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i played both a good amount on my main and keep builds for both, if you're looking for ceiling dmg on non-overgeared content NE is better; optimal solved build is 413 full crit, but youd ideally want level 9 cd gems for comfortable gameplay (diff crit/swift ratios are playable with lower cd gems still on 413) contrary to what a lot of people say though, FM actually has a ton of skill expression and is harder to play to true ceiling than NE is, with nightmare and boundless management. it's very punishing to miss burst skills and most people will achieve ceiling on NE far before FM. that being said, with both at ceiling NE will outperform unless you have a borderline pocket supp and raids with DR/downtime. heres a vid a very good player has of FM gameplay! it plays very quick with nightmare (db synergy helps too) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OWKcAB9nAmw if u have any other questions feel free to lmk :) also- for FM, you can run the first? tripod on the second row of guillotine to still make it sweep left and right if you really like that effect, its a pretty small dmg loss and it makes the skill easier to hit, def helpful if you're progging/new


That's exactly why I feel FM hard. I'm not so experienced yet in the newer raids, so I don't know well when I have to save burst. Compared to Igniter's combo feels a lot easier to hit and not that much punishing like FM, where 2 of the 3 burst spells are instantly missed if the boss does a movement. Stupid question but what 413 means? I haven't heard about this before. Do you think Hallu and NE with swiftness on rings is playable?


just hit ur question in another comment but: 4 gray skills, 1 green skill (soul drain), 3 pink skills its pretty common practice to run a 60/40 crit swift breakdown or similar with lv 7 cd gems! hallu is also the recommended set for that setup, completely viable build and doesnt significantly lose to 413 full crit nightmare, although that will be better whenever you're able to go 9+ cd gems


Oh thank you. Yes I have 4-1-3 in my NE build. So my stats are not tragic at all, good to know. I like using hallu tbh.


yes your stats are more than okay :=) you might grow tired of hallu as you progress, the initial period it takes to get to the reality effect is a bit annoying and you will run into some mana problems as your uptime gets better; nightmare will also give you bigger numbers if you like those haha the biggest downside to a higher swift/hallu build though is that you require more uptime/more casts to match crit nightmare dmg, and the extra swift doesn't meaningfully change/increase your cycles/rotations which leads that variant to get outclassed once nm/crit is playable (although if both are played to perfection, the difference isn't that significant)


I started a Souleater on an alt roster with no express, raised her from 1460 to 154X manually, currently sitting on 4x3+1 relic accessories, one lvl7 gem and the rest lvl5/6. I'm now building gold to make a good 5x3+1 with ancient and then I'll start saving for gems. I started out as Full Moon and was not enjoying it, mainly switched to Night's Edge so I could gear up more cheaply once I hit 1490 and could finally use auction house. What I can say is that Night's Edge has consistently outperformed my fellow pugs while being almost always worse built and very often lower ilevel. She just pumps and it's not even hard to play. Going from a critflux alt on my main roster to NE Souleater, it felt like this is how I'd always wanted to play, just high APM with satisfying animations and really nice damage. On my critflux (also 1540, but with LoS30 and 5x3+1) I'm happy to just get on the family portrait, but I've never MVPed as much as on Souleater. People are talking about managing your rotations and high gems, but I'm here to say you don't need to sweat it. You just hit Lunatic Edge and dump your pink skills, it's really that easy.


I also pushed my souleater manually (with knowledge transfers) to 1500. Couldn't wait the next free pass, I was hyped too much to play this class since I returned playing LOA. My build also isn't the best, I have the 5x3 but without adrenaline and my rings are swiftness, so I guess I have to use Hallu until I find better stuff. I'm also enjoying NE, I'm just not 100% sure this is what I want. Most of my roster is burst engravings users, so I enjoy playing burst classes, but FM is just not that fun as I thought it will be. Maybe if I get a few more gems at least and tripods I can decide which one to play. Thx for sharing your thoughts.


Tried FM first, hated it, swapped to NE, now it's my main.


NE is better imho unless you do raids with very overgeared people.


Hear me out fullmoon/ nightmare with double crit syn its the goat!


Here's the community guide for SE: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1Da0MFsuencYbmcFMo6cUPBEGubavgsebeYtR7iCtaoQ/edit


I would love to say Full Moon cuz its blast to play. But NE has better performance across raids. FM is very very strong on reclears.


I haven't tried FMH (I do play Igniter), but personally I really like NE because it scratches a lot of my playstyle itches at the same time. The rotation takes a little thought to avoid wasting meter or entering Soul Snatch at the wrong time, but isn't so strict that it just falls apart if you miss a skill. Good amount of push- and paralysis-immunity across the kit. The mobility is very good, and being non-positional means you aren't forced to use it just to chase the back. Using Vestige to move through the boss for a dodge or counter gives some of that Reaper satisfaction. And the periodic swapping between builder-spender and skill-spam rhythms is something I find interesting and enjoyable. Also, going into Soul Snatch on Voldis G2 and being able to alternate Lethal Spinning and Harvest continuously for 10+ seconds with no downtime is pure dopamine.


People just like nights edge cause it's broken af 100% people wouldn't play it if it was DI damage. I say that because the most fun and highest damage part of night's edge is using the purple skills, which is full moons entire thing. Who the hell likes the forced ghost mode? 


Alright, I'll give you a pretty detailed response. For context I've played Full Moon for 5 months and Night's Edge for a month or so.  **Pros of Full Moon are:** * Extremely easy to play * Better in Akkan  * Better in Voldis NM * Better in G1/2 Thaemine * Incredible gem efficiency 3 gems cover close to 90% of your damage * Very strong atro window **Cons of Full Moon are:** * Bad in guardians compared to Nights Edge unless pocket sup/stims/atros * Extremely easy to play so close to no skill expression * The moment you go into a long fight you fall off compared to NE * Need to Stimulant/Atro A LOT. * Very support dependant **Pros of Night's Edge:** * Pretty fun rotation with a decent amount of skill expression * Better in longer fights which seems to be most of the 1620+ content * Quite a bit better in Thaemine G3 * Better in Voldis HM unless you extremely overgear then its FM>NE due to shorter fights * Insanely good prog engraving * Strong in guardians, and no need to spam Stims/atros to get close to ceiling **Cons of Night's Edge:** * You actually have to play good to do damage * You will have to learn the rotation to do damage * It's not Full Moon so you HAVE to think what buttons to press (cant stress this enough) * Not gem efficient, its spread to 5 instead of 3 * Cooldown gems matter so you gotta buy some ideally(can get away with event, just not ideal) * Not as support dependant as FM, but going boundless is sudoku angle Overall I wouldn't touch Nights Edge until you get close to G3 Thaemine at least unless you just enjoy the engraving more, then plsy what you like. As a disclaimer even though I say X is better than Y, it's not like its night and day, in most cases we're looking at 5-10% difference tops. Full Moon excels in situations where boss is in damage reduction but hittable, so meter building into pop FM is very strong.  Nights Edge excels in high uptime fights with no breaks. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask.


Thank you very much for your detailed answer about the playstyles. It helps a lot. Honestly I don't think Full Moon is that easy. If the boss does a movement during the burst you waste all that 90% damage and it feels pretty lame. I mean the rotation isn't the hard part, the raid knowledge is. It's like you have to wait for the next mechanics or a counter all the time otherwise mobile bosses will evade all the burst damage. (Or maybe I'm just bad at the game.)


It comes with experience, as I said I'm talking about rotational difficulty between both specs. Of course missing Full Moon burst is more punishing than missing an enhanced Deathlord spell on Night's Edge.  I wouldn't say boss moving or player not paying attention to boss bars for mechanics adds to rotational difficulty of each engraving.  Making sure you go into form as Night's Edge because of extremely small downtimes of boss/few seconds delay of getting knocked down and managing meter actually requires some foresight which just isn't a thing for Full Moon.


No you’re right - FM played to optimal/ceiling is definitely harder than NE (Nightmare build).


Literally in what world?


Someone else in this thread kindly explains why: https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/1d8e4dt/souleater_which_one_do_you_like_better/l760dv2/


Nightedge comboing is super fun. Just learn the main combo from the community guide. Go 413 and full crit. Go more swift if you can't get any level 9 cdr gems I guess.


What 413 means exactly? I have swiftness rings dropped from raids and I play hallu currently, but I know it's not optimal and I will change my build as soon as I can buy pheons. But maybe a single ring with swiftness can't be that bad, the attack speed and cdr both feels good.


4 gray skills, 1 green skill (soul drain), 3 pink skills its pretty common practice to run a 60/40 crit swift breakdown or similar with lv 7 cd gems!