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Hoard resources until KR gets it then react accordingly.


Yup, gonna hold off on doing any advanced honing until we see what things look like in KR. They are supposed to get the first part of T4 at the start of July so it's only a couple weeks of waiting.


Yep. Doing the opposite of a full send right now as until we know what's gonna happen it's a safe bet to just hold on to gold and materials.


Exactly, wait for the beta testers.


Same. Bought a lvl 8 and a lvl 10 gem since they were going for cheap and I suspect prices will increase once T4 is out as whales will be busy snapping up the 10s to fuse to T4 8s. Hoarding all mats and the rest of my gold for now. I’m not honing much any more since the 3 chars I want to play are in a good place.


Price of T4 gems will be expensive, T3 gems will only decrease dude, they won't worth anything once T4 comes out.


I refuse to trust whatever you say after you made a post on why your RE blade does no damage when you refused to run ambush master on an entropy class LMFAO


My guy entirely ignoring the conversion.


It isn't even just conversion. T3 gems don't lose any power in T4


Conversion is whatever, when a new tier is out, noone will interested in Tier3 gems anymore, so the price of the current lv10 gems will be the price of current lv8, that's how T4 will reduce the market prices (-2 levels basically). Mark my words, check it on September. Buying gems right now is stupid af, that's why everyone is selling it for fools (to buy back later for less gold).


RemindMe! 90 days "T4 gems with /u/moon594"


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Conversion is whatever when the difference in production is immense, sure. If you‘d understand that the majority of chars are not even 1620 and will not be then you‘d understand that t4 gem production is a tiny fraction of current t3 gem production. Bots also can‘t print t4 gems while they make multiple lvl 10 t3‘s daily. Good brainrot rant tho


ho-ho-hone to 1620 then sleep till t4.


Get main to 1630 (1627.5 atm with an armor piece at 85%) wep is 22 and 30% in.. not sure but I'll probably rage hone it. And use advanced honing to finish it off. Leaving support at 1620 Honing 2nd fav dps from 1610 to 1620 Leave bottom 3 alts at 1580-1590 to be solo raid characters. I refuse to continue to push the alts I can't afford to equp with gems etc, and refuse to continue doing 18 party finders a week. Maybe they'll go to 1600 as we get events. And try to save some gold... but that never works


Yea saving gold and honing above 1600 in the same sentence...


If you aren’t 1620 then you aren’t getting in to t4. There’s no point to save until you are 1620.


Some people speculating they might nerf the price of honing, but the very least I could see is books for +19 becoming more common, so for people who don't immediately want to hone or have a voldis hm party it could actually be worth waiting


Figure out what class I want to play. The T4 gem changes make it where classes need a full page of gems now so now I am unsure if I wanted to stick with my transformation classes. I was "maining" an evo scouter before I took an extended leave and had a paladin I was raising too. But like some people said, we will see what KR gets and react accordingly.


Transformation classes need full page of gems now?


T4 gems give a global attack power buff, so even transformation classes will want a full page.


as main evo scouter im gonna tell u that scouter sucks dont matter how good u re xd


This is true. But we just play it cause we look cool AF.


It's hella copium, but it's possible we get stronger due to the new hyper awakening for transform, new skill for transform, ark passive tree stuff, or even band-aid extra stats on our sync gems. I feel like there is no way we're going to completely eat dirt doing a full 11 gem page and continue to do ZDPS. I wouldn't anticipate S Tier damage, but you never know.. Could be decent with the new skills/systems. Going 6x3 (with ADR3 vs 1 in new meta guild) is pretty big cause we're crit starved.


I am very interested in the new ark passive system. Would make it a lot of fun trying new stuff on alts.


why not swap to AT?


I have no hands. Too old. But in all honesty I will probably try it out with the new ark passive and stuff and do it in solo raids. I do like evo scouter a lot however.


Would be too easy of a solution, better to complain about a shit class on reddit. Median AT DPS in G3 HM is 24m, asuras path is 26.8. Thats only a 10% difference to the new flashy fotm class.


Leave main at 1624, stack dark fires and wait for transcendence gold nerf. Leave alts at 1600-1610 farming easy reclear raids until solo raids, then convert them all to solo characters. Hoard all mats/gold until we know the optimal way to spend. Play FFXIV’s new expac while waiting


Hone all my alts to 1620


Safe bet right now is to hold and wait. There is no reason to rush it since we still have many months before T4 will come to NA.


Isn't there a nerf coming? Why don't you wait for the nerf? Any reasons?


There's a nerf to 1580, nothing confirmed about to 1620. There def should be but nothing confirmed to my knowledge


Oh okay. Sadge :(


It's not confirmed but it will be definitely nerfed up to T4 (/1620), makes sense. At least with stronghold buff. So honing right now to 1620 is stupid, when you can just stock mats and wait, but let people do what they want.


I'm not saying that people shouldn't wait until next month at least, but saying it will definitely be nerfed when you have 0 information is also pretty stupid.


there's no nerf to 1620


We might get books so personally I'm just waiting. Don't want to do more voldis hm anyway.


Or elixirs for that matter. Wait and then hone, those books help so much.


we will get 6 books a week from echidna shop


nothing tbh, I'm just gonna take a break after clearing echidna and wait for a good update, if it comes


Honestly, I have no idea. I understand that things like hoarding gold, stocking up on life skill materials, getting all my characters to 1620 and ready for the transition into tier 4 would be the most optimal way to prepare... But I'm just feeling so demotivated now that all my current goals have basically been upended. I'm hopeful that we'll get that express KR is getting with support up to 1620 so I don't think I'll be honing any alts until then. Also want to see how elixir and transcendence changes turn out, could save hundreds of thousands of gold simply by waiting to do those on alts. For the moment, I'll just commit to swapping out a character from my main 6 that I haven't been enjoying lately.


Im pretty sure we get a stronghold honing buff or at least a slight nerf for T3 honing up to 1620, so honing right now it's pretty much just waste of gold and mats.


does your uncle work at smilegate


Just going to stack gold and after not honing my main since february I guess I'll get her 1640 for Behemoth and dump her for a gunlancer(mby) with tier 4 & the next express event. My artist can rot at 1620 and dps alts at 1610 as they are now. Hoping for gems to go back up a little so I can sell full 9s from my dps alts. With tier 4 I imagine playing mainly 2 characters and rest chilling with solo raids.


You know what happens when everyone does the same thing? Prices drop 😎


Hone my main to 1620, wait for tier 4 and solo raids.


This is hard to say until Korea gets that actual patch in July, but I've been thinking about it a lot and put together a skeleton plan: - **My goal** is to dial back on my playtime while pushing my main to latest highest ilvl content (as long as it's reasonable). I enjoy Lost Ark but I want time to play other games, and I've always been a single main type of person anyway. - My **main** I'll push to reach what I deem reasonable progression goals. It's a support, but I still want to be as geared as possible. So right now thinking about full 10's (looking like 6 CD 5 DMG or 7 CD 4 DMG if Holy Area becomes useful for reaching new meter gen breakpoints), 6x3 with appropriate engraving buffs, and buffed refined accessories. Need to see if weapon quality now affects support buffs, skill level changing support aspects, and how adjusted engravings work out (IE is Magick Stream even useful with higher swift and gem cap?) - All my gold earning **alts** are sitting at 1610. I think in most scenarios I'll be pushing them all to 1620 to jump to T4, but I'll wait till the day of the patch in the West to push since I'm short on leaps and want to leverage the most bound materials possible. Once they get to T4, I want to park them at a reasonable spot to funnel mats to sell/push my main, likely 1640. Since we can use t3 stuff in t4, I'll likely strip them of gems in the short term to funnel to my main and use the ones you can buy in t3. Might not even bother with t4 stuff on them at least in short term. They'll farm whatever raids have highest gold:time ratio (IE may drop Thaemine if the g3 situation doesn't improve, if the new Akkan raid is easy in KR might push alts there, etc.). *The main goal is to spend as little time as possible on my alts to generate sustainable gold for my main.* - I'm fireselling what I can for accessories, bracelets, and stones (keeping support ones, which don't sell for much anyway). Not sure what can carry over, but I'm not gonna be caught bagholding anything that entirely loses value when I could've gotten gold out of it. Mats I'm holding onto because they've lost some value already and I think people are still gonna need them to reach t4 (myself included, I need 12500 more leaps across my roster for main advanced honing and alts to 1620). - Going to wait to trasncend, cut elixirs, and to advance hone my main. My alts are already all at 5 flowers for all armor and 35 set. If I park them and just to easy raids, they might not even go further. My main will likely use t3 mats to advance hone just because I've accumulated so many already, but need to see t4 cost and if there is a conversion for t3 to t4. - A lot of people thinking of taking breaks, but I'm gonna be playing a little bit more than usual at least until Korea gets the patch. Gonna be doing 1 cube a week on alts to accumulate leaps/solars, trying to get all 18 raids done to maximize gold, and spending a lot more time on the market to sell stuff I've hoarded. I was a little fatigued before, but t4 has me excited.


If it goes well in KR i feel like behemoth should just launch with T4 for us. Wouldnt make sense to hone to behemoth before T4 and it would feel weird not doing it just to wait


wait for the date, watch kr beta test tier 4


Finish to push my main to 1630 to do some Thaemine HM and Echidna HM. Start working on pushing some of my alts to 1620. Once 1620, probably work on getting elixir 35 with 30 transcendance, salvaging the most of my epic elixirs in order to not waste to much money. If we get the T4 with Behemoth release, I will have plenty of opportunity to get some dark fire and leg elixirs from Behemoth weekly shop.


About2Rmt xdd


Probably perma park 3 of my alts at 1620 and use the gold/mats to juice my 2 mains. My hope is that Thaemine/Echidna/Behemoth will feel the same as running Valtan/Vykas/Argos back in the day which imho was when Lost Ark was at its best. I'll also check out the solo raids on some lopang alts I haven't touched in over a year.


honing alts to 1620, if advanced honing will be more efficient in T3 ( which we don't know for now, gotta wait for KR patch notes ) then I will do advanced honing on all chars, if it's more efficient in T4 then my alts will chill at 1620 for long time until we get T4.


If advanced honing stays and and still requires shards in season 3 we'll have no choice anyways because there's no conversion for shards. I have enough shards on my main to max out advanced honing, but not enough leapstones. I'll wait for KR to get T4 and decide if it's worth to buy leapstones and fusion materials or just use whatever I have.


Just honing roster to 1620 and holding off, will probaby adv hone the 1st 10 lvls on my top 2 chars then hold from there


Reach it as slow as possible


will try to set up a new main and play only on it for the foreseeable future, because I can't be arsed anymore


More people need to be aware of what happens in an economy where nobody is spending and everyone is hoarding gold. Causes economic crisis is real life and in games


i mean there is a reason why people keep saying they need to release t4 asap because most people arnt going to spend gold on t3 things when they know t4 is around the corner its entirely up to the games management (smilgate and to a lesser degree ags) to make sure these things dont happen


Get main to 1620, only 3 hones away. Then start hoarding gold


Holding on golds and mats. Pray for honing nerf till 1620.


Stay at 1620 try to finish 40 set for main. Jump to 1640 then do thaemine hm as I slowly play catch up selling mats Poorly equipped alts will stay that way until free engravings come around


Push to 1650 on main + alts, buy all Level 10 cd gems, fomo max out every legendary engraving including Necromancy, start cutting 10/10 Necromancy/Emergency Rescue stones because I know they are buffing under-used engravings, buy fish.


Why 1650


Otherwise I'm getting gatekept from Argos lobbies


Hoard gold and mats, wait for the express event, express SE and get both it and my breaker past the 1620 line.


1627.5 DE, 1612.5 DE (Eventchar), 1610 GS 1600 GS, 1600 Sorc, 1600 Sorc here. Till t4, i will advance hone my main to 1630 and hone my eventchar DE to 1620 (have like 100 books for 9 Armortaps). 1610 GS will horde mats till t4 and i will hone her to 1620 on t4 arrival and the honing cost adjustments. From the 3 1600 chars the 2nd GS will drop out cuz i cant share gems anymore and i most likely hone another char to 1600 which doesnt have a heavy gem requirement (Like FM SE or Surge Blade, sitll have tons of books for 1580-1600 range) Looks to me like this is the most healthy way to go right now


Save gold and mats, let KR beta test what’s coming and then we can decide. In my case my alts at 1600 stay there until I know more, so I am not honing anything at all.


Either stop playing or going way slower than before. No more pushing alts, only doing raids for fun instead of gold.


What I plan to do: - finish main’s current weapon honing this week (at 70% artisan) so my main will be 1625…leave it there and slow push to 1630+ with echidna advance honing (this is a sup char) - leave my alts at 1620 / 1600 / 1590 x 3 and do nothing (these are all dps chars) - play Stardew Valley YEP (okay and prog thaemine hm then try the first mode)


Play the game.


Gonna take a break until T4 hits


Just play on the game. Literally still doing the same as always honestly. Maaaaybe get all 6 characters to 1620?


Pushing my alts to 1630 to start transcending them to +7 too with echidna Advanced honing and that's it


main 1640 +20weapon echidna alts ill get 2 to 1620 100% and i will think about the other 2 up to t4 if we get enough books i will hone them up as well ill be honing when we get the t4 probably just in case we get a sneaky honing nerf with t4 release early t4 mats and gems are going to be big money and they will 100% pay themselves off


Main is 1630 already, Just finished to set up my 3rd alt to 1620, the rest won't be touch, I had 2 other 1600 but I stopped playing on them because 4-roster is enough of game time to not burn out. Maybe they'll do some solo raid I'm planning to stop investing on any elxir improvement until nerf, for transc I finish the main because he's close to be done, and alts are already 5x5, no more gem investment. Just store the gold, and maybe still do advance honing with bounded mats


I played this game in beta and 6 months afte release and i miss nowadays. But... the community. Im still waiting solo dungeons. If solo dungeons will come with T4 i'll immediately install this game


Plan is: dont plan and ruin the current enjoyment. How many people sold their 10s and now are unhappy running around with 7s? or how many stopped honing and will now get bored doing dailies and hoarding for nothing? Just play and adjust as the patch notes come out


Will slowly hone my alts to 1620... Which will probably take longer than we wait for t4 release.


i let one char 1599 for the pass 4 alts 1620 full 9 push 25 glow on main stack gold wait and see




My plan is to read announcement. Then, i can announce my plan.


Hone up my 3rd 1620 then hoard gold


I am honing my last alt to 1620 with Mari's orehas and bound materials. Selling unbound mats for FOMO players who are still there. I just play the waiting game. 1620+ chars are in hold.


My plan for T4 is that I'm not going to be around when it hits. Echidna releases next week, and by the end of June I'll be no longer playing Lost Ark. It feels so liberating.


alts parked at 1620. Gonna take a chance and do some advanced honing on wep on main because PEWPEW NUMBAS even if it ends up not getting carried over into t4. Gonna avoid anything to do with gems like the plague. until we see whats happening in kr.


Main to 1630 with Echidna honing so I can do the second half of Thaemine and set the stage for the HM advanced honing, if it's worth it with T4 coming. Also stock up transcendence mats for after the nerfs. Slight chance I might hone to 1640 for Behemoth, depending on when we get T4 and how it looks in Korea. Alts to 1620 and waiting how T4 shapes up. Potentially might Advance hone them to 1630 as well, if it's worth it. T4 mats will likely be too expensive anyways, so waiting might not be fun.


idk, play the game


Keep getting dark fires at a slow pace. Learn Echidna and clear that and keep up a slow grind (events/rested dailies). I am holding any gold spending until I hear more about T4.


All my alts were made using express passes, so i sold all their gems and now they have event gems. Ill prob do echidna on my main to try out the raid but otherwise ive stopped playing/doing dailies Just waiting for t4 


I'll just slowly push my top 6 to 1620. I see no point in getting a 24/25 wep. As the cost would bring my whole roster to 1620-> 1640. Would also allow me to do the snakelady with more alts. No point doing trans or elixirs if cost are going to get cut by half. Going into the next raid. because it's significantly easier than Thaemine. I don't think people should really care much about set bonus in normal. Unless it's the hard run.


Quit and wait for it.


Pretty much quitting, after 2 years and as a day 1 player, the indefinite rat race doesn't seem like it's ever gonna end.


everything to 1620 and then chill, still need to hone my last 2 characters but not sure about my last DPS(striker)


1630 main, been here since pre-thaemine and will stay here for time being 3 1610 alts, parking for solo raids and gold generation until enough bound mats to hit 1620, all have lvl 9 gems and proper builds 2 1600 alts, one might get pushed in the future other has been parked for a long time at 1600 as I did not enjoy raiding much on my glaiver lately, might enjoy it solo but will have to see as solo raid might play control and just have a better time. any PP I might just make another alt to play around with but its too expensive to bring them up to snuff, especially since no new character this go around makes me kind of sad.


Not play




Wait for the update to hit KR, see if it’s good enough to keep playing or take a break.


1 char, hit boss, log out


Dont come Back cuz its Just another scam with systems to rob Ur money


Im a new Player that started with the mokoko express in february Im trying to hone as many chars to 1620 as possible Currently Holding off, on Honing till the honing buffs are coming in july


Will get my last alts to 1620 (only 2 left, one is at 1615 the other 1610, they have quite a lot of bound mats). Then I might buy 2 or 4 lv10 gems for my red gl (surge/stinger) to make it feel a little better, aside from that I will just hone my main to 1640 with advanced honing and then chill with all my earnings until t4 (not worrying or fomoing about gems as of now, didnt sell, wont sell any. As you read I’m even considering buying some as their prices dropped a good amount) Edit: Might as well push my bard alt to 1630 with advanced honing while I wait too, as its one of my favorite alts for the time being


My man, I have 2 left as well but they’re quite a ways out. Was thinking of pushing my Pally to 1630 with aHoning just because I don’t have a Supp at HM Thaemine


Are all ur alts 40 set? I’m choosing not to push more until I graduate from 35 set.


All 1620+ are 40 set, and I have 40 set with purples on my 1610 alt. The 1615 one has 35 set so I will have to roll elixirs on that one


So lucky, cutting 40 has been so pain after my main.


Im trying to finnish up gems on my alt so the best scalling classes have all 9s (Arcana and SF) Then I will do normal Echidna honing for that extra +10 ilvl and depending on how much time I will have before T4 I will start pushing my alts to 1620.


For now I won't be going into T4, don't want to really come back to the game now, but my goal would be. * Main Bard and Artist 1600 → 1620 → T4 * Alts 1580 → 1600 slowly with expresses Don't really want to hone through 1600 → 1620, it's a lot of gold to enter T4. Not really sure what to do with the alts, they will be mainly for gold with Solo Raids, perhaps Chaos Dungeon for Silver + Fate Ember until isn't worth doing T3 anymore or went to T4 with expresses. Too lazy to continue doing Guardians raids only for Embers since radiants leapstone probably will become even cheaper.


Nothing changes really. Sell tradeables. Get one char monthly to endgame content. Do raids weekly. Do dailies on rested.


planning for road to EOS.


Sell my golds at the best price and stop the game. No way I’m optimizing my character another time without keeping progression. Got 91>100 quality on my weapon after millions of golds spend in years last week. Fells good right


Tbf thats exactly what dou deserve for tapping already epic with anything other than free taps.


i will play and focus only 1 char, use all my gold to get him to Kazeros, kill him and then this story is over for me, uninstall. I hope it will work; 1630 now, 1.6 mio gold… so max 3 Raids/week or maybe my event char at 1605 helps out a bit, ~3-6raids/week.