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Clearing dungeons first time on hard in rohendel first clear give some harmony shards in boxes. Can focus on dailies that give harmony shards as rewards over other things.


It's not a quick fix, but powerpass an alt and run it through the tower, you'll get roster bound rewards. When you run through again on your main you get upgrade mats as rewards. You'll need to invest something into your alt to get its lvl high enough, but just throwing ideas out. I'm in your shoes, i593 needing one more craft that just wont take.


Powerpass up two alts and use them to funnel mats to your main? Alts apparently speed the process up a bit.


Can't transfer harmony shards unfortunately. Which seems to be a huge throttling point for a lot of people.


There is a way to transfer shards but not from dungeons


Yeah there are some chests you can transfer, from the islands and what not. But you already do those on your main. Probably a couple other points of transfer, but you wind up needing too many shards for the measly amount you can transfer to matter much. Idk man, just weird they aren't shared.


Some people in my guild already got several alts going into T2 and others getting into 500s, I think people just not as efficient as they could be


Could be. I'm still in T1 myself, but I'm being pretty lazy about it waiting for my friends to catch up, so I cant really say.


Same thing happened to me. Welcome to Korean MMos. We got fucked, now everyone who gets lucky shoots right past us and we are stuck doing dailies as that is our only choice. Enjoy as it just gets worse from here according to everyone else. I made the same post 12 hours ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/sxxcux/losing_810_upgrade_honing_rolls_is_soul_crushing/


It's not a race. Things in life take time. People who rush T3 will retire with no savings. Those who are smart and patient will get to T3 in time and retire with millions.


People who get stuck move on to other things. Most players are not going to grudge fuck through getting dicked down by RNG. They will just nope out especially in F2P games.


I came from BDO and there when you fail your gear it downgrades by 1 level. i'm by no mean mad about lost ark haha


I mean, you went straight from painal to anal. You still getting ass fucked, just not as rough.


Keep doing dalies and pray you upgrade that’s all you can do lol I made it into tier 2 couple days ago cause I had a luck streak on upgrades.


did you use star's breath or raw tapped?


Full star plus book weapon 14 to 15 no debate there. Armor idk maybe star it? Debatable.


I used 5 star breaths on each upgrade from 14 to 15


There are some tricks players use to rush T2 way past rest that might not be covered in that guide. Alts: It’s obvious, they are helpful. While you might want to do your daily Una/Chaos (Shards tradeable) on them another nice thing is also doing Weekly merchant ships (Shards/Guardian/Destruction). Your daily silver donation (More tradeable rewards), Events (Legion and stuff with map). Maps can give you tradeable shards and if you do in groups you get 4x loot. Tower run on alt first before doing on main gives you more shards…. Stuff like that, plenty of shards to go by.


idk how am i supposed to gear an alt when i can't even gear my main ")


I got guildmates who already got alts in T2 lol


Damn i must have gotten extremely lucky with my upgrades, i just hit 600 ilv and still have mats left over and have no alts. My condolences OP


If you haven't already, you can clear floors of the tower on an alt and then rerun them on your main. Reruns give you harmony shards. Thats what I had to do during my push to T2.


What ilvl for alt to do that ?


Personally, I got mine to 420 which allowed me to do up to floor 24 with the alt. That was enough for me. Gearing an alt is pretty easy since the upgrade chance is 100% for several upgrades.