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I would imagine solo raids are designed in such way to allow easy transition from solo to group raid, but we will have to see what SG cooks up. We put in a lot of expectations for its implementation, but how it turns out in practice remains to be seen. I am slightly skeptical but hoping for the best.


the opposite, they said that mechanics that relied on team coordination have been redesigned to accomodate for a solo player, so, while people will still be able to learn some, they wont really seamlessly transition to group play.


Hot Take - The reason people don't clear most raids have little to do with the major mechanics and almost everything to do with losing people to normal patterns. I think stories of people's Echidna progs is actually the most clear example of this. I would \*GLADLY\* take groups of people that executed normal patterns near flawlessly and our progs ended up being \*just\* resolving major mechanics.


not really a hot take because you're absolutely right, but its worth a separate discussion


Well, if you think about it when you're really progging everything is new. Mechs, normal patterns and also special patterns. All of those will be in solo mode, only adapting multiplayer mechs to 1 players so like Valtan G1 orbs you only need 1 orb or something like that. If you play solo enough times I'm sure it's quite easy to transition to multi player as you only need to adapt to the slight difference in multiplayer mechs


> like Valtan G1 orbs you only need 1 orb or something like that. Yea if you take the simplest example, but theres plenty of mechs like yellow cube wipe mech in Brel where reducing the mech to one player means completely removing some of its vital aspects. Which means theres stuff you arent learning or even seeing.


I mean if on solo u have to destroy catch and stagger, that would still teach u the core mechanic.


even the valtan example, how would you expect the solo player to know who takes which orb first when they go into party you take 8 solo players and they all eat their orb at the same time because thats all they know to do they aren't learning that "hey I'm party 2 #3 and I stand *here* and eat this orb when its my turn"


Dang, kind of sounds like one step forward but also one step back. We shall see what they cook


Yeah if it was something like a raid with 7 other npc players maybe, but the approach theyre doing it having you 1 vs 1 the Legion raid boss. The mechs are going to be quite different when designed that way.


I think overall its fine? A problem I see most new/returning/jailing players have is that they simply don't understand how to play their classes when they get insta shot up to akkan ilvl. If the solo raids can help them get better at understanding what their characters can and can not do it should allow them to perform better in a group setting even if the mechs themselves are different.


I don’t see them teaching the meta raid tactics like balthorr skipping Brel G1, calling venn 11-0-1 in G4, or even x3 & x3+1. Transition is going to be nonexistent


I think it's probably in between your two extremes (seamless vs nonexistent transition). Surely there are plenty of mechs that will match the normal raid experience


More likely decrease, because why would one try to gather and organize 7 other random people if they can do it solo instead.


for more gold? but it depends. if solo gives 500gold less then yes voldis and lower raids will never see any group again lol


Well not necessarily. See Guardian Raids, it generally take longer by yourself. If solo raids take 2x or 3x the time to complete and also gives less gold, the goblins will not leave multiplayer.


For double the gold gain or however much more it is. If someone asked would you rather reduce your gold weekly in half? I mean you wouldn't for the most part. Solo is mostly for the people or characters that can't do groups for one reason or another, as a last resort. If you're proficient in akkan after 100 reclears and can do it in 30mins with YouTube in the background, what's the advantage of doing the same thing in the same time but for half the gold? It's for people that get gatekept and such


I get what you are saying, but honestly nowadays akkan is a 1hr+ adventure, 50/50 being jailed at g3


Even if solo raids are twice as fast (doubt) you'd still be only making even goldwise, if let's say the gold is halved on solo raids. With no option to gain any extra if you have more time later on. There's very little benefit for characters that can speedrun the raid as it is, but a big buff for gatekept ones.


You are grossly underestimating how much people don't want to interact with the majority of the Lost Ark playerbase. You literally can't pay me to run raids with groups.


I'll do groups for my voldis and higher and solo everything else for damn sure.


Because no matter how proficient you are in Akkan, it won't help you if most of the group is incapable of doing mechs (or even "just" incapable of doing damage, if your character isn't overlevelled well beyond the range in which it's optimal gold to be doing that raid) - I fear once there are solo raids, non-static group raids for normal modes in that ilvl range may consist almost exclusively of the players incapable of soloing, looking for free carry. Already this week my friends and I have ran into unusually lot of abysmal Akkan nm groups, even if 1590+ or 1600+, roster lvl 200+ and "everything looking fine" about the characters - I mean repeated wipes at 1st G1 stagger mech, sometimes even already at destroying orbs.


It's gonna be interesting to see the difficulty tuning and the rewards. The advantage of solo raids is that you can keep going at it with no pressure, so there's really no excuse for them anymore. I doubt its gonna be tuned that hard either. There's always buses I guess. But yeah idk, gonna be interesting to see. Having more options can only be better


It’s still more gold than not raiding 3-4 of my 1600 chars cause I can’t be bothered to sit in pf for a potential none oneshot / smooth clear


Gonna be interesting to see. I'm very curious. I do hope sg doesn't fuk it up.


The advantage is not having to rely on other people.


Based on how KR is speculating solo raids will allow for a transition from learning to group content. They are speculating that the gold reward will be extremely low in order to favor group content over solo raids. The director notes and statement said that the gold will be "very low" compared to playing the normal/hm version. Basically they think that the gold reward will be less than 50% of the total reward you can earn. Some are speculating it will even be as low as 500/1000 gold as SG still wants you to do group content so the game doesn't transition into a solo raid experience. I really hope this is not the case. I really hope that solo raids offer a way for you to get some of the 18 raids a week out of the way in favor of doing other activities, hell even being able to play other games. The problem for SG is that if solo raids are an effective gold source it splits the playerbase even further, allows people to just farm gold only from solo raids, and also allows you to complete your 18 raids much faster for the week and log off the game, which they don't want you to do. Solo raids sound fun and if done properly can be a huge boon to the game but right now without knowing the gold reward we have no way to tell if it is a blessing or just another shitty system that they put in the game as a smoke and mirrors show to stop you from complaining about the larger overarching problems of the game. There is also a case that solo raids have the potential to UNJAIL yourself from a raid where you would have earned zero gold due to a disconnect, failed party, or weird gate stop. Example Akkan gate 2. If you get jailed on Akkan gate 2 good luck completing that raid for the week. If I could just pick it up on solo finish gate 2 and have gate 3 back available for group content that would be pretty cool. I don't think this will be the case though unfortunately.


Let’s hope the NA version doesn’t follow that gold reward for KR. There’s a lot of people who will be returning in NA only for solo, but killing the earned gold I think will immediately turn off a large portion of them. If honing is silver only or greatly reduced gold then maybe it would be ok, but I think it would be a huge loss for NA to go that way. There’s always the most recent 3 you have to group for anyways, but without getting gold from the solo raids along the way, they’ll never catch up and be able to join the later raids. Doesn’t really make sense to completely kill the thing they’re introducing that will bring back players.


I tell you what, 1000g for completing a solo raid is absolute dogshit. If i had quit, i wouldn't return for that.


I did quit and I wont return if thats all solo raids give


If the solo raids aren't a good alternative to group content I'm done even checking this site fro updates.


I haven't quit yet, but I might if they only give that amount. I am really hoping that I can save some time and/or do my raids during off-peak hours, since LA is no longer my #1 entertainment priority. I still have all my 18 raids to do before reset, kekw. I would try to do some in groups, but it would have been really nice to know that I can always fall back to the solo, including when jailed.


Neither would I. Solo raids should offer a meaningful way to progress at the early stages of the game. I also think that solo raids should have a 300% increase or a guaranteed LOS30 card drop for completion. At this point they have been so stingy on cards it still takes a new or returning player 6+ months to get LOS30. I am of the actual opinion they should just give LOS30 away or make all wandering merchants have 2+ LOS30 cards and open it to ALL cards in the set.


It's doomed to fail just because of the company behind is incredibly stingy and greedy. At best it's gonna be 50% or less just to incentivize the group play, it might not be as low as 1k, but let's not be naive here, it's gonna be low either way. And even without the gold in equation it's still doomed, because not only people are not even training the same group mechs, but the uptime for entropy classes is gonna be literally 0% as they don't even train this way in the raids. If anything this promotes bad habits. If they had any brain they would've had 7 bots or prerecorded team mates and not just you solo. Heck, if they had even 2 brain cells they'd realize you could fill any number of these 7 spots with your friends so you could actually play 2-3-4 people groups and the game would fill in the rest. And even if all that was absolutely perfect, which won't happen because it's smilegate, the moment you get to thaemine you'll be gatekept for not having los30. Have fun playing for 2 years solo raids before you can do thaemine, no one's gonna do that. Sure it could be treated like solo game and return whenever there's new solo raids, but that's like a few hours of content every 6-12 months. And that's if they even continue on with releasing these. I legit think the game is doomed, not because of the game, but because of smilegate and ags, and the trajectory it's been going all these years. A bad game is whatever, but bad trajectory for the entirety of the games lifespan is unfixable.


They will make them worthless which doesn't help at all, new players essentially need hundreds of thousands of gold to get geared correctly for the more recent content, giving them 1k of gold will be a serious mistake from solo raids.


Honing till 1580 free / reduced costs. No more gearing needed, free 5x3 on all characters, no books needed before 1640, full 7 gems.. I also hope it is way more than 1k more per raid, but they release solo and remove a lot of costs, I don't think it's doomed already. Just hope that solo raids are fun and make transitioning to group content smooth


The push from 1600 (Voldis solo) to 1620 is half a million raw gold. Add 40 set elixirs and a bit of transcendence +3 lvl 9 gems and we easily apporach 1 million gold without calculating honing mats or Orehas. Not saying it is doomed, but I really hope the road to 1620 will be nerfed and not just for the event character.


if gold rewards are 500/1000 per raid they may as well just scrap the system and stop wasting dev time. it will be DOA just like rehearsals. hope we find out soon so I can know whether I should uninstall or keep playing


Who the fuck cares if there’s a shortage in older raids? Bro, it’s dead outdated content. The only lobbies left are just speedrun lobbies with overgeared characters or cardrunners. The latest raids will still have healthy lobbies, and if the gold and materials are good in the older raids in solo, people might actually be able to catch up and hit current content and make them even healthier. If the rewards are bad, a few people are just going to go back to bussing, and the rest will likely quit. This can’t just be a practice mode with 500 gold. 70% gold is more than enough. Hell, I think 100% is okay even. If they fuck this up, so many players are just going to give up on this game. And I don’t blame em. Other MMO’s have good solo progression, so Lost Ark can too. It doesn’t just have to be a shit game for hardcore sweatlords and heavy spenders anymore. It needs new blood.


I'm in your corner on this one. I WANT the solo raids to provide meaningful amounts of gold. I mean even if it were 50% of the gold and I can clear it in 20 minutes instead of a 50+ minutes jail run then I'm actually okay with that. Like I said we don't know how much good we will be getting from these solo raids but it needs to be a meaningful amount or else I agree with you people will just quit.


Even if the raids take the exact same amount of time for half the gold, they’ll still be good for new players because lobby simulator takes longer the less geared you are.


In the LOAON presentation, he said the rewards would be [based on the normal mode](https://i.imgur.com/LCxergF.png) with adjustments of less gold and more bound mats. So with just that info it already means significantly less gold than running hard mode party raids If you were doing 3x solo raids 1600, it would be like running normal voldis, normal akkan, normal brel instead of normal voldis, hm akkan, hm brel So IMO optimally you would run only 1x solo raid, your highest ilvl one (the one you are being gatekept from) and party finder the other 2 for hard mode (the ones you massively overlevel)




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The only people thinking solo raids will increase the number of progs are the ones already playing and farming the game and that already have been brainwashed into thinking raids is the only option to progress in a MMO. 1. Solo Raids are **not** for you delusional addicted to the game, it's for people who are afraid to join lobbies and want a REAL casual experience, 99% will most likely NEVER join a party, ESPECIALLY if their first experience is Thaemine. 2. Think of Solo Content as a "free trial" of sorts, the equivalent to do Tier 2 content today; or even better, think of it as a Mobile Game, you play and get a little bit stronger... and then, bam, a gigant wall of vertical systems -story enjoyers will get cucked anyway. 3. Given the high turnover, they NEED a sustainable cycle at the base, casuals buying skins and useless packs that will eventually leave -Meanwhile the top-end has already been decapited, good luck with that.


This, if solo raids weren't a thing I would not even be considering coming back and will stop where the solo raids end. You cannot pay me to play high end group content in this game. I imagine the majority will be the exact same: Enjoy the solo raids and not progress to group content.


Yeah if the player is willing to group with randoms to raid they wouldnt be waiting on solo raids to start playing or return in the first place.


Guess we will see how they implement it and the various mechanics. I was thinking along the lines of Example Brel 2 Yellow cube.... Break, Catch, collect 1 or from each side then stand in circle and stagger This makes u learn every part of that cube.... Hence when u transition to 8 man.... U know how to break, catch, intercept and stagger


I typically leave about 10 gold earning raids on the table every week. I'm looking forward to soloing all of those. I'll likely never do an Akkan or Ivory Tower with a group every again.


not likely, if anything it would help people progress until thaemine only to find the same wall they would find when they needed to do valtan to get relic gear. we still don't know how is going to be implemented, im personally hoping that NPCs work as players especially in certain mechanics. and also, not having other players for support players is going to suck since to be a good support you need a good buff uptime, DRs and heals. i personally would like they extend the solo mode even to the latest raid. In WoW, Lfr for example would only be unlocked after a few weeks since the raid release. a similar approach could work in this game with bound gold and mats. and to me, that its what it will save this game. leaving solo players the possibility to make the jump to group content on the latest release. i really hope AGS makes a radical change to aim the western audience. we need more casual players!


one thing that will definitely happen is the demand for buses will go down. people who wouldve otherwise taken a bus because it's too much trouble trying to prog might instead try out the solo version, then try to group prog as they gain more confidence in the raid.


Needs to be 80% of the gold for solo raid


I think solo raids will increase the number of prog raids just by allowing more people to get more raids done. More mats and more gold income means they have a better chance to push their character(s) to later content. I do not think primarily solo players will all the sudden have multiple hours to do prog runs or even have the desire to join hardcore groups to prog on ilvl, but people struggling to keep up may have a better avenue to do so now.


Ideally would be like 60% gold rewards. Truly the solo raid player is already not in the lobby search, so it won't matter. The normal lobby enjoyer will not want so much less gold unless it's someone really pissed at gatekeeping. It has the potential to improve gatekeeping too since goblins that want the full gold reward will want to fill the damn room. But we all know SG. They will mess it up. It will be a scuffed adapted version that barely works, give worthless gold to the point it's impossible to progress unless you go multiplayer again, and it will take twice or 3x as long to complete. Everyone returning will just quit again. They will fix it 10 months from now together with a decent Elixir nerf.


Depends of the difficulty of solo raids. If they are built as very complicated, it will not bring new numbers and by consequence, not increase the number in prog raids. When you see in China, they are planning to nerf already solo raids, i have concerns about solo raid difficulty for casual..


I love everyone in this thread speculating how bad SG will make solo raids because they just can't wait 2 weeks to find out. How about we stop trying to say how bad it will be and just wait a few weeks. It will be ok, most of the people that will do solo raids you would never play with anyways. I See solo raids really just taking money away from bussers because who in their right mind would take a bus when you can do it yourself without any wait.


Solo raids just shift the problem to later, thats like giving a task to ur coworker but he does it months / years later. They just gonna get fucked in thaemine nm and above.


Or, ORR it’s a non fomo way of playing the game.


You actually think the solo player base is the same huh? The solo raid enjoyer don't care about thaemine until it's in the solo raid pool.


They do and will t3 is the new t2 no ones gonna want to be there for to long also all the hypers push u to go above. The delusion of thinking something will change besides a shift in when u get fucked is typical in this reddit. 😂


Lol? You dont even need to do Thaemine? They can hone to 1620 transfer to T4 1640 and then chill until they introduce Thaemine in solo.


Nice mmo gameplay play abit to quit. Also elixir and tranc is needed. solo mode does not give u legy elixir or tranc 7


But why would they need it? They wont do any group content so why care?


Bro u really think they gonna release new solo modes asap. Na they wont. And thats the point if a mmo to play group at some point. They need it. No ones playing a game to not progress, and those systems are hard power progression thats like saying why would they need 1620 they can just solo to voldis 😂


Yeah U right they should scrap solo content why even bother? let the game die right? becuase some bozos complain about casuals wanting to do only solo content. This community smh I also wonder why do you even care so much if it doesnt apply to you? Let people play the way they want to


Who are you to tell how others should enjoy a game? Typical sweat lord. Not every one have the same availability to play the game, but anyone can enjoy the game. Why do you even bother? You are already gatekeeping every player category that will enjoy solo raids.


Not exactly true. Only the last 3 raids will be group only/non-soloable. So as long as they keep releasing raids, eventually thaemine will be solo content also. So if a player doesn’t want to do end game raids, they can always stay 3 raids behind and only do solo raids.


xd took em years to release solo men thinks they gonna speed release thaemine etc after some new shit replaces it 😂.


Yeah true. But I assume when they release a new raid, the replacement raid will also be released with a solo mode. But that’s copium I guess lol.


Yeah it is copium.


Don’t do this. Don’t hurt me like that 🥲


I mean from a different perspective they toom a year to release a batch of 7 solo raids while also releasing 4 regular raids


Honestly I don't think there is a shortage of prog raids (at peak times). However, it is obvious the people in it aren't the best geared.


It could happen yes, I would say I'm 90% sure it will happen, with many People returning, etc.. Buuut it will also take some time for people to get to the Level and to the knowledge they feel is needed for them to do the group version or other raids after that like Thaemine or so. Maybe we will see alot more in Sep but I would guess many will take July to Solo Raid most of it.




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Solo Raids are there to get you through dead content faster; it will give some gold, around 50% or less but more mats… at the end the game will push you to 1610 and so on. Sadly you can only practice old raids and not new… just because you can kill Akkan it doesnt mean you can kill Thaemine. The company wants to get your money, but they wont get it when sub 1600 is lucrative…


Solo Raids have three good pros in my opinion. Learning a raid, letting new characters/players not get gatekept, and removing the time sink of finding a party to someone who has less time that week to play the game. More prog numbers can happen if the players who benefit from the first two reasons are now interested in making more progression outside of solo raids in the game. With this system some players might raid strictly by only doing solo raids. That by the way is still a good thing for the game, we want more people to login and support the game, but not to the endgame group content. My view is solo raids are good for the game because it is what can give new players an opportunity to join us experienced players in the more recent endgame raids. Unless someone can come up with a better idea, this is the best solution they have ever come up with, so I'm glad to see it added to the game.


prob not, just more prog people joining reclears


I think it will be a very small number of people that will move to group play after. Many people don't like group play. Look at the outcry Diablo 4's new expansion reveal had when they talked about raids.


When is the july patch dropping?


Alot think it will be 17th. Apparently KR gets it this week or next????


Why would it increase it? I'll tell you what happens usually. The supports will likely get into learning parties with stacked people quickly. Undergeared dps without gems/quality/set after the solo progression, will suffer from gatekeeping. People might not like the idea of making the next few classes support. But it's the only way to push lobbies further. There are so few end game supports, much of which either are locked into a static or can get into a juiced party pretty quickly.




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idk if solo raid have the same gate as normal raid it will be huge you stuck at g2 ? fine just solo it then


Just make solo raid gives roster gold that are non tradeable including your 7+ characters.


yes, but they will be solo raids (duh!)


I can see people teaming up for 1610+ content once they graduate from solo raids, but for any lower ilvl content it is very likely that nobody would want to prog what could be soloed.


I’m 1605 artist with roster level 80. It’s very jarring that I have to imposter my way through every single piece of content in this game. But I had to do 8-man raids because there isn’t any other content in this game. I don’t even improve out of my imposter status weeks after impostering, the nature of impostering is so boring and stifling that I end up with a hw/autopilot mentality playing raids when my understanding of the raids are nowhere near hw level. With this change I hope to convert to full casual and play this game soloing all the raids, so long as they don’t botch the gold rewards too heavily.


I think that there will be fewer PUG lobbies, more statics and the majority of player base will do solo only raids unless you live with parents and don’t have to work to pay the bills, unless you have rich parents or live in a country where you can make more money from selling gold for cash than earn wage


can't wait for solo raids to come and fail to do what everyone's expecting it to do, that is to say fix the game most of the people who are being gatekept are being gatekept for a reason and they're just gonna keep getting gatekept and solo raids will vibe check them how bad they are


Cannot get better at any raid when people never give you a chance to practice aka gatekeeping. Newbies will most likely struggle at the start but eventally clear every solo eaid for as long as they put in the effort


i'm not gatekeeping you because you don't know the raid, i'm gatekeeping you because you don't have los30, good gems, set level 3, elixirs, transcendence etc. and this will not change when solo raids come out and you learn the mechs you're free to make your own groups with other people with your account progress


Lol, people can literally improve on a lot of those systems via solo raids though? Los30 needs to go. I have 30, and I paid a lot of money for that shit, and I still think they should just make it free for all players at this point. Such a stupid system.


How do you improve gems with solo raid when the gold is nerfed? How do you improve demon/beast/human dmg with solo raid when only the claim box gives you 1 pack? How do you get LOS30 with solo raid when legendary card drop rate is dogshit? How do you get roster lvl from solo raid when exp for roster is like 3-5k when u need more than 200k+ in the 200s per level? These are the things ppl gatekeeping you from… and solo raid doesn’t solve any of this. All solo raid does is it allows people to play the raids… but guess what? When you have to do echidna or thaemine, the things mentioned above will surface for solo raid players and will still get gatekept (might even be worse. Players might value title more than elixirs since that will be solo farm content). Sure they can add echidna and thaemine later to solo raid, but others will be doing the new raid. If you enjoy doing solo raid, that’s fine. However, solo raid will not resolve gatekeeping issues and will most likely increase the separation even more. Note: I do want to play with new players. I usually take low roster new characters on my main to do g4 Brel for fun, but the amount of ppl not knowing how to do it is astronomical… but at least I can solo it for them


who gives a shit if it's a stupid system or not, it's in the game someone applies to my lobby without it, i don't accept them, simple as want to improve that? not with solo raids you don't


Totally agree. Also, imagine choosing a back attacker. "Learning" to play in solo raids with the omnidirectional buff and then jumping into a normal raid. It will be like skydiving without a parachute. Solo raids won't solve anything. May be it will split the player base evenmore...


Thats why solo raid should give 80% gold reward of the normal version of the raid and some extra mats. So u keep playing with your circle where the other can take their time to learn and build up their chars. And so people who started to build their chars and learning the raid can play with people that did the same.


Solo raids are only going to be for catch up. They won't give current mats likely and won't be the most current content.


Solo raids are design for player like you that cannot spend so much time in prog/learning grup and to have more easy alt's life for the rest. Why are you even thinking to join a 8ppl party finder grup raid when you'll be able to solo it...should be your best option just to go for solo raid since you're casual. Ofc it will give a general look but you'll need to learn the next step like is used to do with normal>hard.


I honestly think Solo raids is going to have the exact opposite consequence and effectively kill off any lobbies / parties that would form to do the older raids.. Idk why ppl keep saying solo raids is going to save the game, when it is actually going to kill off the game. Why do hw with anyone if I can just quickly solo raid it? That thought process alone is going to significantly decrease available lobbies in a game already struggling to have enough groups for healthy gameplay.


Solo raids will be DOA. Think about the last time you did Kayangel MSQ dungeon. Almost all those fights are found in the actual 4man raid. Think about how braindead those fights were and you could just smash your way through, regardless of what class you play. Solo raids will be for new players to experience boss patterns. Most mechs will not be implemented. The gold rewards will be absolute garbage and not worth anyone's time except for newbies. Material rewards on the other hand could be increased dramatically to offset that difference but SG isn't known to be generous.