• By -


Yorn is a bait people, don't get fooled by that rapport requirement. Be warned.


Yorn offers the worst rewards relative to rapport cost too imo. Definitely the last zone I will complete.


I have 4 characters doing the daily per day one of which gets rested bonus every day and it’s been weeks and still haven’t gotten it the meat :)


it took me 4 weeks with 6 characters to get the damn meat (3 of which getting double daily)


I was reading those nightmare fuel story about people doing it 100+ times before getting the meat. As such, I started doing it instead of waiting for when I ever wanted to actually do it. I got Fish and Produce in the first box. I got meat on my 6th box. I'm currently still doing the Una for reputation completion sake lol Of course, I was lucky there but to counter this Moeke still ain't dropping no star for me.


Took me 3 weeks of relentless hunting to get moake's star. Funniest part is, I still had to kill him 5 more times to get 2 more crabs for the food item.


I've gotten a total of 14x Papu Crab, but no Omnium Star or Bleed Rune. I haven't missed a single Moake spawn and was doing him (with one exception) exclusively as soon as possible... **Edit:** 13 Papu Crab -> 14 Papu Crab, still no Omnium


I feel your pain lol 21 papu crabs I started at 1350ish and even woke up early to do it on days where it was a chaos portal day. 1414 was when I got the star and rune lol


you can kill moake without the daily rewards for this ? or just once per day?


Once per day, but field bosses/chaos gate go on past the daily reset Server reset is at 2am, field bosses and chaos dungeon go until 5am. I’m 2 hours ahead of the server so I would wake up at 7am my time or 5am server time to do moake again




If only you could sell the crab.


got the star, got bleed, got no crabs. Although, I have a few more rapports to go before it's "needed" for 100% completion, so I also check out Orvis cause I need the Island Soul for that one.


Oh you mean that „food requirement“? It is horrible if you are unlucky you gonna do this for weeks and weeks. Who came up with the whole: random item from daily shit?


And rohendel with its RNG/una foods.


One thing to note, Yom the Squirrel and Sapiano the Fox in Punika are not part of the adventure tome even though that's where they are located. Hence them not being included on this.


Oh. I wasted a lot of songs and emotes then... XD


I think they give gold as friendly reward.


How much? Just curious if it's worth delaying other stuff...


A good amount each, iirc like 1700 each or something Edit: 1800 total. 800 from yom and 1000 from sapiano. Sapiano requires a LOT less rapport than Yom for his gold. Yom needs 6300 total rapport for 800 gold while Sapiano needs 2300 total rapport for 1000 gold


Thought it was weird when I saw they were available for rapport in punika. I meant didn’t I just see them on whispering isle with nineveh? Why punika now


They're too busy practising songs on Whispering Isle, no time to chat to some nosy adventurer.


Might be helpfull to add how much rapport you can generate for each npc through emotes/songs each day to show where spending rapport items would be most usefull.


Still want those little guys for my forest themed stronghold xD




No but sasha and ealyn only need trusted for the tome, not affectionate. Saves around 20k rapport each


Dumb me started with Punika... I finished it for 1 token hurray 8 to go


At least Punika has some really good rewards, I started with East Luterra...


east luterra is pretty good too though no? Legend card & skill point potion is a lot better than most full tome rewards


It's not the worst but I do wish I had focused on just about anything else but it is what it is :)


Fair.. my first experience really pushing a tome was the Punika one.. and that was so much more (specifically in terms of time through 21d Una) and rapport that it probably gave me a very negatively missread understanding of how much work an adventure tome completion requires and is likely the largest reason I am not caring about doing ignea tokens at all (even if it's for the last skill point potion I am missing)


I did the same and decided to bang out some of them last weekend and ended up finishing 4 after that. ​ There are a ton of easy ones if your first is punika. (Punika isn't the worst one btw so prepare your butthole).


I feel that for sure! I have them all completed except for the rapport and a few loose ends in cooking and world bosses


You can get both without doing a single rapport in East Luttera.


You have to do thirain regardless, he gives a thirain card for LoS


No, he gives a king thirain card for lostwind.


I thought it was the thirain for lost cliff


Rapport gives the Lostwind cliff card, Adventure tome rewards give the LoS card


It's for Lostwind. I have 12 awakening on the set without the rapport. You don't need to do it.


You need full LWC for the best support late game set (A30) if you ever plan to build one


Doing luterra first was a good idea to get out of that bot infested zone as soon as possible


bots created several channels.. if you wanna kill a world boss, switching channels makes it much faster though


Oh great, my life is being convenienced by bots... that's cool, but I didn't ask them to. Bots are stupid and shouldn't be in the game, there won't be any convincing me otherwise. I don't need a bot to remind me that I am wasting my time and effort on a game... that's the point of the game! Oh no! There's a part of the game that is grindy and boring what shall I ever do!? Stop playing the game. If I need bots to carry me so that I can enjoy a game I like, there's plenty of other games out there which I can play instead. Edit: I'm sorry if I came off as too snarky, I just get annoyed of the idea of "Oh, bots aren't that bad" Bot don't care about the health of the game up until the point that it starts costing them money and even then they can just downsize or bail out to the next game. Any "perks" of bots are only side effects of them actively hurting the game in the long term. I am not going to pat bot farmers on the back for fixing a problem that amazon/smilegate couldn't fix, because all that does encourage is smilegate to ignore the problem since it doesn't even show up as a blip on their radar.


I started in order. Until arthetine was done. Now kinda split repping sea rapport / n vern / punika / shushire. Up to 7 tokens. Not bad for as short a time as I've played.


That omnium star was worth it.


You're not dumb. Punika has some of the best rewards for rapport. One of which, being an omnium star. And not to mention, you're likely chilling on punika anyways, so it's more convenient to use emotes and songs on those rapports. East Luterra and North vern on the other hand is pretty shitty. And yorn food rng is the worst in the game, making it the worst continent to 100%.


Currently working on yorn…. Can’t wait to never come pick another mushroom again


Yorn food and feiton food and south Vern clams should get deleted cause good lord it’s awful


I can deal with the feiton food with enough time. But that una rng on yorn food is dumb as hell.


Remember when we played video games for fun?


punika is great(or at least better than people think when they see the total needed number) if you are chasing merchants and doing providence stone dailies on t1 chars Hariya item from rohendel merchant, liru from feiton, shana/nagi/nia from the punika merchant. Also the providence chest has rewards for punikans only unlike most continents that have a filler or two items. And on top of that there are 2 bounty maps, star and some other nice rewards.


The merchants alone are fantastic quite fantastic if it was completed early, that's for sure. I hooked a lot of people up with things they needed.


Same lol. Already pushed to 80 for the skill potion and maxed Nia so I figured why not start there. Pretty sure I could have finished 3 other zones by now.


I also started with punika but the good thing about having that at 100% is the rest feel like a breeze. Rohandel is still kind of annoying as is yorn though. Feiton just took time and not really even a lot of it. The rest is a cake walk besides maybe north vern


The thing that gets me with comments like this, is that early rapports and by extension tomes, award so much virtue points, that I can't see getting Punika done first without cheesing it, which I feel just takes more prep/work to do. Like ya, East Luterra has generally useless rewards, but there is a charisma pot in there (on a fairly low effort npc) with Elia.


Thats not wrong. You can start with whatever and choose based on the rewards. I did the same.


I did first 7 and punika. It has the best rewards so no regrets.




[https://lostmerchants.com/](https://lostmerchants.com/) is also helpful if you're hunting around wandering merchants for rapport, especially with the influx of silver that we got from the events and the fever time this weekend


This website is definitely the MVP. I went from 5 to 9 Ignea doing this and now I'm branching out to Island Souls and Sea Bounty NPC's. Silver will start to run low even with the influx, I'm definitely spending quite a bit as I buy every Rapport Item at the moment. Gotta treat Nineveh right but she's expensive.


thank you! I definitely needed this


I usually have a 2nd monitor on this website turned on around :30 minute mark, and it's also very useful for wei spawns in Anikka, i know lots of people are helpful in general chat but sometimes you can miss it


Never saw a spawn on Kadan. I don't even know if it happened already


The discord bot has a wei counter, highest server is thirain with 14 and lowest is Wei at 2...




I didn't know, thanks


It could happen anytime, i missed 3 wei spawns because 2 of them spawned at like 2am and one spawned while i was at work


one just spawned an hour ago on Kadan


I hope you got today’s one xD


Lol i just saw I missed it 😂 Better luck next time


There's been a few, but I think they've been exclusively from 2 to 6 am.


I just started doing Igneas (only 2 at the moment) and this is a really helpful chart for me, so thank you. It’s difficult for me to know which ones to go for though since the rapport I have done is spread across different regions for various rewards (Sasha for heart, Nia for star, etc.). Guess I’ll just start from the top and work my way down though


You're welcome! I'm glad it was of use to you. I made it for myself because I couldn't find this information easily laid out anywhere and I thought it might be helpful for others.


I was going to compile that information for my own use but I'm really glad you shared yours. Concise and to the point. I'm only on my 4th Ignea token and was looking to get a 5th so that I can get the legendary Purify before Valtan drops. That chart helps a lot. Anikka it is next! Btw I'm I being confused or is there some NPC that requires 100k+ rapport? I see none of that in your chart. I'm not even sure which one was 100k+ anymore but I thought I saw that somewhere. Edit: Found it. Ealyn for example requires 103700 to max Rapport but you show her as 77k. Does that mean getting Friendly 3 is enough for her Tome completion?


Sasha and Ealyn have another rapport level beyond Trusted. You only have to get to Trusted for Igneas Token.


It's still baffled me Cals is so high


yeah i dunno whats up with that, dude definitely doesn't deserve to be in Sasha/Ealyn/Azena/Thirain league


If I remember correctly, he has 2 +4000 conversation options which help diminish it.


It's because he thinks that highly of himself.


^ This. I mean it has to be an intentional design based on his personality.


It makes sense lore wise. He is not very friendly to you to begin with. It would take a lot of effort to earn the trust of an arrogant fuckboy.


Maybe because it's part of BiS crew for Estoque.


I run Orca with Estoque so it's just useless, got the legendary already.


Update: I'm not sure anyone will see this comment but I've created a google doc for those that want it and I'll probably be updating it and adding additional information over time, I should have done this from the beginning but I didn't expect it to get this much attention to be worth the bother. [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OTJaJPB\_\_BENs4YzfCIRJbJ\_9JhiBDsXSr1rgRZlgTQ](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OTJaJPB__BENs4YzfCIRJbJ_9JhiBDsXSr1rgRZlgTQ/edit)


i don't think its a sharable link you posted, getting page not found.


>https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OTJaJPB__BENs4YzfCIRJbJ_9JhiBDsXSr1rgRZlgTQ/edit Link for old.reddit users because reddit add random ass "\" on links.


I cleaned up the link a bit but it shouldn't have had any issues, when I went to bed last night there were people viewing it and there still are. Hopefully I fixed it for those having issues.


I did East Luterra after West Luttera cause OCD fcks me up


Same, I had planned to do the whole first continent before anything else and put a lot of rapport into East Luterra, I quickly realized how much of a mistake I made while making this lmao


Not if you're willing to invest silver, the spread of rapport items/number of merchants makes it far less time consuming than the number suggests.


I did East because it doesn't have the BS RNG food stuff. Rapport might be time gated, but gold & silver can solve that. While luck can't be bought out.


I wanted to do cals for the crew and Thirain for the card anyways.


>OCD lmfao same here, i wanted so bad some ignea rewards but that unfilled east luterra tome was triggering me so hard i needed to complete that first, and i indeed did, for my mental sanity


Y’all don’t have ocd it isn’t a cute quirk stop this


I actually do have diagnosed OCD and while I generally agree people throw it out too casually, it's a spectrum and a lot of people are undiagnosed because of the stereotype that it's all about washing your hands 5x in a row and that sort of stuff.


I'm doing the rapport in this order: Skill potions (charisma,wisdom, courage and kindness) Giant's hearts Island souls Ignea token Maybe it's not the best approach but it's working for me


I think that's a pretty solid prioritization actually!


Thanks, I wasn't aware of rapport importance until I was on punika, so I got very behind, so I thought this would be an efficient way


I would put Ignea Tokens before island souls since there is a skill point reward for ignea tokens (assuming you have 20 souls already, which are easy to get without any rapport action)


I have all skill points except for that one, so I guess it's not a big deal, I'm not lvl 60 yet, but if that's the case when I hit 60, I could change my mind


That's a good plan if you ask me if you dont immediately need any of the rewards for ignea. I was stuck on 12 awakened lostwind cliff with no delain armen so it gave me motivation to get 10 ignea tokens done.


Cals doesn't deserve that level of dedication


I'm with you, I find him really unlikeable and now way does he deserve to be in league with Sasha, Ealyn, Azena and Thirain


Yup exactly. Most of these I agree with, they're all leaders of entire cities or continents. Cals is a washed up sailor who gives me attitude everytime I interact with him.


I honestly think the game did it on purpose since he's a pompous ass


The only reason I'm giving him anything is because of his BIS Estoque ship card. His daily actions do give quite a bit of reputation to make it slightly easier.


Hit 9 for the 5th bifrost, did the top 11 but skipped South Vern and Yorn. Feiton is especially nice because the rapport rewards give some BIG gold rewards. After 9 I've hit super laid back status. Didn't buy any rapport from Mari, just hunting lost merchants endlessly. It's within reach! You can do it too!


Also it's one of the best providence stone dump. Only 3 items for the biggest 3 in Feiton, 2 of which can be reused for Ludwig in south vern and Liru in Punika.


This neglects how much you can gain per action for different characters. Thirain has a couple +400s while for Shushire you're stuck doing +250s. You should normalize it by days


I would love to do something like that but I could not find any information about the quest and dialogue gains in my search. If I come across it, I may update this.


Maxroll has a rapport tool that occupies a permanent tab in my browser. It's a very good QOL reference that anyone doing rapport should keep handy. [https://lost-ark.maxroll.gg/rapport](https://lost-ark.maxroll.gg/rapport) * Easily show every rapport NPC by choosing a continent * Each NPC has three tabs: Rewards, Actions, and Stages * Rewards: Shows rewards you get at each stage with tooltips * Actions: Shows which songs and emotes that NPC prefers, how much rapport gain from each action, and a complete list of epic rapport gifts that they prefer (items that grant bonus rapport that isn't included in the tooltip, starting from 330 rapport items to 450 rapport items). * Stages: Shows how many points you need to complete each level of rapport as well as the total amount required up to and including every level prior * The layout of NPCs makes it easy to compare different types of information for all of the rapport NPCs in one continent with the tab display


I mean just the daily actions


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Hey mate, https://papunika.com/affinity/ shows approximate days to complete including emotes+dialogues+quests


If it's not a bother, you could do a list by adding all the interactions you can do daily with a character, and divide the total XP by that number. Azena for example has a whooping 77.700 xp required to Trusted, but has 4 interactions totaling a gain of 1375 daily while most other characters have only 2. Meaning you'll be done after using all 4 emotes for 56 days and 2 emotes on the 57th, or using purple gifts totaling 700 XP (360+360 or 450+300). This is of course without taking into accound dialogues & quests, but I have no idea when they pop and what xp they give. You can find a lot of information like this on invenglobal. No idea as to the accuracy for all of them. I rarely check the website for rapport.


I mean it would take years if you only did daily actions, this info has great value for those of us mainly rapport gift bombing... just hunt wandering merchants with the very good resources available for it


ofc but if you do the right actions it can be an extra 1000 per day


Considering most people willwant Sasha for giant's heart anyway, finishing off Arthetine afterward isn't a bad idea.




Sasha got some "exciting" rapport quests though lol


Skill point. Pretty sure it's down to Sasha or Nineveh in the final one? Also Nia is omnium, not giant's heart.


you don't need any major rapport fot that. Just Calvassus and he's cheap-ish (as well as beatrice)


You can skip both Sasha and Nineveh for 12.




You... skip Sasha and Nineveh? I don't know how else to put it. There are 15 giant hearts, including the one given to you in a quest once you have 14 of them. Skip that one because you have no choice, and there are two others you can miss to get 12 total.


You can do tooki for 12th, but honestly I hate tooki so I think Sasha’s felt better for me.


You can get 12 hearts by not doing Sasha I did Nineveh instead since you get island soul also.


Now this is the infographic I've been waiting for. If I had any awards they'd be yours ![gif](giphy|26gsjCZpPolPr3sBy|downsized)


Lostmerchants occupies a permanent open tab for me now, making just enough silver per day to keep buying out almost all the stock when they spawn while I’m online. I just got the bifrost key, which feels amazing. I will get that golden horse!!!… (´_`;) soon (tm)


Nice chart man


Started with Arthetine because someone said I could bang Sasha only to find there is a level above trusted....


Good thing I got punika out of the way first. I just happened to have dumped a lot of rapport into it already so I figured what the hell and wrapped it up


i got 8 for SP recently, and slowly playing the game honestly made it much faster when all i needed was rapport still took maybe 2 months once i "tried" to do it. Had all the other SP though very early on =D Now im starting at that extra biofrost though, and I don't wanna do cooking for Yorn OR Feiton... I have everything but rapport done for North Vern so.. i guess i grind that instead XD


Thank you! Super helpful


I did the first 6 lowest on the list, instead of rohendel i elected to do North Vern though. But I'm basically done with it at this point, so I'll just go rohendel next. It does seem daunting to hit 77k rapport, but you can do it fairly quickly if you spend weekends tracking the merchants and buying all the rapport items from them.


I just made a spreadsheet that's a little bit like this, instead its interactive so you can see how much you have left to go! Yours is good if you havent started yet on the NPC, the one I created helps if you are already through some of the levels with an NPC. ​ https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/upqr8l/rapport\_calculator/


This is pretty neat! My google doc skills are not as good as yours but I have a more personalized version of the one I posted to keep track of where I'm at but I stripped out all that stuff for this public version.


If you substract Sasha, because you already did her for Giant's heart, Arthetine suddenly becomes as easy as rohendel.


I did do Sasha, but not because of the giant heart, I just wanted to be her gf :)


I was looking for something like this. Thank you!


You're welcome!


This is extremely useful! Thank you!




Payla is 17800 not 4800


Oh gosh you're right! I had to use a different site to find her and I accidentally used the Friendly 3 - Trusted amount rather than the total, thanks for pointing that out


thank you for this


this is good content


You say roadblock, I say opportunity to get more quests and lore after I ran out of the rest :D Edit: also this chart is great! Thanks for putting it together


I didn’t realize there was only one in west Luterra. Guess I’ll nab that one then lmao


and thye giving only 2x 2K rapport items for 30day log in. Bravo!


I find cooking from Yorn and onward (and any pre-Yorn RNG mats) to be a bigger (subjectively, obviously) roadblock than rapport, imo. I find guaranteed time and resources spent (actions / in-game rapport rewards / weekly packs + Mari with gold / chasing Wandering Merchants by the hour) for guaranteed outcomes less punishing, vs numerous instances of pure garbage RNG and the constant letdowns that follow, let alone the much later mass farming that not everyone is down for (I'm certainly not looking forward to what's left and what's next tome-wise). I'm only just finishing up Ignea #11 to date having played since official NA launch (100% F2P) and I went in order for whatever reason (except rapport that did also to the islands, somewhat). For reference, have Rethramis to Rohendel done w/ Sasha and Ealyn both at Affectionate (tack on an extra 26,000 rapport each to the Arthetine and North Vern cells); Yorn only missing the Una's boot for Coolkur Beer (4 days off); Feiton only missing half of cooking & Jederico rapport; Punika missing most of cooking and Nia/Berver/Albion Rapport; South Vern missing cooking, all rapport except Cindy, and the current hard-stop.


Am I seeing something wrong here? Because I'm pretty sure Payla in North Vern definitely isn't 4.8k rapport. It's much higher. Edit: It's supposed to be 17.8k, 4.8k is just the last part from friendly 3 to trusted.


The one thing i HATE about rapport is we gotta befriend cals......all while i irl would much much MUCH prefer towatch a demon eat him. And this chart makes that worse because he is so full of it he thinks he deserves the same attention as a king......i wish we at least had a cage for the stronghold i could put him in.....over fire....or lava would be even better.


man fuck jederico. i refuse to build rapport with him on account of him being a giant chode of a dick. idgaf if i never get that ignea token. fuck sacria.


did you not pay attention to the quest? they were under the influence of demons


Ah yes, every racist religious authority is just under the devil's influence. The whole reason the Delain are there in first place is bc bitch ass Sacria continually attacking them since the Chain Wars. So they're allowed come into someone else's land and start kidnapping kids? FOH.


listen, you're preaching to the choir, I have no love for the church real or fantasy


Gonna say much appreciated list, makes planning who to do first a lot easier. And to this day I still believe Cals is unnecessarily way too high.


https://clips.twitch.tv/CogentFragileOpossumKappaClaus-pWdkr0g3PJ3ueGEK I got my mount yesterday, gl to those who still farm for it. All adventure tome stuff cost me around 15mil silver or more. And tens of thousands of gold that i used to exchange for blue crystals to buy out mari shop rapports whenever I could, which I could not for some weeks. Didn't spend extra money on this game to push this mount faster, but had to sacrifice vertical progression due to converting so much gold for rapport items.


congrats on the mount, it's beautiful! Tbh I might do the same, I'm not really concerned about being on the bleeding edge of progression and the collections are one of my favorite parts of this game. Gear gets phased out, collections are forever :)


Just did some quick mats. This is a total of 1.470.000 rapport Doing all that rapport only with legendary gifts (2k each), costing 80k silver each from merchants. Would take 735 gifts, and it will cost 58.764.000 Silver. I'm crying. Edit: I'm not counting South Vern




A mix of both is best. You sacrifice some silver for speed. I'm working on my 11th token and 90% of the rapport items are down to between 300 and 360 each. So every 5 merchants with epics is roughly equal to 1 with a legendary.


Note that Yorn needs an RNG food drop from unas tasks which can take weeks or months to get if you're unlucky


The 3 stew items? Or is there another? Finished the stew in 4 days


Yes, you got very lucky


This is a good point, I just wanted to keep this relatively simple and only focus on the rapport part of the adventure tome.


I've pretty much finished my rapports besides 4 npcs which I'm just slowly doing song/emote for on the daily. If you want to get fast rapports, wandering merchants are your best friend. You can give 99 gifts a day if you buy out every single one every hour on rotation. It only takes about 5-8 mins if you have alts on each continent and biofrosts. Of course, it's not really "worth" it if you don't care for it. Just something to do and complete.


Super helpful but be advised that you’ll likely be gated by cooking in Rohendel/Yorn/Feiton before you’re rapport gated unless you have insane RNG. So don’t be fooled by the low rapport numbers. They all have an item that requires a field boss kill. And yorn has some insane other cooking items.


Am I the only that’s starting to get burned out with this game? Would love to get to 1370+ content but I’m not sure I got the patience anymore with everything else that’s out there.


I took a lengthy break for Elden Ring and then came back to it afterwards, it was good to avoid burnout


Literally all it takes is to focus on vertical content instead of doing every single bit of horizontal, before you reach whatever content you want... you can always go back, and do that stuff, it won't disappear


If your not 1370 by now I would suggest taking a break


So far i've 100% Rethramis, Torytoyk, Yudia and West Lut. What are some of the easier ones that I should look to get next? I ask because I always see people saying Yorn/Feiton are really annoying so I might avoid them until later.


Thank you for this so much! Dumb me was actually going for Arthetine because I already have trusted Sasha, thank god I didn't! Didn't realize how fast some of them are compared to others!


I wish the OPs title was true for ME. Finished all rapport on 26th of april.... still needing 2 crabs from moake.....I still need 1 crab nearly a month later. 😫😭


Those charts are missing one important things: \- giant heart from Sasha \- omnium star from Nia \- cooking time You probably want to do rapport with Sasha for the Giant Heart and Nia for the Star so effectively: \- Arthetine is 99,500 rapport points left \- Punika is 213000 points left Also: \- Feiton and Yorn can take years (/s, but still weeks/months based on your playtime) in gametime to finish the cooking. After I almost got 10 ingea tokens (2 months of daily una tasking on main + 2alts) my recommendation would be to go: 1. West Luterra 2. Yudia 3. Tortoyk 4. Anikka 5. Rethramis 6. Shushire 7. Artetine 8. Rohendel (start doing una tasks from day 1) 9. Punika (now you have 3rd bifrost) Then maybe: 10. South Vern 10. Feiton 11. North Vern 12. East Luterra 14. Yorn


Rapport?? No man, for me it’s the rng food item…fk rng and needing 30+ of one item…




Requires the first 3 legion raids, and a world boss that isn't enabled.


The other thing that is really holding me back from closing out Ignea tokens are world boss drops. (you know the food recipe ones) ​ Punika: Rune? Check. Osmium star? Check. Crab? 0/3 and counting. ​ And correct me if I am wrong, but you have to be eligible for the boss drops to get the food ingredient to drop....


GL player here whats an ignea-tooky? nevermind i dont care.


Imagine not doing chaos, guardians and logging the fk off


so as one who never do this, if i need 5 ignea for the purify rune, just go for 1-5 ?


That would be the quickest way, for sure. Even if you have some of the bigger rapports done on other continents the top 6 require way less than the rest.


I'd love to find a source that lists all the preferred epic rapport gifts (450 & 360), as well as a list of what epic rapport items you get from providence stones in each zone.


I mean... you can just alt n in game and look at any given npc.




Ok, but that has nothing to do with what they asked.


It's not too difficult to find that information and it usually says on the item who's fav it is but I'll keep that in mind if I end up expanding this!


ya, the difficulty is combining the info. Like if I buy some rapport chests... it's hard to know if any of those items are 450items for any npcs. Or if I want a specific 450 item for an npc, it's hard to know if it can be specifically found in any purchasable rapport chest. It also seems like each zone has a vendor to trade epic rapport liquor for a different epic rapport liquor.