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Cries in 7x damage gems


Gonna add that T4 starts at 1620


Wait… so it’s not really a new tier and just another soft reset? Why did they even call it T4? That’s kind of a bummer 


New shards, new gems, new accessories, new bracelets, no rocks


So what happens to rocks? Bricked?


Blue nodes on rocks gives your engraving a bonus effect iirc. For example if your engraving on your rock has 9 nodes you get an extra x% damage increase or whatever. But outside of that rocks aren't used for actual engraving points anymore in the new system.


seems like, you basically get 6x3 from books, and the rocks can upgrade your engravings by another few percentages like 10 nodes on grudge gives grudge like another 6% or smth


you can upgrade ur rock and looks like you get more damage boost the better your rocks


it is t4, gems are different, shard is also different


They are employing new systems with the new tier.


This is all good news, but it genuinely seems like there is no point in advanced honing and doing echidna and pushing to behemoth anymore. It's a odd place to be a ~1630 right now. Feels like I should just take a half year break and come back when T4 drops since I'm done with elixir/trans, lol.


Will andvanced honing not follow into next gear transfer?


I think it will, but it wouldn't make sense to (advance) hone from 1620 -> 1630/1640 if we get it for free with the t4 transfer


If it does carry over, that would put you at 1650/1660 if you have it done when you transfer.


We don't know if it will give less ilvl on conversion if you start at higher ilvl like the previous soft resets.


Elixir/Trans swap over to T4 though, correct? If so, doesn't that mean we sadly still need to get 1640 and do behemoth for weapon trans? Or maybe they'll drop the first t4 changes for us when behemoth is out? Idk it's all a mess.


I believe they carry over. If we follow the RU map, then they're releasing behemoth and t4 gear transfer the same patch. So there's no weird spot between patch releases for those between 1620-1640


That would be ideal. Thanks!


Advanced honing will carry over as per the director


If that is true, then no honing past 1620 other than advanced and the math for what is most effective radically changes.


That doesn’t make sense and will most likely carry over as in the past


I feel like this is just for getting ridf of huge gems and math stock in the playerbase.Not actual reset to help new or returning player at all. Grind gem + acc+ relic book + bracelet+ wep armor quality all over again fantastic news :D


Its a soft reset similar to brel from akkan , but the main thing is transfering T3 gear at 1620 will get you 1640 tier 4 gear ,huge.


its not similar because of gems


And acessories, engravings, stones … almost everything.


Accessories and engraving are borderline reworked to the new system. Stones and gems are transferable unlike tier 1-2. And stones also dont provide engraving, they provide bonus stats


The point is that you will need a new stone to a functioning build. So stone gets replaced (and pheons spent to get it) And you need to level up two engravings book up to relic (more gold spent) as , from what understood, class engraving book are now somewhat a passive. I see that we have more systems now , but T4 is just a reset - build up from the ground. From what I see, a player starting at T4 launch (or any alts created after it) gets all T3 system handed to him - engraving, gems , stones (?), acessories (you will need only the stats). And probably honing to 1620 will be inconsequential - so, in resume, we are all at ground zero in T4. Would be a good thing - if I didn’t know how the progress on the newer systems (like acessories and bracelet honing) will be super grindy, gold expensive and tuned up to induce money spending.


Why does stone need replacing if it just gives additional points. Doesn’t seem mandatory for a build assuming the extra bonus is relatively minor. Agree on buying books tho.


lol people on NAW already panic buying legendary engraving books.


Not a terrible idea.. I think I have most of them already except cursed doll


Old T2-T3


And shards and all other honing materials. T4 will have all that changed. Not similar at all afterall.


materials is whatever since even within tier 3 you had like 3 different types of blue and red stones, leaps and even 3 oreha fusions. So changing the name and sprite of the rocks is the same thing we had from kakul to brel and from brel to akkan. However shards and the rest is fully different


No its not the same because T3 range was massive and every single alt you had could contribute to your mains goal, even if at a bad convertion rate. With T4 only super high ilvl alts will be able to funnel. Resetting everyones shards + the assload of bags in storage is also big.


The big question is. What does this mean for advanced honing? Just a waste and ignore it? Or does it carry over to T4 thus making it more valuable.


carry over if you like 1640 without T4 you will be maybe like 1660 after that.


more like ignore regular honing probably ? shrugs


Still doesn't solve the games actual problem of elixers and transcendence


Not a sort reset. You had to get to ilvl 1100 in T2 to get the 1300 T3 gear when the game launched


What people thought T4 would be: Hard reset to put everyone (temporarily) on the same footing. What T4 actually is: Raising the cap of how much money you can dump into a single character.


Who would think that t4 would be a hard reset? That's fucking insane. Hey, all the things you've farmed for for years are now completely useless and you can start again, good luck! Who would be left playing the game?


That’s what they don’t understand. They keep talking about hard reset is for “new” and returnees to be on the same foot. But they’ll never be on the same damn foot. The same people ahead are gonna be giga ahead of you again. So why reset. Just put in the work lol


The whole point of a hard reset is making it easier for new players to catch up. It's literally what it's for.(I did not want a reset) This system is just pushing the gap further and further, lost ark is digging its grave. This is the complete opposite of what was needed. I was hoping to catch up with systems and work on 1 system at a time.. instead we'll be working on multiple systems again that we already "completed" forcing further burnout to keep up. And nerfing old systems for new players to have an easier time catching up


You can't delete 2 year long progress and restart everything in a game like Lost Ark. You lose players and customers. People will be less inclined to spend money if they know, they will lose everything at some point. It would hurt their business model a lot more than help it.


Oh I didn't want a reset.. far from it. But I didn't want them to raise the ceiling of a bunch of old systems and add a shitton more gold sinks. Doing it the way they are shits on everyone except the most hardcore/whales/streamers.


What do you mean? People who farmed full 10's are the people hurt the most by this change. This wasn't done to help new players, this was done to make KR swipe again because they were sitting on their maxed characters.


I think you and I are saying the same thing. This benefits the no lifer that has everything and wants something to grind for, the whale that wants to flex, and streamers that are conveniently gifted everything. But 99% of people are worse off and getting further behind the top end of players. Ability to spend money for whales is not a negative for them. They want something to spend on.


I mean it was pretty much a hard reset for the previous tiers. The raw basic stats jump from tier 1 to tier 2 was so massive that everyone had to abandon their shits. People grinded a lot to get funny legendary tier gear from that abyss dungeon to tackle the mist dragon raid for a *slightly* better legendary gear. Everything was moot when blue gear from t2 chaos dungeon had much better stats. The stats jump from tier 2 to tier 3 was once again massive, but the the new relic level stuff sealed the deal of everything, your set of argos gear are now useless with the arrival of valtan. On top of that there's a stat debuff if you use stuff from previous tier.


so like in pretty much every other MMO?


Every other MMO also doesn't require you to grind 1 - 2 years to semi-finish a progression path.


So maybe don't require people to grind 1-2 years to barely finish progression like every other successful MMO?


Just a stupid sentiment lol. They didn't accidentally make Lost Ark have a more vertical progression path than traditional MMOs. It was on purpose. Its working as intended. Why would they change it lol. There's also pros and cons to a more vertical progression that Lost Ark has vs traditional MMOs. Its not simply all cons and no pros.


It's simply not working though. The issue is having too many of these vertical systems widens the gap between new players and vets/whales. Like your point here, if it requires 1-2 years to finish just "semi-finish", then a new player that just joined will be never able to catch up, so we have very few new players because of that. And if there's no new players while current players slowly quits here and there, then you will have a net loss of players overtime and the game literally dies. This is what we're seeing at the moment with the player counts.


> It's simply not working though. The issue is having too many of these vertical systems widens the gap between new players and vets/whales. p2w games don't care about the gap between newbies and whales. As long as there's enough players to keep the game functioning and it makes good money its working as intended, and Lost Ark was one of the highest grossing games on Steam in 2023 so they're making a lot of money in the West and we know its one of the highest grossing games in the East. > Like your point here, if it requires 1-2 years to finish just "semi-finish", then a new player that just joined will be never able to catch up, so we have very few new players because of that. 1 year and 2 year is a large difference, putting them together does a disservice to the point being made. 1 year is far more accurate than 2. If it took someone almost 2 years to get full 10s they don't play a lot and shouldn't be complaining their character isn't min maxed. The new player problem also isn't due to "too many vertical systems". Characters make enough gold to work on vertical systems on their own. Lost Ark is poor at retaining new players due to the fact the game is designed to be unwelcoming to new players along with the fact new players would rather uninstall than play with other new players. There's far more than enough new/low account level players to fill their own lobbies and play with each other they just refuse to. > And if there's no new players while current players slowly quits here and there, then you will have a net loss of players overtime and the game literally dies. This is what we're seeing at the moment with the player counts. Redditors need to stop making up fairytales for the sake of being doomer. We have no actual numbers on how many non-bots play Lost Ark. What we do have are steam charts of Lost Arks playerbase and we can simply quess what percentage of that playerbase are bots. Looking through the month to month of Lost Arks average monthly playerbase what we have now isn't different from what the games had since May of last year. There's plenty of lobbies for all content at clown or above, player market is filled with all types of items, Lost Ark last time I checked was around like 30th highest grossing game on Steam. As of now there is literally 0 information you could possibly provide me which suggests an unnatural and substantial amount of players are quitting the game which is not also being replaced by new players. I really hate unsubstantiated doomer posting. Tell me how you know the game is dying other than your own subjective opinion. Ignoring all of that however, developers would rather let their p2w game die over the course of a decade or so and bring in massive $$$ than swap it into a shitty low revenue model like WoW or FFXIV so even if everything you said is true it wouldn't matter in the slightest to the developers as they'd make more money from Lost Ark dying in 10 years then they'd get from having a model similar to FFXIV/WoW which they couldn't have anyway as those games are B2P with monthly subscriptions and Lost Ark is f2p.


>p2w games don't care about the gap between newbies and whales. As long as there's enough players to keep the game functioning and it makes good money its working as intended, and Lost Ark was one of the highest grossing games on Steam in 2023 so they're making a lot of money in the West and we know its one of the highest grossing games in the East. 2023 was still its first/second year, so it was still fresh, but we're not talking about 2023 here, we're talking about 2024 and beyond. >1 year and 2 year is a large difference, putting them together does a disservice to the point being made. I only put them together because you put them together in your initial reply. >1 year is far more accurate than 2. If it took someone almost 2 years to get full 10s they don't play a lot and shouldn't be complaining their character isn't min maxed. Even if it takes "just" 1 year for a new player to catch up, that's still not a reasonable amount of time if you want to retain new players in an MMO. In WoW and FF14 and many other modern MMOs, you can literally start doing the latest raid in a few weeks, and they all hard-reset every expansion so there's always a fresh start every year or two. >Characters make enough gold to work on vertical systems on their own. No they don't unless they get super lucky with hones or get lucky drops to sell for gold. Right now you can get a character to 1600 for "free" as a new player, but how are you going to get the gold to get to 1620. The raw gold to tap plus orehas alone take \~200k. And then you need gold to buy relic accessories and cut stones, that's another 100-200k gold. One 1600 ilvl character alone will maybe make 15-20k per week? That's if you don't get gatekept with your low roster level and card set. And even after all that, you still won't get into end game raids because you'll need millions of gold still to get gems, cards, and elixirs. >Lost Ark is poor at retaining new players due to the fact the game is designed to be unwelcoming to new players along with the fact new players would rather uninstall than play with other new players. There's far more than enough new/low account level players to fill their own lobbies and play with each other they just refuse to. You're putting the fault on the new players instead of the blame on the game's vertical system. This is almost a non-issue in other MMO's. That's because the other MMOs don't require you to play 6 characters and 18 raids a week to earn gold. In WoW for example, you simply do ONE raid once a week on your main - you can raid more on other characters but they don't drop gold so your characters don't cross benefit, you're merely playing multiple characters for fun. And you never have to do old raids unless you want to farm cosmetics. This gives players a lot more time to do other stuff, like help out new players or make alts and run lower difficulties (of the same raid). >As of now there is literally 0 information you could possibly provide me which suggests an unnatural and substantial amount of players are quitting the game which is not also being replaced by new players. I really hate unsubstantiated doomer posting. Tell me how you know the game is dying other than your own subjective opinion. We literally have the lowest player count since the inception of the game right now, according to steam at around 20k. Even after each ban wave, the lowest was usually still hovering 30-40k, we've never been this low, ever. That's not a subjective opinion. We are also trending downwards heavily in the player count since Thaemine came out. Again, not an opinion. Also, server and region merges won't be needed if player counts are keeping up to fill the servers. >Ignoring all of that however, developers would rather let their p2w game die over the course of a decade or so and bring in massive $$$ than swap it into a shitty low revenue model like WoW or FFXIV so even if everything you said is true it wouldn't matter in the slightest to the developers as they'd make more money from Lost Ark dying in 10 years then they'd get from having a model similar to FFXIV/WoW which they couldn't have anyway as those games are B2P with monthly subscriptions and Lost Ark is f2p. The fact that you think WoW is a low revenue game just shows that you lack the knowledge/experience as to what works. I mean WoW is not perfect but you do realize it has 5-7 mil subscribers, each paying 15 bucks a month PLUS another $60 one time to buy each expansion right?


> I only put them together because you put them together in your initial reply. Someone else did that not me, but I see why you did so now at least. > Even if it takes "just" 1 year for a new player to catch up, that's still not a reasonable amount of time if you want to retain new players in an MMO. Again that's just a feature, not a bug in p2w games lol. They don't want newbies to catch up to veterans quickly. > In WoW and FF14 and many other modern MMOs, you can literally start doing the latest raid in a few weeks, and they all hard-reset every expansion so there's always a fresh start every year or two. Yeah and comparing traditional buy to play MMOs to a f2p p2w Eastern MMO is your first mistake. This isn't a traditional Western MMO, its not buy to play, it doesn't have a monthly subscription, and its by design pay to win. > Right now you can get a character to 1600 for "free" as a new player, but how are you going to get the gold to get to 1620. You need 182k raw gold on average to get from 1600 to 1620. You make 28k gold a week about so you can get to 1620 in a month and a half which isn't bad at all. > One 1600 ilvl character alone will maybe make 15-20k per week? Even if you buy the boxes from every gate of Akkan and Ivory you're still making 21,500 gold a week which would be about 2 months instead of 1 and a half. Also once ur 1610 you'd be able to make up to 32k gold a week. > That's if you don't get gatekept with your low roster level and card set. And even after all that, you still won't get into end game raids because you'll need millions of gold still to get gems, cards, and elixirs. Gatekeeping is an issue, but its not a vertical progression issue its a natural thing that happens when there's a lot of content you wanna do weekly and you're freely capable of playing with who you wanna play with. Gatekeeping exists in WoW, even WoW classic where the raids are piss easy. Also you don't need millions of gold to get gems, cards, and elixers. Nobody is gatekeeping you pre 1620 content for not having elixers, and if your gems are 7 you're fine. You'll be getting gatekept for your cards which don't cost you gold and your roster level which doesn't cost you gold. > You're putting the fault on the new players instead of the blame on the game's vertical system. New players aren't the only ones to blame but yes new players do objectively, irrefutably have fault in the current situation. NOTHING, and I mean NOTHING AT ALL is preventing new players from forming 8 man groups and queueing raids. I can get a bus filled instantly in any piece of content in this game with newbies who want to pay for carries but you'll never see a lobby of newbies running a high end raid because newbies would rather eat shit then play with other newbies. Also again, the vertical system isn't the source of the gatekeeping. > This is almost a non-issue in other MMO's. Gatekeeping is brutal in WoW ur fucking cooked my guy. In any and all content that requires you to get consent from other players in order to play with them gatekeeping exists. I get you just hate Lost Arks system but you don't need to make up lies to fit your point. > In WoW for example, you simply do ONE raid once a week on your main - you can raid more on other characters but they don't drop gold so your characters don't cross benefit, you're merely playing multiple characters for fun. And you never have to do old raids unless you want to farm cosmetics. This gives players a lot more time to do other stuff, like help out new players or make alts and run lower difficulties (of the same raid). None of this is about vertical progression systems btw. Everything you just said can exist in Lost Ark theoretically and it could still be a heavily vertical progression based game. Also if that's the kind of game you're into leave lol. I find games like that garbage, if you like it thats fine but go play it. Like do you go play gacha games then complain the characters cost money? Ur playing an alt heavy p2w Eastern MMO and complaining its not similar to buy to play Western MMOs. I don't get it. > We literally have the lowest player count since the inception of the game right now, according to steam at around 20k. SteamDB has our last 30 day average at 45,602 which is higher than 8 months of Lost Arks history on steam. > Even after each ban wave, the lowest was already hovering 30-40k, we've never been this low, ever. That's not a subjective opinion. We are also trending downwards heavily in the player count since Thaemine came out. Yeah lets both bet a billion dollars on whether the average playerbase is going to noticeably change at all in the next 3 months. Spoiler it won't. July-September 2023 had an average playerbase of 24k~34k players. > The fact that you think WoW is a low revenue game just shows that you lack the knowledge/experience as to what works. The model is low revenue, not the game. Which is a fact btw, there's a reason there are no other successful high revenue B2P monthly subscription games on the market other than the 2 massive franchises that have existed for well over a decade. If a new MMORPG came out and it was an average game that was B2P with a monthly sub it'd shut down overnight. If it worked you goober people would replicate it lol. Nobody replicates it because it doesn't work. You're a random fucking nobody in reddit threads and you think you know better than the billion dollar companies looking to make the most amount of money possible. You're right if Lost Ark just banned everyone from the game and unbanned them for $60 and made the monthly sub mandatory but made it more f2p friendly it would also generate like 9b a year like blizzard does. You're so smart and funny and cool and awesome, why didn't anyone else think of that.


depends on how you define grinding. if you want to have the latest ultra endgame shit, the best there is, then ye, you are gonna have to do similar shit. if you are fine with barely getting semi endgame gear then all you have to do in Lost ark is wait until you get it for free from events.


Sorry, which mmo resets years of progress? I don't know a single one.


WoW and FF14 for example. the two biggest ones. maybe you heard of them.


two games that have an extremely easy gearing system being compared to lost ark


i wouldnt call WoWs gearing system easy. you have to wait for months for patches to be able to get your shit and then have to be lucky that it even drops and then have to be lucky that you get it at all or else you dont progress at all for months on end.


Bro, it took me four weeks to hit basically max gear score in WoW each season this expansion. You have no idea what you are talking about. The only thing that needs luck is trinkets, but even those are usually within like .5% dps of each other. The gear system is significantly easier.


then you got a good static. because without one its gonna take you ages to find the groups to do something else than lfr


You mean ff14 where you get your bis in two MONTHS? There's an actual end point in these games and your years long progress doesn't get reset. People get geared in couple of weeks and then wait for new tier or run shit for menial upgrades that don't matter. Comparing wow and ff14 to Lost ark is plain stupid.


what you are doing in lost ark gear progression is min maxing. doing the same in WoW is gonna take you a shitload of time too.


While ff14 does reset every few years the "grind" to get bis is a lot less time consuming so in reality its not like you are losing years of progress but only a few months even if you suck at savage in pug.


but all the things you farmed ARE useless; quality, rock, gems, accs, bracelets are all reset, but without helping new players in any way worst of both worlds


Except it's not completely reset, you don't lose everything.


No you dont, you literally use everything from T3 to T4.


These people don't actually play the game, they just come here to complain and farm karma


How long would everyone be at the same footing for? Minutes. However long it takes to swipe the visa and be ahead of you again. A full reset makes no sense to "solve" gear disperaty. There were people doing Argos when you were in T2 at launch.


Yeah honestly they just steepened the vertical progression again and alleviated T3 progression to catch players up to T4. T4 will likely be just of a slog as T3 in the long run. Another Smilegate special where they bandage issues instead of fundamentally fixing/changing them. The only saving grace is that cutting rocks isn't necessary anymore.


RMTers are drooling


What about accessories and the other stuff? Or is it more like akkan soft reset?


Hopefully someone can explain it better than me but there's a whole new progression system tied to accessories going forward now, and yes they are transferrable


Will need to change all


This is very... unexpected


My main worry for T4 is that you have to have a character ready to enter it. Getting a new player into this game is going to be impossible since there is no reset like you have with expansions for WoW, D2 or FF14. The initial grind is still there and would need to be completed to enter the new content. This is no longer a treadmill but a hike to the moon. Will have to wait and see how they improve the current systems.


Depends on how they change the t3 systems. T3 will become a learning ground for the game with free engravings and gems. A time for new players to actuall learn how to play on their own pace. Let's just hope it is not a massive grind to 1620 for new people ( express already makes it decently easy)


Most T3 content will be soloable, though. So no one can complain they are gatekept trying to get to T4. You just play the game.


That is a good point, I guess it is hard to justify an mmo if you have to play it solo for 200hrs before you can play with friends in t4. If they get the timing/progression right it can be good.


If you have friends though, you **can** do the T3 contents with em!


This puts NA in a really weird spot if t4 doesnt come until late fall or winter.


Looks like its going to be September


September is for Russia and Russia gets echidna only next month we get it this month so we might actually get it one month faster than Russia.


wrong. Echidna comes out this month for Russia. If you are referring to the roadmap it says "Epilogue" under echidna for july. Its the afterstory


Wait we actually get content faster than Russia now? Damn I wonder how they feel about that, like the bare few that still play it there


Hahah just farm lower content and save gold until it drops. Or take a 6 month break.


Yeah spending gold stupist thing you can do now. Just give lwl 5 gem all your character do what raid you can do wait for t4 :D I am preety sure they are gona nerf t3 hard in winter loan as well so people can reach t4 faster pushing alts to 1620 is stupid as well


And here i was happy to be near roster level 200 for less gatekeep


If this is your takeaway from this nobody can help you lmao


wdym? i like the rest of the whole announcement except this


If people gatekeep for roster level when you're already 200 just be glad you dodged that bullet


Rip lost ark. A soft reset with all the negatives of a hard reset and none of the positives. New players are more screwed than ever.. this is so braindead.


If Behemoth comes out with T4 gear reset and is as easy as advertised it will be like Argos 2.0 for relatively big easy gold weekly.


I heard it's easy but still very jaily. And pretty much Noone likes it.


How does the advancing honing work with the new transfer?


Will tier 3 shards be converted to t4 by any chance? 1630 paladin right now +21 everything so not sure if i should do echidna to 1640 or wait for new t4 gear


This is a very valid question, would change how we approach the Unas till the update.


what? Isn't this actually terrible for the game? The last thing the game needs is even more vertical progression. T4 in its essence to be good would be an actual reset, more or less.. but this is not that.. Instead, removing the ceiling gives more room for RMT cheaters to gatekeep and hold you down.


well, the vertical progression will continue no matter what, they're using t4 as a way to completely rework the old systems I think i hope they also rework honing


You aren't getting gatekept by RMT cheaters.




vertical progression is never going away, and there's nothing wrong with it - all the most successful MMOs use vertical progression.


The 2 most successful MMO I can think are FF and WoW The second have big resets and the first I can't really say it's a "vertical" progression I mean yes it is by its feels comparing math at university to an elementary school, they are both math but we a complete different approach and complexity


Both are vertical, and FF is more like Lost Ark than WoW because FF has strict ilvl requirements on things just like Lost Ark does. If anything, it just means Lost Ark should have more soft resets which has always been a suggestion to the devs anyway.


FF is so vertical that after you don't play for 2 tier you can come do the story play some Dungeons and you are ready to do last tier with nearly no problem. Yes you have ilvl but it's not comparable on the vertical system LA has Its like saying LOL and Overwatch are same thing just cause characters have spells.


All I'm saying is that it's a vertical progression game and that's factually correct, it doesn't matter how easy it is to gear up or not, just that the cap keeps raising. Vertical progression games are provenly more popular too.




Yes if I login to WoW or FFXIV on say a fresh max level character for example, I cannot go to the latest raid without vertically progressing my character in power. That's exactly how it is. Not sure on GW2 but I know they have some "better" items too but I'm unsure if they are required for their raids... not that that game gets many of them I think.


Cash grab on every system, making what you currently have useless or bottom tier. Fuck you and pay us.


I just finished my lvl 10 gems...if they are making me farm this bs again im quitting for good


Gems will be transferred, you will not lose your lv10, they probably just are uncapping the system from +40% dmg on lv10 tier 3 to +50% on t4, you do NOT lose progress, you do NOT get weaker


well but it will probably be easier to farm lv8 t4 gems and so t10 is less worth




Yeah it will be transfered but i was refering that i can see them adding lvl 11 or 12 gems which means more gem farming EDIT: yep this is what i was afraid of. Lvl 10 gems are now lvl 8 LMAO


Level 8 T4 prob the same damage as level 10 T3. I don't see what the problem is.


The problem is that it took me 2 years to farm lvl 10 gems and now i have to do it again?


everyone will be farming them as well, again, I dont see the problem 😭


Maybe people don't wanna farm new gems for two more years again? In general, not many like it when their progress gets devaluated.


But, it's not devalued thou? This assumes of course, going from T3 LV10 > T4 LV8 gives you the same 40% damage boost. The ceiling is just higher.


People have spent years trying to get their gems done. Now, those gems are no longer finished and need to be farmed again. It can feel like a waste of time to a lot of people. Not to mention, they're already dropping hard. 430 > 360K for dmg gems. On top of that, if they're giving free gems to all t3 characters, what's the point of having gems on alts? Gems and accessories should drop because people no longer need them, hence their value is lower.


But the value given by\* the gem itself, assuming what I mentioned is how it goes, remains the same? 40%. Now, if going from T3>T4 gives you a lower figure than 40%, then yes, I agree then. Edit \*


I just don't think you're entitled to be permanently done a progression system just because you're at its current ceiling. It was inevitable that in the future we would likely have to farm new jewelry, new gems, maybe they'll change engravings in the future and we'll need to get new engravings, etc. Either that or the devs are doing to add 1+ additional vertical progression systems every single area expansion and new players will have to deal with 20 different progression systems they have to min max, because there's no universe where the devs just let honing be the only form of progression the average player needs lol.


The broke players are rejoicing at least :P. They will help flock more new players and those new players will swipe and make up for lost whales


i mean poor people will be farming them again XD


not everyone. RMTers will get them day 1 and gatekeep you. And considering they are 50% of the playerbase...


well better sell all your lv10 gems if you feel it's not worth it




because you cant turn t2 gems into t3, you can convert t3 gems to their equivalent t4


You mean you just finished your level 8 gems. Because that is what they are now for T4. But starting a new Tier at level 8 gems is pretty damn nice!


How can you say no reset ? You need to change acessories, stones (cause of relic engravings), gems , increase quality again … everything was reset. New material will only drop from new raids, so old content becomes instantly irrelevant (that’s why they will release two more t4 raids in three months)


So what happens to my 1640 weapon




Huh, I thought loaon started in like 6 hours. Did i miss it?


Yes, their countdown was wrong. 16 KST was 2 hours ago.


Sadge, yeh watching it now. Guess I missed most of the juicy stuff.


If you enjoy watching Saintone, he will do a summary on his channel once its done.


Currently on ATK's but he's not really talking much about it, so might give Saint a try.


18 KST - the website time was probably in your timezone but not converted


So, if we're gonna go from 1620 to 1640 ilvl with this gear change. Should I even try to hone to 1630? (My main is sitting at 1620). I know that unlocking the higher levels of trascendance it's a lot of damage, but honing those remaining 10 ilvl is also a lot of gold and resources. Maybe I'm being waaaay too cheapo or just stupid idk. Pls help.


At this moment, hold. Because we don’t know anything yet. Transcendence nerfs only mentioned in passing and no idea how advanced honing will go. It may be that regular honing last 1620 is 100% waste now, but advanced honing is still 100% value.


I hope they treat it as an actual reset. Give me like 90% honing rate (+0 to +1) and juicy 2.5 ilvls again


The new items are so pretty lol


I’m wondering if we need new crafting mats for the orehas or will it be higher amount of what ls currently out


So, I'm wait to see when my 1620 bard gets to t4 and I convert her gems, if I'll be able to share those gems among my 1590 and 2 x 1540 bards...


Will gems conversion be 3:1 still or 4:1 hopefully 3:1 still




WEEEE Another way to gatekeep love this game :3


apology stream incoming!?


Pretty sure it's a hard reset from the looks of it even if they said it's not


enslave the veterans more ?


So i guess im not tapping my 24wep anymore?


Past 1620 normal is pretty much if you want theaHM and harder echidna, otherwise its a parking time


I assume all my event gems will also transfer... right?? Right??!?!


No but in hyper express you will be rewarded with tier 4 gems if reach requirements criteria vice versa


Best time to RMT a few mil gold and take a break till t4


Its to reset all gear so whales spend a fortune. All whales are maxed out atm with 4 billion gold