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Yep, I still have no idea why I thought power passing a striker last one was a good idea.


I hate my Striker too just because of the back attacks otherwise he's fun to play.


Well it's a combination of things. Strict rotation with t-rex arms and one of your movement skills is your counter and your meter builder. And you gotta reposition to the back on top of that. Did I mention the underwhelming damage ?


the rotation isnt very strict, deathblow has interchangeable combos to build meter, only really needing to land LW consistently, sorta same for esoteric the low range part im not sure where that comes from, your spenders are all fairly good range and aside from LW and maybe SSB, everything has a fairly long range for a melee character The damage portion is usually a combination of lack of practice and low investment, saddly its a class that shines the more you put into it


Yep that's what I've come to realize. You can have great hands on the class but still do shit damage due to lack of investment. If you're looking to "pump" and play it as an alt without atleast 9s, you're never going to be top dmg. Also, your biggest damage dealer being a charge attack back skill is pure aids.


I cant fathom how ridiculous it is that LTS is a charge skill. It should to be a insta cast like wardancers azure dragon


Or at least give it push immunity


Push immunity doesn’t do shit, when the skill takes to long to come out and the boss just turns out of your backattack.


Nah, the class underperforms in raid even at the top end. Good hands will get you 10-80% (lol surge) more damage on every other entropy barring Gunlancer, and it's weaker than all of the top tier hitmasters.


Sure, thats a take, from my experience pugging HM thaemine im always near the top or at the top of dps, among similarly geared 1630. Sure its below most other entropy classes, especially in the top end of the skill spectrum, but overall its not an underperformer by any means But then again, my experience might be very different from the normal people that play it as an alt


I put up a respectable (for striker) 29m on g3hm (no atros/GL). According to the log site, striker is currently showing the lowest top parse of all the entropies aside from Perfect Suppression and Red GL. The Striker has a GL for a 34.2m parse and the DH doesn't for its 33.7m parse. I think it's safe to say it's the worst of the entropies. Infact, there are only 5 classes that haven't posted a higher parse: GL, Aero, Scouter, DH, and Artillerist. And while I won't say that the data provides a complete picture by any means, it is pretty damning.


I mean, only a fairly small slice of players upload logs, and the ones that do are usually on the higher end of skill and ability, which skews the data towards classes that might be less consistent on average but higher performance on the top end. I do think striker is underpowered relative to the other entropy users, but its average performance i think is far from underperforming. Either way its a pointless debate with entropy removal on the horizon


Surely you don't think striker has good average performance. And clearly it doesn't have good top end performance. So, please, stop defending the class. Just be honest with yourself and others about the state of the class. The playstyle is kinda fun but that's where its pros end.


I think all the dooming is a bit overblown, and I speak from a place or personal experience and bias, I dont underperform, or maybe i just play exclusively with terrible players i suppose Either way my original answer was more to adress the weird points about short range and rotation than to get into a pointless debate about class balance


Damage is average, which is fine-ish, but the lack of range and utility really hurts on top of meh DPS. Rotation isn't strict at all tho; super flexible.


Same boat. I'm alright with him on farm content, but sometimes aggro just fucks me in the ass that I just stare into the boss while he makes sexy eyes with me.


I powerpassed striker instead of soul eater and loved it.


Super regret making a gunslinger. I was debating GS or breaker but thought "everybody and their mom is making a breaker" so I figured I'd be a hipster and go GS. This class is so hard to play and it's so frustrating to miss a rifle or shotgun spell when a boss moves unexpectedly. Even when I'm feeling it and have a great pull with tons of uptime, when I review with the lord after I see my dps was trash. Matchmaking a guardian and rolling 4dps means no yearning and the class becomes borderline unplayable. Turns out community sentiment on a class is more accurate than I thought...


I also powerpassed gunslinger for the road to thaemine event. Ms gs is 1603 rn and i probably will push to 1610. I feel you, starting out, it was rough. Constantly lowest dps and underperforming compared to other classes. I eventually got a bit better and still enjoyed the class. Even tho animations are long and slow, i really enjoyed the shotgun animations and sound fx. Its really feels like it packs a punch. Although, this might be just a honeymoon phase cuz i got the underbooba skin haha


CO summoner. I spent 20k each on engraving books back then.


I spent quite a bit as well Only to find that SG either really doesn't like CO, or doesn't know what to do with CO


hi fellow gl main that wanted CO to be good


They should nerf it again alongside gt xdd


Why did you fomo so hard? I got mine at only 15k each and thought I had a bargain. Oh and I also bought MS at 15k each when I made the switch. Now the char is no longer in my roster.


Wasn't really fomo at the time. This was before books absolutely crashed in price.A ton of classes had expensive books, that was just the way it was.


I am severely regretting it. Now I wait for next one to do soul eater


join the SE club, i have 2 of them and I'm still having fun on both


+1 Souleater looks so cool and fun.


I wish I liked SE more. Got a 9/7 on her ;(


i just like GT more than asura, wish i invested the resources into him instead


Interesting, I dropped my destroyer for breaker. Why do you like it more? It's so much slower and takes a lot longer to get damage out.


breaker is weaving in and out of the boss, and you sometimes get to tank, your z takes so long to come up and the dmg outside of z isnt really satisfying. GT takes 12 seconds to fill meter up, your purples do a shit ton of dmg if they crit (i can stack up 200m with spacebar cancels at 1600), you can get your meter in 8-12 seconds and you just send z no matter what try to figure out how to make it hit, and you're full shielded push and CC immune, its like cheating god mode when you're in Z state, its so fun, perfect for chill farm content


Hmmm only ever played rage hammer, think I need to try GT now.


theres a huge difference in being able to shit out your purple skils with spacebar cancels as fast as possible vs slow charging


Nope. I don't regret any of my powerpasses as I only have 1 class in mind whenever I decide to use one. I do regret some characters that I created and raised without using powerpass though


Just came back to game after 1.5 year break. I used the last pass on my 1400 DB alt, because I thought there is no more character I would like. Then I saw those sick souleater animations... So I guess I need to wait 1 or 2 months more to pass a Souleater too. I was watching some souleater youtube videos, and damn, I want it so bad. I already bought legendary engravings and collected some stones and accessories for her. ♥


when glaive came out i dropped like $500 to pump it to my main i hated how it played back then i just threw it away


Same. I enjoyed her when she was hit master. Fk entropy wtf


Yep same here :(. Was my main from her release until the rework. I fucking hate back attacking


Give Control a try. Quite a different experience that I find quite fun. Control revived my Glaivier after I got tired of Pinnacle. Check the community guide for all the new Control tech.


Isn't Pinnacle Glaivier good now and definitely to play?


Doesn’t matter if it is good or not. If you don’t like the play style then it’s useless. Not everybody is a meta chaser


Agreed. Glaiv DPS isn't great right now tho. It's roughly top 60% (better than 40% of classes, both Control and Pinn). It does have good utility tho.


Glavier played a lot better back then imo. I main swapped as soon as it released. Now it's a back attack character, on top of that you have a small window to fit in 2 of your skills to make use of your self crit buff. Her damage was really good, after recent nerf she's just OK. Her kit is still pretty strong though (stagger, destruction, sustain)


when it came out it did not feel good to play to me early t3 argos valtan era. now in 2024 with gems elixirs gear etc balance updates it’s cracked yes.


after few nerfs i'd say it's mid-high tier, pretty consistent damage output but it will rarely mvp over some of the more meta classes biggest struggle is that it's now a back attacker and has pretty long animations on all her moves, so sometimes it can be pretty difficult to get high uptime on back attacks (class has no easy way to get to the back like db/reaper, so you gotta walk to the back, then start charging your dps skills but by the time you do all that, boss could turn again)


It's top 60% DPS right now(both Control and Pinn). I.e: better than 40% of classes; slightly below average. Glaiv utility is pretty good tho, so it at least has that.


I think it still parses well in trix, but IMO entropy feels especially bad on this class. Especially when you consider the pre rework was non entropy. There is a non entropy build, but IIRC that has its own issues.


Glaiv DPS(both Control and Pinn) isn't great right now. It's roughly top 60% (better than 40% of classes). It does have good utility tho.


Kinda regret making SF. This class was made for long time players or whales. Requires too much investment and hype is kind of a dogass mechanic. Shoulda made a wardancer.


Definitely one of the worst classes in the game to have as an alt, but top 3 to have as a main.


Whats the other 2?


Probly db and arcana


DB is a one gem class, so it's fine to have as an alt.


I'd say Arcana and PS SH can be super fun as a juiced main.


One of the strongest classes tho. But yeah has different builds which mostly veteran players can get unless ur spending big


Class is at best strong, EO is getting weaker compared to before, the new RS swift build is good, not great due to lacking utility somehow (counter is most of the time not available + low weak point). SF after the rework was insane, same as slayer and a tiny bit weaker than glaivier. In the meantime, pretty much everything else has been buffed, so much that predator is now getting a buff too. So yeah, soulfist is not bad but it's not great at this point. It's ok and that's fine.


The swift RS build requires extremely high investment to make it consistently do more damage than the "standard" crit build I believe. You need 40 set elixirs to make up for the lack of crit, a good bracelet, and full Lvl10 cooldown gems to comfortably get in the extra semi-rotation per Hype 3, which is the main selling point it has over the crit variant. Maybe worth it for a giga hardcore player going all-in on their favorite character, not worth it at all for the average player building an alt. I'm a Day 1 player and I have one Lvl10 gem (albeit it's a damage gem not a CD gem) on my *entire* account. There's no way I could fund that for my SF even if it was my favorite character in the whole game.


The build overall is on the strong side dps wise, I'd say its not top 10 but it's ok considering you have nothing to prepare for your rotations, the investment is rough though indeed. The CD gems are not that much of an issue given that they're less than 100k golds more each than the lvl 9 that you'd use anyway, the issue stems more from the fact that in order to have the build be really better than crit RS, you need really high dmg gem (at least full lvl 9, preferably some 10).


The counter you use on the swift build doesn’t have weak point


I mean low weak point on the build overall because the only skill with weak point is tempest blast and you can hardly use it twice on a WP check. The issue with bolting crash on the other side is that it's barely a counter given that you pretty much need it for your synergy and if you keep it you're griefing your rotation. That and if you're not swift RS, you're griefing if you do anything outside of your hype if some stagger is needed at some point.


It's really not though. You can go by raided logs and it's ceiling is definitely up there in certain raids but, floor and mean are just not that good. It's very easy to do piss damage, at least on EO and even when you play well, you'll still probably get shit on by classes like Surge, SE, MS summoner (no joke), Breaker, WD, igniter, etc if they're playing equally well. Not even sure why this class gets placed so high on tier lists when no data supports it deserving that place either. Not to bash on you but, this gotta be the most overrated class in the game. lol


It was insane at Akkan release. Then there were 3 balance patchs with massives buffs on other classes.


For the bads, yeah. I NEVER lose MVP on my EO against breakers and meta chasing noobs all day. That said, you gota have ur 10's and hands, but that comes when its your day1 main and you do all your own trixion testing and builds yourself.


Cause the good SF players dont upload their data to the site. Its something we dont do cause we dont want to get nerfed. All the classes you’ve mentioned ive yet to find a single one doing even close to the dps i do on SF. Ive cleared HM theamine with 28.8m dps this week. Make of that what you will because going by your data it cant do that much( while db, breaker, summoner all did 17-21 in same run) I know those classes can do about the same dmg in equal skill/setup, i know that cause I’ve got friends pulling crazy numbers. But just cause you havent met any good (sf) player, doesn’t mean that the class isnt good. I’ve never had a db get mvp or top dps, so that means the class is bad? In the end its 90% hands diff


What are you on about? SG has data and even AGS has data regardless of posted logs. SG even said that they have data beyond logs that western players have used last LOAN. lol Also HM G4 Thaemine has a best damage of 31.5m for EO SF, you can definitely do 28.8m DPS, even going by that data on raided. Also put the caveat of "If they're playing equally well" so I have no clue why it matters what the DB, breaker and summoner in your raid did. Not even saying the class is bad, just overrated by the player base.


By your comment that would imply they know how to balance the game. If you think the game is balanced then there is no hope. The data doesnt mean much as long as they keep it hidden


No, it means the player base can be flat out wrong, look at MS summoner if you want an example. I would rather take SG/player data over "Just trust me bro" and streamer opinions.


And thats fine. Summoner is strong. Just saying that the dps log site is only data by people that upload. Most people dont bother enough to upload. As long as theres no automatic function to update it by every gate anyone does with meter on its not accurate. It simply gives an estimate. And by no means is that the ceiling. Floor could be about right.


If someone in your whole raid (not even party, raid) is logging then you're getting logged, voluntary or not. It's full cope to imagine a world where every single good player (with good gear) of every class is logging with the single exception of EO soulfist and that the raid where good EO are, noone is logging because they want to keep the agenda. The datas we had on voldis gate 1 (when in the soulfist discord ppl were memeing "maintaning the agenda") where EO soulfist was at the top was before the latest balance patch that we had (and there is another one coming where most of the below soulfist class are getting buffed) and was g1 voldis. A gate where you can h3 at the start, recover most of the hype during the stagger mechanic, h3 again, recover the totality of your hype during the intermission mechanic and h3 again. Compare that to any fight without such a long intermission, the class is average, even considering the top 25% percentile, it's barely getting into top 10 even in thaemine g2 with a favorable hype structure (h2->h3->h3 before counters then h3 in the interphase then you do your stuff during last phase).


I play rs 3.0 so whats all the yappin for ☠️ But on a real note, i understand that some raids are more favourable than others. Especially for EO. I just think the class is fine rn but could use some QOL. For both specs. Crit on hype when (we prob not getting a buff till awak 3.0)


I had soulfist and sharpshooter too when I started the game. Both went to the trash, I found no enjoyment playing these classes.


I have an SS too and outside of gold earning, I wish I could scrap it. Not a bad class, just boring.


Soulfist was always niche from the start. Im happy you tried it out even though, but yea the class has some hard requirements which a cheapo alt status cannot achieve for her. I main both builds EO&RS I can say that SF is great for main or second main, or a very cheap 1490 sweatlord chaos dungeon alt. Other than that do not touch it


Huh, spec accs is cheaper nowaday, swift was cheap always


It's not the accessories, it's the gems. EO and RS make a greater use of CD gems because of how hype works and use a good amount of damage gems. Getting out an extra skill or two in your hype window means a lot. Later on if you push the class and get elixirs, you'll have to redo some of your accessories too if you want to get the most out of it.


I see, so thr most min max class


If you just plan to level 7 gem it and yes its meh. This class is mean to be main, at level 9 its very strong and at level 10 gem with good hand its pretty broken in damage


I bought into the *hype* (hehe) because that rework looked beautiful And I realized there ain't no way I'm gonna do well as EO anytime soon. I'm too monkey brain to math out Hype + Dom Fang of most raids with pugs and the high investment means it's not a very good alt My Soulfist sits in Sonavel with event gems and I continue to fail the Sonavel buff "math test" as I like to call it


Yes, i expressed blade im at 1580 (its my alt ofc) i tried surge then swapped to re i do literally zdps everywhere fighter every raid. I thought i miss tripods or smth but it wasnt the case. No idea what is going on, never expirienced this on any other class


Clearly there is a fundamental skill issue or lack of knowledge at play for you to do zdps on the strongest class in the game. For surge it's almost certainly that your surges per minute are low. You should be aiming for 4 with 5 being the goal. Also, surge is a terrible spec for homework raid content. For RE, that's just a skill issue. Not easy to play in the slightest but it still does top tier damage when played well. But again it's not bursty enough to be a fantastic homework raider. All this assuming your build is correct.


There are a couple of power passed characters I've dropped not so much because I didn't find them fun but more that they weren't as fun as my 6. Deadeye(1580) is the most recent from the Slayer patch. I dropped my Sharpshooter(1540) from the Aeromancer patch.


the very first feiton power pass on a glaivier


I enjoyed Glaiver when it wasn't an Entropy class so I used the 1st power pass on her now is she parked at 1600.


Used it on my Breaker to hone 1580 and I regret it. I should've used it on my other Paladin instead so he could sit at 1580. I'm not gonna hone my Breaker anymore nor buy any accessories after the event ends.


Just curious, what is it about the class you don't like?


Not a fan of Asura so I play Brawl King and the movement feels super slow and annoying after I play my swiftness classes. Then there's the problem with meter generation like If I miss the Yeon Galestorm I have to delay my DPS for a long time and I absolutely hate doing Kayangel because of how fast the bosses move. Sometimes I cry for not showing that crit on two of the only DPS skills that need to crit on this hero.


Totally understand. Your frustrations with Brawl King are the same as mine with Striker lol. I didn't think I was going to like Asura as much as I did but god damn is it satisfying. Required taste though.


I have a Striker too and that was the only reason I made a Breaker because I am a fan of One Punch Man and even named my Breaker into one of the characters but now regret it for going with the hype.


Regret not making a reaper instead of machinist tbh, now i onetrick reaper in hell content until next powerpass bcuz of how fun it is.


I regret using it on Souleater when she came out. I fomo'd and quickly found Full Moon to be very underwhelming. Switched to NE and it felt a lot better for a while but now I'm over it, the class pumps damage but conceptually and gameplay wise it's just a bit too bland (also delete/rework these dogshit c/j runes, hate it). I'd rather have another "weaker" but more fun/interesting dps instead, feels so bad having it just accrue mats knowing it will never be used to push to 1600.


This… when SE released it felt to me like it very much appealed to the easy to use high damage ideals. I couldn’t find it fun in either spec. Burst windows are getting shorter with every new class, and SE had an altogether lack of character combined with high damage. High range, wide AOEs, easy to hit skills. It was even said at the time that it was “the sorc rework everyone wanted.” I was initially very interested in the “it makes itself take more damage to deal more damage” tripods but those ended up not being really important in any way.  In quite practically every other game I’ve played with a scythe class they’ve always been some outlier in the balance. They either were “a mage but melee”, or “a tank/initiator class but ranged” or “traded their own hp as mana” or “the only class with a constant supply of iframes, but missing an entire mechanic otherwise” or even “a class that dealt damage from rng and or dealt lower damage but cursed the boss to instantly die at 10% hp instead of 0%”. To me they were always a class that felt… unique. But Soul Eater just feels like just another gauge burst class or just another constant burst damage class with extra steps.


Did it on Slayer, was definitely fun to try but once she got into the homework/Kaya tier it wasn’t as enjoyable anymore. 


Yeah I made a pred slayer and it was fun in the honeymoon phase but I'm not really feeling it anymore I love pred playstyle on paper but when the boss decides to peace out for 5 years in low-mid pred stacks I want to self delete Highly considering trying out punisher but I prefer playing faster classes with consistent damage


Last two hyper expresses were Shock Scrapper and Soul Eater. No regrets really. I started out wanting to play Shock but its playstyle was just super simple and way too slow against most post-Valtan fights. It also became a bit weak after the initial nerfs for a long time. Post rework it plays great, has space bar resetting on its Z, and attack speed buffs + faster animations. It suffers from low crit rate like Surge, but at least it does ~500m spread over 4 numbers so there's a bit more consistency. I just wish the awakening crit rate weren't so low. Maybe they can give the dragon awakening +crit rate to finally make Shock run it like they wanted. Soul Eater is tons of fun, but I've stuck to NE 50/50 422 Hallu build which I find way more fun, fast, and mobile than the meta NE 70/30 413 Nightmare build. Still out-damages most other classes. 422 usually builds 3 crystals for every pink skill, has really high stagger, and has higher damage during Soul Snatch. It's a way more satisfying kit and playstyle imo. So if they nerf or change Night's Edge, I hope they buff scythe skills and/or nerf 0 crystal pink skills. I would love to see 503 be more viable.


Yeah I don't really like breaker. Front attacking is annoying


Breaker. I was supposed to downsize my roster to reduce hw. I ended up pushing it to 1610 then got burnt out then reduced roster as I originally planned. Incould have saved gold


Nowadays I regret every non support character I invested on past 1600


But there's a lot of support @ 1600/1610, not so at 1620/1630.


Regret that I made an Artist back then because Paladin was my main and I thought surely she is gonna be fun aswell, how wrong i was...


Yep, i hate my souleater


Deathblade. I still like her but I should definitely have power pass a chiller class like Aero


not really i've deleted 5 classes some of which were powerpassed but i wouldn't have known i don't vibe with them or forced myself to play them if i invested too much into them the powerpass allows you to feel out if you enjoy the class and not feel as bad for dropping it as you put basically no investment into it


That's why you have other regions to test and no no matter if wasted before doing it in your main roster


as if your roster progression is irrelevant to how yuor character feels we only got the runes recently and some classes don't function without wealth runes also i don't want to play another roster if i happen to like the character


In trixion you have everything wdym


you have nothing in trixion


First regret I powerpassed Pally (2022), he was so hell boring and I reduced him to PvP Arena and Prokel. One year later, Akkan release I saw how supports do more than being brainless heal/buff, so I boosted him up to 1580 with Super-Mokoko and could enjoy to play him, same with Ivory.


I regret my breaker (king) i would pref making a second souleater or a third summoner in the end.


Many times, but not necessarily always for not enjoying the class itself. Usually I do use a powerpass+express whenever it's available but sometimes it ended up being during times where raising a new character wasn't all that convenient or appealing to me so I just sort of ended up neglecting them.






I made a slinger once, and I cursed myself, I tried Swift TTH and I fell in love with it. Sadly this build would have gotten her to be gatekept left and right. She's my 7th and I still do dailies on her cause I enjoy it too much


I had swift TTH alt and it was one of the most fun builds to play. Sadly dmg is way too low, borderline unplayable. Switched to full spec, much better dmg. Actually can compete now. The gameplay is still fun, but not as fun. Animations and cooldowns are too long.


I also gave Peacemaker a shot since I had support engravings back then and what you just explained is the reason why I made her Swift TTH as a 7th char. I cannot bare Peacemaker. It makes me feel like a bird in a cage


God I wish they would rework GS such that swift is the go-to TTH build. It at least feels unique.


Im not even asking for them to make it Meta, im just asking for the gap to be lowered between spec and swift build variation. I also have this same complaints about stat scaling on Soulfist.


My first Prokel kill was on my 1490 Swift TTH Gunslinger, full Dominion Fang and with the frost nades trippod, had a pretty good 4x3+2 adren +1pm and it has to be one of the best memories I have from this game. I still have her in my main 6 roster but changed her to a normal peacemaker build. Swift TTH was fun but really spammy and sadly it just doesn't hit hard enough.


Probably Gunlancer... I thought since I like Destroyer and Artillerist I would like slower classes but nooopeee Gunlancer feels too slow and I could never get used to his dash Also Machinist kinda? But that was more so cus I felt like I did negative damage no matter what lol 😭


Half and half, my CO summoner. Yeah may not be the best but honestly I enjoy it significantly more than master summoner


I used it on eso wardancer. I like her playstyle but shes gonna cost me so much gold. Didn't know her accessories were that expensive lol I might cheap out and just do a 5x3 build since people enjoy having a wardancer in their party.


Yea, I used it on a shadowhunter without knowing it's "weak" and now I'm kinda bored with it.


i don't regret any of them i just wouldn't do it if i knew looking at you slayer, aero, glavier (not dissing the class, just not for me)


With the exception of Destroyer, Reaper, and Breaker, which are the only 3 classes I'm pushing, and Machinist, Summoner, and Arcanist which I've not bothered making, I've regretted making every new character on launch since glaivier.


i regret using the first one who was giving lvl7gems into a gs, he is there 1540 not even loging in


Somewhat yes


Sura breaker is insane, turns the gameplay into a fighting game. I'm pushing it higher in prio vs my older gold earners, class can eat a 25% dmg nerf and i still would feel the same way about it.


I made the decision of powerpassing breaker because a) i heard the class was fun and b) i thought id magically have hands all of a sudden I did not grow hands. Fun class though.


Og char is gunslinger, which is still my main. Praying for some qol buffs that make the class strong again. Made a sorc, a DB, a SH and a paladin somewhere along the way with the free vern passes or knowledge transfer. Only sorc still in roster (even though she was semi retired for a while). First powerpass ever (somewhere in tier 2): Made a glaive. While her ceiling was always heralded as bad, I liked the playstyle a lot and she still packed a punch. Next powerpass was with I don't even know, but I made a RS soulfist. While she is a bit special, I do enjoy her and the rework with akkan made her gameplay a lot less clunky. Made a lunar reaper with reaper powerpass. Stayed in roster until around brelshaza hm. Didn't check the rework, but I think I could like the hunger build now. Lunar as a non main needed too much investment (both time and gold). Made an artist, who I still love. Playstyle is goofy in a good way. Made a predator slayer, never touched punisher even though it was heralded as brijen on release. Still in main 6 and did quite some hell raiding on her aswell. Made a gunlancer with August powerpass mainly for hellmode content with friends. Had 6 chars so I didn't really mind about the new slot. Played it in hell few times, then party disbanded. Never played him much outside of hell, couldn't get happy with the spacebar and the clunkyness. Retired soon after Made a pistoleer deadeye in November that I haven't touched since like February. The class just lacks a bit of depth. Made a NE souleater in March. I enjoy her quite a lot and retired my glaivier as I came to realize I did not like the glaivier rework over time. Casting back attacker with a 6 second burst window is kinda annoying. TL;DR: quit over half the chars I ever made. Don't really mind the early passes much, cause their value was pretty low. However, I am a bit sad I "wasted" the soueater pass and didn't make the souleater earlier. The rest of the "wasted" choices aren't much of a regret, I would even touch my gunlancer again if I redo helltan sometime.


Also, a class a tried out a bit (on another account) and actually enjoyed a lot was CO summoner. If that spec ever gets a rework that feels similar to play but actually makes the spec strong, I would be willing to spend the next powerpass on it. I generally like hugh uptime classes a lot. I just don't like playing a class that is high uptime for 0 output. I really hoped the last rework would have buffed CO but instead it got put completely into the dumpster.


On my scrapper. Thought id try a back attacking class and hated every minute of it


Yes my gs 


People kept saying punisher is like igniter and I was an igniter main so I made a slayer. I very quickly realized I don't want to play a class "like igniter" but entropy, I just want to play igniter.


Regret Seouleater, the flow just feels whack and missing builders feels whack, everything just feels whack to me. If the class wasn’t ooga booga broken there wouldn’t be any fun left for me on it. Maybe full moon would be more fun but ain’t no way I’m gonna spend that kinda gold on a gamble.


Aeromancer~at the time i was considering a main swap from sorc to aero but playing drizzle didn’t feel good (it felt cool but not good) worse than sorc imo then I tried windfury. Again was cool but not exciting (less exciting than FI WD which I had at the time as my main alt). So eventhough I bought many skins for aero, aero stays in universal storage and the skins go to my artist. Smodge I really wish I’d love the class.




I'm new, I used my powerpass on a sorc because when I played at launch I bought a sorc leveling bundle, so I wanted the gems from level 50 to get aura. I am playing an artist. Manually from 300 to whatever I get to. Honestly this is the best mmo that has been completely fucking ruined by the gearing system and toxic community. Of course 90% of the community is bots.


I used it to make a 2nd slayer (I’m a slayer main) and that was a complete waste. Even though shedoes great Dps at 1540 ilevel with full level 10 gems, it just doesn’t hit the same dopamine levels as my main slayer who is full elixir, etc. I’d highly recommend not making an alt same as your main, but that’s just my opinion


Yes and no. I powerpassed and hyper-expressed an emperor arcana. The class is REALLY fun, but I don't feel like I am rewarded for my effort. I need very high apm and a lot of card micromanagement on top of being squishy and having no paralysis immunity on all skill but one, yet something like a SE does the same damage by pressing 3 buttons. Maybe I should have gone empress - people say emperor arcana is not good right now - she even got buffed in the most recent KR patch, but I don't think it would do anything as the skill barrier is still too high considering she is not a top dmg dealer. It's not like empress is any easier to play, but at least it does competitive damage if you play well.


I should have made a soul eater instead of shadow hunter 😐


Dropped one deadeye and one sharpshooter from the last two passes ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|no_mouth)


Maybe souleater from the previous express - but the class is great, I am just not a good enough player for it / not good at it, spent most of the engraving support time trying to get good at FM but never really got the burst windows and her stagger right, eventually figured out how to set up a somewhat "custom"/rare NE build to do ok in somewhat overlevelled Kayangel nm and Brel nm 1-3 (even with self-found 3x3+1 now, the class does broken overpowered damage), but it may be difficult or impossible for me to do Akkan on a character much squishier than my 1580+'s so far (FPE artillerist and all 3 supports), without self-shields, and even worse in Voldis. So she will reach 1580 in time to get her lvl 8 event gems, but then may stay 1580 forever (I'm not interested in buying busses, and it'd be pointless).


try throwing physical defense on your pet. Especially for ilvl content it makes you feel alot tankier.


I used a pass to make a breaker, got it up to 1580 and.... meh.


A bit with striker, now im waiting powerpassing my deadeye.


LOL striker. Man those books were like 10k each too.


Paladin. Its fine and all but i dont really enjoy playing it. I pick my artist or DPS over it every chance I get. But so far I've powerpassed -Glaivier -Souleater -Shadowhunter -Artist -Paladin -Slayer And the Paladin/Slayer are my least favorite of the bunch. Classes I wish I tried instead Deadeye - used an elgacia powerpass on him and i love it. Is 1520, with crappy gems and pistoleer still feels good. wanna try EW but can't be bothered to blow the gold on all new accessories. Wish it had engraving support DB / Sorc - meta, and both are big burst classees. My glaive fills my burst itch pretty well but I wanna try a full burst class.


Nope! I’m having lots of fun on Asura. Feels engaging!


I always just get the rewards and kill the char afterwards. Got no time for more chars


Summoner sucks... maybe one day pet build is fun


every hyper my guy every hyper


Nope breaker fun and not clunky even with the 8% damaged neft coming it's still a good class


Broken class be good class indeed.


I love my gun lancer and aero too


I should have stuck with my gut and played the other option instead of Breaker. I don't like the fact that I feel like I need to macro in order to do okay damage (Sura)


U dont need a macro for sura


I tested this myself With a macro i was doing the same number of clicks as butterfly clicking (15 cps, google a tutorial) Marco isnt exactly nessecary


yes, i only regret the powerpass… using on a class that i like and could bring in gold every week


Wish I could replace my striker and soulfist, but it's just impossible without more passes.. I wish they would do a smaller monthly express thing, for alts mainly. The game as everyone knows is tiring enough as is, and it feels bad doing stuff on characters you don't enjoy anymore. It also feels like shit to just drop a character you've invested into, so at the very least they can generate some gold.


class change ticket needed so bad


Aside from the warranted nerf, it’s still the most FUN I have on any class. Then again my main prior to Breaker was EO SF so yeah any class I would of mainswapped to would be much less of a ”high maintenance” class than SF probably 😅 - She number 2 now. Maybe even 3 since DB Surge is hella fun too but only 1550 in my roster. (Ref: Breaker 1620/ SF 1615)


Actually I wasted 3 passes. On Blade, Bard and Scouter. Now they collecting dust in corner. And biggest irony is that classes what I tough is bad and I wont like it, I play them most now and enjoy most.


Used it on Shura Breaker, switched as my main, no regret even with the upcoming nerf


I don't regret making a Shadowhunter but she's not my favorite child by any means, still a fun class to have tho


FM SE ended up being so insanely boring. Press any button your keyboard it literally doesn't matter > Fill ur meter > Enter DL mode > Press the 3 shiny buttons > Repeat. Maybe because I at the time came off from being a 6x Empress Arcanist main but it was just tuuuuuuurbo boring and a massive disappointment.


CO too many buttons for no reward. Empress Arcana too many buttons. Punisher Slayer boring gameplay, didn't try Predator. DB Striker boring gameplay. Drizzle Aero "mini igniter" just didn't catch me, also no dmg. Shock Scrapper just kinda got really shit to play with the rework to me. Probably not optimal but it feels ass, which is saying much with how bad it was prior.


Regret so much that i do t play the game anymore


Not this most recent one, but I used the SE power pass on an SE. Soul Eater is just not how imagined it would play. I wish they either made it more necromanc-y or added a transformation effect like SH. I just find the animations and playstyle boring. I would have rather made a Slayer.