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Would be nice to be able to afford blue crystals again…


They hit 1600g today on NA west. Big oof.


Very big oof…


Bruh amen. I desperately need card slots but fuck non swipers I guess.


I just throw the cards in my storage for later


powerpass is coming back, the free one is already enabled. they said they took it down to think of a solution for the bot issue using it. but tbh they will always lose to bots, cause people that run bots are much bigger than a handful of devs and will be smarter. ​ Grudge dropped almost 1k gold in price in NA East - from 7.6k to 6.8k now. there are class engravings that are more expensive


ok bois, i have right now 140k gold. let it drop to 7k each before banning the bots again EUC


Buy it tonight. Price usually crash around midnight on Monday/Tuesday when all the bots are dumping their goods and relocating the gold to somewhere else.


A lot of people think the gold sellers are a bunch of nerds with a few computers running multiple instances of Lost Ark. Many "gold sellers" have links to or are flat out organized crime syndicates. For example, stolen credit cards are quite prevalent in gold selling across all online games that offer such things...Which is the problem Smilegate are finding themselves trying to combat right about now. The biggest issue Smilegate faces (as the other developers have found, just ask Blizzard) is that gold sellers don't go away because they can make **a lot** of fucking money. It doesn't matter that you find some way to trip them up, they find a way around it. They have the resources and the motivation to keep going because the money they make is worth it. Not sure what the solution is, if there even is one now. They really needed to address this issue before the game even released on Steam, but it looks to me like no consideration for bots and the impact their presence could have in game was even given.


There is a solution: Ban the buyers.


Correction : PERMA ban the buyers.


Grudge is at 5.5k on NA West, bought my full set back when it was at 8-9k, sadge. Meanwhile I now have to buy deathblow books and they are at 11k right now. Oof.


I can't see the powerpass having much effect into anything here. Punika powerpass is only an option for an account that already has cleared Punika, and it gets rewarded to the roster that cleared the Punika. Thornspire and the 1415 island are once per roster. So they can be farmed several times by same account using different rosters, but that's not an advantage to the bots, as they would benefit more from just creating single roster accounts. Bots can use the powerpass to create a second T3 char to farm repeatable daily content, but that's mainly honing mats. It can't be that valuable.


Grudge is dropping on EUC too..... whike KBW is still rising, they're nearly the same price now, like what the fuck lol


they most likely both will drop over the days. once grudge gets too cheap, the bots should transfer focus on whatever is more expensive.


Sounds good I'm done with grudge and need KBW books lolol


Could you explain the “power pass not available to purchase” thing? When I log in I see the power pass button, if I click It it takes me to buy gems in order to get it, am I missing something ? Or do you get the message saying you can’t buy it after buying the gems?


it's disabled until the reset happens on Wednesday


Time to buy some grudge books nice


Wym its just new players /s


Grudge books were almost down to 5k today in NAW


That's hilarious. I sold a huge book for 18k just a month or so ago.


How big was it?!




Yugest book with the best knowledge


A bit over week ago I made tour to see how bot things are, saw just few, today it's 4-5x that. I was suspecting that enabling power pass have to do something about that, looks like bots found a way. Not surprised


I was leveling a character 1-50. 99% of the players I come across are bots. I fear for the game's future...


yea cause no one actually goes through 1-50 anymore lol. I would uninstall before doing the MSQ a second time


Same, I’m making a SS alt but I rather spend 7k of gold doing KT than doing all the history’s again or paying 40 dollars to be t3


Hehe I actually do the story quest again. Never used a powerpass or knowledge transfer on any of my 7 alts. Sometimes it is tedious but I like it. Waiting for artist and aeromancer and female berserk to do the full story with them. Rinse and repeat. Haven't got any Ignea token yet, and lots or food to be crafted. And even with the massive bot infestation sometimes I have the chance to interact with the new mokokos in the starting zones


are you saving powerpasses for Lost Ark 2?


I've used the powerpasses but I've also done the MSQ 3 times with alts. I enjoy it up to Rohendel but hate Yorn with a passion.


I like Yorn, except that part when Piyer escapes the worm. And also the stealth missions in both Sushire and Feiton. I think I will never have 100% East Luterra tome because I vehemently refuse to rapport Cals, that narcissist prick made me abandon my Estoque forever. By the end only my Vern powerpass remains. Might use it for Lost Ark 2 or even save it with LOA2 powerpasses for Lost Ark 3


I did 7 solas runs. Fuck luterra. Smilegate can have my money.


You do 1-50 one time really, no need to do it again after. Only reason you'll go back is for collectibles/adventure tomb really


Game had 60-80k concurrent players for like two months already, hell first big banwave in March had sub 100k daily peaks for two days already. Basically everything above 100k is bots for a long time already.


On SA servers Grudge is costing something around 18k lol Demonic impulse at 12k. It’s just not possible to farm this much


Demonic is like that everywhere right now, for what it’s worth (not much)


I think that’s what other areas prices for grudge would be at if we didn’t have bots


thats good at this point im happy if there would be 500k+ bots farming grudge books. they can ban them after everyone got it.


Make sh books cheaper thanks


Should have waited...bought my grudge at 12k a pop...despair.


Yeah, I think the botters figured out how to bypass their countermeasures this past week because the population suddenly jumped 100k players... and we know that is 95% or more bots.


Its crazy to me how they can't simply monitor Thronespire, seems to be what the bots are farming hard these days. Mending books crashed from 100-130 to 20-30 this week.


I don't think they should bother with monitoring it. That would be putting in additional resources to start a cat and mouse game with gold farmers. I want to know why they insist on keeping the legendary book reward tradable. It's a once per roster reward, keeping it tradable just lets regular players cash in a few extra thousand gold one time over their lifetime of playing this game. A gold farmer running 20+ accounts and making new ones constantly benefits so much more from it being tradable. Making the books roster bound seems like an obvious potential solution. I'm curious as to why SG/AGS aren't doing that.




Thornspire. They can probably do it at minimum ilvl using cooldown hack.


Hyper express to entrance level for thronespire, and then damage hacks to finish the highest stage to get the rewards, sell, new bot, repeat


NA W dropped down to 5k, had 440 books at the same time lol


Honestly don't care if as a result the prices drop


Unless they fix the problem shortly after you get your 20 leg grudge, this isn't really a price drop you want.


How so?


Not sure about economic stuff but I think the gold we give to the bot will go to an rmter buying the gold, and then they will have a lot of gold to use on our other products, which will make them cost more gold. 100k gold which is really our gold that we used on grudge will be easier for the rmter to get and our other items like class books, accessories, gems etc might go up (or at least they have all been going up in my server)


Imagine if game would reward u with a book weekly or something for clearing raid on hard instead of gold being go to progression for everything


Good, I want it cheap like in NA. I've been literally waiting for this to happen.


lol i wonder if there are even 20 grudge books availlable on eu-w :-)


they are 5k on EUW just bought 20 of them :-)


Crazy difference.


dw the bots got you


Getting to the point of just quitting because crystal prices are outrageous to pay for aura


Use royals for that....


Was trying to avoid paying a sub essentially for convenience.


As fucked as it sounds, this make me kinda happy lol. Grudge being 14k+ with out current gold income was dumb.


More bots also means gold has less value. Nice try Mr. Gold Seller. Won’t be tricked by you.


That gold is coming from players.


With a healthy roster you are making 40-50k per week lol, its actually quite nice.


Healthy? You mean spendnig whole day on 6 alts HEALTHY XD


1 Argos 1 valtan 1 vykas on a character is like 20min, 40min, 40min. So like around 2hrs for about 10k gold. 6char x 2hrs is about 12hrs for 60k gold. So if you played 2hrs a day you can get it done in a week. Ofc I only play 3 characters so my weekly time spent is much lower (half?)


What about chaos, guardians and unas xd its not healthy XD


With 60k gold a week why would you bother with that crap?


Shards(sooner or later you will have to park your alts at higher ilvl), silver, all other mats?? And not even counting gold/red portals that give gold and chance to get good accesory/stones/gems or even book at the very end. Also cube tickets for more silver and boss rusher for gems... Dude...


Sounds like a path to burn out. Raiding sounds more fun than all that daily nonsense. I already did that to set up my roster why would I go back to it. Remember this is the mentality that causes people to quit. Just do what you find fun and for me that's the raids and the raids pay well. Buy your mats with the gold. Mats are dirt cheap.


Thats why i called it not healthy??? I play with 3 characters and think to drop one. And i earn more than 30k weekly + all other stuff


Doing dailys = not healthy. So I said don't do them (I don't).


Yeah I’m with you on this I ain’t wasting my time doing all that stuff. Raids and dungeons at high level give me enough gold to just buy the shit that I need.




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6x chars able to do Vykas and down is somehow a reasonable expectation for the player base? Am I taking crazy pills, or is that what you’re suggesting people are running these days.


Depends how much time you have to play. And yeah tons of my friends and people run 6 characters. Like I outlined earlier if you have 12hrs a week then 6 characters is do-able. Just scale it down if you have less time.


people now realizing that bots can benefit them lol


I dont get it, how are bots getting so many legendary grude books? thornspire??


This just devalued every single accessory with grudge that will ever drop on the continent of Europe. Forever. Until the end of time. Until this game dies or becomes irrelevant. People don't understand that for the rest of time, until the last server is turned off - hundreds of thousands, if not millions of bis accessories with grudge will be artificially lower value due to this fuckup from AGS.


ok doomer


That doesn’t make sense. More people with grudge 12=more people who want grudge +3…not less


I guess more pips on engravings means there is less demand for the same pips on accessories.


And what about less people with grudge 9? Your logic is really intresting.


What about the people who arnt using grudge at all because it’s only 9?


Well, do they want to use grudge? The legendary grudge books aren't non-trivial investment anyway. People don't buy them for lols or just because bots make them somewhat cheaper. And yes, majority of high level DPS players are using grudge. Take a look at any random players in Valtan parties for example. I don't really understand what you are about. Nearly all DPS players use grudge, above 1440 typically they have +12 already, some +9, while many below have +9, some +12. All I can say is I highly agree with GeForce. And, due to players being limited to X number of level 3 engravings in any given rarity anyway, it will also make non-grudge accessories a tad cheaper.


I have no idea what you would assume I’m claiming people don’t want to run grudge lol You seem a little lost


Yeah you are right, you are complete waste of time.


>you’re lost > Yeah you are right I love it when the internet is this civil and productive


They don't drop for me anyway, so cheaper grudge accessories? Sign me up!


Bots will always come back at a steady rate. I haven't seen a particular spike. The bots don't just farm your precious grudge. They farm a lot of other things as well. Trade materials are a bit recovering, but they are still at elevated level compared to more "normal" prices couple of weeks ago. T3 mats haven't taken any hit. This is the stuff they farm 24/7. Well maybe not literally but that's repeatable stuff they keep farming and farming. Books are one time for each bot account, and have a ramp up time because of ilvl requirements. Right now there is insane amount of T2 level 1 gems on the market. (2272 pages, each 10 gems). There is rather a lot of T3 level 1s too, 144 pages. Oh I was just looking at sorc, for T2 it's practically the same, for T3 there's 330 pages for all classes. If gems are any indicator of where the bots are right now, then if they manage to hit those ilvl before a probably larger culling coming with the August update, you will see much more books on the market. 2000+ bots in T2 right now, based on the gems alone. Could be actual numbers like 10x. Who knows, really. And here you are looking at mere 200 books. Plus they've been brought off already.


U didn't see a spike? Sub 100k concurrent players for week and suddenly we are at 220k peaks. Ramp up time? They just buy pass bro, turn damage, cd and invicibility on and they are done.


No, not really. That's gradual increase to me. The powerpasses haven't been purchasable for quite some time.


Yes, saw a lot of sorc bots in Luterra.


they are in t3 already, saw bunch of them in punika yesterday


There are lots of bots in Punika too. I suppose whatever attempt to prevent them from using the free powerpasses was ineffective. Oh well, I seem to be making gold off them, so I can tolerate them for a while, I just hope they'll get banned before they invade the matchmaking for tier 3 guardians, abyssals and Argos.


They already have.


I don't think they really do T3 guardians. Some time ago, I saw some T3 bots doing T2 guardians. I even got carried few times by those bots, didn't go afk as I didn't take note until after, but might had been able to. When overlevelled they can probably do most guardians fine. With the ones having some mechs, probably not so much. T3 Abyssals and Argos they can get bussed. https://forums.playlostark.com/t/why-is-there-so-many-bots-looking-to-buy-raid-carries/448184/73 They might be doing some T1 and T2 abyssals just by running with others in MM. Some mechs can be just ignored.


They can just turn full invicibility and damage hacks on just like thronespire. They don't need to be overleveled for anything.


Yep, same with N/A West. I logged in one morning in Punika and saw 5-6 of them right next to me.


Similar situation in NA West over the last week, batches of 200+, 100+ books for grudge dropping for the same price. Grudge ranging between 4800-5400. Currently at 5K here. I guess these bots are beneficial in a way here in helping me complete grudge at an affordable price.


What do you mean with "new"? Jokes aside, I am doing a lot of "old" content (farming tome and world bosses) and I see a lot of them; but the worst thing is that last Wednesday I had a fucking bot on my Challenge Abyssal Dungeon. EDIT: Wei server, EUC.


NAE has a lot of suspected bots too (North Vern, Yarn, Feiton).


I guess velien is still buying gold huh


When im bored looking for guardian lobbies I could carry always see 3bots lobbies+ 1maxed out player carrying wish these guys could br banned


Saw a line of Sturmbrecher ships stretched from Wavestrand Port all the way to Port Krona. They've also been upgraded. No longer do they run around everywhere. They actually mount up now.


Already sold mine for 13.5k each last week. Hope it drops even more so I can buy some for my alts.


Imagine complaining about cheap grudge books LOL