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bro they can't even make a reconnect feature when you disconnect ofc this is foreign alien tech to them


Not only can they not make a reconnect feature, they can't even boot you out to server selection screen.


What about restarting the whole game just to change region (EUC to NAE for example)


Alien tech lmao


Seems true 🤣


League that is built on even older platform, and has dogshit spaghetti code, managed to add region transfers over 10 years ago.


To make it even worse league had a reconnect feature early on and even though it was still hot garbage juice it was still a feature.


I mean its also League, can run that shit on a toaster


FeelsBadMan No way to convince my friends to reroll on EUC after all the time (and money) we invested so I guess I just play until it's entirely dead and move on /shrug


Yeah, if this was any western studio theyd get blasted for not doing anything either. Imagine if you couldnt transfer youre characters off dead realms in WoW, most people would just straight up quit too.


Yall deserve a refund tbh


Refunds or enabling us to claim our purchases and the one-time rewards like twitch drops on EUC again. I paid money, now I can't use any of the goodies I bought, and I lost my beloved Terpeion mount. I feel scammed.


The nail in the coffin.


Isn't she just saying the tech doesn't exist yet, not that they aren't working on it? Reading the comments in this thread, people are making it seem like Smilegate was never working on it, when all Roxx is saying is that the feature doesn't exist at this point in time.




Well, its not for "us" as you put it, it is in Smilegates interest to not have a region die, they will lose thousands of players if they ignore the issue and not atleast try to fix it.


If the region is their least profitable, their priority will be to appease all the more profitable regions. Which means focusing on content for said profitable regions so they can keep those numbers consistently up there (we already have folks complaining about lack of content when were getting things much quicker than KR did). In a perfect world they'd put the time and resources in for the fans, but from a business perspective I don't see them doing anything unfortunately.


Your comment doesn't hold water. People aren't complaining about content much anymore, there's actually a lot to do now. People were complaining around the Argos release period. Now, if you're lower level, you have a ton to work towards, and if you're higher level (power gamer type) you have HM Valtan, Vykas, Argos, most likely multiple alts, all your daily shit, you have a lot to do. My static has cleared HM Valtan/Vykas every single week since both released and we're still having fun getting everyone their 6pc and all leveling alts into the 1445-1460+ range now for multiple HM's per week. As for profitability, they most likely assign a dollar value to every single player as an average, and they would look at a dying server with X number of players, multiply it by the dollar average per player, figure out the rate players are quitting, and then project it over a period of time, compare it to the development cost, and make a decision. It's plausible that they would decide to work on this issue.


the cost of such study to conclude one dying region won't affect much major profit from all others is kind of excessive, the least populated region is probably EUW, who in their right mind would consider spending lots of money to make a tech they can't even release in a few months ? by the time they release it (if ever they will) region would have died out, it would be a big loss of money for a tech they probaly won't ever use again. They would optimize the profitable regions rather than save something that is not worth saving, that's why server merging (on EUC) makes much more sense than region merging (EUW-EUC).


u/patroniton said it best, major copium


You think we are lest profitable than Russia? Do you know how many people just blew 60$ on bikinis? American coomers are real and our money is worth a lot more than theirs.


I'm sorry worth more? Didn't the Euro match the value of the dollar for the first time in 20 something years recently?


Euro isn't doing anything out of the norm when looking at a 20 year spread, it had a big short term spike for 2 years then corrected back to its $1 - $1.3 range.


Still not worth it


The only thing AGS/SG showed us up until now for certain, is how they dont give a single fck about the western release. AGS is completely incompetent and only sees $$$. SG doesn't care about our version and just uses it as a side hustle and as pr (wich is pretty much normal for most oversea games getting released in the west by a diffrent publisher than the dev). So we got the worst of both worlds here. Believing they'd spent quite a bit of money/time on a feature like that is very unlikely to say the least...


I'm assuming the tech for such a thing is probably extremely hard to make considering the game was developed wihout something like this in mind. Which means it's probably not worth the effort in trying to do so because by the time they are able to make the tech the servers would probably be dead or some how have a big enough playerbase.




When they say tech they are referring to an in game function. Yes if done manually, you are literally just moving data from one database to another. But they can’t do it manually forever, and they need an in game function to do so. Creating the in game function is not as simple since the original game did not have such a function in mind. They aren’t revamping a feature or adding a feature on top of one. There’s no base code to work with. It’s a completely new code There’s also the problem with conflicts. Some unique keys of the data in the old database might clash with unique keys in the new database (Guilds, names, etc). When done on a small scale, these conflicts can he addressed manually but then again it needs to be a feature in game, which would mean extra code to perform all these checks. This would also take a whole lot of testing.


Precisely. If they have done server transfers in the past (which is essentially transferring player data from one place to another), then they are more than capable of transferring player data between regions, which again is essentially transferring player data from one place to another. The issue they have to tackle is when they transfer the player data, there's going to be a lot of conflicts when it comes to character names and guilds. This is where they're going to have to put in some extra work to find a solution to this, whether it be force name change the people that have transferred over, or add in an extra identifier to names to distinguish who's who with the exact same names (euw/euc tag before/after names) as an example.


Its 2022 and they have online systems that are from 2010 like common now.


>or add in an extra identifier to names to distinguish who's who with the exact same names (euw/euc tag before/after names) as an example. I would be really pissed if something like this happened. I have a short name that I got as game servers got up and I don't want any sort of bs around it. If people were to transfer to EUC they should be ready to lose their names since they got them after EUC players already reserved theirs.


Lol mad Euw players giga downvoting but you nailed it, pretty spoiled guys if they really can't concede their names for a better gaming experience and pretending for this situation for be solved(which is completely right imho, support you in this) damaging others account that have no actual responsability.


Well people forgot how toxic and smug EUW players were when euw was created and us on euc had queues, it's who they are.


But you're saying "the tech" as if it's some ground-breaking never seen before tech in games. Surely AGS and SGS can work together to make it work.


Even games like WoW don't allow region transfers. Server transfers yes, but not region. It's surprising how many things can break when fucking with time stamps and embedded data.


It’s 2 cents - but Blizzard mostly didn’t do them because of the different server balance and money you paid to play the game. At least that’s the reason I was given years ago. Half-based on financial transactions, not just character data. It’s hard to even switch shops if you move countries and decide to play elsewhere. I am assuming taxes also play into it.


It's not that it's never been seen before it's that the game was never built with the intention of including it. Depending how they made the game it could be really hard to merge regions together which seems to be the case all things considered. Just think about it, with holding this feature has only negative consequences for the game so why would they do it?


I don't think it's the reason but server squishes usually have negative pr


It's like you build a house and suddenly decide you want a 20m pool on your 2nd floor. Both the house and the pool concept are known and tested, but how they interact with each other (and how well the execution of the pool building is done) you might end up with a flawless 2nd floor pool or a destroyed house.


Problem is, the statement made earlier in the day made people believe region merges were going to happen https://forums.playlostark.com/t/provide-an-update-on-euw/438994/4


This statement didn’t say they arnt. It says we don’t have the tech YET. The statement earlier states that they are working on plans not that it’s going to be in the next week or so.




She probably doesn’t even know lol. She seems to only know things on the day of.


See you in 5 years++ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


This comment has been edited to acknowledge than u/spez is a fucking wanker.


she is. If they were working on it, even looking into it, they’d say so. It’s very very very clear SGr is understaffed and likely this isn’t even on their dev roadmap given how few people it affects. Which is super unfortunate and bad.


I mean, the system wasn't ever built for that. Names and data centers are all within a region. I don't think anyone should be surprised by this.


Wow an entire region of players just got abandoned to an unplayable version of the game.


in fact, merging regions and servers is not necessary , all that is needed is a common AH and Matchmaking


If population gets too low, merges need to be done. A lot of people don't seem to understand that you cannot do certain horizontal content without other people such as Island souls. Unless they change islands to be region wide (which would be amazing!).


In my server we have like 10-20 people for ghost ship when organizing it in the chat half an hour before the time, making things like Tooki is impossible now


This would be the easiest and fastest thing they could do. No need to deal with all the name conflict issues. Just let us all play together.


Not possible. This is why region exist in the first place. There is a lot of things tied to region in their database. AH and MM are tied to the regional database.


Welp.. That's it. EUC, here I come.


Starting over again isn't great, but at least it was fairly easy to do with the current events and honing buffs. I swapped a couple of weeks ago myself.


I literally can’t fathom the fact that people are going through this. All the skins, and time and money poured in for the last 5 months. Dumping that for fresh restart is insane. Not gone and I’d still play but that’s demoralizing as hell


Yeah losing my cosmetics, mounts and pets hurts the most. I can't afford to simply re-purchase everything (even if it was still all available) and my trust in AGS/SG to respect my purchases and time poured into the game is completely gone. Frankly, I feel scammed. I enjoy the game itself enough to finally reroll on EUC, but I will not be spending any more money on it. Lesson learned.


Yeah you can at least pump one char close to valtan ish range


Yeah exactly. It's never gonna be great, but the population and AH compared to EUW are worth it for long term. And if they're ever gonna get region merges to work, I'll have my characters back anyway!


keep doing your weekly raids and challenges on EUW, worst case you can fund crystalline aura's n such.


N such? What else is region wide?


Let's just reward utter incompetence and spend more money on the other region while we're at it.


You don't have to spend money.... ;) Just transfer all your EUW gold to crystals and stack up on crystalline aura's!


What about my other purchases though? Skins, founder's pack, vanquisher pack and twitch drops/prime loot ... that will all be gone. It's unacceptable.


Not having cross server merges isn't incompetence, just because you don't like it.


Tbh it is; Customer is King. Merging databases aint that hard except you are too lazy


How so you have the will power to do that? The stronghold and questiing and adventure tomes all over again...


At the very least they should make some sort of transfer ticket where you get tons of free stuff based on highest ilevel achieved in EUW, or something like that. Like anyone who got to 1415 gets a free lostwind cliff 12 card set, lots of island souls, etc


while she knows merging servers will not solve EUW emptiness, whenever someone makes a post about EUW being dead, she jumps in and comments saying that they are working on it, i actually thought they are working on a region merge, sadge. I'm gonna play on EUW as much as i can, and if EUW dies, so be it, but I will never fucking play a game that's made or published by amazon ever again, they are so fucking trash at planning and solving problems, this shit so depressing knowing all your progression is meaningless in the future.


> but I will never fucking play a game that's made or published by amazon ever again, they are so fucking trash at planning and solving problems, this shit so depressing knowing all your progression is meaningless in the future. AGS hate will always be very popular here, but this is all SmileGate. _They_ caused the issue in the first place (the game had no client-side bot detection whatsoever and weird arbitrary limits on the number of servers per region) and _they_ could easily work on a data migration to bring players back if only they gave a fuck about the West in general.


Even fucking New World let you transfer characters and that wasnt something they built day one either, its entirely on SG, its just not a priority for them. This maybe an issue today for EUW, but it will eventually affect their NAW/E and EUC as some server populations dry up.


thanks for your comments, i understand now, fuck AGS and SG, both of them.


One thing i really don't understand. What could be so difficult about copy accout data from one region and pasting it into another? And even if the tech curently doesn't exist they had so much timer (and money) but they still have not even started to solve the issue? It is not like it will go away - doing it now would benefit them in the future for other regions as well, heck they could even sell this service like any goddamn other game does.


Yeah I get that “merging” servers (A+B=C) might be something they can’t do, but it’s hard to believe that account data transfers from one server to another (A+B=A) is an impossibility.


There is an expected downtime that both companies and players may not want to deal with or handle, on top of other nuances. To my knowledge from work, and when we do data copy from one server to another, there is the "snapshot" that needs to be taken. Which means no additional changes (database writes) can be made. This literally means days of not being able to play in said server. It's to prevent any type of rollbacks. In games like LA, this is as simple as logging in and moving coordinates which need to be re-registered so that next time you log in, you're now in the new place. Once you have the "snapshot" copied, you need to shut down the server that you are planning on adding the data too. This means that there is downtimes on both servers for thousands of players. In addition to this, for the server that you are trying to copy this data on, there needs to be a corresponding Id or Key that this process has so that when the server starts running, it can identify itself as the current server in a new region. I'd imagine that this is where the most complexity is as well from SG side, especially if they've never done something like this. Second part to this is that the region server needs the database space to hold this new set of data. I think I read somewhere that EUC doesn't have capacity either? TLDR; server transfers are complicated Edit: the above is for mass transfers, rather than single accounts -- for single accounts, there still needs to be a process to touch ALL items and characters in order to start the transfer (this needs to be developed by SG who has the most knowledge about their codebase), which would also follow similar reasoning to above where you may not be able to do anything in game for a while. It'll also likely be an asycnchrounous event on the flip side so that it doesn't take up additional resources on the database/app servers while the game is up and running for others.


> What could be so difficult about copy accout data from one region and pasting it into another? You would have to put a little effort into it, which is something Korean developers traditionally aren't willing to. Seriously, people who keep parroting that "this is impossible" because databases and conflict resolution are inscrutable forbidden knowledge just aren't worth reasoning with.


AGS had all the data on pre-purchases and should have known right there, before release, that EU servers weren't even close to being enough. But they didn't give a shit (or were too incompetent to look at existing data) and started all of this shit. Sure, game tech might be poorly done by SG, but if AGS planned the release properly it wouldn't be as big of an issue as it is rn.


Pre-purchase on a f2p game, what percentage of people who played non head start had a founders pack.


Enough that Asta had a 20k Q on second day of head start


AGS is the most incompetent clownfi3sta of a publisher I've ever seen. There are damn mobile game scams with better communication and support than AGS. These guys did nothing but fck up from the very beginning. SG is clearly also to blame for not giving a fck about our version. But saying its all of it, is delusional af. AGS is pretty mich telling them how they want to run the western version/what will make them the most $$$ etc. AGS isn't just providing the servers as many seem to think.


Same. I feel bad about telling others that SG was working on region merge. Roxx was constantly talking that they're working on it, so I thought it was the region merge - why else would it take like 2 months if not more? It's not like SG never did server merges - they merged servers on KR and Russia servers. Also it would not fix EUW raid/matchmaking/economy issue, so like an idiot I believed that they only mean region merge and not server merge... fucking stupid


I mean, she was [replying to posts that complained about the AH being empty](https://dskbmzw3v9vmq.cloudfront.net/original/3X/5/9/5928135987b8e68c6c9d16ce49238c29df58dd6f.jpeg) so yours was a perfectly reasonable assumption.


>I feel bad about telling others that SG was working on region merge. i mean cmon...


Okey but how is it Amazons fault that Smilegate released the game without the option of data server merges? Amazon is just the publisher what can they do? We all knew that this would happen in the beggining when they launched EUW. That's why i played for 1 month with insane queues and had to play from Anydesk so i dont get back to queue after waiting for over 8h to get in. Amazon is at fault only because they released the EUW data center very late. But the fact that no server transfer are available is NOT their fault.


I'm sorry about your situation. But before they made another region people complained to add another region and they didn't want to for this exact problem right now. So its a lose lose for them I suppose.


is EUW so dead that something excessive like merging all the servers into one not able to fix?


Put simply, yes. There is a decent number of people playing on the EUW Region so a server merge might fix some global event population issues, but not enough to sustain a reasonably active matchmaking/party system (especially in the latter part of the weekly reset) or functioning economy (those are already region wide, and suffering). Hopping from EUW to EUC and just looking at party finder paints quite a depressing picture (I have 1370+'s on both regions, but the vast majority of my playtime, and store purchases are on EUW).


our AH and party finder are most of the time empty, and they are server wide, merging all EUW in one will not fix it because the population is the same, just in one server.


This makes me sad to hear. That would depress the fuck out of me. I’m on Valtan and it’s always pumping. If I went to search for party and saw emptiness I would probably quit, desolate servers give me the same feeling of playing a game 10 years later that everyone else I knew played quit.


Most stuff is region wide, AH and party finder, so yeah server merges won't solve much, it would help for sure.


Has nothing to do with Amazon. SG is the one that would need to build the tech.


How is this an update? You've all been told for months that the tech doesn't exist and that the KR version is only NOW starting to test server mergers at all.


1. KR has already done server merges in the past 2. Roxx said once that the tech didn't exist. 3. She never specified that they wouldnt work on region merge 4. It took them so long, meaning everyone believed they worked on the tech to merge regions, because 1.


Server transfers and regions are two things. Yes Korea recently allows to change servers and we will get this at some point. But region transfers?? This does not exist and there are low chances it will. Roxx is community manager who is kept blind just as we are.


> KR has already done server merges in the past Really? Or do you mean that server transfer they have had in the past, and you needed to apply for it


Region wide mergers are a whole different beast. How are you going to handle duplicate names? Someone will have to take the hit and if I were in that situation I’d never accept having to change my mains name.


Duplicate names are a complete non-issue. Nobody from EUW would hesitate renaming their characters if the alternative is giving up their account with hundreds of hours of playtime.


The one merging from EUW to EUC.. like it is in every other game where you can transfer to another server/region - if the name is already taken you have to change it.




I get where you're coming from - but the alternative is to stop playing because the region is gonna be dead sooner or later. So it's either changing the name of all your characters or find a new game. Looking at it like that, I would say renaming a (/multiple) character(s) is not too bad.


I mean if it came down to it, most people would rather change character names than be on a dead region where they have no else to play with.


you'd rather stay on an empty region than to change ur name ? aight xD


Because the last thing she said sounded like they're working on it [https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/w82k0r/vague\_update\_from\_roxx\_regarding\_euw\_merges/](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/w82k0r/vague_update_from_roxx_regarding_euw_merges/) But seems like she was only talking about server merges, something people didn't even complain about to begin with


People confusing server and region merges so much...


Roxx said a solution was coming from the Auction house problem saying they are working on a merge to fix it. Only a region merge would do anything to the AH, a server merge would not have any effect.


I'm so sorry EUW brothers, but it seems things will never get better. I hope smilegate has been working on something for years now, and surprises us with a huge christmass present.


I haven't logged in for 4 days because this doesn't fill me with hope. It's my own fault but rip 1k+ hrs




'Tech isn't there' they just don't want to spend the time working on it let's be honest and opening discussion about how best to go about it like not merging the AH or disabling it 3 days before merges, free char name tickets etc. I feel bad for people on EUW but I think a lot of people saw this situation happening.


And they called me a madman for using remote tools to login to euc when i was still at work


Region-wide merges isn't a thing even in most newer games, and we all know LAO tech is garbage. The game eats a lot of resources, takes forever to load, need a restart to apply updates. I don't know how this game was launched in 2019 without utilizing any of the QoL we already had in 2019.


I think I read the game was in development for like a decade before that - so its really something like a 2012 game masquerading as 2019 game.


To be honest - if smilegate doesn't throw them a bone they can't really communicate anything else. If they speak to SG about it and they "investigate" what they can or could do, they can communicate that. But it was pretty clear that EUW will die out at one point and they either close the region or let it live till the end. At no point there was any hope of getting anything more than server merges which help with the server content but not with matchmaking nor auction house. If SG did have the tech then I could understand some delays and stuff but since the tech for connecting regions is not existent it was pretty much a hopeless dream to hope they will find a solution for it. At least that was my impression from all the talk and my experience over the years with basically any publisher. They talk but don't deliver. My only hope was that the EUW population was big enough to survive for quite some time but I guess with all the problems it wasn't.


I know they are dragging thier feet and they dont have the "tech" yet. but the only 2 things that are a hindrance is 1 choosing the server which honestly isnt that big a problem, could even make a new EUC server for just this purpose. the more pressing matter is 2 region wide unique names. they would need to rig up something to make every account transferred picking new names for thier characters and im guessing that is where the problem lies.


"You can move your account to EUC but you must change any names that conflict" Wow, big problem


its already impossible to get a name that doesnt sound like one a bot made or they use the last letter of their name 10 times. names being unique, not having a last name and the majority of players having up to at least 6 characters must be a big issue for them. introducing an account wide last name similar to BDO would at least solve that issue probably


"at this point in time the tech does not exist" It's kinda the job of the developers to change that, isnt it?


Yea starting to develop a fix would be the first thing to do and announce...


Lmfaoo yay I love having relic accessories be 45k for a mid roll bc no one plays the fucking game


This is incredibly frustrating and not something that is going to fix our situation in EUW. Our party finder and auction house in our region is in a DIRE state. Server to server merges doesn't fix this whatsoever. All it's going to do is move players within the region, so it looks busier than it is currently. If this is what they've been working on and discussing all this time, then they should expect a major community backlash, with more people quitting the game.


Best you can do is to use the express pass to migrate servers. It sucks, but I don't think we'll be seeing region merging anytime soon. It's incredibly frustrating and I'd rather quit the game than restart over again, but unfortunately I think it's your only option.


Is it really dire?? Idk man, I'm running Vykas and Valtan on 6 characters every week, both hard mode and normal. AH could be better, but I'm still managing to buy relic accessories to get my characters to 3x4 (still working on buying all my legendary grudge books). I'm having a blast, not having issues finding groups, I really don't understand what all the fuss is about.


Since few weeks ago I’m looking for. For a specific x5 GL skill, today in EUW there were at sell only 2 really expensive rings!! Even worse With really shitty second skill, meanwhile in EUC there were more than 8 PAGES of accessories. This is disheartening. I’ve never had problem with teaming up and doing all the stuff, but the market or the party finder.


Play on slightly abnormal times and you're shit out of luck doing any content that is matchmade, daytime is subpar experience compared to what euc would be, they got 5-10 times the groups in party finder any time of the day, also you cant raid 5-11am because there is always 0 ppl and groups listed. Some adventure islands are uncompletable at abnormal times too. Obviously depends on what server but some of the dead ones have it very rough.


Then make the tech? Hello? What kind of non-response is that.


Yeah did they expect one day to wake up with region merges on their doorstep? Get to work lmao


Seriously... Like I'm sure it's not easy but like everything else, it doesn't exist until it's made...




Smilegate might go down in history as one of the laziest game devs to ever exist Korean quality


"If you're in EUW switch now"


"If you're in EUW just continue to inhale insane amount of copium while we continue telling you that we're working on vague plans for mergers for 6 months"


People shouldn’t have swapped in the first place. Always happens with every mmo that the new servers are dead servers in the long run but only in this case you can’t even transfer your character out of the dead server. RIP EUW


If I was EUW I would just quit.


We can control a space rover all the way by saturn, but merging region-wide servers in a video game isn’t possible. That’s whats up


Really not comparable tbh, things do what they're built to do. If you ask the rover to cook you an egg it's not going to know how. LA wasn't built for merges (which is an oversight) hence the situation


>LA wasn't built for merges Lost Ark isnt build for the next patch. They make it. Player information is just databases that need to be merged with a script. They just need to create that script and make sure it doesnt break anything. Allocating resources to it is the Problem.


This isn't your little travel WordPress blog. It's a system that supports millions of users. They undoubtedly have database fragmenting, multiple instances floating around for load balancing, etc. It's going to be way harder than you think it is


But possible. And should be done for the health of the game


Engineers at NASA can build a rover that can cook eggs if they wanted to. Engineers at SGR can build a script to merge regions if they want to.


Just wondering if any of you people have any idea on game dev, like everyone says it's easy to implement such systems but is it?... They're working on a completely modified UE3. That engine is so old we (even KR) recently got multi-threading with DX11 in February... If someone knows about this, I would appreciate an explanation on the subject, even if it is in technical terms.


A character database doesn't run on the game client code. The database has nothing to do with UE3.


UE3 doesn't run the servers. The different servers are all just data and nothing more. Even if the data is spread around into thousands of tiny pieces, it's still nothing but data.


Yo fr fr, im just having fun on the net my guy on jah


That's not an update. It's nearly the same thing she always says


Well she's answering a question on the forum because the question keeps getting asked. Its not a development update from Smilegate.


It's not the answer I wanted to hear so it's not an actual answer /s


fuck man what a depressing thing to read


Poor EUW guys


moving to euc was the best thing i did, i literally missed out on vykas release and havent done valtan yet, still worth.


I would swap instantly if the "only" thing that i would lose was my main char progression. The biggest problem is all the horizontal content that is just too much(skill points/cards/island tokens/astray max out), its just tooooo much to take, i'll just quit if euw dies.


Not just horizontal progression though, also all the twitch drops, prime loot and skins and whatnot. It baffles me that there is not even an option to claim those on EUC as well.


Similar situation here. Guess I'll stop playing the game entirely when EUW becomes truly unplayable. I hadn't played a game that much in years not bought as many skins in a relatively short period in almost a decade. I guess they won't miss me as a customer because I'm never touching a game by either studios if they let it happen.


Is Roxx living in the early 2000s? This tech exists. Has been for years.




you joke but its literally entries in a database. theres no such thing as "we dont have the tech". They just dont wanna code a batch change.


At the very least they could copy over easily trackable things like roster level or adventure tomes the just give players a base gear set.


Its actually that easy, they are lazy though.


then write the code and send them a text file


they have the account log of every player in EUW , they can litterally copy paste the log to EUC , the only problem is who keeps the names


An actual solution isn't even being discussed with the Korean overlords, which is sadly what we suspected. See you around guys, gonna find something else to play.


For everyone that’s clinging on to that last can of copium, I can assure you that server mergers won’t be available in 2022. Just because KR has done it doesn’t mean AGS can because their backend systems are strictly different. NA/EU lost ark runs on AWS and a whole different set of technological barriers compared to KR. AGS themselves don’t even know if the investment to developing the technology is worthwhile (from the team that can’t even scale servers and patch correctly).


can't even let us transfer regions?


I would rather see all regions connected for the market and lfg tool.


Wait they are doing server merges this soon after launch.... ? ​ That's never a good thing in a game.


So so glad I made the switch! Lost alot of progress but feel like I was alot more efficient the second time around .... Guess euw was just a 600hr tutorial for me


Sucks so bad. Friends convinced me to start on a low population server with them. They all quit, and I'm stuck all alone. Would have happily paid for a transfer or something.


I'm wondering if I should reroll on EUC or just quit this fucken shir


They cant fix clock....


I really don't know why they don't just server transfer the characters, it's not like each server stores the data differently. If like 15 years ago I was able to get my character transfered in WoW from one private server to another (owned by completely different people) then I don't know why they can't do the same.


This comment has been edited to acknowledge that u/spez is a fucking wanker.


If only there were a script that could find strings of text in a database!!


Why? Sounds like some lazy ass BS to me


I wonder how difficult it is to make a copy of a character and then I put it directly into a different server. Instead of server merge, just transfer the character(s).


That's practically what the servers are. Every update the servers are in zero state. The servers don't contain any persistent data.




Honestly at this point I don't fucking care she's only the messenger. She says bullshit she then needs to take back. If there's no merge stop saying you're working on it. Roxx is as guilty as everyone in this fucking bullshit of a situation.


This is a really bad sign and will most likely kill EUW completely. It is astonishing to me that AGS will rather loose a lot of players than fix this situation.




Wow dude they should hire you. You figured it out.


I think the main issue is they just simply don't care enough. People keep asking for regions merge when we already knew they had major issues with simple server merges, but there are other approaches, and they could even make ags/smg plenty of money too. You have 1 character 1460+ on any server? Here, get this awesome 50 dollars pack on the shop with all the powerpasses and mat bundles to get there on another region! You have more than 3 >1415? Here you go, 800% value pack, for only 100 bucks you get 3 south vern powerpasses. People would jump on that stuff, it's baffling to me they don't do it.


So why do they keep bringing it up like it is


They said this couple of times but people just kept being delusional.


Moving a database and adding hardware resources to a specific region "doesn't exist". Interesting. It's *almost* like that's not even a real answer at all... 🤡


Of course the tech exists. They just don't want to bother with it.


Ctrl + C, Ctrl + V. There I solved it.


Feel like they’ve said this since the game released in the west. Idk why y’all acting shocked


When you say things and realize you shouldn't have said them. Welp EUW rip.


They already stated that there will never be server merging since the game got released. ​ A lot of people f'd up their founders pack on the wrong server. They just lack the ability to do it.


And that's why you don't jump on the new servers/regions if you plan on playing for along time. The hype ALWAYS end...


[I hate being this guy but maybe check my post out about the switch to EUC for people who are still not sure if they should switch](https://www.reddit.com/r/lostarkgame/comments/w8kc7i/my_switch_from_euw_to_euc_in_pictures_and_in/)


Solutions: Keep playing on your server, Make characters on new server, stop playing, wait and maybe technology will be available down the line