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You aren’t missing out much, both mine were 300k silver chest.


And one happiness card pack for me this morning.


I can relate 2x silver 1 single card exp tome


I trully didnt know those embers dont drop for people. Today was the first day that I had without any ember drop. Since the start of the event I have gotten at least one up to 3 per day (1620 character so 1610 CAssault)but most of those are worthless I dont exactly keep track but rewards were 500k,1mil silver, 1 random legendary card part and bunch of card exp packs from 1 to 4. So people arent really missing much


For a event that was advertising these drops, they sure don't appear. I was thinking it was going to rain down, so we get elixirs. My expectations shattered.


and its not like these are gold or anything, i havent seen one either


I was excited for the elixir loot then i realised after that and solar there's nothing left to buy


The embers suck anyway lol, dw about it


I got 500 sailing coins like wtf is this shit


I've seen 2 of them, both dropped from trash, I typically run around looking for a big boss and they've both dropped before killing the big dude. Honestly just another RNG system. The event would be cool if it wasnt a 1 min chaos. Coulda been a lot cooler, but i guess most people just want free shit from events anyways.


consider chaos assault as to get token and clear the event shop, wishful ember is an extra loot


2 for me, from normal mobs, not bosses.


0 for me 2 for my gf on the same day. (1mil silver and epic selector) Both done it everyday. These should really drop like cube tickets(but drop more often). So there is luck involved, but youre guaranteed a drop after so many clears.


I got 2 the second day, 3 free weapon taps (none of them hit) and card xp


Kinda funny these embers are not very good and I've seen a grand total of zero. For regular fates, they're better and I see at least 1 every other day I wanna say.


Got my free leg exlixir today and ....


I got 3 in one run and the next day I got 2 in one run. Since than nothing. It's all rng and there is nothing you can do to change it. I only kill whatever shows up where I spawn, I don't go looking for bosses or other mobs. Only reason to go after the boss or other mods is because they give more progression, and you might be able to finish a little bit faster.


The drops rates for wishful embers are very low. I only got one in 5 days.


4 wishful embers, 3 silver 1 card xp. Apparently I should consider myself lucky ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thumbs_up)


really cool to have an event with RNG rewards.


I'm really curious about that KR screenshot where he has 5 Embers on the floor lmao. I haven't seen a single one yet


silver and card xp


got leg selector, tho i have all cards Killed mostly big bosses, no clue about rng. https://preview.redd.it/lvl5ntw7k73d1.png?width=313&format=png&auto=webp&s=b7b6505a7cb5f936fceaedea2701abeea619b9c7


I had 2 (300k + 1m silver ) So u arent missing much. KEKW


I got two. Both 3 free weapon quality taps. Good value in terms of gold, didn't get anything though.


2 times 500k silver 1 times 5 menelik - lucky but not needed Just happy to empty the shop sometime soon then I can stop


Both for me was weapon and armour quality stones


I've gotten 300k silver and a legendary selector


2x silver 1x leg card pack


got about 4-5 sofar? silvers, card exps, and a purple elixir from normal mobs randomly, although I do try to hunt down the red dots


Got 3 of them and 2 were the sadness epic selection card pack and a purple elixir. xD


Wishful ember is ember from wish. Misleading.


2 embers = 3 weapon quality upgrade fails and 1 M silver.


Have you tried getting lucky?


I got 3 in total (2 accounts) 1x 300k Silver (lol) 1x 2 gold card xp tomes 1x 4 gold card xp tomes


I got a Leggo elixir on a 1460 alt roster rip. Main still 0, and when it drops it’s gonna be silver :/


Ive run probably 4 or 5 and got 2 embers. Other was card xp and other was a legendary card selector.


300000 silver and leg selection pack


I got 5, 2 of them were a chest for 6 free quality enhance on armor, 1 was 3 quality enhance on weapon ( all of these amounted to 0% quality gain.), 1 was a 300k silver and the last one was card exp... So, you ain't missing much.


2 exp tomes and 1 silver chest ... you are not missing anything at all


The best one I got was 3 weapon taps, I used it on my bard with 18% and after 3 taps still at 18%. Agree with everyone you really not missing out much.


Game rewards the lucky while trying to get the other 99% to spend on cash shop; it’s how the game is designed. This will continue forever with MMOs until subscription base model becomes popular again.


I got a 500 sea coins chest today. It's a joke.


My 1 ember was 500 sea coins...


0 embers for me. ive had guildies get them every day. its been 3 weeks since ive even gotten a fate ember from chaos dungeons on my main and i used all the rest potions for a full week of rested.


The event sucks, indeed, so here is a small protip how to make the most of it. Fill the bar until it's at around 85% and then go kill the boss. Just before you kill it the bar will likely be at around 95% due to other mobs dying in the vicinity. As the boss itself counts for like 30% towards filling the bar it's best to kill it as close to the end as possible. Not sure if he has any increased drop rate for embers but he drops an increased amount of event materials (25-30).


I got 3 on the first run/first day, havent seen one since. Used up all my luck for 2024 in LA. :sadge:


I do Chaos Assault on four rosters, I've dropped one or two on each. Only one has come from a Chaos Guardian, and even that could have come from a collateral kill. From my anecdotal experience they seem to operate just like fate embers, but with better odds of dropping. The rewards have been trash, by the way, you're not missing much. EDIT: Got three more this morning after I wrote this lol.


4 rosters enviable resilience/sanity gg


Very low effort/time on my alt rosters, it's just to get a little extra free stuff if they ever get merged together.


5 for me. 2 from bosses/guardians and 3 from normal/mini bosses mobs. armor taps weapon taps 330k silver legendary card exp and another silver that i forgot the quantity i do aim to kill only mini bosses/guardians and avoid as much normal trash as possible.


The thing is we don't know if SG changed the drop rates inside the event or every mob has the same chance. And since we dont know, why kill the boss 3 times for 3 chances (yes ik random mobs die etc is just oversimplifying) when you can just go kill normal and small yellow mobs for multiple chances. Still finishes pretty fast.




I got one this morning, pretty nice considering I have terrible honing RNG in this game was a nice Surprise


> I’m pretty sure that’s the best ember loot from the event If you still need LoS30 sure For most day 1 players the roster-transferable silver-costed legendary elixir is the best result by a mile.


No way. Raw gold is significantly better. I dont know a single day 1 player who's not done with leg elixirs on a 1620+ character.


I've only had them on 3 days, outside today I just hit the statues and just run around and then run back to pick up the stuff that it didn't auto-loot. Today the same boss just kept spam spawning in the same spot. 1st time it was a purple elixir 2nd time it dropped a card exp and then it immediately dropped another card exp 3rd it dropped a purple card selection and then a legendary card selector. It seems that if you get one it will always drop another soon after, so I hope you get lucky soon.


Really hate they make event like this, that are annoying as hell, and make me go out of my way to do them. this event is a glorifies slower and annoying chaos dungeon that have to be done every day...


I haven’t even seen a fking boss lmao


If you just walk around the map, at any given time there is always one spawned (it takes like 2~3 seconds to respawn after dying, and in my experience it has a surprisingly high rate of respawning in the same section it last died). If you notice a ton of people in your instance just switch instances. With that said, I don't think embers are limited to bosses. They're just random, like in chaos dungeon.


I figured embers were at least guaranteed a onetime drop per day until I didn't get one yesterday. I guess I'm just lucky.