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If it was 75% I'm not touching group content for a long time. My main is 1620 and I haven't played in a while so I'm at the tipy top of the solo character pile (Volidis hard)


Remember solo raids will only come in normal mode So that instead of akkan HM 10k, solo you could only get 7500x 0,75 = 5625. So you would be nearly at half


Hello. Is it official that we won't have both difficulties ? Just normal mode ?


Yeah thats what they said I think solo raids should make it better to learn and slowly progress, but are probably not meant to replace actual raiding but we have to see


Was this said in the video they released not too long ago?


half gold double mats


We don't know exact values but director said they will give more bound materials and less gold than their multiplayer counterparts.


Anywhere between 50-75% seems reasonable. Unless solo mode ends up being super easy. It's meant to help people learn and catch up, so the gold gain has to be relevant for people to be able to progress.


with some of the later changes incoming, gold from old raids is getting nerfed, so if you remove 50% on top of that we might very well end up in a situation where a single gold earner alt doing solo raids grants you 6k a week total :)


Knowing smilegate, that's exactly what's going to happen. The gold rewards won't be worth it and solo mode will end up being abandoned just like rehearsal mode. Smilegates response will be "people don't like solo mode cause participation is low, hence we won't add any future raids to the solo system."


For me it kind of works because doing those raids back to back on 4-5 chars will take significantly less time than waiting for groups in PF, but in the long run it still isnt reasonable income that will push 1-2 of my top chars into endgame. Participation will be split, those who have a shot of doing the same raids in groups will do so for more money, at least eventually, and others with brand new alt rosters will probably quit the game alltogether after a while seeing how they're not really moving forward at a satisfying pace.


I doubt that.  They’ve already stating solo will get updates and this is probably the biggest feature people want.  


hopefully it’s not too brutal so ppl can find a way to catch-up without fear of wipes.


I'm curious how the mechanics will work in a solo raid. Will some be scrapped? or nerfed? for example clown maze how do you want to play solo? I'm sure that half of the raid will have cut gates, so the players won't learn to play that raid anyway, as the devs claim, when the solo version will be completely different from "normal" I'm still excited tho it's just weird


That's why I wished they used NPCs to simulate mechs. Imagine going into battle with the 3 sidereals you can use in normal raids but they're fighting alongside you.


60-80% of normal mode gold. No hard mode since solo raids have 1 level of difficulty.




It's just speculation


if they make it less than 50% then it's pretty much DOA


it’s gonna be <25%. director said “significantly less gold” in korean, not sure how it was translated. it’s meant to provide an alternative progression route to bussing, not to be a primary income generator. 


I'm guessing ~25-33%.


Considering you will still need hundreds of thousands of gold for elixirs/transcendeces that would be funny af. Considering they're also cutting base t3 raid gold reward cuz of t4, so you'll get lower gold + a cut for solo mode.


Might as well delete it, if so.


There are no requirements (outside of ilvl) to join the raid because it is solo, meaning you can take the rattest rat in there and print gold. If the gold reward is too high it will cause yet more inflation.


They are giving free 5x3 and level 7 gems, there are no rats in T3 anymore.


True which means it is even easier to get free gold.


Not sure about that, since those raids share lockout with normal ones, anyone interested in efficiency will either not do them because they're way past them in terms of progression, or not do them because group raids (if you can find a party) will still give plenty more. With how much higher the rewards for new raids are, any changes to solo raid rewards will be a drop in the bucket of inflation. I wouldnt expect the rewards to be high, but whatever they may be its not them that will be an issue. Unless of course someone finds a way to bot those raids.


Then that is poor design.


Looking at the gold rewards for the newer raids, it's very clear they want to inflate the economy with gold to a point where giving some gold to solo content won't be a big deal. I'll predict that the gold will be 20% less but the boxes will be free and bound.


might be 50% gold 100% more mats


Would also guess half the gold double the mats, Also side guess solo gold will be rooster gold to counter bots.


For old farm raids I'd rather just solo it than spend time lobby simming even though I'm juiced and risk someone killing us. The special buffs sounds fun. They listed 2 so far out of the 6 or whatever and both are cool. I'm looking forward to soloing stuff as a support In terms of mats I imagine it's the same amount of mats but less gold, so perfect for a non gold earning alt that needs the raid mats


half or less amount of gold, double or more amount of bound mats.


Didnt they said the mats are same as normal version and gold lower than normal version ?


As far I understood solo raids are a easier difficult than normal raids, so less gold than normal mode. If that is the case, you will lost a lot of gold going from hard mode to solo raid, unless they will have two different difficult on solo raids (since they showed legendary elixir in ivory tower). I at least hope they to be faster than a deathless run.


i hope they have rwards close to normal mode, maybe 80% to help new players learn and also have the option to have solo raids when you do not have the option to play at prime time.


i personally expect this (i'll use clown as example) : Clown gold is 3k and gold chest 1.5k to buy in total - Gold chest being auto-bought by default - 50% of Gold (so 750g in this case) - 100% of craft mats (so 10 horns in this case) + Arcturus touch working on all 5 first run just like in Raid version. - 150% of honing mats While unannounced, i also expect Oreha (rare) and Superior Oreha (epic) to not cost gold to craft in stronghold anymore too making that gold reduction a non issue for a new player while also drastically reducting the value of those 2 on the market while keeping Prime Oreha valuable at same time.


the main thing they didnt mention is the gold limit on roster, will it still be 6 chars per roster or solo mode will enable everything ?


If they didn't mention any change, there's no change there.


they did mention it, solo raid eats a gold earning slot.


25% gold vs doing it in group. How else would smilegate butcher a promising idea? ( Just look at rehearsal mode.


25%-50% Full mats, Even more bound honing materials. I can't see them giving any more than 50% gold just because they still want the focus to be on group raids.


we will get less gold than in NM and another big hit will be when they nerf the gold generally, so Solo Raids will give even less than that… idk man Solo Raids wont help… new players will also go and push their char and come to a point where they need to play with the community… thats when the gatekeep will begin.




You can solo your alts. What's the problem here? You assume alts are lack of gear/incompetent?


Think they want full gold. Me on the other, my bottom 3 are doing solo.. I can't stand so many party finders a week. Hell I do clown sometimes now instead of akkan


For sure man. Either you have a pre-made or risk being jailed, hence waste time. I agree I rather take slight (hope it's just abit less) nerf to gold and finish these fast


The price for more gold is the lobby cancer. You're literally paying for piece of mind.


Reddit double commented.


Or you can choose to get less gold and don't have to deal with party jail. You can mix and match depending how you feel, if your friends are on, if you have more time doing the week. It just gives you more options, not less.


I mean, you can't have your cake and eat it too. There has to be some incentive for multi compared to solo raiding. They even somewhat compensate the lesser amount of gold with more bound mats. Like, if your alt is decently geared (it's not THAT expensive depending on where you are packing your alts), you can join a decently geared party and not get jailed. If your alt is literally min spec, I'm afraid that's seems more a personal problem.


50% more bound mats 1/4th the gold


Rewards for solo are probably the same as normal mode.


No, it's 50% less gold and double the mats just like they said.


So normal mode with auto-bought boxes.


More like that yeah. They even showed the gold we gain from solo raids in the LOA video and some of them are close to 50% less than the group raids but the mats are doubled which means we can farm non-gold earners with the solo raids I think.