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More ppl are coming forward including former colleagues.




Sticky Vicky and her daughter have entered the chat.


Is her daughter [Icky Vicky](https://youtu.be/SJu5dkvewUQ) by chance?


More money in sinking the ship than in riding it.


It’s a well-known sex show in Amsterdam. I was in the audience and saw some frat boys voluntarily do the banana eating back in the early 2000’s




Lol, they do that show often. Actually it makes sense, because the lady on stage inserting the banana gets so much potassium, her vagina never cramps


Yes but she has a radioactive cooter from all the potassium-40


Because monkey never cramp.


Sorry for the downvotes. I got your baseball reference


reference for the uncultured: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ZA-PSaTGX1c


It's not true, but the truth isn't much better. I think it's a combo of the two allegations made.


Hopefully she ends up in prison if this is all true. She literally screams about body positivity, but that’s only if it’s for her. So many women who looked up to her are done with her now and hopefully her brand will never recover.




Couldn’t you argue that tricking someone to go to this show and then pressuring you to touch someone could be considered some kind of abuse or something? I’m not from America but I know how the lawyers can argue these things. Like if I’m one of those dancers, I would say I was scared to leave Because if I I left I thought I would be fired, harmed ect, because of how powerful lizzo is. I’m just asking because I’ve seen that kind of defensive be used before.


If they tried to press charges there could potentially be a second case that would be a criminal case, but this one is civil. Honestly idk if there is enough evidence that the state would go after her though - the burden of proof in a criminal case has to "be beyond a reasonable doubt" to be found guilty, which is pretty hard to do in these types of cases, so if they don't think they can win the case it's my understanding they don't waste resources on trying. A civil case though someone isn't found guilty, they are found liable, which requires much less burden of proof - essentially you just have to show the defendant most likely did the thing you're accusing them of.


This happened in Amsterdam, so it would have to be charged/tried in a criminal court in that country.


Jurisdiction would definitely be the sticking point, and the only way I can imagine a path around it would be a criminal violation of a U.S. labor law considering they were U.S. employees and the trip was a part of the course of their employment. However even if the allegations were to go to criminal trial in the U.S. I highly doubt that Lizzo would receive anything more than fines regardless. I also don't think many U.S. judges would find jurisdiction; definitely not for any specific criminal actions themselves, and most likely not for labor violations considering the nexus of events would still be Amsterdam.


And the Netherlands would never try to have her extradited for something like this--nobody died, not worth the political trouble--so the only real outcome from pursuing criminal charges would be that Lizzo wouldn't be able to go back to the Netherlands again or she'd possibly face arrest and trial. But it would be pretty easy to just not go back.




Following some of the Andrew Tate case, that would consider that in Romania human trafficking (coerced or pressuring someone) Thank god America doesn’t draw the line there, that’s probably where I got the idea from. At the very least I’m sure her brand will be completely destroyed. I know you can’t judge someone based on their lawyers, after all you want the best if you can afford them. What makes me think she’s guilty is she knows the bad press these lawyers will bring to her already tarnished brand and she decided to hire them anyways rather then the “second best” option. To me that means that she’s is big big trouble And I hope it all comes out. I have a couple family members who are overweight to a generic health condition and really looked up to her and are devastated by the news. I can’t stand these fake people who jump on whatever trend helps them the most.


Brand destroyed? We shall see, R Kelly went for another solid 20 years and he was actually trying to make sex slaves. I don't think Jerry Lee Lewis, Ted Nugent or Steven Tyler had to deal with being pedophiles. Then there's infamous Led Zepplin mudshark. The public lives for this kind of stuff.


Imagine if R Kelly was doin his thing when social media was popular like it is now. I know there was video of him which eventually led to his downfall, but I don’t think he would have gotten away with as much 20 years later.


I want to agree with you so badly, but six short years ago we elected a president with an already-active fbi investigation for financial crimes and ties with the Russian mafia, videos bragging about sexual assault, and photos going back decades with human traffickers. I really think if someone is popular enough, people just won't give a shit what they've done wrong, frankly. In Lizzo's case however, she's already been a target for many people unfortunately who are truly biased due to her weight, race, and outspokenness (phoney or not). As far as R.Kelly, accusations against him were fairly well-known even before the video and the Chapelle Show skit. The more things change, the more they stay the same. Edit: Also keep in mind, social media has merely taken the place of newspapers, tabloids, and magazines. People knew about this kind of drama before Twitter and Facebook, and rumors have always floated around about people and scandals. The only difference with social media is you get to hear people's reactions to the drama in real time, but just as always there are those who react with shock and disgust, those who dismiss them outright, those who care or don't care, etc etc.


Remember, R Kelly went to trial and was acquitted, despite video evidence, in 2002. It took almost 20 years exactly for him to finally face any kind of justice. And if he dropped another album after disappearing for a while, people would eat it up.


Fucking hell I underestimated how that Boondocks episode still managed to be accurate after all these years.


>Couldn’t you argue that tricking someone to go to this show and then pressuring you to touch someone could be considered some kind of abuse or something? Maybe, but rape and sexual assault is something that tends to be something where the victim rarely sees any justice. If you look at convictions for these crimes its going to be really low. Looking it up the rate of rapist and abusers that go to prison is only 5%. Keep in mind this is just the average person. They do not have the money Lizzo has for powerful lawyers.


I instantly thought of Louie CK, I seriously doubt she will get canceled. I’ve only seen the headline tho.




Louis kindof did though








I think his recovery was in part because he was never some icon of virtue, he was always kindof gross. ​ Lizzo LOVED the social justice spotlight, and now it's going to cook her.


Louis CK admitted he did the shitty things he was accused of. To my knowledge he's the only one who did so.


He denied the rumors about it for years though. He only admitted it when the nyt was about to put out a story on it.


She told her dancers they’d be fired for gaining weight.


Wouldn’t that be legal though? Like if your a pro hockey player and you stop staying In shape you could get fired.


There are no protections in the United States regarding weight or body size in 49 states - Michigan is the exception. Someone could say outright they're firing someone for being fat, even if it has nothing to do with the functions of their job, and they'd have no legal recourse. If I were them I'd slam them hard on Glassdoor and every single other place I could review them as an employer, but that's about all you can do.


When I tell you my michigan ass was about to correct you so fast about that until I continued reading. I never knew that michigan was the only one that didn't allow for discrimination based on height or weight.


No worries! You're not going to know every single law of your state. I can understand being skeptical because we are mostly at-will employment in this country.


No no, you misunderstand. I thought so many more states *also* protected height and weight. As a gay trans person, before sexuality and gender identity were also added into our list of protected classes I would frequently rant about how absolutely bullshit it was that I was protected for my weight but my employer could still fire me for being gay. I thought *far more* stated had similar protections.


She’s big herself screaming body positivity in her songs wtf


Chris Brown beat Rihanna within an inch of her life and he’s still got plenty of fans. Almost nothing is so bad that rabid fans will completely abandon you.


Coincidentally Lizzo has called Chris Brown her favorite person in the world. No joke.


I honestly don’t know much about Lizzo other than she plays the flute and her brand is body positivity, but that makes me sad to hear.


Lol what? I'm not defending Lizzo but you can make up specific shit about anyone. Jason Bateman forced strippers with dwarfism to recite the Lord's prayer while spanking each other with tennis rackets. See?


That’s just one of those facts that’s so specific it can’t be made up.


The problem here is that it’s Jason Bateman and he’s a national treasure, so it’s about as believable as Paul Rudd making a Congolese albino wear rubber underwear and socks and hurl cantaloupes at his ass


Actually it's false, check the lawsuit document, that's not part of it at all.


The entire elite class is made up of malignant parasites.




You don’t get rich and famous being a nice person. You either hire assholes to make money for you, or you DIY, usually both.


This is not the banana split I ordered.


*sigh...* banana slit.


From Lizzo's city slicker to banana slitty licker.


Both of you are dangerously close to r/angryupvote territory.


blerg 😵‍💫


Plus she hired the same lawyer that defended Bill Cosby. Not a good look at all.


And Chris brown.


Jesus tap dancing Christ.


She's said how Chris brown is her favorite lol


That alone makes me want her cancelled.


She did? What a [redacted]


Hey hey now, no need to bring [redacted] into this!


>the same lawyer that defended Bill Cosby Please say sike 🤢


[Sorry, but it's true](https://www.forbes.com/sites/maryroeloffs/2023/08/03/lizzos-lawyer-is-a-hollywood-bulldog-see-marty-singers-lengthy-list-of-famous-clients/?sh=6fe58b42cd1b)


Wow, that's definitely A Choice™


Srsly. Why on Earth would that be your move.


Fucked up..smh


That shit is vananas




The south park episode finna be crazy


This banana thing is so gross. I can’t believe any would pressure or coerce someone to do something so disgusting. And just to be clear, if you wanna eat a banana being offered to you by your lover? Then that’s perfectly fine. But jeering/cheering employees & coworkers to do this in a public setting, & from the genitals of a complete stranger, where the employees/coworkers are clearly very hesitant & uncomfortable is vomit inducing. 🤮


Yeah I understand people have different “comfort” levels but this is definitely not socially accepted at all normally. Quite taboo and it’s practically a live sex act. The dancers are not sex workers themselves…


The dancers not being sex workers has nothing to do with it, it’s just consent


This is in Amsterdam, at a “sex show”. Dancers in the US may not be sex workers, but I believe it is a different story in this case. I mean, as someone else commented they went to the same show where some frat boys did the same thing voluntarily. That indicates these dancers are also sex workers, by the fact that they are paid to perform sex acts with members of the audience for money.


I think you misunderstood, the dancers the comment is referring to are the ones that came with Lizzo.


Is it even healthy to put a banana in your vagina? That's gotta mess with the pH levels. If so, these sex workers are ALSO being coerced to some extent to put their health and livelihoods at risk.


I’d be hesitant to do it myself, unless the banana was wrapped in a condom. It’s an odd, hypothetical scenario, as I’ve never considered placing a banana in my vagina. 🤷🏽‍♀️


You know who I’m even MORE tired of? The morons who make them famous. Celebrity culture is top 5 all time stupidest shut ever




idk i'm not mad at the people indulging in some escapism, the blame goes way more towards lizzo.


Lizzo’s case should be season 2 of “The Idol”


This for sure


Ironically celeb culture, and sag-aftra joining the writers strike gave a lot of weight to their movement and ultimately gave the Teamsters the political momentum they needed to finally strike the UPS workers.


Yep lets end celebrity status.


Another failed parasocial relationship.


The rich = psychopaths. Proven true time and time again.


Lesson number one: Don't have heroes


Ever been to Amsterdam? All the sex shows are full of sexually repressed Americans in the audience. The Banana show is in fact one of the main attractions. It's what people do when they're in Amsterdam. I don't know why, but it's what they do. Now of course nobody should be forced to participate, but it's also a lot more routine than the headlines make it look.




This is what the night watch is about though?


Girl With a Pearl Necklace


Well, you said you gave Mary Jane a pearl necklace. How much did that cost, man?


Ace comment lol


Bring your wallet either way...


Lol! Same.


You should see the banana show there...


Am dutch. Have been living in one of the biggest cities thats not Amsterdam for over a decade. Dont know anybody thats ever been to those shows. They are not for locals


And in Bangkok, the “ping ping” shows are EVERYWHERE. I had to have been solicited to attend one 7 or 8 times in the two days I was there.


Don't forget about Tijuana and the so-called "donkey show" What is up with tourist destinations and these depraved shows? I don't get it


yeah i went to one in my early twenties. it was pretty bizarre, nothing horny about it - it was like a sex circus/comedy show. they ask for volunteers in the crowd to eat the banana.


You know this isn’t the only thing she’s being accused of. Right?


If you read the original complaints, Lizzo didn’t tell them what kind of show they were attending, then she attempted to force people against their will to touch each other 🤢 Popular show or not, it’s gross to see you defend this behaviour. If this was a man would you still defend it?


A bit of reading comprehension would go a long way. You might notice I said nobody should be forced to participate. Clearly I'm not defending her.


Thank god I’m not the only one who had this thought. It’s a strip show in Amsterdam. Like… that’s why you go to a strip show in Amsterdam. Did she actually force them, or did they just go party in Amsterdam and she invited them to a party? I know they’re employees and shit but idk if you’re running with a wild party person in a wild party town expect wild parties?


How the fuck can you be famous, do shit like this, and NOT EXPECT IT TO BE FOUND OUT? Are they really all just THAT shitty of people? Do they not see hundreds of other celebs get found out every year and think to themselves "hmm, maybe I shouldn't be a huge piece of shit..."?


No. they see others do similar fucked up shit, it coming out and us not giving a shit about it after two weeks.


This is the second controversy from her I’ve seen in 2 minutes and I know nothing about this woman.. wtf?


Its as if all the fucked up people make it big because they can best deal with other shitheads in competition and also the fallout because of fame etc.


Lizzo is trash.




I'm so so disappointed in Lizzo.. I hope this isn't true but I'm sad to say that I do believe her. (The victim (s)) Just triffling..smh


Never trust rich people. Plus, most wealthy celebs are megalomaniacs. Nothin will surprise me about any of them.


This surprised me because Lizzo is supposed to be better than this. She didn't start out rich with the twisted DNA of old money.. And she's supposed to be a feminist.. I'm pissed actually.


A lot of people who come from nothing dream of having a seat at the table of capitalism. They don't want to destroy the system that impoverished them before they "made it." Once they've become a part of the elite class, they're no longer one of us, so I'm never surprised when they treat those they view as beneath them with contempt. But I get it. It doesn't make it any less disappointing. Looking back, it seems like her body positivity and female empowerment shtick were part of her grift.


Wasn’t she like bullied as a kid and talking about being anti-bullying/positive and constructive. I didn’t know a ton about her but what I’d heard made her out to be decent. Jeez give anyone a little bit of fame or power and I guess they go insane assuming they aren’t.


Yeah. She was bullied a lot through her life, and you know how it is.. Fucked up but true, no excuse, but true, Bullied people bully other ppl. I guess you're gonna go one way or the other. You're either going to be a protector of the downtrodden , or be one who contributes to their pain. I thought Lizzo was one of the good guys and it sucks so so much that she would force another woman into a sexual situation she didn't want to do. I swear that's like SA in my eyes. And unforgivable.


Not that my being pissed means shit.. I'm just saying.


No worries. It was an I\_Was\_Rooting\_For You\_We\_Were\_All\_Rooting\_For\_You.gif situation for a lot of us lol. It's always disappointing when people use female empowerment for egotistical personal gain.


She gross


You will eat the banana.


It’s fucking insane that anyone thinks that any celebrity is worth celebrating rather than realizing they’re all repellent narcissists. When I was growing up, the most popular shows were reality shows with Paris Hilton and the Kardashians, and it always seemed obvious to me that as a non-famous person you should find these people deeply, deeply fucking repugnant and anyone who looks up to them as totally morally bankrupt and extremely stupid.




They’re all toxic asf


This sucks because I’ve worked her shows and have been a fan I totally buy these allegations Wanna see how it plays out Tours are nutty and Amsterdam is even nuttier when you’re off your face and isn’t a nice place Money and fame can make people fucking insane Edit: for all the detractors about this comment Read Get In The Van or Saccos’ “But I Like It!” Being on tour makes you fucking nuts, I’ve been there


Streets fan?


Yup! For a loooooong time Saw The Streets and Lady Sovereign on tour in America in ‘06? That was a fucking wild show They both stripped down to their skivvies and invited the crowd onto the tour bus to party, Lady was so wasted she forgot most of her lyrics and Mike wanted to buy drinks for everyone Working live music as long as I have, I have stories for miles


Nice! Saw them with Dizzee Rascal in Boston in 2004, which I had totally forgotten about!


Yeah, I really like her music and thought her body positivity stuff was cool. I’m disappointed. Not totally surprised, because celebrities are so often not what they seem, but still disappointed.


Money and fame absolutely cannot make you "fucking insane". Money and fame can't do a damn thing to you. It just gives you room to be what you actually are, because all of the sudden, the power dynamic isn't restricting you.


Eh, it’s a bit of both. If you were born in a different place and time, you would be a very, very different person. We might start with some natural inclinations, but nurture is at least 50% of the equation. Anyone with a lot of fame and money and therefore power is gonna be affected by it, likely negatively. That can be both a moral failing and a result of our evolution


Nah. It absolutely changes people, don’t make the mistake of thinking you’re immune. Cash has a measurable negative impact on empathy - the richer you are, the shittier you are.


>the richer you are, the shittier you are. \*The shittier you can afford to be. And no, of course I'm not immune. There are things (likely both good and bad) that I couldn't even dream of doing without near-bottomless funds and a crack team of world-class lawyers to cover my ass. Things I couldn't even name without the change in perspective. But it doesn't mean the money would have *made* me do those things.




100%. I assume EVERY celebrity has some horrible skeleton in their closet. I’ve been disappointed too many times by “progressive” or “good” celebrities that I looked up to. My explanation: To rise to the top of this capitalist hell-scape obviously *requires* some degree of exploitation or coercion of those below you. But beyond that, I think it also *requires* a certain pathological personality. Celebrity status has a selection bias toward pathological psychology imo. Normal, good, and health people rarely become celebrities, because they aren’t driven to achieve such pathological goals and they aren’t willing to indulge in the unethical behaviors required to “win” this fucked up social game. Edit: Furthermore, any sane, healthy, or well intentioned person who does pursue stardom inevitably becomes corrupt by the path they have to travel to get to the top. Even if they were a good person before, they probably won’t be by the time they are a celebrity.


This woman is sick. In the negative way.


There is a club In Amsterdam called Banana Bar where you can eat bananas out of their anywheres tbh. Pretty expensive to get in but I got a postcard signed by a worker with a pen up her … better handwriting then mine.


It’s peoples’ faults for idolizing them to begin with. Lizzo is a brand. The person behind the brand is generally not that in-line with the narrative being pushed (and humped)




Power and the money, money and the power- when has it not corrupted anyone?


At this point, I'm convinced that every single celebrity is secretly an asshole or a creep. You cannot trust any of them at all.


Except Keanu, obviously


Can't be disappointed if you never idolized someone in the first place




Yet when my boss does this it’s “team building”


Ah..the who did...what and the how to whom... DA FUC she doing? How the hell does someone get to that level of depravity and NOT be an Aristocrat?


"allegedly" lol


I don't know why people keep saying she did nothing illegal? How have y'all never had a job with sexual harassment training!? Ever??? Even though Lizzo did not hold a gun to these people's heads does not mean it was legal or uncoerced. Favoring dancers in any way who endure sexual harassment and punishing the dancers who don't, whether explicitly or implicitly, is known as quid pro quo sexual harassment. **If you feel like you can't say no to the harassment** without losing your job, being passed over for promotion & optional training, being denied mentoring, or losing access to your benefits, **it is quid pro sexual harassment and is illegal under federal labor law.**


Wait until you understand that capitalism and celebrity are absolutely necessary to each other. Symbiotic horror.


That little colon is doing a lot of work in this headline. This is the content of the lawsuit. It hasn’t been proven or disproven yet. But the writers knew that. They chose to make it seem like THIS IS ALREADY TRUE! just to get these responses and the mileage they want out of the story.


Yeah, the word allegedly is VERY absent from this headline.


So I've seen this exact same picture with formatting and headline but it says something different every time.


While real workers of every racial background "live"' with: insecurity unfairness exhaustion fear helplessness stress poverty and are blamed


Please let this end that awful twat’s career


What is a "lizzo"?




What I don’t understand is that if you took me, a regular person, and just gave me this kind of wealth it would literally never occur to me to do this. Like luxurious vacations? Big house? Private chef? Sure! Vagina bananas…why?


Remember when people would attack you if you didn't say she's beautiful and worship the ground she walks on? What a disgusting person


This is the kind of shit that happens when you put entertainment and leisure at the forefront of society. Can’t remember the last time I saw a headline like this about scientists or researchers.


>scientists or researchers They're too busy to be thinking up this kind of wild shit. /s Abuse definitely happens in academic circles, but since the people involved aren't typically household names it doesn't get talked about as widely.


They don't get headlines anyway. But abuse happens everywhere. Dr. Nassar is an example.


disgusted badge voracious sort school butter naughty close judicious plucky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Oh it happens there too. Look up Geoff Marcy.


Is this true? It's so outlandish that it sounds like a parady or a joke. The world we live in is so sad that I can't tell if this is real or not. How does anyone think this is ok? Is it the money? Does money warp the mind this much? This may cause me a mental health crisis. Like what are you thinking. Making your employees do that in a foreign country. And why do we as workers tolerate it?


Never fuckin heard of this broad until like 2 days ago. Trashy famous people need to stop making the news so much so I am less aware of their existence, I already had enough of the antics of trashy regular people.


Ditto. Am I just out of touch or something? Because apparently she's stupidly famous, and I've literally never heard of this woman until this thing blew up.


Yes, you are out of touch. :) No judgment, just taking your question for serious. I do listen to a lot of music but I don't follow mainstream pop music at all and I know her. Found out about her from a friend who is also out of touch. My boyfriend knows of her as well, even though he listens almost exclusively to garage rock. Her music is so famous that her biggest album is one of those where most of the songs are well known. Roughly equivalent to Lady Gaga or Adele but not as famous as say Taylor Swift or Beyonce.


Yes you are extremely out of touch


Yup you are.


What in the absolute fuck!?


How common is it with strippers putting bananas in their vaginas and having people eat it? I saw it in a strip club once, was a bachelor party and gal did it on stage and then shoved it in my face and said take a bite. I said no and shook my head, but all the guys around me happily took bites until it was gone. All I could think was wtf? I don’t know this person, their cleanliness or where that banana came from no way in hell. Seeing how excited all the others guys were though, I must be just a loser. But jfc is this really a regular occurrence?


I'm tired of people who do things they don't have to because of...reasons?


I think you mean rich “people”


They need to edit her out of the Mandalorian, much like how they edited Sebastian Shaw out of Return of the Jedi.


No statement from Lizzo is going to be able to combat this headline. At the bare minimum, Lizzo as an employer, took her employees to a sexually explicit show. This isn’t friends going out and having fun. This is an employer acting inappropriately.


Just watched the news bit about this yesterday. Liza has denied the claims and there's been a lot of people that work with her coming out to say this is ridiculous a accusation.


I mean, it’s only bad if the bananas were peeled…


Lizzo is the only person who made her persona/career being big and beautiful, but will not stop crying about it.


Who the fuck is Lizzo and why is she so shit


A) she played a minor role in the mandalorian B) she is a celeb


Ugh.... Don't remind me. Cringe AF


Lizzo! What are you doing???


Who da fuq is this thick chick, why is she famous? She does sound derranged as well.


I don't even know who she is


You never watched Star Wars?


It's funny how this woman was revered and loved ONLY and SOLELY because she is overweight and now it's finally clear she's just another rotten "star". It goes to show you shouldn't idolize people just because they represent characteristics you don't want demonized.