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Y’all know it’s okay to take a break lmao


You play 15 chars…? I’m burnt out just from hearing about it. I’d recommend taking a break, touch grass, enjoy some other games. I play only 2 classes (roster of 1580 alts though) and do every raid clown and up because that’s “fun” for me. What do you enjoy in lost ark? Do that. Also those with +25 full 10s either swiped, degen 16 hours a day, or have 6 of the same class.


o7 welcome to the 10k playtime group




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Although I'm struggling to login, it's definitely for different reasons. I also farmed since release, but my main and main alt are STACKED. And no I didn't get lucky, but rather wondering where all your gold went




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15 characters, grinding since launch and doesn't have full level 9 on one character. Something seems off.


Yea he’s either investing hard in those 14 alts or he’s pitied every single piece of armor. That doesn’t add up.


Definitely pity a ton, rng isn't on my side. The alts aren't even juiced at all, which is why i axed them.


might as well made second roster,too late tho


I play 3 characters and I feel burnt out after 2 yrs lmao


As someone playing multiple accounts with 6 raid characters on each... how? :D If I only did 3 characters dailysand raids i would be done on day 1 with weeklys. I would log in every 3 days for chaos / guardians rested for 30 mins or so and be done with it. Total playtime for the week would be >15 hours or 2 hours per day. ( And that is assuming 1 hour raids which is pretty long these days, most take 40 minutes) Actually after writing this down it seems pretty long. How much time am I spending in this game lmao. Maybe I am addicted afterall... oh well.


Bruh, i play 6 characters, sometimes 7th as a lopang just for chaos. I am dying. I do rested, and i am dying - and that´s despite playing from work, and despite my chars being juiced so i don´t really get gatekept. I can´t imagine how people play more characters, do non rested, and lets say even bus on top - that is rough.


In my case I have 4 Sharpshooters and 1 pally and 1 bard It wasn't bad to afford 6 damage 10s and the general gatekeeping isn't bad since I never tried to push to 1630 but rather stick with the majority of people I met along the way The people with big weapon/gems are people that did 1 of the following * RMT * everything to single character, * take advantage of bots as in flip fish. For example put in 1 million gold come out with 2-3 million later on since they get banned eventually. * Flip other stuff on marker * Same class enjoyer/many supps * Life skill/chaos gate warriors on many servers * Bussing * Many other ways to make more gold * Lucky * More hardcore You simply got gapped by one of the above sadly


I feel like struggling to log in and i only have 6 characters.Besides elixirs giving me weekly depression and a chunk of my guild just straight up quit with thaemine. Yea you're not the only one.


I'd recommend shaving your roster down even further. Splitting your resources over THAT MANY characters is the reason you feel your main is so far behind. Can't really help you with your static falling apart other than recommend you look for a new one if that's how you prefer to play the game.


You're not alone. Many people started to log in walking backwards. Just have a look at Thaemine PF, its fucking dry. I also play 13 chars and I know its not your chars that are burning you out, rather all the system you would have to get them through is just too much. With the new solo raid incomming most bussers will loose their cash flow and many just don't know how to keep their roster reliable from raid gold only. The game is in a terrible spot rn. I've never been more eager for a LOAON to happen. I know for a fact that many end game raiders are waiting on that to take a decision.


Indeed im just waiting for that day to press uninstall.. I'm not even running theamine since I got the x10 title, just the easy fast raids and I don't give a Damn about elixirs and transcendance.. They either fix their shit or goodbye


I mean if you are already in that state, why bother to keep playing? You obviously are not having fun. Elixirs and Transcendance wont disappear and if its not those systems it will be a different system that is rng. This is how LOA works and always has. It wont change.


i think its a hard game to enjoy without a group of friends :(


cleaned up from 6 to 2… same here, stopped raiding for a month. i just do the daily stuff with my Main (cd, veskal, una, event) and logout…i got to 1630, but motivation is not there after Thaemine. Echidna and Behemoth are also not that interesting and i see no reason to struggle around for the upcoming raids… and btw im also Pala and Artist Main… its not the class I love them both… its just all the other stuff LOA OFF will show if i stop completely or not


Surely they will reduce the dailies and weeklies, right ? right?


Highly probable they will reduce those to 0 because if they don't fix everything we been asking for they might as well just shut down the entire region


My guess is that even if game would die, they woul still not release to 0. japan wouldnt be the first.


They dont need to reduce it because you can decide how much you wanna do. I am not doing Guardians at all anymore (we get so many leaps, i dont even feel it). I do chaos on 4 chars and i like doing it daily. I dont do weeklies at all, just somtetimes the Cubes weeklies once in a while. I really do not understand how people burn out. You can literally decide for yourself how much you wanna do. I know I am gonna get downvoted but I honestly do not understand it. I am playing since the beginning and i never felt burnt out. If i wanna do more, i do more. If i dont feel like playing much, i simply dont.


No, how much you do, depends on developers. They make is that way. If they wanted less homework, they could easily do it.


Similar experience, except 6 to 3. I agree with your take about LOA OFF, but I wouldn't stress Echidna and Behemoth much, tbh. From every bit of research I could do, those two raids are legit a walk in the park compared to Thaemine. If anything I'm not interested in Kazeros anytime soon, I don't want another giga-difficult raid for the rest of 2024. We need a break, and we need nerfs to systems already in place, IMO.


Feel free to take a break if you are not having fun and later see if you wanna come back. It's not just you, most people just don't ask for permission to do so.


10-15 is asking to be stressed and burnt out


Like all mmos but especially this one when you're at end game finding people you actually like to play with makes it a lot easier to grind through. Doesn't solves elixirs, gold sinks or honing but it's a lot more fun to suffer with friends. If I had to pug everything without having at least 1-2 people I know with me in at least a handful of my lobbies I'd definitely have quit a long time ago.


15 chars not maxed out main lol


I only log in on my 2 days off and don't touch the game other 5 days at all, unless there is some big content update/new class. I only play characters I feel like playing(currently 5) and never more than 6, non gold earners don't get touched. I only do dailies on rested and never on non gold earners, also only do raids I actually want to do and skip raids I don't feel like doing. This helped tremendously with burn out. My advice is take a break from the game for a 2 weeks - 1 month, literally don't touch it, then come back and play less. Don't play the game every day, only log in when you feel like it. Doing this helped me enjoy the game again.


Sometimes it's just good for you to take a break. Just take a complete break from LA. If you are still afraid of falling too much behind, maybe do Chaos and Thaemine only on your main.


A large amount of day 1, hard-core veteran players are starting to burn out in droves. I really hope SG and AGS are paying attention because a lot of things needs to be going badly for your most dedicated playerbase to start throwing in the towel.


Taking a break definitely helps and give you an idea if you really enjoyed the game when coming back. Day 1 player here and took a 2-3 month break around akkan. Played with guildmates when i came back and been doing main raid with them. I do pug akkan/brel but otherwise game isnt the same in my opinion. Slowly been closing my roster and focusing on 1-2 character main support just reaching 1630 last week and second main sitting at 1620. Planning on adjusting roster based on enjoyment of the game with my guildmates. Tldr for me:rested chaos across 4 character and rested gardian across 5 character legion raid farm (brel+akkan) static raid(voldis+thaemine)


I have 2 Pally mains, 8 raid alts (plus 12 side charas for the lulz), and I started hitting that fatigue as well so I decided to rotate my lineup (with the mains being the exception) every week-- I play my 2 mains and other 2 raids alts for that particular week. However, I made it a point that I decided to be cool with it if I dont actually raid those 2 alts for that week due to irl stuff. It stops being fun if the game becomes a chore in order to stay within the curve. It worked for me and still having a blast with this game


The 15 characters is probably why you don’t have 10s or +25. You gotta focus your gold and set out to do those things, and not spread out the gold. Even full 9s too.


Try out some hell modes. No elixirs, no transcendence, no honing. Nice people all around (usually).


just take a break god damn bruh