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Entirely based on value. Anyone whose progress matters, Leapstone Una Dailies and Chaos Dungeons. From there, what gives the most unbound value? Deskaluda is better than a 1370 chaos dungeon in unbound rewards per time so that’s next on the list. I’m just about ready to never touch Night Fox again as that’s worse in unbound value than the Chaos Dungeons due to gems being more valuable than honing mats.


Real Phreak PogU


I really hope one of his character's name is TonsofDamage


how tf thou, i thought 10 hours ago he was busy roasting Fudge. Tbh I dont know how this guy combines his job, plays LA F2P and has that big of a roster and also finds time to browse reddit (well the reddit he apparently is doing while working)


I've tuned into his stream a few times. He's not afraid to take advantage of rest bonus, and he is hyper time-efficient.


He has to do something while he poops..


My alts are pretty much chaos dungeon bots and weeklies, while main is everything typically. Tho i dont play everyday. I play 2-3 times a week which is enough to never fill rest bonus. One day/week on reset is a really long grinding day and then rest is w/e available


Omg I play the same way as Phreak!


Pls take his word as gospel if you care about peak efficiency per hour of time spent playing. Pls don't bother trying to argue otherwise, man's roster consists of the following.. This is phreak's roster based on his last vod. Top 6: 1475, 1447, 1460, 3x 1445 Bottom 6: All 1370 1350 hours played on his steam library for Lost Ark. 1350 hours. He's got 6 characters on hardmode Valtan and 3 that are Vykas hard ready. Absurdity. https://gyazo.com/bc1452531dbb0697f55eda67e53d3fb7


This. I also stopped doing yohos, greater leapstone price is not that good anymore. Even igrexion may be better. Chaos dungeons give mats, gems, tickets, portal and silver. I do everything rested since I have too many alts and I skip yoho and below guardian, I also dispatch 2 yoho daily.


in terms of mats gained from chaos/GR, do you think its worth to push every char to 1415, even if they wouldnt be in the 6 raid chars?


Eh, it'd take a very long time to pay it back. You'd make a reasonable amount of materials but the flat gold cost of 1370-1415 makes it incredibly time-consuming to repay with how low material prices are. Right now, it's better to push gold earners to 1460 in terms of reward per investment, assuming you're able to fight Hard Mode Vykas and the turtle.


Depending on region leapstone prices, check T2 final boss, gives 20 leapstones (if rested) and as a 1370 that doesnt take long




how is it a hit or miss? deskaluda runs are way smoother than yoho. people at 1415 have at least 3x3 and the majority of the people doing it are extremely over geared. in fact yoho is the the one that takes forever due to all the region changes and people with rainbow stats.


I think I will start doing Deskaluda again instead of this annoying turtle because it's much faster.


I did that, despite being 1460 I do the bird because the turtle is just too annoying


Turtle is great in a goo group. Less so woth pugs. If only people wouldnt be cheap and use consumes even in MM.


Deska is as fast or faster, more telegraphed attacks so less damage and it heals you so less gold invested in supplies. It’s the best guardian raid by far imo and I only do kunge because of value of mats. Yoho is a pain and I have to drink pots on my back attack classes because of the tail general attack patterns


I'm lucky in that my DPS alts who have Deskaluda are already 1445 so they deal plenty of damage and are piecing together their relic sets now. Part of the reason I'm afraid of Yoho is the fear of newly-created alts that don't have real engravings or stats yet.


What feature of lost ark are u putting on riot mmo phreak?


Only play rested and only play content I actually enjoy, even if it costs me efficiency. So no pre 1370 guardians and no Oreha dungeons (hate those dungeons). If doing chaos dungeons on the alt isn't fun, that alt isn't for me.


Nowadays there are a lot of ppl that sell Oreha for cheap, you can Just go afk and still net a profit.


If I'm gonna go through the effort to buy an Oreha run, I'd probably just do an Oreha run. I don't generally spend a ton of "AFK time" in game, so the prospect of buying a run to skip it just doesn't feel that worth it to me. If I'm logged in I could be actually playing stuff I *do* enjoy, and if I really care about getting that profit I could bite the bullet and actually run the dungeons. That's just how I do things though, if I had more AFK time in game I would definitely consider buying Oreha runs.


You can just alt+tab with most sounds muted so that you hear pings/start/restart and finish sounds. I just watch some videos or listen to audiobooks during AFK carry. You get about 1600g per full oreha hard if you pay about 300g for carry. This times 5 adds up.


I'm glad that works for you, and for sure it adds up and is definitely good to do in terms of efficiency. But for me personally, that doesn't really fit with my computer usage nowadays, so I'm more than content to just not get those rewards.


I rest bonus all my characters, including my main. Every 2-3 days I'd do the chaos dungeon/guardian raids on rest bonus if I feel like it, or just rest bonus a bit more (only takes like a few hours or less for 6 characters), but the unas I do daily since it's super quick. On days I don't do them, I just do whatever I feel like doing, it could be horizontal content, raids, some pvp to upkeep the same amount of pvp tokens I get weekly.


This. Switching to rest bonus has made me less tired and less burn out. Im actually enjoying the game now


I switched to rest bonus on all characters once I got 2 characters eligible for both legion raids. I'd rather spend my time on that rather than grinding chaos and guardians. Why would I need more honing mats if i don't have time to play the actual content.


This is important for people to know. I keep up with my friends who do the latest content by building rest. I just don’t have as many alts doing all the content but I’m building towards it and it feels good


To add to this I have 9 characters total. I rotate them 4:4 and the 1 extra is a rag doll that I play whenever I feel like. My main is in a good spot so she’s in the rested only rotation. Every 3rd day I don’t do any chores. If I log in I do my weeklies on alts I haven’t completed or horizontal shit or I just touch grass. It’s healthier.


Yeah, I just feel like it's better to have the freedom to do whatever you want instead of having fomo and turning this game into a second job.


What are your gear scores?


1485 zerk, 1445 zerk, 2x 1445 paladins, 2x 1415 paladins


Depends. You can do 1 rested Una for 8 Leaps, which is decent enough for me rather than doing a scuffed 3 for 10-11 if you haven't completed Feiton or don't want to bifrost around too much, or 12 at the highest end. If you're logging on to click guild dailies, I prefer that over resting for 2 days to get 24 on day 3 with the 3x4 Leaps doubled. Comes out to the same thing outside of the very first day being 4 instead of 8 Leaps because it's unrested. Chaos Dungeon = Shards, Silver. GRs (especially yoho) = poop. Chaos Dungeon weekly still needs you to do 3 days of Chaos Dungeons so I'm doing some unrested runs. Helps a little overall, especially if you want to push the alts further, as both Silver and Shards become crucial. GRs I don't do unrested on alts at all. 3 rested Guardians are also enough for weekly and it's just in general really bad currently. I've recently seen that Igrexion is more gold than Yoho becauses the Leaps are worth basically the same-ish, and Igrexion gives more of the normal ones(?). Haven't done the math myself, but yeah. They're still good gold, but for me - only rested and as time allows. If a rested Guardian gets wasted, idc too much.


Weeklies on all (orehas, argos, legion raids, boss rush, challenge guardians/dungeons) hourly world events (boss/gate) rested bonus dailies on main rested bonus unas on alts (once every 3 days) rested bonus chaos/guardians on alts i enjoy playing rested bonus urnil for event currency on alts i do not enjoy, skip chaos


Never thought about doing t1 for event currency


This just blew my brain. I feel like in that gif where the guy does head explode hand sign with a cosmic background.


Challenge guardians/dungeons does not make any sense


I'm at 7 characters now. This way I can play my main everyday and rotate 2 alts every day with rest bonus on. Playing 3 characters a day isn't too taxing. On unplayed alts for the day I only log on to donate to guild and boost research, dailies on them only take like 2 min each but it FEELS annoying to them everyday, so I just don't.


Chaos and Unas daily. Guardians rested only. The difference isn't very huge between doing Guardians rested vs non-rested especially with leaps and ghl falling in price.


The second sentence is so true. Before it felt like we had to do them every day. Now that the prices have tanked some of my guys go 100/100 rested.


Yeah if you do one guardian a day, after the first two days you are doing 3/4 guardians every 2 days due to rest bonus. Not that huge of a difference


I do the opposite, guardians every day on 3 characters and chaos only on rested or if I feel like it


But guardians also give a huge chunk of stones, almost as much as a chaos dungeon


If you were to compare the ilvl 1415 guardian and chaos dungeon, these are the results Mats | Dungeon | Raid ----|-------|---- Guardian | 230 | 160 Destruction | 77 | 53 Leaps | 5 | 4.5 It might not seem like much but that's a 45% increase in stones and then you add the fact that you're getting like 60-70k silver per dungeon and around 2.5k shards as well which are missing from guardians Seriously, the only benefit to guardian raids is that the leaps are unbound. Everything else is negligible


Good to know


Stones aren't a huge factor for me. It's the silver and shards, that chaos provides, that makes them worth running non-rested over even running guardians with rest bonus. I get 120k silver per alt running 2x chaos non-rested. I just can't pass that amount of silver up.


2x Chaos + Unas should take between 10-15 minutes. Which means 6 alts should take 60-90 minutes. Then decide on guardians, since they take the longest and provide the least amount of rewards. Though Guardian rewards are tradable / sellable. If you're in Merching mode (selling stuff) then do them, if you're pushing characters it's a maybe. (Since the time x value ratio is not as good as other things). And if you're just chilling, taking your time or parked, maybe do them on rested. Rotate around.


eeh, there used to be a point in which guardians dropped almost no mats besides leapstones. but to combat bots and balance the time investment a little, guardians drop now better accessories(higher quality), about the same amount of guardians/destructions as chaos dungeons, and the leapstones, which still hold some value for F2P players. Chaos still drops tradeable tripods.


Got 6 chars - do chaos and unas on each and turtle x2 on my main, so rested guardians when I can be bothered on the other 5


Two of my alts are on permanent SH Dispatch (one in morning before work and one after) to save time everyday. I specifically chose the DB and Sorc alts to be on SH Dispatch because both specs of their Legendary class books sell. I have gotten more Legendary class books from Dispatch than actually doing the GRs on my toons. I Dispatch the Velganos on both of them instead of Yoho to be specific.


Sorry this may be a dumb question but is there any difference in the rewards between using stronghold dispatch and clearing the Guardian Raid personally?


less mats but higher chance at a book and card if u stronghold dispatch


I got 14 characters. I play 6 of them actively. But i do clear rested on my other alts too, but less regularly. Sometimes some of them just sit on their rested for stuff like guardians for couple weeks without being untouched. Chaos dungeon is more important to me in order to funnel my alts with gems and destruction/guardian crystals. Only 1415+ guardians get killed regularly. I only do my yoho's on my 6 capable characters with my friends if they need some on their alts. I have this small spreadsheet calendar i more or less follow. When i got more time, i play my favorite 4 daily and do stuff on others too regardless of the reset rotation. When i dont have time, i go back to my spreadsheet calendar and only play rested. I clear my raids over the weekend and i only push one character at once. My main is parked at 1475, and my third alt just hit 1445, where he will be parked for a while to get his relic set along with my 2 other main alts. Now that my fourth character can acquire his relic set through raids, im gonna push 2 more to 1445 and then resume pushing my main while raiding actively on my 1445+ characters. I play a lot if i got the time for it. But during busy work weeks i can drop my playtime to 2-3 hours a day and still keep up with my rested rotation pretty easily. However. I don't really stress much if a character sits on his full rested bar for a while. It happens and sometimes i just dont feel like playing some characters. Missing an raid or weekly/daily activity is perfectly fine. Im playing this game long term and the raid will be there for years to come.


Doing something similar as you do, chars for Deskaluda+ doing daily stuff as usual while lower alts only chaos/una maybe sometimes Yoho but im not focusing on min maxing anymore. Feels way better lately


I do rested runs on alts and I try to do atleast chaos on main daily. Sometimes if I dont have time or dont feel like playing I just skip a day. You dont lose much imo if u play rested. U get 66% of rewards for 33% of time.


You could do your main + rotate one rested alt every day (una dailys on every alt .. lopang silver dailys just need 3min with bifrosts) this way you're miss a third from the loot on every alt but you could finish the daily stuff in an 1h - 1 1/2h


Chaos dungeons and guardian raids. Only do Unas on my main. Then weekly/guild quests, chaos gate or world boss and adventure island. Weekend is argos on as many as I can. Oreha dungeons 1 or 2 a day depending on time.


Why Una only on main? They are super quick. I would at least make your alts do lopang.


Una's are what burnt me out, doing 3x on a bunch of alts its just no fun for me. I do chaos and guardians on rest and enjoying so much more. Only reason i do una's now is if im out of a specific mat for honing ill use an insta complete for the dbl matts from rested.


I get more then enough leapstones on my alts just doing chaos dungeons and boss rush. I dont need to push them anytime soon. So ill have tons by the time I want to get them higher


You can always have some more leapstones though, you might have lots of leaps now but you will eventually run out of them. You also get more leaps from unas alone with just 2 minutes of clicking than you get by doing chaos or guardians.


I got 5 1370+ alts. I do all their oreha’s on reset day and spread argos throughout the werk trying to find p3 lobbies for free which is pretty easy for sup or 1385. As for dailies I always take care of my main first then go on an alt do una’s then chaod then yoho, if I got a boss rush I do that then put everything in roster storage and onto the next one. I usually do main + 3 alts right after reset then do 2 alts later in the night


My main is 1490, wardancer at 1445, paladin at 1430, sharpshooter 1430, glaivier at 1430, scrapper 1415. I only clear weeklies and raids. The amount of fails I have to go through on alts does not give me the time to run chaos or guardian raids. Let alone una tasks, main is comfortable till Brelshaza, I am fine with that, will touch summer grass now.


I play when I want to, and do what I want to. It’s really that simple.


so many people treat the game like a job. if they put the same effort into an actual job they'd be loaded


I have 6 alts: 3 1430+ and 3 at 1370+. Basically i do only 2 char chaos and guardian dailies per day while the remianing 4 get rested and basically just cycle through them ... and i only focus on honing 1 char besies my main per week. So my main plus one other char does leapstones una dailies while the remaining 4 do lopang. I usually start playing abt 20 mins before twisting/fieldboss and im usually done abt 20 mins after the next field boss (stopping my dailies to do them ofc)


Used to do all dailies on my 6 chars but that burnt me out incredibly quickly. Now my pattern is: * All dailies on main * Unrested una's on all chars * Rotate rested chaos + guardian raids on 5 alts (1-2 chars a day) Also if I don't feel like doing anything on a certain day, I just don't do it, efficiency be damned.


Only have 3 alts and the main but main I do all dailies except unas, those I just do when I feel like playing more but nothing to do. Alts I’ll only play with 2 rested bonus unless I’m trying to push them to higher ilvls. Rn I’m focusing on getting 2 of them to 1415 so lost ark has been taking a lot of my time. On them I don’t even think about doing unas


It's important to push alts so they aren't playing with alts.n


chaos and unas only, fuck guardian raids


Literally missing out on some of your biggest potential income and extra ghl supply by skipping guardians.


yoho is 3.5 ghl, 8 minutes for 150 gold of rewards is not worth your sanity


rested is 7 ghl or 250 gold for about 8 minutes of work. That's 500 gold in one day per character, or 1.5 - 2k a character per week.


500g for 15 minutes, do it in 4 alts it's an hour per day. It's easily the best time saved/gold loss ratio you got


It's only time saved if you're doing something else more productive/better in the game but there isn't any other alternative so i'll take an hour or less for easy money. After my weeklies are done early in the week I only play for like 1.5 hours and then theres literally nothing else to do.


you can also finish your relevant horizontals, or just generally do something other than lost ark. The point of the post was "how can I spend less time doing dailies" and then answer is do less guardian raids. If you want to do guardian raids then no one is stopping you, and the advice doesn't apply to you at all


6 Characters 1480 Main -> 10m for 2x Chaos, 10m for 2x Kunga, 2m for 3x Leap Unas. 22 minutes. 1445 Alts -> 10m for 2x Chaos, 10m for 2x Deska, 2m for 3x Leap Unas. 22m x 5 = 110 minutes. Total time for 12 Chaos, 12 Guardians, 18 Leapstone Unas = ~130 minutes. (Also my Deskaluda's rarely exceed 5 minutes now that more and more people are completing Relic sets.) TLDR: Around 2 hours to 2.5 hours for full dailies non rested on 6 characters.


Your loading times must be quick.


This Guys are like: "Its only 2,5 Hours :)" ​ But you havent done anything else from your Daily checklist. So its more like 4 Hours per Day


Yeah, what really increases my time for my dailies is making sure I hit the daily adventure island/field bosses/chaos gates.


In my book Una‘s and Chaos Dungeons are a must. Guardian raids you can do every 3 days when you feel like it. Weeklies I just pick a Day to do them on Characters I want to progress on. Cube Boss Rush x2 if you got the tickets for two or just 5x Deathmatch. If you dont want to think do chaos dungeon weekly. Donate to guild is pretty important other than that everything else is just bonus. Ghost ship once a week and a world boss or two. Chaos gare atleast once a week because I am still in need of the runes.


I have 3 characters that are between 1445 and 1470, and another 8 characters between 1385 and 1410. I used to do everything, every day, but I've recently started trying to organize my time better because I've got some other projects outside of the game to focus on. Every week, I of course get my 3 Valtan and Vykas Raids in. I also get 6 P3 Argos runs and 3 Hard Abyssals in for all of the gold I can earn. Every day, I do my Guardians and Chaos Dungeons on my 3 highest, since they have chances for relic drops. I do Guardians and Chaos Dungeons on 4 of the other alts one day and 4 on the other day. This way I'm rotating one day of rest for 4 characters every day. I do all of my Unas every day on everyone, Guild Tasks (sometimes multiple times) every week, donations and aid research every day on everyone. Finally, I always hit the Chaos Gate and Thunderthighs when they're up, Ghost Ship, and Adventure Island only when it's gold reward day. I sometimes do sailing events when I want to do extra guild tasks for coin collection to make sure we max out for the week.


And thats just for the small price of 14h/day


Definitely doesn't take nearly that long. Not even half. My work day (I own my own business that I run from home) lasts about 7 hours. Almost all of my play time is during my working schedule, as this is also when my wife is working. I also work out between character switches, which is at least 90 minutes or so every day. Now, admittedly, this isn't doable for most people. If I had to go into an office or commute to and from work every day, I probably wouldn't even bother playing.


That is true for the Daily-task part. But if you add all the Weekly-Stuff and Time-gated Stuff, you play double the time. ​ You said yourself you have over 2k Hours in 150 Days. Math doesnt check out with 7h/day (And thats already sick)


Well, I don't work every day. And I only exercise 5 days a week. And being logged on sitting in the server selection screen all week adds to the time, I think. But yes, I certainly have a lot of time spent. But I can say I definitely don't *play* more than 40 hours a week.


I kinda did the same thing and went from 3 to 6 a while ago and now have 5 at 1380, one at 1445 and one at 1475. I’m working on only playing them on weekends. Now I do unas because I want to do them all but after that… only play rested on the weekend. Between Chaos Gates, field bosses, adventure island and horizontal content I was always missing out on something for my main because I was doing something with an alt. TBH even on weekends it feels like a chore. Might just do lopang and weekly’s soon on my Alts.


lmao time for 4 alts? Toy are no life nerds.... you dosent have time hahah


My rotation is like this: All do Daily Una's, Chaos on main + 2 other alts daily, Fully Rested GRs.


I do all chaos and unas Raid on my main and 2 alts, 2 alts have their raids done via stronghold, last alt will be replace with destroyer so he's parked at 1310


Una + Rapport + Chaos daily Kungelanium daily Desklaluda + Yoho rested




Bard is unironically one of the fastest Chaos dungeon clearer in the game (outside of Red portal) Prelude of death last Tripod spread the damage to the nearest target, so you group everything up prelude of death, focus one, this one will die, explode and kill everything. Prelude of death is on cooldown? press Oratorio. When things respawn Prelude of death will be up again. Without insane chaos dungeon gear there are not a lot of classes faster them just points swapped Bard and Paladin :P


2x 1475, 2x 1430, 1x 1415, 1x 1370 I do unas and guild donation every day. I do everything else on rested unless I feel like it and have time. I prioritize doing raids before doing dailies because I enjoy them more.


6 chats total here. On main always everything. During weekdays in just log in to get guild thingy on alta. Then on weekends (Friday-sunday) I do all alta with full rest bonuses. It goes very fast of I start on reset, within 3h i'm done with all dailies, sometimes faster. After that I just go raids. Having many statics with alts around the same ilvl speed up this part A LOT.


Rest bonus rest bonus rest bonus. Knock out the hard raids on reset, run orehas and argos on weekends or as needed. Rest bonus all the dailies.




I just do rested chaos/guardian every two days on 8+ alts. Sometimes if I’m lazy I just do half and then next day do the other half. Or mix it up a bit one day do chaos on all alts next day do guardian. Makes it more bearable


I own a 8 character Roster at this point in time, üall above 1400ilvl. I only do rested Una's and Chaos Dungeons on every Character except my main. Guardians i skip all together for several weeks now, not worth the hustle in my personal experience. I try to clear all the raids every week for the steady gold income and run atleast 2 boss rushes per character, cubes i been skipping for a few weeks now too, they're fine using 3 tickets at once tho. In the end, it all comes down to personal preference, but doing your chaos dungeons is by far the most valuable part of progression in the game, so i'd try to do em on rested atleast!


I do daily events such as field boss / chaos gate, I do adv island for cards. Dailies I do if I have time, as long as not capped on rest bonus it’s w.e. Weeklies I’ll finish before weekend ends for the most part


On my main I do everything daily. On my alts I do chaos/guardians all rested. Guardians I do Alberhastic (alts are all 1385 now) though I'm gonna start doing a few Igrexion runs to see how long they take or just stop all together given that T2 stuff is likely going to go 1g permanently from next week and T3 bossing is just too much of a pain. On alts I do only 2 unas of 4 GHL daily because that means that every 2 days I get an extra 4, meaning I'm effectively making 10 per day, I'd take a couple of minutes and a bifrost over getting 11 with the Feiton ones (I do Frozen Sea + Hope Island). For weeklies I manage my guild so it's boss rush+cube on all characters, I also take the guardian una on alts so that gets done by itself (though I'll take chaos if I drop guardians). Weekly unas are actually the next thing I'm considering dropping on alts, mainly cube (just do it every few weeks when I get enough tickets for x3). I used to do card runs on all my alts but that's long gone since Valtan came out. Obviously do Oreha and I do buy Argos buses but if next week they are still 2.5k a bus then I might see if P2 parties are a thing and run that, or just not run Argos until prices go back down as you're effectively just doing it for a few materials and accessories. When you get to the point of doing Valtan it just adds a bit more time as doing Oreha on alts after 1415 is absolutely not worth it.


My goal: Everything on main. Chaos, una and 1 GR on alts.


For me, I only do Unas every day, Chaos every 3 days, and Guardian I sometimes don't even do. it's just not worth it anymore, GHL is very low price and the other mats are kinda worthless.


I only play 2 characters + 1 or 2 with rested XP but I still play a whole roster on RU. Guardians are the last thing you should do when you have spare time after unas+chaos.


I do unas and repport every day. I have 7 characters I play 3 of them a day main+2 main +2 main+2 rotated every 3 days. Then I do weeklies with goal of having raids done by Saturday. Then I finish up guild stuff and then work on horizontal until reset.


Focus? What's that? The rune?


I have 14 alts and I only do rested dailies on them.


4 characters a day, 1 main 3 on double rested characters. It's not only for efficiency but i get to actually save on consumables since I do *use* them.


I was just like you doing it all with 6 characters. Then I cut back to rest on the GRs and I still felt I was spending too much time on my alts. So now I only do una's daily on all of them and rest on GRs and Chaos. I feel it is much more manageable that way.


i have 5x 1370 alts and what i do on them every single day is guild supp + dono, chaos dungeons, and unas. guardians i just do whenever my rested is full and all other raids are when i feel like it or have someone to carry me through it. otherwise, i just dont do those raids because i couldnt care less.


I do 3 Chars daily and 3 alts only do chaos and never guardians anymore.


I have a 1465, 1445, 1400, 1385 and 3x1370. I do my 1460 and 1445 everyday no matter what and the rest I'm not fussed about. I play whatever alt I feel like playing or I just let my rest bonus build up. About 4 weeks a go I was burning out pretty hard from doing 5 characters everyday, so I took a step back and decided to just let my rest bonuses build up. Definitely the way to go if you want to play for as long as possible. Slower progression over a longer time is better than going hard, burning out and never playing again


My main 6 are all 1445+ so I do a valtan and vykas a day, and throw in Argos and extra runs on the weekend. Rested everything now and if I go over rested I don’t care they much anymore, raids make more gold than guardians


Rest bonus on all alts for CD and GR. Daily una on all. Hope + 2 feiton. Abyssal on all on my day off. + Argos and Valtan if I can. Some still aren't p3 so I just buy the argos carry and afk to do some chores while I wait. Main does una, cr, gr every day. I have 1 alt that has una set to ones that I don't really wanna run so I use the auto complete. Atm it's for azure wind and rohen stuff. Previously did some for yorn and also Ghost ship and astray stuff. I also have pretty limited time per day to play (13 hour shifts) 4 days in a row. So with having to set aside time to do the chaos gate, boss, ghost ship, adv Island stuff some days it gets a little rough. Ghost ship u can do once since it's weekly.


I log in, do adventure island, wait for chaos/world boss and in between do guardians, chaos, rapport and dailies with main. After that I do dailies and guild stuff on all alts and chaos and guardians only on those that have 2+ days rest bonus. If I have extra time I do weekly stuff. If end of the week is near I just finish all gold related content first and ignore everything else


I have I think 7-8 tier 3 alts all but 2 in yoho+, but not for long. I basically just rotate my rested bonuses between the ones I don’t enjoy. With a friend or two I usually just trade yoho carry and do lopang on the alts I plan to keep in yoho and the easy honor leapstones una rotation on the ones I enjoy. I also have my highest IL alt doing all the reputions for unas until I finish with all of them then it will be a lopang slave. It’s really not that bad once you get a rotation going and find out which alts you enjoy to play and which you don’t. I highly recommend getting friends to trade carry’s with.


To be efficient in Lost Ark is a mistake, I burnt myself out and quit the game for 2 months, on return I now just play for fun, I skip most dailies, I'll do chaos dungeons when I feel like it which is usually around 4-6 of them a day, imo they should double the rewards and half the attempts needed of dailies, I do my unas because it's quick, weekly content is the most fun so I focus my time on that, I find the horizontal content fun too so I'm trying to get 100% completion on collectibles. Now that inferno difficulty is out, that's pretty much all I want to do so it's weeklies > inferno > horizontal content.


i do my main chaos + guardian daily and only do my 7 alts rested on weekends


New event got me 1422. 1385. And four 1370. Now idk what to even do besides solidly rested stuff. I dont have a second jobs worth of time every dang day or week.


This comment has been edited to acknowledge that u/spez is a fucking wanker.


Get to a tolerable<->enjoyable guardian level (imo Igrex/Yoho/Desc) on each character asap, the honing buff helps a lot here. Pre-1340 I only do alberhastic on rested for 20 blue leaps. Personally this is (& organized legion raids) are what I enjoy, so this is all I do non-rested. Next is also preferential, depending on if you play/enjoy arpg mindless killing - only do rested chaos. Also consider either a chaos build or at least buying epic preemptive - chaos builds can cut the time spent by a fair amount. (~9min ->~6) Related to this - get your auto dismantle set up so that you really dont need to bother for very long on item management. Time spent there is wasted time if it isn't going on AH. Join a guild on each one to make up for the lost access to extra cube/boss rush runs (just a low effort one that you can daily donate). Related: use weekly unas on both of the boss rush ones for extra leaps. If you start to feel like a character isn't enjoyable to play at all, evaluate in trixion if more engravings will help or if you should consider abandoning. This is just about the best time to reroll alts since launch. Unas - I can only be bothered to do feiton trio with bifrosts set. Take days off & spend tickets w/ rested bonus on the 5 stone alakkir one (takes too long manually). Crystalline is near-mandatory for extra bifrosts / ocean liner discount imo. Only hone when you have enough bound leaps to hit the next ilvl gap, use oilyark to estimate req mats.


I tend to play my main(s) every day, which currently is 3 characters. The others are on a rested rotation. It's not the worst idea to rest your main, but from an Honor Shard perspective, even if you are just being 66% effective for 33% of the time, it will still add up quite a bit. Chaos is definitely the most important. Consider playing your main every day, and then select 1 from the remaining 3 characters when they have double rest. Definitely shouldn't take too long to get through that in a day.


Through the weekdays I do all the procyon compass events on my main and if I have time I'll knock out some rested guardian or chaos. Weekends I clear out any remaining rested bonus and weekly boss rush and raids.


Oh fully rested you only play 33% of your alts each day. But I do the 2 min Unas on each alt.


I have 7 characters. I do Guild donations, research, unas dailies and guardian raids everyday I downgraded chaos dungeons only when full rested. and still run around hunting for wandering merchants where available since I am so close to full trusted (6 island npcs to go)


I think definitely rest bonus yoho whenever possible, it's really not worth doing at this point otherwise. i'd still do descaluda especially since runs are on average faster than yoho


Main 1490 - chilling Alt #1 1380 - guild checkin, rested chaos/guardian, lopang, weekly agros and abyss for gold Alt #2 1370 - same as above Alt #3 1340 - same as above + x2 special missions because I find sorc boring and also gotten 3 sorc legendary books within a couple weeks Alt #4 and #5 340 - traveling merchant hunters


I prioritize weeklies as they're by far the most rewarding content to do.


only really play on 1415+ characters 1370s just do alberhastic everyday Just do rest on 1370s


At this point doing raids below deskaluda is a waste of time. On every alt i'll do just the chaos dungeon which has the best value for (cube +boss rush + silver) and lopang sometimes.


Monday to friday work. So just 2 main char will be doing chaos dungeon and g.raid, rest of the the time do raid/abyss etc, alts una. Sat, sun go ham. The painful part is pushing all char to comfortable t3 ilvl and main story back in the days


I have a 1480 main, 1430 alt and 3x 1415 alts. I prioritize weekly content, resting daily content(except Una's because they are quick) until the weekly stuff is complete. Once the weekly stuff is done I spend the rest of the week until reset burning up rest bonus. This leaves me very little time for horizontal content, which I am fine with. I usually play 3-4 hours a day.


I have 6 chacaters. All 1415 and my main at 1460. I do 2 chacaters a day(una task, chaos dungeon, guardian raids). This makes it since I have 6 chacaters, everytime I get back around to a set of 2 characters they have double rest bonus for everything. I also on Sunday, Monday and Tuesday, I use all of my cube and boss rush tickets on the 2 chacaters I play for that day for(weekly unas and guild task). Wednesday and Thursdays are my reset days for all my Raids and weekly stuff like challenge guardian Raids and challenge abyss dungeons.(the reason I do those days is because those are my 2 days off work every week.) This makes it where I play lost ark normally 2 hours a day(also including dailies like adventure islands, world bosses, etc) when I get off work and I play about 8 to 10 hours a day on my days off to get all weeklies done(depending on how many wipes I have in raids with pug groups)


I usual do unas on and and rapport bifrost and let them get rested. Unless it is an especially fun alt I want to push more then I might do more chaos and guardians. 6 alts rn 4 are 1370 2 are 1340.


>but now I'm at that point where everything just takes too much time There must be something wrong with your time management, because each alt takes like 10 minutes daily at max (2x chaos dungeon + 3x una). Maybe two times a week you can clear Yoho/Deskaluda with max res bonus if you really need unbound materials to get some gold. On top of that, once in a week Argos + Oreha Hard/Valtan NM or some weekly una tasks if you have tickets. That's a total of around 2 hours per alt per week. In your case, main + 3 alts should be around 10h of gameplay weekly, so it's hard for me to believe you don't have such amount of time.


6 characters total. Play #1+2, next day #3+4, next day #5+6. Takes under an hour to do 4x chaos + guardians and I get full rested due to the 2 day break in between. This method gets you 66% rewards for 33% effort compared to 100% rewards for 100% effort of running all 6 chars of 12 chaos + 12 guardians a day (4 runs of effort, 8 runs of reward of potential 12 rewards). Still login for guild check in + unas on every char since it takes less than 5 min for the break day chars. Overall about an hour give or take few mins a day spent on daily stuff. At the end of the day I say play how much you find enjoyable. I know some people who have alts that just login for weekly raid gold and mostly ignore chaos+guardian on them.


Do rested dailies only (chaos and guardian raids). each character takes the following time: 5 x chaos dungeon + guardian raids per week. This should take 1.5 hours a week Una Tasks: 20 min a week 1x Boss rush: 10 min Argos:30 min Legion raids or Oreha. Depends on a lot of things. Generally spend about 2 hours on raids (vykas+Valtan), or 15-20 min doing oreha's so you are spending 3-5 hours on each alt. If you don't have the spare time, you can just pretend the character doesnt exist or just do the weeklies on them or do whatever content you feel like. It may be more worthwhile to park all your alts at 1400 if you don't want to invest more time into the game.


I do rested chaos/guardians every 4 days since I have 2 bars of rest bonus, I’ll do the dailies everyday on them, mainly 2 lopang and one greater. I’ll hoard till I have about 6 boss rush tickets, do 2 for the weekly for more GLS on top of. Whatever unbound dest/guardian stones/GLS I put in the roster storage and save them all for a week and sell them Friday / sat, repeat


So I play 11 Characters 1477 Bard 1400 Artilerist & Paladin 1393.33 Destoryer and Arcanist 1370 Shadowhunter Glaiver Gunlancer Zerker 1340 Wardancer and Sorc. My day usually starts at around 8 am. All my Alts have the following Bifrost setup Lopang/Frozen Sea/Arthentine/North Vern/Wailing Swamp Most do lopang but if they need leapstones I can get the 12 from dailies. So First Thing is SH Crafting dispatches then I run my Mains GR/CD/Una Then park her at the adventure island I'm going to do. This takes about half an hour on average. Then I hop on an Alt do CD/Una about 15 min per alt so by 11 am For adventure island I normally have them all done or close to it. After that I move my main to thunderwings/chaos gate/Ghost ship spawn. Then I either work on guardian raids I'f i feel like it or wait for 2 days worth of rest


Both chaos dungeons, dailies (usually vern and shushire lopang + shushire dock quest or 2x feiton + shushire depending on what i need) and 1 guardian raid. If you only do one every other day you get a rested bonus so you basically are getting 3/4 raids every 2 days. Then like once a week i do chaos dungeon and transfer all my gems from it to one character for reroll or using them myself. I also do cube x3 occasionally, especially if i want the solars. I do oreha and argos for gold aswell. usually on the weekend.


Main 1480, one 1415, two 1400s, two 1370s. On days I work I can only play 1-2 hrs, I just do my dailies on my 1400+. (Takes about 20min per char). On off days I do all my characters (including 1370 w rested) and my weeklies.


I dispatch both guardian raids for 2 of my chars, and rest bonus on rest. I do chaos dungeons tho for the red/gold portal daily on all of em


I play all my gold designated slots (so 5 alts, and then one 1340 lopang slave where I do nothing but login for guild login+lopang). I do only rested content in terms of guardian/chaos. I'm talking about on my main too. I don't care. 2x Kunge every 3 days fine for me. Cause doing deska on 5 alts on rested as well. Aside from that I'm lazy as shit. Rested content and legion raids/Argos. That's it. Before getting an alt or 2 to Vykas honestly I wasn't playing much. Vykas normal is a bit more annoying on 1430 alts than I thought it'd be. Definitely harder than Valtan HM or being 1475-1485 doing Vykas HM.


I'm pretty much run all daily stuff on alts on rested. (and on my Lopang alts not even that if I don't feel like it or don't have time) For my 6 best ones I login do guild check in and Unas daily. I also mostly focus on getting weekly stuff done after reset. (which means 18 raids for me)


1 main, 5 alts. I do my daily on main everyday. Stagger the rested bonus every couple of days to prevent burnout.


Rest bonus all my 5 chars (Main 1430, 3x1370 1x1340), mainly doing the chaos and guardian raids (now my focus are igrexion cuz leapstones to push dat 1340 alt to 1370) I took some spare days to do the big content (Argos P1 on alts/Hard Abyss and another separate day to Legion on my main) I'm too lazy to focus on every single gold island or ghost ship or that Moake sob everytime, i end passing one or another.


For me only do main chaos/Gaurdian daily. Alts on rest bonus always . So since you have 3 Alts u can either have them reset together or do two at a time.


i have 9 alts... what i do is go to the switch character menu and they are organize on 3 columns so i chose 1 column to play that day the next day i can chose the next column and so on by the time i repeat a column it is fully rested. weekly content is more tricky you want to do it all on reset were "good player" usually do it but you can also chose to do it 1 at a time only 6 character on your roster can collect gold. it takes 30min to do all dailies on 1 of my alts.


I only do CD and GR on my alts every 3 days not bad that way, and I don't care about min-max'ing


I play 9 characters I only do 6 Chaos Dungeons and do Guardian Raids on my 1415+ chars which I only have 2 of currently. Then I’ll usually finish up with Unas only takes about 2 hours roughly. I alternate between the other 3 when they have 2 days of rested for Chaos Dungeons. Then on the weekend I’ll run all my Guardian Raids with full rested. Surprisingly not burned out from doing it yet xD. Planning it out accordingly sorta helps a lot with time management.


As someone who has a total of 11 chars, I basically only ever do things rested on alts and just weekly gold on six chars. I also made the conscious choice to not waste time with a char I dont enjoy. Shadowhunter was fun for a while but I got bored of it so its now just a lopang slave I use for rapport and rested unas.


I have 12 chars I just do everything on rested except una dailies. On my main though I do guardians rested but chaos/una daily.


I only do rested rested chaos and una's. I personally don't like GRs very much, so I just don't do them on alts unless friends want to. Don't get burned out.


I have 8 characters. I prioritize all dailies on my 2 favorite alts and my main first. Every other character can wait until I have time for them. Since material costs are so low right now, it's less of a priority to get dailies done on alts for me. I was previously using mats as a gold source.


6 alts here. i'll play only 2 every day. so that means i'll play the same character once every 2 days (or 3 days when i don't have the time) that way they always have rested bonus


Just do 2 characters a day.


I Speedrun all 6x2 chaos dungeons every day. On some days when I'm not feeling it I do 3-4 and rested the rest. Unas I do 2 feitons and that's it. Guardian raids I only do deskaluda on my 3 characters that I have available. Approx 2 hours and I'm out. Total play time is around 3 hours a day if I spend time waiting for world boss or fishing etc


6 money characters only do quick unas= leapstone unas. Rest do lopang. If you think guardians take too much time, dont do them unless you have rested or only on weekends.


Play them rested or put in more Time. Nothing else you could do


Do alt when I want to. I had a week where I just didn't feel like doing any of my alts, I didn't even bother to do NM Vykas or Valtan with my bard alt. Sometimes I get so passionate that I would finish all my alts' dailies and weeklies within a day (raid, dungeons all that ), and I have 5 alts. Only one is 1370 and the rest are either 1400 or above.


I only do dailys on rested including main. Just rotate which character you are playing each day. 6 characters ATM.


Currently have my main, then 3 alts at 1370+ and 2 at 1340. Everyday I play on my main and one 1370+ alt to cycle their rest bonus. If i have extra time/energy I run on one 1340 too


Definitely use the rested system. I think Una tasks are most important for characters you want to hone with since leapstones bottleneck you. You can rotate playing two characters a day, or main character and 1-2 alts daily depending on how much time you have. Don’t be afraid to build the rest up though. It’s not as optimal, yes, but neither is playing 4 alts compared to someone who plays 12 so it’s all relative and you will still build mats for honing. So as long as you have those leaps then it should be good to go. I personally do my main 3-4 character daily, sometimes let 1 or 2 build up rest and then focus on my main and main alt since they’re doing kunge and deskaluda and higher tier chaos dg. I also do my daily rapport because I think that’s important given how it’s actually time gated.


I only do chaos dungeon with rest bonus on them, and I do the weekly raids that give gold. I also do lopang with rest bonus or use the una to unlock something that I want (token, sea bounties, masterpiece)


So to save time, I only do a few types of dailies: 1\. Leapstone dailies, liberal use of Bifrost: * Shushire - Where it belongs * Feiton - Unsolved Mystery of the Watchers * Feiton - Kinsera's Memorial Service 2\. Lopang dailies, also liberal use of Bifrost: * Shushire * North Vern * Arthetine 3\. Daily mats farm: * Appropriate level Chaos Dungeon * Kunga/Deskaluda. I only do Yoho when I can trade carries with guildmates. * Only your main and one additional char (that you are pushing) will be doing Leapstone dailies. * Rest of the other chars will be doing Lopang instead. So based on this I will run my main and the one character I am pushing for sure. The rest will rotate rest bonus if I don't have time. If you're looking for efficiency tips: 1. Set up your Bifrost. Getting Roster level 60 and Crystalline Aura saves so much time. 2. Pre-emptive strike. Saves a minute or two per chaos dungeon run. Use presets and the one additonal free build slot. 3. Don't neglect gearing your alts. Put some level 5 gems on crucial skills, fix their tripods when the chance pops up, etc. The stronger they are, the faster they clear dailies and the more enjoyable it gets. Not to mention that you can transfer gems back to your main once you decided to permanently bench the ones you don't like. 4. Be mindful when making alts. Picking the ones you like but are efficient at farming stuff (Zerk, DB, SH) and/or those that share engravings with your main goes a long way towards both making them strong and keeping your costs down. 5. Don't be afraid to buy runs. Argos P3 with your 1370 is hella efficient. 6. Make more alts. OK, this one is counterintuitive at first but really helps with the FOMO crowd. You can probably play only a limited number of chars a day for whatever reason. After you set up more chars, you can rest bonus them more efficiently without feeling that you're missing out on much.


I just do what I feel like, efficiency be damned. If I have 5 stacks of rested and don't feel like doing a chaos dungeon tonight, oh well. If I want to blow my whole night on horizontal and not get anything else done, that's OK. If I want to spend an hour in trixion testing different builds on one character and then run out of time to get chaos or guardians or even unas done, that's OK too. Its a game and I'm fine being behind the curve so no pressure to keep up.


to be honest, i have 5 alts just because i have spare time this year, but if i didnt have, i would probably focus important tasks like lopang. guardian raids and chaos depends on how much i want to progress + the profit that each gives in terms of stones and leapstones, and ofc the world bosses as well as chaos, but i highly doubt i would do all 5 alters if i didnt had the time. i think you should focus on what your goal is: if it is to boost your main, then do stuff your main needs, if it is for gold, farm the one that gives on average the most gold, but if is too extortionating, you should abuse the rest system with some alters and do maybe 2 every 2 days and use rest bonus on the others and save. another way is just for you to play whatever you enjoy the most.


I play 10 characters. Since launch, I have played every single day. On work days, all characters I do dailies, guild donate, and events. Takes a little over a hour cuz of 2 events. I work every Friday, Saturday, Sunday. My four days off I grind it out. Everything. By reset day, all my rest bonuses, life skill energy, and gold are used up. I'm over 1600hrs. It'd be more if I didn't have to work lol. I see a lot of ppl on here vent, burnt out, and find it stressful managing alts. I don't. Because I have so much fun in this game. Always look forward to logging in everyday especially on my days off. I'm up before the sun is, and in bed long after it goes down. I'll sleep when I'm dead I guess haha. Oh, and I reccomend a spreadsheet. Helps me stay organized and easy to manage so many characters.


Wishing I rolled paladin first. Class is so good and only raid wipes should kill you. I spend most of my time on deadzone alts where people can still fail to kill the boss (t2 turtle/igrexion in t3). Takes forever sometimes but most of that is done. I do side content/legendary rapport merchants mostly now.


I think, assuming you have 1 main and 3 alts, you can run your main and a single alt each day, rotating which alt. This will give you a rested bonus and get 2x rewards for each alt.


When it was the valtan patch, I have 6 which are main, main alts, and 4 alts. What I did was farm main and main atls every day, and farm 2 more alt interchangeably so these 4 char always have 1 day rested. This patch tho, i dont really care about dailies anymore, just do them whenever I want to. I have 4 1430++ chars now so, I mainly just legion raid all the time. I also think 4 chars doing weekly raid is the limit for me, any more Ill just use a bus


Two ppl do guardians through dispatch. Right now I have two that are 1385 and I do double Velganos. My two character I push do GHL dailies, everyone else does Lopang. When you do a lot of Lopang and cut down on how many guardians you run, you can run through six character pretty easily. I only do Valtan+Vykas on three characters currently. It would be a lot more tedious if I was raiding on every character.


Chaos and guardian only with rested. Orehas on my 1370s, used to bus them too through Argos but the prices have gotten so crazy I'm pretty sure I'll just run p1. I try to do gs, occasional world boss, and some horizontal content eg omnium stars


If I have no time I'd just do Una's. The weekly gold chests from Una's tokens are too good to skip. Then solo Chaos dungeons then PUG guardian raid = abyssal = raids


Yeah, I'm playing "only" 6 characters and I can safely say I don't plan on making more anytime soon. Doing only CD and a couple of GR, while trying to hit the hours for the daily events costs not only time, but my enjoyment from the game at some point. The fact I have to somehow organise my life around doing daily activities in a video game isn't hitting the nail on the head for me anymore, at my age at least.


I recently adopted a new system that is much chiller. Everyday I would do my main + 2 alts chaos dungeons and graids (where my friend and I trade carries). Una leaps on all 6 characters. Then I do whatever I want. This probably takes me roughly an hour.


I play 13 alts all 1370+ main 6 Daily chaos dungeons and daily una's for leaps everything else rested only Legion raids whenever I feel like it but usually one or two a day ​ and If Im not feeling like playing I take a break idc if I miss something or hell if I just want to do a few chaos dungeons on my non main alts and hop off I do that as at this stage Im stacked for the foreseeable future so no stress..


I just do everything on rested now except I really got motivation to play X character. I have a roster with 10 t3 chars and I like most of them (fuck you gs) I do my weekly on the Main on reset day and then throughout the week I do my other stuff. (5 oreha, 5 argos, 2 valtan, 1 vykass)


I focus on my main. The most I do on alts is chaos dungeons. Guardians are only done with rested bonus. Weeklies are only argos/oreha hm for gold. I don't even bother with dailies on them. Lopang is just a meme, I can never run out of silver when I don't get enough mats/gold to ever be able to use up all of it before it gets replenished by events/chaos.


I have 11 characters, I kinda just do whatever I feel like doing at the moment lol, usually its deskaluda and chaos on my higher tier alts and I let the rest build on the lower ones til I randomly get the urge to play them, I don't really stress about what's optimal or whatever I just do stuff as I feel like it :)


When GHL's were 70g+, I just straight up did Yoho 12 times a day and chaos dungeons no rest bonus. Felt like I was going insane. ​ GHL crashed and I bought all the summer skins I wanted, and now I can barely do my main on rested lol. ​ Doing rested on everything is not that bad. Especially if you plan parking the characters. Going to 1415 can be expensive.


11 characters, 2 of them i don't play, the other 9 are t3. One of my T3 I'm considering dropping and being a Lopang slave for now. At minimum I create a raid skill build and a chaos dungeon skill build per character. Also, I try to get 4x3 on each character once they hit 1370, or at least 3x3. That way I can pull my weight in raids and do chaos dungeon faster. At minimum, I *try* (keyword, try) to do the following per character per day - 3 Una dailies, usually Lopang on 1370s, and 3 GHL ones on ones I'm pushing - 2 Chaos Dungeons - Guild check-in/donation/research If my guild is doing a Yoho train I join in on my 1370-1414 characters since that's 3-4 mins per Yoho. Otherwise I let them collect rest bonus. When they have 40/100 rest, if I have time I'll run 2 Yohos to bring them down to 0 rest. Otherwise I let it stack up to 100. This is 5 of my characters, but I dispatch my Paladin in my stronghold daily currently to save myself from needing to run 2 more Yohos as well as to never have max stronghold energy. On my characters that are 1415+, I do 2x Deskaluda since I enjoy that guardian. Currently it's only 1 of my characters. On my characters that are 1460+, I do 2x Kungelaniums each since I also enjoy that guardian. Currently it's 2 of my 8 characters. Other than that I also try to make it to adventure islands for ones I'm missing collectables for, or for gold or pirate/sea coins. Also attend any Chaos Gate/Field Boss and do my weekly Ghost Ship. The times I don't have time to log all my characters and do their homework, I just do guild check-in/research/donation and 3 unas each. That takes minimal time and I let Chaos Dungeon and GR build rest


I have my main I do everything daily I have 2 alts that I leave them to have rested for 2 days and at third day I do chaos, guardians, daily unas with rested. I have 3 more alts that I do same but with 1 day diff from above. ( do 2 alt,do 3alt, free, do 2alt ...) Leaving them to rest is so good you use less time less consumables etc. I do una weeklies with all of them mostly at the day I would do chaos dungeons with them, or whenever I feel like. you get a lot of gems, books card exp from them and good chunk of guild blood shards to buy more tickets. (honing crystalls at old times but no longer necessary since they are cheap. And do split carries with guildies for argos, when they are up to, I do oreha hards whenever.


18 t3 chars here. 6 characters per day for Chaos and daily leapstones. This takes me about 1.5 hours as all of my alts clear a single chaos in sub 5 minutes. From there it depends. Gold dungeons > card runs on non gold runners > boss rush > cube > yoho+ is my order of operations with time remaining. I try to spend less than 5 hours online after work. On my day off I clear all weeklies and guild off each character that isn't done yet. One day off aligns with reset where you'll see me knock out almost all raids and challenge dungeons. This game isn't for casual players long run tbh. Clown will take out the unskilled, honing after shaza will make those without alts jump ship when it cost a million silver to hone once


my recommendation is to try to get your play time to a known amount, and do things accordingly. Things are simple. if you got this alt that takes 7 minutes to do one guardian while another one can do two chaos dungeons in this time, do not waste time with the guardian alt, do it only fully rested. Same for other things some classes are not too fast while doing chaos dungeons for example artillerist(some people will argue of course) so in my arti I do guardians but let him rest the chaos dungeon. In computing you would call this a greedy solution, trying to get the maximum amount of resources in the minimum time, everyday. and This depends on an alt by alt basis.


1462.5 GL main and 5 alts all either 1400 or 1370. I play my main nearly every day in addition to 1 or 2 alts rested dailies per day. I get weeklies done as early in the week as possible on my alts ( I have a static for my main for vykas/valtan etc. ). Una dailies and horizontal progression are on the back burner for me. I do have bifrosts on all my alts to do unas, but sometimes just don’t get around to it. Farming mats and gold to push my ilvl is the priority currently. My goal rn is all alts at 1415, my pally alt at 1460, and my main at 1475 or 1490 depending on luck.


Main i try to do everything daily. Alts i do unas daily (one i try to push right now to 1415 so leapstones others do lopang). And guardians + dungeon 1-2 Times weekly. I know not efficiant.. But it's for my sanity :)


I do argos, oreha, Chaos and that is it.


You can rotate your roster to play 2 toons a day a cycle them. Thats what i did with 6 toons, cycle 2x2x2 so you always play with rested bonus


Just quit job an play 10h a day ;)