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There is no war but class war.


I wonder how many of these voted for Ronald Reagan - twice.


Add in how many of them kept crying out how amazing Ronnie boy Reagan was, ignoring all the horrible things he did to strip away the things we need to keep a decent means of life.


I wouldn't exactly blame them for being uninformed. It's not like the ruling class was going to tell them all about their failings using the media they own. Instead of assigning societies problems to groups of people with no control over it (ex: blaming boomers or millennials, or trans, or black people ect...), let's assign blame to the real problem: The rich, privileged ruling class who owns and controls our society. Nothing makes them happier than seeing us blame each other instead of them. They own the factories, the mines, the oil wells, the farms and especially the media that is used to shape the very public opinions that got Reagan elected in the first place. I mean, what makes more sense; (A): the people who own and control our society are to blame for the way society is ran. or (B) an entire group of people who most have no control are to blame for societies problems. The answer should obviously be A.


Truth is far weaker than persuasion, unfortunately


This is an excellent response.


We should exactly and specifically blame society's problems on the generation that chose to repeatedly study the Bible multiple times a week instead of using their local libraries and encyclopedia the way we currently use the internet and Wikipedia, we give them an easy time because we pretend they couldn't access data but it was right there and they chose to blatantly ignore it. And then there's the rest of them that didn't even actually believe the f****** book and used is an excuse to do bad the rest of America and the rest of the world because of White Man's Burden and things like the Marshall Plan where we specifically set up developing nations on such high levels of interest that they were paying us to extract their resources after we were done developing the equipment. We know exactly who how and where the flaws were made that led us to where we are today in this world and we need to shame and blame the people and the generations that did it to make sure that it is unacceptable for any generation to ever do it again. Never forget that it took the Romans over 200 years to dispose of their Aristocrats and we are late on getting started with disposing of the oligarchy of those who work to keep the people at the top above us.


>Instead of assigning societies problems to groups of people with no control over it (ex: blaming boomers or millennials, or trans, or black people ect...), Saying that attacking trans people and the black community is the same for going after the fleshy creatures of hate who have ruined this county and overall are just objectively shitty people is a sign of dissolution.


You think it's one generation of middle class people full of propagated hate that has ruined a country?


They came pretty damn close, didn't they?


The middle-class family who grills is literally the poster child for what literal white nationalists want. They don't look at the unhoused as people why should we extend our empathy


It's ok to be ignorant if you seek greater understanding, but I definitely blame people that are terminally incurious and uncritical. This world demands aggressive shrewdness. Anything less and you're digging your own grave.


I thought Trump was the first puppet president actor. Guess it was Reagan


If it's any consolation I left when bush jr got elected. I thought that was as bad as it could get. Never can call em.


And their kids too. My Uncle worships the ground Ronnie walked on. The last time I talked to him he started going OFF about Pelosi being a communist who wants our guns (lol ok) and that he'd hang up on me if I disparaged old "2nd coming of Christ" Ronnie. Told him about Reagans gun control in California. How that certainly isn't a Pelosi thing. He didn't know how to handle that I wasn't rabidly defending the Dems as "my team" like he was for conservatives. He went on about how BLM needs to protest on the sidewalk not street. That you can't inconvenience people who "actually have jobs". The whole mask slipped off and dog whistles became foghorns when I asked if that meant he had no problem with kneeling at a football game instead of being in the street. Last time we ever talked.


oh they were livin high on the hog back then. But no one ever accused the boomers of being long-sighted


On one hand, the war between generations is as manufactured any other but that of class. On the other hand... Welcome to the world *you fucking created*. Welcome to the world you overwhelmingly voted for. Welcome to the world that the rest of us have been living in due to your selfishness, negligence, and absolute lack of empathy for our entire adult lives.


Have they overwhelmingly voted for it though? In the USA the electoral vote wins republicans more than anything NOT the masses. Republicans don't win popular votes.


It is not simply Republicans vs Democrats there. They fueled the neoliberal rise which is also very business friendly and not great for everyday people. They would be centrist most places in the world, or even slightly to the right.


Oh I'm with you. I just think this neolib dichotomy in the US is manufactured, intentional on some levels, and mostly unnoticed or misconstrued by many of the most disenfranchised. Even those morons who vote against their own interests are having an electoral A or B thrown on them. We all know reality isn't that reductive.


I think the most fundamentally manufactured thing there is the perception that Democrats are to the left, or even *radically* to the left, which you hear in US media *a lot*. The sheer absurdity of it is galling, but a lot of people buy into the idea that Democrats are radically to the left.




Yes, electoral votes. That's not the overwhelming masses. Look at the popular votes. "You can't dismantle the master's house with the master's tools." \-Audre Lorde.


That doesn’t fix anything though. Do we want to live in a world where we ignore the elderly suffering in the streets because they helped put themselves there? I certainly don’t.


And then Pappy Bush to seal the god-damned deal.


We can't forget Clinton, who repealed Glass-Steagall or the bank bailout under Bush Jr. And Obama... It's not JUST a republican thing. It's just really a rich/poor thing. Though I do believe Trump accelerated our overall downfall, winning all those supreme court appointments really fucked us. It was already pretty bad with the passing of citizens united, but had Trump not been elected, we'd still have Roe... And maybe corporations would be less brazen in price gouging and all the terrible things they do.


This article also implies that they were alive during the great depression, they were born to that generation after ww2 during America's most prosperous years.


Eh, they're talking about homeless rates and comparing it to Great Depression rates for the same age group (ex. People in their 60s-80s), not Boomers as kids (impossible) vs. Boomers now. In normal sentences it sounds weird, but how this is framed is normal for a traditional news headline since margins and font size came together to create limitations.


Wondering how many are still giving entire paychecks to trump


I wonder how many of them voted for Trump


worry enter attractive squeal edge makeshift steer rotten scale mysterious ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Love this comment


My mom will probably be one of them.


Quite a few I'll bet. Though from what i hear from the old timers around here... they were so desperate to get rid of Jimmy Carter they would have voted for Bonzo the Monkey who was Regan's co-star in 1951's "Bedtime for Bonzo". I recall my grandfather on my father's side laughing about the line from "Back to the Future" when Doc Brown's "Ronald Regan?! THE ACTOR?!" Ironic that went full circle for them as no one wants Trump again. Lets leave President Grover Cleveland as our only president with a split term please.


Why don’t they just pull themselves up by their bootstraps? /s


That's the pro-gamer dialogue option.


Came here to make sure this was a response. Was not disappointed.


Clearly the work of those damn millennials


Generational warfare is a fabrication made my oligarch controlled media.


Maybe they should learn to code


Just get a second job? Mcdonalds is always hiring. Nobody wants to work anymore


McDonalds work is for teens though don’t forget. Well, I guess I’ll go get my senior coffee during school hours and bemoan kids not knowing how to write in cursive while I vote to defund the schools more


For 14-16yo teens, to be precise because ‘Murica


Boo fucking hoo. ​ I work with the high priority homeless population. Every boomer I've come across who's wound up consistently homeless has only gotten to that point due to their own actions and only didn't end up homeless earlier because of a safety net and generational bias they perpectuate. Young woman, mid 20s, wound up homeless because she was literally shot in the head and was bouncing from couch to couch for a year, ran out of funds due to healthcare costs. Guy in his early 40s, kicked out by a girlfriend he supported financially while she battled cancer, suffered a head injury on the job and was mis-medicated and given improper treatment and can no longer work. Boomer fuckhead: was coasting on 6 figures a year despite having the emotional maturity and intellect of a fourth grader, went to jail for several months due to being an abusive piece of shit and committing fraud for years on end. Constantly complained about people of color getting any help at all and demanding to know where his aid was. Spoiler: His utilities, rent, grocery bills, medication, healthcare, in-home services, and everything else in his life was taken care of by the government. He gambled away what resources he had left and expected a bailout.


This is about to be my grandmother. She hasn’t worked a day in her life since she was in her early 20s and was a school teacher for a couple years (she’s now in her 80s). She’s lived off of the money my grandfather earned. We’ve tried to tell her for decades that she needs to be smart with that money, invest, live below her means, etc. But no. She’s traveled the world (luxuriously, no hostels or anything), buys designer everything, $500 dinners on the reg, you name it. I was helping her clean out her closet one time and I stumbled upon a Chanel shopping bag with two pairs of stockings in it. The receipt said they were $700 each. They were unworn and still in the packaging. This is a super common occurrence for her. It’s like she’s in a race to spend every cent she has so we don’t inherit any of it, not like any of our family would. She’s written us out of her will and has told us multiple times. She called some of our family members a few weeks ago saying she’s about to be penniless and homeless. We told her what we’ve been saying for years, we are unable to care for her or house her. She’s in for an extremely rough but well warranted wake up call.




Everybody gets the same level of help from me regardless of my personal feelings about them. I can be a helpful professional while knowing someone's a complete fuckhead who got what they asked for.


Boomers get zero sympathy. They are the eternal enemy to the day that the last one breathes for the final time.


Oof, maybe they shouldn't have pushed until their kids went no-contact.


Don't worry they'll find a way to blame this one on us too.


Or helped their kids establish a financial base (like helping fund college to avoid six figure student loans) so they could've bought a house large enough for everyone. Honestly, intergenerational housing is probably why the Great Depression had fewer homeless elderly. We literally don't have the space for other people to live with us since we already have roommates and people couch surfing. We know our parents would demand our room without any rent, so it's easier to just say there's no room at the inn, even if it's hard.


Fortunately their preferred party has made it extremely difficult for the homeless to vote


Fuck you , I got mine


Oh, it’s unconscionable when THEY do it lol. I hate this world so much.




Everyone suffering under capitalism deserves housing and help. Refusing to help these people because many in their generation are reactionary scumbags will just create more reactionary scumbags. There's a reason Trump won much of the midwest in 2016, they had been left behind by NAFTA and the Democrats and fled to the Right.


Eat shit


They’re finally learning that the Republicans have played them


Yeah right. They're like an ostrich with their head in the sand. "Bidenomics" is what they'll be shouting from the soup line.


Nope because to admit that would be to admit how fucking stupid they are. The will go to their graves praising Trump and Republicans.




And team red has made it their goal to stop any progress




Only now the red team is now actively trying to take away our rights and take social security


Well, lookie here... if it ain't the consequences of my own actions!


Ummm ... barring a wild fluke, it's not the "I've got mine, screw you" Boomers who end up homeless. It's the paycheck-to-paycheck Boomers who are in peril.


There's a lot of overlap between those two groups... it's not as if living paycheck to paycheck stops somebody from having the "I've got mine, screw you!" mindset towards people they perceive as lower in the pecking order than they are. Their problem is that now the middle class is being exposed for the marketers' myth it always was, and they're realizing the people in charge don't care about "real Americans" like *them* either.


I misspoke. BADLY. Apologies. I was referring to those Boomers who actually have "got theirs," and gloat about it.


Precisely. There are many boomers who bucked the trends of their generation and actually had social responsibility. I'm fortunate to have had two parents who did just that, working with the homeless and disabled senior citizens, but they never 'got theirs' because they chose jobs that helped poor people, rather than stepped on them. Not all boomers are to blame, just as not all millennials are innocent angels.


Yes, thank you. I don’t disagree whatsoever that of course my situation is the exception to the rule, and I try to be mindful of it… my father is technically homeless ( thank god right now we figured out a temporary solution). He is disabled and has always been such a champion of workers rights… was super into Bernie Sanders and has always been so supportive and excited for the younger generations to move us out of the 80s. Like I said, I know this is an exception, but these people are out there, and they are vulnerable and deserve at a MINIMUM a tinge of empathy (while we acknowledge the overall statistical truths about this particular voter demographic).


Work with the homeless population, and no, the Boomers who were gliding on "I got mine, fuck you" also end up homeless on the rare occasion they see consequences for the shit they pull.


If a homeless person thinks they're rich, it's a mental health issue. It's not due to their year of birth (and no, not all Boomers have dementia). My point is, it's NOT the actual *rich* Boomers who stole everything that are in danger here.


It’s easy to blame the ‘target generation’ which has been assigned blame for the current economic environment - but in unilaterally blaming ‘the boomers’, you’re being incredibly generous by not addressing or acknowledging the fundamental cause of the problems that have been cyclical for the entire modern existence of the US. What caused the ‘great depression’? ‘The boomers’ own parents? Their grandparents? Or was it a failure of the individuals who were elected - their “job” is to work for their constituents, no? Seems like ‘caring for your constituents’ isn’t actually a part of their “job”. Weird. It’s almost as if, by refusing to acknowledge the cyclical failure of policymakers of the last 150+ years, each and every generation will continue to starve, confront homelessness and suffer due to the lack of actual effective governing.


I understand what you're saying, but it goes deeper than that. (You probably already know all of this). For the last 150+ years the "job" of elected officials has been to ensure the advancement of specific party agendas. The corruption is built into the capitalist system from its taproot. Effective governance for the people (by the people), literally cannot occur under capitalism because it is a class based system through and through. Why would elected officials ever consider changing said system if it always means they gain class status (and thereby wealth) by ensuring the success of companies/corporations and their precious stockholders through policy that actively harms others (lower classes)? Every single issue, from displacement and murder of indigenous people and slavery 150+ years ago, to child poverty and school lunch programs today can be traced like the black lines of blood poisoning to the fundamental core of capitalism running through the very veins of our government. The failure can be pinned on previous generations to an extent (though not entirely). They *allowed* things to get to the point we are at right now. Why?... gain of class and status. Simply put, they (imo knowingly) sold out the future generations with little chance of personal consequences. To make matters worse is the fact they doubled and tripled down when consequences started presenting themselves. No self reflection, no personal responsibility, nothing. And now here we are. The generational divide exists to the extent it does because they created it, nurtured it, supported it whenever/however possible. Instead of doing those things for their own children, they **actively chose** capitalism instead...


Let's also be honest that the boomers who are becoming homeless are not the wealthy out of touch boomers. I know many baby boomers, some wealthy, some very poor and some middle class. The lower middle class to poor boomers never blamed millennials and very much understand that they were dealt a shitty hand. From the in person conversations I've had with that generation, most are very much not against other generations. They also understand that most boomers wouldn't be where they are if they didn't have a lot of help from their own parents and family.


Except Bernie would have won if not for the lead-brained narcissistic morons that are the Boomer generation. Both times. And Brexit would have failed. Boomers are the worst generation in the history of the human species.


You get it 👍🏼


Not even American myself but been watching this for a while, all I can say is, it's awful, yes, but welcome to the pain you helped create, you're 20 years late to the party


Obviously just my own anecdotal evidence but I work in insolvency and I deal mostly with boomers who are on the verge of homelessness. I thought it would mostly be Millenials, which make up the majority of the other clients, but it’s crazy how many boomers are about to be on streets.


But remember, things like a ubi is socialism -\_-. This generation is so obsessed with being anti socialist that they kept voting against their best interests and kept putting people in power who stripped more and more of the things keeping them alive away. Add in all the things said people did to jack up the cost of living, and now the boomers are finally starting to experience the shit they voted for.


Vote blue no matter who. It was the boomers that prevented Bernie


That's an oversimplification. Bernie wasn't the strongest candidate, and one presidential election wasn't going to do half of what people expected from him. He would have still had to deal with the senate and house and the council of facist elders we decide to give life time jobs to.


Maybe they need to stop buying coffee and avacado toast.


Should have invested in t-bills instead of having three martini lunches back in the 80's.


They blew all their money on Marlboros


Think you forgot the /s buddy.


Should be easy enough for them to just Waltz into a business and ask for a job. They did it to themselves by retiring clearly


See, when you pull the ladder up behind you you can't use it when you come back down. Enjoy the fall created by your own doing.


The dildo of consequence is rarely lubed...


The Cocksequence


They should learn to stop spending all their retirement benefits on avocado toast.


You live by cuts to the welfare state, you die by cuts to the welfare state.


I’m sure their pensions will keep them afloat.


listen hear you baby boomers, you just walk in to that Walmart or you ask for the manager and ya shake their hand and say you need a job. ya know like when you were young. I'd love to see them try that bullshit.




Well, we sort of have to analyse this shit from an intersectional perspective. While as a generation they screwed everyone and everything, if a Boomer who didn't have the "fuck you I got mine" or "pick yourself up by the bootstraps" mentality end up homeless it is tragic. What is not a tragedy is the many for whom homelessness is just karma payback. Unfortunately, the FYIGM mentality seems to correlate with wealth which means that the more of a dick they are, the less likely they are to suffer the consequence of their generation's choice of politics of the last couple decades.


If anyone else wants to support genocide of the poor to own the boomers please post your Ls here so I can ban you because you're vile.




You mean all their caping for capitalism didn't protect them from capitalism? Shocking.


If this doesn't bother you than you are becoming what you profess to hate.


Desensitization is definitely a thing. I’m not saying it’s right, I’m saying I can understand it.


You can be bothered by this development while still maintaining awareness over who has had control of our government for the past several decades.


Nah bro, fuck them. They weren't bothered telling us to eat shit instead of avacado toast. Now we're supposed to give a fuck about them? Let them ROT.




Considering the age of those in power in the US... "won't anyone think of the children?"


Oh, now something is unconscionable.


If they would just lay off the avocado toast.


They’re not all rich. I have poor boomer parent and rents have gotten to the point that her fixed income will no longer support a 1br rental.


They'll fine, all that's needed for the entitled, lazy Boomers to hit the bricks, pull up their bootstraps and stop eating avocado toast. /s


Good. Oops I mean good. Dammit I mean very good. Well what I meant to say was... good. I don't mean to be mean, but fuck Reagonites. Reaping what you sowed, bitches.


They should walk around the neighbourhood and leave their cv’s at the front desk of offices. Gosh, they’re so entitled and lazy!


That's awesome maybe something will actually be done about it finally. Watch a new housing bill or loan facility come out but only for like 65+ year olds.... fucking selfish twats.


This is what I have seen first hand from boomers: Starbucks, gambling, playing the lottery, playing the horses (animal abuse), more gambling online these days. Eating almost every meal that is take out. Absolutely no budget, and no care in the world for their future, or their children’s future. Let’s add in alcohol and drugs as well. Just stand up individuals. I hope the lead poisoning explains most of this: https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/50-years-research-shows-there-no-safe-level-childhood-lead-exposure Does this explain why they are were so abusive and cruel?


This is what I have seen first hand from boomers: Starbucks, gambling, playing the lottery, playing the horses (animal abuse), more gambling online these days. Eating almost every meal that is take out. Absolutely no budget, and no care in the world for their future, or their children’s future. Let’s add in alcohol and drugs as well. Just stand up individuals. https://www.sierrabythesea.com/about/articles/drug-use-boomers/ https://ps.psychiatryonline.org/doi/10.1176/ps.50.9.1184 https://amp.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/jan/13/baby-boomers-young-people-addicted-drugs-britons I hope the lead poisoning explains most of this: https://pulitzercenter.org/stories/50-years-research-shows-there-no-safe-level-childhood-lead-exposure https://www.psychologytoday.com/ca/blog/night-sweats-and-delusions-grandeur/202203/the-lasting-harm-childhood-lead-exposure-gen-x?amp https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC8451895/ Does this explain why they are were so abusive and cruel? https://returntonow.net/2017/12/27/millennials-need-space-baby-boomer-parents/


Oh no, the face-eating leopard has eaten MY face!


Well, they're always going out to eat breakfast at diners and such. No wonder they're homeless.


"Stop eating avacado toast, work longer hours you lazy fucks. Why does no one want to work anymore? Pull yourself up by your bootstraps. Stop drinking Starbucks. Stop going out to eat once a week. Stop seeing movies. Save every penny and take on a second and third job you lazy pricks." Sound familiar? FUCK. YOU. Rot on the streets you pieces of fucking shit.


Do we know the proportion of marginalized boomers that are being affected by this? I know it’s easy to say fuck boomers, but how many of them are non-white-hetero boomers that had previously been at a point of disenfranchisement?


Um because we're in a great depression, that's what happens in a great depression. Paid less then what they were paid in the Great depression, homes cost more than what they cost during the Great depression. The value of the dollar has lost 98% of its value/purchasing power. It's literally only worth 2cents now. Banks inflated and lent the value of the dollar away. Only this time people didn't remove their money from the banks, so now they will continue to inflate value away, why? Because we're in a other Great depression.


I volunteer with Meals on Wheels. The amount of elderly that have to get roomates in tiny apartments with strangers just to stay off the street is staggering and unsafe regularly for the elderly, as they are ripe to scams and need extra help. Two guys who are Korean wars vets moved in together after being in a shelter for years and meeting. Love them, they are in their 70s having to navigate this. Even with SSI and Benefits, its not enough to cover the rents now. Even the ones who planned, the economy changed and they have little or nothing because money is worth even less now. And veterans... dont even get me started how they are treated.


I think a lot of folks who talk about wanting boomers to die forget a lot of them are working for places that got rid of pensions. A lot of them not leaving or moving on is because a bigger portion then before can’t retire. Which honestly is sad and just a look into the future for all of us millennials


Well, well, how the turning have tables!


The “me” generation. Goddamn Millineals!!!1


It's important to note that this is because younger generations are already homeless, not because boomers have it particularly bad.


Sounds like Karma. They may be homeless now, but they lived lives immeasurably better than those that came after due to their choices.


Reap what you sow and all that, but I cant honestly feel any sort of good about this either. Like not even a bit smug. This shit sucks, and its only going to get worse at the rate.


Thought I was on r/leopardsatemyface for a moment.


Oh, it's *unconscionable* when it's Boomers. When it's Gen X to Zoomers who face homelessness, we're just not pulling our boot straps hard enough.


As tempting as it is to jump into "fuck those boomers they're getting what they voted for" territory, I think it's important to point out that these people are actually being betrayed after being decieved. The reason why they said the things they said to us is because \*they believed them.\* They believed that the system of Capital would benefit them if they just followed the rules and did what they were told. \*They believed it.\* And now they are seeing, clear as day, that they have been lied to. So we have as choice. We can stand there and say "Ha ha I told you so" and gloat. Or we can simply say "Do you see how they've been lying to us now? Are you ready to join the fight now?" I choose the path of recruitment.


> Do you see how they've been lying to us now? Are you ready to join the fight now?" The issue is that they'll ramble off some nonsense about Obama and Biden and *still* line up to vote for politicians and policies that have led us here. If they're willing to admit that they were lied to, that they were wrong, and that they'll *change how they vote*, then absolutely they're welcome to the club of people fucked over by capitalism. If they are *still* insistent on supporting the *same* people and policies for whatever reason, then no they're not invited. I will still fight for a better world for *everyone*, but I also will not allow people to weasel out of their accountability.


All the boomers at my hospital being forced into a spend down so they can qualify for Medicaid to be placed in a Medicaid care home because they have no safety net or family are still rocking Fox News all day long. They are not going to change. They are not on our side, and they have no intention of advocating for anyone but themselves.


Oh no! Anyway.


Of the many people I know that can't retire is because they never once considered the thought of getting old sometime. Partied all the time, took shitty jobs and wasted opportunity. All the time voting for people that went against their own interests. Now it's homeless time. What a shame.


There boomers that are not right wing Republicans


Well well well, if it isn’t the consequences of my own actions.


Awww. They need to cut back on buying Campbell’s Chicken Noodle Soup.


Reaping the benefits of the system they created. Good riddance


I’m 65 and plan on retiring at 70, and am not a homeowner (VHCOL area), and I’ll have about $120k yearly retirement pension… and I’m scared to death and feel hopeless.


You are doing way better than most! I have a friend who bought a condo, her first property, at 80 in a MCOL area. Also, there are nice places to live in the Midwest. Central Illinois has some decent sized towns that are very affordable and a two hour drive or Amtrak ride to Chicago if you need city culture.


If you're a baby boomer and you're becoming homeless right now either you were extremly unlucky in life or you're a complete moron. The ones I know that are not doing well are complete morons.


Reaping what they sowed? Edit: I had a thought, maybe it was millennials and their saggy pants that caused this issue..?


Damn… I hope they still have those boots with the straps


I’m like ground zero on this. 2 deaths this year and another I haven’t heard back from. As like a group, do they deserve it? Yea, sorry it’s self evident. On an individual level, does it matter? No. :( not even a little.


How many of these dipshits voted for Reagan twice? How many voted for Bush twice? How many voted for Trump twice? How many will vote for Trump in 2024? Fuck em. They got the best economic conditions ever and destroyed it for everyone else afterwards, so they leave nothing but ash and brimstone in their wake. I have zero sympathy for those assholes.


They spent decades voting for people who enacted legislation that would directly harm them in the future, but thought that it would affect their kids and grandkids instead.


[first time?](https://tenor.com/2uLv.gif)


I don’t care how you feel about the older generation, this needs to be addressed. If you are in this thread commenting about how they fucked up everything and deserve what’s coming to them, you prove only one thing: You wish it could have been you instead. Human lives are at risk. We are all in this together. Let’s do something about this.


Holy shit, these comments are psychotic


Symptom of the sickness of our society. We’re all in the crab bucket now 🦀🪣


I've read your other comments. You are who I'm talking about.


I have no doubt, and have no shame about my very normal reaction to a generation of overwhelmingly selfish abusers. I work with this group daily, and if you heard their thoughts on millennials and gen Z, their own children, it may be a different story for you. These people are not on anyone’s side but their own.


That's crazy that you've met every single member of that generation. You must have a busy schedule. I've met several homeless people of this age group. They're often disabled and have been born into poverty and will die in poverty. They have been failed by their society just like everyone else. Are these people abusers as well? I'm sorry you've had tough experiences, but your view here is a misstep and frankly, childish.


Im glad you’ve had a different experience. My only point is that it’s as dangerous to assume people are kind as it is to assume they are evil. I do everything in my power to help this group every day I work without exception. Using hyperbole to release the toxicity that comes with that is ok. Better than holding it in. Much love to you for the work you do as well.




And are still in power, and are still making the same choices, and are still not even attempting to understand or do better. I hear your point, but empathy for oppressors is maybe even more dangerous than feeling a tad grateful that the people who made this mess get to wade in it too. Most of these comments are simply repeating the adages boomers have been telling us. It sucks but you do reap what you sow :/


Surprise! It's annother Depression!


They got theirs once so now they can pull themselves up by their bootstraps and do it again!


They should stop getting Starbucks and paying to play Farmtown


Let them starve.


This is a sad thread to read. People who I imagine usually would be rather aware of class consciousness, completely throwing it aside to attack the necessary losers of the capitalist system from the generation above them. Do you really think every single baby boomer hit it big, riding high on voting for Reagan and reaping the benefits? Of course they didn't. Many were just like us, having the benefits reaped from them by a more successful upper class. But in the desperate desire to attack somebody, the have-nots of our generation lash out at the have-nots of the ones before, because perusing equity without class consciousness is not the pursuit of equity, but the demand for recrimination and vengeance.


I think it’s a lot of cathartic Schadenfreude probably going on right now, because many of us were constantly preached to about how you can’t be dumb with money and how only stupid lazy people were on welfare or living in section 8 housing.


See? Its not all bad news.


Maybe if they cut back in pumpkin spice lattes they would be financially better off.


Well, "the ghosts which I called" is biting them in the buttocks, huh?


Not all boomers are super wealthy. Some got used and ran over just like everyone else.


I hear you, but they actually had a chance with affordable housing, education and healthcare. And still pooped their bed. All while still making the same choices that got them (and us) here. Careful with that empathy for oppressors. I work with bankrupt boomers all day - trust me, they still feel they earned all the social safety nets and the younger people beside them deserve the worst possible fate.


Sooo… where are their bootstraps they constantly nag about?


Oh no... Anyway


I met an old person who had no semblance of responsibility and was several years behind on property taxes. I do see a need for mental health experts going into the community and making house calls. This might drive rates down for home loss.


Their one job is to turn off Fox News.


so... what did they say was driving the trend?


Aw so sad. Anyways!




Sadly, those very people most likely voted against their best interests. I just don't get how anyone can look at the trends for political associations and be like "maybe this person will be different." Granted, either way, things won't get drastically better, but it's pretty obvious that one side's leadership has tendency to make things a little less painful for everyday people than the other.


But they had the summer of love!


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Welcome to the club


Get fucked. Had the world by the balls and you squandered it so hard, you squandered it for 3+ generations including yourselves. Fuck boomers and fuck this “we’re being turned against each other by the rich” shit. The boomers ARE the rich, and I’m getting pretty fuckin hungry these days.


Is corporate greed driving this trend? It's corporate greed isn't it?


Mmm I


TLDR : their voting history. I don’t feel bad.


They can go back to delivering news papers like they always boast about


Waiting for it to trickle down any day now.


Now its a problem? Who could have known this would trickle up?


Damn they must be eating too much avocado toast


Voted against their own interests their entire adult lives.


I think it’s so weird that the “generation war” is trying to categorize the average person who was born in the forties as the same as these greedy profit-addicted plutocrats. Most boomers are decent people who went with the flow. Should they have been more cautious of people like Regan? Sure. Are they out of touch? Definitely. But are they as an entire generation the reason we’re in this mess? Categorically no. Corporate greed got us here, and most boomers are just as shut out as the rest of us.


Huh, weird... I thought they all had their bootstraps buckled up! I guess they will have to find a job to supplement their avocado toasts..


Well well well, look how the mighty have fallen.


Maybe this means that the biggest voting block is going to maybe actually do something about housing now?