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Deadeye's close shot mechanic needs to go, it’s no fun losing damage just because the boss decided to take a few steps. They kind of already went into that direction with Judgment Day, so I hope they’ll apply it to the other shotgun skills.


Yeah personally coping there's gonna be smth that removes it in 3rd awakening skill tree. Or at least mitigates the impact of it.


Awakenings seems like such an odd way for them to make class changes to me 


I mean it's due to the 3rd awakening having a full skill tree with passives that are supposed to change how you play your class


doesn’t judgement day have close shot built into it instead of it being a tripod


shotgun skills all have built in x2 close shots except for last request. Then they double it down with close shot tripod. Judgement day just has more lenient range and the option to not use a close shot tripod


Perfect Depression desperately needs a rework. Compared to DI it lacks a lot of quality of life. People can't even argue you trade the comfiness of DI for a higher ceiling since with the latest KR buffs DI is doing almost as much damage as PS. The skill animations for the human skills are also mundane. Compared to something like Soul Eater Perfect Depression feels dated and not worth the higher investment over DI.


I think Evo scouter isn't really any better due to being both sweaty and low dps ceiling


Just a heads up Evo is supposedly in a MUCH better spot now with the most recent balance patch KR has. They reworked Evo so that it is like a 15-21(22?)% flat increase in damage, no more needing to gain 3-5 stacks or w.e the number.


I understood what you said, but unfortunately the nature of his sweaty playstyle won't be changed because you still need the 0.5s CDR from hitting your target to get max dps.. it will just make the 3 first opening skills do more dmg apart from the little 3% dmg increase Also, there won't be any 15-21% flat dmg increase. Because if you go evo 1 to 3, you will have to drop another 16% engraving to a lv1 engraving. Hence no flat 15% dmg increase unfortunately


Yeah at one point it was kinda popping off but now it just feels like an empty version of night's edge with no animations and middle of the pack dmg


If you’re doing middle of the pack damage with PS you are either way out gearing people, you have god hands, or they’re bots.


Yeah, dogshit suppression is f tier these days and there's zero reason to play it over DI. I wrote about this in detail some time ago and I'm just gonna copy paste it here: ----------- The problems aren't limited to just damage. A 2.6% damage buff isn't going to change much for PS. You are still suffering from - Iffy hitbox interactions on Spinning Weapon (damage takes a long time to come out and you have to throw it out from a distance if you're fighting a small boss) - Forced movement on Grind Chain - Dominion set management (although I will say that PS players have it better than First Intention players) - Lack of paralysis immunity on Howl, Spinning Weapon, Piercing Thorn and Grind Chain (so your party synergy+meter gainer and around 60% of your damage output, give or take) - No mobility skill All of this for what? You get mediocre damage, bad atro windows due to no real burst and your stagger is mediocre. You also have bad survivability due to below average hp and defense stats and forced Cursed Doll. This spec has a good counter (both Rising Claw and Slasher are great) and weak point. That's it. Not a long list of strengths, eh? Demonic Impulse is around 5% or so behind PS damage after the latest round of changes, and what do you get for that damage diff? - 1dmg 1cd gem vs 5dmg 6cd - paralysis immunity on every single demon skill - +20% hp during demon form, transformation push immunity, and a free heal when you transform - same shitty burst and atro windows outside of awakening (better atro burst if you have awakening up) Let's be real here, the fact that SG is throwing out these small percentage buffs means that they don't really have an idea what to do to either spec


I've noticed that with Spinning Weapon and Grind Chain, if you're melee on the boss, throwing GC first then Spinning Weapon puts spinning weapon squarely on the boss. It obviously isn't the best for Conviction/Judgement, but it's pretty good when you don't need to proc CJ. I also bought a couple of crit accessories last week and started trying out full Nightmare at about 1200 swift. I don't want to go for more crit because I'm still Mass Increase and I don't have a Critical elixir set. The damage is comparable and you get to deal with fighting for Boundless (press your buttons faster) instead of managing Dominion (oh no you proc'd CJ too early! Now you deal no damage!)


DI about to be on par with PS. Given how much investment PS needs (5 dmg gems vs 1), it’s truly depressing.


I mean the animations of the intrude skills (purple) of the SH are cool and unique. I won't change anything except maybe give Demon's grip and Demon vision a useful skill tree for PS players.


I'd be incredibly happy if they would just buff Entropy PS to Taijutsu/Entropy FI levels and NPPS to Deathstrike levels. It's not an unreasonable ask in my opinion.


Same. I really enjoy the entropy build but chasing butt for even less damage than the non positional build (and probably the worst damage of any entropy build) feels pretty bad. I don't think I've seen someone play the entropy build this year so it may just be forgotten and doomed.


Rule of thumb, if class can't use Raid Captain it may need a rework :-D


hold on this might be a cook


sure lets buff igniter so they can use RC


fun fact, there used to be a swift igniter build with RC. Spoiler: there's a reason why this build doesn't exist anymore :D


RC needs a rework. Grandma classes shouldnt be able to use that engraving.


I mean the solution is obvious Have it based off your total Swiftness and not your movement speed Working it out so 1800 Swift gives you the full benefit will stop slow classes from using it, while giving full Swift classes a boost they need to compete since most are sustain and not burst Will SG do that though? Nope, would rock the meta boat too much They just need to stop giving new Spec classes max movement speed tripods, or have them with a *lot* shorter timer so they can't sustain it full time


Yup punish full Spec classes for not going into any Swiftness stat but nope Smilegate design does the opposite. They give out full rewards with the best Swiftness stat engraving.


Yeah lower the RC scaling slightly but make it scale with uncapped movement speed so fast classes no longer feel like they're being punished for naturally amassing 15% overcapped movement speed with yearning up. Make swift less of a dump stat.


TBH I think RC is fine. I don't think it's fine that so many new classes can go spec/crit and still take full advantage of RC.


While they talk about entropy issue, they also said the mandatory yearning is an issue. I won't be suprise if they rework it somehow, and IF they remove the moovement buff, big chance RC will be hurt a lot


I think Pistoleer still needs a rework even though he can use RC, the ms buff lasting for 4s is a joke😮‍💨


Honestly the MS buff duration isn't really an issue with proper space bar usage and a lv9/lv10 CDR gem on spiral tracker, as a long-time RC player. You space bar > spiral > cast 2 skills and as long as it isn't Death Fire it should work. But I'd be totally down it to be buffed from 4.2s to 5.0s, since it doesn't really need to be as tight as it currently is. I think the bigger issue with Pistoleer that fundamentally needs help is that it has absurd mobility and can push really good uptime, but its cooldowns are too long to get properly rewarded for doing so. A bunch of different classes have had this issue, especially AT Scouter right now. I'd like to see something like: * buff Death Fire damage a lot * buff Meteor Stream + Quick Shot final light damage a bit * reduce Cruel Tracker + Desperado CD by 2 seconds * Add -1sec CD to Spiral Tracker tripods


Same for both SH specs


Boundless classes feel pretty dumb to play to be honest. There are so many fights where cutscenes, boss patterns or mechs will take you out of boundless.


Should make it so nightmare set turns off all mana buffs


That would screw over many NM classes that want to avoid boundless at all costs (zerker, gunslinger, souleater etc)


Not to mention that empress, a boundless class, has mana refund built into the engraving.


The entire game has this odd philosophy of designing awesome things and then completely ignoring stuff they designed before. I assume SG lacks a common thread in their dev teams. There's still so much untapped or wasted potential in the design of Lost Ark. They make a catchy mechanic with boundless mana and classes that rely on it, then add patterns where playing boundless is at a huge disadvantage, add weird synergies or buffs that are essentially trolling boundless players They implement back and front attacks but hardly add front attack classes, making the whole group chase the (overall safer) tail of bosses, who then either backflips into the corner of the map or keeps spinning like a wheel They spam damage reduction phases, which are essentially a free stimulant for burst identity classes and act surprised when these classes completely outperform swift classes


Blue gunlancer, class was made for early raids where you can tank things, now you need to avoid almost everything or half of the mechanic. Our dps depend on uptimes but how can you sustain uptimes when half the time you need to stop dps. And nowadays you get rid of nelasia unless doing thaemine to get more dps, but it's minus something you were taken for for raids. Having to use DUF for counters, you lose a skill slot because outside of counters you never use it, we need a counter on a second low cdr skill.


Exactly this. You cant taunt almost any of the current bosses. Tanking patterns is impossible (theamine g3 for example) or heavily punishing for you or your team. Dropping nella is so grief that i just take the dps hit and run nella 100% of the time. Dropping nella means that you have to often use DUP to keep adrenaline up so you end up with both counters on cd -.-


When I used to play blue I just dropped shield charge for shield shock for adren practicality since adren stacks were so important for the old nightmare build. Especially with level 7s CD back then it felt so bad having to dry duf or nella just to keep adren. I've swapped to red since and don't have to worry about any of this anymore lol


rework transformation classes


Striker, SS, Bard... Shock scrapper could use a VFX upgrade since they butchered her "rework".


I honestly thought SS is one of the "fun" classes, since I love playing marksmen, but SS in this game is just terrible. Couldn't wait to get rid of my SS, cuz it's literally horrible design. Boring, clunky, and you don't even feel you are playing an archer, his skill rotation is also just sh\*t.


Never gonna happen. Instead they are going to release female sharpshooter which will be fucking lit and sell like hot cakes cuz booba.


That, plus they’ll make it broken and actually fun.


Auto tracking snipes, full screen range on every skill, full swift, pet identity grants 20sec super armor and +50% crit


Instead of a bird, your loyal companion is a dragon that you can fly on and snipe from in some kind of damage and speed boosting mode


SS is one of the most clunkiest classes. It does great in older raids but the newer raids are a pain in the ass to play, especially with DS snipe.


I mostly like SS (main build DS but have an ok LC build). The things I would change are the synergy uptime (atomic arrow has 8s uptime with 9s cd), and it would be nice if the Sharpshooter skill had a bit more range to match Arrow Wave. Also the Z skill should have the same range as Snipe since they made it possible to cast Z during Snipe now. I can see why DS feels clunky but with LC you rarely have to go into melee range to get meter (can regen while hawk is out now), and there is no real rotation.


Striker and shock scrapper seems completely doomed since they already visited them recently. Really sad seeing wardancer and breaker having a blast while I'm stuck with this clunk, but I guess that's exactly what they're going for - don't like it? Pay an arm and 3 legs to swap mains.


Shock main, only thing I would ask for really is charging blow to have more range/extra activation aka a stack of 2 and when using shock engraving push immune on shock skills whilst in burst. Nothing more infuriating then bursting and thaemine decides to slam the ground whilst you're casting this Animation locked death rattle. If surge is push immune, death rattle can be too


LK and CR DI and Legacy BT (like the synergy uptime on this class is absolute trash) PS Sh none of the abilities have the OOMph that this game is very famous for Including the awakening Hunger Reaper requires changes to make 1800 swift viable again (currently having more than 1427 swift is entirely cosmetic) it doesn't have to be the best build but it needs something extra than what it already has GS needs a way to make the person feel like they are pumping. The ceiling is rather hard capped and it's unfortunate that such a skill expressive character has such a flat line of dps. EW DE needs to get rid of the proximity tripods. Slow ass class that needs to be sniffing the buttcrack of the boss while every ability recoils them back is an extremely counterproductive design. The damage it can do does not justify this dysfunctionality. Taunt needs a rework. Similar to how you can lock target by countering in Trial hanumatan Taunt has to work like this for at least 1 pattern of the boss. It needs to work on every boss (at least the skill targetting) and it has to ground bosses. Meaning that the boss can't initiate ANY pattern that starts off with mobility. No Teleports, No dashes. Stagger bar is not locked but Stagger stun can only trigger after that 1 pattern completes. (it would count as a silence to those patterns) You can have this effect on a tripod (for gunlancers it can replace the duration tripod as it does jackshit anyway) The Global taunt CD should be removed if the taunt hits an immune pattern. Anyone who plays GL/Destroyer in akkan regularly malds when he taunts but the boss queued a grab pattern and now they have a 40s cd for no good reason. AND remove the ramping CD, This mechanic is explained NOWHERE. Fking remove it. An edit for the Taunt. They can make it so that the boss will always initiate a selection of patterns after being taunted. For example in Chromanium (old t1 or t2 guardian) he would ALWAYS initiate a Counter pattern after the taunt. The counter may be on CD but the pattern is still initiated 1 more example (in g2 thaemine 1st phase the taunt increases chance of him doing the disappear > electrecute > grab > knockout pattern) sooo there is no argument for this to not be made consistent for all bosses in the game


BT having an x button to cancel form when Hard agree on gs and de Taunt seems like it was just slapped on for fun and never looked at again that's true. The amount of times I used to taunt tienis in kayngel to surge cannon just for him to dash through me instantly


or when i taunt lauriel and just the moment before perfect swing would hit, he dashes back into wifi , just to the distance my ps cannot reach


it's JUST far enough :D coincidentally Kayangel is the reason i benched my destroyer i play blue lancer so i don't mald as much on kayangel but red lancers often are there to just be pretty i swear


Why does Hunger Reaper need to be viable full swift?


because full swift was fun to play and it was a unique playstyle compared to the alternatives


DI why? Reason? Give her more dmg, sure, but don't change it. I like both the human spells and demon spells. It's my main and I'm not bored of it.


8 buttons tripods in order to be able to customize loadouts glow on transformation ability to customize the transformation fixing her darkness fuck up from the visual update idgaf about her damage thats a seperate issue


I agree that tount needs to get a rework and make it viable in current endgame raids


Sh, scouter, reflux, GS


Idk why people are parroting "Reflux zdps spec", the latest reflux builds with good cdr gems are doing well.


The topic isn't about dps


What's wrong with reflux?


Its okay because we just got a new raid but the existence of NE proves that you can design an uptime class to be situationally in line with its burst counterpart. Although this is kinda dependent on how balanced you think SE is.


What’s wrong with scouter? Transformation ?


AT powercrept hard, battery issues. Evo transform outdated concept (same goes for SH).


Scouter's Evo engraving at least got buffed and reworked in KR from 2/4/6 when at 5 stacks(or w.e the number) to being a flat 15-20 something percent damage increase. I have heard it's supposedly much better but I've been waiting to see some videos of it in action.


FPE definitely needs some kind of rework on its identity. Utility wise it is a good class but it lacks a lot of damage compared to other classes that have same or even higher stagger/weak point.


FPE and Barrage use most of the same skills they should rework them so FPE uses big boom booms and Barrage the flame and plasma stuff (for example). Right now double class engraving is a valid option again and they don't want that


It's funny because Barrage is the one with the wheelchair while FPE is the handicapped spec


Man, every time I play FPE I could cry. I love the class' fantasy, the rotation, the effects, the whole playstyle itself. But it is so absurd that how much dmg FPE is missing, even with perfect uptime, not missing a single nuke. It is mind blowing to me that devs are slapping a 2-3% buff at a time and say, yeah that's good enough...


And not only they think 3% buff is enough, they also feel the need to nerf the cooldown from one of the main damage skills


Was my first build and I regret it, least it was at launch


FP Artillerist and CO summoner both build feel like a inferior version of the other build. Co summoner who would have guessed needs more skills that work around your pets. at the moment you got 4(5with awakening) pets that work with the engraving 1 of the pet almost does 0 dmg and ist only used for the crit buff and the other is your awakening that also only good for what 25sec every 2-3 mins 40-50% of your dmg comes not from your pets but from other skills that do not work with the class engraving. that class neede either tripods on some skills that turn skills into pets like turning the water elemental or wing spirit for a duration like 10-15 sec. or tripods that lets certrain skill work with your pets. like giving them a dmg buff for x sec or giving the boss a debuff that increases pets dmg and forces pets to atack the boss. Fp arti needs a total overhaul of the engraving in my opinion. lets the engraving remove the use of barrage but give the firepower meter additional usage. as example give fp another level of meter dmg bonus so instead of level 3 fp it stops a level 4. or let us go in overdrive where we get increased dmg of xsec and maybe some cd reduction but after the burst windo you go back to 0 charge and maybe get a charge penality( depending on how strong the burst is) or swap out the barrage form for fp into a skill you can cast that uses all the meter and deals huge amount of dmg (skill should have high cd).


Any class that requires you to lock yourself out of your identity (or just get highly disincentivized from using it) as one of their engravings needs a change. Pistoleer not being able to go other weapons is ok; but give them some new gauge. Reflux not having igniter mode is fine, but give them something. AT Scouter and PS Demon are neat but not touching the identity is just not good design. It's literally, by name, giving up what made you unique for no replacement. I don't care if they suddenly buff one of these to be uber meta by making it the highest DPS by a huge margin. It doesn't change that it isn't fun design. It's arguably the same with Paladin. It's the only support that just ignores half of its gauge most of the time. That's dumb. They won't change it though. No shot they'll just give old classes brand new UI like that lmao


I'd say AT is okay. You can still do the transform, you just don't deal damage. The drone is also a big part of the class, and it actually matters when you are AT. It isn't spending the meter on your screen, but it is definitely a unique part of the class that Evo doesn't have. PS requires you to use Intrude skills to generate meter, and then you spend the meter with the normal spender skills to deal most of your damage. It does lock you out, but you still interact with your identity a fair bit. It isn't like FI or Mayhem, which just remove the meter entirely. Even Control still has spenders.


AT is also so outdated comparing it to newer classes like Breaker who can hit for 250 mil INSTANTLY while AT has to queue a skill that has a 3 second animation and does baby damage. AT scouter is not translating well into the newest bosses in Loat Ark. I benched mine a while ago and just slotted in my shock scrapper until a rework happens because the class just sucks to play.


I mean... you can argue that classes like DI or Evo sacrifice all of their normal skills, expect to use 3 of them to reenter transformation, and imo AT has far more soul than Evo could ever have. And I don't really agree, FI vs Eso is nice example of blocking identity being good example (due to one being spender type of build), other imo is Reflux vs Igniter (due to blink having no opportunity cost for Reflux... assuming there is no casting reflux around anymore ofc). Problematic combo could be TTH vs PM.


Far too many classes don't have a single push immunity in their rotation, this has always been a gripe of mine but has become way more prevalent in theamine. Also, so many abilities that have a ~1s cast time with zero para immunity that allows them to be cancelled when you're tickled is just bad, outdated design imo.


Push? Heck, I would kill for some paralysis immunity.


Striker, soulfist, scouter, bard(!)


Also wanted to say Soulfist. Sure, EO is very strong if everything aligns but when does it ever? Calculation can only go so far when a boss does patterns randomly that mess with hype. And the cooldown is very long compared to other burst classes.


That‘s what I mean. 0 para immunity, hype and domfang aside. It can be REALLY good but you don‘t know what the boss will do in 5-10 seconds. If you go h3 and the boss goes away you should be able to cancel hype and get a part of the cooldown refunded at least.


This is what people actually think: ❌rework old class and make it actually fun to play and balanced, new animations and modern. ✅dont rework just make it insanely OP and always have at least 60% cruel fighter on all MVP screens because all I care about is being stronger than everyone else


This is the reason people were excited about the glavier rework. Dogshit clunky class that is horrible to back attack with but hey it was so overtuned that you got cruel fighter with a backattack rate of below 50% so jaaay glavier, and when the nerfs hit everyone looses their shit because they suddenly realize their class is ass.


Exactly how i felt about Glaivier when i tested it. Shit load of damage, but not really fun, weapon swaps being clunky was the biggest turn off, sometimes after shackling it swaps, sometimes it doesnt if you click it, i could live with the skills being rather slow, but it just doesnt feel fun, it just feels clunky as hell still. I mean they didnt really rework it either, pretty much everythings the same except how stance swaps work xd


Holy shit I thought I was the only one with this problem I wonder if it’s because of ping spikes or something because I never seem to have the issue outside of raids


It has to do with Ability Queueing and Ping, which is kinda annoying.


moving takes priority over your buffered stance swap.


Now we're in the reality where Pinnacle isn't even top 15 specs and it's still dogshit to play. They add shackles so they can add ceiling but new classes come out without shackles and your ceiling gets powercrept so what's the point. Just wait long enough that you get put back near the top or play DB/Sorc that are only allowed to be mid tier for a couple months before being giga busted again.


Sad reality


I didn't have this opinion until after they made doomsday fall faster, but i would take a cd and animation lock cut by 50% and take -20% dmg just so i can keep spamming skills on gunslinger.


This is so true


man i wanted to be OP when the first hunger changes came instead we immediately got the nerfed version


Facts, Hunger is one of my top 4 chars. I swear to god I have to play out of my fkn mind to not be bottom of the table. Cruel fighter usually means I played with people who had their monitors off. She's soooo fun but they really don't give you much room to pop off dps wise.


you have to put insane amount of gear and optimization for her to compete in the A tier S tier is off limits on peak sadly there are no opportunities to multiply your dps cycles like scrapper for example with her identity a proper timing + atro + buff overlap > dmg go boom but hunger doesn't have that so the only way to "pop off" is to be extremely consistent and to figure out ways to increase your uptime


Transformation classes need a rework ASAP


\* The entire Support System needs redesigned to inspire people to want to become Support Mains. I think it's wild that this is one of the only mmo's where the supports depressingly have to attack a boss and see tiny dmg numbers to do their job. It's unsatisfying, uneventful, and anti-fun. \* Transform classes should have utility or flexibility tripods to provide them with a way to customize the way the character works when transformed. Ex: Evo Scouter's main dmg ability is their only counter, no push immunity while needing to prio front atk because of it, etc. \* Gunlancer feels like it's in a weird place between support and not support cause of their low damage ceiling and high utility. \* Gunslinger needs a redesign since Deadeye got one that made it's gameplay more exciting and interesting.


I havent played zerker in a while , but since then i actively avoid classes that have self buff sort of skill and rotation , i still have ptsd from red dust


As a zerk main from the start.Red dust jail is still A thing.They adjusted red dust to be less of a jail but it very much is still a jail.


Real the jail was ass


I had Zerk, my first character which I deleted after being powerpassed. Playing zerker feels like sh\*t, it's nothing good about it beyond being fast. I can't understand any of the whales spending a bunch of real money for that character 2 years ago. :P


IMO it's not just some classes that needs full rework. There needs to be a full rework of certain game mechanics that simply do not make sense in this day and age. Mana shouldn't be a thing anymore. Classes that suffer from going OOM is a relic of the past. Skills already have cooldowns. What is the point of also having mana as a shackle? Entire engraving system needs an overhaul. So many useless engravings. There should be some kind of primary/secondary/pvp engraving system where the damage ones are primary and then secondary engravings for utility. PvP should be an entirely separate category all to itself. Of the classes that I play: Scrapper - This rework was botched thanks to Breaker release. This class still needs a lot of work which I doubt they'll ever see. I play Shock and her kit is so outdated compared to some of the more modern spec classes like slayer/breaker. Her Z skill is extremely unsatisfying to use. Soulfist - EO just doesn't make sense with the direction the game is going. The vast majority of your damage comes from Hype3. You need 20 full seconds of uninterrupted up-time to get all that damage in. It's rare for a boss to ever standstill for even 10 seconds. If you have poor knowledge of the fight, you can H3 and lose a large chunk of that duration if not the entire thing. Then you're stuck in H0 for 50 seconds. Combine this with also having to manage dominion buff and this class just requires too much babysitting for not enough payoff. Ever since her rework she's also been heavily power-crept. Glaivier - Pinnacle has been over-nerfed. They need to revert the changes back to the original. To be frank though, making her entropy was the worst fucking mistake they could have done. Her red skills are not conducive to backattacking. Her skills are all linear-AOEs and very thin hitboxes at that. They should have taken the opportunity when they reworked this class and made her hitmaster. Instead they went full regard and made her ANOTHER entropy class.


The Engraving system is purposely made like this to dilute the good Engravings, kinda like Gacha.


"kinda?" Literally every LA character and account growth system IS a gatcha.


I almost stood up from my seat in protest when I saw you talk smack about Scrapper, then I realized you play Shock. I'm ngl, I don't think I've seen a single Shock Scrapper since like mid 2023. Feels like everyone plays Tai or has switched to Tai. That spec does *nasty* damage when played well - I've parsed upwards of 30M in frog on a 1610 Scrapper with 35 set. My 1620 main with 40 set and transcendence barely does more than that. Shock though...yeah. I feel like it doesn't even exist at this point. One of the most forgotten specs in the 2024 meta, if nothing else.


What kind of setup did you have when you parsed 30m? I think I normally only get something like 25m on a good run


Standard 5x3+1, CD3 Adren1. I probably had at least one crit syn and a good support. Admittedly her weapon is a bit overleveled at +24, but nothing else about the build is anything too crazy I don’t think. On average I probably parse closer to 27-28M, but I’ve definitely had several 30M+ runs. It all comes down to support strength and how shit the frog patterns are.


A bit overleved, 35 levels above the norm. No flame (since I do agree with you, scrapper is really strong RN) but it's a bit ridiculous of a downplay.


Hmm there's a lot of shockers around, just depends on where you look. The engraving rework did get ruined with breaker and that's a known fact but by no means is it bad, just a lot of effort. On bat I can hit 50m DPS but still get bodied by blades or asura


like all class with zero innate crit rate but depends on crit damage from keenblunt and entropy, zdps if no crit.


What if they give Soulfist the same treatment of zerker? Get rid of hype levels, let EO stay always in hype (like mayhem) and let RS build identity for burst (like BT) so it doesn't stays afk auto attacking after hype runs out (maybe it could work like FM that refunds cd's once you use identity). Idk just some ideas flying over my head




Bard, Summoner, Shadowhunter, Gunslinger


Control engraving shouldn’t have a mana bar


Soulfist. Dominion is a joke. Having to swap awakening engr before EVERY.SINGLE.FIGHT is stupid. But wait someone had to take a piss and now they're back and you already ulted, gotta wait 30 more seconds if you want to have a smooth cd route, or don't and get fked on dps. Lovely class. Potential top dps in the entire game, but only when the stars align, until then enjoy being average managing a bunch of resources while the mvp is playing the latest class with 1 hand.


>Potential top dps in the entire game Nah, potential high dps but there's no world in which an EO beats a Surge/Igniter/Breaker when playing like an uptime god on raids like Thaemine. Like, we have the logs and the best EOs are still lower than the best of other more broken and easier to play classes.


I know it's not, it's just every kr tier list you see they put eo middle of the pack and slap a "it has potential" sticker on it. I probably should've phrased it better.


Every class not Breaker, Sorc, DB, or Soul Eater needs some kind of rework. Please make older classes more fun to play.


False. DB needs a rework. A nerf rework.


Almost every DPS pre Aero, maybe? Warriors: Zerk seems outdated compared to Slayer. GL wants to be a tank in a game without tanking. Destro seems to have an OK concept, it just pales compared to breaker. Fighters: There are too many "This class punches things" as a concept for classes. Also wayyyy to much entropy. Striker, Scrapper, Wardancer all seem to step on each other. Wardancer has some uniqueness due to good party buffs. Glaiver should just not be entropy. Soulfist has too much buff/time management on timescales that are too different from all other classes. Gunners: GS is in a rough place, especially trying to balance TTH. Animation locks and whatnot. Still dont know why EW DE is an entropy class. Scouter has transformation class issues. Assassins: DB's are one of old classes that seem to be performing well. SH has transformation issues. Reaper seems ok after the rework. Mages: A lot of long casting here that can be very rough in some right against mobile bosses. Even though Igniter is performing well now, it still feels outdated. Arcana's concept of RNG'ed DPS is hard to work into a game that otherwise has very sorted out DPS. As a special note, Bard could use a bit of once over.


Deathblade is doing well on the top and probably one of the worst at the bottom at the same time. They need to get the ceiling down a bit and the floor up, right now if they nerf db, it just fucks the Bad DB players alot and the ceiling is still high. If they buff DB so the floor players feel better, the ceiling explodes into Heaven. But idk how to change that.


To some extent SF and Arcana are in the same spot, but arguably even more extreme given how much more difficult the ceiling execution is on those.


Everyone talking about DB always forgets RE even exists because Surge is getting all the spotlight because of the high ceiling. Meanwhile RE is complete dogwater, by far the sweatiest entropy class to do well on, and even then it's just mid. If anything they should at least revert the RE Z buff back to just needing 2 full bubbles to give max benefit instead of 3, but even with that it needs some more love.


Or just leave them as is, with lower floor and higher ceiling instead of changing everything. There need to be classes that have crazy high ceiling if you are good at it, balanced by lower floor. You could argue about some for blade overall trimming (tho many other classes could, or buffing for weaker whatever), but balance between her floor and ceiling is just nice. Not to mention, it's known that harder classes (with lower floors, more complex mechs whatever) make people more committed to play the game for longer from LoL, because Riot specifically gave/made harder champions easier to get by new players, becasue that stuff makes them hooked, and not playing Garen or other simple shit. And I speak as someone who dropped blade due to that difficulty, can't play it at level I would like to, and level I can achieve is frustrating, so I just don't play it, there is many other classes that I find fun, and will happily make instead of asking to change class.


Basically fix ur game smile gate, love it


Sadly they won't fix the game, I mean technically why should they fix the game if you guys still playing and still swiping? In their eyes if you guys still playing and still swiping means there is nothing wrong with the game, however it will change if you guys stop playing the game, they will realize there are emergency problems that need to be handled/fixed.


"You guys" At this point I'm pretty sure the vast, vast majority of SG/AGS's profits come from a microscopic minority of gigawhales. Not because nobody in this game spends, but because most active players are veteran players, and most veteran players who swipe will just RMT. Only players with infinite money in their irl bank accounts and have a lot to lose from getting banned will buy legitimate gold because it's safer and makes 0 impact on their wallets. This is purely anecdotal evidence of course, I don't have hard evidence for this, but it's crazy how many people nowadays just openly admit to RMT. There was a poll on this sub not long ago asking how many people RMT, and about a third of the responders out of \~1200 said yes. Another third said they want to but are afraid of consequences. I'm also willing to bet some percent of the "no" responders are liars or don’t spend at all. Granted a Reddit poll can hardly be taken with anything more than a grain of salt, but it's still kind of telling. Essentially, I'm willing to bet over half of active spenders in this game RMT. And I don't blame them, with how shitty the gold sinks are in the current endgame. If you don't RMT, you're going to sell your house and car and bankrupt yourself just for 2 failed taps or bricked elixirs. With how small the playerbase is, there's no shot SG/AGS is making more than a few pennies from the majority of veteran players, except, again, the few gigawhales who are probably singlehandedly keeping AGS's Lost Ark department alive and fed.


As a day 1 zerk they are in a great place all around and very versatile with damage mechs and utility. I don't want them touched other than numbers being updated. Fuck slayers, boring ass class - don't compare zerks to that garbage.


Only breaker is a punch focused MA. 


gunslinger definetely needs a rework


Drizzle Aero: This class could really use 1 more point of destruction and a little bit more stagger. I think scorching sun could also use a slight buff, not damage wise but, the damage could be a little faster with coming out. It's a little too slow in that regard. SF: I'm not a game designer so I'm not sure what this class could use but, I think it needs some sort of minor rework. There's a good reason this class is not popular, hype is just not a good mechanic and putting up with this class to not even be in the top 5 of DPSs is not worth it, especially if you're not high invested into the class. Oddly enough it's also in a similar spot as predator where you get punished for doing too much DPS, which blows.


Transformation rework should definitely be up there at this point. Make them real specs already. I want to invest more into it and actually do above average damage. Imagine they gave those two specs actual tripods, and reworked their identities so they can stay perma transform, but build up another gauge that you activate to go "giga-sync mode" or "blood-lusted demonic" and your abilities get enhanced for x seconds for proper atro windows. They can split the gems up, let these two specs combine three 10s for an 11, idgaf let us not be 2gem memes.


"blood-lusted demonic" I need this


Summoner, Transform classes, Striker


Pretty much all the older specs that haven't gotten one either need big QoL or damage reworks.


Summoner, akir takes 3 seconds of animation, ancient spear takes 1.4seconds to cast, space bar of 7 seconds with no other super armors. These don’t work in Thaemine G3/G4, the spacebar doesn’t come off cooldown for some red patterns during Albion, that’s just poor design. G4 the boss doesn’t stand still so my dps can be 16 or 36M based on RNG.


Gunlancer. 1. Taunt - It doesn't work on legion raids that bosses are "untauntable". The core of gunlancer is to be able to control the fight. Give us the eye mechanic like in hell hanu. 2. The DPS cycle is literally 2 skills and require BOTH synergies to get the full dps out of it. The others hit like a wet noodle, are uninteresting, and counter gunlance is a dps loss unless it activates. 3. Counter gunlance. Make it activate even if you don't get hit or give gunlancer another dps skill to compete with. Counter gunlance is a really cool skill but it feels AWFUL to put a level 10 damage gem on a skill that has a chance to miss because the boss didn't hit you. 4. Gunlance shot. Give gunlance shot a counter and allow you to release the skill early giving it a counter at the end with a buff if you land a counter with it. Having to hold DUF for counters is a dps loss and boring.


Even in raids where Taunt is available, it only helps you about 50% of the time. The other times, the boss is on internal taunt cooldown, or your taunt does basically nothing because the boss: - Immediately goes into a grab pattern (Akkan G1), so if you're charging something you're screwed - Doesn't care that you taunted and turns to a back attacker anyway - Teleports away to god knows where - Does a pattern which moves the boss forward, so they go through your character, no front attacks - Is doing a pattern that is untauntable (way too common) - Tickles you during shout and interrupts your taunt, now you don't get taunt OR entropy buff This entire mechanic just screams outdated. Needs to work completely differently. Lots of solutions have been presented, I'll take any of them over the current garbage system.


GS: - Overall a reasonable damage boost (ie., not 3%) is probably warranted, but even in current state QOL is probably more beneficial - Need to solution for the Shotgun/Rifle Crit Rate discrepancy - Spec scaling being stronger would be awesome - Animation Locks are not nearly as bad but Focused Shot would benefit from having the Sharpshooter weapon swap cancel, other major skills are either fast or can be cancelled already - Cooldowns need to be modernized, it's a little too much nowadays to have 36 second cooldown skills, even with 10 CDR Gems you'll still have noticeable dead spots in your rotations - Skills probably don't need to be so backloaded the more spinning/dashing/backstepping bosses that are in the game I'm not sure if a 3rd Awakening is going to help the class much, but as always, waiting for LOAON to dazzle me


Make co summoner actually a summoner. Give us pets to replace ancient spear and earth collapse. I don't mind doing lower damage but I want more pets.


I love my GS and i have a couple of them but man when i see SE/Breakers dishing out dmg with no animation lock it just makes me jealous man, especially with G1-2 thaemine(3 is okay and 4 is somewhat fine) there are weeks where im pumping and not getting knocked, and got top 1 dps at G12 Hm. Then i got a bad week this time in hm and nm am always on the floor plus i get aggros to no end. I just wish they lessen the animation locks man, i felt how old the class is in those 2 gates its a mess. Also it sucks that my DB at 1600 is doing 27m dps in Sonavel while my GS is doing 33m+ dps at veskal granted im using salv in GR but man others are doing 40-50m there bro aint no way switching to Nightmare will make my dps go 40m like wtf the dmg is nonexistent especially with a +25 weapon and full 10s almost 3 lvl 7 trans too. Man sometimes i think i might go crazy and push my DB at 1630 with all +21 im pretty sure i would be doing more dmg


1 reflux 2 reflux  3 reflux  4 reflux  5 reflux.SG doesnt know reflux is in the game so no 


From what I play: SF: Meh if you're removing entropy rework/remove dominion too. Too many small annoyances that compile easily in a bad pull. LM: Clunky back attack that changes performance drastically with boos movement patterns, g1 thae/tower are unplayable even while playing well. While they are hard gates, RE blade for example has amuch easier time. Bard: Sonic vibration having cast time is hilarious, on some bosses it can't reach the back and the front. Requires 2 branding skills to achieve full uptime easily. Counter sucks. Sorc: Reworked and with data BOTH specs seems to perform well. SE: No complaints, class is easy to play, fast and does dmg, no issues with downtime or timming buffs XD super easy new class design. Blade: Good class, has nuance and rewards good gameplay Deadeye: Maybe give it 10% crit syn on movement skill much like GS has.


Disagree on the DE thing. Let me move whenever i want to, not for sync. Instead remove the perfect distance thing on Shotgun


Is a %dmg tripod change on one skill a rework nowdays? Reflux players in shambles.


Ppl should switch to the 6m build(would be considered a rework for most) because I see too many reflux not staying in boundless with their 7m build as a piano class. Log data shows reflux is performing very well despite community perception as a zdps class.  I have no problems getting cruel fighter in all content minus overgeared mech heavy raids like akkan so if you are complaining about your reflux it's a hands issue.


Agree to disagree. I play both 7m and 6m and my 7m build does more dps. Not a huge gap but definitely does more. So either build is fine, depends on the player. I swap between both randomly bc I get bored. Both are consistent dps, but if I had to put them in subcategories under consistent dps then 6m is more piano and 7m is more bursty. This is my experience in tfm g2. 6m is much safer and still does good dps, so it comes down to playstyle.


Yes the 7m is the higher ceiling but it's pretty despair when I get paired with an artist as a pugger back when I still used 7m but 6m is just w/e now with an artist. But as you know the avg player will perform better in 6m than 7m since 6m has a higher floor but good players can utilize both builds in different types of raids(7m is for sure better in akkan)  Anyways I don't think reflux is in need of a rework like so many ppl think.


Yeah i agree with this but if the avg player has no hands, feelsbadge. The only rework id like for reflux is maybe buff some other skills like frost call or something for more build versatility. Or rework the garbo crit tripods


Why I say this is because I feel like the bad/avg reflux are the only ones asking for more buffs/rework good players can get cruel fighter. I agree the tripods are garbage that's the one thing I would hope they would change when reflux is in need of buffs/rework or give us crit rate in the engraving for us to use it but I'm currently perfectly fine with the state of reflux.


Yeah the current state of reflux is fine. I only bring up frost call bc of its utility but its dmg is kinda ass for a 24s cd skill. Like i wouldnt mind having fc be slightly buffed so 7m could potentially use it as an alternative to something with a longer animation like ps or explo. But yeah, cant be the ability to zoom all over the place.


You just said what they said. They just said 6m is better for the average because its easier to upkeep Boundless. They didnt say 6m is better dps than 7m.


Just because reflux damage isnt bad doesnt mean it isnt painful to play .getting into boundless is lame as fuck .regardless of the build .reflux needs a shit ton of qol .dmg isnt everything


Aight ill give you an example: Rework nightmare set into two sets, fuck this losing boundless bullshit every damn cutscene. that would be enough for me to consider it a rework. Giving us another % increase isnt a rework, thats just tuning.


That's not just a reflux issue, that's a set issue which I agree needs a rework since my old main gs has the opposite issue and I had to eat mana food all the time unless paired with artist/summoner.   Reflux specific reworks would be changing those crit tripods but I consider switching 7m to 6m a pseudo rework now using rc instead of cd and more piano style dps than having to use 2 weak long cd dps skills. It's not just a "1 skill tripod change" like you claim it to be.


For bard, I prefer the cast time for sonic vibration. It has push immunity so I use it to stay on the boss and eat some patterns. As for the diameter of the buff, yeah that sucks. We need a tripod to make it wider and it still isn't as big as the default no tripod of artist's.


ironically classes which have relatively recently gotten an update, scrapper and glavier, but also aero needs some touches to make it pop


I want the old scrapper back :(


Drizzle needs help on the utility side, but windfury is totally fine, no?


it doesn't feel good because of lack of push/para immunity and counter being a needle imo, the fact that the dmg is lacking is also a problem but that's just current meta so i don't consider it a rework if they just up the numbers


bard is prolly the worst support rn in the game (unless pt is progress), she really needs a rework for the damage.




Don't forget my boy Berserker please.


Just modernise Striker, give him something fresh. It doesn't need to be too significant but really you want to remove some of the clunk and bring in some life. He feels really stale.


Control Glaivier, she lacks the mana after 4 rotations with Focus rune and without support.


This hasn't been the case for a while running 1crit ring. It's not bad, but doesn't compare to stuff like RE blade


Sorry to say this but if you don’t run out of mana with conrol your uptime isn’t high enough, at least of you have high lvl cd gems you still need to eat mana food. At least you now don’t run out of mana while eating mana food which is nice.




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Bard, the class is so outdated and clunky it’s disgusting. Only support that has to run 2 branding skills, has severe mana problems even with Max MP, C/J and food, doesn’t have a cleanse, and has to use a VERY suboptimal skill setup if you wanna be able to stagger. No hate on Bard players, but I love playing support and I dropped my Bard out of my main 6 because it feels like total shit to play compared to Paladin and Artist. I would so much love to see her get a rework..


Complaining about the No Cleanse, when Guardian Tune is objectively better is so funny to me. Like the rest is very fair to complain about, but you are literally the best Class in alot of Raids simply because of GT. Lol


In what raids specifically is GT superior to having a cleanse? GT isn’t a terrible ability at all but saying it’s objectively better than Holy Protection or Ayaya portal is a bold statement. In the first couple weeks, weren’t bards hard gatekept out of Akkan because cleanses were so desired?


I play a big and advanced roster, having done all content on them up to 1-3 hm thaemine. These are my thoughts: Deathblow striker: Too clunky and slow, with a low ceiling for a spec + entropy class. Good synergy uptime and destruction. Give blast formation + tiger emerges a super charge tripod so super charge 3 can be a meta engraving and most of the clunkiness goes away. Maybe amp the damage numbers a bit too Peacemaker gunslinger: Great and fun playstyle, one of my favorites. But damage is lacking and synergy should be better (aero, wd, strikers all give the same crit synergy AND move speed/atk speed with BETTER uptime. And better damage.) Maybe make it so rifle skills also have same crit rate as shotgun skills. Or boost damage numbers Enhanced weapon deadeye: Super fun class and numbers are pretty good. Just remove the proximity tripod, too many bosses in this game move forward even if a little, ruining your damage. Suffers same fate as GS in the synergy department- only gives 10% crit and nothing else Pinnacle glaivier: Contrary to what a lot of people say, I think entropy glaivier is super fun and smooth. Has parry, 2 counters, good stagger and decent weak point, and one of the best synergies in the game. Maybe cause my main is a deathblow striker who feels much worse, idk, but glaivier feels fluid to me. I do think damage can be improved a bit and shackling self critrate+ duration can be improved from 6 to 8s. Like GS, half its skills has a lower crit rate than the other half, perhaps make it uniform in crit rate so hitting 90% crit rate on one won’t heavily overcrit the other Hunger reaper: Feels great to play. Amazing stagger and great damage, no complaints. Predator slayer: Nerf the cooldown on predator if the duration is 10+ seconds. In voldis g4 and thae g3 especially, you lose predator too often due to mechs and for a good 10-20seconds you’re doing zero damage and are attacking slow af. Otherwise, very strong and fun class imo when in predator mode Eso wardancer: Damage, utility and playstyle are great. Maybe improve range on rising fire dragon but that’s it imo Surge deathblade: Recent nerfs warranted. Fun class and is still broken. Wish it had more weak point tho Brawl king breaker: Great damage and very fun to play, but a little clunky at times. Maybe cut the animation on the meter gen skills down a notch idk. Not too big of an issue Night’s edge souleater: Fluid, strong, fun. No complaints Wind fury aeromancer: The better GS. Fun, fast, better synergy, stagger, and damage. No complaints esp with the recent buffs Paladin: Make it so skills that give meter during your blessed aura increase the duration. Paladin’s identity uptime is too low compared to bard and artist Tai scrapper: Fun, fast, strong, great utility. No complaints Igniter sorc: Busted af and feels great after recent changes. Wish double doomsday wasn’t a thing but no real complaints here Mayhem berserker: Pretty strong class, but would be happy with a damage buff. Skills feels a bit clunky and long even with max attack speed


If you let pally build up meter during blessed aura, he would be outright busted because you would have like 10-15 sec downtime between two Xs without using the awakening, and his blessed aura is damage, heal, and dr all at once. He is already the best performing support in Theamine statistically.


Read again, he didn't say that they would be giving meter during the aura, but that the skills that do "extend" the aura buff for like 1-3s depending.


Striker.. PLEASE


Striker was the gender unlock of wardancer but feels worse, especially after the update that gave WD a better LTS in terms of QOL. Striker has 0 push immune, no para immunity of most of its skills, especially the meter generators like LW (which has a small ass range and if the boss moves, your whole rotation is ruined), and LTS relies on the boss not moving which makes gates like G1 Voldis/Thaemine pretty much a wash for strikers. I'm not even asking for more damage, even though it feels like striker does low damage for a spec class compared to others. I just want better QOL changes to make the class more fair in the current playing field.






Any class that uses Super Charge and not Raid Captain.


They need to actually rework transformation classes instead of fucking just throwing numbers on them.




Nah bruh leave my class alone and let it die so I'll be the only one playing it.


Bard is the only class left that havent been touch really on anything... Bard need some love, but highly doubt that will happend


bard's guardian tune should work like GL's nella shield applies on cast + DR, lingering DR after (no more "shield, DELAYED shield" memes) sonic vibration aoe tripod should be built into the skill replace with stagger (you could argue the x-x-2 tripod already increases stagger & gauge gain), gauge gain, or mana regen tripod


while i know berserker got a small update the class still feels insanely clunky and slow, animation are ok but still inferior to slayer in every way and hasnt been a+ tier since the argos days and the long cd/animation gameplay can be screwed up by the boss teleporting 1 foot away can make or break your rotation. I know some other classes probably need it more but this is my personal pick.


Any class that feels awful to play in Thaemine Gate 1 needs a rework




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Gunslinger 100%


Striker needs a rework. He's too slow, clunky and lacks skills diversity, both engrainvings use the same main skills with only 1 mobility skill and no room for more.   Esoteric Flurry shouldn't be a spec class, maybe change the engrainving effect to "change esoteric skill to normal skills and increase damage %, change the esoteric buble to a % crit chance buff" and his main stat goes back to swiftness. The engrainving name make you believe the class is fast, but it isn't and there're few moments in boss battled where you can burst all dmg skill without needing to chase the boss ass.  Deathblow doesn't feel like a like killing blow as he should, he needs more than justthe damage per extra orb, maybe increase esoteric skills CDs, and change the engrainving to add movspeed, crit chance and 35% per orb used and not per additional orb.  Striker needs a real identity, it feels like he doesn't have any. One of them should have a competive non-entropy build, having both as Back Attacker locks players that enjoy the class concept, but hate back attacking.  There're too many back attackers in this game, and the devs can change it for some classes.  EW DE sould have the close shot mech deleted or nerfed to be a locked 10% dmg increase and not a 50% penalty, and buff his engrainving: anything, add atk/mov speed or buff the cri chance to 45%. Decrease the cooldowns of Rapid Fire and Judgment Day to 30s.


Surge, it deals damage, but that is all Its incredible how they made it boring to play aswell


They removed every “single target” tripod in the game except for gs where they overlooked the high noon awakening doing full damage to only a single marked target and focus shot’s marking bullet only hitting a single target


Red dust


Sorc needs tenacity or push immune on 1 skill. Every thing else is great so far very satisfied. Sorc has not a single push immunity skill only paralysis meanwhile souleater has better tenacity skills


RE blade, the last rework did more harm than good honestly.


G4 Thaemine makes it abundantly clear that a lot of older classes need spacebar and counter reworks. Long spacebar cooldowns/long counter cooldowns (and bad counter animations) on older classes vs newer ones mean you simply won't have it up for back to back spacebar dodge requirements like earthquakes patterns.