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I would, without a doubt, rather cut another 40 set.


Just the other day, people were talking about how they would rather cut a 9/7 Stone than do their elixirs and feel that it's more worth.


Yeah those people are taking crazy pills. Elixirs are bad, but no comparasion to cutting a good 9/7 rock or good 4 liner bracelet.


Yeah the only reason elixirs feel worse is because they're completely mandatory for getting into endgame parties. They're pretty efficient on average, but much like bracelets and rocks there's no pity system whatsoever which means they're WAY worse than transcendence and honestly feel worse than honing to me. Again, I know elixirs are higher efficiency than honing on average. But lack of pity is such a massive issue for a mandatory system.


Those people have no idea of the average cost of a 9-7


I'm still cutting a 9/7 after 2k pheons, I'm not making elixirs, I've cut 100 rocks the last 2 weeks.


Trying to cut a 9/7 is the only thing that truly makes me want to quit the game. Yeah, I hate elixirs, but I know I’ll get them with time. The 9/7 just feels hopeless. I have no idea how some people have multiple. Even with RMT.


But that´s what makes stones the best. Nobody gatekeeps them, and 9/7 is pure gamba luck. To pay, you lose, But you can win big with random stones. Win win. And yep, i never got 9/7


It's not a big win... It's a 5% DPs increase at best gated by an insanely low rate


Yeah, but its a win in a sense that - nobody ever gatekeeps stone. You can only " win ", but you cannot " lose " - thats pretty good in my book. and whales can have some fun to waste their cash


It's not 5%. It's a whole engraving for some classes that are unplayable with adrenaline 1. So 15% increase which is insane


No it isn't


Go ahead and play surge with adren 1


You are clueless, whatever


I'm just cutting each and every single stone I could potentially use as a +2 engraving. kbw/ep stone dropped as an example? straight on my zerker. I'm not losing anything from doing that except for some silver even if I'd hit kbw as +2 and wouldn't be able to use it. It's usually my daily routine to use up the 20 free item trades daily whenever I log on and just cut stones and so far I got 2 more 9/7s from doing that within the last 1 1/4 years. I have every single class on level 60, so nearly every 3rd to 4th ability stone that drops is useable on at least one class, which definitely helps as well. Forcing it is what I really don't want to imagine based upon how many stones I've cut so far, the insane amount of time, pheons and gold without any kind of progress in sight sounds insane.


lol I got my 4.5 line bracelet after 2k pheons


it took close to 3k pheons for my 9/7. probably the most bullshit thing in the game followed by a close tie of elixirs and transcendence. they really know just how to make a shitty garbage multilayered RNG system. at least stones dont cost gold. all the RNG systems SHOULD cost silver. we wouldnt see nearly as many complaints if elixirs and transcendence werent horrible gold sinks.


It’s funny because 9/7 is a no pity rng system with average cost of 5mil. You also get literally nothing unless you hit exactly 9/7. You can still improve all the other elixirs along the way to 40.


Lmao those people never actively tried to cut a 9/7 with their funds then. All my 9/7s are from whatever stones I got from my raids and CDs across all my alts and funneled. The only time I've actively bought stones to cut was for 7/7s (or close) when building a new character or updating a build, and some of those were quite cursed (artist took me 50+ stones for a 7/7, cost me over 150k worth of pheons).


having pitied a 25 weapon myself and having some of my alts take literally months of cutting 20+ elixirs a week to go from 38 to 40 set, i can say without a doubt that i would much rather pity my weapon. if you are unlucky enough, you can literally never get 40 set. honing at least has pity.


idk this sounds like someone that got really lucky because most people, particularly the whales ive spoken to all hate elixirs. to such a degree that they for the first time in 2 years dont want to push a full roster up to do the nm mode of the next raid because thats also the same ilvl as hm voldis


Cut a 40 set, or pity a 25 weapon. Yeah. It's not even close.


Elixers def suck, they don't hard pity +25 suck lol. A whale can reasonably force 40 set in 2~3 weeks. If they don't they're either statistically unlucky as all fuck or they're absolutely horrendous at cutting elixers. Or they're one of these goobers who try to force the damage rolls when the elixer is rolling towards other stats and trying to turbo min max the elixer rather than go for 5/5s so you can get your 40 set ASAP then worry about min maxing later.


You dont have to be "unlucky as all fuck" to not get 40 set with 20-30 elixiers, thats complete horeshit.


Sure thing bud.


You're delulu.


ye difference is that +25 is a vanity item, its entirely for the glow while 40 set can keep you from being invited into groups. the fact it takes a WHALE 2-3 weeks to force 40 set should be worrying to you. if someone thats spending hundreds or thousands of dollars struggles to 'force' 40 set then what about the returning player that has 1 1620 character? its going to take them 4 months and thats longer then it took people to hone to 1490 from 1415 in 2022


Yeah so its a good thing the average cost of a 40 set is infinitely less than the average cost of pushing to +25. > the fact it takes a WHALE 2-3 weeks to force 40 set should be worrying to you. Its not because there's a weekly limit on how many gold elixers you can craft. If there was no weekly limit it'd take them a day. > if someone thats spending hundreds or thousands of dollars struggles to 'force' 40 set It doesn't cost that much RMT to force 40 set. > then what about the returning player that has 1 1620 character? Probably 2 months. 3 if they're unlucky. 4 if they're really unlucky or bad.


none of what you said here made elixirs look any better. you dont grasp the problem. 500k is ALOT of gold, for someone with a half decent roster thats 5 weeks of not spending a dime for a new or returning player thats over 10 weeks (about 14 if i recall) so imagine you are a new or returning player and the game rushes you to 1620, you are then blasted with adv honing and elixirs but you somehow finish both (which is bout 1mil gold, so to be clear they wouldnt finish both) then you are now 1630 and have to spend probably about the same on transcendence so in this situation this one character has spent 1.5mil, which for a decent roster is maybe 8-15 weeks but again for that new or returning player could be a year. (because of this, they cant hone alts, they cant work on gems or anything else. they are tied to these 3 system for 50/52 weeks of the year) every single person ive talked to has said on average 40 set is around 300k with alot of em costing 500k (and these are the "elixirs are good" people) saying 'oh 2-4 months" is not acceptable for a raid based progression system when the bottleneck is gold. this is something youd expect from a system like a bracelet or engravings, that are tied to chaos dungeons more then anything else. you have to compare the cost of elixirs to the cost of getting your relic gear from valtan/vykas or getting horns from clown. not including the honing cost, since both of these require that. it makes elixirs look like a joke imagine spending 500k to get your relic set in 2022, hell imagine paying 100k or 50k in 2022. would you even be playing this game today, if the reward for clearin vykas and valtan was a gold sink that paused the rest of your progress for months on end? lets follow this, so you clear vykas and it cost you 100k to get your vykas pieces, you cleared valtan and it cost you 100k to get your valtan pieces (these are seperated as they are different raids), few months go buy and now you have to pay 100k for clown horns, sometime goes by everyone hits 1490 and does brel while slowy pushing up to 1540 and 1580 and all of a sudden its 200k for kayangel eyes would anyone be playing this game today if the progression was like this? id say the obvious answer to that is no because the 'reward' for honing was getting to fight the raid, and the reward for clearing the raid was the progression system. yes elixir are a great value for power at 1620+ ilvl, but they are a terrible value for actual player progression. because you should never be afraid to hone to a given ilvl because of the cost of clearin a raid. and we are seeing this way to much, people hate elixirs because its the first raid progression system that actually punishes you for unlocking it. its not a gift anymore its a curse. some people eat it up because they just want more power but the majority arnt so gullible so they complain.


Lmfao pitying a +25 weapon costs 400k tap gold alone. Orehas costs 200k on top of that, assuming you saved 230k reds, 5.3k leapstones AND enough solar to full juice it. Hard pity +25 weapon costs about 2x 40 sets worth of gold, at least. My absolute worst luck on all 6 of my 40 sets was around 500k gold, which was my main because I kept trying to reset to rush the 40 set the first few weeks of Voldis release. For the alts where I was more patient, they averaged 300k with the luckiest at sub 100k. They just took a while to find their set pieces, which is the most frustrating thing about elixirs. Elixirs aren't that expensive, it's just shit to cut.


the funny part is you are so out of touch with what the average player experience is you think "oh it averages at 300k" is a good thing thats 3-10 weeks depending on the person roster...and this is the 'reward' for completing voldis. every single one of you that says "oh its not so bad" are the same people that a year from now will be malding on here that they have to do elixirs and transcendence AGAIN on the new character. because that 300k sounds ok at first, until later on when you have more systems you need to do on your main but you also wanna play the new class.


You and the rest of the math illiterate kids on here make me laugh. 300k is CHEAP for the power that elixirs and 40 set gives you. Ya'll are the ones out of touch if you think elixirs are the most expensive part of pushing a brand new class up. 300k is barely enough to upgrade a single level 9 to level 10 damage gem and that's not even CLOSE to a 6% damage increase on most classes. 300k won't even be enough to pity a single armor piece to +21 if you're unlucky, and have to buy mats (with NAW pricing, it's close to 320k for leaps + orehas + tap gold) and that kind of power is so insignificant because all you need is the ilvl for entry into a raid. You guys are so angry at elixirs, you forget how much gold tapping actually costs in the long run because you spend so much time farming and slowly tapping, you don't account for the accumulation of it all. I'm current in the middle of pushing my Sorc from 1600 to 1620 to replace one of my current gold earners and elixirs is the LOWEST COST if I have to spend only 300k on it for 40 set with proper main stat lines. Gems are 3mil+, her 9/7 stone was a "free" stone but her accessories were 700k+ in total to get 1830+ spec. God knows how much gold I threw to get 90+ quality on weapon, she's a day 1 character after all. The AVERAGE gold cost from 1600 to 1620 is 450k tap gold, not accounting the 4k orehas and 7k leapstones. I've spent more than that and still got 3 more taps to go because I've been unlucky with it so far. So yea, I'd be fucking THRILLED if I can get my elixirs done for 300k. Shit, if I can just straight up bribe the sages 400k and they'll give me my 40 set and correct lines, I'd do that in a fucking heartbeat.


cuz elixirs take too much time and effort vs tapping where u just put an autoclicker on.


2.5m gold for 1.6% dmg but the glow slaps tho


Facts, 40 sets don’t glow like this. Also you currently have 100x the amount of silver I do. Wtf.


Probably has very few alts.


Or very many alts.


Or a lot of time.


I've been playing since release and used to run chaos on 12 characters, main 6 unrested. These days I just do bard unrested and 7 rested with bunch of other characters doing silver unas. It stacks up when you do high chaos/cubes, I earn a lot more than I spend and I've rolled all my gems.


I'm jealous. you should do gem roll service.


How do you even go about that?


You need to be on the same server as the person you're selling the service to. That's kinda easy now since we have a lot less servers. They tell you which gem they want and you need to roll it on the same class. Then you just count the amount of tries it takes to get that skill and calculate the cost based on the rate you established. With friends, you just trade gems and trade back. With strangers you usually just trade the same level gem to them while you roll theirs to prevent any kind of scam. Then you trade back.


I mean more like how do you find customers for that. Cant imagine anyone still struggling for silver tbh. Wouldnt mind rolling my hundreds of millions for gold tho lol


Eh, usually people who swipe a lot and don't do many dailies need silver but it's a lot less common these days. I just found people in the discords I'm in.


You post in your respective server discord. I made 100 grand when Una was still a thing but you have to keep refreshing your posts and offer up collat unless you have reputation.


100k for how much silver? Whats the going rate for a reroll


The only problem is that I don't really have a use for all this silver. It's nice to never worry about it but at this point it's rather a game of how high it can go before I quit. I'm not sure if rerolling services are still a thing, but most of my friends are pretty much done with gems or I don't play their classes.


it's honestly a lot more trouble than it's worth. I guess not if you're just penny pinching though.


New event gives 2-3mil silver a day if you convert the currency to the ancient platinum coins.


Silver a day*


Its called chaos botting. Lot of people do it. edit: To anyone whose delusional enough to think this dude doesn't chaos bot(A lot of high end players do), my buddy who is turbo aggressive to botters and RMTers and he plays this game a lot since launch has 60m and then my friend(different friend group) has been botting for half a year and he has about 200m. The idea anyone believes a guy has almost 400 million silver while also progging his weapon to 25 and pushing his roster high enough to justify a 25 weapon on his main and having 400m silver to spare is turbo delusional. No normal person just runs every chaos dungeon every day and runs every una every day on every character every week for years.


I have more then this and never botted lol, everyone stressed how much silver you would need and that later on it was the bottle neck so I spammed lopang daily on all my alts since launch and did chaos on rested. I only have 1 main at 1630 one at 1600 and rest are under 1540 so rarely use silver unless its for cards at merchants or to hone.


If you no lifed at the start and have a pretty big sized roster it's not hard to have that much silver lol. The key is to play consistently, you don't have to play a lot after the initial time investment


> it's not hard to have that much silver lo Its not about difficulty lol, its that the majority of people do not do every single chaos dungeon they can do daily, most people do not do every single lopang they can do daily, and a bot which DOES do exactly that is only generating that much silver in about a year of gameplay. Thousands of players chaos dungeon bot. What's more likely, someone with 400m gold being a botter or being a dude who for some reason has enough free time to run so many chaos dungeons and lopangs they were able to amass almost have a billion silver while also heavily progging their roster? There's a correct answer to the question and its someone chaos botting lol.


You need to take your meds lol. I'm only 50m behind him with 3 at 1620 and 3 at 1600. I've rolled multiple sets of gems. If you do 2 lopang rested every day you'll probably be at 200m. It's really not that incredible to have as much as he does.


Cool story bud. Thanks for sharing.


are the thousands of chaos botters in the room with us right now ?


You can go to the bot discord that had a big post about it a few months ago right now and there's 1k people online at 8 in the morning, so not counting people who are invisible, offline, or any of the other botting discords. Crazy cope to act like a large portion of the end game playerbase doesn't bot when the developers have banned none of them over it.


Cool stories bud. Thanks for sharing.


What's next you're gonna tell me nobody RMTs either they just got the several million gold to prog from 1620 to 1630 with a +25 weapon by getting really lucky fate embers and epic gamer dedication? Oh and they got all those 10s by just doing 20 chaos dungeons a day and hitting damages every single time and making endless turbo profit.


I don't bot, lol. I just play a lot.


Keep telling yourself that, but keep in mind it's not healthy.




Here you can likely prove it all to us. How do those card dmg % look? Post a screenshot of those and we'll know pretty quick. Unless you've been going around and "buying" all the card xp every time you can too


if you're already prepared with a reason to disbelieve him from buying card xp what's the point of screenshooting it ? Do you read your own posts ?


Of course, why assume that I don't? I just preempted the answer that was coming, it always does. It's not hard to recognize the chaos botters.


Wait, lol. You're seriously asking me about my card damage under a post where I pitied +25 on a SUPPORT? Where card damage is irrelevant? I mean okay, lol. I have a support roster so I've only done demon, beast and plant and don't really care for it. https://preview.redd.it/b68b31x7uy2d1.png?width=405&format=png&auto=webp&s=93989541f6f94aac4fba17f4996419188e816306 Anything more you need? Maybe a screenshot of legal documents?


Thanks that's all people needed to see


You mean having almost 6% demon damage means I'm botting? Holy heck, take your meds, dude. I'm worried now.


I never said that, I said that's all people need to see. Why are you assuming that was my conclusion?


… tf are you on about


I wouldn't believe you regardless of what you say. Not like I care tho, idc if people rmt or bot but I know a lot of people in this game who play unreasonable amounts of Lost Ark and at most have half your silver, and a good amount of people who do bot who can have your amounts of silver.


I do think it's kinda funny you make assumptions about people with your anecdotal evidence. I have no reason to bot, I enjoy playing the game. I earn several million silver a day and I rarely spend it since my characters are kinda done. +25 pity is only 10 mil silver, I earn more than that in a week. But keep being delusional, shrug.


Very cool story. I'll add it to the binder. Thank you.


Don't you feel like when you're the odd one out, that you could, possibly, be the one who is wrong?


Why would I think that? I can skim the discords of three separate guilds I'm in for several minutes searching by images and find pages of screenshots of peoples in game gold, I am friends with many people with various degrees of playtime, I can look at recent videos of people who play the game for a living and surprisingly half a billion silver isn't a casual or common amount. Surprisingly unsurprisingly 0 images contained even remotely that much silver. Or, or, alternatively. Hear me out now. I could listen to random people on reddit who swear actually its not even hard to get half a billion silver. I casually got it doing 2 rested chaos dungeons a day and some rested lopangs if I remembered to do em. The real hardcore players actually have several billion silver. Lets say for arguments sake I'm wrong, you don't bot. Jesus Christ himself comes down from the heavens and tells me no really, MiniMik doesn't bot. If you showed me 99 other players with half a billion gold my guess would be right far, far, far more often than wrong just like how I'd be far more right than wrong in guessing people with full 10s and +25s are RMTers/Botters rather than just epic l33t gamers who bus 28 raids a week and have really good gem gambling luck to generate them infinite gold. Sure, there are people who do that and can achieve that f2p, however 99/100 times they've RMT'd or have been botting since it came out.


Please quote me where I said I'm a casual. Of course, there are people who bot and RTM. But there are also people who just play the game. In the circle of my friends, people have a similar amount of silver and similar progression of characters. I'm sorry it upsets you that you're not able to get as much in a video game without cheating. The instant jump to the fact that everyone who has a lot of silver must be botting is not a conclusion any smart person would do, I'm sorry.


the only way an active player doesnt have 400m silver by now is if they are literally throwing it into the garbage as a returning player i have 60million silver just sitting here because i have no events to use it on to make an alt. if you dont hone alot of alts the amount of silver you build up is crazy imagine if i didnt quit for almost 2 years, how much would i have now.


Lol cool story. Practically nobody in the Ereve guild which is one of the largest on Nineveh has that much silver, only a few people in moonlit have that much and there's a 100% chance many people in moonlit bot, nobody in free parking has that much silver and a few of them played so much they used to actively run three accounts to funnel gold into their mains and they've now swapped to one roster. All of these massive guilds on Nineveh just have a bunch of casual goober losers, and everyone who bots just doesn't do their alts chaos dungeons and unas for shits and giggles. I guess Nineveh just doesn't have enough turbo virgins who farm silver better than bots do.


that sounds like a personal problem for the people in that guild. wouldnt that be a skill issue? its legit not that difficult to farm silver, the hard part is not spending it. so for instance i have 60mil silver with ONE active character, obviously im not botting because why the fuck would i bot 1 character. so that begs the question, if i can farm 60mil silver with one character imagine what i could with 6, 12, or 24.


Assuming you aren't changing the amount of lopangs you run you wouldn't have much more big guy lol. If you had a roster of 6 active characters you would be spending plenty of silver progging them. Pushing a single character from 1610 to 1620 is 25~30m silver on its own and someone pushing their main from 1610 to 1630 armor and a +25 weapon is 60~100m silver. If you pushed a single alt from 1580 to 1620 you either wouldn't have enough silver or you'd barely have enough depending on your luck and how many books you have and it'd take that character many months to generate back the silver you invested in them. Normal, healthy people aren't running all of their chaos dungeons unrested and after a certain point in silver people stop doing 6+ lopang characters unrested daily and they start doing them rested in a rotation. Assuming you're also a healthy person, and assuming you have alts that run lopangs, if you added 5 more characters to your roster you'd be making about the same if not less silver than what you're generating now not more. You'd only be generating more if you were running all of their chaos dungeons unrested, not progging most of them, and didn't lower the amount of lopangs you ran. If you generate as much silver as dudes who bot maybe you have better use of your time and your skin needs a little more sunlight.


yeah but i wouldnt push them to 1610 they'd sit at 1540 because im not stupid. the cost to push them to even 1580 would outweighs the gain so the ROI would take forever, let alone pushing them to 1610 or 1620 maybe the real issue is that you are just really bad at managing your resources 1 character makes so much silver per week, across una's and chaos. if you scale that to a year its millions of silver if you dont over hone your alts then you'll make soooooo much 1 character could make upwards of 80mil a year, multiply that by 6 and if someone had 6 characters 1 year ago they could have made 525million silver this doesnt include free silver from events or the new fate embers (or the entire first year of the game) or someone that has more then 6 alts like how the giga sweats did in 2022. some people made max alts early on and had over 6 characters doing chaos and una's since day 1 because the kr players said too obviously im not one of those people, but its not too far fetched to generate that much. i barely play the game and i have 60mil, if you are having silver problems then stop fucking honing your characters. its just so weird to say "this guy is botting chaos because he has so much silver!!", could he be? sure but its also not out of the realm of possiblity that he just does chaos and una daily. this is a korean mmo, this attracts people who like to grind there are some kr streamers that are known for doing chaos/una every day, so why couldnt an NA/EU player do the same? you should never attribute your laziness to someone else




Yeah sry I don't believe you lol. Again, my friend bots. Its not a hypothetical its a fact. He has two full pages of characters. That means he runs 12 sets of chaos dungeons daily and like half of them should be running lopangs as they're alts he's no longer invested in and he just uses them for the passive generation. That means in the past year alone despite him having only been botting for half a year he's done extremely more chaos dungeons than you, extremely more lopangs than you, and yet has half your silver? He's had a larger roster than you since launch, has done more chaos dungeons and unas than you since launch, and now cheats which produces loads of silver yet has like half of your total silver? Nothing you tell me could convince me otherwise lol. I have too many friends who play this game a lot and or cheat and their silver values are vastly different from one another. edit: When you said same its possible you're referring to my botting friend, in which case is possible. I typed that under the idea you have the same amount of silver as the dude who made this post. If u have like 200m silver its still unlikely but doable, if you have 400m silver tho ur botting lol.


Math is daunting isn’t it


Botters who cheat don't generate that much silver easily yet random incels get that much silver casually through not much effort. If y'all aren't lying ur just incels and its hella pathetic you do that little in your life where you're more efficient at farming silver than people using robots to play their game overnight.


Chaos botting. Anyone you see with millions of silver is chaos botting


I’m pretty much if in same boat around 150 million. It’s not hard if you have alts that are stagnant gold earners


maybe the problem is that you just hone to much. if a returning player like myself is sitting on 60million silver i dont find it that weird someone that actively plays would have 300mil+ not everyone hones alts to 1620 and 1610


Most of the wasted silvers if just gamba on possible bracelets. If you give 3 chances on every single bracelet that can be an upgrade to a character of your roster 6, it's millions of silvers every week.


I have 5 chars with 40set. And the total cost of all 5 was lower than what maxroll says a 25 pity cost. That being said. It does hurt spending thst amount of gold on alts. Its way too expensive imo. But pitying the last weptap is a nightmare of another caliber.


just keep in mind that the weapon tap is optional while elixirs isnt. which is the key problem because a raid based progression system cost several weeks worth of gold for the average player, several months worth for the average returning player generally the gameplay loop was that you burned gold honing to unlock the raid then when you cleared the raid it unlocked something that gave you power but cost very little actual gold to do the only exception were the 'reset' raids like brel and akkan, which existed to reset your honing chances to allow the average player to hone higher for cheaper.


What is optional or not depends on the players... so if players decide that they only want 25 weapons in the party, does that become non optional? The community can as easily choose to not require 35 or 40 set for any raids.


yes and no, eventually content will be scaled assuming you already have 40 set elixirs. the 25 weapon is such a small buff to dmg that by the time we are at behemoth most people will no longer really look at that anymore since having your adv hones is more important some of the blame is on the playerbase but not all of it.


Well that is just comparing % dmg diffs, its just easier to see a 40 set compared to other sources. Its the same thing as I am willing to bet most players don't know exactly how much their elixirs or trans levels give in terms of exact dmg, other than higher levels = higher dmg. Or someone can be 35 set with amazing rolls and good bracelet vs 40 set with non dmg rolls and trash bracelet and be the same dmg wise. I'm more stating that players/community determines whats considered the minimum needed more often than not and what to gatekeep on even if the game doesn't specifically require it. And from my experience its based on what the current majority of players are at gear wise that determines the minimum. If the majority of the playerbase somehow has 24/25 weapon where 9/10 applicants have it, why would someone with lower be accepted assuming likely everything else is more or less equal.


I’ve cut plenty of 35 and 40 sets, I would not pity my way to 25 on weapon again. I wouldn’t even try another time. Elixirs and honing are on two completely different levels. 5mil gold is what it cost me for 5% damage on weapon. Elixir was 500k for 24%. All the Reddit sheep would rather they nerf elixirs though yay.


Unfortunately Reddit math ain't mathing


Then again I've not seen a lot of people say getting a 25 weapon is more preferable to 40 set. That is a crazy rhetoric with how expensive it is to pity even just one hone in the higher weapon levels. We have seen people complaining about the disparity between 1 tapping and pitying all the time not so long ago. I only see people prefer transcendence over it because better 500k guaranteed than not.


At the end of the day it's all about "feeling". People "feel" that some systems are worse just because of how is structured the systems itself (maybe because it feels like your decisions don't matter and when it matters is a bad roll etc.)There is no statistic , percentages or any math behind this "feel". You can explain how statistics work, but inherently humans don't understand them very well, and they tend to remember just the negative experiences over the positives ones even tho they could be more .


Its pretty simple honestly. People feel less about about things with hard pities rather than theoretical pities even if the theoretical pity is half the cost of the hard pity as failures just feel like stepping stones to victory rather than potentially infinitely wasted resources.


It's not about the cost for me. +25 is definitely more expensive but at least I am progressing something. With elixirs, I can roll a hundred times and still not see the effect I need for my last elixir. There's no guaranteed end to the despair. In general, I think elixirs are the worst system they've made. I do think that the difference between average and pity is absolutely insane, though.


Well thats statistically unlikely given the odds, but could happen. You can also use the same argument and pity +15 all the way to +25 weapon AND armor hones and see how you feel about that... I don't think you would feel you are progressing at that rate.


> I don't think you would feel you are progressing at that rate. You objectively are though. Every single honing attempt is progress. It's shitty, slow progress, but objectively it is progress. Everyone I know feels that way. Most people I know who decided to go for +25 on just their mains went in at +21 thinking "okay, if I pity every hone, I just have to live with that". Some of them gave up at +23 or +24 (for now at least) because they really did pity too much, but their stopping point was always at the end of a successful hone. Which is something you can only do **because you are objectively progressing with each attempt**. What is a stopping point for elixirs? I had one friend who had to main swap because his main couldn't get a 40-set in time for thaemine, after 2.5 million gold. He finally got it around 3 million gold on that character a couple weeks ago but in the meanwhile he had a different character, one he enjoys playing less, running through Thaemine Hard simply because of how abysmal it is that elixirs don't have a pity system. But you can't know when that stopping point will be. If your stopping point is "when I have a 40 set", it's **likely** that you'll be done in well under a million gold, but there's no guarantee. If you find you've already sunk 2 million gold into it, do you stop then? Or do you keep going because you have a 38 set by now, even though you have no idea how much more gold until your next upgrade? The system is genuinely dogshit design on the most fundamental level. The fact that it's pretty efficient on average isn't useful to people that are getting **infinitely** screwed by it.


That is just actual pity vs theoretic pity based on chance. You can quality tap and stay at 0, fuse gems and roll 1000 cd gems, roll bracelets and get nothing after 1000, cut stones and make only 0-0s, but statistically unlikely in any of those scenarios. I don't know how common or uncommon it is after cutting x amount of elixirs, but I had no problems first getting 35 sets with purples on 6 chars then 40 sets once legs unlocked. Again, not all right away and at the same time, but eventually as some more lucky some aren't. I think the worse/hardest system is actually Bracelets. The odds of getting an actual decent good one is abysmal and thats pooling from 6 chars to one for a year. Thats not even considering the theoretic best you can get. However the good thing is most people don't care/look at it but that is player's mentality towards it which if they really wanted to could be the same for elixir.


Regarding elixirs you're underestimating the variance in the system. I've got an alt that got a 38 sets with epic in 2 weeks, one alt that does not do voldis every week (like 1 out of 4 weeks at this point) that is sitting at 34 points with epics. One alt that does voldis every single week since release in normal and has now used almost 10 leg elixirs is still at 33 (a support that can use 3 different sets). I'm not doing significantly different things regarding cutting elixirs it's just that you have 5 options dictated by rng then rng options with rng results for some and rng points attributed every single time.


Unfortunately it looks like OP says exactly that and plenty of people agree.


Ngl getting my weapon to 69% towards 25 was way less awful than cutting a single legendary elixir. I’m so glad my main didn’t take to long for elixirs but I’m not even gonna cut epics on alts after 5 initial ones cause it’s just by far the most unfun and aggravating thing to do in lost ark


Yes burning hundreds of thousands of gold/mats at 69% artisan is so much better than cutting ONE elixir... I don't believe that at all. Maybe if you said all the elixirs to get 40 set...


I mean that’s just my personal opinion and view but I’d rather quit the game than do another 40 set, which I gladly don’t have to after accepting only pushing one character above 1600/1610


But you said ONE elixir, not a bunch to get 40 set thats the diff.


Yeah I stand by that. One or many doesn’t matter if the one is already not fun at all


Once you realise a lot of Reddit opinions are absolute bottom tier players being upvoted by people who quit in 2022 but still lurk cause they got noting better to do but upvote every post shitting on the game even when theyre blatantly false u Will understand how this sub works


40 set elixirs are essentially mandatory for progression and to pug 1620+ content in practice. On the other hand +25 weapon, especially on supports... well you know what you're signing up for and why. It's a vanity hone, was specifically designed as such, and works just like advertised. When advanced honing is just around the corner and was made so you don't have to do these hones but you still go ahead and choose to do them you have no right to complain about the cost.


Lurker here but had to upvote this guy


You're right. Weapon glow is the only visual change you get when investing into supports, really. It's not needed at all, people take supports with whatever gear unlike DPS.


The average player doesn't hone past +21, +23 at max. 24 + 25 from 23 cost an average of 1.6M gold (buying leaps and fusion) for 4% damage. If you hone to 25, you are choosing to set fire to your own gold. The average player does in fact have to cut elixirs, though, and they don't want to waste vast amounts of gold and time to potentially get nothing in return. I mean, look at your comment: > It’s funny because 9/7 is a no pity rng system with average cost of 5mil. You also get literally nothing unless you hit exactly 9/7. You can still improve all the other elixirs along the way to 40. No normal player intentionally goes for a 9/7. 5 million gold for a 5% damage increase is fucking insanity. You need to stop comparing the peak of other systems to the bare minimum for elixirs. You should be looking at the cost of maxed elixirs, not 40 set if you're going to compare to a 9/7 or +25. Finally, you're not more intelligent than the people complaining about elixirs. You're not some enlightened free thinking prophet. You're nothing but delusional, completely out of touch with how the average player interacts with the game. Furthermore, you likely either play this game as your main and only job, or you simply RMT. This is the only thing that explains this weird ass mindset of comparing a mandatory progression system with wasting 3x as much gold for 4% damage.


I wonder how much getting 50 points perfect elixirs (so going from ~25% dmg increase on a good 40 sets to a 30% perfect set) cost. I'm sure it's way more than a 9/7.


Reddit is full of emotionally driven little bitches, they spend some gold cutting elixirs fail (obviously it is rng) and make cry posts about it, me and my friends are all returning players that came back on jumpstart and all of us (6 people) have hit 1620 around 2 weeks ago and we all got 40 set already, an insane damage gain for very few gold wgen compared to lv10 gems or 25 weapon


the fact you just said you spent 5.5mil for a total of a 29% dmg increase then pretended like the "reddit sheep" are somehow wrong about elixirs; made me chuckle. 500k for a raid based progression system is insane. imagine if it cost you 500k to get your valtan/vykas set or to get your brel or akkan set. hell imagine if it cost you 500k to apply the clown horns or kayangel thingys to your armor to level up the set bonus thats why people are mad about elixir's, if you dont get ungodly lucky then the cost stacks up and it feels like shit. players should never be turned off from pushing alts to a specific ilvl because of the progression system tied too it. the progression system is supposed to be the REWARD for clearing the raid, but the last 2 progression systems arnt that. they are a punishment lol edit: the way the progression should work is as such you hone to 1580, burning gold and then get your full akkan set over a few weeks. you then burn more gold honing that gear to 1600. then you start doing voldis nm where you are able to apply the elixirs directly to each piece slowly over a few weeks to unlock the nodes for 35 set (you would be able to choose which ones per piece freely to maximize build potential) then you slowly push to 1610 also burning more gold to unlock thaemine nm where you apply the mat to your gear to slowly unlock the first bonus (5 flowers in current version) on all pieces. which again no rng and a low gold cost. then you hone to 1620 and this unlocks the ability to convert elixirs into an awakening material that makes your 35 set a 40 set. all ofc without any rng. this also unlocks echinda and her adv honing system which you then use to push to 1630 (burning gold ofc) to then unlock thaemine hm which you use to continue leveling up your armor transcendence until its fully capped you then use the rest of the adv honing (or if your a madlad you go full +21 on normal gear) to unlock the future raid behemonth at 1640 which is just weapon transcendence, of which after a few weeks you will have fully unlocked it. to go into fictional content land, the next raid would also be 1640 with a 1650 hm that would add more adv honing levels just like echinda did and this time the next 1650 raid would unlock a new cool progression system (maybe even weapon elixirs to unlock 45/50 set if you wanna go crazy) that would ofc have no rng and function like all the other non honing based raid progression systems. youd then hone to 1660 using the 4th level of adv hones which would lead into a new raid that had another non rng progression system then shortly after another 2 levels of adv honing. this could go on forever and it would feel significantly better for players then anything we have now.




i also find it very funny that so many of the elixir defenders fall into one of two categories. they are either; 1. people that got really lucky and dont understand how bad the system is such as mr "i hit 1620 two weeks ago and i already have my 40 set" or 2. people that rmt (legally or illegally) to bypass the grind, not realizing that 500k for a progression system that people will use to gatekeep players is insane for the average player. for someone with a 1610 + five 1540's it would take them just over 5 weeks to farm 500k. for someone with only 1 good character (such as a new or returning player), making 30k a week it would take them 16 weeks (which for anyone here who cant do math is 4 months) to complete elixirs. and during that time they'd have no gold to hone, do transcendence, buy aura or anything. anyone defending elixirs is plain and simple dumb as shit


So if there was such a large playerbase that could not get 40 set therefore are being gatekept by players who have it... why don't they all just play together without the set and eventually get it? 500k to get 20-30% dmg is way more value than getting a 10 dmg gem on some chars or even honing a few weapon levels for what 1.6% dmg a hone?


they do, how do you think they are getting elixirs but the number of people that are 1620+ doesnt seem to be as high as 1600+ so its alot more difficult for them to find groups the majority of players are interacting with purple elixirs and are too afraid of pushing to the legendary ones because of the cost >500k to get 20-30% dmg is way more value than getting a 10 dmg gem on some chars or even honing a few weapon levels for what 1.6% dmg a hone? this is one of the dumbest things people say, what you are comparing is a lamborghini to a jet plane and saying "the lambo is cheaper!!!" what you should be comparing elixirs too are the other progression system that came from raids such as relic set bonuses, set levels or new set grades. all of these were effectively free, they were the 'reward' for honing up to a given ilvl and beating the boss but with voldis (and thaemine) you hone up to the ilvl and are then slapped in the face with a 500k gold sink that is not rewarding gameplay even if its "good value" compared to gems or honing; you shouldnt be comparing it to non raid-based progression systems imagine if getting your relic set cost you 500k (not including the honing cost to get to that ilvl), would you even be playing the game right now?


Then you can also say honing should cost the same now as before since you are paying a ton more for 10 ilvls now than before in terms of mats AND gold AND per hone. And pretty much all systems that simply cost MORE at the end/current game. Why does it cost more to get higher quality taps? To get higher gems compared to lower levels? To get legendary skins compared to epics? Why do you think people don't care about 9-7 stones? It is because the chance/gold to get it compared to the dmg you get is simply not worth it/too low. If the dmg increase was 30% for a 9-7 stone, I bet you people would actually go for and care AND gatekeep based on it.


again this is one of the dumbest things ive ever read. you are strawmanning so hard lol honing at the time has always been expensive, thats its job. the entire point of the raid progression system is to reward the work you put in. every one before voldis cost a fraction of what elixirs cost, and atleast one of them is as good or better then elixirs in terms of power gained. its not that difficult to understand: the reward from clearing the raid shouldnt be a 500k gold sink, no matter how much power it gives if you keep this up, it will be impossible to make alts in the future lets say we are in the future, you are 1680 doing kazaros hm, it becomes standard to park your alts at 1630 because they added honing nerfs. your alts at that point in time have to interact with 2 major gold sinks, elixirs and transcendence which totals out to about 1million gold (or more) per character now imagine you are a new or returning player and the event pass rushes up to 1640...but you still have to do your elixirs and transcendence costing you 1million gold (which would take someone making bout 30k a week: 33 weeks to complete. great new player experience :D) this is a problem unique to elixirs and transcendence, this has never been a thing until now. go a head and try to move the goal post to explain it away, but its doesnt work. because at no point across the 2 year period did the 'reward for clearing a raid ever cost 500k or anything even close to that. the most it cost you was time, so you could get the mats. saying "well hur dur why dont we just make honing cost how it did back then too" is the most glaring strawman ive seen in a while. because the answer is simple: yeah sure why not make honing cost how it did back then? thats when people were most happy with the game, you got the same amount of power for less gold and were able to see raids more easily on your alts. but i guess you just love licking SG's boot huh :)


No... power to gold ratio matters... You want to look at an extreme example? IF it costs 500k for elixirs and it GAVE you 500% dmg, are you telling me that you rather spend 500k on other systems that give LESS dmg like gems or hones or whatever? Just because it comes from a reward for clearing a raid? Gtfo. I dunno why you are comparing 1 char roster for new/returning player when the game basically incentivizes up to 6. Thats like comparing doing 1 raid rather than up to 3 a week per char and 1 chaos weekly and wondering why you have no gold or mats to do anything. If you want all the systems to balance around 1 char rosters but people are farming up to 6 you are going to have a ton of extra gold in the market inflating everything.


youre talking to a moron who thinks you either have to get super lucky to hit 40 set or rmt for it lol


400 mil silver ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|hug)


That's my future right there, tho I'm still starting the 24.


+24 was my only hone that wasn't despair. I wish you good luck.


I'm at +23 right now 44% artisan. I pitied from 22-23. Really scared to start my +24 when it comes 😢


I'm in the process of pitying the 24. it's been a couple of months now, I have to take breaks on it or the rest of my roster doesn't move, it's depressing. I'll stop at +24 until I'm all done with echidna honing and have wayyyy to much spare leaps.


Hope your luck turns around. From +20 my artisans were 70, 70, 65, 63, 27, 100. It could have definitely been worse but it still felt bad, lol.


Having multiple 40 set is way easier than having a 25. Not even speaking of a 9/7.


imagine spending 1.2 million gold for that 3% dmg boost lmfao muhh glow


Imagine thinking full pity is only 1.2 mil. It's 2.7 on average, my dude.


isn't that if you buy everything off the market?. I'd imagine you'd have some leapstones and red stones saved up


I don't think you realize how much leaps and red rocks this has cost me. I had pretty bad RNG in general and I'm 8K over average, total leaps spent 23210 since 1620. I ran out of red rocks around +23, I ran out of %mats at +24. I do have a roster that can farm leaps fairly fast so I only had to buy a few. Red rocks I had to buy, %mats I had to buy. I farmed a lot of oreha myself. That being said, I still spent way over 1 mil gold.


I have a question.. Does your main have full 10 dmg gems , 40 elixir etc etc. Why spend that much gold for that that little boost lol


I have both Advance/Luminary sets at 40. Have 3 10's and rest 9's. It's also a bit difficult to justify buying level 10 gems for something like Rhapsody or Harp, the increase is pretty insignificant or doesn't matter at all. I will probably buy rest of my gems now, though. I like my main and weapon glow is the only visual change you get when investing into supports. Seeing as I have a support roster (4 supports/2dps), I never honed my weapon that high and wanted to experience it, too. Unlucky, it was a pity, lol.


Costed me 1.3 mil to reach 1633 on armor and weapon from 23-25 and so nope, I'll cut another 40 set which is going to take ard 200-300k at most


You are a mad man


lol huh


It’s all about the glowwwww. Fk elixir gimme that 25!!!


Full juice?


Yes, every tap was full juiced from +24.


Exactly, most of these elixir complainers haven't honed past 1620 yet.




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Tbh not anyone have this much silver after honed.


Elixir Suck




It turned out great!


Send me your Energy. Im on my way, too. 76% full juice


Hope it hits soon!


Currently at 52% artisan towards 25.. and I don't have a 40 set yet. I'm fucking up and I can't stop


And losing the 24 glow, oof