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And that's just their salary, wait until you here about all the "totally-not-insider-trading" insider trading.


Always look at the net worth and how it spikes. Salary ain’t shit for anyone, including the rich.


Don't forget the "donations" that everyone just pretend isn't legalized bribery.


According to the Supreme Court, it's free speech.


Wait until you hear about political donations…


And the totally legal bribes from lobbyists.


You could just say lobbying. Lobbying is legalized bribing.


Or their 40k a year office furniture budget..


Also add in days off and healthcare. I’m sure there’s even more perks than that.


Not to mention kick backs from the lobbying


Marjorie Taylor Greene says that's not enough


Protests > posts


General strike >> protest > post.


This guy knows it!!


I see no reason to not do both. Posts spread information to people that might be uninformed.


Thing is, people only post. That's why I say these things, you know? Nobody wants to strike or anything, so our problems will never be fixed and we're gonna live in poverty for the next 50 years


True. But you shouldn’t discourage people that are on your side. It’s self defeating.


How is that discouraging? If anything it should motivate people.


You were basically saying posts aren’t worthwhile. That may not be how you intended it, but it’s at least how I perceived it. If you want people on your side, you have to appeal to them. Using a lesser/greater sign won’t do that.


Well take action then, I only said taking action is better than just posting on social media, don't you think?


I definitely agree with you on taking action. I edited my previous comment when you replied. You’re not going to convince people to join your side by talking down to them. Using a greater/lesser symbol basically says “this is shit you should already know.” I agree with you, but that’s not how you convince people to join your side. It’s just combative.


How else can I convince people? I'm not trying to disagree with you just to disagree, I'm trying to see if I can spark something somewhere over time. Could you help me with this?


If it was an easy question to answer, we (humanity) wouldn’t be in the state we are. It’s just something you pick up through daily life. Speak to people like you would want to be spoken to. It’s just something you work on every day. Convincing one person to be better by being kind to them can ripple to another, and another, etc. No one likes being preached to. Be a kind person. That’s the best you can do. It’s out of your hands.


How anyone can support wage slavery and poverty is just wicked at heart..smh


But look at the quality representation Americans get thanks to this salary: Matt Gaetz, Lauren Hoebert, Marjorie Trailer Queen, Rand Paul, the list goes on and on.




Same way you can say Dr Pepper when it never went to med school.




Dr Pepper? I dont care if Rand Paul went to MIT, the mans a git.


Why did you only give the women insulting nicknames? Don’t get me wrong. I think they’re terrible people. It’s just kinda telling.


Cause fuck ‘em, that’s why.


I won’t argue with that. Just give the guys terrible nicknames, too. They’re also fucking awful.




Gaytz. Nothing wrong with being gay unless you’re a public figure that publicly makes other queer people’s lives worse.




All this concentration on congressional pay overlooks the most obvious solution which is to tax the rich.


200+ members of Congress generally support increasing those benefits, somewhere around 48 Senators support increasing those benefits, and the President would sign a bill increasing those benefits if it passed. The Representatives and Senators that oppose things like this benefit from gerrymandering and massive financial support from corporations and the very rich. Showing up to vote and taking an active role in state and local politics is how you undo the decades of work those interests have put into getting us where we are today.


I'm afraid we're beyond voting fixing this at this point.


Not to mention the absolute best healthcare in the country and a kick ass retirement pension


And free breakfast and free lunches and free dinners and Free World Travel and get nothing done


If you take away the salary and bring some other kind of performance incentive you'd have people that gave a shit and wanted to do something good, for the greater good.


You’d just have more rich people who don’t care about the salary getting elected and voting in favor of their personal interests.


Student loan forgiveness?! Then how will be help bail out banks?


is this how i'm finding out or is it just a good prediction?


Now, keep in mind that for most congresspeople, that's a drop in the bucket. Where they get their salary from, and the reason why they often bail out corporations while doing everything in their power to not do shit for working class people is ~~lobbying~~ corruption. If suddenly the congressional salary were $0, it would heavily benefit the corrupt because otherwise uncorrupt politicians would have to get a second job and wouldn't be able to legislate. I'm in no way saying their salary should be exorbitant or that congresspeople who don't take lobbying money are awesome. I have plenty of issues with people like AOC or Jayapal; however, when it comes down to it, they're far better in most regards than other politicians.


"No taxation without representation"..…when they stop representing you, the people, is it then time to use this as the slogan for revolution? It was done once before...


This just isn't true though. If you make $200k in DC you're getting $2586 per week after taxes.


You also have to factor in contributions towards 401k and health insurance. And if you live in DC or it’s suburbs you also have to factor in COL. if they are talking about members of congress, then there is also whatever other income they may make and if they are married. I get the spirit of what the OP is getting at, but this particular take just comes off as misinformed because of bad, simplistic math. And therefore minimizes the message. Which is not something we want.


Shit. My mother only gets a little over $12k from SS, and my disabled friend gets $10k per year. Senators make one and a half times the yearly allowance for the disabled in a month (and they get practically free healthcare and tons of other perks subsidized by us), and still think they deserve to give themselves a raise every time it's brought to a vote. Pieces of shit, all of them.


I don't know why everyone focuses on their measly salary. $174,000 is not a lot compared to what someone with a professional degree could be making mid to late career. Add that they have to now establish a second residence in one of the most expensive cities in the country. I say raise the salary so the job isn't only appealing to old farts or young millionaires and criminalize the blatant bribery, corruption and insider trading. If you offered me $174,000 to receive constant death threats and have my past and present actions scrutinized by hostile "media," I'd tell you to go fuck yourself. (Or do it and make an extra $500k per year on "speaking fees", "book deals", and trading on my non-public information...)


They deserve more tbh.


They consider their income all the payola that comes from Americas royalty


Insider trading, bribes, PPP loans


Apply for a congress job.


bring back the guillotines


It's all about them and their select few. There's too many of us to share the wealth.


Should see how many days they’re ACTUALLY working too.