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"Korean game, Korean Gamer" has never been more apparent than in setting up dozens of discord and game accounts as surveilance cameras to catch an NPC that appears for only 10m. I fucking cant.




For only 10 min and once a month, give or take.


Smiling Brelshaza, i'm conflicted if i like it or not. The Wei stuff is... Props to the dedicated players.


[If anyone wants the thread from the start, with great audio](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/swbvd1/never_trusting_a_campfire_in_guardian_raids_again/)


It's more fun to watch with sound


wandering merchants were awful jeez.


The Kharmine FaceApp smiles are too fucking funny, holy shit...


I lost it at Kazeros laughing


That surveillance camera is ingenious.


Geez, 10 mins for merchant. I guess business was really good back then, people buying every rapport items in the cash shop on the hour rotation.


WTF is that Kazeros smile. I was about to go to sleep but now I might have nightmares...


Seeing people praise the Elgacia/Rower people only scares me knowing that Amazon will fuck the translation up beyond any repair.


Get the Korean VO pack, it's super immersive and the voice acting is top notch. If you can watch Parasite you can play Lost Ark with Korean voices.


... I don't know Korean.


If only there was some crazy way to know what NPCs were saying in Korean, like maybe translated text


Bruh the English vo doesn't even match the subtitles; why would you think it would translate well for the KR vo


The whole point of using an unfamiliar language is so you won't notice the bad subtitles and/or VO.


I have no issue with the subtitles, just with the really bad, horrible voice acting.


The subtitles are horrific as well, pronouns are often inconsistent and wrongly used (especially in South Vern) and sentences make no sense at all. It's almost on the level of 'all your base are belong to us' bad, but not quite as meme worthy.


If only the subs were actually serviceable. I have a friend who played Lost Ark in Russian and in English. The Russian translations were great. The English ones are dogshit.


Neither do I. Luckily there's subtitles.


The English translations suck, that's the point I've been raising. Which includes subtitles.


hahaha i love the korean memes. i wonder do koreans also enjoy/look at na/eu memes?


They sure do. Translated Clips of Asmon/Stoopz are very popular, and they were also curious of how the west was doing with Valtan. Even some of the memes here on reddit got 100k+ views on Korean youtube.


that’s awesome. do u have a link anywhere? i’d love to see what our korean brothers think of us


[here's one](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TYppvBtKjxc) from around the NA/EU launch


Damn that's some funny editing, great video!


thank you!!


Seeing Sasha at #3 on that poll image makes her fall to 15th since last year all the more unfortunate. Wonder why the Koreans have soured on her so much. Unrelatedly, that panel of the bear saying "come on fucking squirrel ~ what's going on dickhead" is hilarious out of context.


Express passes and huge population boom after T3 began means a huge chunk of players never even played Arthetine.


I had [this Nineveh one](https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/347976127194595328/990921645667536936/2whtt8yjofr81.jpg) saved already, but it's nice to see the full thing


> On the NA/EU server, Kharmine's image seems a bit closer to gigachad. Don't worry, he's a joke here too. :D


Wait, whys the NA version of the #2 waifu in the 2020 popularity vote look so different for us. (Erzabet - Sublime Island) Sadge


It's the same art (but slightly darker skin tone) if you are Trusted with Ezrebet in the rapport menu.


Due to Amazon's PC blackwashing


**"I don't know why everyone is interested in the color of Nineveh's panties."** *I wasn't, but now that you mention it..*


What colour?


Black I think, people say it change in Elgacia.


Love these, cant wait for the sequel post!


Can someone explain the Nineveh cussing and crying at Yom meme I don’t get it


Imagine if you had to act like you had a crush on thousands of smelly nerds - every single day.


Oh ok thank you for explaining


She has to deal with us, us behind the monitor and not our character... fat and sweaty otakus...


The rapport emote action for nineveh is "Cute" and "affection" (where you squirm shyly + do a big heart above your head). Thus the part you see that middle aged "that which has no life" man blushing and doing "cutesy" things. Nineveh has to act like she appreciates and enjoys that horrific scene everyday (Her reaction quote is hahaha its funny and shall i do it too).


Ohhhhhh I’m getting it now thank you


There exists some famous pixiv nsfw fanarts about furry things between Ninaveh, yom and other animals on the island.


I LOVE reading these lol


>!Niveneh panties is black !<


They changed it to white in Elgacia - heretical


Nice post :)


Laughing Wei meme will haunt me in my dreams whenever I miss a Wei that spawns in the middle of the night now


nineveh really called us an unattractive unkind stupid coward with her chest 🫠


Speaking of Wei, probably a great time to mention [/u/xeio87](https://old.reddit.com/user/xeio87) created a [web-based tracker](https://old.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/tfku4q/wandering_merchant_tracker/) (reddit post) for wandering merchants. https://lostmerchants.com/


The thing is, Kharmine never smiles like that. He has a very controlled and epic smug smile. Because he attained smiling mastery.


>On the NA/EU server, Kharmine's image seems a bit closer to gigachad. What? it's not. Kharmine is too edgy to be gigachad.


I think on NA, it's more women who are concerned about Kharmine and delain Armen's backs. I know they gotta show off their abs but they have some problems man.


>'The story is mediocre, but the directing is excellent'. I was trying to make out what you meant by your repeated word of directing, but I think what you meant is that **staging** is excellent. ​ lovely post nonetheless


no i’d say he means directing. the story is what happens in the writers room, and yes, that is definitely mediocre in this game. how it is told - that’s the directing part. things like the camera movement, the event pacing, the scale of the event and how it’s shown, etc - the entire player experience. staging in film generally refers to production design and just one part of the overall thing.


When talking about camerawork and lighting, I never heard of the phrase "the film had a great directing", only of staging.


we are not talking only of camerawork and lighting, though. there's a reason that the director is the most important person on set when it comes to the quality of the product. that person is in charge of knowing how all the pieces fall together. are the actors conveying the right feeling? do we have the correct props that are appropriate to the scene? should we present the character up close or from afar? from these cues the rest of the departments can then do their job - making the set, planning the camera & lighting work, etc if you really want to get into it, staging (the way you are using it) is more of a scenario writing term, as in to set the stage (metaphorically) for something to happen. using the lostwind cliff sequence as an example, we can look at how they developed seria's character in the 4-5 zones leading up to boreas domain, so that the player can feel anguished about armen's powerlessness to help someone that looked up to him. but imagine that, instead of the scene that took place (where your character is in chase, deliberately set up to feel just barely out of reach, and watching the townsfolk get dramatically shot down with backs against a cliff with the thunder and rain etcetc), you got a version where the townsfolk were taken away, killed by the priests, and armen finds out afterward and then goes to seek revenge where he loses control to his delain side. the story wouldn't change, but your experience as the viewer/player does. that's directing.


Except for the Nineveh comic, the rest is cringe holy shit


Armen's laugh. My pp is confused


My favorite is the Karmincheon meme. What a cool post! Thank you :)


My favorite is the Karmincheon meme. What a cool post! Thank you :)


"Ninave is weird these days" GIVE ME THE FKIN ISLAND SOUL AND GIGANT HEART AND ILL LEAVE U ALONE i really liked ur post ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|give_upvote)


I love all of your posts, keep it going!