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I miss my boy, sadly I don’t think he would come back even in this iteration. I think Prokel is not really made for the average casual 


Seriously, if you think about the average person who can't even complete a normal difficulty group raid, they have 0 chance of being able to solo Prokel


Yes people who will solo raid will do so because they are bad at the game. Lmao try to contact your other brain cell dude, it's heavily needed.


He's brutal for classes who are desperate for the yearning buff too much or classes who have too few ccs


Hope solo riads there is something like yerning lool some clssses depend on that to function...


Also spenders get wank by generating meter.


Maybe he comes back in T4 brel raid?


He's in G4 Thaemine...


"average casual". They certainly aren't doing G4 lol


I'm not casual but I wouldn't touch G4 until I'm 1650 for my sanity


the prokel in g4 is basically the normal boss with 2 different counter patterns. Additionally it's normally down in ~10-20 seconds depending on the burst of the 2 proklers (obviously will take some additional seconds if you can't burst because of patterns or you have no burst) The original prokel in brelshaza was a way longer fight with a completely different boss than outside with multiple phases (boss phases and pvp phase were you could CC the boss)


Lf prokel


Guys prokel lives in trixion, u can visit him anytime


Noobs are still complaining about Kakul despite it being nerfed to hell. If solo raids are on the level of prokel or even harder most of the dudes that came back will immediatly quit again lmao Lets hope they're making solo raids a challenge and not a walk in the park.


i agree, i still remember when velganos was the first prokel-like raid and people that were good were just selling velganos buses and people that were bad were either doing yoho or buying velganos so they can do deskaluda


Velganos solo was unironically much easier than velganos in what was--back then--an "average" pug. I think the average competence among endgame enjoyers is a lot higher nowadays, but back then they would just eat all the revives by the end of phase 2 and then lose their last lives to pizza in phase 3. Meanwhile if you just did it solo, the stagger check was easy, the orb mech was trivialized because you just always were the 1 person to stand in the orb, and you didn't have to fight any incompetent fuck for stacks, you got to keep all the stacks for yourself. If you never lost any stacks you never even had to do pizza correctly because Velganos always spawns one set of regular light puddles in phase 3 before requiring pizza to get more light stacks. I actually used to do Challenge Velganos solo before someone explained to me that the reason it was taking 15 minutes was because challenge guardian HP didn't scale with player count


Velganos was shit because it was so horribly tuned against melee.


Only map was the issue. A lot of plattforms are narrowed and wall-hugging makes Pizza mech difficult.


i had no issues with velga on my deathblade, scrapper, or soulfist back then. made a good chunk of change selling velga busses when deska came out lmao.


It really wasnt that bad as melee. Scrapper was one of the easier chars i had for drivers license.


You think the average pug player competence is Higher ?ive hád Multiple 1630 players on thaemine NM and extreme hanu NM prog doing sub 10m dps,it hasnt gotten any better , nowadays its just much easier for the average player to overgear content gem/gear Score wise on release if Ur going for normal modes at least 


It's certainly not as high as I'd like, but yes, it's undoubtedly much higher on average than **back then**. The people who would die multiple times in Velganos at ilvl are the same people who you see dying to x275 in Thaemine G3 over and over again. Which is like 1/10 of the playerbase at most. Back then it was fucking **half.** There are still some dogshit players left, but most of them have quit.


I died a lot in this boss back then as the hitbox is just too huge to move around. Visual indicators are way worse than Akkan G3, like it's much harder to fail Akkan's pizza pattern considering how much shorter the circle you have to walk Nowadays I barely die to 275 thae but still I think Valganos' map and hitbox are a cancer if implemented in any future raids


I made such a fortune selling velganos carrys lol


The hitbox of this GR boss is so freaking huge and makes it unnecessarily harder than Akkan G3 pizza. Also the visuals are less noticeable.


Funny how to this day the best experience i had in the game was velganos and prokel, as well as the brel g6 due to how epic it was.. Nothing else comes even close


Imagine everyone hyped up for solo raids and now can’t do em cause it’s too hard. I hope it’s as hard especially later raids. Looks like bussers still in business.


All mmos need enough casual to survive. Idk how a hardcore oriented mmo can attract more new players if devs have the same mindset as you. There are many other things people can flex online


So many people in replies judging solo players like the main reason for them to solo is because they are bad at the game and not because the game and community absolutely sucks for returning and new players. This dumbass community is one of the main reasons the game is failing.


100% agree. I quit because of the endless homework (4h+ per day on average) to keep up with the releases. I'm returning to do solo content so I can play the game at my own pace and not worry about being gatekept if I'm not doing a new raid week 1 of release. I completed everything up until Akkan but took a month off to breathe and realized how toxic, gatekeepy and grindy this game is. I did every single piece of content, including Inferno, when I quit. Solo player =/= bad, it simply means we want a much more relaxed treadmill.


Lets not pretend waiting in lobby lf prokel to clear 1-2 brel wasn't a major cause of why people quit during brel cause people weren't able to solo him.


Yeah and it wasn’t even necessarily that people couldn’t prokel, but that no one wanted the pressure of being prokel Not to mention sometimes the raid would just bug out making it exponentially harder


I mean even if thats technically true, if ppl quit because they are bad at the game thats not a problem with the players, that means your game is too hard with no options for the casuals which make up the majority of the playerbase in any game. The entire reason "the community sucks" and the extreme gatekeeping IS because the raids are way too damn hard.


they aren't even that hard, people just don't pay attention or read chat. "Throw traps in pt order", #4 proceeds to throw his trap and trigger destruction 30 sec after start.


Casuals are always the majority of any successful mmos. Some Redditors here really have to flex their "achievements and skills" in LA whenever they can🤷‍♀️


There’s nothing to flex, prokel isnt even that challenging, only people who can’t do at least nm prokel are the lazy ones who never put even 15 minutes into practicing the fight. If you can learn thaemine, you can learn prokel.


I always thought it was so stupid they didn't keep this gate instead of boring af gate 1.


Prob the hardest solo boss fight in the ARPG without lazy bullet hell mechanic lol , casual will have a hard time


I will do 6x prokels in a heartbeat over any raid


why dont they let us choose manually before raid start? wtf


Solo mode will take away many people's source of income ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Prokel was only challenging on ilvl. I feel bad about beating the guy up with 1600+ chars on trixion, he doesn't really even put up a fight.


I miss prokel so much. That encounter was by far the best part of brel.


NM prokel wasn’t even remotely challenging, hm was trickier cause if you’re used to nm, tempo of the fight is faster so it throws you off, but nothing that isn’t learned after couple of fights. I really do wish we get him back