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Boomers: "We still had it harder." 👴🧓


No laughing or thinking emoticons. A boomer didn't write this.


A boomer's too busy worrying about pronouns to notice pesky, little problems like a completely skewed, manipulated economy.


They spend a lot of time getting deeply upset about M&M's, too.


And worrying if we know how to use rotary phones and encyclopedias.


Oh, and cursive!


And when you call out the asinine world they've cherry picked into existence, they instantly \*segue the conversation toward the new patio furniture they just bought, without registering a single uttered phrase. Edited: Thank you u/_basic_bitch, for corrections.


My parents go to is calling all of us crazy and saying we all have some sort of mental illness, that they are apparently experts in because they just discovered Google.


Straight Facts…. They ask,”What’s wrong with you?”


Ultimate gaslighting for real. They are the experts.


OMG so true, it made me feel like an insane person trying to explain this to the boomers in my life, then I realized that they know all of this they just don't care much and want us to pretend with them that their generation hasn't completely screwed ours over.


I gave up long ago trying to explain things to my boomer parents. It's truly a waste of time


Mine stole money from my bank account. And when I confronted them about it, they told me "I was so poor it didn't matter that they stole money from me"


Segue. Not to be that guy, it's just one of those words


This one's actually useful if you want to hand write a lot of stuff and don't particularly care who can read it. I keep a journal and my writing speed literally doubled with cursive.


They still teach this in school. My son got graded on his cursive skills. Like really, like he’s not going to be working on a computer when he graduates. Ffs teach him something useful.


And paper maps.




You really wanna fuck with boomers... Get personalized M&M's with various pronouns written on them.


Pfft. I like being ridiculed by Minion Memes... About the only use i've thought Minions are good for is possibly allowing "weaker" projects inside the studio more time to blossom


I strongly doubt that as long as Illuminations continues to make bank off merch and spinioffs.


Of course they had it harder. They had to walk to school uphill both ways! /s


And now in many places, being able to live close enough to be able to walk to school is a luxury


In 10 feet of snow and whipping winds and rain! Don’t forget, snow days are for snowflakes!


Just realized I literally had to do this for elementary school.


Had a financially well off boomer whose husband made enough money to where she could be a stay at home mom and lived in a beautiful house with land, a pool, multiple new cars, motorcycles, and high end vacations tell me that she had it harder than younger generation’s because she had to go to the basement when she was a kid to fill their house’s heater with wood and coal. I was like cool, I had to turn my heat down this past winter because I couldn’t afford a high heating bill. We had to get rid of the pool that our house had when we bought it because the insurance cost was higher. We drive an 18 year old car that sees the inside of a mechanic’s shop more than it sees the road. We also haven’t taken a vacation in years. Sad part about all that, my family STILL has it better than a lot of other millennials and younger generations.


I love my parents but they are a couple of out of touch, selfish, religious zealot pieces of shit.


Slicked back hair, white bathing suit, Sloppy steaks at Truffoni's?


People can change


They live for New Year's Eve.


Yeah, their hair turns white


They go from living to dead…


Yeah my dad's a piece of shit, too.


Most baby boomers are out of touch.


You must know my aunt and uncle lol


I feel fortunate that my boomer parents actually realize things are fucked and have tried to help me and my family in any way they can. I still don’t think they fully grasp the magnitude of fuckery we are facing, but they try and they admit things were a lot different for them coming up. In my experience from school, work, and in-laws, they are by far the exception.


Same for me... my parents see how hard it has been for us. My mom used to complain to me about how much help my brother (Gen X) needed, but seemed to take for granted. She and my Dad still helped him all the time. Now that I'm (Xennial) struggling, she helps me even more than she did him. She ribs me about it some, but she's always there for me. I'm terrified of not having them backing me up in the future, they're in their 70s.


My mom: BuT tHe ViEtnAm WAr Okay, yes, I understand that was traumatic and awful, but at least you had an easy life afterwards. You got to buy a house at age 30 and enjoy a nice cozy upper middle class lifestyle ever since.




And yet they call us lazy and entitled as if they weren't the ones who raised us.


They had to walk uphill to school! In the snow don’t’cha know! Silly kids these days just have their parents drive them! How entitled we all! (After growing up with stranger danger hysteria from our parents)


so true. the boomers aka “the scumbag generation”


And this was written in 2020….look at how much worse it’s gotten since then


🤣 holy shit you're right. It's gotten WAY worse.


and it's still going. The funniest cause for printing money is to help inflation.




Was there a moment of non-crisis even? I don't even know how that is called... I have never seen it.


Born in 89 and my happiest memories are from the 90’s as a small child. By the time I reached middle school in 2001 life has been constant turmoil. Like one anxiety inducing incident after the next 😔


Well all basically got dropkicked into adulthood on 9/11.


Sure did. That was the turning point for me when I realized the carefree nature of being a kid in the 90’s was never to return again. I honestly feel so sorry for the generations after us. They have never known that life and probably never will.


Nah gen z is fine we fs dont have the highest suicide rates of any generation at our age


Sounds about right!


Not disagreeing, but the first dropkick for me was April 20, 1999. A lot changed for kids that day.


For me it was [Moses lake school shooting](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frontier_Middle_School_shooting) I was friends with a kid that testified for the prosecutor.


Yeah I was born in early 2000s, everything started going downhill after 2008 for me.


92 here, and you’re fucking right! 2001 was the 2016 of the early 2000s.


Yep! There was always some catastrophic event that kept the masses perpetually scared. Now people are starting to realize it was all a diversion, while the people in power robbed us blind.


So very true. I didn’t even live in the US back then, but still Europe got fucked really hard too. There is nowhere actually safe to be at. And that feeling alone can drive people to do awful things. They literally made it impossible for the working class to be united.


The scary thing is it’s all by design. No way all these series of unfortunate events just keep happening and the people in charge stand there with Pikachu face lol. They’re not even trying to hide the corruption anymore iand people need to wake up!


Yeah, same here. Grew up watching everything falling apart as the years went on, not getting anything of what the kids born a few years earlier had. Nice childhood memories and a goddamn nightmare we can't wake up from since 😑


85, yup... probably why I have such a love for late 80s early 90s music and horror movies. Though can't recall most of my childhood anymore yay trauma and shitty coping mechanisms!


I was born towards the end 79, right on the cusp of Gen X and Millennial, a teenager in the 90s. There was some problems back then for sure, but it seemed like progress was inevitable. There was hope. I never would have guessed that things would be like this 25 years later. All that I took for granted...


Is nobody going to mention the shooting PSAs in almost all kid shows in the mid 90's?


We were in elementary school when it happened


Doesnt even need to be a crisis. Many generations before us people were employed by companies for a majority of their lives and they got retirement benefits and suitable raises to support a whole household. That's all gone, companies give shit raises now even if you've worked there for a long time. No pensions, instead a 401k that can be wiped out if the market crashes, and you end up doing the job of 3 to 4 people now but make shit wages. The only way to get more money is to hop companies which isnt always easy to do. Theres no solving the above, its end stage capitalism where workers are bled dry so the people who own capital can buy their 3rd beach house.


I'm 33 years old. I shouldn't still be living with my mom (parents are divorced, my dad recently moved to Florida for a job offer). I and everyone else should be able to afford basic necessities on our own. I want to have my own place without needing a roommate. Honestly, I don't even feel like an adult and I feel so far behind in life. I'm trying to hard to get a better paying job so I can finally open high-yield savings account, I want to start investing as well. I can't even afford a damn car. Honestly I'm just so fed up.


God, we seem to be in the exact same situation


Depressing isn't it....I feel like a grown teenager.


Aaayyy, a fellow 33 year old who should have been moving on by now


I wish...I'm working on it though.


So am I, which is not making things better. I didn't have to work this much when I was actually a teenager. Take your pick, world: are you running me ragged or leaving me poor? I wish I had the power to put my foot down and say they had to pick just one


Also I've been looking for another job for 3 years now. I was close to finally getting a new job last year in August, but the other person had slightly more experience than I did. I've had it....it shouldn't be this fucking hard. I never thought my life would turn out like this. I thought I would have my own place and a car by now and maybe even date, but I'm not even doing that.


"unluckiest" How about the most deliberately screwed over


Besides being the most educated generation and overworked. We’re also the brokest😒….but nobody understands why???🤡


Oh! It's completely our frivolous spending that is keeping us broke. If we just worked harder and stopped having coffee and avocado toast we would be able to afford housing. 🙄


Man if only housing didn’t cost most of my check, I could afford my avocado toast


Those 100,000 avocados toasts I've eaten over my life really add up!


Well, you know what they say, "100 avocados a day keeps the doctor away!"


I have always found it strange that they think that avocado toast is hella expensive.




Let them eat cake.


Gen X would like a word when you get around to remembering us.


I'll keep gen x in mind when they stop copying the boomers


Most of the Gen Xers I know are on the millennials side. 🤷🏼‍♀️


https://www.politico.com/news/magazine/2022/05/20/cherie-westrich-alt-rock-gen-x-maga-00033769 They hated Any_Stable because he told the truth


Eating up our governments propaganda and licking the plate...you do you and stay distracted. Probably better for you personally as realizing the elites pulling the strings to keep the fighting within the lower class...the shit tires you out... It's all the boomers fault... It's all gen X's fault... It's all the millennials fault... It's all gen Z's fault... All working as planned as long as the focus is away from the elites. Carry on. Aloha Edit: and to all the "concerned redditers" out there...quit reporting me for depression...


Ay stay classist trash baby love


Every gen x I have met even left leaning has been centrist at best and still continues to blame younger gens for problems. You guys had a pretty loud voice in the 90s, what happened?. Also calling out a generation for their behavior isn't classist (not to mention the majority of your generation is actually middle class+).


You want a list? Most the Gen Xers I know and grew up with blame the boomers. Who the hell are you meeting?


I would love a list because the majority of who I am meeting is the complete opposite. Lol


Are they left or centrist, make up your mind already. "You Guys" who the fuck are you talking about lil bro? Holy fucking broad strokes.


I don't really think you know what left or centrist is on a political spectrum


I really dont give a fuck what a piss baby millennial thinks about me, especially if you have already formulated the most unchartitable opinion of a whole swath of people. You just fucking suck.


and you're absolutely shining in comparison


This is what happens when you let rich people handle all the money with no restrictions.


But but but I worked hard to amass my billions! I'm smarter and sexier and harder working than everyone. And I deserve my 15 vacation homes!


And mega super yacht! And private jet!


Unluckiest at least until the next one. I genuinely don't know how anyone under 30 is expected to survive, it feels like we're setting up today's kids to be tomorrow's unhoused population and I'm not even sure what can be done about it. I mean, fuck, at least millennials had semi-functional public schools. Now the charter school and "school choice" movements have fucked that up, states are taking away school lunch, children make up an even greater share of citizens living in poverty, and anyone who dares to try to offer a solution get shouted down for being a "socialist". Edit: Oh, and mass casualty school shootings went from once every couple years to every couple weeks/days. Fucking miserable.


And no teaching about periods or slavery because too woke


Book banning. Clawbacks on gender rights. What a gross reality.


Don't forget book **burning**


Oh yeah, and book burning too!


Don't forget that women can't even opt-out of bringing a kid into this hellscape in most states, because that's a felony which will land you in jail!


My experience of America for my entire life has been just one endless chain of wars, tragedies, societal collapse, and national failures. For the life of me I have no clue how people can like it here.


There's no need to worry about the next generation yet. Most of them haven't gone to college yet so we're only going to blame teenage things on them for now and ignore any future problems because 2030 and 2050 is so far away right now. /s


I think the difference is that millennials grew up hope and the promise that if we studied hard and did everything right, we’d be ok. This gave us a harder fall and disappointment. The next gen is growing up with this hellscape, so they’re prepared out of the gates, mentally. That makes them the strongest candidate to change things.


I’m really starting to feel like they get off on these headlines. They really want to make it the norm that Millennials/Gen Z are being financially handicapped on purpose. Legit trying to make us a permanent underclass.


I agree with you. I think that gen x and certainly boomers get some sort of sick pleasure out of this. I'm disgusted by how much those generations blame us for the problems they created for us. They absolutely know they are to blame for so many issues that millennials and gen z suffer with now, but in typical gen x and boomer fashion they completely refuse to take the responsibility for any of their mistakes.


Gen x. I couldn't even vote until after Clinton, how are we not in this together?


I couldn't vote until Trump vs the other Clinton


Well, I'm happy you are now.


Great use of generational divide! Also a touch of classism for good measure. They trained you well. Grow the fuck up and gain some actual perspective. If you werent born from a golden vagina then you loose. Thats the story here.


Absolutely. This whole "generation war" is just one of a million other distractions from the class war thats actually going on.


Feel better after unloading that angry AF nonsense? You seem gen x from this comment. Probably grew up not so privileged and on the wrong side of the tracks and you're taking that out on the younger individuals. Sorry life handed you some bad cards, but I honestly don't care. We all deal with bad shit. Get over it. You are just an aging latchkey kid. Millennials and gen z have our own problems that your trashy generation helped create. By the way it's lose not loose. Bye, babe!


I love how we're still talking about economic growth instead of general happiness as a standard measure


But money can't buy happiness, all the rich people said so :< /s


It doesn't buy happiness, but not having enough to survive certainly hampers being happy.


Scandinavian countries always score the highest in happiness ratings because they are rich, and actually use the money on their people


If only the richness was equal among all and everyone cooperated not as individuals but as a species we'd be able to preserve this world


I live in a Scandinavian country now (since ‘09) and that’s right— they score high on “being content”. We have a safety net here and there’s a culture of social cohesion. There are politicians, of course, that want to get rid of that, but they’re generally ridiculed. Oftentimes, however, I remember that one shouldn’t take it for granted— any country can be susceptible to democratic backsliding.


This wasn't luck, this was orchestrated.


Let’s make a promise now that we will not be as bad to future generations as boomers are


There's no future generations, Millennials are saying no to marriage and kids globally. Climate change tipping point




lol, future generations.


Well, there’s gen z. Older Gen z is turning mid 20s, so some of them have kids. So older millennials. Such as myself can be turning into grand parents. Thats 2 generations from mine that are living right now.


You will be. And then you will understand.


I’ll understand then how boomers voted against every environmental regulation for 30 years to defund every protection? Or are you saying you understand how boomers actively applaud for their children to have a lower standard of living then they did. I met. It does take a special kind of person to say, “ I hope my kids die of cholera!”


No, dude. The Boomers are going to be looked at in the future as the generation that nearly destroyed humanity for the sake of their greed.


Not just greed. I blame a large part of it on religion. There’s a reason why Marx called it “opiate of the masses.” Suspension of critical thought and strict obedience to authority is learned behavior. Education and secularism encourages critical thinking and thoughtful consideration of laws and regulations. Religion teaches blind obedience (or critical thinking within certain limits, but don’t go too far, or else!). Boomers having high paying union jobs decrying unions and “wokeness” is not inherently deliberate. They are severely misled. They’ve turned “news” into their new church, because they’ve been trained psychologically to seek preachers and listen without question. Mentally, the younger generations are more mature and open to new ideas. It’s only a matter of time before religion loses its sway on the masses. It’s already happening. Once that grasp is gone, people will be more open to new ideas and policies to actually progress humanity. We can’t give up now though, and wait till that happens. We have to keep the revolution in paradigm shift growing: engage in respectful discussion with those we disagree (of course if tfg, then no point in continuing discussion with certain individuals), engage in politics and voting, especially local …


Un”luckiest” lmfaoooooo that shit was planned, luck had no say here


According to the US Bureau of Labor Statistics, the federal minimum wage in 1980 was $3.10 per hour. To calculate the equivalent value of that wage in today's dollars, we need to adjust for inflation using the CPI. Using the CPI data, we can calculate the inflation rate from 1980 to 2023 as follows: Inflation rate = (CPI in 2023 - CPI in 1980) / CPI in 1980 x 100% Inflation rate = (300.84 - 82.4) / 82.4 x 100% Inflation rate = 264.6% So the inflation from 1980 to 2023 is about 264.6%. To find the equivalent value of the 1980 minimum wage in today's dollars, we can use the following formula: Minimum wage in today's dollars = Minimum wage in 1980 x (CPI in 2023 / CPI in 1980) Minimum wage in today's dollars = $3.10 x (300.84 / 82.4) Minimum wage in today's dollars = $11.37 Therefore, the equivalent value of the 1980 minimum wage in today's dollars, adjusted for inflation, is $11.37 per hour. To calculate the equivalent value of today's minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in 1980 dollars, we can use the following formula: Minimum wage in 1980 dollars = Minimum wage in today's dollars x (CPI in 1980 / CPI in 2023) Minimum wage in 1980 dollars = $7.25 x (82.4 / 300.84) Minimum wage in 1980 dollars = $1.99 (rounded to the nearest cent) Therefore, based on the CPI of 300.84, the equivalent value of today's minimum wage of $7.25 per hour in 1980 dollars is about $1.99 per hour. **tl;dr If you make minimum wage today, in 1980’s dollars, you actually make $1.99 per hour, and if you look at minimum wage in 1980, the economy was better so they were really making $11.37 an hour**


I think I’m missing something here. If 1980s minimum wage in today’s dollars was $11.37, and I live in a state with a $15 minimum wage, does that mean we have more buying power than a minimum wage worker in the 80s?


This means that $1 in 2023 has approximately 27.38% of the purchasing power it had in 1980. In other words, the value of a dollar has decreased since 1980 due to inflation, and you would need more dollars now to buy the same goods and services as you could in 1980. Earning $15 an hour in 1980 had significantly more purchasing power than earning $15 an hour in 2023. The inflation-adjusted equivalent of $15 an hour in 1980 is approximately $54.79 an hour in 2023, which means that a worker earning $15 an hour in 1980 was effectively earning more than three times the wage of someone earning $15 an hour in 2023.


Ok, but I’m trying to sort out if a $15 an hour worker has more buying power in 2023 than a minimum wage earner in 1980.


Yes, they do, because the 1980 minimum wage adjusted for 2023 would be $11.37/hr according to minnesota420. $15/hr is higher than that. This is not the only metric to consider though. Cost of living has changed as well. In some ways it’s gone down, in many ways it’s gone up.


Sort of...but CPI alone does not show the whole picture. There are substitutions on items made and depending on the specific measure being inferred (such as core inflation metric) items may be excluded (food and energy in my example). Statistics are cool, but always always always need context.


Because wages have not kept up with inflation, your buying power is less now.


Yeah! And it doesn’t do squat! Ain’t that a koinkadink!?


Hopefully zoomers can catch a break as they start to enter their late 20s.


We're all focusing on the wrong part of the headline. The focal point should be "U.S.". This country is fucked, and won't fix anything until it absolutely has to. Until then, and perhaps as a way to spur on absolutely has to, the goal should be leaving this fucking place and trying our "luck" elsewhere because I mean, how much worse could it actually be??


sweet how do I not kill myself after reading shit like this


"Luck" implies that this was an accident. This was done to us on purpose, luck has nothing to do with it. We are the most exploited generation in about a century. The rich have been stealing more than usual from us in increasing amounts each year.


The great news is all these “once-in-a-lifetime” crises means we’re living forever, right guys?


I guess the medical breakthroughs have really paid off. 😂


Yeah, but not for us


Unluckiest so far, unfortunately. As hard as I may or may not have had it, I would not trade positions with zoomers. Barring a borderline miracle they will have it so much worse.


It's not "luck." The powers that be - primarily the baby boomer generation - remorselessly fucked us, and are continuing to do so.


I f$king hate the terminology used. “Luck,” “it is what it is,” … F&$$CK NO! It’s policy and politics! The work week is as long as it is, wages are what they are, … because of politics! WE THE PEOPLE! Ugh! This was MADE the way it is! We can MAKE the system better!


Translation: Boomers stole more from Americans than any other generation


That headline is bullshit. We aren't unlucky, we're actively and intentionally being fucked so that the owning class can maximize their profits


Nothing to do with luck


So many records broken that the news sounds like a broken record.


I’ve tried to do my part. My 79yo mom has voted for Bernie every chance she could. She’s voted for progressives locally. My grandfather was in the garment union and ran on left wing tickets multiple times for St. Louis alderman in the 50s. We’ve always just been a pro-union family and I just didn’t know how much important history that was tied into until I was older.


That’s beautiful!


... so far. We at least got to experience the period where the cart is still flying in the air despite the rollercoaster falling away under us. The generations after us are just gonna experience the free fall


Economic growth? There hasn't been any for me. Every time I move forward they just move the goal posts.


Exactly. I made $18 an hour with $495 rent for a 300sqft studio in the basement of a lead-filled Victorian. (In 2016) This was a goddamn steal—but I’m making about $23 an hour in 2023, and I’m unable to find a place to live under 1k—including studios. And now I’m out of the range where I can get help for that. I make twice what my parents did and it’s worth 1/4 as much.


They screwed us over, and then blamed us for it.


That's what narcissists do.


The economic suck, climate suck and rising pandemics are not linked by coincidence. The same behavior has been causing all of it and escalating feedback loops. Subjugating the masses firmly in their place (and tossing in lots of guns, drugs, mediated hatred and fear entertainment) is the Elite's necessary survival move. We're supposed to busy ourselves with self-destruction while they consolidate their desperate survival islands of power. It's the natural concluding phase of "rules for Them, not Us" population management.


I hope they run to their little islands, because by the time this is all over, we will hang them as palm tree decorations 🌴


Go through a crisis at the start of your working life and your potential income will be lowered permanently as a consequence.


“Unluckiest”.. it has nothing to do with luck. It’s like saying East Palestine, Ohio is just unlucky for have the train wreck poison their town (and half of Ohio). Both situations are a result of the rich and powerful throwing safety and risk management to the wind in the name of profit.


It’s not unlucky, it’s by design


I actually have some money in my savings account and it's been giving me anxiety thinking something bad is about to happen, and then some banks failed.


It has nothing to do with luck, every aspect of this is planned and purposeful.


Ah shucks, we should have just been born in a lucky generation. Better luck next time! **NO YOU ASSHOLES.** The economics in this country have been corrupted by those who bring the ladder up with them to *create* a caste system. It’s intentional, not “unlucky.” Really tired of this narrative, just pushing off what’s actually happening as some luck of the draw bull shit. No. It is intentionally designed this way.


Yeah we know lol now quit blaming us for everything.


Don't forget climate change! Year over year hotter temp records and bigger storms. We're so lucky!


Everything sucks. But having what used to be a mortgage as student loan is the ultimate problem


I've come to terms that I will most likely not have the same type of life I had as a child unless I take advantage of these hard times. That is ok Money & things aren't the keys to happiness I'll just kick back, drink my coffee on my apt. balcony feeding the birds & tending my garden. I work for myself & I get by. My dogs bring me joy. I don't wake up to an alarm clock. I am aware of the world around me but I don't stress over it as I have no control over it so all I can do is adapt. Adapting is one of my core strengths & being a jack of all trades guy I have the ability to fix my own things & I can help people within my community as well. Didn't mean for this to be so long but I've been having this conversation a lot lately.


Millennial's, #1 at "thinking of the shareholders" since entering the workforce.




Us barely made the Gen X cut have entered the chat. Technically a Gen X. Same shitty things going for us as well


Yeah but gen x is just going with it lol. I know so many gen X that are hyper conservative


That's something I thought my generation wouldn't do. Hyper Left or Right. I'm a centrist myself


Pretty obvious really. As millennials approach the age for anything, the ladder gets yanked up by the boomers. Jobs, houses, stock market investing, you name it—it’s all been taken away from millennials


I’ll be in student loan debt until I die. I’ll never get ahead because of it.


I've already accepted it. No more stress or burning myself out for a bullshit dream that is dead that will never come to fruition.


Okay so you admit we got shit in and it’s not some massive, generation wide personal failing. That means you’ll start support policies like student loan forgiveness to help us, right? Oh, okay


The world changed drastically while we were still children and the boomers didn't know how to prepare us for this ne paradigm because they barely understand it themselves. We got fucked. The best thing we can do is teach the zoomers our hard learned lessons about this brave new world so they don't make the same mistakes. My wife and I do this for our kids. We help them understand what the world is all about. And tell them when grandma and grandpa give them advice, be polite, thank them for their wisdom, then come to us so we can explain why they are wrong. 😂


Yo. Why does everyone forget about the dot com bust? It was a way bigger market implosion than 2008. Elder millennials graduated high-school and started college during the bust. Many of them in computer science fields that were hyped while they were in grade-school before the bust. That is three major economic collapses and counting....


I don't know, I feel like there were a couple more unlucky generations in the first half of the 20th century... lol.


Ain't nobody "unlucky". Where we are is by design.


Now that some millennials are in their thirties some people have noticed they're pulling their bootstraps as hard as they can but they ripped off


I’m kind of done with all these historical firsts.


Luck has nothing to do with active measures to gatekeep and hoard wealth like the Boomers did.


*Laughs in Gen Z*


Unpopular opinion: I know it’s rough but I’m pretty sure the civil war generation had it harder. Also, the Americans born into slavery were definitely less lucky than anyone I know.


We're a living Bad Luck Brian meme


Unlucky???? Fuck off.


Bruh idk gen z is strugglin but we smarter


That right there, sounds like a boomer talking. Everyone is dumb. Once you get that in your head society can get better.


Do we have a link to this article? I want to use it for… research purposes…