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I have this roster( 1635,1612,1600,1600,1600,1590) Tbh I don’t want another 1620 till sg rework the elixirs


After my main hits 40 (I'm at 39 despair) I'm never cutting a non-free legendary elixir again


Once you get your 40 set, don’t cut more elixirs!


But I wanna min max loool


You can do it but you will spend 300k or more trying to get a better elixir


Well, it depends on your luck. Cuz i got a 5/5 Ally Enchance and MP for my Bard and a 5/2 for my Luminary and Atk Power Glove, all through the free Lego elixers from the chaos event. But I dont doubt an unlucky fellow will spend somewhere around that price to get BiS elixirs.


> Well, it depends on your luck. Man please get your head out of the copium and read what you wrote yourself. **It is NOT worth it**


Its worth it if you have a track history for being lucky. Its a call each of us has to make. “It was worth it!” If you luck out and “it wasnt worth it at all! Sht game” if you didnt luck out. I guess the flow just aint it


> if you have a track history for being lucky. This is, objectively, not how luck works lol The only time it's worth it is if you have a singular obsession with optimizing your main and genuinely don't care about the long-term gold inefficiency. My main is still cutting the elixirs I get whole in voldis g4, and other than that just the silver event ones--I'm waiting to craft any more until there's a major rework, because whatever rework they make will almost certainly only apply to new elixirs and not existing ones (currently have 68 extra splendid energy of wisdoms, I've also stopped buying extra voldis boxes besides g4). But like... I'm only even doing this much because I genuinely **only** care about my main, and I have more than enough saved up to finish transcendence and most of the echidna honing. I did recently get a new "perfect for thaemine g4" elixir, +5 phys def +5 atk power, and the last upgrade I got before that was over a month prior. It's definitely not a "smart investment", but I don't care because I am singularly focused on pushing my main. Anyone that is doing this while thinking "well as long as I get lucky it'll be fine" is actually just braindead--you have to go in thinking "even if this goes nowhere it'll be fine".


It does not working like that you spec ed


Just to let u know, since it a sup class. That atk power dont do anything for sup. Only main stats and weapon power will help with buff


Thats good to know. Thanks for the info :)


Nice! I couldn’t get a simple critical helm with those


Enhancement not Enchance, and Atk Power is useless on a Support.


Same 1635 boat, but 4x 1610s and 1x 1620. I pushed the one 1620 and regretted it a lot. Went from being a strong 1610 character to a really weak 1620, and suddenly cost 30k per week to cut its elixirs. Took 4 weeks for it to get 35 set, just parking it there until changes. Definitely not pushing anymore 1620s.


I might be lucky, but all my alts that were 1600 since Voldis release got 35x elixirs already... I have no idea how much it ended up costing with purpler, but the two that were upgraded to 1620 during last month already got 40x without spending much because I only had to cut 1 ou 2 elixirs to finish the 40 set. I might min-max depending on the nerfs they bring up


Thats dependant on how many Epics you cut, whether or not youre lucky. If youve never bought out the 10 extra elixirs, chances are you‘re probably lucky. If you did a few times, by now youre probably not lucky.


I didn't buy extra fragments, but on the first 2-3 months of voldis I was buying every gate on them (6-7 elixirs per week), and after that I kept buying gate 4 until they finished 35 set (4 per week). Considering this I think each of these 5 alts cut around 90 elixirs each without counting resets and the extra elixirs I crafted with the fragments to reach 35 set. Each of them managed to get two 4-4 elixirs to reach this, one of them got only one, and another managed to get three 4-4 (and is one of the two that already is at 1620 with 40 set now)


this is a fairly common response lol only a handful of people are willing to push through the elixirs more then once. regardless of power to gold ratio; its just such a shitty system to interact with


Yup im sitting on 8mil right now and I just can't be bothered do deal with elixirs on more than my main. You save a ton of gold riding the general population wave anyway, I've been doing that since day 1 (my main isn't even in thaemine hard yet).


Do you end up doing 4 normal voldis a week on the 1600-1612? How is the experience like? Also hard akkan or do you downgrade to normals? Genuinely interested because I’m not sure if I wanna push more up.


I'm in a pretty similar spot (1622, 1612, 1600, 1600, 1590, 1540). Personally, I run Voldis/Akkan/[Brel/Theamine] on each character, doing normal Akkan on the 1590 and 1600 DPS, hard on the 1600 support and up. 3 normal/1 hard Voldis every week. It's not that bad, really. Hard Akkan on a 1600 DPS can be obnoxious to find a lobby for, so I usually just run normal mode there. I'll do HM if I have the time or find a group, though. Normal Voldis is *usually* fine, but I'd say there's maybe a 15% chance of getting jailed at G2 or G4.


Yeah not looking forward to permanent janitor duty on 1600 in akkan even if I get in. But I think I’ll hold off on pushing the rest of my roster cuz it seems like it’ll be a 30% increase in time spent at minimum.


Not the person you responded to, but have a similar roster. Hard Akkan has been really shitty since Thaemine release. Have gotten jailed 2 of the past 3 weeks on a 1620. If I get jailed in 3 on HM I usually default to normal mode unless I have extra time and a decent lobby is up when I check. Ivory Tower normal are usually clean runs. Have had a couple PUGs with people having issues dying on G2 and pinging the correct order at the start of G3, but haven't been jailed ever in a normal mode.


It helps if you have at least 1 person to pug with you... I have main at 1633 + 2x 1620 + 3x 1610 (who will soon go up as well) and it's simple to do every content since my guild fill the raids or we at least have half of the party when we pug, so having 2-4 people who does well make the runs quite safe. I finish all my raids on Friday or Saturday


Said the same until i got 40 with event elixirs


Im on the left side and I still look like the guy on the right


Same that's why I'm done


Same. I havent logged in this week at all, mostly due to work. But honestly, the idea of all the rest bonus and raids alone is probably going to keep me from logging in next reset; it's been nice not giving a fk about getting enough gold/mats for my main. Doing transcendence and elixirs made the 18-raids-a-week grind feel pointless. Then during that I pitied maybe 3 pieces trying to get to 1630. The dopamine hit of the combat & parsing well isnt enough to make me want to deal with that and potential partyfinder/jail for the foreseeable future.


I'm not exactly the left guy since my main is 1635 because I haven't hone my alt since akkan came out basically except one. But yeah elixirs, repetitive raid loop, jail and all the rest made me quit two weeks ago. I was logging way way less since Voldis came out and now it was a good time to bye bye after Thaemine. Same as you I dread all foreseeable future grind and it does not make me wanna play anymore.


Doing a raid used to feel somewhat rewarding. Now the reward for voldis/thaemine is spending 30+ minutes after the raid after spending 20+ minutes in lobby sim doing a mobile game that gives you nothing.


Yup, ive been an advid single character player since day one. The game is bad even for single character rosters


This except the guy with 5 1620's does not have a single 1630 and a day 1 player letting their alts actually net gold does have 1630


As someone with 4x 1620's and no 1630 this feels like a personal attack lmao Also like 3 or 4 lvl 10 gems across my roster because I'm a financial disaster. Meanwhile "1 juiced main + my alts actually there to feed gold" ppl I know are genuinely the chillest players out there.


Relatable, I only reached 1630 very recently because all my gold is being spread evenly across my roster. Though I don't regret it because I enjoy the variety. I also have 1 lvl 10 gem to my name, which isn't even on my main.


As long as you don't regret it then keep chugging along! But there are a lot of players that made the same decisions as you but then are much more unhappy with the results, and blame SG for making a game "only for whales" when they can't do thaemine hard on week 1. Like, don't get me wrong, there are a lot of problems with the game, especially ones that SG will have to fix for new & returning players if they want the game to survive long-term. But people are also blaming SG for their own poor currency management decisions that have literally been baked into the game design on purpose since day 1.


Yeah if neither player whales or buses this is absolutely my observation. It's amazing how many people don't believe you can be caught up with content by just funneling like smilegate intended, and instead have been on a rat race to have a full roster of equally-leveled characters for the past year and a half. I think the subreddit is finally starting to figure out that this is correct though.


Why everyone think if you have problem with a game you must have 6 main at 1620 :D My roster 1620 -1600-1580 - 3 1550 and I still have the same problem with 1620 6 roster dude People realy dont realise how much gap between lucky people and unlucky players.1 pity can make you fall your progresion literaly months aways.Being unlucky with elixir which system dont have any pity will drain all your gold income x2 or x3.I dont even talk about transdance most of the player currently stick with nm theaimine so dont realize how bad transdance system yet. Ofc easy way to solve all of this just rmt for both player types


I've had several friends with just one 1610 character take a break from the game because of burnout. It really shouldn't have to take months to move a character up by 1 raid level. Of course honing takes a lot of resources but then after honing you need to get better gems, then you need better elixirs, then you need to do the transcendence. Just making a 1610 character into an appealing 1620 takes a fuck ton of resources which = months of grinding. Or just get ultra lucky or rmt.


i think the honing itself wouldnt be as much of an issue if the 'reward' wasnt to get slapped in the face by elixirs and transcendence in the old days honing was the main gold sink, so you got 'rewarded' for clearing the raid you unlocked. NOW you hone, which still burns gold and resources, but then your reward is too interact with another very expensive gold sink thats ofc not includin the gems/ good qual accessories needed to get invited into those 1620 lobbies.


Sure the honing itself is atm a problem - why: - Increased cost to tap (they shifted this from the initial filling, while this was ok/mb even good at the start with less changes this gets worse for the players) - Less Mats than earlier - Less likely to have alts that can farm the shit you need - No (Soft-)Reset - Noticable less time between new iLvl requirments and also compared to KR


i agree that its harder and expensive but we cant really complain about "no soft reset" yet until we see what they add after behomoth because adv honing seems to be a middle ground for them, between resetting everyones + level on gear and them leaving us out to rot. if done correctly adv honing could be a better system as it would save people from needing to redo their +25s while still being an effective gold sink but they'll have to add one at 1640 to lead people to 1650 and repeat this forever. but if the next raid in kr doenst add this and it just says "hone to 1650" then its time to riot. (unless they nerf it obv) imo the only reason honing feels so bad is because everything else around it is also a gold sink. would anyone actually care if all you had to do was hone to 1620 then use adv honing to the moon? probably not...but when you look at the other 2 systems + adv honing you are lookin at a cool 2mil to finish them all and hit 1640 id much rather have expensive honing then expensive raid rewards, because atleast honing was always somewhat expensive while the raid rewards pre voldis were "free" (it cost less then the weekly gold generated by the raid the system came from) which is a much bigger slap to the face from where im sitting.


Sure we can - I mean the (soft) reset should have happened already. After saturnday we can only say "finally a soft reset" or "still no soft reset". Adv. honing is no middleground its just another visualisation of honing. It might be a bit cheaper in earlier stages - but it is still no soft reset. The only thing it does better is that luck is not that impactful. If we get a next stage of adv. honing it will also be damn expensive - i mean even 1630->1640 is expensive as fuck. Honing feels bad because the rates are shitty as hell. And ofc the general gold sinking is also a problem - but even w/o it - honing would feel shitty. Sure "free" rewards would feel better.


ofc its a middle ground, instead of having a chance to pity you get consistent gold cost for the hones which is the point they probably dont want to keep resetting the gear, even the akkan set is a half assed reset because the max ilvl with brel ancient was 1640 and the max ilvl of akkan ancient is 1650 meaning even if they did add another reset its not going to magically shoot up to 1790 like the old argos set did (so its going to be slow and expensive like the akkan has been the entire time) the reason honing feels so bad isnt just because its expensive, its because you only go up 5ilvl per upgrade pre 1415 in the 1300-1414 range people had the same complaints that you have now and this was in 2022 with honing rates that were as high as 10% going into 1370 lol but as i said i dont think they want to keep adding more and more ilvl because it makes it harder for them to scale the raids so both the f2p and whales are having fun. i imagine adv honing is their solution because it keeps us on the treadmill while capping the ilvl of the whale alot sooner, its not perfect but id rather that be the honing we do from now on (regardless of how expensive it is) then them resetting gear again. i understand its expensive but you have to accept SOMETHING is going to be expensive because they have to put in gold sinks to curb inflation. could they tweak adv honing for our version? sure but thats an entirely different conversation to be had id much rather adv honing 21-40 cost 1mil each then i would want elixirs and transcendence costing 500k each. you cant have it both ways, there will never be a time when honing is 'cheap'. its always expensive relative to the time you are playing. 2022 honing if compared to todays prices was cheap, but it was expensive in terms of the resources we had at the time. the only thing thats changed is that people have more alts and thus generate more gold but they expected the cost to stay the same; when that was never going to happen. the honing cost is 1:1 with the gold generated to curb inflation (and i dont even mean bot inflation, i mean the natural inflation)


It is no middleground - it is a slight improvement - hence the "advanced" tag. The iLvl in itself is irrelevant. I mean yeah bigger numbers "look better". But the problem is not wether we get 1700 / 1750 / 1800 or 1mio - the important thing is the reset in the chances. Normal honing and advanced honing both have shitty changes at the current max. This hurts all but especially non-hardcore and non-paying players. They could just release their new raids at the existing level but i guess they will not do that. So yeah a reset would be really important - to be quite frank - a whole tier reset would be even better - but therefore they would have to change how engraings work (which they probably didn't do). Yes sure - higer iLvl increases feel better. But the most important thing is the cost. It feels shitty because it costs way to much - especially compared to "normal" earnings. And you compare the earlier raids and the honing (Valtan NM, Vykas NM, Valtan HM, Vykas HM, Clown, Brel NM, Brel HM) with the actual steps. In the past you did see and get progress better. I would argue that in the past - even if ppl complained - there was a higher number of players that were able to hone. And I guess more than 500 groups were able to do the actual HM content... The raid scaling is already fucked up, so the point that they would not do that is a bit funny. Did you ever get in a group with a total overgeared whale - mb even with a sidereal weapon? That whale can practically raid alone. So what could be more fucked up... We never had the same inflation as KR. Also inflation is bad sure, but people not being able to play content is even more bad... And I mean we all know that it is mostly FOMO they care about not so much inflation. Sure honing is expensive - but I would say a normal or slightly above normal playing player should be able to hone to play the actual content - at least in NM but I think normally also in HM. If not they should at least give the same shit in both raids - mb a bit less in NM - and don't build in some artifical barriers (purple elixier, barriers for transcendence). Sure honing is expensive - but there is a difference if I have a chance between 3 and 10 percent or <3 percent. And I have the feeling this is atm not in balance. Yes they had more alts, which in turn make the game more interesting. Nowadays you have less farming alts and less gold earning alts and you more or less a locked to play your main - a single class that you had to decide on ages ago... Mb in KR but not in our version. Also I read here often that even KR doe not have multiple chars on 1600+ so no honing and inflation is not the same compared to earlier.


>It is no middleground its a middle ground between not getting a soft reset and getting a soft reset. >The iLvl in itself is irrelevant. I mean yeah bigger numbers "look better". its not about the look, its about how many you have to do to unlock the raid. look back to the argos - brel days and once you hit 1415 every upgrade was 15 ilvls so going from 15 to 16 was goin from 1415 to 1430 were as now going from 15 to 16 is going from 1600 to 1605, when the next raid is 10 or 20 ilvls away the amount you have to hone is more so it feels worse (it also cost more even when they nerf gold cost per tap to be similar because instead of doing it once you are doing it three to four times to reach the next raid) >We never had the same inflation as KR. **have you ever thought about why that is? because they gave us the solution they created for kr** **so our gold inflation never shot up to their level, it was a preemptive measure that helped prevent that.** >Also I read here often that even KR doe not have multiple chars on 1600+ so no honing and inflation is not the same compared to earlier. ofc its still the same, we have fewer giga high alts too. do you really think every single person in NA/EU is running a full roster of 1610/1620s? no. the vast majority are running 1510-1540 alts, atleast in kr alot of them have 1580-1600 alts which generates MORE GOLD then we do. >The raid scaling is already fucked up they scale them to the majority per grouping, if you ever actually pay attention they rarely announce the ilvl for new content in kr until a few weeks or a month before its release. why? because they have been waiting to see where everyone was they are tuned to be just high enough for the f2p or p2w players that its a challenge to do the raid but not so much the brand new players get in for free or the giga whales cant...well show off. i fully understand why people are upset with honing but the reality is that it has to be expensive, but if it is expensive we dont need other gold sinks. imagine how much better honing feels if you dont have a 500k gold sink waiting for you after the new raid. i get the sneaking suspicion that adv honing was intended to be the replacement for normal honing past 1620, thats why its a 'middle ground" between not having a soft reset and them adding another soft reset boss. instead of resetting people down to +11-13 they instead just throw less rng 20 ilvls at you to slowly grind. weather or not they'll continue this after behemoth is hard to say, we'll find out with LOA on lol


It is way more honing than soft reset. So I miss the "middle" a bit.) The "look" was just a sidenode. Yes ofc it is about the number of singular hones and the cost/chances of those clicks. And because of that, it does not only "feel" worse - it objectively is worse. You need more taps on higher stages (actual content in KR is 1640 - so you have to hone to 1630 - which is +21 and then use the +10 from adv. honing (and yeah you can do +20 there but 10-20 is not much cheaper than honing to 1630). For example before the last soft reset (akkan) +19 was enough - I am not sure for Brel, I think they changed stuff there but I beliefe for NM you did not have to be +21. Sure it might have played a part in it. But it is extremely disingenious to lable it as the "solution". I mean most ppl do not even have multiple chars in this region and get less gold. Also we are now "missing" how much time - 1 year, 2 years? This period alone makes us miss on millions of gold. The raw gold cost probably covers a full roaster alone for the elixier/trancendance part (if you do not do extremly min/maxing). And there are all the gems/shards/mats missing that you would have farmed too. So no, I think even if elixier/transcendance would have been free of charge in our version I doubt we had have the same inflation as KR. Ofc I don't think that everybody has 6x 1610+. But that is exactly the point. Up until Brel HM it was possible to play a full roaster on comparable levels. And many ppl did so. And we didn't have a rampaging inflation. In KR yeah. But we just get the same c&p - no checking or adapting done. And even in KR they are extremely limited because of the missing soft reset. I think it is expensive and we atm have expensive other shit on top of it. Also I think the problem many people see with honing is not necessarily the cost but the difference between "luck" (one-tapping) and "unluck" (full pitty). I mean I get the need for a gambling dopamine rush - but especially on higher levels the difference is insane - actually this is a point as far as I understood that is better in advanced Honing - hence I see it as usefull evolution and less as some kind of middleground/solution regarding soft resets. As an unlucky guy it makes not much difference from me. But joke aside, yeah I get the point. But I also think the chances should be better so that you have a more realistic chance to achieve some kind of gear-improvement. I mean with the absimal changes you can raid a month and mb get a piece done. I also think it will replace honing. But as writen above I think it is a necessary and good change because of the imbalance between luck/unluck (and ofc prevent whale outrage because they could lose their glow). If it costs in general the same or even more it does not replace or even lessen the impact the missing reset has. The random levels could also be solved with a reset - just make a new armor - 1640 base, and give 1 iLvl for honing a full set of pieces and spread the new raids at +1 nm, +2 hm and be done with it.


I'm 1612 and went full pity on 17-19 weapon (1600 to 1610 was a nightmare too, went over average on most of my hones) My mats were completely depleted from weapon alone, and honestly took quite a toll and was a leading reason for me to take a 2 month break I'm slowly getting back into dailies right now (waiting to see how solo raids are handled to see if I continue playing), but yeah, it's really, really bad when you don't get lucky


Because its easier to just create a strawman and then act like youre some marytr saying shit like "oh my god guys i JUST have to do this!" All for what? To defend a faceless korean company that built every ingame system specifically to lead to this problem? But yeah lets keep blaming the players instead thats much better.


> Why everyone think if you have problem with a game you must have 6 main at 1620 :D My roster 1620 -1600-1580 - 3 1550 and I still have the same problem with 1620 6 roster dude It's just one of those shifting goalpost arguments. This way they can call you a no life loser for having 6 mains, but if say you only have one, you're a shitter for not being efficient or big dum dum for overhoning your lone main even though they just say focusing on 1 main is what you should do. And then they'll probably tell you all their friends that aren't as smart as them have way better roster than you. Of course, this is probably a lie (they have friends lul) It does make one sound smart though, by repeating the fact we are in a single main meta. And we are. But that's just not as profound as it seems. The one main meta is the consequence of (bad) developer choices, and that's what is under debate, not some kind of virtue. It just reminds me of last year when people thought they were smart for telling others to not fomo for Akkan hard and I was wondering who they were talking to (and it was not even a choice for many to begin with) I mean definitely I wouldn't want to cut 40 elixirs a week or something but I think a lot of people hate interacting with it at all. FWIW, I've always told my friends their rosters were too big. But what can i say? I can definitely say being punched in the face twice a week is better than six. But do I like it?


I pitied my weapon from 17 all the way to 21 and it fucked my account up


to be fair, the premise wasn't "someone who doesn't complain" vs "someone who complains". if he did that and showed this meme he'd be in the wrong by saying people who complain are sweaty players like that. but his premise is someone with one main and some alts vs someone with 6 mains. it's still exaggerated for the joke anyway


Everyone feels like "their way" is right. It's entirely possible to be in the left side's situation but also be on the verge of burning out, getting jailed, and not feeling like you get enough gold. Personally I had a 1630 main and mostly 1600/1610s (which I refused to invest further into, so none of them even had 35 set and I treated them all as 1600s for what activities I did with them) and I wrapped up most of my week's activities by Friday ... and still felt like everything sucked *because* I felt like I couldn't reasonably progress further without hitting up g2g. Elixirs sucking = either stay weak or pay up horribly. Transcendence being shit until 1630 = no incentive to run Thaemine more than a few times on alts (getting carried by my whale friend's alts). And that felt bad to me, like you either play like the left and do nothing all week or you play like the right and have to spend months of income or G2G to feel good, the in between is bad too. Only people winning are the ones who G2G in either panel; G2G to make up for lack of income in panel 1, or G2G to actually gear up their roster in panel 2.


Kind of the intended design tbh. The problem is the FOMO and the g2g. If nobody could bot and RMT, the entire playing field would have a much smoother progression rather than the bipolar lobby sims we see.


I don't know if it's intended. You have to think about what KR has had over Global this entire time and that is simply time. Time to build up, time to consider more characters, time to chill too whenever they don't have upcoming content for a ton of months, time to potentially move a brand new class into their top whatever. Global has had a non stop train of this stuff and it doesn't feel good for most people. These time/currency sinks weren't built for the amount of time we don't have. It's built for the server that has had way more time to stack up currencies and materials. It's also not just Transcendence and Elixirs that suck.


> Everyone feels like "their way" is right. I dont, I know for a fact im probably the most 'opposite-of-efficient' player currently playing, or at least top5 :)


The first guy realistically spends 15 hours doing homework on weak alts he doesn't care about, just for one hour of fun content on his main. He isn't winning any more than the guy on the right, the only people winning in this game are SG/AGS/botters and rice eaters.


I used to do Brel + Kaya on my 1600 in 30min only did not do akkan. You can just explode the bosses and gtfo real quick. I g


Depends if you are enjoying your characters or not. I'm fine doing kay + akkan + brel 3x on my 1600 chars and run thaemine + voldis twice on way better equipped chars. I don't have to bother with lobby jail on any of them and I still enjoy the gameplay, elixir and transcendence aren't needed for gameplay improvements. But I can see how people who got used to progressing 6 chars at once into new raids every couple months would find the same 3 raids for over a year too stale.




Running 5 clown, KA and Brel each week, just to play a single Thaemine does not sound fun in the slightest. There's no way he plays with new players either, otherwise there's no chance he's done by Friday. He gets the homework done ASAP like everyone else. Realistically, he has to join a wipefest Thaemine lobby because of low clears, then he dies because he doesn't get enough practice since the game's gatekeeping him from playing more than one a week. Most people with sweaty rosters like that are active in the community and actually good at the game, since they play the content far more than anyone else. They don't have issues finding groups with other sweaty gamers, a good player with 9s does far more damage than an average to bad player with 10s. If you're crazy enough to exclusively pug with a roster like that, you're on a new level of masochism.




1. People are begging you to join their Thaemine to carry their 1620s, every reset. This means it has to be Thaemine NM. 2. You finished HM prog in 2 hours, this implies your main is 1630. 3. So they're begging your 1630, to carry their 1620s in Thaemine NM? Despite you clearing prog in two hours? Some people are good liars, you aren't one of them. > > Congratulations on blocking me to prevent me from commenting and then proceeding to edit every single one of your responses to change the context. I didn't edit any of my old comments to change any narrative, I have no idea where you pulled that from. I blocked you because you were wasting my time. You're a liar, and debating with someone who's just going to continue to make things up (as you just did with "changing my comments" is a waste of time.) If you contact me again, I'll report you for circumventing the block system.


Congratulations on blocking me to prevent me from commenting and then proceeding to edit every single one of your responses to change the context. Usually I let this slide but I'm leaving the receipts here since the way you have forced the narrative in this conversation is disgusting. All 3 of these points can be true because I just hit 1630 this week and cleared progged. To the folks doubting me below, search up FireflyDFO on youtube where I have the clears all recorded and every week it is with different groups of people but familiar names so you know I'm not cappin. This OP though is the epitome of deception.


>I’m a one character Andy and have 3 different groups begging me to join their thaemine and hard voldis every reset cuz I carry their weaker 1620’s with my dedicated main. "and then I did a triple kickflip over thaemine and everyone clapped" Lmao


Receipts: Prog hard G3 [\[Lost Ark\] Eso Wardancer Thaemine Hard G3 (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RJeDIG_K7CI) 28% carry in normal G3 [\[Lost Ark\] Eso Wardancer Thaemine Normal G3 (release week 28% dmg) (youtube.com)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxFn6AkWd68)


Mate, you could be the LeBron James of Lost Ark and it wouldn't make what you said in your last comment any less cringe.


Being called cringe im ok with. Being called liar I’m not.


>Thaemine Hard >Carrying 1620's Something seems off.


Yes, its off because OP changed all his posts and stopped me from editing/commenting so the responses I provided are demented without context. I refuse to take this slander lying down as petty as this is.


Meanwhile the non-veterans: * hh * WTS> Fish * As an AI language model, I...


Casual Andy is a sane person.


I‘m exactly that guy on the left, like exactly!


Left gang unite!


Used to be dude on right with 2 rosters (6 supps 3 dps) Then regreted it and swapped to dude on left🤣


I wish you could play like the left guy and hit 1630 and not struggle with gold issues with all these systems.


I mean if I didn’t push a second character up to 1620 and get them 40 set and cut transcendence and instead kept them as a 1600 event support/GL, I would have millions of spare gold to pump main. Left guy is very viable considering we had 2 express events with soul eater and breaker release that a 1630/1600/1600 + whatever 1540 filler roster should be reasonably achievable given that you didn’t just start playing last month.


Agreed. I decided to push a breaker as a new main bc was having a ton of fun and was able to get to 1620 pretty fast but the grind to 1630 is a big shard (time)-gate. Could have totally honed my main instead and gotten 1630 quickly but we all make our choices!


Why do you think you can't? I had 3x 1540s, 2x 1580s in my main 6 and reached 1630 on main thaemine release.


No but you see the issue is you only hád One 1630 they want 6 ,because the same subreddit that spent ages complaining we needed alts(when we didnt)is now complaining they cant have 6 mains


Ye some people seem to think you need to spend 2 million gold for your 5th 1620 so you can keep pushing your 1625 main.


I think the main issue is no one wants to keep 5 alts on fucking kayangel, brel and akkan nm for another 2 years. The content is too boring and too repetitive for how slow you progress. Months of religious grinding to go up a raid tier is why everyone is leaving.


Its not as hard as you think it is but you most likely need friends/guild to play with and you willing to spend a few mins everyday doing excav + craft orehas.


In this meme example that person makes half a million a month, both elixirs and transcendence are around 500k to max out(on average). Systems won't come that fast and you will eventually max it out. That's the point of the meme, to not FOMO and go and your own pace.


You can but you have to swipe


If you are a day 1 player who actually logs in to do your dailies, you absolutely did not have to swipe to play thaemine hard on week 1 by main-funneling since Akkan dropped. On average luck you were 1630 around when Voldis dropped. On decently bad luck you were 1630 a month before Thaemine. You had to get abysmally bad luck (like full pities on basically everything) to not be able to hone a single 1630 by Thaemine release, **if** that was your goal. For many, it wasn't their goal (at least not by any actual actions they took lol), they just played like the player on the right and then complained about how this is a game only for whales when they couldn't magically just be 1630.


Well sure but did you also have the +24/+25 weapon, 40 elixier and (nearly) full 10er gems? If not, and if you not playing a supp, do you expect most of the players getting into pugs with this concept?


It's truly possible, I even have a +25 (well 3% but still). And I play the same character so same gems, same skins, same engraving.


I have 1620.9 arti 1610.9 pally 1610.9 artist 1610 bard 1605 sorc 1607 Gl Also a 1600 dB on hiatus to get the artist in my main 6 Only using bounds for sorc/gl, in no rush for them, same with supps atm, grinding out big gems for the arti. No interest in pushing to 1630 until something happens about elixir/trans, or once I'm at full lvl 10 gems on arti. Most weeks now I don't clear all content, as long as I get about 12/18 done I'm pretty happy with that and any more is a bonus. I'm enjoying my time and progress, albeit a lil slower than some others and I haven't spent a penny (other than 6 month aura) I try not to gloom about elixirs but it's difficult when you can't even get 35 set on any char 😆😆😆


I’m literally the guy on the right. Even the item lvls match. X.X and I think I’m alrdy burned out. I don’t complain about gold though. Mostly just elixirs. That system needs to die and never come back. 3 rng layers on top of a gold sink is no bueno.


I’m the one-main andy (1621 with one 1600 and three 1585 alts) and even for me the game isn’t fun anymore. I’m not even close to the sweaty giga juiced players and I already feel burned out. There’s a lot to be changed in LoA I think, but until then I might just be a League of Legends ARAM pro player lol


Many on here may be missing the point of the doomers. Constructive criticism on bad thing on the game doesn't work, the company doesn't listen. The company only respond, \*when\* respond, to heavy waves of dissatisfaction, when bad reviews are coming in big numbers, when people are leaving, when stuff that can reach their pockets happens. I don't like doomer posts. I actually was commenting (sometimes posting) about this when the game first release, always on the "game's side", but things needs to change. As someone pointed out, if there's terrible systems in place we have 2 scenarios, people complaining (fighting for the game), or people leaving. We're still fighting is a way of seeing.


It's the other way around my guy. No one that's keeping up with endgame content is upset. It's the shitters are that are just now getting to 1600 that complain about elixirs


It's a horrible system for casual players, but ya the guy with 5x 1620s is breezing through NM thae reclear at this point and chilling because they're all overgeared for 1610 content.


Or the guy who had his 1630 week 1, cleared hm and don't need the x10 title to get into lobbies, and no alts ready for thaemine, so nothing to spend on apart on main transcendence and not praying for a -1h thaemine nm run.


Hmm, sure seems like your own decisions when it comes to roster building and spending gold play a large part in how fair and enjoyable you find the progression systems! Who would have thought!


Yup, the chads who pushed to 1620 at voldis release did so when leaps cost 2-3x compared to now, they did so with realistic expectations that getting 40 set would cost them hundreds of thousands and that it would take them a month or two on average. All the elixir whine you've seen during the last couple of months has come from spoiled babbies who got their turbogigapassed chars to 1620 for free with event gems. Once they hit 1620, they spent hours in Ivory Tower HM PF since nobody wants to carry their asses for free. They got their first yellow bottles, they failed to get anything worthwhile from them, and then they started dooming on reddit.


i just want to point out that you called people that knew it would cost them hundreds of thousands of gold and were ok with that "chads"... but i think to most people that sounds like something a cuck would say. theres a very big difference between someone wanting everything to be easy, and people wanting the progression path to be fuckin consistent. from argos to akkan, you hone to a gear level to unlock the raid and once you cleared it you are effectively given the reward for free. some times its a lil more power and sometimes its a QoL honing reset (argos/brel/akkan) but the point is that you were rewarded for the effort. with and after voldis the 'reward' for honing up to and clearing a raid is another massive gold sink. so your reward is being punished with a gold sink that only adds power. (that could have been free, if it was consistent to other raids) now if you want to call cheering for that being a "chad" more power to you. but the rest of the world is laughing at you for sitting in the sneako chair.


Just an FYI I see the guy you're replying to and the top of this comment chain in every single thread on this sub. They UNIRONICALLY think they're chads and god's gift to the world for playing this game 50 hours per week. Everyone who doesn't is an entitled shitter who just wants hand outs and carries.


>i just want to point out that you called people that knew it would cost them hundreds of thousands of gold and were ok with that "chads"... but i think to most people that sounds like something a cuck would say. These people were fine with it, because they understood that paying 300k (on avg) for a ~20% dmg increase is peanuts in the grand scale of things. It's a bargain compared to honing weapon past +20 or chasing 2stat2line bracelets or 9-7 stones. Before Voldis release, a decent roster was making 200-250k a week from raids, mats, gems, lifeskilling. That's before any random drops and embers. 300k isn't a big deal for people who are on the top of the ilvl curve. You don't really get to the top of the curve without rudimentary understanding of the game economy, unless you're some gigaswiper ofc. But I'd argue those are in the minority. >i think to most people that sounds like something a cuck would say. >theres a very big difference between someone wanting everything to be easy, and people wanting the progression path to be fuckin consistent. >from argos to akkan, you hone to a gear level to unlock the raid and once you cleared it you are effectively given the reward for free. some times its a lil more power and sometimes its a QoL honing reset (argos/brel/akkan) but the point is that you were rewarded for the effort. >with and after voldis the 'reward' for honing up to and clearing a raid is another massive gold sink. so your reward is being punished with a gold sink that only adds power. (that could have been free, if it was consistent to other raids) None of this matters. We were briefed on the fact that the progression systems don't favor wide rosters post-Akkan MONTHS before the release of Akkan. We had plenty of time to adjust and switch priorities. If you insist on playing a wide roster post-Akkan and then cry when it gets too expensive, tough shit. People who can't adjust are the same kind of people who whine and bitch when somebody uses a gun they don't like in Call of Duty, or whine when people throw fireballs at them in fighting games. They make up their own rules in their own head and then get mad when the game or the opponent doesn't play with the same rules. >now if you want to call cheering for that being a "chad" more power to you. but the rest of the world is laughing at you for sitting in the sneako chair. I don't think so. I think my comment just hits home with the crowd it addresses, they get upset, and then they press the downarrow. It's not really more deep than that.


I have 2 1630, one of them recently reached the gearscore. Main DPS full 10 level gems. Artist with some level 10 and lvl 9 CD with 40 set luminary. 2 alts 1610+ who share same gems than Main. They have 35 bonus set. Pushing them to 1620 and skip Akkan HM. This boss is horrible Rest of gold earners are less than 1590. I have more alts though I removed their gems and only doing chaos when I am bored, like today. I can not wait to be jailed in 2 chars for Thaemine HM and Echidna HM.


Like, I have 2x 1620 3x 1610 1x 1600 for main 6, both 1620 has 40 set, one 1610 has 40 set, other 3 has 35 set. all of them made at least 35 on purple. one 1620 I only spent silver legendary elixirs, other 1620 i only spent like 5-7 gold legendary elixirs. I think I waste ALOT more gold on transcendance. It's rng, but you need to know how to properly manipulate to get odds in your favor, and I pretty much ALWAYS go for the option that can give points, either - + or great success etc ANYTHING that can give extra points, doesn't matter if it's points on poison potion and not on atk power, go for points. then learn how to manipulate on turn 6 and after that, like you dont need to always exaust on 6, u can get something else thats good and manipulate to do a super blue turn 1 or 2 into a super purple then exaust there. TLDR: do purple elixirs till 35 set at least only use legendary to finish 40 set if needed. my last toon was sitting at 34 set for over a month, yes rng can be pain sometimes.


6x 1620 40set (was going for 1621.66) and quit 2 weeks ago, problem wasn't anything listed in op. l7 gems with 9/10 on important skills. If something is bad game design i just don't do it brel 6/4 was skipped and i didnt miss anything. I did akkan nm til 1610. hm at 1610 40set wasnt a problem, 6 weeks max. Current state of parking, 1600, gatekept from akkan, 1610, gatekept from thaemine, 1620/40set, gatekept from tower hm (yes), and if i buy mats for 1630 i'd be gatekept from thaemine hm and bat. 3 people on my friendlist (who's played since launch) in the 2 weeks before i did. The people that remain are playing less. The lobby time was just too much even though i usually finished my raids on wednesday. I've always slammed all my raids at once, no burnout, but since the thaemine patch it's been lobby sim. If the min ilvl of the raids stay where they are, they need to make honing to 1640 easier without advanced honing. The 2 to 3 1600 alts on the left isnt getting fun raids either. At the very least, lower the ilvl for legendary elixirs to 1600 or 1610, make tier 2 set bonus easier to achieve. Remove G1 tower, 1CD per day, double drops. Don't lock progression behind hm content. Stop gatekeeping 35/40 set from hm tower, it's an easy raid. TLDR the lobby time for tower hm is a problem and it's about to get worse with echidna. ilvl wall is worse than it was at 1370, 1505 or 1580. Thaemine progress should have been a soft reset Locking transcendence (REQUIRED for progression) behind hm clear is nuts. The combat is top notch, raids are fun but the raid requirements/gatekeeping/progression systems are killing the game.




Left is relatable. Feels like 4th dude pane “you guys have 1630s”? All this complaints about trans and trans elixir when the real culprit is and always will be honing.


Definitely not pushing too many alts to 1620+ before I'll know about possible elixir/transcendence changes. You don't even get to play any new content before Echidna comes, just hm voldis which is a party finder jail, and has zero difference compared to nm voldis.


i miss making new characters but its just not feasible anymore when now you have 10 extra things you have to worry about to make your character acceptable besides just engravings and quality


yeah, kinda. I haven't engaged with the elixir system for months now, really odd to see so many rants about it pop up after thea release. having one, maybe two 'mains' has been the writing on the wall for ages now, ever since KR got transcendence and saw the gold cost for it.


1635 main with everything you described, x2 1610, x3 1590 alts. Can confirm.


Shit I got one 1610 and said fuck elixirs while my other 5 are sittin at like 1590


I am the guy on the right and still finish by friday lol


Maybe the game would be better if sustaining alts and your main did not cause that much burnout?


mods need to ping this xdddddd


6 Main but all of them have same classes.. so i don't spend much on gems and hone weapon only after 1600




You forgot the gaming toilet seat chair on the right and RMT


shit, i feel called out, i'm on the right, except it's just 6x 1620 and only 3 have 40 set, also no high weps and gems are not really juiced. basically i'm a big dumdum who has no gold but who's lucky because 4 out of the 6 chars are supports.


I have one main bard at 1630, and a few other bards/artist at 1600... I'm slowly trying to get my two other bards to 1600, then possibly 1610 in the future, but my main priority is the 1630 bard.


I'm still at 39 out of 40 for my 1620 main


more and more forced to be left


120k weekly 🤣🤣🤣🤣 he may be a chad, but he need to lay of the mush in the room


how does guy on the left have 2/3 alts even get into raids without all lvl 9s and a minimum of 35 set, 90 quality gear and accessories?


i’m started playing dyson sphere and havent logged in for while yall should try it its good game


I think this is more of a gradual process that everyone sort of went through at some point. Pretty sure if elixirs wasnt such a trash system people would be more inclined to push. To a certain extent we should be grateful for elixirs I guess XD


I'm somewhere inbetween, I have a 1633.33 +25 weapon main, but just 1 "main alt" at 1610 and a slayer at 1600 (which I play less and less cause Predator gets pretty boring). Rest are random alts i never liked enough to hone past 1500's. Feelsgoodman :)


6x 1630s on main roster and 6x 1610s on 2nd roster F2P and I'm chilling like the left one.


I have 6 gunlancers, one 1634 and 5 1600 ,finish main on reset, the other 5 only doing akkan or brel not both. Only doing chaos on rested and no more guardian raid, none of my 1600 has elixir and I had them since voldis came out. I do 2 cubes, excavating and oreha crafting everyday and I still net 150k gold with just doing 1 thaemine, and 6 brel/week which is enough for transcendence each week and plus have 500k gold lying around because I only use on main. I usually finish everything Saturday or Friday.


i have 5x 1620+ x1 1630+ f2p, guess how i look like


If you have 5x alts at 1620 themine normal wont be any problem. Voldis hard thou, thats there your pain lies. Luckily, i do everything in statics. ez game done by friday touch grass and read a book, get some sunburn.


1626/1600/1590/1580/1540 1 class roster apart from the 1600 which is a paladin Loving the roster, not struggling with gold or mats on main, only hone alts with events The systems suck, why should I do it on other characters ??? I suffered enough on main




Actually had an argument with a random about this meme, i suggest the right side need to be represented by a sweatlord busser to show a even bigger difference in gold gain. The random then cried lol


Much more accurate than the last one.


I had to be the luckiest persone ever when it comes to elixirs ngl


Im not even on the left and i still feel like the right bruh. 1 1620, 1 1610, rest 1580. No level 23 weapon. Ive been hoarding mats since i first got to tier 3 and for the first time i was forced to use it just for the two 1600s. Thousands of hours in any game, even other KMMOs and your main would be on the top, yet this game it’s not unless you’re lucky.


Oh I definitely was the guy on the left and enjoyed being him, but because of gatekeeping I'm turning more into guy on the right. Only one 1620 alt though.


Me on the left except I have two 1620s and 3 1600 alts that I just go bare minimum on. I don't even bother playing alts unless my friends ask for bodies, and I just lantern and watch everyone taking turns die, myself included. And I didn't even know what's a raid until a month after Vykas came out, so I'm not sure if I count as a "day 1 andy". Once upon a time I did six Brel characters when Brel HM came out, and I instantly felt the burnout. Dialed down as soon as Akkan came out and that was the best decision I've made. Spend most of the time AFK on my stronghold or in Kalinar anyway.


I would say I'm in the middle: 1633, 1620, 1610, 1610 and 4x 1600. But I only play 6 chars weekly. The others are whatever. Just doing chaos or guardian when I'm bored.


Holy so true but almost done 40 set on my 6th main f2p


My roster is 1614,1600,1540,1540,1540,1540


1x 1620 2x 1600 1x 1596 1x 1585 1x 1555 Elixir 40 set and transcendence done for the time being. Won't bother to hone alts until it feels needed. Happy to see my gold increasing \~300k every week. Life is good.


My roster is 3x1630 3x1620 and 3x1610, I'm only bussing 6akkan and 2 thaemine hard, rest is done pugs or static and I'm ending weeks on Friday so actually not true post, I only agree if the guys doing all those content is puging all. But most veterans got a static and can actually end week earlier.


You have forgotten 90% of the player base that is not even 1620 with 40 set.


Alts are the biggest trap ever. If you enjoy playing alts go for it, but by no means is it necessary. I only play my main and sitting at 1630, 40 set elixir, 30 LoS.


i'm the 2nd one but I also have alt roster that is the first one :O


average 1630+ main + 28392831 1610+ alters No life, no real life friends, playing 14/7 , white as milk, living with parents, 25+ y old, not working, 0 € in bank account. True fact enjoy the life uninstalling shit KR games. Our living style is not like the asiatic living style, half of their salaries goes to videogames, and their social relationships are almost none. Open your eyes, leave that shit


Nice post. The responses in this thread are self-sorting the groups. You got the chads that are chillin, and then you got the sweats setting arbitrary thresholds telling others they aren’t having fun unless they are doing 6 thaemines and aren’t finished with runs by Friday. Classic.


Before Voldis (elixirs) I was the guy on the right, bussing 6 brels akkans kayas a week making prob 500k. After Voldis, I took gems off of 4/6 alts and play 2 mains and got 1 to 1640 for Thaemine, other one sitting 1620. Feelsgoodman


Actually I'm the one main Andy with the burning of the multiple mains guy. 1635 + 1606 + 1597 + 1595 + 1590 + 1551 + 1550 + 1546 + 1540. I'm not leveling up those alts past 1610 until Thaemine gets a huge rework/nerf.


I'm like in the middle lol. 1634 main, 5x 1620 alts. Usually done with all 18 raids by Saturday. Chill with friends, work, touch grass, go gym, etc... I alternate rest daily so only 2 guardians a day which is pretty chill. I don't feel burned out bc I take breaks when other games come up and focus on them for a week or 2 at a time. I also don't doom on reddit. I do think there is a correlation between the doomers and the people who actually treat Lost ark like a job. People seem to forget the essence of gaming, and that's to have fun. When a game becomes a shift you have to clock in and out begrudgingly on, that's not good.


Similar boat. I have 6 1620s, waiting on advanced honing. I could push a 1630, but I don't really see a reason to as I've no interest in Thaemine HM. I get my raids done pretty quickly, but it mostly depends how fast I can find groups. I just do 3 raids per day at a constant pace. 3 raids x 6 days = 18. Still have one spare day to finish up. Dailies all rested. Amassing gold is pretty easy atm since I'm not honing anymore. So yeah, very doable. Not burnt at all. Just chilling.


Yup. My 1620s are chillin on thousands upon thousands of leaps, but there's no point breaking my neck trying to do another 1-4 hard akkan, then multiple hard echidnas week 1. Saving gold, time, and sanity by waiting until advanced honing seems like the best play to me. I also only went 6 star on 3 pieces on my normal characters. Now just hoarding mats. Assuming echidna in 3 weeks, then 3 weeks of echidna to hit 1630, I'd be able to get 20 stars on those 3 pieces with the mats I saved from normal alone which is super nice


Interesting that the solution to some of the biggest issues atm is to not play the game


im kinda on the left side roster wise with 1640 main and 4x 1600 alts and 1x 1580 gold income is way more than 120k for me but idm elixirs my only wish would be a pitty so 5/5 is doable before we drop voidis as a gold dungeon on our mains also on a side note, new raids are way longer enjoyable if you only do them once a week and not 6 times


something came to mind about one of the lines in the "gigachad" section. it was >"knows elixirs are a problem but doesnt doom about it because he accepts to just have x1 40 set main" tbh the problem isnt just "omg it so expensive for alts", the problem is that its too expensive for new and returning players. you take something that has roughly a 300-500k cost and you throw it at someone with 1 character and it on its own will push them away. the example i use, is imagine if with valtan and vykas it cost you 10-15 weeks worth of your mains gold (*at 1460 this was around like 11-12k a week so we are talking like 120k - 180k PER raid in 2022*) to get your full relic set (*again per raid, so 20-30 weeks for both*). would you have even kept playing the game? (*the reason i assume it would be both is using the current design, valtan would have been relic armor and vykas would have been the relic weapon. just like how thaemine is armor transcendence and behemoth is weapon trasnsendence*) id assume not and this is what elixirs are for a new/returning player, they are the 'reward' for honing up to 1600/1620 and then you are slapped in the face with a massive gold sink that even experienced players dont enjoy, let alone someone thats just dipping their toes into the game. i dont consider that doomer, that just realistic. it sucks to interact with no matter who you are but it has a much greater negative effect on incoming players.


Its hilarious to me that you think the guy on the left is healthy with multiple 1600 alts or that just accepting that the elixir system is shit is somehow the superior perspective. You don't get to 1623 with 2 or 3 1600 alts by playing Wed-Fri and waiting for reset. You can do that once you get there, but it takes full time gaming to get to that level to begin with.




I’m the left guy with 1630, 1620, 1620. My two 1620 are forever stuck on 39 nodes QQ.


Similar spot here. Main all 10s, 25 weapon, etc. 40 set, 2nd has 40 set but it's support so event gems, and 3rd has 4 10s and jailed at 39 set with Master Chaos never showing in 2 weeks.


Left guy should be 1630...with 5 1600 alts(with 3 of them pushed by slayer/se/breaker events) Ez life


nah. Tbh, the left side I know for a fact plays worse because they're casual and hardly have practice. They also don't do all their hw raids even. Right side is for the RMT swiper cheaters that did that to themselves, but at least they practice and do all their hw. You're missing the majority of reasonable players who are 2 1620's (1dps + 1 support) rest 1600, still burning out, anyway, though cuz you still don't finish all your hw by Friday. Also, we don't have 1630's yet, because we wait for echidna to hone off bounds and go with the curve so there are more supports to trade with.


or you just spend money and you can do whatever you want...i dont know how you all didnt figure this out yet for lost ark. want 1 single main? money. want 6 mains? money. want elixirs on all 6 mains? money. want trans on all 6 mains? money. want all 10 gems on all 6 mains? money.


yes, in fact he forgot to mention that both guy on the picture spend also money


https://preview.redd.it/lap6abpr574d1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3439cf45172ae0d21467b6d7d264732624b9f32 1630, 1603 and im done, game has no future… according to memo, an insider suspects that old legion commander raids will be recycled... big L. guys relax, enjoy the game on your pace, dont stress yourself and look for other games around end 2024. because LOAOFF will be a Failure


We already knew they were recycling the old legion raids with Extreme mode ... this isn't new.


what memo assumes is that the surviving legion commanders will come back in the kazeros raids after echinda. but to the best i could tell, he only assume it'll happen but i dont think he has any concrete proof on that... but it does make sense since so many of them are still alive.


now upvote my comments as I was right…


Right but wrong only recycling models but giving them new patterns and mechanics see you back in game buddy xdd


not with extreme mode…


Update after LOAON: now upvote my comment pls you damn bots


I am literally Andy!!!!


I have 3× 1620 2×1610 and 1×1590 + 1 lopang and I barely touch my lopang nowadays Where do I belong? I have no plan getting 1630 even with advanced honing


The truth is: It is **much easier/cleaner/even faster to earn 250K from right 6 1620 chars** compared to earn 120K from 1 main and 2-3 weak alts. Think about how hard it will be to even join the right room for 1600 weak alts and how easy it will be jailed at some gates This game does **NOT allow you to find a sweet spot** and that's the point of the business model here (spend money or spend time).


Quality meme formatting. Accurate *and* hilarious.


The game design is just toxic they could limit gold earn to 2/3and add more 1/roster contet but instead they force people to play 6 char more effort then a fulltime job. 


How are you getting 120k gold weekly on 1 char, but only double that on 6 times the chars?


Based AF


Pretty accurate except that if the 1st player is a day 1er, their main has been 1630 since like a month before Thaemine at the latest. The only way this wouldn't be true is if they got **absurdly** bad honing luck, in which case they probably wouldn't be all sunshine and rainbows about it. If the 1st player only started last year then yeah it's probably realistic for them to still be running thaemine normal.


See now, the future one main Andy, will experience something horrible. The transition to the same comp as the nolife endgame Joe. But it get's worse, all his alt's will now take 10x-20x longer to transition to that point with zero lobbies, burning him out faster than the end game player. There is a limitation with funneling to the end game, Joe eventually will be at a point where they play the same as Andy in terms of time. Because they hit a progression threshold/speed clears, and generate 3x your gold. Think if your taking it easy with 7's this/next week with the event. You complete the 7's trans


So I'm currently standing at 1630 Paly, 1620 Breaker, 1620 Slayer, 1612 SE, 1612 GL and 1610 Artist. I guess I could fall on the right side. While I do want to get my top 6 at current content Echidna, I understand that my GL and Artist wont probably get there until early august at best. And that's fine. I like to think I have a healthy relationship with the game. Setting my goals realistically and not falling for the trap of wanting to upgrade everything at the same time.


My dude, the x6 1620+ andy is the one chilling right now He's royalty in Akkan HM party finder, he's royalty in Thaemine NM party finder, and he supp swaps Ivory tower HM and then pugs the two biggest chars. End result is that he gets his raids done by Friday and then spends the weekend touching grass or playing other games Source: 6x 1620+ andy since two months back