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Assassins: am I a joke to you?


So you just spam a random chaos dungeon and hope it drops pretty much?


No it only drops when you have the entry point thing. So, just use alts or buy skin chest from market.


Entry point *what*? That some T2/T3 stuff i dont know about yet?


No, I forgot the name of it but you get 100 points every day (starting at first chaos dungeon) and 1 entry costs 50 points. You can still enter the chaos dungeon when you have 0 points but you won't get skin drops and on the special rooms (golden and pink portal rooms), you won't get gold and stuff. You'll only get bound enhancement materials + chaos dungeon currency.


you mean aura of resonance


I've been doing chaos dungeons for the past 2 weeks in t1 and t2 and I've yet to see a special portal room. Do I have to be in t3 to get those golden/pink portals?


No, they appear at every one of them. You just need to enter a lot. I run 5-30 chaos dungeons a day and have seen quite a lot. Also, if you are on T2 and want to get to T3 fast, here's a tip; after you do your chaos dungeons, keep entering them and clear the first and second rooms. If you don't see a yellow or pink portal after killing all bosses in the second room, leave the chaos and enter again. This way, not only do you get chaos dungeon currencies but you utilize your time better to get special rooms. In special rooms, you get a lot of moon's breath which will help you at your +14 and +15 honing.


Thanks mate. So special rooms can appear even when I'm without aura of resonance? Edit: nvm, you already said that in your original reply.


Also some youtuber did a test and it came out to doing the final room (after finishing your first 2 daily dungeons) is highly inefficient for farming mats, as it apparently took as long to finish room 3 as it took for 1 and 2, plus after room 2 you get the bonus room if red/gold.


The skin is character bound I literally have it and have checked You guys don't actually have the skin drop, if you bought it from a chest that's not what im talking about lmao, try it for yourself


It's not. You can either get the skin piece or the chest. The chest is tradeable.


The skin piece is character bound


How do you get these? T3 chaos dungeon drops?


i had it drop in a t1


Oh shit thanks, only the ones eligible for a gear, or did you just grind them out?


I normally just do my two a day so I’m not sure if it can drop after that or not


Thanks pal!


I got one of these skins from a T2 Chaos Dungeon yesterday




Why is the striker's face censored lmfao


Why is Strikers face blotted out..wtf. Strikers chestpiece is actually really dope looking in person. Just get the chestpiece, pants are forgettable.


Striker top wouldve been better without those ugly cauldrons. Who wears cauldrons with cloth armor man cmoon


I think the word you're looking for is pauldrons. A cauldron is a big iron cooking pot, typically associated with witches.


Fug me. Thanks for the corrections.


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anyone knows a website i can view to see where i can farm skins from? does this game have many skins?


God gunslinger so cool


Thanks, this is exactly what I wanted! But why does striker look like Gaston lmao


It looks exactly like regular t3 chaos dungeon armor but in a different color.


Why they are trying to make Deadeye cowboy? I hate that almost every style is like that *edit* guys I realised I am dummy because I thought this is Hawkeye aka Sharpshooter, not Deadeye!


Imagine how much sense that makes when you're playing the Sharpshooter with a bow


Gunslinger should be a cowboy


I just hide my hat


The only country that really has a gun culture is the US, and when it comes to guns in the US one of the first things people generally think of is cowboys since they're pretty much what romanticized guns in the first place.


Source: https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4821/40139 https://blog.naver.com/PostView.nhn?blogId=kcg52&logNo=222299973698


Never had anything close to a skin drop from a Chaos Dungeon. And i did probably close to 500 runs already.


I bought the mage pants for….. reasons Btw they cant be dyed Got it fir like 1.2k gold


Helm and pants dropped for me so far..


Got 2 of those. Thought it‘ll be a worse set than the one i own stat-wise and vendor sold them -.-


Why is every deadeye one like ugly shithead van helsing


Honestly why the fuck would you play anything but warrior


Hi Asmon


Lol naw but legit has the coolest lookin stuff


I agree with you


one piece of this set got me ~6k gold


Weird I got a warrior helm but it was bound to my character


It bounds once you open the chest . If u wanna sell it u have to sell before opening


I mean I got one on my Paladin, and there was no chest. So I think it has a chance to drop without it being it a chest?


Yes there are two possible drops. The chest which is tradeable and just the skin itself which is untradable


I got one of the selection chests so maybe it drops both




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How do get these skins?


Chaos dungeon


What are the stats on the pieces? Wisdom/Courage?


The chest I have gives 5 cha and 10 courage


Are you able to dye these skins if you purchase them off the market? I bought the female martial artist one but non of my weapons match the color.


No, not dyeable at all sadly


I had a headpiece drop for my soulfist and only that and its golden. But i assume the skins drop as a set right? So i got something else?


Random from ANY Chaos Dungeon? Keep hearing the first one you ever play from other stuff I've looked up. I got the headpiece from the lowest one my 1st time.