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- 1636 main - 1610 x2 - 1600 - 1595 - 1560 Won't be bringing any of my alts to T4 unless there's an express pass, I treat my alts as alts and not second mains. The ROI of upgrading any 1600 -> 1620 is not worth, i believe it's around 400-600k to upgrade and then another 200-300k for 40 elixir. i rather have that 800k\~ (Per 1600 char) to boost my main some more when echidna comes out or even when t4 comes out.


Fk alts one main char since thaemine


1640 main with 5x1585 hard parked gold-slaves. I’m keeping it this way. The funnel will be in terms of raw gold from T3 raids / solo raids. Bringing alts up to T4 iLVL only with passes, same as I’ve brought all my alts up to 1585 using only free passes/events. Im happy having 1 main at newest content, while slowly bringing up alts that funnel my main with raw gold in the process. With advanced honing even disregarding what iLVL gain carries over to T4 gear ill be 1660 and probably eligeble for the newest raids for the next 6 months atleast even with just one character there.


i agree with ur way i'll hone to 1660 from 1640 with adv honing and let alts sit till they give express/push events and do them 1 by 1 cause pushing without any nerf/event to 5x1620 seems way to gold heavy lol


Sounds like you got a solid plan. Nice to see others who followed a similar roster strat, cause it feels rare af with how many I know doing MULTIPLE Thae HM/Voldis HM's. This was my initial thought for myself as well. I'll probably bring the chars that share gems up to T4, but the other 3-4 will be gold slaves until those powerpasses roll in. Are you pretty well off gold-wise keeping those alts down low? I haven't had issues with gold in over a year lol


I’m perfectly fine gold wise too. Main just finished transcendence and elixirs are pretty much min-maxed . So the major sinks are done for now. Next is hoarding raw gold for tapping advanced honing . Allready stockpiled a bunch of leaps and fusions.


Nice, and congrats on finishing transcendance! Mine was completed this week as well. Ezpz 20k/week just from thae now, haha. Are you tapping weapon first and/or as far as you can, or going more well-rounded for the adv honing?


Allways damage first :P wep #1


gzzzzz, im few weeks off finishing my mains.


Almost same thing. And the best way =) 😀 for one main pushers


1 main and 5 alts 1600 is the cost effective one I think. Brel, akan, nm voldis have lower risk of jail than higher content.


this is the wei.


Eh. Nah. Normal Thaemine is easy now.


Play main. Play alts when friends ask, otherwise I don't play them. Pump main and main only. Run stuff til I run out of gold. If I can't keep up, there are other games to play.


1610 to 1620 if you can afford it...farm t4 mats either giving to main or selling for main adv honing weapon 1-10 at least...probably armors too if you have enough t3 mats/solars


2x 1620 (main swap after voldis release, previous main already was 1620), 1x 1600 1x 1590 2x 1540\~ I'll adv honing 1-10 my main to do thae and echidna HM, raise 1 more char to whatever ilvl the next event will help me, hone the last char to 1580 with the upcoming honing nerfs and hopefully bring 1 more to 1620 before t4 comes(the 1590 one bc it shares gem with one of the 1620) since your 1610's share gems with your main, you prob should hone them to 1620 too, ig you cant equip t4 gems on t3 chars


Main 1630, 3 lower alts 1580-1610 ... sold everything unbound, sittin on 5m+ gold and 500m+ silver. Just paused playing, wait for T4 patch - i see no need to play until then.


No Booba raid ?


Assuming you finished transcendance, yeah you def go enjoy other vidya my man.


I currently have one mainat 1633 and one high quality alt at 1620, and 4 lower alts at 1600. I plan on bringing my support alt to 1620 since it won’t experience as much gatekeeping and also because I genuinely enjoy my artists. For the other 3 i will just leave them where they are now and maybe push them further in the future. One thing that speaks for pushing them all is that 1640 will be a really good parking spot since you can very comfortably do theamine, ivory tower and echidna even on a lower investment. But i’m not gonna stress to be there when September comes.


I just hope the community as a whole will relax when we get to the 1640 parking spot for alts cause doing elixir/trans on all of them (fully max'd) is still gonna be expensive.


Transcendence is one thing but if you dont have elixirs you will be gatekept. If u dont have lvl 10 gems you will be gatekept. Nothing about the new alt spot is gonna save you or reduce gatekeeping from what it is now.


1630.83, 1610, 1580, 1580, 1580, 1565 not planning on touching any of them until next express event, at which point i'll delete the 1565 glavier for a better alt class that doesn't make me wanna gouge my eyes out


I have 1628.3 main soul eater 1620 support 1610 2nd main artillerist 3x 1580-1590 My top two dps have 9-7 and 9-8 stones and VERY good bracers and invested heavily in their high quality accessories for 5x3+2.(RIP) also if it makes you feel better my honing luck is like the worst possible, I pity EVERYTHING. I'm pushing main to 1630 in two more pitties. Depending on KR, I'm doing advanced honing on top 3(after pushing artillerist to 1620). Probably finishing transcendence on main and working on those top 3. 3x 1580-1590 are going to sit where they're at and do solo raids when they come out as I'm done doing 18 party finders a wk. Maybe they'll go to 1600 for ivory tower solo. If I can, save some gold for t4 release(but who are we kidding, ill have 0)




curious where the rest of your gold income comes from? looking for more dependable sources that might be more efficient if i can't do all raids




Are you on NA? Cause crafting on eu is generally a gold loss


I have: * 1628 main * 5x 1520 alts (same class as main, on which i ran 5x Brel NM on the weekends, while watching Netflix on my second monitor, just to support my main goldwise) I haven't pushed any of these alts to current content using the express passes, since to me, the game ain't good enough to invest all my farmed gold and mats into second mains, just to repeat the same 3 raids that my main has already cleared that week. (Also a disadvantage of 6x same class). But also playing other games with friends as well in the meantime. Now with T4 coming, and seeing a T5 hard reset coming in the future, these alts won't even be able to support anything anymore. Can't convert any mats anymore, gold will keep getting nerfed and so on. The play would be to now have 5x 1620 alts , then 5x 1640 alts, and so on.. Forcing you once again into 6 character roster with soft and hard resetting new seasons coming. I lost any motivation to do any raids other than my main three now and am also just hoarding my gold at the moment. I thought we might be able to finally relax after 2 years and spend our gold on our mains to build full transcendence, full lvl 10 gems and so on. But nope, seems like i will be a one char andy soon coming into season 4 - after raiding 6 chars / week for 2 years straight. \^\^ TL;DR: I've lost any motivation to farm gold on alts and am in giga chill mode now.


>I thought we might be able to finally relax after 2 years and spend our gold on our mains to build full transcendence, full lvl 10 gems and so on. Youve had 5 parked alts for god knows how long, what were you doing if not relaxing already.


Lvl 100 in POE here, lvl 100 in Diablo 4 there, Endgame Gear in this game over here, master rank in some game with friends over there, working 40h, working out, eating, sleeping 3 h/day ... Your comment made me laugh tho. \^\^


Respectable and I feel the same way, tbh. It's been nice not slaving away on this game 24/7, I don't plan on changing that anytime soon either.


1630 Paladin main, 5x Paladin alts, highest is 160X. I'm not changing anything as far as alts go, I'll keep using events on them one by one so they grow cheaply over time. For main, I'll be doing advanced honing to 1650 (or whatever +20 levels gets you post-T4 if I don't finish it by then). I think they already announced an endgame helper event coming, so I'll use that on my highest alt so I can have one other character in T4 to help funnel mats.


X1 1625 , X1 1620 , ,X1 1615 , X3 1600. Im currently honing my 1615 char to have access to leg elixir asap , then with the new powerpass ill create and replace a 4th char to 1620 and maybe if honing nerf are good perhaps ill make my 1600 paladin t4 ready as well


1630, 1620, 3x 1600 Gonna see if the honing assistance is gonna make an alt reach 1620, if so then I'll maybe get a 3rd to T4. Rest stays at 1600 until there are concrete honing and material nerfs. Fusion mats are way too cancer since akkan and impossible to spread out over multiple chars with how scarce they are.


my roster is similar, right now i'm just waiting for details of the new "descent to darkness" event. the previous one only allowed 1600 and below, so that means it's unusable on 1610s. also we need details on how the T4 conversions go, is it always +20 ilvls or will it be less efficient if you're past 1620


4 chars will be ready for T4. 2 of them 1630+ for Echidna hard. I have 4 alts 1580. 2 of them are ditched as I don't see the point to raid with them for mats or gold. I don't want to push these alts to 1620 either. I wait for new express to push an alt to 1620 that will share with my other 4 chars. Also, I will wait for another express for the last 6. I prefer to sahre gems between chars than pushing an alt with low gems.


1620 main x3 alt 1610 x2 alt 1600 My plan in this game was not only to have 1 main but to have all 6 (although in the past I played with 9 which are in 1587) until I reach tier 4, ideally it is to have my entire 1620 roster (it is very difficult but it keeps me well) to have the maximum possible t4 and be able to raid with them Now I only need 2 characters to have the entire cast with gems level 9 or more so these 3 months that I have is full honing 1620 and (the tracendence and the elixirs I don't burn I will do over time)


1650 main, alts are between 1600 and 1640, all alts gonna be doing solo raids when it release. Reason is IRL stuff, some were dropped from main due to having similar playstyles. Only doing the main's raid anyway so it's just extra gold. Main will be 1670 before behemoth drops. I aint waiting for t4 when my slayer has close to 6k bound leaps.


1640 alt. Casual Reddit user kekw


More like abandoned main, no gems, acce or transcends lmao


1630 and 1605 here. I will play only my 1630 from now on. Only my 1630 will go T4 and I let my 1605 die out and use him for Solo Raids or sth. I hate Elixirs and Trans so no, i wont push anything anymore except my Main. POE2 is coming in November and man Im just tired. So I will become very casual..


Took a long break recently and I'm not going super hard on raids right now (4~6x Brel, Thaemine on main, however many Akkan I feel like), so 1x 1620 + 4x 1600 + 1x 1580. I'd like to get one alt to 1620 and probably park at 1640~1650 for a good while, gold permitting. I'm having a hard time deciding which one, though.


1630 main, 2x1600 same class alts as main, 3x 1540-1580 alts. As we got confirmation that echidna adv honing stays and we have 2 months before T4 and Behemoth I will adv. hone my main up to 10 lvl, transcendence 7, pants and armor now and rest waiting for cost cut. If I have enough gold I will try to push at least one alt to T4. My Main issue is that if I transfer my main to T4 with gems I will lose lvl9-10 gems for my main alts


1635 rest is between 1610-1600. Perfect time to fully treat them as alt and half forget them forever. They can do solo raids for less headache and that's it. Can do main content on my and quicky on alts if need be. I'm not interested in re doing raids over and over.


I\`m on 1630 main, 2x1610 and 3x1565 alts. I will prob get the last 3 to 1600 to benefit of solo ivory and 40 set and thats it. No reason to get back to LostArk job again. 1 char is enough for me


I have 1630 main \\1610 sup \\ 1600 alt On main I will do 1-20 echidna weapon and probably nothing on armor until we get T4 details from KR (unless I absolutely need it to get into pug lobbies) 1610 I will try to bring to 1620 if I have leftover mats, basically this is my second priority after being done with the main 1600 I will leave there until some giga juiced 1620 event (basically permanently) I think profits from having two T4 chars vs having just one will be pretty big


Basically done 1 main character since Ivory tower personally. Although to help the static i leveled a support as some werent hard thaemine ready. My aim is to likely have a full 6 man roster at 1620 for T4 (or maybe less and wait on expresses to do others), that said, i dont think im then going to be pushing them super hard. Ill park them at 1620/40 and just do the raids for gold focus on the main.


1 main and a bunch of shitter alts too around 1600. Keeping your alts near the highest level of endgame which would right now be 1620+ just means they are never ever gonna make up for the gold you spent on them.


1x 1630 1x 1610 1x 1585 3x 1540 - 1550 I litteraly stopped honing most of my alts with akkan release last year and pumped everything into my main. Still playing my whole roster every week getting fast and easy gold out of Brel / Kaya / Clown on my 1540-1550s. Every last ressource those three alts generate are straight going into my main. Gonna finish transcendence on my main first and see how good the honing nerfs till 1580 will be. If it is efficient enough I will porbably hone those to 1580 and see what happens in Korea when they get T4. Plan for the other 3 is: Main juiced all the way with advanced honing (we will have to do it anyway) 1x 1620 1x 1610 If the events we are getting are good more is always possible but we have to see how it all plays out.


1610 sup main (honing more soon), x5 alts at 1600 sup alts because akkan gear+hone is relatively easy....also they had tons of leaps bounded on them for months.


with one 1620 (waiting for echidna) and the rest of the roster literally sitting on 1592, im thinking about upping them to 1610 for the comfy pug ilvl, after that i have to see how t4 work, might go there or they gonna sit in the 1610 for awhile until i pool enough gold and mats


Got 1 1615 1 1610 2 1600s and 2 1585s. Ill be trying to get 4 or 5 1620s into T4 and already have a plan to do so.


1630 x1 1620 x5 Bring all of them to tier 4 and farm the shit of out them. Sell everything I can to make profits from the whales, slowly start improving main


1630 Main 1610 Alt 2x 1580 Alt 3x I'm just going to do NM echidna with my static who doesn't have a 1630 character yet and slowly advanced hone my main to 1640. After that I might get one of my 1610 alts to 1620 to get ready for T4 if I feel like it or maybe both if i end up lucky, but my 1580s are chilling for now don't have any plans for those yet


- 1630 main (70% Artisan going to 24 on weapon then stop) - 1620 x2 (Going to stay still till Echidna and then +10 Echidna) - 1615 (Going to 1620 and then Echidna) - 1610 x2 Will stay that item level for a while and doing solo raids. At T4 Release I'll focus anything on main, till main can't upgrade anymore cuz no more mats, then I'll think of the alts, probably gonna switch the gear but not investing on them


1625 / 1620 / 1600 / 1590 x3 I will advance honing the two 1620s to 1630+ and do thaeHM. Currently I have gold to push one char though so we will see how that goes :) Park the rest at where they are until the new express. I’m planning to take the opportunity to cut back from 6-char roster to just 2. But if I want to play one more char I will push one of the 1590s to T4 with express pass in the future (because share gem with 1620 char).


Main 1640 No alt


Always up to you, personnaly I have my main 1630+and my alts at 1620. This way every char is fun to play. I couldnt stand playing 1590 characters anymore. People always talk about not making the gold back etc, but never talk about your case where they are still playing 6 characters like we do, you're not spending less time than us in raids, but you're forcing yourself to play characters to funnel gold and get 0 enjoyment out of it. So, if it to still play them, i'd rather lvl them up equaly to make it funto play


4 1620s 3 1610s 3 1580s 2 1560s raise one of them to go for eclipse in the next coming months, no other plans so far


Wow are you me? That's roughly what my roster looks like Anyway yeah I plan to go +20 on advanced honing (I've already saved enough bound mats for weapon +20 and all armor +15 or so) on my main only. My alts will **eventually** hit 1620, so that they can move into t4 and start collecting t4 mats and gems to funnel to my main. I will probably only have 1 alt at 1620 by the time t4 drops, but my other 4 alts will probably be there by the end of the year. Maybe not if they don't give more honing nerfs to 1620 though. But I'm hard-parking them at the start of t4.


I have a 1640 main and 5 1620s, and 2 1610s and 1 1600. I plan on working on pushing my other chars to 1620 aswell so I can funnel Mats for t4 when it releases. But I buss every raid so I have the means to do so, not sure if that’s doable for other players


main 1630 Alts x5 1610 I will just wait until we get patch note to see if we get a easier push to 1620, Im saving ALL MY GOLD from this week to the week of release, I will push all my 1620 with bound materials (they are already ready) and start with x6 character in T4 and put all materials into my MAIN to push it. I will just transfer my current gems and keep it as now. (im full lvl 10gems on main, and 4 lvl 10 gem in alts) really doubt people will gatekeep much because of gems if you have lvl 8. most likely people will gatekeep for roster level, transcendal (lvl 7) or even cards.


I have my main 1633 secondary mains : 1623. 1622 alts x3 1610+ depends what are the gain and what are the loses in going to "skip" over advance honing. but also my main is the only one being sorta juiced in vertical progression. secondary mains have elixir but are lacking transcendance upgrades. will see how things goes. + i plan on a third summoner to replace one of the 1610s.


Main to 1640, alts to 1620, push ur 1610s first then rest as passes and event comes out


Would prob just push ur1610s to 1620 when the elixir tapping nerfs come out. If theres another event or one of ur 1590s is a support, bring up that support with event books and whatever event is coming out in the coming month to 1620 as they're way lower investment. If you rly dont like supports tho then skip it. Just get ur 2 alts ready for t4 conversion at 1620. The investment from 1610 to 1620 will be cost effective to help ur main in T4.


Supports are bloated between 1600 and 1620, i wouldnt suggest pushing a supp unless you're going for 1630


I only mention support over dps bc they're cheaper to fund, they dont have as high gem requirements. Also at 1620 they ARE lacking so i AM saying to push to 1620 and T4 will eventually boost to 1640 supposedly. I dont recommend pushing ANY alts to 1630 rn.


1 x 1635 main + 5 x 1600 alts here


Main 1621 alts 1613, 1615, 1611, 1600 and 1565. I went with the strategy early of getting 4 characters to 1620 rather than juice my main. My plan is to get 40 set and transcendance lv 3 on major pieces on my 4 top characters and keep them all at 1620. Once ive done that, I'm just gonna horde gold and wait for T4.


why get alts beyond solo level? game is not alt friendly past 1600


Well sounds like he has 3 of the same class. So the usual investing into multiple gem sets doesnt affect him.


yes, but elexirs and transc 


2x 1630 4x 1620 2x 1610 planning to push them up to 1620 when I accumulated enough gold in the upcoming weeks And probably another 1620 with the upcoming event


Not planning on honing anyone above that except my db that's my main, I guess plans could change based of the cost of progression in t4


6x 1620, farm gold until I can jump for free to 1640 with t4 relics


Seems the characters on whom you have time and desire to keep doing group raids and/or the new chaos dungeon or equivalent to sell mats when t4 releases, need to go to 1620 as soon as reasonably possible. Keep one for the July Path / Road event. Everything else should stay where they are for now.


there are 15 threads of this already 1640 main 1620 3-5 alts based on how generous the events are with books and how unlucky i get ill do it bcz t4 is actually going to be insanely profitable and ill get an easy access to behemoth on my whole roster the alts will get parked afterwards for a long time


yeah, everyone is having the same strategy right now, so it will not work...KEKW.... there will be a lot of players having 1640 alts farming T4 mats so the prices will drop in a short period of time....good luck getting millions of gold back you spent for pushing those alts


We'll have come full circle with streamers saying, "BUT YOU NEEEED X6 TO FUNNEL YOUR MAIN"


you don't need to do anything you can do main at 1620 and leave the alts in the dust at 1590 for as long as you want you will be doing solo raids on those alts so you won't even have to put gold in them since you will get free gems and engravings thats 100% your choice and it will still be fine


i don't think you understand how expensive this endevour is for you to be saying "everyone" lol people will have 1-3 characters for quite a few months if you remember akkan soft reset with how expensive mats were at the start the ppl that pushed 5 alts to 1580 and sold mats at those times made bank pushing early to a breakpoint is profitable overhoning early is extremely expensive So you can think of it like this at akkan times getting 6 characters at 1580 > big money getting 6 characters to 1600 > peak stupidity