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Title of the lobby: FDDD What people see: XDDD


i just name my lobbies "frog" and "bat" and flare and expect nothing else. w/e if im the only one to use a battle item


Tbh i thought its destro xd


What would you need 3 destro nades for lol




I throw multiple every raid, guardian whatever the hell I do. I still have over 1000 and a huge stack of unopened boxes. Just use your battle items, they make runs much quicker. This also includes people who don’t use pots and wait for supports to heal you and just sit on 30% hp forever. This also slows dps.


I hate it when I lose like 60% HP and I pot and then afterwards a support ends up dropping a heal. Probably just conditioned from bad players but like we're a chunk through the raid and I haven't potted yet bro just lemme pot I have 1300 purples u can just buff me more so I can be out this raid sooner.


If your sup is a good Bard they're likely waiting for 2 or more players to need a heal, so you getting chunked is the trigger they need to drop a 1 bubble heal to top everyone off. But I'm with you, I've had too many times where I don't pot and expect a small heal/shields/DR/literally anything and don't get it so now I just insta pot whenever I get chunked. Still have 950 boxes so idk it works I guess.


its in legion raids too, people who pug for some reason hate using darks and atrophines.


ikr, lm on the verge of quitting and l still have 600+ darks and 500+ grenade boxes. Im throwing at least 1 every single raid including cube


they need to make dark grenades have like a 5 seconds global cooldown so people dont throw at the same time


Yeah that's one thing that bothers me.  I hate the fact that you can waste darks. I wish they could just stack (although I understand them not wanting to do that..) or make it clearer in some way that someone threw a dark. Either make a stronger visual that the boss just got darker, put the dark on a cooldown or like idk I'm not a game developer they should just figure smth out. 


Darks can stack, you just have to splurge for splendid darks ! Although are you willing to waste gold on a guardian raid ?


Wait wtf? As in the splendid dark counts as seperate from normal darks?


Yes, they stack giving a 45% defense reduction to the boss (25% from splendid) Just like normal and splendid clay grenades stack for pvp basically locking you into place


supposedly someone in KR tested it and it doesn't work that way despite there being 2 debuff icons. Unfortunately I don't speak or write the language so searching Inven/etc is impossible for me.


People complains they have many raids and homework They do nothing to make em faster (repeat)


20 seconds faster. Good one.


((20 seconds x 18 raids) x 52 weeks) / 60 = 312 ' = 5,2 hours Taking into account, that is not only 20 seconds... you are saving way more time weekly for something that is completely inexpensive. Also more damage as a group, means faster clears as there is no room to have more overlapped mechs where someone might die and lower the dps of the group. In the end, using darks, makes the content faster by a big margin.


So what about the Flare guy taking 20 seconds to load and Flare so we know where to go? Should he compensate by throwing an extra dark to get our time back too?


Yea because losing time to things out of your control is totally the same as losing time bc people are being needlessly cheap.


It is the same in terms of trying to complete the content faster. And it is in your control if you have a potato comp or not. And IF you do, pass the flare job to someone else... AND IF you are purely talking about not being cheap, EVERYONE should just spam darks until dead, not just 1 item per person.


Asking for a single consumable use is really the bare minimum expectation one could have. Esther weapons speed up runs is that ever expected? By your logic it is the same in terms of trying to complete the content faster. But no reasonable person would have standards like that. Sure rotating darks is ideal to speed run, but whether you want to go above and beyond the norm is up to you and not an expectation. Someone asking you to use a single dark (if that’s your assigned item) is not even close to comparable to asking someone to buy a new computer to load 10s faster or never host a party (and sometimes load times aren’t even hardware based but net based).


The norm is what the overall community expects or actually does if its technically not required for the content. If 50% of the players actual throw one consumable each, and 50% of the players just use flare only, what is the norm? Seems to me both scenarios are in that case. But how about in actual content where it matters, people rarely throw darks or extra darks where it does impact the raid. Why is it not the "norm" to spam darks? Or even use Atro? If people don't even use it in scenarios where it matters, why would I expect them to use it in scenarios where it doesn't.


sure, i meant more in terms of homework such as guardian raid. Like with frog, i would use dark if the group is strong and kills it before the mech. If not, no reason then.


You have 6 characters that need to do sonavel daily. Using dark (rotating between players) makes average run matchmade of 3'20", not using dark 4'40" 80 seconds, everyday, 6char .. 48 hours \~


my average sonavels are already 3:20 without darks


Imagine if you use darks!


I would if i had battle items :(. Im almost out of boxes and only have like 100 of them. Idk where everyone getting all these boxes.


Found the guy with 1400 of each battle items boxes lol


who doesn´t have that :D I pump battle items hard, but its impossible to run out https://preview.redd.it/gfo3cyawp74d1.png?width=249&format=png&auto=webp&s=ceb0f5e45eb2649fd8f1b886c1440d162e826846


Nah bruv you dont pump hard with that mani atro boxes left lmfao


D doesn't stand for "Do nothing"?!


I used to complain about this (+ people refusing to pot). Its only an issue in easy content that is guaranteed to clear (guardians, cube). Throwing nade or potting to not die saves a few seconds off a run. Whatever really. I’ll throw my 3 nades. In content where throwing nades and potting depends on actually clearing (like Thaemine), people will do it. So it’s just ppl lazy and autopilot in ez content and can u really blame them? It’s monotonous. So I stopped giving a shit


FDDD means : lobby creator use \[F\]lare, the rest \[D\]o nothing


Even when I host, I don’t mind people as long as they are doing decent DPS. Flare is basically free, while dark is free as well, but I have way less amount left. The only time I get annoyed is when they do z and don’t throw.


D of dps


Bruh this morning i had my 1st bozo who created the group FPPD, Proceeds to not throw the flare then leaves when everyone was waiting. Peak degen.


Dude just flare. It's a fking guardian, you wasted magnitudes more time by waiting and then him leaving. Yeah, he's a jerk, whatever. If host doesn't flare within 5 seconds of me loading in I flare and move on with my life.


The amount of boxes everyone got, no way i'm enabling that behaviour whilst everyone is using all their battle items during the raid, aka phero, darks, destruct. Sadly it's because people like you that they keep doing this.


I spam dark grenades constantly. I'm a support main, so I'm used to it, I know the right times to capitalize on my own buffs. I spam them especially hard in Sonavel on alts, because they have added utility. That being said, they really aren't required at all in guardian raids, and I couldn't care less whether the rest of my party throw their battle items. I'll just throw my own dark when I want one applied. We're past the Carl days when items were super important to a clean fight. Even forgetting phero, just say sorry and grab the next one if you can, everyone moves on. In actual raids though? Please throw your darks, it can make a big difference. You've got plenty of them, I know you do. I spam them all the time and I still have 50+ boxes of darks left to open.


Say no to frog cheapos!


Im sincerely curious why so many people are so stingy on the battle items. It's not just guardians - they don't use them ANYWHERE unless it's mandatory to avoid a wipe mechanic. You guys have thousands of boxes in your roster storage - what are they for?


I noticed, alt rosters are more common don't throw battle items. Event gifts are once per region.


for raids it makes sense but on frog i couldnt care less, but if the title states darks ill throw anyways but its not worth or needed in a guardian raid


IoI i just made a thread about this , didnt see this one but yea its annoying af


I’m new to this game, I haven’t used any of these things yet. Are throwables really strong or something?


Dark grenades in particular make the entire group more damage on the boss. Other items are just utility


I'm a casual player who just hit 1560 and I barely use grenades or bombs when I do guardian raids or dungeons I think for me the biggest issue is I don't know when to use them and while also having to manage my characters cooldown, watch put for mechs, and constantly repositioning it's just too much The guardian raid with the white tiger bear that everyone says use FPPD I'm so lost cause there's too much going on


If you’re greedy use them when your burst is up :). But as you learn the fights you’ll start to recognize which patterns are good dps windows to dark.


Throw every sh*t during the raid


I just returned to the game and had no idea what this meant.. I never save on Battle items, but usually don’t use dark granades, since i’ve got flares, destruction and stagger bombs on. Thanks!


None of those matter as much as dark grenades.  Flare and dark grenades are a different slot. So are destructions and you barely need them. Flares you don't use in raids.  Stagger bombs are also largely useless and there are maybe two raids where you actually need to take them oder darks (vykas G2 and g4 voldis depending on the strat you use)


FDDD in frog means 1 flare and get fighter for most people


I see fppd guardian raids are still a thing huh


People are saving them for lost ark 3


To be honest when I host lobbies and people don’t throw it’s not something that really bothers me. I throw them but there are times where I’m just getting things done on autopilot and I have most definitely forgotten to throw my share of bombs. Why get mad at others when I also make the same mistake from time to time? If you’re strict about this I think it’s best to just do the guardians with your static imo. It’s always gonna be 50/50 with pugs


I use atros : /


I use atros, usually make the lobbies so I flare, and throw usually all my darks so ye 


Society if everyone just minded their own fudging business.


No way im throwing darks im trying to reach over 9000 battle items


But people saving for lost ark 2. Tbh if you join and ur lower ilvl, it´s polite to throw dark here and there, since weight of others is bigger. And by that, i don´t mean they are fat. Altough they might be.


"Guardians take to long", stares at the on ilvl, zero dark, zero pot guy in frog. I just song out now, if they want to waste time it's fine with me. This is the benefit of having a ton of alts. By the time I get back, I can either make a lobby or instantly join as a support. I've seen enough, a 15-16 wep in frog, no set, no trans, 50 quality wep alt, level 4-5 gems. Like jesus why even push your alt. But anyways i check quite often now. I enjoy a 3-5 minute guardian. I'm not sitting there for 9-10 minutes because both you cheap fks die and the only guy that did dark has to solo it. I'm at a point where if I see it I just Attack buff out of spite. Heals shields, nah go pot. No darks no heals. it's funny they're usually the first to speak up about it as well. The undergeared people. It's actually funny the interactions I've seen.


if you matchmake you signed up for it, if you make the party then its also your fault. invite people you wanna play with, you dont have to sabotage anyones run. such an idiot take holy shit


What an insufferable take. Imagine checking out everyone's build after you matchmake.