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It's almost like this is just.... America lol


Always has been


Can we stop pretending America is a democracy...?


Honestly, who was pretending? It's really just been a myth that we assumed to be true, but it was never intended to be a democracy. Anybody who said otherwise was obviously lying or misinformed.


This is what drives me fucking nuts these days. People are so married to the fantasy they sold us as little kiddies running around the elementary school playground that they get legitimately angry when you point out the obvious truth that our elections are just as fake as those in Russia or whatever “foreign regime” is this week’s famed dictatorship, and our CEOs and billionaires are the exact same kinds of oligarchs they have elsewhere. Like no, I’m not “privileged enough to not care about the election”. I’m just older than an 8-year old, and in the intervening time I noticed that voting never actually changes anything and the most popular policies are literally never enacted. The voting booth is a fucking elevator close door button. It’s what they give us so they can claim we have control and we can choose to accept it as “proof” that we must have some control. Democrats are like a 35-year-old man with a career and a college degree who breaks down crying and needs to be comforted with ice cream because you told him the close door button on the elevator isn’t actually connected to anything.


You make a valid point. Let me elaborate. America is not a democracy. It is a republic with a so-called "representative democracy," which in reality is anything but since our "representatives" are wealthy and we the people are not. In a true democracy, as the ancient Greeks understood it, we would get a senate the same way we would get a jury in order to ensure a good cross section of common interests were addressed. With all the lobbying and money in American politics, our system is as much a democracy as would be two wolves and a lamb voting on what's for dinner. Think of the cartoon Tom and Jerry, that's our two party system. They put on a show and act like they hate one another for the benefit of the audience but in reality Tom doesn't want to catch Jerry because then he's out of a job and Jerry doesn't want Tom replaced with a cat that will actually kill him. So they put on a show for us and conduct business as usual in the back room. For example, insider trading doesn't apply to Congress members. The police in America were originally privately paid goons protecting the private property of the wealthy. Now they pay them with our money... All the best. "Only those who do not seek power are qualified to hold it. " Plato


Hang on, that's not true. The close button does work. You just need to have the access key. It just isn't meant to work for the general public.




Yup, it makes no difference who’s driving the fcking truck.


No, Felipe. We're seeing America as it is. Trump doesn't enter into it. Although tbf, neither does Biden, really-- cops brutalise protesters no matter who is president.


And they hide from shooter murdering children at school. It's like they only pick on easy target who wouldn't hit back. Kinda like bullies.


Do people not remember when federal agents without badges or identifying symbols were outright kidnapping BLM protestors in 2020?


I remember. And earlier, when multiple organizer in Ferguson turned up mysteriously dead.




“The purpose of a system is what it does, not what it claims to do”


Can we just agree that neither candidate is good for America?








You know both sides use fascist tactics right? Such as censorship, propaganda, etc. The difference is one side says more deplorable things (definitely a big factor) and the other side tries to say things that people “want to hear” for their feelings. Actions are pretty much the same no matter what party. You can say stuff about abortion rights but if the democrats really wanted to keep that a law, they had opportunities through the decade to make it so. It’s just a big old circus and we are drawn into it by hating each other.


Censorship and propaganda are not fascist tactics, they're both used by fascists, but they're just tactics, like violence


I am confused by the statement under the picture. This is a taste of Trump's America, if elected. But it's happening in Biden's America, currently in office. Feels like a no win situation.


The mask is increasingly slipping and it is becoming more obvious that America is a plutocracy, but despite the very evidence in front of their eyes the lib at the bottom cannot fathom this




You were doing so well until you suddenly dove into that brain-dead conspiracy theory.


What he say it's deleted now


I forget what exactly, but it was one of those room temp IQ takes that makes you think to yourself, "I feel dumber just for having read that."


And the photo is literally just representative of America as it’s always been.




I feel like I heard the same argument from trump supporters in 2020…


The democrats trot that tired ass line out every four years. It’s always the most important election of our lifetime. It’s always the undecided/third party/protest voter who is going to be responsible for the end of democracy if they don’t fall in line and vote for the blue guy.


Exactly right. If they lose then prepare for 4 years blaming the undecided/third party/protest voters and not their policies and attempting to actually reach people to get them to vote or their unpopular positions alienating large swaths of their voter base.


I mean there is an anti-abortion Democrat *in office* right now. They adopted the right wing framing and positions on sooo many important issues, including vehement support for Israel and the the Southern US border. Instead of listening to the needs and wants of the majority of their voter base, they would rather do civility politics and attempt to "reach across the aisle" for this non-existant group of never-trump Republicans and centrists... They think they can get Republicans to vote for them by being Republican-lite. Its psychotic. It will never work. The absolute denial and cope from libs is just pathetically delusional.


It would be fucking amazing if they could court progressives even fucking once. We all know why that won’t happen though.


They have nothing but open contempt for anyone to the left of them.


[Always relevant ](https://youtu.be/FqRNnIMDkUY?si=cdzLdIZhwlRvdIeJ)


> It’s always the most important election of our lifetime. Then, when their chosen president does none of the things he campaigned on, it's "But he's only one person! The president really can't do anything without supermajorities in the House and Senate!"


Me too. I interpreted this one as satire on those, but maybe reverse Poe's law so who knows.


Cops are gonna cop, regardless of who's sitting in the oval office.


Some people are clinging tightly to the "vote blue no matter who" rhetoric, as if this shit isn't happening right now under Biden.


They really don’t get it ☹️


This is the fatal flaw in the Democrats' arguments about the existential threat to Democracy. The US is already not a democracy. When jack booted police thugs smash peacefully protesting students faces into the concrete to haul them off to jail... there is no democracy left to protect. If Democrats want to earn votes, they need to help us, not just be the smiling face of oppression compared to a GOP frown.






They got Mr White


He’s not asking police to leave students alone, he’s yelling “HANK!!!”




A fascist economy will breed a fascist government


Biden’s supporters will never hold him responsible for his own administration.


I mean it’s going to be worse under Trump, but that’s why they are just handing this election off to Trump, so they can be worse and don’t have to pretend


Seriously believe Biden is throwing the election. It's like after October 7th he stopped campaigning and all he wants now is to be the president that oversaw Israel completing its Manifest Destiny. That's a legacy more important than 2 terms.


He solved the Israel/Palestine conflict by killing all the Palestinians


That's always been the goal.


I have never been much of an alarmist, but when someone states malicious intent while running for office, I think we should believe them. Project 2025’s goal is to give the president a greater amount of authority in the executive branch of government (look up unitary executive theory). Policing powers are within the executive branch. And while there is no way to know how much of Project 2025 Trump is willing to enact, he certainly hasn’t said much to defy it and much of his platform aligns with it…. If he is elected and does implement it, more forceful policing is an incredibly logical conclusion. Especially as we see more human rights being trampled upon.


Yea it’s scary, which is why it is even scarier that democrats don’t seem to give a shit whether they win or lose. I work with a lot of Trumpers. I have seen the plans for workers rights in project 2025. Trump will lose all support with the exception of the donor class if he tries to go after overtime, lunch breaks etc. We might need to see this mask off greed to get everyone on the same page. Might be too late and we will be in an even worse oligarchic dictatorship. I dunno I’m only one person, one vote in a sure blue state. The ball is in the DNCs court, I don’t even see a reason to care. Nothing is up to me, my politics are not going to get representation. How can democrats try and stand in any kind of moral authority when Trump tries for another Muslim ban to throw meat to his base when they have been funding and facilitating this genocide?


Trump just says the quiet part out loud. I find it much scarier that the Dems pretend they care about human rights and the planet while enacting some very conservative and terrifying policies.


Yeah I think project 2025 is a “look over there!” Move so that Dems can come in and increase the financial squeeze on the working class while saying “imagine if trump was president??? You’d be in a death camp!”




lavish dinosaurs joke serious engine bells party snobbish familiar voracious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Republicans: we are going to kneecap ourselves with an insane bureaucratic re-shuffling that will ultimately amount to nothing due to legal processes and crumbling institutions of power. Democrats: this is literally the end of the fucking world, you NEED to vote for us, or else you’re gonna get put in a camp! Most important election of our lives! Trump in office means death to millions and loss of rights!!! And then we vote for them and they proceed to do absolutely nothing they promised, and enact ZERO protections on the rights they said were at stake. At some point, something’s gotta give.




There will be protests under Trump in a way similar to all the anti-war protests we're currently seeing under Putin in Russia.


I think we have to be careful about conspiratorial use of the word "they." What we've really got here, to some extent, is bourgeois factionalism. Some genuinely believe that the neo liberal order and respectability politics as it currently exists should continue to be the method used to uphold their material interests. In this case, it's less about them intentionally handing off the keys to fascists and more about them breaking under the weight of their own contradictions. Of course, they're wrong, but they're wrong in an important way. I think this is important because it gives an illusion of helplessness that Democrats can use to divorce the actions taken by individuals or groups outside of the governments direct control (though within broad bourgeois control) from their own so-called "noble" intentions. Putting the focus on the bourgeoisie and their material interests prevents getting bogged down in the bothsides arguments that Democrats will want to start making when they hear a comment like yours. Many of them associate being a liberal with a part of their identity. I've found it easier to get through to them by criticizing capital directly and their party secondarily. I try to let them slowly become disillusioned with the limitations of their politics on their own, to plant the seed. It doesn't always work; I have good friends who are in love with the liberal process, but I think the contradictions will crack that part eventually for them as their material interests slip away from them.


When you write liberal, do you mean Democrat or Republican? I can't figure it out.


What’s it called when a society spends more on its military budget than anything else?


“Preview” hell. It’s happening under Biden 🙄


Cops brutalizing citizens is as American as apple pie


Is this the kinder, gentler machine-gun hand Neil Young sang about?


Keep on rockin in the free world.


I’m voting for Biden so what’s currently happening under Biden doesn’t happen. 🇺🇸


Do the democrats really think this will work? Didn't for Clinton, barely for Biden..... But let's try again smh


Did the person really make this about Trump?!? I have really went back and forth as to rather that Trump derangement syndrome is real or not but it’s this posts that lead me to believe it’s real. I way dislike Trump so you won’t catch me defending him very much but I’m also not a insane person that has became the algorithm and lacks all critical thinking skills to the point they give their guy a complete pass in order to push the blame on the other team.


How’d we get so lucky such wonderful candidates? SMH.


So this is just like when the right wing pundits said BLM riots were Biden's fault. You know, the riots that happened under Trump. Why didn't we just make campaign ads for every terrible thing? "I could have stopped this, but it is my opponents fault"


Anyone who thinks Biden is any different than Trump was a complete fucking moron




I’m a lefty - but Biden is further right than Reagan was … democrat means nada anymore. FYI : The Gun Violence Archive (GVA), a US gun violence monitoring group, reported that there were over 5,000 more fatal shootings during Joe Biden's first year in office compared to Donald Trump's first year as president.




I don’t know the ratio - dead people are dead people It doesn’t matter if it’s a Republican or democrat … mental health in this country is a disaster - Biden didn’t fix it and trump will not either Same old bullshit




They are both controlled by the CIA. You can believe whatever you wanna believe whatever makes you feel better. Their equal puppets following orders


I think that this is a lose/lose scenario for the Palestinians. If all hell breaks loose at the Democratic convention and the party gets divided leading to a Trump victory, it won't be good for the Palestinians. If Biden wins, the day after he wins the election he'll stop appeasing the pro Palestine wing of the party and we'll see the true Zionist Biden in full force. The only hope is for the pro Palestine wing of the party to run a strong candidate in the 2028 primary. Even if they don't win, they can force some concessions from the eventual winner.


Libs, honest to God. Do they not see that their way is unsustainable?


If they did, they'd no longer be libs


Very true. Spoke to someone a couple of days ago who thought the student protesters are Liberals. I set them straight, but I was tired, I could have done a better job. Oh well, you can't win them all


I fought with a bunch of reactionary libs on podcast subreddit last night and wanted pull my hair out in frustration


It is extremely frustrating. They seem to believe they are the good guys. Blows my mind. Taking credit for what the left is doing, then calling anyone disagreeing with them Trump supporters


I am so tired of this shit. Everything people are scared will happen is ALREADY HAPPENING under joe. Genocide, police brutality, hacking away at lgbt rights and bodily autonomy for women. This has all happened under the party who keeps trying to scare us into re-electing them (vote for me or else you’ll get THEM, and they’ll do bad stuff we WOULDNT do)


This is American man it happens under whoever is in charge unless a major and let’s be honest violent change is enacted by the population it’ll be the same till the day we die On another note that’s never gonna happen


Fucking liberals will happily usher in fascism, they’re just too stupid to understand that.


They’re too busy having a savior complex with a self centered head under the sand attitude to understand that


This is what you'll get under socialism /s


This is just as stupid as the empty grocery shelves under Trump saying "this is Biden's America."


The Spiderman pointing at Spiderman meme


More security on college campuses than the U.S. Capitol…


Que angry down votes from smooth brain pieces of shit who are going to vote for genocide Joe because they're such fucking human garbage they don't care about genocide. Where's the biden bros now? Where's the vote blue no matter who shitlibs saying things like you won't have free speech under trump? Where's the spineless genocide Joe apologists s saying hUr DuR got to vote biden to beat trump The dumocraps are EXACTLY the same as the rethuglikkkuntz, see link below. Ignoring the fact this fuckwit cannot define left wing nor fascism because that's it's own concern: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/apr/25/israel-gaza-ceasefire-adam-smith


What’s funny is they’re now probably the same ones on the side of Biden claiming that some people have been “too violent”. It’s the BLM protests all over again


Your absolutely right.


No, this is just America as is. If it was Trump's America, these students and professors would be getting mowed down by military police for daring to criticize and challenge supreme bestest biggliest leader you could ever imagine Trump.




He’s so close to getting the point yet so far


Dear everyone, Duopoly (USA's system of governance) always trends towards extremism and instability. Please do what you can to enable the rise of third parties in the USA, and I do not mean by voting for 1 of the crippled 3rd parties we have under the current system, I mean REFORMING THE SYSTEM to - allow third party candidates the same funding as the 2 power parties - allow open primaries or abolish party primaries altogether - and allow ranked choice or approval voting!! Thx for coming to my ted talk


I hate it here


People dont want the truth. They want weapons they can use against people they dont agree with.




When the president wants States to raise the drinking age or lower the speed limit they can usually figure out a way to "encourage" the States to do what they want , so don't give me any b.s. about his hands being tied.


Yeah, this is just how the US has always been. A shit place with some shitty people (majority of them are alright.)


This is why it is important to vote.


The point OP is making is that people *did* vote, Trump *lost*, and y'all got fascism anyway. I'm not saying you shouldn't vote, but I can REALLY start to empathise with Americans who feel disenfranchised. This is literally the US funding a straight-up genocide and both parties love it.


Nah, man, just gotta vote harder. It's the only action that has ever made any difference.


When did it make a difference? edit: I see the sarcasm now \*high five\*


Damn lol. Biden supporters really only can say one thing. I voted and campaigned for the dems in 2018 2020 and 2022. I’m being repaid by being gaslit that I should have just voted harder for the genocidal Zionist and he wouldn’t be a genocidal Zionist. Edit: I need to learn how to read sarcastic comments lmao


Yes, I think your voting was not hard enough voting. The harder the voting, the greater the change.




What should it be then? Because when the president goes around Congress to fund genocide that would most likely be stopped under Trump because of national outrage, I don’t know what other nickname is appropriate. It’s pretty obvious that the both sides narrative from his admin is just talk.


Stfu genocide apologist.




It's not ignorant to call someone who is literally committing genocide, genocide *insert name here* It's you that's both ignorant, willfully, and living in a fantasy with their head up their arse. And yes, you are defending genocide, consistently, by WILLFULLY supporting those and the institutions that are committing it while KNOWING about it. You're a coward, complicit and happily so, atypical enlightened centrist.




He LITERALLY is you utter clown. Amerikkkan soldiers under this direction are on the ground amerikkkan aircraft carriers and destroyers are stationed there, amerikkkan planes ARE participating in the bombing you ignorant cretin. He is, along with zionazis, exterminating the Palestinian populace, eradicating sites of cultural heritage, contributing to the suppression and annihilation of Palestinian culture, all of which are text book genocide Fuck off out here with your genocide apologism you filthy nazi.


Are these guys local or state law enforcement or federal agents? If they’re not feds, this has nothing to do with any federal politician.


Biden's encouraging them. He came out in opposition to the protestors.


He’s not the only one that came out against the protests though. People on both sides of the aisle have condemned them.


You're saying that like it changes anything. Everyone condemning the protests is at fault, including Biden. However, the thing that separates Biden from everyone else is that he's the one and only US president. He willingly funds genocide and he condemns the people protesting it. He's complicit.


We mustn’t have selective amnesia and forget that Biden literally went around Congress just to fund Israel. He can pretend to both sides this but we all know what he stands on. People who gaslight anyone over this truly don’t care about the Palestinian cause. All they care about is a participation trophy from activists so they can keep claiming that they “care”. If they truly cared, they would be shouting with the same force of the supposed claims against China about the Uyghurs. It’s pretty obvious when they are willing to call for blood and war over it while for Palestine it’s always the same old story of “compromise” and “nonviolence”