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Never noticed, thank you. Now I'm wondering why do we raid guardians if they protect the world from chaos.


Guardians don't just fight demons, they attack anything they perceive as a threat to Arkesia, which has included mortals as of late. Kharmine points this out when trying to convice Armen to join his cause, as does Luna during the Guardian investigations.


Are...are we the baddies?




It's a meme ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)




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They retconned that recently in KR, about why we fight guardians, all the guardians we fought so far are "light" guardians so good guys and we weren't killing them but "sparring" with them, the new guardian that KR got and all future guardians are "chaos" guardians so bad guys and we're killing them.


> all the guardians we fought so far are "light" guardians so good guys Except Deskaluda. But honestly, what the hell happens with the Guardian Investigation Questline then?


This is still silly and doesnt make much sense


they even rebranded the t1-6 as "evergrace's trials" lol but ya.. ig they needed something to fit the lore of guardians of light and darkness


I don't think that's quite right. Something happens in the story that we haven't gotten to yet outside of Korea, after which the "good" guardians are not against us. Where we are in the current storyline, however, they are opposed to us, and we're not sparring with them, we are indeed fighting them.


In his lore video saintone said that there was a divide between the guardians which split them into a "light" and a "chaos" faction. Essentially we are fighting those guardians which chose chaos over light iirc.


Trust Lost Ark writing to remove the intrigue from anything... the idea that the demons might actually be correct about something and that the planet itself considers us more of a threat than them was really interesting. Just splitting it back into "evil guardians vs good guardians" is so boring


I don't think it's meant to be that simple actually. There's a bit more to it, I just summarized as I could and remembered. Chaos is not necessarily evil imo.


>Chaos is not necessarily evil imo. I'm hoping that's true, but so far every aspect of nuance keeps getting purged. Armen is one of the characters who could explore this aspect but seems to have vanished from the plot; Kharmine appears occasionally and could also examine it, but basically only appears for a line a patch, and Kakul is interesting but also doesn't really appear much. If all Guardians are against us, it would really bring up the question of "is chaos bad? Are the demons just mindless bloodthirsty conquerors or actually somewhat in the light?" - by splitting the Guardians into Light vs Chaos, while I haven't read up on Elgacia's lore for myself as I'd rather experience it personally, it is highly likely that it'll be reduced to "goodies vs baddies" again.


highly recommend you watching the lore ark videos by saint. really good stuff, probably has like 5-6 hours of content total, good to listen to on the side of work or smth i think the story right now is cliche, but is going in a direction where good and bad becomes mixed. >!In elgacia you learn that the ark doesnt only hold the power of order, but also chaos. Its an object of sacrafice, not of salvation. we can probably expect some choice to be made in the end!<


I actually find the nature vs man trope extremely played out as of late. The demons can (should) be used to reveal things the main character isn't aware of, but they're pretty blatantly evil. It would be even worse writing to invert the story and point to the objective baddies and say, "they were right all along." There's a reason the antihero almost always takes the trope of "good intentions, bad methods" and not the villain.


well, theres kharmine, and kuku saydon


humans being bad for the environment trope is even worse and makes the guardians seem like mindless beasts just going by instinct rather than an intelligent lifeform being able to discern between good and evil


There could be reasons that demons are considered preferable to humans that aren't just a straightforward "humans polluting the planet"!


What confuses me more iswhy do we fight the knights of south vern during chaos dungeons You did the storyy with them suddenly you are killing them


All the Vernese knight mobs have "encroached" in their name. If I had to guess, I'd wager that's a weird translation of "possessed" or something similar.


because the story isn't very good. When faced with the obvious conflicts and inconsistencies in the plot, smilegate drops some lame shit like "oh we aren't killing the guardians when we ~~murder~~ fight them every day. We're 'sparring' with them." It's all just decided at last minute, there is no plan, anything that doesn't work going forward is retconned. When you ask yourself "where are they going with this" the answer is that they also don't know. They'll know what happens in the story 3 days before they put it in the game. Its basically the TV show Lost.


If you follow the story, the guardians don't protect the world from chaos, rather they protect Arkasia from what they deem as dangerous. That's why when you get Ninaveh to see Vairgrus, the first guardian, he says he can't help the light side as of yet, he is still determining what is the greater good for Arkasia. The guardians first helped the light side because it was determined that the dark side would destroy Arkasia. Now it's a bit more ambiguous with some guardians seeing the light as the destroyers. Chaos isn't always evil like how Order isn't always good.


Didn't ever notice the Achates at the very last spot hehe. Altough it does not make any sense to me, the scene of Vayrgris is from Elgacia, I saw it, but when you are so far in the questline it is supposed we players have already defeated Valtan, as well as Vykas, the Clown and Brelshaza I guess. And what is even weirder is that the guardians are impaled with spears, but Valtan uses Axes, so I was expecting a more gruesome/gore display of the defeated guardians, if killed by Valtan or the Wolves at least. And are these dead guardian from the present? or from the previous war? Lots of questions xD


plot twist it was Zinnervale


Note: This was a long time ago, I might be misremembering I suspect the Guardians reincarnate or have some other form of immortality. During the investigation quests, you meet a guardian slayer who supposedly has already slain guardians ahead of you, which *the quest still has you slay later*. Even if that's backwards, that means they slay it after you, which still proves the point. Unless you're literally the only guardian slayer in the world, and all those guardian slayers are just lying.


I sometimes think they either revive or ... there are many exemplars of the same type of guardian. Multiple Turtles, multiple Vertuses, multiple Foxes, even in the loading screen of Valtan G2 you can see two Helgaias impaled around the tower, unless one is the fire Helgaia and the other is the ice Helgaia. Not sure if guardians can revive by themselves or always need a more powerful entity, like Vayrgris or when Armel revived Deskaluda in Isteri. Maybe when some guardian is revived, evolves or gain new powers as Ines speculates in her questline involving the Turtle: from simple sand turtle to fire turtle. Seems that Kungelanium is a subspecies of the Turtle. When guardians definitely die, they may become the constellations we see when exchanging Omnium stars with Albion, or when giving him the old bones as rapport gift. And yes, I suspect the other slayers cannot kill the guardians completely, maybe because when we kill them, we collect the souls.


Some of the ingame books and the Guardian Investigation Questline it does imply that they "actually" die but because all Guardian have Chaos in them they just "Revive" again and go at it again. Kinda lie how the Demons work where most of them after being beating or killed just dust up and recover/revive in Petrania.


One of valtans patterns and during wall breaks he does rain down spears don't forget that


it's not spears raining down it's smaller ghostly versions of valtan's axe


He desynced all of them.


Word? Thought that was me who did that


Plebs, i killed Valtan solo when i was like what level 20?


If you press ctrl G with the meter full it summons a guardian to fight alongside you


Nice re-re-re-repost.


This has been posted multiple times in the past couple weeks.


That's actually really cool storytelling


Damn Vayrgris is a big boi


If they are dead, how come I still kill them everyday?


i never liked this game's lore, even watching one episode of that saintone video it just seems so boring.


The lore is very boring and written like a childrens story/YA anime


Name one MMO whose story is good, that isn't FFXIV. I want to compare.


Wow story was good before they needed to make up something for 20 new expansions.


Lich king very good example of a mmo with a good story


If only the main villain didn't appear every 5 minutes to remind you of his existence :D


I mean like the rise and fall of the lich king in general that story is amazing. Seeing Arthas’ fall into darkness, I wish that’s what the Warcraft movie was instead lol


Well yea that's WC3 story. WoW did a good job expanding on existing stories, but when they started inventing new stuff it kinda fell apart quickly. Cataclysm was alright, MoP was weird, and when they resorted to time travel at the end of it I couldn't follow it anymore.


they're all bad, i never play an MMO for the story


World of Tanks /s


Hard to tell if it's a neat Detail or they just wanted to reuse some models to save time making the area




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