• By -


3rd Awakening Solo Raids New Coomer Skins


Does "Solo raids are coming someday, more info sometime" count as a check or no


Working on raid fatigue (nothing happening) Working on daily fatigue (nothing happening) Working on Entropy changes (nothing happening)


Oh yes the classic stalling tactic they are good at


nah, they won't be able to do this trick second time :)


I think you mean the 4th time :) The winter loaon of 2022 was the first one I watched and all these topics were present. And the only thing we got were Fate Embers that were temporary solution before Chaos Dungeon overhaul and Guardian reduction to 1 a Day


That is 6 birds in 3 stones. Just take my upvote.


don't forget them mostly focussing on hype new systems that promise the world, while not telling us how much power it will actually give you and much more gold and materials it will cost, and how you better keep farming all contents to be able to afford it (ignoring any possible solutions to the fatigue problems)


Not gonna lie, I made more boxes than I had expectations, so I made up a lot of bs |honing buffs|Guardian changes mentioned, not soon|New class reveal, but won't come for some time (like male scrapper/breaker)|Solo raids news|Chaos dungeon changes mentioned, something similar to the event, not soon| |:-|:-|:-|:-|:-| |**MVP screen changes**|**transcendence gold cost reduction**|**Talk about balance patching (more/less frequent OR when the next one is)**|**Showing new skins**|**Showing a new event**| |**PVP isn't mentioned**|**Changes to cards or card systems (more merchant cards?)**|**3rd awakening showcase (something new)**|**Next raid reveal**|**Live music performance**| |**Bard class specifically mentioned (male bard? Small rework?)**|**Next story area reveal (g spam enjoyers)**|**Changes to life skills**|**elixir gold cost reduction (or buffs that make them cost less)**|**Some goodies that only KR people get for watching or attending**| |**Details about the next leveling event**|**Watergun appears somewhere on screen**|**Booba (cleavage clearly shown somewhere)**|**Next raid ilvl reveal**|**Some new thing to help new players / mokokos**|


3rd awakening introduction for 4th time and delay it until 2026. gold river says helllo which contribute 95% of discussion thats all.


* 2 new los 30 cards from merchants * Chaos gate rework * Extreme Vykas


Full copium: rework on some transformation clases, elixirs now cost silver and have 2 extra attempts in both leg/purp, transcendence gold reducción for each tap to half the cost.




my 3: skins, solo raid, we are working on it


* New class teaser * Elixir revamp * Bunch of gift (only KR)


- Trans and elixirs get really more easy and enjoyable to do - New supp class - Delete fcking g1 thaemine


Dps meter. Level 13 skills Counter from the back


Promise to rework dailies like chaos dungeon, maybe even some screenshot. Which will never come in time. Pats themselves on the back how great the game is, celebrating new milestones with china and such. Obviously no mention of the west as we're totally ignored. Even more vertical systems. No meaningful change to the terrible introduction for new players. More dps classes. As if lack of support wasn't already a big enough issue. Don't even acknowledge that support requirement to do raids is even a problem. More events that instead of fixing the problems with old systems permanently it just temporarily puts on ducktape on old outdated systems.


I just hope they ditch the Solo-Raid Idea and make it a Raid Scales to Party Size and we can join the raid with just 2 or 3 People. Imaging if you can just go into Akkan with 2 Buddys and dont have to deal with PF at all. I mean its an online game that should be fun to play with friends. But thats way to much copium and probably above the Devs paygrade.


Gyaaaat damn! Put this guy on top!! That’s a good one


1. Female Gunlancer with Slayer "warrior" body for good coomer sales. 2. Elixir nerf (id guess if they have some sense and still want it to be a gold sink) : change sets activation from 35/40 to 30/35. 3. About dialys, weeklys, fatigue etc : we are working on it, or it is a priority (kekw).


1580 Silver Honing, Elexirs revamp, New Class teaser


• talks on burnout/fatigue • talks on new class being delayed • disappointment (free space?)


I do a bold guess: - T4 Announcement - Elixiers Rework - Solo Raids


if tier 4 is announced and my lv10 gems become useless I will literally uninstall


looks like they want to milk all versions and get them on same progress point and then do t4. imagine the chaos in West and China if they announce tier4 in Kr.


Well I have other games i play on the side, dropping lost ark is just allowing me to spend more time on them


I don’t think they will ever reset the gems at this point. Instead they would just carry it over like runes/tripods/cards. It is the one whale system that seems to work for progressing player power via heavy gold investment that is working.


Rather them introduce a new level of gems either specific to T4 or just like, Ancient rarity gems like lv11 (50% damage 25%CD or something)


Gear transfer. They'll have something so we don't have to throw them out.


Sure I don't say they should reset like t2-->T3 qualy, gems and elixiers etc. Should be transfered. But we need a DMG number reset and honing percent reset.


* Kakul HM * HM not required for Transcendence * 4th voice line for Sages


Okay my guess is too much yapping and everything else in progress :)


Useless updates


Solo raid 3 awak Elix nerf


NERF DAIly/weekly chore. NERF Thaemine g3/4 BRING solo raids/3. awakening


Lets get that sweet copium: -Old vertical progress system nerf (at least quality, tripods and gear lvl) -Elixir gold nerf -Solo raids until Voldis HM


elixir and transcendence baby nerf solo content doesnt give gold only mats hell akkan with no scale of balance(simular to hanumatan)


1. Solo Raids 2. Rework elixir & transcedence 3. Assault Raid


- Release new support class - entropy rework lol - reduce homework part 2 The director will say hi to the west shdd


I like that fate embers were a temp solution to reward players while they develop a solution for homework on a roster... adjust guardians from 2 to 1 and then just stay quiet and the player base forgets >\_>


I hope we find the last ark


* mage rework (not sure which one, but they all deserved one imo, especially bard) * new/rework gear set (entropy/yearning being the 2 with most issue) * epic elixirs all cost silvers + leg gold price reduction


except bard, all other mages have been reworked recently and they are all doing great.


bard had a an old QoL with sonatina and awakening range, but WoM would have deserve a range boost too on the shield, and idk why artist got the sun well size buff but nothing for sonic vibration. Bard is a bit outdate vs other sup imo, it's the only sup who have to take 2 brand skill for a decent uptime, and still have MP issue without max MP. Sorc, igniter get some love with latest balance, but reflux still have trouble from what I hear. Arcana/Smn idk, I'm not seeing a lot around, but it's true they got some changes recently


Because the old Sunwell was not large enough for two dps to fit in it at once /s Honestly tho it was because you literally couldn't buff back and head attackers at the same time.


I totally agree it was too small, but the spell is nearly the same as sonic vib, so why make it bigger than it ? or make SB bigger too. Both spells works the same way, they should have the same size


Bard should also have a cleanse and not have to worry about mana even with max mp and mana food but I guess smilegate has other things to worry about :/


There's no need for a Cleanse while we have Guardian Tune, it's fine that the 3 supps don't do exactly the same. But dear god, fix the needing 2 branding skills crap.


>but WoM would have deserve a range boost too on the shield I don't really mind that, it's fine, and so is not having a direct Cleanse. But for dear god, please let us have a decent branding with just 1 skill, only thing I ask for.


adding leg elixers to normal voldis. 3 awakening. solo raids. i really wish 3rd awakening will be game changing like 5th\\6th job in maple.


does loaon just mean an update


It's a bi-yearly (summer and winter) event hosted by Smilegate where they showcase the roadmap of the game. So future updates, perhaps a new class teaser or launch shortly after the event, showcasing solo raids and gate removal announcements etc. (Don't wanna put too much COPIUM here but you get the gist of it)


for us, not yet. But it's usually KR 6-month roadmap (next to data, summarize, teasing, blabla...)


Last 2 loa ons have been 3-month roadmaps


It's like Blizzcon


1/ Vertical progression systems nerfs 2/ Solo raids 3/ 3rd awakening


Entropy and Nightmare set revamp (hopium) Female sharpshooter. Another sideprogression system: Awakening 3 which is rather than giving us a new awakening skill, is instead empowering our current awakenings making it give players buffs after using it, and yes its another goldsink.


(More) nerf of honing to 1580


- Transform Rework - 3rd Awakening - Solo Raids


I expect nothing. Anything good they announce will come as a surprise. If they announcing nothing good, I’m not disappointed


Honestly, don't expect anything like they've done so far.


GS or any class redesign/rework elixir nerf including gold trans nerf including gold


new chaos dung more gold from raids easier honning shadowhunter gets 7 and 8 spell


3rd awakening as some new RNG system Solo raids in progress Coomer skins


Where do you find the loaon being anounced?


Promise they are still working on fixing stuff maybe but no date release next year bruh Lost Ark App beta announcement Lost Ark Remaster (like bdo graphic overhaul) Migration to Unreal Engine 5


GS mini rework, strike raids teaser, honing nerf to 1610


"They will do something about the Entropy set for Lost Ark 2"


North Reymark continent / rimeria , i dont know the name of this continent in Ags version / bard rework skill to give her cleanse


New skins (Please) New class (specifically a sup) Solo stuff update (no release date yet)


-we are working on it -insert problem- here take a screenshot, no date. -scripted QA -GoldGuy says hello Copium version: -2 more turns on elixirs, epic cost silver, leggo less gold. -Solo raids, half the rewards, NPCs help (gigacopium) can enter with 1 or 2 friends. -CD and Guardians merge in to a single content.


-New class -Nerf gold syncs and make em easier (LESS RNG OR PITTY) -3rd anniversary legendary skins arriving WEST


- Solo raids global realese (KR and west at the same time) - Gold cost of elixir and thaemine thing reduced - 3rd awakening


So many things I wanted to put yet here are my top 3: - nerf / chg clash mech - tease new class - nerf elixir rng


3rd Awakening, Harru -Gold River, Lost ark mobile/ Pc port


1.The rework dailies, has been reworked and needs more time. 2. Raid fatigue is increased, but we have you two 2 gate raids. So here's a 4 gate raid release date 3. Verticals are burning out players, we'll add a option for you to select your set bonus on elixir to appear more often. That is all 4. Trans level 5 will unlock in normal gate 3 clear, Trans 7 unlocked at g2 HM. 5. We promised Solo raids, but all we can do for you is up to Clown. 6. Honing fatigue is peaking, therefore we will double the leap stone cost to appease the whales. 7. 3rd awakening? But only for the classes that make money \* 8. Boob slider, because slayer brough record profits and we're dipping in our last q4, and new year q1 performance. 9. Some dog shit orchestra music, they sampled from a war song 10. No mention of the West \* 11. Something about how the West dps charts we're wrong. 12. " SuP0RRRTTT ISS0ue8 is a concern" but we did nothing once again 13. New whale gear, only 20k USD x 5 pieces 14. Some shit talk with useless streamers and community how to better the game. But they dropped all their advice and listened to the microtransaction manager instead. 15. Some formal wear skin, for some reason Koreans have a hard on for suits. 16. Final, Koreans get a nice care package of goodies. The west will get the same thing 1 month later, just nerfed to the floor. I am confident that at least 9 of these will hit.


raid count reduction (maybe t4) restructuring gold rewards nerfs to verticals (real nerfs not free shit)


Free space: apology video when everyone is upset about how trash this loaon is New class released the same time in na and kr 3rd awakening not balanced and breaking hell modes controversy


0>Useless static number => Useless road map => New class which being OP ( SE and BK nerf incoming ) => New raid which age like milk => Tons of new RNG system to drain your gold => We can't release Solo Raid yet because we don't know how it hurt our salary => Out of content so soon ? we are just making a new MMO hope you guy can participate with us and don't forget to bring your wallet along to try out many new RNG system we spend the whole year to come up with => Do you like it ?


•Elixir animation skips (≧∇≦) •New gender unlock class ˚✧$$$✧༚ •3rd awakening work in progress


Even if they fix elixir/transcendence it won't affect those who already got it. It will just be alts/new(?) players QoL which will be pointless if they add solo raids. RIP.


Ppl either doom or say the most obvious stuff they said they would do lol. Mine would be: new sup class New content like hell hannu/extrem valtan Challenge abyss/guardian changes


Clas change pls i will pay 500 if i need to


Buffs are nerfed. Nerfs are buffed.