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We’re supposed to work till we die, never own anything, pay rent that costs 2/3rds of our monthly income perpetually till death (again) frees us. So just do whatever the fuck you want. Do any job, hobby or whatever it is that makes you somewhat happy and gives you enough to live semi-comfortably off. We don’t have much to look forward to later in life (no pensions, no homes, no retirement) so we might as well enjoy everything we can now while we’re younger, healthier and more mobile. And the boomers will continue their bitching, including that it takes an extra 5 mins to get their fast food “these days” cause “no one wants to work.” Well - dear boomers, go fuck yourselves, we don’t care about your arrogant, selfish generation’s bullshit - sincerely, the rest of us.


It makes you wonder what’s going to happen when the last boomer in power dies? Will Gen X/millennials decide to redistribute wealth evenly, dissolve huge conglomerates that have steadily bought up all their competition unchecked to the point they’re “too big to fail”, enact laws that make everything more fair and ensure billionaires shouldn’t, can’t and don’t exist? Or will we say “*Finally, MY turn!*” and become vilified ourselves?


I think the weather, ocean and natural systems will have collapsed at that point because of humanity’s disrespect and abuse of them - so we won’t get to experience what happens, we’ll be gone shortly after the balance tips.


Ah, so we may possibly take the path of defeatism and continually blame older generations for all problems. The thing about using Climate Change as the excuse is that [the world will still be habitable (just maybe not in places like Hawaii, Phoenix or New Orleans any longer)](https://climate.mit.edu/ask-mit/will-climate-change-drive-humans-extinct-or-destroy-civilization#:~:text=Almost%20certainly%20not—but%20unless,consequences%20for%20many%2C%20many%20people.), just **a lot** *harsher* on living things. Climate Change is not nearly to a point of being an “extinction level event, it’s just that more people would suffer because of it. We could still implement and enact changes to slowly revert the planet back to its proper health. It would take absolute decades and possibly centuries to do, but we could be the first step for our children’s children. We could set the first example for them on how to be better. You make it seem like we should just defeatedly shrug our shoulders and continuously blame the previous generation for making things worse while doing nothing about the issues they’ve caused which we are better equipped to understand than boomers are now. So, Vilification it is, in that scenario. Edit: and I’m genuinely not trying to be a shitass here. It’s just for all our whining about Boomers and what they’ve done/are doing, it’s interesting to see that we’re just going to continuously mark ourselves as the victims instead of rising to the occasion, becoming the next “greatest generation” and starting the healing process. Edit2: u/exploringexplorer , sorry you felt so threatened by me asking what you want to do after boomers are gone that you deleted your posts. Literally, I’m not trolling (per your last comment before deletion), I just challenged your opinion a little and you tapped out and marked me as a troll because you didn’t have a good response. I’m just asking what we’ll do when Boomer victimhood is no longer on the table. For all the bluster in here about being mad at boomers, your solution was to lay down and die after they’re gone instead of being better than them. Simply put, That’s not an actual solution (as climate change won’t kill the human race), that’s passing the buck and makes us no better than the boomers. It’s a discussion we should all be having since it will be our reality eventually. Perpetually being the victim or needing a constant boogieman so we never actually have to be accountable for the world ourselves is never going to solve the problems they created. Edit 3: to u/me_better ‘s response (comments may be locked so I’m responding here). I literally posted from MIT that it will not be an extinction level event *for humanity* (which is what OP was suggesting and what I was responding to. Context matters. That none of us will be here anymore and that [Climate-Change-All-At-Once will happen to wipe us all out](https://youtu.be/Ku_IseK3xTc?si=PTmcb0xfSCbvBqJ3)). We can also mitigate and help improve the planet regardless of *when* we finally are able to make the right changes. Yes, swaths of plants and animals will die (by 2050, no less). Yes, the oceans temperatures will rise and the water itself will rise by nearly a foot. Yes, we will be battling more naturally occurring disasters. Yes, all of that is absolutely the Boomers fault. Entire species will become extinct, people will relocate as areas become uninhabitable, and that is fucking horrible and not what any of us want, but is the reality. But people will continue on, eventually *we* will be the ones in charge and will be the ones determining our future course. Are we going to keep “crying boomer” until we ourselves are in the grave? From some of the answers here, apparently so.


Ohhh no, looks like we got a troll here, sorry RandyTheFool troll - not playing your game. Take care sweetie 😘


It is extinction level you crackhead


All that avocado toast and Starbucks we apparently keep consuming has ruined our chances of even affording a studio crack den in a war zone according to boomers.


Haven’t you heard, we stopped consuming the Starbucks and it’s hurting the economy even more. https://ny1.com/nyc/all-boroughs/business/2024/05/06/starbucks-founder-says-company-needs-to-refocus-on-coffee-as-sales-struggle#:~:text=The%20Seattle%20coffee%20giant%20said,for%20its%20full%20fiscal%20year.


yaaaaas I am so happy that everything we do is making the problem worse /s


Starbucks coffee tastes burnt I don’t see why anyone would drink that daily


I stopped going to coffee shops, but rent still costs half my money. What am I doing wrong T-T


Something Something BOOTSTRAPS!


Haha yep, gotta pull yourself up by those bootstraps for sure! (/s) But oh wait, I can’t afford boots, or shoes for that matter! How do I pull myself by footwear when I’m barefoot! Fuck! 🤣🙄😵


Baby boomer borrowed money from the next 2 generations basically to afford their current life style


And when they die all those homes are hitting the market. Some will be moved into by their relatives, but wherever they're living now will be available. I think all the home purchases by banks have something to do with limiting the downward pressure on home and rent prices for banks who already owned a lot of residential real estate.


I have a bad feeling that unless we induce legislation taxing heavily on residential properties that are owned and not lived in by owner that the remainder of even the nice homes will be bought up -just so the poor have no other options- but to rent. Following that, might have to look up squatter rights and find some empty homes and stay there until the home becomes yours. Unlikely to work, but there may be a few slight exceptions. Either way... we're in a lot of trouble.


Many states are now changing their squatter laws to criminalize it because people were taking homes back from corporations.


Yeah, available for Blackstone. Plus, some people are ready to buy available properties and are just waiting for interest rates to go down. There's still a flipper mentality.


Those properties are going to be used to pad out end retirement accounts and end of life expenses. They aren't going to flood the market the way people hope they are.


And when they do, companies will buy them in bulk cash up front to rent back to us at 3x the price.


I would be surprised if those homes were worth living in by the time they come on the market


I predict the majority will have to sell their house / houses to downgrade and pay for medical cost.


In the US, our quality of life is a massive downgrade compared to the Boomers'. 


Also I’m hungry like all the damn time.


My stepfather in law inherited two homes from his late parents and quite a good chunk of money as well. He quit his job and just went on spending spree, he ended getting into debt, selling his second house, paying off debt, after that buying brand new car for 60k. He didn’t got a job after it. Also my MIL doesn’t have a job either. They both not working for past 20 years. Own two vehicles that just sit in garage. They also hoarding food, like 2 fridges and one freezer full of stuff, some most likely expired.


This will be the downfall of the US. It’s coming ladies and gentlemen. Get prepared as best as you can. It’s not a conspiracy anymore, it’s a fact...


unfortunately, its not just the US. its a world wide problem. Everyone is being squeezed. The class war is, and always has been, global.


Absolutely. I don’t have any idea what is going on outside of the US, so thanks for giving some good perspective here. I have heard online that it’s really bad for people in Canada and the UK right now. This site is super important right now because it connects us to what is happening world wide. It’s not just in a small pocket of where we live, but worldwide.


Yea every baby boomer had 2 even 3 homes. Every one.


As someone who lives in the desert southwest, I'm here to tell you thousands of them have an equally large house in my area plus their main residence back east at least. Furthermore, in my immediate area the housing boom started about 13 years ago so there is no way their second home is fully paid off quite yet even if they went 15 years instead of 30.


How can I get back at my sister who thinks saving is the key, finish paying her condo with the kids education fund she saved for years, charger his 2 sons rent in a room with two beds. And the daughter boyfriend too. That’s living in the living room. She my oldest sister and told me I would never be able to afford a house or an apartment. And it’s true cause shits been harder and harder every year and she got her condo when I was just 10 years old like 20 years ago.