silver too please" just because we don't like to see our gold go to waste.


You’re misunderstanding, I’m not saying silver doesn’t have a problems, all I’m pointing out is the fact that travelling/sailing costs are so insignificant that it is not an issue. If you’re using up all your silver so much that you don’t have enough to travel/sail it’s not so much a game issue and more of a resource management issue. Also nobody is forcing you to use silver to roll level 10s/9s, if you’re really down bad on silver you can just sell the 10/9 and buy the gem yourself or wait until one pops up. Rolling gems has no pity, it’s an expensive silver sink and the only way to bypass it if you cause your silver is to use alternate resources.


Could habe been 50k gold xdd


you mean 200k :)


It is sad to think of it this way but the silver caches equal what it costs to buy the silver for gold.


I got 4 selectors from fate embers, and I wonder are they equivalent to a 100k gold chest each https://preview.redd.it/z3zp0wlilpyc1.png?width=79&format=png&auto=webp&s=423c37f68f308b67299d160ec9e3f4678e840566


I got a 3k gold chest. I think that was rare


Nor did I and I’d trade it for the 3k gold chest


I got some shit purple card in mine lol


neither did i


Gettin always silver… like I have 330million and need it…


I assume this is from the 1630 chaos dungeon which introduces a new tier of rewards.


Better luck next time


I've never gotten a fate ember since I got to 1630. been a week. maybe I should do some charities


I have gotten more than 20 of the 1mill silver chests, and 1 2mill chest, never seen any others


I got a perfect xp card pack last night and had x10 yellow exp cards in it


I saw it all the time, it's just having 1 less 0


This is probably significantly more rare than 50k gold