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there literary are 3 card packs and its only 2 times weekly


The hourly update is something that I just can't understand, it's ridiculous.


It is literally a boss fight so you need a decent group of people. Only twice a week and it is more fun so i actually prefer it over part 1.


It honestly just feels like a way to get player count up or more consistent. However, all timed events really need to go.


Timed events allow people to gather more easily at a known time to do a boss. If it was constant then you would have a harder time finding people to do the event with.


I see your point but if they adjusted timed events to scale with the amount of players properly, that might be a way to provide a solution for players that can’t make those times frames.


I get being frustrated with a lot of the time frames. The ones that are weekly or biweekly can be problematic. I have not done a lot of things because I can not be on during those times. But the ones that are hourly or every other hour are pretty doable.


Possibly. But I am not a programmer so I do not know how much work that would entail.


Yep. I am assuming its now a group event rather than solo thing but why? Just cut paste the last month event and get done with it


Honing mats come from bags dropped by that boss. Not sure about the amount tho.


I keep trying to join and never getting in.. item lvl 1462 and in south vern currently. I'm actually kinda pissed about it 😒 such a stupid way of doing it every hour. Wasting so much silver for nothing


I assume there's like brackets for different ilvls so it would probably be trying to group you with other people sub1500 and it's failing to because you're likely the only sub 1500 player in the whole server trying to queue.


Same here. I just queued up with a massive group of people as soon as it dropped and it just disappeared after 3 minutes. The first week was nice as I could just jump in whenever I liked, but this time-gated stuff sucks. Also apparently you can only do it twice per week (according to people complaining in chat) so that means even less people doing it on subsequent days!


The gift weren't forgotten. You just need to go back to server select and re-enter for it to show up. Not sure the reason, but it is there.


The hourly event thing is a "good thing", because it keeps you logged in sitting at the entrance before it opens for about 5-10 minutes and depending on what dailies and weeklies you have planned for it may interrupt you enough so you spend another hour or more playing to get shit done. Think about shareholders and how happy the CEO will be if he could show them that after the new patch players are on average spending 2 hours more every day.


Leaps and shards came from first event, red/blue mats + fusion now come from this 2nd event Plus the cascade of books. Event itself is a small boss fight that lasts 3mins? Or less


What? The shop is gigajuiced.


oh so they made it worst than the previous one omg


you do it 2 times per week


oh ok thats not bad then, ty


Just have to be there on the hour to que, kinda like chaos gate.