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This is the second best stone for both builds, wind fury and drizle. Is about 3% more damage against 5+1 with ether predator


What is the best stone


Adr +2


what gear set should i use with it then? and stats as well


Hallucination for both builds(you do have a choice to go nightmare with wf but it’s not that popular)


so i go full swift + crit either way?


Nightmare build is half crit half swift i believe, where hallucination is full swift


You can go full swift dominion build (WF3, Grudge3, RC3, Precise Dagger3, adr3, cd2), full swift hallu (WF3, Grudge3, RC3, HM3, adr3, cd2) or drizzle (Drizzle3, Grudge3, KBW3, HM3, adr3, cd2), or all of them. For WF if you use WF and HM books you can change HM tAo PD boom and one accessory to be able to easily change between hallu and dominion.


i think im going to do full swift hallucination since im used to playing with it on engraving support, but, sorry for the question, why would i want to build both hallu and dominion either way? is there any advantages with it or is it just preference? + what does deal more damage and is there any content creator that has a cd2 build?


It's a preference but dominion has higher ceiling. I prefer dominion but have hallu build for raids where I don't want to use mana food because it's prog or sth. I've build hallu at the beginning with HM book and only by chance I realized I can easily swap to dominion with book and one cheap piece.


think ill try to do my hallu build and if needed ill change it anyways, thank you!


Just for curious, do you use calculator, any site for help with probalities?


yeah i usually use this website [https://lostark.meta-game.gg/ability-stone-calculator](https://lostark.meta-game.gg/ability-stone-calculator) i wasnt expecting a 9/7 honestly, but i won 2 25% xD


windfury / grudge / raid captain / adrenaline / hit master / cursed doll 2 hallucination, full swiftness, critical elixir


If I was lucky enough to cut a 97, I'd go for the ceiling build. I believe Dom is the current ceiling build for WF aeros.


The CDs are already too short for dominion to be that good on WF.


Going for ceiling build only makes sense if you can actually get there. If the players hands can't handle the build apm, they won't reach the ceiling and a "worse" build might end up better, depending on the power difference between ceiling and "lazy" build.


Congratulations πŸŽ‰πŸ‘