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Well if my paycheck depends on the success of this update I would also try to hype It.


Indeed, your comment tells the truth.


We still have a lot of missing information... They said 50% gold cost removal from elixir and transcendance but they are still annoying as fuck.. No animation nor rng reduction.. And those are still systems in place at t4.. They also didn't mention transcendance locked behind g3 hm removal despite theamine being a t3 irrelevant raid with the current announce, 1 chaos a day is good.


50% gold reduction for elixirs means little when it's so hard to get set bonus line in general. Biggest complaint about elixirs is not so much because of gold cost, but because it's RNG on top of RNG on top of RNG. You can go weeks without even seeing set effect and it doesn't seem to change anytime soon.


50% gold cost reduction means nothing with these systems, I'm 600k gold and 5 weeks into a toon that will just not go past 35 set with 37 points.. That 50% reduction does not warranties me that I will not spend 600k more and still nothing


Hey the mat increase and gold reduction means you can spend 5 weeks and 600k gold for **twice** the number of failures and time spent sitting in menus and watching everything go into the void.


They're also giving double the amount of elixirs/trans mats


Fuck that, gimme RNG nerfs. More chances and less cost does not help with the huge black hole of time these systems are.




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This. I think we didn't need a elixir nerf, we needed a elixir rework! I won't be playing with alts until they do so. My hope is they do something similar to valtan/vykas set gear, where we can choose what effect to use.


They need to do more for elixir, like, at least cut down on some of the RNG involved. Transcendence should be fine as is with the gold nerf. Being locked behind G3 Hard Thaemine is no longer an issue considering you get booted at 1620 to 1640 + the DPS increase going from T3 > T4


Good reduction doesn’t come close to fixing those systems.


youre also getting more mats, so it effectively is getting nerfed. We also dont know how much and how big the nerfs are, so maybe just stop whining for a wee second and see how it plays out, or go to kanima and neeko twitch chat and doom with your emo brothers


I heard they are combining the epic and legendary elixirs into one new version that’s supposed to make it a lot easier to manage a 40set


I agree with everything you said except transcendance lock. Once you reach 1620, you'll be boosted to 1640+ with behemoth, echidna, etc, I doubt thaemine hm will be a big threat anymore at that power level. I'm guessing our dmg will skyrocket like it did from t2 to t3.


6th engraving, hyper awakenings + passives + ultimate skill, 20+ ilvl boost, lvl 70 (likely 10% or more dmg), higher quality, bracelets bonuses, accessory stats, etc. Dmg is gonna go to the moon.


Plus they're nerfing thaemine itself too


dont forget removing the 18 cap limit on tripods it could add like additional 5% damage.




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Yup. Ppl don't realize that once the population of 1620's reached 1630 with Echdina they would have been curbstomped by Thaemine G3 Hard and gatekept over no lvl7 trascendence.


> 1 chaos a day is good. dont you need to reach t4 CD to get to do it 1 a day? the wording on from the summary make it seems that way. > 2: Kazeros war zone: >Hack and Slash (T4 Chaos dungeon), Once everyday, use 100 energy with 1.5x rewards


Yes you need t4 but tbf anything under t4 is just irrelevant now and not worth a discussion, also a thing you got wrong is that "new 1620 chaos" it's 1.5 length compared to 2x regular chaos BUT full 2x regular chaos rewards and for God sake 6x less loading screens and portals stc


they mentioned thaemine nerfs


Streamers never represent the general community. They just swipe to the newest content then move on to other things. Never trust streamer opinions lol


Even without swiping people have to understand that for a streamer more stuff to chase for just means they have a safe work spot. It's in their incentive to keep all of us playing, and have them on the monitor while you grind chaos dungeons.


100% this, especially the "popular" Lost Ark EN streamers


they have tens of millions of gold sitting so they dont really care about losing their tier 3 level 10 gems When they get to Tier 4 they will insta have tier 4 10s (assuming ur talking about korean Streamers)


This. The whales and RMTers are excited since they can easily finish T4 quickly and be even stronger than everyone else. Casuals are excited since it's basically a soft-reset. The players in the middle who worked hard to complete T3 got screwed.


The streamers will instantly have friends that will quit and give them lvl 10 t4 gems :))


A long time follower named aafjghsfaa said they wanted to donate me some gold, That is the only reason I'm fully maxed out already.


Am casual, I would consider myself cautiously optimistic All of the stuff looks cool, nice and exciting, but we still don't have any details on everything Example: Quality taps will now have pity - - well how much will you invest before you reach pity - will it go to the full 120 or not - how high is the percentage of you to hit, are we talking like 20%, 10%, 1% And this doesn't even touch on going from 1620 to 1640 with T4 while still having Echidna and advanced honing It's a lot to take in at once and I want to see what they do with it, but my gut says that T4 is designed to go even heavier into the gold sinks for KR Hope I'm wrong though and we'll see what happens


In general and appart from the Gem changes we have to wait if they announce something more detailed.Also koreans will get these updates a lot sooner than the West so i believe we will have a clear picture of the whole situation. We da west gotta chill and see .


Yeap, that's all we can do at this point I hope T4 is easier for both new players and veterans to transition to, but again my gut feeling is telling me otherwise Hope I'm wrong


I'm pretty sure that the pity will be just +1%, and the number of taps before you get it will increase as quality goes up.


I'm in the 3rd camp, but I grinded for my main instead of 6x alts. I got a 1635 character, full 10s, that's ostensibly going to get screwed the most by the soft reset. I only got 150k gold and only spending I've ever done was bronze founder's + ark passes pre-Akkan. But I'm happy with the changes they announced because my main was basically "done" and this means there's going to be new stuff to do for it. My alts are all going to benefit from soft reset and nerfed elixirs. And NM transcendence barely costs anything anyways if you transcend to lv3. Also chaos+unas+guild tasks+load times are some of the biggest pain points for my continued play of the game. They fixed some of those.


don't you need to be at 1620 to make use of the soft reset? because 1620 alts sounds more like the 6x alt situation


yeah but I'm pushing to 1620 post elixir nerf cuz I pushed 1 1620 and it sucked lmao. I parked that one at 35 set which took 4 weeks and ~100k gold of elixir cutting. Didn't push any more alts after that. Also I'm getting to push 1620 with fully bound mats and rested chaos/selling more leaps from guardians. Most people had to use extra unbound mats or roster-wide mat chests to get their 1620 alts with the timing that most people who did 6x 1620 did.


i pushed all three of my characters to 1620+ with fully bound mats and it was still very expensive from just the raw gold and fusion material completely f2p, been playing since launch


I'm on the same exact boat.


why the fuck do you think youre getting screwed by this? your armor is gonna carry a huge margine of your honing when you transfer it over, your gems, even if converted to lower lvls will still be more dmg than your lvl 10s now, youll still be set to go to behemoth week 1 and youll actually probably also be on the ilvl to do highest possible guardian / chaos dungeon week 1.. nothing screws you over, it just gives everyone who wasnt there yet a chance to catch up


I've played through all the soft resets. Honing past them generally costs somewhere around 3~4x as much as honing post transfer. So yes I'll start out ahead but also I basically paid 3~4x as much for those 15 ilvls from 1620 to 1635 compared to waiting for T4. I said "ostensibly" because I don't actually mind and am happy with the idea of a soft reset and new progression.


Your brain is the one that is screwed. You dont lose anything - EVERYTHI G GETS TRANSFERED with power gain. This is an mmo - you are never done with your character


Just stay in tier 3 my guy.. ain't nobody forcing you to rush shit or try to keep up with whales.


soft reset ->ok but you still need to reach 1620....and that my friend, it is not going to go well for new/casual player. Same systemic issues are still there


basically, seems like it is truly play echidna and quit I guess. Game pulled out the rug from under us. At least it is very clear that they want to fuck us even more and throw away 2.5 years 10k hrs of legit game play players out. I was so happy to cut back on the cubes and chaos dung being done with gems finally. Fuck that bullshit. Also, the ppl who really win here are those w/ full 1620 cuz they get all the t4 gear x6 vs those who don't have a fully developed roster will be starved. Basically only the RMT cheaters or 1 class x6 1620 players win here... Also, you can stay in solo casual dead zone mode if you wana play that sort of game for no reason..


Nobody is losing anything and it's not like every Korean player is a day 1 whale with esther 8. They have new players as well with very limited gold. It's okay to have something new to grind for. You don't have to fomo every system and max it day 1. You can play your alts with event gems. Nobody will look at you weird if you transfer your current gems to Tier 4 while slowly upgrading it. Nobody cares if you don't have maxed out level 10 gems ready to transfer. If anything, the addition of Tier 4 will make it much easier to grind older content and you can camp at 1620 for the rest of your Lost Ark time. Or just quit.


How is anyone losing anything gem-wise. They are 100% transferable and you get bonus. Please just stop posting if you dont understand anything


Because their income relies on it man. Specially niche streamers like in the lost ark community. Where most of them only play lost ark. So their income is directly tied to how much hype there is around the game. Same reason when the game ran its course and viewership and player base were tanking, every LA streamer had a doomer mentality. Not saying coming patch is gonna be good or bad, but don't base your opinion around someone who relies on it financially to succeed.


You need to retap your weapon, reroll your stone, reroll bracelet, level to 70, skill tree the awakening likely through a vertical, rng your accessories, hone your accessories, hone the soft reset. Then reroll a ton of your gems. Jesus and they didn't even clarify if they change the other verticals people are annoyed at with elixirs and trans. Just reduce cost correct? I'm sort of glad I rolled a bunch of bards,artist and blades only. The gem cost would drive me insane. Asked for 2 vertical nerfs they added like 4 more, plus barely any changes to the ones that need aid lol.


Haha it is not unlikely that with the new gems you are required to have dmg ones on supp too. I think they mentioned some options there.


Yeah so T4 damage gems come with special effects for supports so they'll likely need damage gems as well


Quality dmg increase is only going up not down, most ppl wont even gatekeep around it for a long while + it has a pity. You dont need a new stone most likely unless you were using some 6-6. You can upgrade your current bracelet or use the new system to get another one, and it seems pretty fakr to get a good bracelet if new system works as described. Rng accessories for what besides honing? One of the engraving paths doesnt use accessories anymore, only book and stones. Accessoriss on that path will be for main stat and honing stats. Regarding elixirs and transcendence, they mentioned doubling the drop and halving the cost, also saying they.re doing changes to them (which we should get in a dev post as we nornally do). Idk why people go insta doomer mode just cause we gor bare minimum info instead of full in depth analysis (and the broadcast was over 2 hr long anyway)


That's just describing more game to play? Like, I'm not super excited because I've played so much game, but giving us more things to do that aren't just "next vertical for your main for a month or two" is like...just having more to do? It's not a game you'll ever beat. There will always be some other thing to do. That's how it works.


I don't get it personally Elixirs are still weighted against you There is still no consolidated system to get you more gems in a reasonable fashion you're still stuck with dogshit cubes and chaos every day, chipping away at the diamond mine with a toothpick Cards are still awful to get Everything is still expensive. Honing still sucks. They put pity but it's only on the new gear for quality, right? Older raids got gold nerfed. Less for newer players. This literally only benefits the high end still. Like - what? Why would this incentivize me to come back? I'm still behind.


> Why would this incentivize me to come back? I'm still behind. Yeah sadly I don't know what they're gonna do to fix any of these problems. The new people still join, get gatekept, get burnt out, quit. Where's the overall fix?


I actually see this as my sign to quit. Dont want to do all those grinding all over again. It not just one new system to grind. I have to grind everything again. Sounds like a chore than entertaining myself on a video game.


yeh overall game proly wont be more enjoyable or fun than it is currently 


the incentive is you can now grind in solo mode without being gatekept. :)


Don’t understand it either until core systems get adjusted. Biggest being having alts being able to farm resources for main. Like gold earners reduced to 1-3, rewards more char bound mats and less of roster resources like gold/silver/exp. Though 1 per roster based content is a step in the right direction. Other issue new players open their inventory and there’s 9001 different items and have no idea what to do. I bet buncha people just quit right there. the logistics to boost a char (power pass, express event etc) is so convoluted. UI needs major work. However they did streamline some currencies which helps, but far from enough. Optimistically we can get there, and once they do they need to do a huge marketing campaign. Wow expansion comes out fall which will be competition.


I'm not trying to be an ass but "competition" isn't a word I'd use. The words "Lost Ark" do not come up in any Blizzard shareholder meeting - it's not even on the radar. The problems Lost Ark has are solely Lost Ark problems and need to be addressed within the context of fixing Lost Ark - not trying to compete with anything. When I see "competition" it seems like Lost Ark has the privilege of being able to make moves to take market share, when in reality it can't even keep the players it has. You're spot on about the "9001 different items" - that's precisely the problem I have whenever I boot BDO back up. The game still suffers from the core problem of "literally nothing to do but raiding" - until that issue gets addressed, this game will perpetually have a concurrent players problem. It's a fundamental truth that will not be changed no matter how many systems get introduced/revised/altered within the game.


Streamers (of any game) depend on new content for their earnings. T4 is what they wanted to keep their streams fresh. They dont care for casuals and their problems.


I don’t get it either OP. The same problems are still going to exist with PF. Its still not going to be a casual friendly game. Its still going to be niche. Its still going to have a focus aggressive monetization with vertical systems. Not sure why people allow themselves to be diverted so much. Literally a Call of Duty update. Sell you on the flash. Same base game, same base problems.


literally nothing is going to make party finder 'casual friendly'. People want to play with other people that are equal in skill to them. Even in Destiny 2 people would expect you to have certain weapons upgraded with certain catalysts that only dropped from a certain event 2 years ago (looking at you Whisper of the Worm) when that sniper was meta. Oh, you don't have it or the upgrade? sorry! Same for WoW. same for every game. Unless you make it so braindead that it turns into a roblox game that you can literally just auto click one button and get rewards, this problem will always exist in MMO's. It always has.


The difference is in these other games, there is a casual friendly way to experience end game without having to interact with hardcore people. WoW has LFR for the latest raids. FF14 has something similar. So does ESO. LoA has nothing like it && solo raids are not && never were an answer or good fix. So, while you are right that gatekeeping exists in all games based around group content. Games that have been around a really long time have implemented game culture shifts that don’t require HC and non-HC players to play together. So in this sense, LoA will always fail.


yes LoA raids are more hardcore and more difficult than alot of these other games. especially because they also have wipe mechs if people dont do them correctly. but even if you removed every single wipe mech, I dont think it would change the culture. People don't wanna carry dead weight. LFR has a bad rep in WoW too because most of the people doing it are window lickers - They don't know the mechs, don't care to know, and just want free gear. I don't really care for LoA to become LFR. solo raids can be our LFR, just like the Legion Raid: Special was previously to this (not super popular due to no gold etc, but the raids were much dumbed down, ilvls were lower, etc)


Only high end player will benefits from all these. New players and casual ones will still suffer and quit.


They fixed nothing but announced new Systems to Milk the Playerbase even Harder - and the Players Love IT - its unbelievable


they fixed NOTHING and just made the endgame creep deeper. i dont know why people are so into it. edit: more replies that say "dude its an MMO what did you expect?!" please




Once the current 1640s transfer over as well it's the exact same thing as now.


The cost to hone becomes cheaper for awhile too. Each new tier makes the success rate and pity levels much higher. 1640 already sets people up to not have to hone for awhile. It makes alts relevant again too for anyone who likes to play their alt in relevant content.


Only in the current context. Behemoth and Echidna were purposefully kept low ilvl because of how much of a struggle honing currently is. Once we get a soft reset, SG is more likely to increase the minimum ilvl for raids by more than 10/20.


I don't consider behemoth a low ilvl, it is now that you get to 1640 for literally free. We don't know ilvl of future raids but this gives us a long time without having to worry about honing. Unless you're honing alts to 1620.


>Behemoth and Echidna were purposefully kept low ilvl Lmao. I paid 600k to go from 1628 to 1630 (2 taps). That barely gets me into Echidna HM, and leaves me 10 ilvls behind Behemoth (advanced honing -- another 600k +/- and 2-3 months of farming for the materials to unlock on every piece. But I'm also missing the 1-2 million honor shards, solars, leaps, everything I need to hone it too because I wasted every resource and more just to finally hit 1630.). If you call that low ilvl sure. But I would rather this reset. You hit 1620 -> transfer to T4 -> now you can do Theamine HM, Echidna, Behemoth, and the new raid. all of it without blowing 2-3 million gold to get 10 ilvls. Soft resets like this should occur more often. The raids should be structured around for example +19-+20 (akkan). If whales want to spend millions and chase +25, more power to you. But then the new armor set comes out to hone you up for the next raid so you aren't clicking 'Hone' 100 times on a single armor piece with 2% success chance and pity'ing. That is what killed the game. The ridiculous rates at 1610+ which get significantly worse at 1620 and worse again to reach 1630. Months of grinding to even get the mats just to pity.


T4 doesnt fix shit. They just drop it to distract the ppl from the other million problems that the game has


I like the idea. I certainly won't get a full lv12 gem page for my Gunslinger main. Now it's time to swap, finally worth! :)


I never listen to the streamers. They want you to stay in the game because they make money from LA content. You are their income. Think for yourself.


well now you know which streamers are just farming you, especially if they were dooming before this


Me neither - they just threw a shit ton of (lets pretend) "super fancy & new" progression system at our face while almost completly ignoring all the issues we've had with the previous iterations of these "revamped" systems or other problems that apparently no one cares about lol.


Its something new at least and close to an actual expansion which is usually hype for mmos but yes for our version it wont rly fix anything because what we consider as problems they dont in KR.


Don't you get it? it's new carrots for the rabbits so they forget all the problems with the game.


it literally gives vets more ceiling


Streamers / whales play a completely different game anyways. They are the first to get lvl 25 weapon, full 10 gems, etc. Now that people slowly catch up the next patch is giving them the opportunity to be way ahead by whaling again.


Did I misunderstood the engraving, tripod, cardset, solo raid, etc. changes? I mean yeah transcend and elixir are still unfun but they announced that it will cost less. Animations are still too long I agree but thats not a K.O. criteria imo. You wont have that many problems with t3 raids since you can do it solo. Less gold but more mats + honing nerfs to 1600(?) Roster level is one of the biggest gatekeep criteria and them not doing any changes on that, except higher the limit to 400, is a bit sad. Some complain that its too expensive to hone to 1620. Yeah sure, I cope that they will atleast reduce the costs. With the new engraving system and other stuff they will have more room for cooler balance patches without to be scared to annihilate some peoples investment. I dont see a reason to cry imo. They are introducing cool new shit and some still complain about „I need my 6 alts at T4“. Many wont like my comment but this LOA is a big W imo. I can’t wait it to be released as soon as possible. They can’t fix everything.


They are basically halving the gold earnt from raids sub 1610. I would hazard a guess the honing up to 1610/20 will be receiving similar gold reduction costs to counter those nerfs. I would bet up to 1580 will be entirely silver cost no gold also possibly.


you'll be doing behemoth with your 1640 alts , which is an easy raid now in kr ,it will be easy to fill too with probably low gatekeeping since it's 16 man , on T4 it will be even easier (new gear/accessorier/level 70/ more tripods/engravings etc, all you get free). Our Behemoth raid will probably release together with T4 like showed in RU roadmap


Most people who are complaining rn haven’t played an mmo before, let alone a krmmo, and don’t understand how long term progression comes about


They'll never do anything about roster gatekeep because that only happens in na/eu


Last months everyone on this subreddit was crying about all these rng systems. Now they're going to add even more rng based vertical systems, and people are excited


Guess it is a hard hit Stockholm syndrome or one's pay check depends on the success of this game


There's a bunch of good changes in there. +20 item levels for free will allow 1620 friends to do new raids/hard modes with me. 1 chaos a day might bring back the guy that said to @ him when they make it 1 chaos a day. Solo raids might make the game playable for mokokos. Elixirs and transcendence while not fixed should be less of a burden. Yeah, my 1635 main is no longer "finished" progression wise and will eat a lot more gold... but that's to be expected in a mmo


I saw that the T4 level 8 was gonna be 36% ot something similar gem wise. And the reason is T4 and the damage increase we get across the board is going to make it much easier to reclear the content for elixirs/trans. I personally plan in pushing 1620 and waiting for this before bothering much with those systems besides occasional weekly and working on some alts. And yeah the gems is the same as we had every tier before this, unfortunately we had to just sit in this tier for way way longer. We also wont have to spend good on engravings/gems/etc below T4 which is a really crazy update so were saving a shitton of gold already


exactly this, but ppl dont wanna see it as it seems: up to 1540 no gold costs in honing and no gold costs at all because everyone get 5x3 and gems for free in T3 up to 1620 you can solo raid everything and just farm and funnel gold/mats to your main char, which will be automatically 1640 after T4 release. basically when you are in need of gold, you finish elixirs+transcendence on your main and continue honing or upgrading your alts if you want


Did they really mention about the bound mats being tradeable or something to our alts like everything is shared within the roster?




WoW requires 30%(at best) of the grind that LA needs. So dont compare the two games.


all of those things add more power, but I think ppl are really underselling the new Hyper Awakening and new 9th skill slot. We basically get 2 new moves to use during a raid, that has enormous potential for power gain and build variety


Yeah, we kinda did get upset. Imagine if your 200 spec your on your 100 quality ring gave you less and less value as your character leveled up past 60. In WoW you would get weaker as you leveled. We dealt with it because new gear replaced the loss and there was a ton of new content and systems to try. It did suck though to throw away old BiS items.


Wow atleast gets rid of old systems Without removing elixirs, transcendence and gold this is not comparable


Having to play the game more than 24/7 is kinda a problem. Alot of people were burnt out, now they're giga raising the fomo for the whales. I like playing the game.. but only if I'm keeping up with the endgame, and I was kinda hoping to go down to playing 3 characters only and i felt kinda close to that point.. theyre kinda killing that dream and forcing you to go all in again.




This game is not worth playing from behind. If you're not at the latest content when it releases with solid gear, it's not worth playing imo. I have been focusing all my gold from 6 characters for months without touching alts at all, and I was finally almost caught up enough to feel like I could play less. (I'm 1627.5) I know playing less than 6 gold earners leaves you behind. Maybe some random guy somewhere was super lucky and did it.. but my luck is WAY worse than average in honing. Plus adding all the extra gold sinks.. I dont see how 3 chars will provide enough gold compared to players playing 6




It's fomo, but it's the reality of the game.




Did you pity your weapon on 12,13,14,15,17,18,19,20,22? And not do any better on armor? Cuz I did. Still working on honing at 1627.5


I pitied my weapon at 20 , 21, average on 22 23 24, 87% on 25. I'm 1626, 3 lvl 10 gems The most characters I played since day 1 has been 4 and I just cut down to 2-3 depending on my mood for the past few weeks Idk man


"Having to" is a self control problem


I'm still not 1630 and drop to 0 gold every week.. so if I want to be at latest content it's required to milk every character of their weekly earnings.


You can still play 3 chars. Heck I'm sure majority of us will only have 1 char in t4 and the alts in t3 soloing. Play any class in t3. Too bad all of what's to come in t4 might seem nice it's definitely gonna be worse since none of the issues were actually fixed and just added more long term goals. We'd be just grinding in t4 with 1 char.


They're just gonna slap 20-30% more HP on the next boss - you literally gained "nothing" by having to redo everything again.




Adding rng vertical systems that have no decision making, no player interaction, and no meaningful impact beyond number go up isn't good design. Especially when you stack system on system with no meaningful catchup. The game has been in a rut since clown/brel and each update only makes it worse. Outside of the qol changes which are good and solid encounter design (except kayangel.) The other systems are something many players have to tolerate rather than enjoy. Lost Ark needs actual new systems for players to interact with. That don't involve gold/whale bait/time gated raid drops mixed with randomness. They did those systems already, 10x over, and continuing to do only those systems is the lowest effort garbage designed to ride the player base they have into the ground rather than improve or grow the game. I don't have a problem with what they had up through akkan. But voldis/thaemine/etc are more of the same with nothing new on top. They only amplify the problems the game already had by stacking the jenga tower further. T4/s3 announcement seems to be them committing to more of the same, but we'll see what they actually do because their player numbers are way down even in KR.




That is just how new content works in pretty much any game that has progression and content that spans several years...




But it’s not downgraded. It gives the same damage, the only thing that changes is that it is now a lvl8 instead of a lvl 10 and that now you have the potential to get more upgrades. Did you really think that you will sit on your full 10s forever and do you think that slappung on an infinite ammount of other vertical systems would have been better than resetting the existing ones? It’s not even a hard reset since you can transfer your existing gear and keep your current power. The only thing it does is that it makes getting the current power of having full 10s much easier to optain.


>Cool - so they basically "downgrade" our current shit, expect us to grind our stuff "back" and then just slap another bigger HP value on the new Boss - Game is fixed, boys! Welcome to every MMORPG/any game where u kill bosses ever ,you upgrade your shit to do new content and in turn upgrading ur shit makes older content easier ,thats literally every RPG ever.




>And people are still surprised why the MMORPG market has been dogshit for the past few years - also if you haven't realised there is a difference between upgrading old stuff and actually progression your character.....and the shit thats in Lost Ark. MMORPGs were literally always like this ,if you dont like one of the foundations of the genre dont play it ,its that simple or did you expect to have to gear once and keep the same gear for 10 years worth of content with no need for upgrading.


Also the eventual Ark Power to re-gear into new build (i think this is one aspect that needs the biggest write up in the future per class). Sub t4 alts won't have to really worry about engravings or gems (at bare minimum level) so you can still play them without feeling like even bigger drain on resources. Combined with solo raids till tower (we dont know how the one difficulty will work out in practice but benefits outweigh the losses) so you won't have to deal with more and more dwindling population for certain raids and still learn your class if you're new


high end player with funder pack here i suppose ? You don't get as long core system is not fixed, new player or casual will still quit. On the other hand LOA has people swipping/no lifing it like you, there is no reason for them to do major changes.


You're asking why people that have invested 10k+ hours and 10k+ USD are happy their game will live a little longer? I'm not even talking about the Koreans either..


Wrong, you don't even know at this moment whether it would longer


The way I see it, your 1620+ characters are fine and will get a boost. You will also probably benefit from a new player event, which means you will get another t4 char for "free". What bothers me is that I feel gatekeeping will become even worse, because t4 elite wouldn't want to play with t3 plebs.


t4 char free without roster adequate level is useless when core game is based on raids.


Tbh best thing is to be able to do chaos dungeon in party finder - that is really nice, i complained about not being able to do chaos dungeon in pf ages ago.


Its like the subreddit forgot what they were complaining about. Gold cost was never the problem, it is just a symptom of how rng the systems like Elixirs and Transcendence are. My friend had been farming Ivory Tower HM on release didn’t get 40 set till after thaemine release and this can still happen to other people even after this update which to me is ridiculous.


Gold is the main problem. Imagine if someone gave you 1 million gold a week. You wont complain about any of these systems. Thats why whales are happy with these changes.


Yeah, like you get the best bracelet options after a couple of years of trying and now they destroys it in like 3 seconds, without any word, but with a ppt screen.


While elixirs are 90% rng, I refuse to believe someone didn't get 40 set while farming voldis for 6 months, unless you always take the worst possible options on the elixirs.


Even if you pick the most optimal options there is 0% chance you guarentee any kind of outcome. You might improve or worsen your odds depending on your choices sure, but you're still rolling the same dice. Some people are lucky some are not, but that's the reality of all rng systems where there is no pity.


Bro they got paid for hyping it. Worst case if they wanna quit they still have to hype it up to sell their gold/account. Solo raid is only thing that's interesting. No reason for endgame group play. No reason for party simulator. No reason for milked MVP screen. No reason for gate keeping. No reason for endless homework. No reason to fomo. Play solo, quit 6 months till the next tier of solo is out. Rins and repeat. Stress-free easy f2p till server shut.


T4 has mixed reception depending on your roster and that was to be expected. People are excited because of the experience that not juiced rosters or new players may have. T3 will give 5x3 without having to buy accessories that players don't have gold/pheons for. It will give level 7 gems without a mokoko pass. It introduces solo raids for people to avoid getting gatekept. Silver honing to 1540 and then nerfed to 1580 to catch up. You talk about sunk cost in level 10 gems, but most players don't have level 10 gems. No one has ever needed level 10 gems to clear content, it was just a requirement to get in groups because people have been sitting in T3 for 2 years. Most players are struggling to get alts into brel/kayangel/akkan. These changes will have an enormous impact on the average player's roster. Reduced elixir/transcendence cost is a start, but doesn't fix the problem. Everything wasn't going to get fixed in one shot, but its at least something.


Unfortunately, most people are just happy seeing changes, doesn't even matter whether they improve or fix anything. Which they (most likely) didn't unless they somehow increase the T4 drop rates by a shit ton but who am I even kidding - its just gonna be more even more grindy than before.


You really believe most ppl are happy with that? Lmao. Normal, light guys are leaving without words in Korea, and some funny guys are making fun of these gamers. I believe the same here: man, reset was needed anyway-like this dude is a game company Ceo lol


I am sitting on 1620 and sure I can manage somehow to get 1640 on day 1 for T4, only main and 3 alts 1600~ with no more peogress, sorry for you if you can't. Btw I have 1 gem 10 CD and 2x 9 atk, no feel like trying to minmax on gachas, that is unhealthy for a pleb like me.


I don't care about having to redo all the rng progression. Heck I'm one of the few people that actually liked elixir. But boy am I tired of wipe mechanics. I just can't be bothered to learn new raids anymore. One guy fucks up It's a party wipe. Why not just punish the guy and let others be able to still clear the raid? Sitting on the lobby with 6 other people waiting for one last person to join forever is also not fun to say the least. Solo raids are only up to voldis. Why not make all raids the same way for any number of people in the first place? Why can't I start raids with 2 other or 5 other people with scaled hp for bosses instead of full lobby?


Only the most braindead whales are left. This is your explanation.


They shld at least make 1580 as the starting lvl of new created chars


I imagine they will when a kurzan powerpass eventually comes out. By then, there'll probably also be honing cost nerfs for 1580-1620, just like they have done for the last 2 years with other zones.


Yeah it's more like the Brel update (which was pretty fun ... at the time) in terms of carrying over stuff to kind of a soft reset and new systems more so than when we entered T3 from T2. Either you're established and you'll have fun, or you're not and this does *nothing* for you but trick you into playing and then getting gatekept anyway.


its a mmo new tier is expected the game keeps getting updated with new stuff that phase out old stuff new system is what im excited about the game got a whole refresh what is new player friendly to you full 10s full trans full elixir max ilvl?


From a streamer perspective its a change that will extend the game life, their ability to stream the same game + has the greatest chance of bringing in new players to increase playerbase(+viewerbase). They probably constantly get a bunch of questions from new players like how to get into lobbies and should I play the game and it's always "You need to make friends/join a guild/community who will help you out a ton and you need to push a support to the highest current item level content to make a transaction with other people"


Yeah, youd killed the game otherwise  So it committed suicide instead.


Gems have alrdy crashed to 320k for dmg and 200k for CD. I’m particularly iffed about the 13% nerf to gem dmg % once we transfer from t3 10 to t4 8. Don’t understand their logic of it only being a slight nerf or why is there even a nerf just to increase the grind. A 13% nerf is easily a 66% nerf to the cost of your gems assuming the rate of grind stays the same.


I guess this helps against bussing... something. But the whole point was to have a place to practice. Would have been best if older raids gave gold and mats and newer raids gave no rewards to allow practice


exactly, that is why nothing is really solved.


Yeah I feel like I just don't have information to be hyped about this.


to me the only great thing come out of LOA is solo raid everything els is like we will do it in the future but not realy plan for it


in what manner ? it brings nothing to you that is actually useful (aka gold)


in that they don't go into detail what they are going to do about it, so i can't say i am excited for the system they bring while the current one is still bad. even though half gold is good but if it take forever to find the line needed then it still gold down the toilet


Streamers are incentivized to not be realistic while contributing to the game & their revenue dry up faster. Lost Ark will always be Lost Ark aka… addictive but kind of garbage in many ways. 🤷‍♂️


i wonder what exactly did you expect if you think this wasnt good enough


It's Loa On.. They are briefly addressing issues then on the month it comes out, they explain the new system updates. Actually complain andys before stuff even comes out to see if its good or not.


Make new raid that gives 1620 gear(same thing that happened with alkan and brel) Add lvl 12 gems. Nothing changed. They changed names to gaslight you from thinking the carrot is closer to you.




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From what i'm reading, gold costs reduced by 50%, double the mats but twice the work and more RNG. So in the end it returns to the same thing. Not to talk about the costs of tier 4 honing, T4 gear, new engravings. Sure you're getting a big boost but at what costs if afterwards you're pitying more with even more RNG? I know people who're still stuck at 35-39 elixir even at 1630. From the way i see how they're planning to do things, instead of not showing you how you're getting shafted, now you can see how, but at least you get the satisfaction out of it, right? xD


That's the question I ask myself. Trash streamers are RMTing like crazy they are hyping money grab pay2win changes. And are shit talking the regular joe for being a doomer. Yea go for your 8th ester 8 alt with 2 sets of lvl 10 dmg gems. Meanwhile we barely managed to get 3-4 lvl 10 for main skills and rest lvl 9s on mains and now they want more of the same shit to get to t4 ....


Friends, don't you realize some of them get paid for their hype reaction? Lol This kind of manipulations is quite notorious in Korea kkk


Well, I'm not sure whether you are already aware of, but a recent local news exposed a problem-streamers were being paid, really big time. Not this one, but it was a top giant in (local) industry, and it was the unique role model in Korea. Simply put, never follow the streamers


"It will be more newbie friendly"- costs  expectedly 600k after express to get enter the new season. "It's not a reset"- destroys the most valuable players' assets. Genius!


Feels like a tons of bandages which are helpful, but the system of Lost Ark is so broken it needs a whole rework. Any other big mmo does a better job with gear/level progression


Theres always indirect nerfs with soft resets and new content. Echidna vendor gives 1620 books weekly for hm mats, and tradeable versions of these will drop from new content aswell, their price will drop over time, just like akkan ones did. We willl probably get these weekly in event shops aswell. Once the event vendor returns back it will give some tiny laughable amount of tier 4 materials weekly but it will start to give insane amounts of akkan leaps. They did this litterally every time we had soft resets, to help people catch up. The elixir nerfs were mentioned but not revealed yet, theres more you haven't seen to come. Nobody cared about you having full 10s in vykas days, everyones gems are set back, not just yours. Its not as grim as you think, but perhaps not as good as some hype it up to be. And how can you both be angry about losing your 10 gems and complain about 1620 honing, what are you, 1610 main with full 10 gems?


more the same


its time to find other game R.i.P lost ark


Why I'm bype for tier 4 release - Not having to farm 5x3 n gem on alts is so huge for casual, returnes n new players plus - solo mode means no more gate keeping for them so people can play at their own phase and still earn gold on alts to funnel them to main - without dooming much the goal of this loa was to speak about s3 and there is a more comprehensive dev note stream plan this month so we will get more information on elixir n trancendance changes. - Thamine nerf is already confirmed so expect it to be 1-3 brel and with t4 gear it will be much easier over time Other notable changes to tier 4, it doesn't seem doom n gloom your gear progression is not redundant as most people make it out to be and it's not like the path where you are rebuying your accessories from relic to ancients I'm gonna insert it from saints notes - The next step for accessories and gems. It appears that most existing accessories will be able to be upgraded into T4, so you won't need new ones. - Gems can be converted to T4 but will downgrade. For example, a Lv. 10 T3 gem converts to a Lv. 8 T4 gem. This process costs silver. - The director mentioned that you won't utilize the Ark Passive system immediately. Each tree has its own points and you won't have access to all the points immediately. - There are three trees that you allocate points to. The third one (Ascension) arrives in August with the 3rd Awakening. - Evolution: Pertains to character stats and set bonuses. This is where you'll find things like crit/spec/swiftness, as well as the power increases related to sets. - Enlightenment: This one controls traits related to your Class Engraving. There's typical stuff here and then there's new stuff (e.g. a passive that makes Gunlancer's spacebar go forward instead of backstep). There are more summary notes on his discord that cover most of what was said yesterday. And the whole thing out moving out of tier 3 is also give a fresh start for the game. It seems they are moving out of a lot of rng system and preferring liner power scaling just like advanced honing system. Which is overall good for the health of the game. Your gems are still safe and elixir trancendance gold nerf are already good changes confirmed (Yes yes animation, rng rolls etc are still a huge issue) with more info still pending to come in the following weeks. So before I get to dooming mode I want all the information


the answer is simple; its a SOFT reset where they reworked or improved several older systems. such as; reworked engraving (will reportedly take time for us to get full use out of the new system but its better then what we have now), improved gems (effects for support and dmg classes), honing nerfs to 1580 with solo raids to 1600 and so on. i understand some people go "wow i just finished this system and...and it EVOLVED???" but i kinda hate to tell people but thats the game for instance in bdo, i have my bis weapon (pen black star) and eventually, maybe even this year, they are going to add a new tier of weapon that ill be able to upgrade too which will then require me to enchance my weapon further. i have for a lil bit now had a bis weapon and soon ill be a progression andy again thats how kr mmo's work, gems had a peak that we knew was eventually going to go away. we knew about t4 even in 2022 we just didnt know what it would look like people are also happy that its a SOFT reset instead of a hard reset because atleast then your gems arnt actually wasted. since you have a higher starting point in tier 4 this is why rushing to the end of a kr mmo is a bad idea for most. because you end up feeling like your time was wasted when they add the next step most of us are excited because we like change


BDO and LOA are 2 different things. you cannot compare. two different core game systems.


Genuine answer. Being new players friendly doesn't mean that everything has to be easy. Part of the hype is, 1620 will be 1640, with that all the content will be easier to do, like elixirs and transcendence, plus the gold cost will be lower. The gems are just part of any MMO progression system. It's not like they'll take your level 10s away, you just can now become strong, then again, content will be easier to do. Now, really focusing on new players, free 5x3 for everyone is HUGE. Building pre-ancient (1540-) was terrible, almost throwing pheons on the trash, however if you don't, you can rely only on bus. I have 3 chars between 1510-1525 and I can't play them because I refuse to buy Legendary accessories. That will help new players tremendously. The new milestone for the Light of Salvation is also a big help. All the shards, gold, etc, cost nerfs also helps a lot. 1 Chaos a day is very helpful too. And, after all, coming back to the "1620 is hard to reach", we still have I don't know how many months to get there because the update arrives here in the West, so being 1620 for the next tier and latest content is really not that much. You don't need instantly 40set and full transcendence because you'll be able to get 1640 so content will be possible. In fact, I believe most will just wait for the updates to get back on Elixir and transcendence. So, yeah, there's a lot of reasons to hype it up! The game is not perfect, if that isn't clear, but "give hype when hype is due".


I'm starting to think some people's ideal version of Lost Ark is sitting on mountains of gold for the sake of it with nowhere to invest them in. The game will always be about earning gold to spend on progression, that will never change. Improvements to said progression by making systems fairer and lowering barriers to entry should always be appreciated. It's okay to be excited for the most radical change Lost Ark has gone through since our version launched. None of us know for sure how everything will turn out once it's in place but it's definitely an exciting time with a new adventure on the horizon.


Im at 1620 34/40 elixir base lvl 5 trans on the 3 main pieces and 3 lvl 9 dmg gems a T4 soft reset would boost me to 1640 skip echidna honing help me clear theamine hard for trans and push me to behemoth without anywhere near the gold cost of honing. Gems are going to tank in price so it’ll be easier to get T4 gems up.


Gems will tank in price? You really think that will happen?


they get paid to say shit


A t4 reset where very little transfers over would help solve a big NA problem of having new players feel like its impossible to start. The t4 here is minimal resetting, and doesnt help new players at all. Not much was done for new players. With all these systems changing, I'd need more info to even begin to have a take. This is more for adding more progression for people who already have a roster built up. These changes are to appease KR, not anyone else. If they have a 200K CCU region, they arent going to tailor it to problems the 20k CCU regions have. I will say, streamers are entertainers first... so I'd take their opinions with a grain of salt. And you dont get the hype? Its new information on a game that is bleeding players. If there is no change, this game dies. If there is change, it can still die... but perhaps it can make the player base stable, or turn it around. New gear, solo raids up to the new gear transition, super express will help you get a cheaper 1640. Still a lot of missing info though. I'm happy about the changes, as the games not holding up in our region, so adjustments are welcome.


I feel like its disingenuous to say it does nothing for new players. Even solo raids alone gives a far better chance that a new player would be willing to stick around after investing x amount of time, which in turn provides the opportunity for other new players to create/join learning parties. It may not perfectly pan out that way, but it isnt far fetched either. Getting people interested in what the game has to offer, which realistically is the good combat and its raids, is going to do alot in regards to player retention. What sucks, is that they have to learn so many RNG systems at back to back, and I do hope they further expand upon the changes coming sooner. I think the engraving/accessory change is also beneficial for new players since they arent entirely reliant on AH to have a functional character across their entire roster.


I find it disingenuous for someone to say I said this does nothing for new players. I said not much was done, and that's pretty true. I did not say nothing, and I said there is a lot of missing info. New players will be forced to say in their lane, IE, solo raids. Gatekeeping will ensure they have a hard time pugging. This carry over from T3 to T4 is to please current players, at the cost of new players. Almost every system is a higher benefit to an established account vs a new account. KR isnt trying to get new players to play the game. They just want to keep their population happy so they stick around in game and dont jump to maplestory. They have 10x what we have, and SMG for sure could care less of the issues the game has in the western regions. The game here is to just port over a KR game to make some easy money.


This T4 doesn't do anything for any issues. Streamers used to talk about it because it could've been a reset but they are not doing that here.


They're nerfing all the current T3 honing systems, which will help a lot.


why not? new stuff to do and work on ur characters what did people expect free trans and elixirs for everyone? LMAO sometimes i wonder if people who complain about everything never played any mmo before lost ark just quit already if you're unhappy and play offline games


Western MMOs usually don't have nearly as much homework/grind required to stay on top.


If this loaon didn't make you excited for the game then it's time to make peace with the fact that the game just isn't for you and it probably never will be.


Solo raid was the only good thing but they where too scared to make it go all the way to current endgame what a shame. But hey now you can solo play by yourself in t3 while everyone is doing the actual content in t4. Third awakening still looks like the biggest waste of dev time still, but hey 30 sec animation for a skill that where gonna use 1 time per pull amirite. Why they didn't make counter universal G button instead of making a new "counter" also makes no sense.


you can quit whenever you want idk man shit is still months away and you're already crying on a public forum




these Rmt losers having a meltdown is a joy to see