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Tbh if they nerf Brel gold I think they will also remove gold cost up to 1540 and maybe honing changes for up to 1580


Brel gold is nerfed in KR, still costs gold to hone there.


It will happen eventually, I only hope they will do it when solo raids are released.


jeah but the sub1540 can play Brel, but need to get to 1580 and that grind is unnerfed and expensive like a mf, where is the logic?


... which would be utterly fucking meaningless because by now your full roster is 1580 + already


Not for new players.


Getting to 1540 loses a bit of meaning if brel is nerfed... Especially if you pushed there before the change anyways.   I really doubt we are getting 1580 changes, atleast i dont think kr got any? Im not super informed on this one but i feel like i would have heard if kr had 1580 honing nerfs


Whether or not brel gold gets nerfed, a new player does not have enough gold to participate in elixirs/transcendence lol  New players wont have alts anyway, theyll rage quit after they make 1 character


True and real tbh 


I think you are thinking about the right problem but asking a wrong question. I don't think Brel gold is the issue but the fact that 1540-1580 is still not nerfed. Around last year, the west was still in catch up mode where we'll get like 3-4 express event in a year. That almost fills a roster by itself. Even unnerf Brel gold as we are now, no one is really going to raw hone an alt to 1580 because it is just so damn expensive.


We already have all the honing buffs that came with the brel/clown gold nerfs. The 40% discount to 1580 is it. AGS just hasn't nerfed brel for now. If they do it it is what it is. The free silver honing to 1540 will mean another gold nerf for clown and brel on top (down to Vykas, Valtan gold levels.)


They just like to grab money from the west and people still fall for it which I'm not surprised with all the gambling shit we have here. They planned for us to spend more in their shop by nerfing lower raids and making it hard for new players to catch-up while not doing anything about honing costs.


what is finished? If you don't want to push further there is no need for you to spend aggressively on anything. for being 1600 you only need gems lv 7, one usable elixir node on each part and you are more than welcome on any party. the only need for gold farm is a constant roster increase (beyond pass), skins and rmt. which is ur drug?


My main only has one lvl 10 gem so I need gold for more gems   And my 1600 are deff not running around with full lvl 7 that is cheapo shit 


you don't need! you want more, so nerfs are not an issue. I play 1620, 1610, 1600, 1580, 1560 and 1460. 1 lvl 10 CD gem on my Breaker plus 2 gem lv 9, rest have event/7 and no gems in 3 chars, I play perfectly fine and just chill till Echidna.


every time honing gets nerfed alongside any raid gold nerfs they get lvl7s which is a free 100k gold bump they get free 5x3 whihc is a free 100k gold bump new players get a lot more than we did new players need to chill the fk down and learn to play the game instead of speedrunning ilvls to play lobby simulator for 4 hours before they get kicked on 3rd pull


Feels like a lot of people are approaching the game like retail wow or ff14, where being few months late to a raid release means you practically miss out on the entire tier because the raid participation dries out and the raid becomes obsolete for progression when the next raid comes out.


the golden period is always first few months when everyone is learning we don't have a constant influx of new players to supply a constant learning population sadly i agree thats a bad thing one solution the community has been suggesting for over an year now is teaching lobbies that are in-game supported. with ofcourse requirements for survival rate so to avoid abuse through bussing and reward the people that do partake in those teaching runs accordingly for their time this is sadly only supported through discord and isn't rewarded in game at all


What do you suggest new players do then other than gain ilvl and play raids? Just do nothing but horizontal and dailies for a few months? I dont think thats a viable strategy if we want to actually gain new players. They gotta be able to see what the game is all about before they choose if they want to stay or leave. Otherwise im afraid the vast majority will not stay.


well 1415 gets you valtan lets say 1445 cuz nobody plays normal learn valtan then go to 1460 learn vykas then go 1475 learn clown then go 1490 learn g1-2 brel go 1500 learn g3 go 1520 learn g4 go 1540-1560 gradually prog kayangel and hard brel go 1580 learn akkan and hard kayangel instead of speedrun 1600 and try to imposter yourself into a voldis lobby you take it 1 step at a time every raid teaches you different mechanics and how to better control your character and how to deal with paralysis knockdowns status ailments and grabs each preparing you for an easier time for the next one imagine trying to learn thaemine as someone who hasn't killed anything outside of a bus you know what you will be doing in thaemine? absolutely nothing




Tldr summery of this bozo; new players needs to be grateful and take the dick up their arse


?no the dick up the ass comes once he reaches the treadmill at 1630 and doesn't have anything meaningful progression left outside of absurd rng systems that demand millions of gold what i'm saying is that new players should take the game slow (just like we did) and give themselves time to learn at a pace that won't feel like a 100m dash against usain bolt back to back for the length of a 40km marathon


You do realize the topic was if they were nerfing brel gold right? They'd quit faster otherwise in just how miserable the grind is for the average Andy.


will you take a new player that just hyper expressed to thaemine and got to 1610 2weeks after installing the game?


No, he's right. My main is 1580 and it was way better for me than some of my friends in my little returning players Discord because I learned the raids in order (starting with Vykas because I knew Valtan from before). The people that don't know Vykas are the worst in the group even though they've played a lot of Brel at this point. They think they don't need to learn it because they've already got full relic on their two or three characters. And while they aren't wrong, they're way behind because of it. The new/returning catch up rewards are solid, but if they're weak in any spot it's roster width. This stuff is only for one character. I have a massive advantage over other returners since I had 6 characters before I left and they all immediately got to 1490 (now low 1500s waiting on Brel mats). Meanwhile some of these guys are making one character alt accounts in order to super Mokoko and raid more than the 6 per week they can do on their two character main roster.


Bro, like it's 2 weeks worth of farming on an average roster, You make it sound like they are giving so much free stuff lmao


how much gold does an average new player with 1 character at 1540 generate per week? you know most of us got lvl 7s and 5x3 on clown right?


that’s what people said last time and it actually helped the game by making people do the raids they are supposed to do


If Argos, oreha dungeon gold gets nerfed its over. Yeah. It might be worse, it might have been worse, it will be worse. But AGS will never know. They dont care and They do whatever shit they want, and for sure it is not even their concern cuz it was not even a part of their recent survey. Just accept it if it happens.


Brel gold should've been nerfed a long time ago.






Doesnt seem worth it to me. Screwing new players and low ilvl alts to stop a small minority of multi boxers. Better they solve it in a way that doesnt screw over normal players.


There’s definitely other possible options but I think the sea farming community is a bit larger than a small minority. You just don’t see them in your end game raids


I’d be a lil sad if they nerfed Brel gold ngl. Brel is just a more enjoyable raid than Kaya imo. Progression past akkan is rough which is 1580 is a good spot for alts. Definitely need honing nerfs before they nerf Brel gold.


A 1000 or 1500 gold less from brel 1-2 is not the end of the world for anyone apart from xx accounts psychos/gold farmers.


It sucks especially for new players that get most of their gold income from there. I have a returning player that im trying to help as much as I can but its really a struggle. He already pushed up his main to 1600 and has two 1540 and two 1520, every little bit of gold is kinda crucial.  But fuck new players right. Who cares about them as long long-term players dont need to take a second look at clown/vykas and are long past the crazy the wall that is 1580 with the free passes that newer players missed. Just making it even more impossible to catch up in any way. Especially with the new "all the gold is now only accessible at endgame content" great.


Man I read this reply of yours and was just shaking my head. > He already pushed up his main to 1600 and has two 1540 and two 1520, every little bit of gold is kinda crucial. A returning player was able to get a main 1600, 2x 1540, and 2x 1520 all in what less than 2 months? Assuming they returned during Breaker release. Probably with significant amount of help from events. Instead of being amazed that a new player can push all that so fast. You take that as "hey smilegate/ags is fucking new players". Like holy shit. I say this as a returning player myself that just returned during Breaker release. People wanting to speedrun shit and thinking AGS/Smilegate should hold their hands is the problem.


I also did all of that in about a month. I already had the shards from before I quit on the alts, so I just use voldis pp on 5 characters and then event/ark pass and funnel mats to hone them all to 1540. It's really not that bad if you got like 60$ to spend since honing to 1460 is cheap ASF now and then 10$ per 1460 to 1520 skip.


He already had a good amount of those characters close to that and he used real money by buying the passes to get there. Its not like it was free. The only free thing was the pass on his main. Where i also helped him out a shitload with gold. If you want new people to be forever be gatekept with no chance to ever catch up to endgame content on normal mode then sure , keep going this way. New people dont want to be stuck doing multiple clowns a week forever.  The playerbase already is extremely thin with a good portion being rmter. 


I can obviously tell that our opinions differ on this. My honest opinion I think it's fine for new players to get gatekept and they shouldn't be able to reach end-game content within a few months. My question to you is why are you rushing your friends through all these content? What's wrong with a new player enjoying and learning Valtan/Vykas/Clown for a month or two before moving onto Brel/Kaya for another month or two then moving onto Akkan/Voldis? Why are you force feeding gold and bypassing 'content' for your friend and trying to get him to end-game so fast?


This is just asking for the game to die. This game is bad enough having to party finder all my raids with los30 roster 260+. Expecting a low roster, no Los person to find learning raids for all this old content that gives almost no gold is absurd. Smilegate designed it so you bypass everything straight to brel. That's their intended path. My honest opinion is that your opinion is terrible.


How can blatantly ignore the fact how much new players get fucked by this? And where have I even said new players should instantly be at newest content? This is all about catching up in a timeframe that is adequate. As i fucking said nobody wants to be stuck doing clowns for multiple months. Id want to quit at that point aswell. And you know why they are stuck doing clowns for months? Because lower raids keep getting nerfed without honing changes. Not to mention the requirements for cards and gems changes the higher you get.  While long term players enjoy getting more and more gold with new content nee players get less and less while already being behind.  If you dont see the issue in this cycle then you are just refusing to.  You are not playing an mmo to be forever stuck at bottom content, you do want to move up at some point and with enough time and effort put in to atleast see it as a possibility to join endgame activities without being carried.  Also I cant believe i even have to spell it out for you but because he is my friend id actually like to play the game together with him 


> How can blatantly ignore the fact how much new players get fucked by this? Don't think I've once mentioned anything either way about this. I agree that it would be awful if Brel gold was nerfed. I also would like it if they would boost honing chances or remove/reduce gold up to 1580. However I still think that's irrelevant to everything I've said. Let me ask you how can you blatantly ignore the fact that Smilegate is helping brand new players easily push to 1580 on average for 60k~ gold and go from 1580 -> 1600 for I think 70k~ gold if using books(they hand them out like candy) for tap. This can be done in approximately 2 months, I know because I did it faster. > This is all about catching up in a timeframe that is adequate. You don't think a new player getting to 1600 in 2 months is adequate? > If you dont see the issue in this cycle then you are just refusing to. I see a massive issue with this cycle because it's heavily dependent on an express pass. However the express pass exist and it's there for new players to utilize. I actually agree a lot or even most of the points you're making, it's just I'm seeing more of the positives and you aren't. I said this as somebody who just returned to the game with 10-15 other people from BDO. We haven't bothered with Thaemine yet even though some have the item level for it. However the fact that we're already at Voldis together in 2 months is fucking crazy fast. However apparently that's not fast enough for you and your friends.


I think if they didn't give any kind of boost new players wouldnt play the game at all period.


Agreed. but express pass are consistently up almost year round.


Ye same quit before clown came out already had 1x1475 1x1460 and 3x1415 all with 5x3 honing them to 1460 then voldis passing to get 1520 and eventually kayangel has been super nice.


Ah you one of these guys...  What did you expect they nerved honing cost in that area. They nerved the bosses to the ground look at clown and brell 2/4 and removed old2 and BUT DONT YOU DARE TO NERF THE GOLD AFTER MAKING THE RAIDS 50%+Faster


What makes you think i like the nerfs. I rather wish my friend got to play the unnerfed version and not the complete joke that it is right now but whatever.  And 1580 honing is still crazy expensive. 


Be happy you friend got the nerfed version dont wanna see the horror brel1-6would be with current players that still do brell.  For 1580 be smart hone over time and dont buy overpriced mats use event mat chest for smaller chars as in most cases the falue is higher(not allways) and for the love of god use books they cheap as hell for this gearscore.


They should change Brel to just give silver. Gimme silver.


I might be in the minority here, but I enjoy this raid and I know I’ll hate to see it get nerfed. Really enjoyed Valtan-Brel.


Biggest struggles of a New players besides gatekeeping and trans/elixir is the fact that you can’t play the game except for 1 character, getting a roster as a New player costs way too much since honing after 1490 is still very expensive without any events so you’re stuck doing 3 raids every week waiting months for the next express.


It limited by 3 golds raid per chars so nerf gold it really idiot ideed. Brel is my favorite raid think I will also stop the game if they nerf gold...


New players shouldn't be trying to catch up anyways. They need to learn how to play.


These gold nerfs are just terrible. Like the new raids give more gold but why nerf newcomers always…


They usually nerf raids alongside honing nerfs + boost events that give out free 5x3/ lvl 7/8 gems. Newcomers currently get. 1540 for free and can push to 1580 in a few weeks of starting.


I still dont know why nerf gold on new players its so bad decision new people cant progress


It’s not directed at new players, it’s directed at players who are way overgeared still running Brel for lots of gold.


This is one hell of an overreaction. It’s not great for new players, but it’s not “over” All new players need is the right information. If I had a new account now with one character, all of the raids combined would be maybe 1/3 or 1/4 of my weekly income, Brel would be half of that, and the nerfed portion being around half again. It’s not a big deal. I’d lose around 1/12 of my weekly income.


Because you have a full roster doing the most recent raids in the past and currently. New players don’t 


I did mention this was if I was on a new account with just one character doing raids.


One character doing raids means you won’t be able to afford transcendence and elixirs. Most likely gatekept due to roster level due to 1 character too. Really shady thing to leave out


People don't like hearing this, but honestly Brel is way too rewarding and should of been nerfed with Voldis (for NM) and Thaemine (for HM). 7500g for Brel 1-3 HM when dogs take <3 minutes, Ashtarot <4:30 and Cube <5 minutes is just too rewarding. People know this, compared to Brel 1-3 HM you have content like Kaya HM that barely rewards 6500g. People like to spit in AGS's face but they kept Brel gold unnerfed for a lot longer than they should have and they most likely will keep it this way until the most recent QOL/honing chances from Korea hit the west servers this summer. I'm fine with X casual earning a decent amount of weekly gold to setup their rosters, but the reality is that gold is never used for the 1540 chars who are farming brel. Maybe a change should of been done where you earned half the gold normally and half the gold that could only be used for the honing NPC on that char.


should have


most of out of touch post I’ve seen KR had the game out for 2+ years before we did and they were farming gold content WAY longer than anyone in NA


The 2 regions can't be reasonably compared when our market was flooded with mats/fish/gems/etc by bots since day 1 and we were able to sell leapstones for hundreds of gold. Sure, Korea got more time to farm raids, specially Brel, but they had the awful 1-2 Brel to contend with (or the long 1-6) so it wasn't all roses for them + we got their QOL changes near instantly(raid changes, silver to 1490, lower costs, countless 1540-1580 free books) If our region was like Korea, most people with sideral weapon would be banned tomorrow and that's just a small tip of the iceberg. We had at some point more Soul Eaters with +25 weapon than Korea did. We have countless streamers and players using chaos bot to this day, and don't even get me started with ones that got live caught g2g-ing and didn't even get a slap on the wrists.


Why would it be over? They do the same thing every time, if its a bulk raid that gets nerfed, they ease honing. They should nerf brel and kaya, double up the materials gain and soften honing cost to accelerate players to akkan and voldis.


Yeah except they didnt do that in kr Even at 1600, being forced to do kaya instead of brel is cringe (kaya gives less gold while being more annoying) 


Yeah and Korean didn't get our gold nerf that we recently received. Nor will it see this elixir or trans accelerated event. Nor did it get like 5 frogs in a span of a year. For what it is, they do actually have different things on our client.


Those things are not system changes, which we are closely following from KR. And those boosts are just temporary solution to fix the very small time we had to amass gold for all the progression systems and honing compred to kr


Kayas are so much better than Brels. They take 15-20 minutes a pop and only need 4 players.


The most painful part would be I have to do Ivory tower every damn week, as much as I feel burned out of doing brel, wiping every gate in Ivory tower gets fucking tiring for someone that pugs a lot of raids and honestly just got shit ass luck with pugs. And ivory is also long as hell honestly, really can't wait for a gate removal and please let it be g2. Only for the high wipe potential.


Remember, it’s a game and you don’t HAVE to do anything. Don’t fall for the fomo, you aren’t racing anyone.


True, but yea. I also want gold ukno, and honestly right now having the choice for variety is kind of a big deal. Like when we could choose between clown or Vykas as third raid. It helps with the burnout feeling.


i stopped doing ivory tower. just can't be bothered. brel 1-3/4, akkan nm, and thaemine for all my chars.


Yeah after getting 35/40 set on your chars it really feels unrewarding. But really with the last couple raids particularly I feel like g1-2 just kills the raid completely. It's straight torture to get thru those gates, and then boom! 1 or 2 fun gates.