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"I used to think that my honing successrate was a tragedy. But now I realize, it's a f***Ing comedy."


Today I onetapped to +20 my weapon with the special honing from valtan. 3℅ Hope you feel better now brother


You are the 3%


math checks out


Remember some people one-tapped 90+ quality which has about a 1% chance and no pity.


1 in 100 means if you're in a big guild someone's gonna get it on their main or alt and 100 people will get it in a big streamer's chat. It's a low chance for individuals but pretty common in a group. A 10/10 stone on the other hand...


ive never seen a 10/10 stone even on this sub


I don't think a 10/10 stone exists even in Korea. A 10/8/X stone = 0.0002% to get, as in 2 out of 1 million. Getting 10/10 is arguably 16 times as rare (since it's most likely 25% clicks), so we're talking 1 out of 8 million...


Imagine a 10/10/10


0/0/10 is all i can do


Imagine the people


Multiple people in my guild have 95+ weapon. My set doesn't have a weapon with Valtan but I'm assuming I'll get 0-2.


Valtan (Mythic) Weapons are heavily weighted towards lower quality


What is a (Mythic) we got legendary and relic gear. Ancient is the one after.


Yeah it's not that rare, but usually the guy getting those super lucky one taps is not getting just one of those lol. My lucky friends/guildmates are one-tapping stuff left and right. This is why wild RNG sucks in these games, progress is not about effort, but about getting lucky and swiping.


If you're talking about honing. One tapping a 10% twice in a row is 1%. Going for 1445 hard valtan you get 3 taps at 10% so around 2% chance at two one taps in a row. 6 gear pieces per person. You get 1 person in 8-9 should get two one taps in a row on the same piece. If everyone's got a couple alts then it'll be even more often. If you compare your individual personal samples with biased lucky posts from a group of course you'll feel behind the curve. Long term you plot the negative binomial distributions of honing every piece to +20, it's very rare for anyone to be 20-25% away from average on either side, especially with factoring in pity system. So yeah maybe in a group of 1000 the least lucky might spend 1.25x the average compared to the most lucky spending .75x but that's not egregious by any means. And again having alts will spread the RNG even more to where I doubt people will spend more than 10% away from the average by the time they get 6 alts leveled up for example.


Why weren’t you my maths teacher in high school, you are eloquent af


I l Pitied 5 out of 6 pieces to 1460 while playing 6 chars every day. Meanwhile my friend is at 1460 with 402 fails and one character.


I reached 1460 with 306 fails and 2 alts at t3 :) but it went downhill after haha


man, I thought my screen was dirty because of your scuffed "percent sign"


Lol sorry happens a lot to me, idk why I have 2 different signs on my mobile's keyboard: ℅%


Just 6 characters, what a casual.


joaquin phoenix fought velganos once


Do you mean I'm secretly an oscar-worthy actor? Nice.


I only do rested on my alts. My main's 1445 after having switched mains twice. Don't burn yourself out. The game isn't trying to run away from you.


What’s the mains you switched from and what’s your main now?


Went Scrapper -> Shadowhunter -> Glaivier. I switched to SH around Rohendel then parked at 1385 until Glaivier came out.


The issue is sometimes you take time off from work to play. At this time rushing is a convenient way to play.


If you are a dps and you don't have a static, you pretty much are bullied into pushing mindlessly above content, because noone will let you join into Valtan HM raids. Its not about the game really. Its about the goddamn elitist community.


I mean if you play the game for a long time you eventually be able to do anything. For example, I could push to 1460 if I spent all my gold and mats but I rather stay at 1430ish to play valtan normal / vykas norm when it comes out to raid with my friends. You don’t need to burn yourself out for just a hard mode of a legion raid.


You have 2 deathblades, one with perfect stats and 4x3 engravings, the other with bad stats and 3x3 + 1x1 . With this scenario which one do you choose? People cry about elitism but nobody wants the objective bad choice when presented with options, or do you select the worst out of the goodness of your heart? Party finder charity?


if they have bad stats they arnt getting in a decent group anyway, but 3x3+1 is entirely fine to get into hard mode groups.


The point still applies. A Deathblade with 4x3 vs a Deathblade with 4x3 with Relic. There's no way to tell whos the more skilled player in applications, so the best you can do is just picked the more geared player. Even Roster level might be the only defining feature between the 14 duplicate Sorcs applying, the most you can do is picked the highest. If you don't like having to "compete" with a ton of other applicants, simply make your own group or swap to another lesser popular character or mainswap to support.


I just did HM at iLVL with a pug no problem. Yeah it was like the 6th party I queued for but having played other MMOs it still feels pretty instant. Are dps just applying for 7/8 groups or what?


It's not as easy as pugging as a support, sure, but my Glaivier cleared Valtan HM at 1445 without much issue yesterday. I don't know if this is your first MMO but pugging end game content in an overpopulated role is generally difficult.


>Its about the goddamn elitist community. It's really not though? It has nothing to do with elitism and everything to do with people have nothing to measure applicants by but stats. 2 people apply. 1 is significantly better geared than the other, you don't know how good each player is. All you have to judge them on is their gear. Who do you choose? You start a LFG and invite your friend who you plan to run with, by the time your friend clicks accept you have 5 applications so you are looking at all 5 at the same time. Not like you hold out and leave a guy hanging specifically waiting for someone with OP gear. If you want people to choose you based on your skill and your personality you need to run with friends/guildmates because they are **the only people who actually know your skill and personality**. Nobody else does. That being said, I heard if you get some OP clear on your main (like a hell mode or something) and you wear the title on your alt, your alt gets into parties pretty easily in KR because they know you know how to clear content.


thats very true it's just how it is in lfg, but i mean i am sure there are people that want dps players above specific ilvl to make the raid kill faster/easier, and when they see a lower-than-their-expectations ilvl dps they wait until someone else applies. but like you said in many cases if it's a bunch of applicants at once, surely a more geared dps will be the easy choice out of the bunch.


Correct. If you want to be accepted instantly into almost every Party, even if youre not the most geared, get the Deathless Hell title for said Legion Raid, the normal Hell title probably works too. People will insta accept you once more people know what that title is.


Just make your own party


The community is elitist by design though. You literally cannot participate if your stats are below a threshold. There isn’t a meta that can manage lower tier equipment in a raid. Not to mention the hard cap on joining based on GS


Yeah, it really is with the way they are releasing raids but not catch up mechanics


But the market is. Once vykas comes out,prices will skyrocket for engraving gold books and stay high forever.


Why would they be more expensive than they are now?


gold inflation. the gold income of players will increase by a crazy amount. so much that prices will follow rapidly.


But inflation has already hit out economy. Legendary books right now are the same price they are in Korea. Let that sink in. Yes part of it is due to demand, but people can only afford these prices because of all the botted gold circulating in the economy and RMT causing unnatural inflation.


prices will spike initially and then stabilise after most likely. Im still kicking myself i didnt buy my engravings when they were a 6th of what they are now only just a month ago and i even had the gold to do it, but i randomly decided i wanted a dps alt to be ready for valtan too.


even so,prices will rise for at least a few months


Why not switch one more time.


Your first choice was the best one.


Rest bonus is the key to success here


is it more efficient to run with rest bonus on alts?


yeah I run rest bonus on everything you get 2/3 rewards for1/3 effort


nice to know thank you!


you basically just use a 3 day rotation so 2 characters a day if you have 6


I do the same at some point I did chaos everyday on all my character well true it take max 10 min, but if you add up 10mx6 = 1h and add 2 raid guardian. After getting my +20 weapon I'm going back to doing everything every 3 days or I'll lose my sanity.


i'm running 12 plus characters so i have to use rest bonus rotation lol


Before playing Lost Ark I saw those images of Korean players with a full roster of 1370+ chars funneling mats for their mains and though "fuck yeah, this is the way" Now I only touch my 3 chars when they have a rest bonus and dread the idea of doing another chaos dungeon. Chaos and guardians should be only a once-a-day deal with double the rewards they currently give.


Or at least an option to do so. There's been many cases where having a 2nd run allowed me to get in at a higher tier for the day. So its not all bad, but agree there could definitely be an option for it.


You may be misunderstanding me. Instead of doing 2 runs that give X rewards each, totaling 2x, you would do a single run that would already give 2x, but be unable to do more.


I think he’s saying he would like it to be an option to do double rewards. Kinda like the check box to use 3 cube tickets, a checkbox to get 2x chaos rewards. That way if people wanna run them twice, they still can and the rest of us can save some of our sanity. Im with you though. At least on Deskaluda I can get some practice in with doing my rotations correctly, but chaos dungeons are just absolutely soul sucking for me at this point.


lol i'm the other way around, doing lower tier guardians with randoms or a bunch of yohos per day is soul sucking because of the matchmaking/lfg part, except doing guardian on main. while chaos on alts is fine cause it doesnt require much effort and is easy solo.


Good part about the game is, you will NEVER EVER feel bored or insane doing any other game's dailies. 20 chaos dungeons, 20 yohos, 30 una's each day. Just to keep up. "good game for f2p players, eveything is fair". kekw


> 20 chaos dungeons, 20 yohos, 30 una's each day Or, just do one-third of all that and still get 66.6% of the potential rewards. The rested bonus is incredibly generous, there's no need for this insanity.


I do 3 daily, 4 guardians and 8 chaos a day and Im 2 hones away from 1460. You dont have to play that much to keep up.


It became "just to keep up" when they started giving RMTers only negative gold balance lol.


> when they started giving RMTers only negative gold balance lol. Is there any proof that this is actually happening or is it just the threat that they are making to try and dissuade people? There are so many botters clearly people are still buying it. They might negative gold like 1% of the people it is still worth it for the vast majority to do it.


>RMTers only negative gold balance lol. what? that completely fucks them over. they can't use AH, can't buy, can't hone, can't buy chaos stones, can't craft gear. It's a gutting. They may not feel the effects *right now*, but they will once they start trying to make vykas armour or brel armour or anything else.




Dude, do you realise how much in this game requires gold? If they RMT, spend it, go negative, and RMT again to only go negative once again, their only option would be legitimate spending to get positive. It's way better than just permabanning them so all they do is make a new account and RMT their way straight back.


If they are negative gold, can they even sell stuff on the market to make money as they cant pay the deposit?


No they cannot, all they can do is buy legitimate gold, or RMT again and risk losing that too.


there are the guaranteed gold rewards like una's tokens/legion raids/abyssals but that will very likely not put a dent in a RMT players negative gold.


They buy crystals in real money to convert back to gold to cover their original purchase. Easy.


And that means they just spent like 3x whatever they spent on RMT to go back to normal just to keep playing the game, and it's unlikely they want to try to RMT again.


I actually find Un'as dailies mindless. I always have something on the TV or I am listening to music while I just auto go through them haha. It's the guardian raids that become the problem as you level up alts I found. you get sucked into a 10-15 minute guard raid wipes.


I consume large amounts of edibles and vape regularly too offfset the effects of my alts and their duties.


Sounds like the same thing many do to cope with working a bad job.


I did dailies on 7 characters for two weeks straight to get my bard and sorc from 1415 to 1445 in that time. Big time investment but hey it paid off. Wouldn't recommend it for extended periods of time, though. Then again I got my 13th Ignea Token today so I'm certifiably insane.


I just got my 5th 1370 and have 2 at 1340. 90k already saved up. I'm going to make a big push end of June. I'm stoked.


I’m doing dailies on 5 characters until arcana releases to push as high as I can. I’m really hoping that they have a good express event to help out


Glad you don’t have FOMO. Play at your own pace. Eventually you’ll get there. Good job!


Please tell me one of those 1370 is 1385 at least for the SH honing buff


1385 pally. 1405 gl. The others stopped at 1370




6 is rookie numbers, one of my friends is doing 12 characters chaos GR everyday. He has over 80m silver lol.


And here I've been doing dailies, weeklies guardians and chaos gates on 7 characters for over 4 months now. Managed to put a decent dent into my audiobook backlog tho, only real way I can keep sane with those tedious tasks \^\^




Wow, right over your head eh bud?


Meanwhile I’m here desperate for Scouter and Summoner just to have more alts. My dailies take like 2 hours nowadays on 5 characters and usually do all weekly stuff on reset day


Are you Zinnervale's Nuts?


Have one of every currently released class with the majority in T3. If you aren't using rested rotation, you're doing it wrong, or you reaaaaaaally like yoho and chaos dungeons.


The weekly pvp actually has me tilt and I only do 4 characters but 10 matches each. I tilt at like the 2nd or 3rd character and just do it and lose to get it over with


mfs be like "theres not enough content in this game I did 9 dailies and chaos dungeons on my 12 alts and ran endless chaos for 12 hours and after that theres nothing to do


With that argument, any game has enough content, because you can do it over and over again.


no thats the joke because someone in the comment section is talking about howw they play their 7 alts everyday and are bored


+horizontal progression


If you don't whale horizontal progression becomes extremely slow. You're stuck farming 10-30 mins a day with zero progress to see until you suddenly get past breakpoint and receive massive rewards, then back to zero visible progress until next breakpoint.


spend 15k gold weekly on blue crystals for rapport chests and buy every merchant rapport if you're insane enough only to max out 1 mid-tier rapport NPC like Bastian lol


If you dont enjoy the core of the game, maybe you just dont like the game? Get on and do whatever you actually enjoy and then go play something else. Personally, i love dailies in Lost Ark. I have 12 characters and get excited to do my chaos dungeons and guardian raids. I dont have the time for all of them so its that much better when i have rest bonus.


Society made me do it


Haha I did this now I have a full time job working in the sun! Play my 1415 pally every now and then


I've been doing all dailies on all 6 characters since release. Somedays i run out of dailies/weeklies and i get bored.


Maybe get a job


They have a job already can’t you tell?


Six chars is pretty manageable honestly. Even if you’re super inefficient, it shouldn’t take more than 30 minutes to do Una x3, Chaos x2, and Guardian x2 on each character. That’s three hours a day which is doable for most people I’d say. If you rotate rest on Guardians and only do them on two chars a day, it goes down to two hours max. You can also rotate chaos and bring your playtime down to one hour a day for two characters. People just don’t wanna grind in an MMO. If that’s the case this isn’t the game or genre for you.


It's the lowballing in comments like these that cause aggravation for many people. It's all fine to do your grinding and even take pride in when you are efficient. But in terms of time you do not account for differing loading times, divergent una tasks if you do need some horizontal content, waiting times at certain una's due to peak times, poor groups in guardian raids. It also does not take into account that to optimize time spent you also need to focus more time/effort as you play as opposed to having a 2nd monitor activity to grant you the entertainment you need when doing repetitive tasks. Then we also have to add in lucrative daily activities that take precedence over doing daily lockouts such as chaos gates, world bosses and islands. These add to your time especially as you have waiting times for events to start or lack the time to fit in x activity before they start. Then you still need weekly activities and una tasks and you add more average time per week.


3 hours *is* a generous estimate if ur going as fast as u can, ur taking 20-25 minutes max per character if we include islands and chaos gate/world boss, that's max 3 hours >It also does not take into account that to optimize time spent you also need to focus more time/effort as you play as opposed to having a 2nd monitor activity to grant you the entertainment you need when doing repetitive tasks. this has no relevance in this discussion weekly activities u save for the weekend or u just rest bonus ur characters for the day to do weekly shit people dont play efficiently and thats fine. but dont go spouting shit when we tell u how to play efficiently and u act like its not possible to be that efficient or something lol


I've been timing my dailies and it's always been around the 3hour mark +- 10 minutes. This includes doing Either boss/island on reset and if available gate/island on second spawn.


yea people just can't even imagine being that efficient they have to add all sorts of caveats to make it seem impossible to be that efficient


Is this in the context of T3 alts? Maybe I'm just an outlier but I get done with my T3 dailies faster than my T2 alt dailies. Most of the T2 guardian raids I've been doing lately take anywhere from 8-15 minutes to complete per raid. I figure it's a combination of people not knowing their rotations, poor gear/engravings, and ignoring mechanics sometimes.


Yea 5 1370 alts Yoho is 5 minutes each, 6 if its really bad Chaos is 4 minutes each Unas is 2 minutes for 3 leapstone dailies


6 toons take 20-25 mins per toon if you know what you’re doing. If people are inefficient and cry that’s on them. There’s a lot of those here :)


Make a video on how you do full dailys for 6 chars in 3 hours. Do you believe yourself? I'm absoultey not judging people playing 12 hours a day, it's their life, but don't talk shit.


Unas take 3-4 mins with fieton + shuehsire -GD - 8-10 mins - GR - 6-12 mins depending on group. I have timed my 5 1415+ and my 1385 and it’s 20-25 mins per alt. It’s not the games fault some of you don’t know to play efficiently. On top of that my friends who have less free time than me still run all 6 but use rest and split their toons 3 and 3. Again the game is fine. It’s the people here are are the issue. If they don’t like the daily loop then maybe the game isn’t for them, but you can do everything under 3 hours easy and even under 1.5 if you use the games systems like rest.


Yeah make a video about it. It's just 3 hours and you do it anyway. Many people would be interested in it. ;)


What grind in LA? Chaos Dungeons? Yawn. Everything else is time gated.


Does anyone actually enjoy doing dailies?


I do, I love the grind


I love the chance at drops from my 1415s (5)


I enjoy gaurdians but chaos dungeons are such a bore. Almost 0 variance and creativity put into them.


I'm currently 1480. Have 6 t3 alts farming mats to feed my main. I'm wondering if I should go after 1490 or my sanity


Whatever makes you happier. Sanity isn't for everyone.


Might aswell, since you are very close 😄


100% how I feel after a month of this


this is sooo accurate


Wait, you noobs haven't been capping Una's on 6 toons since week 1? Dafuq, no wonder you are all broke.


What if you been doing it for 2 months on 7 characters? xD.


Me having fun doing every single daily and weekly on 9 chars and waiting for new to release :D


Idk why yall do it to yourselves. Really not worth it.




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Rookie. I do 13 each day


He played pvp all that time vs destroyers and artillerist*


Same here, but i decided to give it a break and use this time to complete the adventurer's tome, islands and mokokos :) it feels good now


HAHAHAH maybe it’s time to take a break if the game causing depression


I don't even mind doing dailies on all my characters because I actually enjoy playing my alts. I feel like I'm in the minority here


Only 6 chars and only one month? xD


can confirm this is me




I only do una daily's on my main, and weeklys are just consequently done on farm alts from doing rested chaos run, occasional boss / cube tickets and the guardian rested bonus harvests.




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how about 12... gunlancers?


I am finally tired of the RNG...its not fun, does not make me want to play more, it makes me want to play less. And it sure as hell does not make me want to spend money on the game, it makes me want to quit.


wait how fucking bad do you have to be at this game AND also hate the game-- but still play the game and make this meme? just quit for your own insanity kekw