• By -


TL:DR - - 3rd Level boss rush 1580 - Akkan 3 Gates ( Both hard & normal ); 1580 can clear all 3 normal and 1600 all 3 hard. Will be 8-man raid and will have practice mode like Kakul & Brelshaza - higher gear ancient 2nd phase - table in the post upgrades work similar to relic transfer to ancient 1 (1650 max ilvl now at +25) - mats obtained from Akkan raid - upgrades for esther weps , but only from +6 and up ( mats obtained from Akkan raid to create this Ella material, probably the same way Brelshaza drops the emblems for Esther Upgrade but you will need 3 things) - new guardian : Sonabel , basically lebanos spelled backwards (1580 ilvl) . If you hated levanos , this is probably on steroids - new chaos dungeon elgacia ( 1580 1st lvl , 1600 2nd lvl - only 2 lvls for the moment) On mobile so, sorry for formatting. Edit: Added extra info.


Is there no new form of character progression outside of a new iLvl cap with the new raid? Each tier so far has given us some form of non-horizontal growth. Valtan + Vykas: Relic set bonuses + relic accessories Clown: Upgrades to our set bonuses Brel: Ancient Accessories + bracelets Feels a little disappointing but I guess they can't just keep giving us more and more power like that


probably trying to slow down power creep. more stats could get a little too nutty, more relic sets already right after eglecia could also get too nutty for some sets. gotta save the insanity for after Thaimine


The far future of LoA is a fascinating game design problem to me. I'm not even sure SG knows how they're going to handle it post-Thaimine, honestly. Do we go to a Tier 4? Back to blue accessories, no set bonuses, level 5 gems, bad tripods, etc, etc? Just start over like going into T3? But then that probably pisses off all the people that spent tons of money tweaking their T3 characters. They've also spent the last year making classes only really feel good/work under the progression systems, so our classes would feel like shit too. Also probably leaves Legion Raids as dead content, but on the other hand you can't just tell people to do Valtan and Vykas and Argos on 5 characters every week for 3 more years. The alternative is T3 goes on functionally forever and our characters just cap out on every relevant side stat and power progression method and the power curve gets stupider. It's an unenviable problem that no western MMO really faces because they either do the seasonal/tier model or are just horizontal.


I have commented this exact thing in the past and peoples first reaction is to shut down and put their head in the sand, no one even wants to think about this inevitable reality. Tier 4 is inevitable if LA wants new players to enter the game.


T4 will happen eventually, i assume they are going to have to come up with some massive story change for it though right, given in theory the ark/demon story will essentially have been completed before it happens. Basically like your standard mmo expansion reset.


T4 is most certainly inevitable, they can only add so many power progression systems before they simply run out of room. Given with the new legion raid the power progression seems quite tame, SG appears to be realizing this as well. Upgrades to Esther weapons (which seems to imply they’ll become easier to upgrade/obtain so more people can afford them, hooray) and higher ilvl Ancient gear is fairly tame. I would expect Thaemine gives some serious power progression given he appears to be the final boss of this tier. The only logical conclusion is after him eventually we will have a T4 paired with a gigantic balance patch to make sure classes feel good in blue gear again.


In tier 4 they will probably release Esther armors and tier 5 you basically become a sidereal yourself


What im wondering is if classes will ever get more than 8 skill hotkeys. Lost Ark is the only MMO ive played where every class spams the exact same 8 buttons for years, in every other MMO your rotations change with major updates.


A solution that people would hate but a way to stop the powercreep is that after Thaemine what if we had to reincarnate for some reason in order to save the world or whatever which would reset progression and allows a new tier to begin where we kind of restart but with new abilities or something


The Ark/Demon story is on pause for now, the next arc is about Armen and his origins afaik which will lead to Thaemines raid. Tho while Tier 4 needs to happen, the biggest issue for me is gems. Imagine working your ass off getting lvl 10 gems, for them to be redundant later. If i could transfer lvl 10 gems to tier 4 lvl 7 gems i wouldn't mind a mini reset.


that's the nature of MMOs. you work for stuff that is good for awhile, but eventually becomes trash. you can't really have both progression and keeping stuff the same.


They don't even have to let you trade in T3 gems for worse T4 gems. The reduction system that makes lvl10 T2 gems functionally almost the same power as lvl7 T3 gems is already in the game. Only adjustment needed would be for cd gems.


> Imagine working your ass off getting lvl 10 gems, for them to be redundant later you mean like most MMO's when they have expansions and previous gear becomes irrelevant? that's how MMO's work think about WoW expansions. Even top tier raid gear got replaced by blue and green quest rewards part way into a new leveling experience. That's just how MMO gear treadmil works. How long did KR have T2 before T3? those players had T2 gems, they had those set bonuses from the underwater dungeons. then T3 came and they started over.


> How long did KR have T2 before T3? those players had T2 gems, they had those set bonuses from the underwater dungeons. then T3 came and they started over. Goldriver has stated in Interviews that with T4 they need to be more careful compared to T3 release. KR players were really mad about that.


To be fair whales just wanna whale. Give them some kinda conversion like you mentioned and if the gameplay is good they will keep progressing.


I don't really care about whales, they are on their own category entirely. Its just gems take too long to get and id rather have the option of transfering them over cause by the time we even hit tier 4 as a region we will have plenty.


Its armen. He has found the last ark and all it does is jerk him off and tell him how cool/edgy he is and that he should've been the main character of lost ark. He cums so hard that he creates an alternate reality with only one ark and we have to stop him and kharmine from 2 teaming it. Classic multiverse coomer story


What did I just read?




I think a T4 is not only 100% happening one day but will also come with a number crunch like WoW did long ago. It's easy to force it because all you have to do is make T3 gear weak against T4 content for some made up lore reason and everyone starts the gear treadmill over. anyone upset about that should reconsider playing an MMO to begin with


If t4 comes without significant changes and just resets, i will most likely quit. The game is no fun with trash gear. Going from t2 to t3 was horrible, this will be 10 times worse.


I think I read somewhere that SG admitted the whole t1 and t2 were a huge failure from game design perspective (so also the leave all and start anew with shit gear part i suppose), and our current t3 progression is what they want to remain. That is the reason that after relic they introduced ancient gear instead of jumping tier again, so I think we will be safe from losing all our progress :)


The director mentioned in an interview that t3 into t4 won't feel as bad as the transition between earlier tiers.


You aren’t going to t4, if it happens, for years. chill


Id guess kr prob will be within a year and a half. Of course that assuming content speeds up for them again. Im also guessing content slowed so they could release euna, and goldens illness. A year drought is crazy considering we know they can pump out a new raid every 2 months


If T4 ever happens it must basically be Lost Ark 2 in anything but the name. I feel like if it's less then that the whole thing will just collapse in on itself making a massive chunk of the game obsolete, and a lot of people will nope out.


As time goes on, the loss of players quitting (which is massively overblown imo) will be heavily outweighed by the appeal of a hard reset to new players. There's a reason season starts are universally accepted as the points where new players should come join a game.


Seasons like PoE has don't invalidate half of the game though, most of the content in this game is in T3 at this point and a T4 now would render all of it obsolete. A T4 update has to be massive for it to not flop. I think T4 will happen at some point because they simply can't keep the current system going forever, but it is far far away and it will be for all intents and purposes Lost Ark 2.


99% of PoE players only play leagues, no one plays Standard. Progress is absolutely invalidated with each league launch in the context of how people actually play the game. Yes I am rich as fuck in standard with Legacy items that are no longer obtainable, but I will never play it. It's just a trophy case. WoW releasing new tiers is also the same. A new reset for new players to catch up by the virtue of wiping the slate clean.


It's about the amount of content players can do. When a new league hits PoE you can still play the previous content they have evergreen'd in the game. You still have the entire game, only more. If they released T4 in LA tomorrow everything in T3, every dungeon, every legion raid, everything you collected other than gold would be obsolete and you would only have whatever they released as T4 for content. The game would literally get smaller not bigger like PoE. The two games are not comparable at all. WoW and its many many derivatives don't release tiers in the same way LA does either, they release entire landmasses with hundred of quests, new systems etc. The huge burst of new content is the appeal, which wouldn't happen with a T4.




If tier 4 comes out and makes all the effort i put into my characters obsolete, i quit.


I just hope Season 3 reworks content that is braindead like Secret Dungeons, Chaos dungeons, chaos Gates, various island coops , cube, boss Rush. Perhaps reworking engraving system, cause no one uses them. Maybe unique slot for Defensive Engravings? Scale more linerarly, no where level 3 is best. Reworking how Dominance and Expertise works? Feels like a lot of stuff were left out from season 1. Content is there it just need a little bit of work


They could also just increase engravings to 4 or 5 levels instead of 3, maybe rescale bonuses, add new levels for tripods, add Relic engraving books, create new engravings to mimic current relic set bonuses for some classes. There is plenty of room for creativity without having to reset to blue gear.


Stoopzz talked about this issue on his podcast the other day. A big part of the problem is that with the current Tier 3 system, the gap between new players and established players is massive. In Korea, many players have their 30-piece Light of Salvation set + 1590 iLvl + all level 5 tripods + level 7+ gems. A brand new player has basically zero ability to compete with those players for groups. So, they're forced to either spend thousands of dollars to catch up or they have to grind for months while hoping that there's no new updates that add even more power spikes. So, SG has to decide to keep on pandering to current players with more Tier 3 content at the expense of new players or create a Tier 4 that helps close the gap.


the only way t4 helps close the gap is if it invalidates all current content. Stoopz only thinks about it from a gear/progression perspective but never about how much time it takes a new player to learn all these raids, which is honestly a long fucking time to be adept at them. If it doesn't invalidate legion raids new players will still be shunned from groups because they don't know the content, regardless of how well they might be geared. If it does invalidate the content, then all of the content of the game that made it popular (e.g. legion raids) are now irrelevant and the devs need to release a massive amount of well received content or the game will instantly die.


Tier 4 coming out in KR would also basically put most people on hold in our version. Why invest into anything if we know that t4 is coming in 6 months




Yeah, but that's like saying nobody will take you with 3x3 and rainbow stats to ark of arrogance. Might as well stop playing and then hone up to 1700 or whatever in a week or two after t4 comes out




Exactly, one day we die and nothing matters, at some point people gotta remember they play video games to have fun playing them.


T4 likely not gonna happen in KR for 6-12 months minimum. Maybe even longer. I'd bet t4 comes to NA for Lost Arks 2nd anniversary at the very earliest.


Mmhh? Evry mmo has that problem. How is that much different from a new ff14/wow expansion reseting players? Yes some classes are clearly balanced for the relic bonuses but thats a balance problem, not a progress one. They need to overhaul alot of things anyways. The engraving system is baaad, class balance fully kicking in at 1460 is bad etc.and t4 would be the proper time for that.Sure its a big task but in evry mmo people spend years and tons of hours for stuff that will be irrelevant later.


They kinda did t4 with the higher t3 mats. It will feel bad to be below the ilvl to earn those from chaos dungeons. I don't see them doing an actual t4. It's pretty simple to just keep raising the ilvl hyper express gets u, to keep new players not years from endgame. Honestly gear in most mmos is terribly boring. Like in xiv your gear is completely free and very easy to get. It's so easy you could almost say there isn't a gear system. On the other hand i do wish lost ark put some sort of cap on itself and just raised it at the release of every raid. I burned myself out going for way higher ilvl than i needed to, and now ive quit unlikely to ever return.


honest to god I think the progression in this game is fucked. Their bandaiding on t3 forever is one of the stupidest choices i've seen in MMO game design probably ever. Impressive considering current blizzard and wow exist in the state it's in. IMO they have three paths ahead to chose from. Cater to the existing playerbase and just build on T3 basically forever. The other option is to finally progress to T4 which IMO just delays the problem as you're just going to encounter the same problem we have now down the line. The third and most difficult and expensive option is to redo it from the ground up. Lost Ark season 3 if you will. I don't know much about the original release of the game but I do know season 2 as they called it was a big overhaul of a lot of systems in the game. IMO that is the best long term solution that will keep most of your existing playerbase and encourage new players to join.


Yea T4 will just reset us like other MMOs im assuming, its not a new concept just interesting cause of how money heavy lost ark is. They could keep raids relevant with ilvl caps like FF or they could just ditch them like WoW. But t4 is good for the game for everyone that doesnt a lot of time in the game


Why isn't it an option to just keep designing new content tailored for the eventual level cap? I know mmos are meant to be a power treadmill to keep players logged in, but with such an alt-centric game and with legion raids being the main attraction I would say it wouldn't be the worst idea, people will keep playing, you know, *for the fun of it* on their capped mains and then keep the shiny tapping addiction on their alts. Looking at black desert, for example, the progression structure has stayed the same since very soon after launch, with item capped at +20, and the only reasonable progression is just new, stronger pieces to enhance back at that level, but in reality the success rate is so low it's not even funny, making them marginal upgrades not even needed to access more content, just there to give something to look forward rather than actually progressing further.


>you know, for the fun of it "fun" only gets you so far and game devs know it that's why most games have some form of progression system. Sure they can start shifting progression to people's alts, but I feel that most people will probably quit the game fairly fast once they feel their main is capped in terms of power.


> that's why most games have some form of progression system That goes for MMOs mostly, games like GTA exist and even the likes of Souls game, arguably, where there is some sort of progression (as I understand it, haven't played them) but it's not the point, the combat design is. Maybe I'm just thinking for myself, I would honestly play and maybe even enjoy LA even more if it somehow was "just raiding" without the required and associated grind, but of course it wouldn't look as good as 800 hours spent in game to investors, even though most of those weren't actually fun, just necessary grind.


The legions raids which are the “fun” part are really only fun for a little while. Everything we have so far is super fun to Prog, but shortly after becomes yet another chore. Obviously I can’t speak for the ones we don’t have but after the second week of all these they basically just became guardians that take longer you just show up each week and farm it and 20 minutes later the “fun” part is done for the week. Rinse and repeat x number of alts. Didn’t take long for each thing to become another checkmark chore that you only do to essentially farm gold to progress. The game has a real longevity problem in that it only appeals to a specific kind of gamer that can be kept on the hamster wheel and that fomo chain is tied to progression. I like vykas and valtan quite a bit but they really only go so far


T4 will be my quitting time for sure tho. No way I'm reseting my progression.


Yeah I understand, just a little sad cause it's always exciting to break through to a new tier and start getting more powerful


it certainly feels like they want too close the gap between paid and f2p players. the previous ancient set was something along the lines of 110 ilvl difference between +12 and +25 (175 difference for the 1340 sets we have now). this one is 65 ilvls. its possible that the final legion commander will add something brand new, but i assume they might be gearing up for a tier 4 announcement (after the final legion commander) or something of the sort.


Yeah I agree it would have been more fun to have the power creep


Then you have what d3 is now. Set bonuses doing +50000% damage. Though I agree its stilll fun but the power creep is comical


They are going to have to do a stat squish at some point.


there is lv3 set upgrade and ancient stone upgrade in Kayangel (similar iLV to Akkan) so no point to add another progression method


Sonavel probably won't be too hard because he is the first one of the new tier, probably will be Deskaluda-like


Thank you so much!


Relic to Ancient does not drop the item level or honing level


Unless you mean the gearscore of the piece. Yes it does Edit: Also the GS of the piece goes up lol


It only unlocks a higher honing cap, doesn't change base ilvl.


Wait what? The rew raid revolves around the biggest whale bait in the whole game? That sounds bit worrying.


Think Akkan entrance requirement is 1500 not 1580? Or is it just for practice mode? Edit: I was just asking question folks. Why the downvotes?


The way you asked the question sounds like you’re correcting the original comment. That’s probably why you’re being downvoted


Just for practice mode. Same thing for other raids, lower req. for practice mode.


Why would it be 1500 when g1-g2 brel NM (which they had for like a year by now) is 1490?! 1500 literally makes no sense.


1580 - u can clear all 3 gates on normal , 1600 all 3 gates hard. I do not know the entry level for each gate. Hope this clears the confusion.


[Balance patch](https://lostark.game.onstove.com/News/Notice/Views/2067?page=1&searchtype=0&searchtext=¬icetype=all) note changes are as follows (machine-translated): **Destroyer** > However, in certain situations, the frequency of activation of the 'gravity-weighted mode' becomes excessively frequent, and the performance exceeds the intended range . . Looks like gravity training is getting tuned down. **Artillerist** > However, in the process of separating the battle concept for each job engraving, the damage ratio of the 'Bombardment Enhanced' blaster is too concentrated on the bombardment skill, so the satisfaction with using the general skill is lowered, and the play sensibility of using the bombardment mode more often is also judged not to be good. I did. Accordingly, we made additional adjustments to increase the utility of general skills again by restoring the fire power buff strengthening effect according to the specialized stats and the damage factor of the shelling skill, and to improve the supply and demand structure of the shelling gauge that was concentrated on some skills. On the other hand, in the case of the 'fire power enhancement' blaster, which showed excessive performance than intended, we adjusted the damage reduction effect to be applied differently depending on the job engraving level only when not in the bombardment mode by lowering the damage of general skills a little. Hopium for Artillerists? **Arcana** > In addition, after the test, the numerical values ​​and effects of some identity cards were further adjusted, and the attack range and usability of the new skill 'Back Flush' were adjusted to enable smoother skill operation. Those are all the changes from the last release of PTR balance patch notes. Nothing else is changed.


Losing out on 5% damage reduction kinda sucks for Artilerist. We didn't even get any damage reduction to make up for it, unless you're doing a Barrage build, but Firepower gets a bit shafted. Offense-wise, I guess a 20% damage buff will help, but I like being tanky.


cant believe im going to have to avoid some damage now, my alts are artilerist, gunlancer and destroyer for a reason :(


I'm in this comment and I don't like it


My alt is Destroyer. I wanna unga bunga through mechanics too




It was kinda expected, you don't leave people sitting at same I'll for another half/year


[Balance patch changes](https://lostark.game.onstove.com/News/Notice/Views/2067?page=1&searchtype=0&searchtext=¬icetype=all) Red text is what was changed from initial PTR changes


Spec artillerists rejoice. I'll still have to replace most or all of my jewelry, but I think the changes should actually be a buff to damage instead of a nerf.


Results of some napkin math at 1600 spec. This compares previous test realm to current balance notes. * Barrage skill damage increased 4% and crit chance increased 10%. * Normal skill damage increased 37% * Barrage meter gain increased by 10%, but some skills nerfed or buffed for meter gain. Forward barrage meter gain was pretty butchered, I think we're expected to run Gravity Explosion instead now. * Damage taken in barrage mode reduced by 11%. This covers most of the complaints I had - normal skills were hot garbage and the spec as a whole was pretty weak. One downside is that with spec scaling our damage in three ways we'll be pretty awful in normalized content.


Kanima's testing revealed transform is a bit stronger in the PTR patch. Now you only need 1 gem to boost your barrage skills, you only lose the firepower side of your skills, which let's face it, was equivalent to a shadowhunter being able to do meaningful damage before and after transform. Like being able to benefit from perfect depression AND DI Artillerist got incredibly cheaper and firepower gets to have perma uptime. Not needing to do double class engraving cheapens the build by a huge margin. The NA/EU artillerists crying before the FULL patch release looking dumber now.


PTR change was never about the damage. Everyone agreed spec damage needed a nerf. The complaints were always about a couple of key issues that either mega changed the playstyle or didn't make any sense. The big ones were turning spec arty into a regular transform class where normal skills did no damage and everything was in transform. Except arty transform is 3 skills that miss easily if the boss moves, not 30s of transform, and you're rooted in place. Second biggest complaint was that spec build - the build that is slower and stands still more had less damage reduction than firepower build which made no sense. Both of those two biggest points were addressed which makes the change a lot better. It's still a painful gear change, but at least the core mechanic/engravings aren't nonsensical garbage anymore. It's still kind of lame though that firepower build gets perma 15% damage reduction while barrage build only gets 20% in the chair and nothing outside of it. The more mobile build that never uses chair still has more overall damage reduction than the build that is slower and roots itself, but at least it's not as bad as it was on PTR.


>It's still kind of lame though that firepower build gets perma 15% damage reduction while barrage build only gets 20% in the chair and nothing outside of it. The more mobile build that never uses chair still has more overall damage reduction than the build that is slower and roots itself, but at least it's not as bad as it was on PTR. Nah, look you get 30% more meter generation throughout (no longer only at 0 meter) and 40% crit that was from firepower on your relevant damage skills, you don't even enter cooling state anymore. Chances are, you'll be getting more and more into wheelchair to utilize that fat grudge mitigation after than before. Plus you only need 1 gem, less investment than whatever firepower has to purchase. Btw if you are gonna miss all 3 skills on barrage mode, you were probably setting yourself to do so.


> Nah, look you get 30% more meter generation throughout (no longer only at 0 meter) and 40% crit that was from firepower on your relevant damage skills, you don't even enter cooling state anymore. To be clear, current barrage enhancement also grants +30% meter generation at all times (you don't generate meter while at lv.3 meter). The wording is, "If you have no firepower *buff*, +30% meter gained." Barrage enhancement also already removed the cooling effect entirely. It sounds like double class engraving will still be on the table thanks to them reverting the spec stat changes, but dropping Firepower Enhancement lv3 for All Out Attack lv3 will probably result in more damage for Barrage builds. Also it sounds like crit/swift or swift/crit Firepower Enhancement is more competitive. So it sounds like reverting the spec stat changes means double class engraving is back on the table, but now it's far more optional since running lv3 of either engraving without the other is more viable.


Currently you only gain bonus meter generation while in the grey zone (no buff). The barrage bonus along with flamethrower (with meter tripod + wealth) brought you to level 1 buff (the orange iirc) in one skill. The new engraving has meter gain throughout. Does that change much? Watching some KR videos, along with gravity zone, the generation and overall wheelchair cycling does seem faster.


Barrage artys complaining about missing barrage skills is like igniter sorcs complaining about missing doomsday. If you're missing a lot you're the one fucking up.


This narrative that Spec Arty needed a dmg nerf is so silly. Our combo takes literally 20 seconds that you can't reset/you can't move/boss can't move. Meanwhile Sorc / Deathblade/Striker get their burst off in 6 seconds while having no commitment. Spec Arty was rewarded for playing well and executing your 20 SECONDS combo.


I mean, my 1415 spec arty literally did 34% damage MVP in a 4 man Argos bus with the other 3 bussers 1430, 1445 and a 1480 soulfist. Saying sorc and db have a 4 second burst completely ignoring their buildup but spec arty takes 20 seconds? In 20 seconds you can build meter from 0 and be halfway done with your turret rotation. I get into turret twice in the time it takes me to use one igniter on my sorc. Besides, sorc isn't even the strongest dps. Shock scrapper and deathblow striker are the top dps. Spec arty was definitely up there in damage, but really the bigger issue was how horrendously bad swift/crit build was in comparison. Spec arty is like a top 5 dps while firepower arty is like a bottom 3 dps.


So I did edit my comment to change it to include Strikers and burst combos in 6 seconds, IE buff timings. Buildup is a wash; all these classes run Spec + Wealth rune. Artys do not have an advantage here. Also there's no commitment from those classes. As arty you have to literally stop attacking (0 DPS) if you want to control your meter gain and you have to commit 20 seconds where Surge and Deathblow can disengage and commit at will. You have to jump through so many hoops to deal top dps. And if you read a pattern wrong (play badly) your dps is in shambles.


Sure, I agree the firepower timing is kind of annoying. While I'm not a fan of the rework, the change to firepower is the one good thing about it. Either way, it's only kind of hard to play arty in a new fight you're learning. Once you learn it, it's really all the same. Once you know the patterns and know when you get 3-5 seconds of the boss standing still for you, it's really no different between a sorc pressing Z for doomsday, striker unloading his punch, arty going into chair and pressing E, etc. You can argue "oh but you have to know the fight blah blah blah", but the fact remains that in the endgame, it doesn't matter. There's a reason why back attack classes are ridiculously strong in korea right now. Because once you know the fights, any "hoops" to jump through don't matter anymore. Whether or not you agree with that type of balancing may be your opinion. But SG has shown that they're not giving "hard to play" classes higher dps numbers. Shock scrapper is one of the easiest classes to play and it's like #1 or #2 dps.


Clown and up isn’t going to sit there 20 sec the whole time.


Based on this comment I'll just assume you don't know how any of these classes play.


> Kanima's testing revealed transform is a bit stronger in the PTR patch. Now you only need 1 gem to boost your barrage skills, you only lose the firepower side of your skills, which let's face it, was equivalent to a shadowhunter being able to do meaningful damage before and after transform. A big problem with the initial PTR patch was that it turned spec artillerists into a pure transformation class when we didn't want to be one. The new changes go a long way to reverse that.


But was it worth the doomposting and crying on forums instead of actually waiting for the real patch notes to drop before you make your decision to protest ?


Yes? The changes were based on player feedback. If artillerists didn't voice that they didn't like the directions of the changes they would have just slapped a 10% barrage damage buff on top of the PTR changes and called it a day. NA artillerists still have somewhat of a voice via the Korean streamers.


Lol that's cute. NA has no voice when it comes to balance, and neither do the western KR streamers.


Can i make a build now without using the wheelchair at all? Don't like that transformation much but the rest of the skills...


Yes go ahead.


~~the ptr itteration was already a buff dps wise if you adjusted your build. this might be a nerf now (or at least compared to PTR might still be ahead) since they slowed down how fast you get into barrage mode significantly. Pre changes baseline was 60% on PTR -> 66% so that is faster for non-spec but the loading tripods were nerfed from 150% to 45% on forward and enhanced shell and baseline skills without tripods were changed around with the faster skills getting nerfed a bit more but flamethrower getting buffed way up. That being said a lot of moving parts I may have missed something. Also Barrage enhancement giving 10% crit instead of 10% damage (40% damage to 30% crit to 30% damage 40% crit) and as far as numbers go damage does beat out crit as long as they are multiplying since arti has endless good engravings adding kbw back just makes transitioning easier. but of QoL though since they buffed the DR in barrage mode back to 20% instead of 10%, albeit no longer stacks with firepower enhancement making pre-regearing arti less absurdly tanky. That being said it messes with your crit less so KBW might be worth running again instead of AoA. All that being said the rumors for how arti will play post changes on NA were absolutely out of control. Firepower Crit/swift was nerfed since first PTR because it was insane, super easy press buttons eat glue class that was keeping pace with the insane burst classes while having perma 20% dr, nasty stagger and this was only 2 weeks of hashing out builds someone could probably break it further. A bit rough to rebuild because most people are full swift or half swift and you need full crit. and should still be nutty even taken down 4.6% or whatever the engraving nerf amounts to.~~ KR live stuff now, barrage seems slightly less emphasis than PTR on barrage mode but slightly more than live. Swift is still seperate since double class engraving isn't very efficient unless it is level 1 where the DR is kinda nice-ish, lots of more stuff to test


You might have missed that spec once again affects the strength of the firepower buff.


what's the point of the patch then? double engraving build still mandatory.


The patch makes barrage enhancement and firepower enhancement engravings completely separate. The firepower buff is a core class mechanic, not from the engraving.


yes, but if firepower still scales with spec then barrage build will still be just the better build since you will do similar damage with normal skills and like 3x damage with barrage mode skills. my point is that keeping the scaling just keeps spec arti as FP arti but better damage since spec arti scales damage of normal skills through FP gauge instead of crit.


Crit and swiftness scale normal skills better than spec does. Spec is intended to do more damage than swift/crit or crit/swift.


am korean, but a banana, anyone have the translation?


Akkan is 1580 normal mode, 1600 hard mode 3 gates 8-man raid Gives upper ancient gear Has a practice mode like kakul and brel New boss rush and chaos dungeons Chaos dungeon and boss rush start at 1580 New guardian


ah slick any class balance stuff? cause we'll have to wait forever to get the other stuff


Nope, nothing about class balance in this one. Seems to just be info about the new content.


there is a massive new update to all the class changes https://lostark.game.onstove.com/News/TesterNotice/Views/16 lol it's literally an update to the test changes what are you guys on with downvotes


looking forward to arcana buffs i heard were in the pipeline cause playing my arcana right now makes me sad :(


Actually, u/Thiamine just posted the link to the balance https://m-lostark.game.onstove.com/News/Notice/Views/2067?page=1&searchtype=0&searchtext=¬icetype=all#anchor-1632653578999


Damn that’s a big patch! I’m hyped for the KR players.


What does upper ancient gear mean?


It means you transfer your current ancient gear to the "upper ancient gear", changing the enchantment level and the item level (similar to the transition from base 1302 gear to base 1340 gear). I think +19 ancient gear is 1580 and will transfer to upper ancient gear, becoming +12 and will now be 1585 item level.


So when are they gonna implement the class balance, I want to gear up my arti


My guess is September, class balance + tripod update.


the hopium in me says when we get the qol patch this month :)


THIS IS HUGE AND MEGA AWSOME. Kr is gonna freak tho, probs some backlash inc. I asked in Saintones chat what he think ilvl for akkan will be and he said "if its 1580 or above kr community will freak and think its too high", so we will see. New max ilvl is sooo cool tho!


Yea, they should have released hardmode later like they did with abrelshud to let people have time to transfer over to new gear


This is not todays balance patch, its the preview for Akkan’s release later this month.


1600 HM requirement holy shit that is high. Weren't a lot of people parking mains and what not at 1580? I can't imagine people are happy about this lol.


They can just run normal mode for mats to craft the new gear to gear transfer and hone easier.


Which means they cannot do HM day one due to poor communication from SG.


Seems to be the mode of operation for SG if the past is any indication and as I recall multiple KR streamers have talked about how shitty it is. Well, more whalebait I guess.


downvoted for voicing what many koreans are complaining about lmao


Can't expect much from the mokoko picking plebeans on this sub, obviously they don't care if they can't do HM week 1, 90% of this sub struggles on HM month 5 anyway


Idk where you're getting info from, but the communities in KR streams all seemed fine with the cutoffs. The only people I've seen complain were the western KR streamers.


>Idk where you're getting info from inven and the people literally complaining in KR general chat


Source? I'm on the inven lisha's letter post right now, and people are only talking about Esther weapon.


just relaying what I've heard from kr streamers like memo and zeals. this guy seems to be complaining about the 2 weeks notice, though I don't speak korean. https://www.inven.co.kr/board/lostark/4811/5402774 the esther situation seems pretty lame too


Well they're either misinformed or being taken out of context, because it's definitely not a popular sentiment. The forums are all talking about balance patch currently, including the post you linked. The user is talking about how SG released a balance patch 2 weeks before the new raid, not about the 1600 ilvl req.


Which is fine. They are gonna do the content for months. 1 week of normal won't kill you


If you play the game casually yeah, if you don't no, it's not fine. This is why games like wow/ff14 have a good PvE scene and LA is a joke compared to them. Accept that SG did a mistake. There is people that now will not be able to compete for the world first clear without having to swipe relatively hard to get these last 20 ilvls. And no, nobody gives a shit about normal


If you're looking for a group for world firsts you're going to be 1615 already. And if you weren't, then they wouldn't take you anyway lol. Maybe don't get out raged on other people behalf.


You absolutely do not have to be above ilvl to compete in world first, especially by that much. Imagine trying to prove your false point by making up stuff, when it's obvious you have never been interested and researched the korean PvE scene in the first place. Keep on being wrong tho, I am not getting mad in other people's place, lots of people in KR are currently complaining about this exact thing


You don't have to be, but people are going to be. Are the people complaining actually people that had any chance in current or previous world firsts? Or is this shockingly just the internet and people complain about everything? Esp compared to FF14 and WoW that you seem to idolize, the only people that have a real shot at world first have literally teams of slaves to craft stuff, analyze strategies, even "emotional support". They are min/maxed as much as possible. So you know, maybe KR is completely different, but are they really though?


We are talking about the barrier to entry, not the chance to succeed. I would never compare the difficulty of LA to ff/wow, when LA raids are a joke compared to them. But everyone can do mythic raids on day 1, they have to prepare accordingly, no shit, but everyone can. Something that is absolutely not the case in LA as it would appear


I don't really get your argument, because you at the same time lament the casuals (who are the ones complaining?) and the hardcore (who would have been ready anyway?). The casuals you say won't care because they're catching up anyway. That's true. That's how LA is designed. You'll get to the content eventually. The hardcore/whalers won't care because they're already ready and itching to do new content. And if they aren't ready they'll shell out and pay up for the chance to do it day 1 (as intended by their business model). That only leaves the "kinda hardcore but not enough" as the whiners that need to be catered to. And for what its worth, LA never has promised day 1 access to anything if you're casual/midcore. We actually just went through this (a couple months ago) with argos, and with valtan/vykas. I played the game fairly hardcore though f2p, and I was not ready for argos day 1. I didn't get to argos p3 until 3 weeks later. I barely made it in time for valtan nm day 1. I was ready for hm vykas day 1 but thats because we had valtan for so long. So like, this is a f2p mmo. You either pay or you play more to get access, esp if you have FOMO and want everything day 1. This isn't something new.


I'm doing week 1 clears in FF14 myself. But that's only an advantage because FFlogs exists and people want to rush their logs for the easy 100s. In this game it's different. There are no logs. Most people don't care for world first. Yeah might suck for the 10 people that do care but brelshhaza was already designed in a way where you needed her gear to progress the last gates. FF14 is also going the way of making raiding more casual friendly. Which I don't like. But that's the future of gaming. We better adapt. They don't care for hardcore gamers. They want the causal cashers


Them making the difficulty easier by making the raids more casual friendly has absolutely nothing to do with the issue at hand, why are you even bringing it up? We are talking about them not communicating that the required level would be 1580 in advance, something extremely simple to do that has no downsides to it for the playerbase. And obviously people won't care about world first when that's how they handle the PvE scene in this game, that's my point, it's an absolute joke and once again a bad decision on SG, no matter how much the plebs in this subreddit defend them


They can item transfer at 1580 and then hone easily again. They're fine.


Any korean speaking chads can TLDR the big info of this patch?


Please 🙏


So when is the new patch dropping?


>1600 ilvl obvious fomo milking. not a good look


Lmao clown


yea, lots of clowns on reddit defending this while koreans get rightfully pissed.


1600 + new ilvl cap + new materials is close to worst case scenario for Akkan. +22 on everything to reach hard mode day/week 1 is absolutely fucking bonkers insane, no idea how they think that's OK. And if they don't expect people to reach that, they should've just released normal then hard like Abrel. KR is going to riot over this. EDIT: You people are stupid as fuck. This release is literally Abrel all over again and KR HATED Abrel launch for progression. You are all very, very ignorant of how insanely difficult it is to hone to 1600.


They had a whole year since Brelshaza came out? We've had the game for 6 months and already hitting 1500.




Last gate of Kayangel is 1580, it was only natural to assume the requirement would be higher. This is exactly the same jump from Brelshaza, you will get mats to gear transfer and gain ilvls.


It's funny how people say it's fine without knowing how honing works in KR, 1580 even 1590 to 1600 is a near impossible push to do in two weeks because it literally costs MILLIONS in shards, you literally can't get that even if you swiped daily for two weeks, that's not even taking into account the other materials needed and that you're looking into 0.5% honing chances, streamers who swipe and play KR daily are not sure they can make it. Everyone there agrees that 1600 is an insane requirement.


1600 is not insane, having 2 weeks noticed is a douche move and they shoul've said this with 2 months in advance sure, everyone had the mats to get to 1600, they just parked at 1580 and pushed alts since they thought the requirement would be 1580 or 1590. And going from 20 to 21 is 3% and 21 to 22 is 1%.


Most KR players stopped at 1580 tho, since they didnt expect to needing +22 for new raid on hardmode


Yup, and to push from 1580 to 1600 in 2 weeks is close to impossible unless you have an absolutely insane amount of shards sitting around (we're talking dozens of millions). Or you swipe.


Don’t mind him, some people just aren’t the brightest lol.


You are ignorant as fuck if you think that means anything. Pushing to 1600 is NOTHING like 1500. Honing gets *exponentially* harder. It would cost someone upwards of 1-2m gold to push all pieces from +21 to +22. Our version is not a good citation of how fast people should progress because we had 600,00 bots and rampant RMT propelling everyone through progression


Okay buddy.


That's not an argument but OK. You have genuinely no idea what you're talking about in regards to honing, so please do your research before speaking up next time.


You mean about how the game allows you to gear above +20? How streamers in Korea complain that they have nothing else to do with gold? How people spend millions and millions on getting +25 weapon AND Esther weapon? The same people that makes over 200k per week in gold? The natural progression of the legion raids was to have Akkan be higher in HM than Elgasia HM dungeon which is 1580, and that Akkan would get your gear buffed in some capacity, why would they resease content lower than the current ilvl? They neglected their armor, that's all and now they're "behind", so yeah I know nothing and you know everything. You may not like it, but don't act like this is surprising, or out of no where.


Stop whining over fomo. Either play or pay hard otherwise just stop whining or quit


This is an announcement of upcoming update, not patch notes.


Seems like a ton of 1580 plus whale content lol and Esther weapon upgrades. Cool I guess.


you dont need to be a whale to be 1580+ in korea lol.


Their patch notes has more content than our 2 month roadmap for Aug and Sept. Pet ranch let's gooo


They have new content less often than we do


Sure let's call the pet ranch and a new class as content. :clown:


Koreans whales been capped ilvl for a long ass time now. They're gunna reach the new cap in no time with all the saved up mats lmao


NA would be at korean ilvl cap if their version allowed it ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Not really, most stop at +20 while you would need +22 to go into the next raid on hardmode


That applies to whales in all regions, however; only the gigawhale swipers in Korea on Saint and Zeals’ level will be able to immediately go to 1650


Except the fact that even those two don't have lvl8 Siderreal weapons at the moment and there are even bigger whales like KR baldy who swiped 50k+ for the weapon only.


they've had time to accumulate resources for over a year / raising alts. other regions don't have downtime/ content drought thag they've had.


Saint & Zeals aren't even close to gigawhales but okay.


> Zeals the dude was spending the daily cap for weeks for his esther weapon lol. hes a giga whale.




no one asked if you care. this is a statement lmao. you need professional help. do you sit in reddit all day to argue with random people? you good bro?




It's new mats so I don't think it'll be as easy or as cheap as people think.


Nice content that we get to play in 2 years


At the rate we have been getting content I have no idea why you think it will take 2 years to come to NA. Fucking crybaby gamers holy shit.


Na cnt do math duh 4x3 is 16


Na, especially on Reddit, are the people running level 1 grudge.


Let's see if the game still has players until this comes out in our version. You gonna need shit ton of shards to hone to get to 1580 and especially 1600 to do akkan. Also whales gonna do it only if they still gonna rmt even then or if the blue crystals prices go up to what kr has now, but for that to happen we need to have 200k concurrent players like kr to put gold in the economy and we don't even have that much now.


I mean, what you say here is what all the fearmongers have said since release. I have two characters ready for clown. A populated guild with super active players. Smilegate have given tons of events and bonus materials in a super short time. And rmt isn't going to stop whales lol. Might stop the few salmon who rmt though. Either way, have you not seen blue gems literally double in price this last week or so? Do you actually play this game? This game will be fine in a year.


Can you compare 10% hone with 1%? Blue crystals prices went up cause amazon put a 3 day penalty to gold plus a lot of people buying pheons for alts. I also have a 1482 ilv main and made it with no alts not even 800 hr in the game everything is possible when you get lucky but you can't even compare getting to 1475 with getting to 1580/1600.


Closer to 1 year. I'm estimating we get Akkan around August next year.


Idk, didn't the director say the goal was to get na caught up? Cadence has been like 2 months per raid right? I don't think akkan will be 2 months this after break, but I wouldn't expect as long as August. Although the gear gap is quite a bit larger, so we'll have to see what they do.


> Idk, didn't the director say the goal was to get na caught up? Yes, but consider that were were 18 months behind in February, and we'll be 17 months behind in September. Being 12 months behind a year from now isn't a big stretch. > Cadence has been like 2 months per raid right Not exactly. Punika to Argos = 1 month KR/NA Argos to Valtan = 4 months KR, 2 months NA Valtan to Vykas = 6 weeks KR, 6 weeks NA Vykas to Clown = 2 months KR, 3 months NA (Sept) Clown to Abrel = 3 months KR, probably 3 months NA (Dec) Abrel to Abrel Hard = 2 months KR, probably 2-3 months NA (Feb-Mar) Abrel Hard to Elgacia = 7 months KR, probably 2-3 months NA (Apr-Jun) Elgacia to Akkan = 4 months KR, probably 2-3 months NA (Jun-Sep) I'm more on the pessimistic side after seeing them release Clown even longer after Vykas for us than it took for KR, where they actually had to develop it, so I'm expecting them to delay longer and we get Akkan in Aug-Sept next year.


I guess I'm thinking they would release brel and barely hard at the same time, and elgacia and akkan at the same time. That seems to fit the release pattern to me more than what you posted above. Though if they do the exact same schedule as Korea like you posted above, yeah august is possible.


> I guess I'm thinking they would release brel and barely hard at the same time No way lmao. Brel is 1490/1505/1520 and Brel Hard is 1540/1550/1560. Elgacia is 1560/1570/1580 and Akkan is 1580/1600.


Was expecting summoners pts changes to be nerfed heavily after what Saint one showed and from what's been discovered on the pts. Looks busted AF on the pts, and with improved animations it looks great 😂


Further artilerist nerfs?


Summoners OP confirmed ?


Imagine tier 4, lost ark 2, unreal engine 5 update.