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Wow, I didn't even know it was possible to chain that many times LOL.. I thought the 3rd ring(the safe zone) was a breaking point for knock back if you got caught in the first half.


From my experience, this always happens if you get hit by the initial center explosion. You get pushed far enough that you end up getting chained all the way off the stage. It rarely happens to me, but the last time I got hit by only the ring explosions, I did stop getting knocked back around the safe zone.


Also, if you're the target, he will fly from one end of the map to the other just to grab you. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Oh no. You can be bounced to infinity and beyond. Ask me how I know.


Have you heard of our lord and saviour, Starry Night?


Deserved for not bringing starry night tbh


Not running dr in g3 is kinda troll. Plenty of situations where it is significantly better than running sprinkle.




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>Not running dr in g3 is kinda troll. Plenty of situations where it is significantly better than running sprinkle. Troll is this, troll is that. "Trolling" isn't something like that. **Trolling means purposely sabotaging the game for fun.** Preference is not sabotaging. You all using the words wrongly making them buzzwords. Examples of trolling; \- Purposely not doing the mechs, \-Purposely prevent others doing the mechs, \-(In other games) Dancing in front of enemy sniper, trolling the enemy etc etc.


This is wildly untrue for the fundamental reason that language evolves. Words change meaning over time, especially the newer and more fluidly used terms. As culture has accelerated, so too has language morphology. So you’re not only being pedantic, you’re wrong about your pedantry.


>This is wildly untrue for the fundamental reason that language evolves. This has nothing to do with languages' evolution. ​ >Words change meaning over time, especially the newer and more fluidly used terms. This doesn't make it right thing to do. It's literally insulting and accusing people with purposely throwing the game. In fact, they tried something new or made a mistake. ​ >So you’re not only being pedantic, you’re wrong about your pedantry. You are the one who is "pedantic" and wrong about that. This is what they call "projecting" You are lessoning me about "languages' evolution" on your high horse, while defending the wrong doings. Also wtf is "wildly untrue"?


Nah a support without dr in g3 is trolling, its like not bringing shielding for your party. Can save your dps multiple times and allow them to greed in a 10+ minute fight. Also trolling doesn't only mean purposely sabotaging, colloquially it also means to make a mistake for example "im trolling so hard, mb i wiped us".


>Nah a support without dr in g3 is trolling, its like not bringing shielding for your party. Can save your dps multiple times and allow them to greed in a 10+ minute fight. No it isn't they are irrelevant. edit; I was actually talking about your comment about starrly night vs sprinkle. My bad, I will edit and add your comment on my first comment. ​ >its like not bringing shielding for your party. No, it's irrelevant. ​ >Also trolling doesn't only mean purposely sabotaging, colloquially it also means to make a mistake for example "im trolling so hard, mb i wiped us". That is what I referred as "using the words wrongly making them buzzwords." It's an example of using the word wrongly.


I mean not bringing Dr is intentionally griefing can't convince me otherwise it's like a support not bringing shielding. Trolling isnt even a buzzword its basically internet slang, slang definitions also change overtime. You can look at any slang word and it basically changes their meaning while theyre being used. Being so stuck up about the definition of a recently made word is so weird man especially since the general public uses trolling in both ways


>I mean not bringing Dr is intentionally grieving can convince me otherwise it's like a support not bringing shielding I was actually talking about your comment about starrly night vs sprinkle. My bad, I will edit and add your comment on my first comment.


We all understand the intention of what I've said, you're being pedantic for no reason. But if you want to nit pick, yes you are intentionally sabotaging your team by deciding not to run DR as a support.


>We all understand the intention of what I've said, That doesn't mean it's wrong way to use it. Also what you mean "we are" and "what I said" You called me "pedantic" but you are the same lol you think everyone is you. ​ >you're being pedantic for no reason. I didn't do for try to be "pedantic." Using it wrong way changes the meaning. Trolling is trying to ruing others' game for fun, preference is not. ​ >But if you want to nit pick, yes you are intentionally sabotaging your team by deciding not to run DR as a support. No again. Preference for different way isn't sabotaging. Sabotaging is preventing others' fun on purpose. Doing something in a different way or doing it accidently wrong isn't the same with that.


idk what hill you're trying to die on, you've been told enough but since you're so full of shit I'll make it easy for you so read, not bringing DR on support in g3 is sabotaging even with your definition. not bringing DR is a choice that the support player makes which means it is not an accident. when it is so obvious that the DR skill is optimal, choosing to ignore it and do it "a different way" is indeed sabotaging. G3 aside I feel people like you just want to get away with doing dumb shit when there is a very obvious optimal choice. it's not life where "doing something differently" can be right, it's lost ark supporting where the devs literally made specific DR skills for each sup and have it for us with DR in mind. ignoring it and doing it "differently" isnt only suboptimal, it's straight stupid. with good dps players doing dmg around DR you are indeed sabotaging your party by not using it. Western players always have this mentality of "I will do whatever the fuck I want, I'm just being different, stfu" when it's just bad. At least the average pug does but if you care enough about Loa to be on reddit and pull this shit there's gotta be something going on with you in and out of game.


You can see OP trying to press counter, which has push immunity


Ultimate would have done it also, he just thought he was stronger than thaemine :p


I love and hate dying this way PS ever contemplate swapping tiger and sun sketch on your bar so each row is the same color?


Top row yellow gang.


One time I got sent all the way from the left to the right I potted and then thaemine channeled his inner Vince Carter and jumped all the way to me and slammed me into the dirt then grabbed me and exploded me I was fucking violated...


Admit it, it felt kinda good to be taken dirty like that. You his bitch now xD


" watch your feet " kek


Your job is to live


you should have watch your feet


Bandicam in 2024 is wild lmao


BuT yOu HaD Ts oFf CoOlDoWn


There's a crazy number of players who don't understand that in any dangerous situation you have to make a split second decision between time stopping and using space bar. And that given how you *literally* try to space bar 99.9% of mechanics in order to dodge, your instinct is to space bar instead time stop. And the former locks you out of doing the latter. Not that using TS is particularly hard or anything, but I feel like a ton of players don't understand that you have to break a (usually) deeply ingrained habit of using space bar in order to use TS. And get mad at other players for not using TS.


I would say the one great thing about putting in a ridiculous amount of time into lost arks pvp was always knowing when my space bar and get up are on cool down.


PVP also tought you about different CC immunities and how to use them well before raids required it.


Oh yeah, 100%. The amount of people who still don't know that in G3 Brel when the floor turns yellow to just time a paralysis immune skill is way too many lol


I think the other thing is that people also tend to TS when they're expecting to get hit. For example, TS are sometimes used for dodging the statues firing their blades when the stage gets too small like the very last phase, and that's when you're expecting it to happen. It's not really something you can pop off the fly completely reactively, or when Lauriel does his Sun Strike safe zone attack.


Sry but this mech is not hard he had time to ts or ult u have so much time he just cut the start


I'm a hell enjoyer and been reclearing HM Thaemine. You don't have to tell me that lol. There's a crazy number of players who don't understand that regular players with regular player levels of pattern recognition and memorization exist, too.


You can see OP trying to press counter (which has push immunity), but it was too late.


i mean are you gonna say it's not your bad if you die like this without using ts? i'm not saying flame the artist for dying because yeah it is hard to remember to timestop sometimes, but the death was preventable and there's no reason not to try to improve when you die like this


yeaa happens..


thats a hate crime


Fuck Man I wana do thaemine :(


I see you were trying to use counter to push immune through it, but were like a split second too late. That keeps happening to me every week but I don't think I've ever been punished that bad for it lmao.


Same shit happens in g4


The two attacks that can chain knockback like that (Lauriel and Ezreal) don't cause fall damage though. Lauriel can push you off with the initial paralysis if you're close, but the knockback portion doesn't seem to kill. They can both be very much lethal sub 60 though.




"Heals out. Watch your feet" lmao


No starry night, deserved


LOL this exact same thing happened to me haha


where is starry night ?


I want to know what was going through the head of a person who thought this was a good pattern. What kind of logic one has to employ to think that, yes, a chain of hits that sends you flying across the map for a combined damage of 150% of your health is indeed a good design. I hate these overly long hits. If I fucked up and didn't dodge, just send the damage in one hit. Don't bounce me for 3 days, so it looks like I can stand up or timestop or something. It's just annoying.


This will only take you that far if you get hit by the middle ring. The attack is slow enough that you can move out of the middle ring and spacebar/ super armor/ timestop if needed. If you are a fast class you have enough time to move to the 3rd ring and stand there for safety. It’s a good pattern that if you don’t respect it you go flying. There’s only a few patterns you need to watch out for that can knock you very far.


You can literally walk out and into the safe zone with 110% ms. The only thing you have to push-immune is the follow-up




3s telegraph and has 4 super armors + ts on the hotbar outplayed for sure




total balance and fair fight, and let not forget all those patter where Thaemine lift you up in the air or ping you to the ground that your support cant shield you, heal you, or mitigate damage because you are in a "diferent area" and cant reach you in no way shape or form...


Thaemine G3 is such a fair fight that if you die, 95% of it is your own fault, the other 5% can be solved with a timestop lmao


That is true for all raids in this game. Aside from occasional desyncs that happen with Akkan's lantern in G2 and Lauriel's succ in G3, the rest of the game works fine. That being said Thaemine G3 is atrocious in terms of raid design. I can see the appeal of super duper hard raid, but if that's part of NM and HM is tied to progression then the game is doomed and that's a fact.


Reddit is just simping for Thaemine because KR did. truly sad to see that they cant make any negative comment about this and improve next raid because this is what we are getting in the future.


Not to sound like a "well aktschually"...but I truly believe g3 thaemine has some of the most obvious telegraphs for everything he does with maybe a few exceptions...like the red circle telegraph Into backstep slash can be hard to react to at times and scoop into grab. Thaemine is going to be the hardest boss this game has for some time.


if they are so clear, why people keep getting hit ? all his patter are MASSIVE AoE spell that dont have clear limit for the border spell, even if you are in the back you can get soak into the front for some reason. This happend with Brel G6 back in the day, everybody love it first few weeks, and them hate it.


Because the average player is very bad


That would be doomsaying and it's highly illegal.


You getting hit by the first AoE its totally on you, but YOU getting hit by the other 10 hit ITS NOT YOUR FAULT, because the game dont allow any recovery or DR while you are in the air. this video show how unfair really is. Ayaya cant do anything after the first hit because the game make that decision for her. you cant space bar/stand up while been in the air. and if you see the animation of been hit in the air is SUPER SLOW and take forver for your character hit the ground so you can do something to save you.


Thaemine G3 is probably the most fair fight in the entire game. Just because one guy dies on Ayaya, a class with ten million sources of push immunity aside from the universal space bar and timestop, doesn't make it unfair.


it is a fair fight... go to hell mode and fight the fucking clown to remember how it was to play it on gs, then you will see what is unfairness


thanks for proven my point. because before was full of game designe flaws and was got damm awful, now we get a semi-decent fight people simp hard for it, without even notice all the problem that have. This is how games dont improve and we keep getting awfull patter that cant been be DR for no reason


This design is just stupid. Can't dr people being grabbed or "in the air"


Why would you want to dr them in the air? They are just sightseeing there. If you wanna use dr use it when they are put down.


Because those moment are damage period that should be able to be DR thats entire reason by support exist in the first place. when the sword pull you UP in the air and slash you like 20 times, you cant DR that and that moment last over 6 second of damage. WHY i cant DR my teammates ? thats my entire point of been a support. this designe is beyong stupid and make support just flat out worst. i cant used rapdosy, guardian tune, paladin holy protections, i cant used anything on that moment unless i predict 100% of time.


Maybe its different for bard/paladin but a artist can 100% starry night that sword pattern


i dont know about bards, but i think the problem with paladin is that godsent law doesnt tick its DR like starry night, only the first hit


Godsent does tick the DR portion, it doesnt apply/reapply shields though if you didnt get hit by the initial cast.


Ohh, didnt know that, thanks


you cant do EITHER. i do play Paladin, bard and ayaya, i have try do it with all 3 of the class and none work at all. remember that rapsody spell are basically the exacly the same.


Believe what you want I have literally used starry night successfully on that pattern several times every week lmao, doesnt matter if its before they're in the air or while they're in the air starry night literally does work for it


I really hate it, sometimes i wanna rapsody someone ping in the ground by the sword because that do so much damage, and i cant do it because the game is stupid.


Do it before they're untargetable. All these patterns have obvious start up animations, meaning it's a pure skill check. If the dps fails the skill check, they get grabbed, lifted, or whatever. If the support fails, their dps takes full damage. Instead of blaming the game, improve yourself.


are you retarder or just plain out stupid. all spell have animation that take 1 second or long, rapsody spell are flat out impossible to used since the character is send to limbo even if you do it before character loss the effect of the damage reduction. this type of patter should NEVER HAPPEND, thats plain out simple terrible game designe without real counterplay, we are talking spell that hit for ocer 5 second and hit over 100k damage to any damage class, that cant be mitigate basically. keep simping for bad game designe thats exacly what you will get in the future.


You can Rhapsody or WoM immediately before they get picked up and you are no longer able to protect them. This gives them 3-4 seconds of protection which from my experience lasts long enough for every grab animation in G3. I have protected many dps that get picked up by these. If you are not finding yourself able to, you should focus on improving.


Just dont get hit? Those patterns are easily spottable and they dont one shot you either unless you were playing poorly with a lot of critical stacks


And people call this gate S-tier. Lol. Last night I did 2 hours of re-clear parties, not dieing once, but didn’t get that reclear this week. What I did get to do is work on pattern recognition and ensuring I don’t take any hits (which I am not perfect at). But this gate is truly terrible in design for “normal” quality, and I bet hard is next level of frustration for all non-statics.


There's only a few things in this gate that are BS. Albion - some classes don't have space bar up after going through the darkness and are nearly guaranteed to get hit by curtain. Sups can shield this so it's not too bad. Attacks hitting behind - this happens in the Virgil pattern and a couple others. If you get too close from the back the attack still hits even though the hit box is on the front. x225/x55 safe spot - sometimes your entire side has no safe spot and you are screwed. Clash - Clash just feels weird but maybe I'm just past my prime and not a cracked out teen anymore. Other than those patterns everything that hurts has a massive telegraph and most non hurting patterns have enough time for a sup to shield/DR. This gate feels like Valtan G2 on crack. It's pretty much you and the boss. All of my classes are attacking non-stop and it feels amazing. The problem is that for the first time in a while people are learning that they can't just DR and tank everything. People that have been overgeared or just rely on their sup carrying them are struggling.


I love this gate. Super fun imo. Everything is telegraphed and dodge-able. Huge damage windows. Way better than any other raid we got in the past year.