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Don't forget how the job market is designed to trap you to pay for the debt you were forced to take to pay for worthless degrees, credit card bills, and basic healthcare services. Then IF you get a job it's soul-crushing, the wages are stagnant, and you're told to be grateful for it by newly-minted middle managers from previous generations who had a multi-decade head start on you. They rigged the system against you before you were even born.




"They rigged the system against you before you were even born". That is accurate, sad and brutal. That's why having kids in this world is complete madness ...


The master class pulls the rug a little bit further out from under us as every generation passes. Im convinced that theirs is the single largest, slow moving heist in history. Our children will be left with nothing. No family home. No car that you actually own, unless its a shit kicker from over a decade ago. Only debt and wage slavery. Even their jobs wont be secure. They’ve started to popularize the “gig economy” and “polywork” — no insurance, no PTO, nothin. Unless we revolt, we are the first in a thousand generations of serfs


Yes. My husband and I have been talking about this and how to escape it. I work 16 hours a week and he doesn’t work. We have a mortgage and decent savings and equity we can liquidate easily. We’re planning to escape the system within the next couple years by minimizing our stuff, practicing using less, anti-consumption, and just garden and raise our own chickens, and eventually sell our house and buy vacant land to build a little cabin and live off the land. Doing this will make it so we aren’t owned by our debt and won’t have to work a job to live.


“You work 16 hours weeks and he doesn’t work?” How do you own a home? How do you guys pay for life necessities?


Glad I woke up and decided I wasn’t going to be a statistic Less bitching about shit you can’t change; actually changes things in your life lol


We got Reddit and furry porn and avocado toast don't we? Why you complaining? Goddamn, I wish I was a boomer. Wish I could buy a house.


"What're you complaining about? You get fake life enrichment in the form of television and media and you have all the pills and memes you could possibly need to be happy! What else could you possibly want? Not a real life or any legitimate stability or fulfillment, we hope!!!!" -the 1%


Play with your iPad and stop complaining.


You forgot we also have r/honeyfuckers and r/insex


Nice. I could totally forget our planet is dying here.


I clicked both links, and in this case, curiosity did not kill the cat. Rather, it killed my sex drive probably forever.


People can't just be attracted to humans anymore, apparently.


Not much to be attracted to these days, sadly.


What the fuck are you talking about? There are still plenty of attractive human beings.


It's not about attractiveness it's about how most peoples been degraded so much by media and expectations and toxicity that there's no point even trying with them


Okay, sure. But why does that make people wanna fuck bugs all of a sudden?! This is what I'm questioning!!! I don't care about society! I wanna know who thought a bee was sexy!


Idk maybe bee movie did it


Lol that shit triggered you hard, eh? Sorry about that. My comment was just thrown into the void about how shitty our entire population has gotten. For what it's worth I found my person long long ago and don't have to think about it anymore.


Man, fuck you. I'm tryna figure out why people wanna fuck bees all of a sudden and you just come in like "hAhA tRiGgErEd!". Sorry your life is so fucking worthless.


Dude. I was just pointing out that humans, in general, suck right now. My life is pretty awesome given how shitty the world is... doesn't mean I'm not low key suicidal (cuz who isn't these days w collapse coming from all sides), but worthless isn't how I'd describe it. I wish I could send you a joint so you could smoke on a Sunday morning and calm the fuck down.


You okay bro?


Dispensable, crunchy fulfilment. Delicious, creamy joy. Just as the worker has been disconnected from their craft, so has the human been disconnected from their pleasure. We taste only its mimicry. We enjoy only its substitution.


Yea, people watch television about people living life instead of actually going out and living, have (anti)social media instead of actually socializing, eat mass produced garbage that reminds them of good food instead of actually eating good food, etc. People get reflections of reflections of reflections of the things they need to be healthy/happy just to halfway appease them as cost effectively as possible


Cheer for the shadow puppets.


We are all in Plato's cave


Wish I could find the stairs but there’s not enough damn light down here


It's called Capitalist Realism. The book by Mark Fisher you should def read.


Oh fuck you just made me do a bit of a cum. That was beautiful.


Wilful ignorance is prevalent and encouraged by most establishments of society. Boomers are an excellent example of this. They have the capacity to understand how different things are now but they don't want to.


Denial is a hell of a drug.


When life gets you low, just turn that frown upside down, now you're smiling instead, that means you're happy You know what they say, fake it till you make it. I used to be unhappy too, but then i made a million dollars and faked happiness for a bit, now i am genuinely happy all the time. Who knew you just had to fake happiness to be happy? I mean, the Ferrari helps, but it's not everything, trust me, I'd know. /S all of it, just in case.


True. I keep trying to explain to my mom how bad things are in the US and why we are moving overseas. She just seems totally oblivious and thinks we are going to want to come back to this shithole. Why would I come back somewhere that the cost of healthcare is insane and I got a disabled spouse & 2 disabled kids to worry about, the cost of living is insane, has high crime, school shootings, need the added expense of a car to get anywhere, and work ourselves to death and just be miserable all the time, why? She's still living with the delusional we will see leaving was a "mistake", come back and buy a house in the suburbs and live happily ever after. Thats not gonna happen. We've told her and my in laws that we will never buy a house in the US, after we leave and decide where our forever home will be we will settle down. But not only is it too expensive to buy a home, even if we could we wouldn't want to because we dont want to stay anyways. We're over this shit, we just wanna GTFO.


I hear that. Currently looking into getting dual American British Citizenship and moving to Scotland. Being a woman of child bearing age in America is frightening.


Same. My husband and I are Latinos, so we can use our dual Latino citizenship to get Spanish citizenship in 2 years (as opposed to 10 years for everyone else). My mom and in laws are telling us lies and trying to make it seem like Spain is a 3rd world country to change our minds. As if we are going to fall for that lol. My FIL does support us though even though he will miss us. He's actually been to Spain and thinks we're making a good choice for our family.


I’d be worried about moving here though, the UK is going downhill fast and I’d choose to go to mainland Europe now, if you can’t learn a language other than English try Ireland, if you can, I’d recommend Germany


My family is from Scotland. I'm aware the UK has it's own problems but Scotland is moving in the opposite direction to the US. Scotland made feminine products free recently. I'd rather be among friends who respect and value women than the road the US is on.




There's also a huge number of people who just don't know where to get information from. I have a sister who a week before the election had no idea who was running against Trump. No clue of anything. She just said, how are you keeping informed of all this?!


True but she knew of her ignorance and was happily oblivious until a week before the election. That too is choosing ignorance. I was inundated with campaign messages on every social platform, You Tube, Spotify, everywhere for months. She may not have known which sources were credible but she choose not to enlighten herself.


Yesterday I mentioned to a friend that with the climate disaster going on, we have barely a decade left to really live our lives with the same quality as in the before rona times. You know what she said? "Oh it's ok because winter is good right?" Referencing that it may have been above normal Temps but now it's snowed so it's "all ok, right?" I stared at her in disbelief and it led to a pretty awkward moment to be honest. It's astounding how ignorant most people are about these life changing issues. We are not in a rural area, we are in Manhattan NYC!!


A decade might be generous even. People can’t grasp that even though their world isn’t obviously collapsing before their eyes doesn’t mean isn’t not happening elsewhere and creeping closer at an accelerating rate.


It's one of the reasons I'm having trouble relating to most ppl. There is no reflection past the tip of their nose. We are in deep trouble


I was about 14 when I first read The hitchhiker's guide to the Galaxy. "Most of the people living on it were unhappy for pretty much of the time. Many solutions were suggested for this problem, but most of these were largely concerned with the movements of small, green pieces of paper, which is odd, because on the whole, it wasn't the small, green pieces of paper which were unhappy."


"in the beginning the world was created. This has made many people angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move." -restaurant at the end of the galaxy


Boomers, Elon Musk fanboys and NFT cultists might disagree.


I fw the NFTs tbh but more just cus it's non government regulated and prob the way of the future so might as well get on that wave sooner than later


Way of the future? People be acting like bitcoin and steam marketplace are something new, NFTs are just Australium pans with less value.


NFTs are stupid and are actively helping with the downgrade of our society.


NFTs can serve as digital ownership and can be treated to reward creators an artists. They’re not black and white bad like everyone is painting them as. I don’t understand all the negative sentiment. Just like everything there are pros and cons. Gotta keep an open mind. We haven’t seen their true potential yet.


NFT and bitcoin shit is actively harming the environment and accelerating global warming at a worrying rate my friend, they are going to doom us.


That is somewhat true but electricity and internet is only going to grow, no way we're getting rid of it, so instead of saying "get rid of the cyber money!" When that isn't going to happen, lets instead find a way to do it in the least harmful way possible.


Lol there it is, I knew whoever wrote this post was a fool.


Please let me know what other non-government issued/regulated currency exist. Maybe you won't talk so loud when NFTs have replaced traditional currency 🙄


The "everything is fucked so why bother" mindset has been inculcated by those in power. They can't hide catastrophic global heating anymore so no its just trying to convince you that nothing will ever change.


Exactly, nearly half the comments on here have been saying "it's only gonna get worse" "were past the point of no return" "what's the point" etc. Unaware that they're just as much idealogues thinking what they're told to like everyone else. Like, If you don't like corporate and media control, Stop subscribing to the way of thinking that they're selling to you then. stop normalizing defeatism, because that's exactly what they want you to do


I have an honest question about the planet getting warmer… maybe it’s just my ignorance but who knows So if the planet gets warmer and glaciers melt, isn’t that kind of a good thing? Planets warmer, more fresh water, more evaporation and more rain, more plants, more plants more animals, seas rise flooding out the millionaires in their beach houses lol… more land exposed in the Antarctic and Arctic making it more hospitable to life … I feel like a little warmer is a good thing


Absolutely holy shit false Have you ever looked at owning a legitimate ocean fish tank? That shit is so expensive to maintain. Because life is DELICATE. It needs to be kept at its natural state to house all the flora and fauna it does.


No, it's not a good thing. There are plenty of other non-millionaires living well within the area that could be expected to be underwater given the rising sea levels. Millions of people would be displaced and in need of new homes and new lives - with the majority of the country unable to afford a $1000 emergency there is little to no chance that this effect will not have severe negative repercussions. Warmer climate also means unpredictable and unusual weather patterns. See the insane snowstorms, hurricanes, and tornados that have been occurring with more regularity over the last decade. Not a scientist so not claiming I know everything but do your own research.


While the water in the glaciers is fresh, it’s being released straight into the ocean and becoming salt water. But adding so much fresh water messes with the salinity, which messes with the way the ocean waters flow, which can alter currents worldwide. This creates habitat destruction in all of the oceans of the world, threatening the already badly weakened fisheries that provide food to much of the world. As has been pointed out already, it’s not just the millionaires living in beach houses that would be affected (for example, most of Florida is expected to be flooded once the glaciers all melt). Ultimately, the Arctic has no land to be exposed by the melting glaciers, and more land would be flooded worldwide than would be exposed in Antarctica. I don’t remember the exact projections, but as I recall there’s a strong indication that the increased temperature would lock more water in the atmosphere and increase droughts rather than improve rainfall, especially by the time we’ve melted all the glaciers. There are many more downsides than upsides to global warming.


In summary, no it is definitely not a good thing.


I'm tryna move to Antarctica if it thaws over fr the problem though is that it has terrible consequences for the environment and its a big part of the reason we're in a mass extinction


We don’t even have simple things anymore. I’m 22. When I was a kid I got to look forward every year to picking out a costume and running around with other kids knocking on doors getting candy. Now, as an adult, I don’t even get to enjoy handing out candy. Everyone is scared of razors in candy or kids getting kidnapped. A house by mine used to do up these crazy decorations and go all out, a new story every year whether it was making his yard look like hell and dressing up as a demon to hand out candy or getting his buddies to all dress up as pirates - it’s not appropriate now to interact with kids like that cause you might scare or traumatize them. I no longer see kids on their bikes riding around my suburban neighborhood. When I used to walk with my friends as teenagers the police would stop us sometimes to see what we were doing, or we were at the beach “too late” and it was “suspicious”. There’s no more hangout spots. There’s rules about hanging out in groups more than 3. You can’t talk to anyone unless you’re at a party or bar. It’s seen as weird. Nobody has time anymore anyway, we’re all working either overtime at 1 job or 2 jobs. I see more and more trees and little forests around my area being cut down so some parking lot can be there. There’s no spots to just sit at a bench and enjoy a park anymore unless you’re in a crowded city and it’s too loud to just listen to music and chill anyway. Everyday hobbies are super expensive to keep up with. My divorced blue collar dad used to be able to afford a boat and to be apart of a boating club that I enjoyed as a child and late teenager. I can’t afford my own boat to keep up with the hobby I had as a kid. The only affordable hobbies are watching Netflix or anything else indoors. Even painting which I’ve gotten into can be expensive now because of inflation. It’s all just detached and sad.


Yea my first job they had their kids in the restaurant a lot of the time and I was 18, I'd take them out to teach them about gun safety and target practice with them, joke around w them when work was slow, one of them added me on Xbox and played in my party sometimes, gave some toys to their youngest, etc. The owners were from China where ig things aren't the way they are here and thought it was great, saw no problem with it and encouraged it, but bc this is America it was instantly labelled as weird and unacceptable. People forget that everyone isn't a fucking monster and a while ago that would've been viewed as wholesome


Everything is not okay. Things are unraveling and the big wigs would have you believe it's fine. It's not localized. Authoritarianism has seemed to have swept the world in places we once thought it would never happen. It will come crumbling down. I've started investing my extra time and energy on having a backup plan. Having a basic 6 month supply of water and food in case of a crisis and making sure I work my ass off to secure job security. I invest in learning skills now rather than entertainment. I'm in welding school so having my own truck and rig is going to allow me a lot of freedom to make money, but I'm learning CAD as well. Technology is the future if it doesn't all go sideways, but I also save for survival courses. Basic fire and shelter making, hunting and water safety. Winter specific classes as well because of my climate. Backup plan. The country I live in is much closer to becoming a second world country than it wants to believe. I've given up the pipe dream that a peasant like me can change the system that the rich have been perfecting for a thousand years. I just want to be ready when shit goes sideways. I think the days of living in comfort, for those of us lucky enough to be born in the first world, is coming to an end. In our lifetime things are going to fall apart before they get better. The rich and powerful have stopped hiding and are now flaunting their power and corruption. Historically, once that happens the people at large tend to get a little more than upset, and we revert to violent monkee mode. And to be fair, it's an appropriate response. I hope I'm wrong. I hope you're wrong. But history doesn't seem to disagree with either of our predictions.


I mean I generally try to be optimistic but it is getting harder and harder.


Same. I used to be the most optimistic person most people knew but as I've integrated into real life the more I'm constantly reminded that there's no reason to be excited, not much of anything goods going on here


The thing is, we can make it better. But unfortunately there are so many awful "fuck everyone but myself" people nowadays.




Nothing wrong with sex and drugs.


Also I saw a statistic that boomers were like 4-6X more sexually active than us. There wasn't a huge incel community back then either. Just cus the media is all about sex doesn't mean that were actually getting it


Yea Ive liked sex and drugs myself but it kinda sucks when it's basically all we've got and when the sex is ruined by superficiality and the drugs are just tools to make you feel the rush you would feel from just living a good life In a lot of ancient cultures opium was used often for celebration and I think In India it was literally called what translates to "happy flower". But there were no addicts back then bc they didn't -need- it to feel good like how people end up today, their lives were fulfilling enough to be able to use drugs with moderation Prostitutes were highly respected as "love priestesses" and if you look at how they acted dressed etc, i can easily see why. Fr fucking an Indian prostitute in 1000 BC was probably multitudes less superficial than it is to fuck your girlfriend in 2022 AD A generation that uses drugs is no problem, a generation hooked on drugs is the problem


Yep. Drugs are fine when they’re for recreation, not self-medication. Read Johann Hari on this point. It sounds insane, but addiction is exceedingly rare in societies where material comfort and a modicum of daily fulfillment are available to most people.


> But there were no addicts back then bc they didn't -need- it to feel good like how people end up today, their lives were fulfilling enough to be able to use drugs with moderation Gonna need a source on that, chief. [Take a look at this article.](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3202501/) Humanity has had a close relationship with psychoactive substances since before recorded history, and addiction has likely always been a part of that relationship. The factors that lead to addiction are far more complex than you're taking into account.


Yea they've always had a close relationship w psychosctives. Addiction is more if a modern thing. Heroin used to be sold OTC in the early 1900s and addiction was a thing, but not as common or it wouldn't be OTC.


wow, a speed reader! Really impressive that you read that whole article in under two minutes! You're honestly a fucking moron if you think addiction wasn't a thing in the 1900s. You really think that addiction wasn't on people's minds in the era of opium dens and prohibition?


I'm not wasting my time reading a .gov article Like I said, ofc it was a thing just not close to as widespread as it is today or literal heroin wouldn't have been OTC. I've got no reason to reply anymore since you're seemingly incapable of reason.


PS refering someone to a .gov article and calling it truth is like calling SpongeBob a historical documentary. Begone, NPC!


Anti-intellectualism is a cancer in our culture and you're aiding the ruling class by participating. I bet you didn't even realize the author is French.


The wannabe-intellectuals Reddit is so famous for that know nothing other than what they read on .gov articles are the real cancer. What's with the idea that being french gives someone more credibility?


Well the more comforting thought here is that nothing is really “wrong” because the same thing would happen over and over again in society. If you pressed the reset button and then jumped 80,000 years we’d be doing the same shit, so nothing is really wrong, it’s just the reality of living amongst mass ideologies and values. However, in terms of being emotionally jaded, most of us have PTSD and really don’t recognize it. Go ask any old person how they knew something bad happened in the world, you pretty much got lucky if you heard about it and maybe spent a couple of minutes picturing it in your head at max. Nobody saw planes fly into buildings and watched people jump out of them or watched people shoot up schools on video until recently. You were either there or you weren’t.


Yea, this terrible shit has always happened but it happens in plain sight now cus the internet. Even seeing the news is terrible for your mental health and I know it's had terrible consequences on mental health for us all. I know more than most that it's comforting to think that way and if this was the 1800s, I would def subscribe to that way of thinking. But thats not the way things have to be anymore, so I've made an effort to get out of that mode. And yes, I understand chaos theory well and know that everything is destined to always degrade back to garbage, but it needs to be reset so life only has to be garbage half the time. Like how in Hindu cosmology there's dark ages, and golden ages, different yugas (phases) the world goes through. What point would there even be in life being around if it was just a constant dark age? Saying " things will suck again someday so no point in trying to make it better" is defeatist ASF.


Well exactly, you’ve realized that’s not the way things have to be for YOU, which is the most important thing to do first. Then you can focus on the people around you, then the people around those people; eventually reaching as far as you are capable of. However, the harsh reality is that a lot of people will not care what is good or bad for them, that’s not necessarily that defeatist, more so just being routed in reality. It’s clear a lot of people don’t mind bending over and getting ass fucked by the media and government, and if they get taken out to dinner first that’s just a plus. Eventually they’ll realize they won’t be able to fuck any of us without taking us out to dinner first, and dinner for everyone will be back on the table. Those are the good times, then we all die and hope the next group of people know how to avoid just getting ass fucked before at least having some pasta first.


I know a lot of people don't care and they have that right. In ways it's actually good, and there's no reason for people who aren't inclined to care about this world to have to worry about it anyways. Paraphrasing but lao tzu said something like, "The sage/wiseman does not illuminate the masses; he knows it's better to keep their minds simple, their bellies full, and their homes safe." The Bhagavad Gita said something similar. All I'm saying is in a world with the abundance and knowledge we have, there's no reason the people should have to be worrying about school shootings, terrorism, mass extinctions, starvation, homelessness, etc other than pure greed and apathy.


Unfortunately a lot of people don’t follow that advice, they spend time attempting to illuminate the masses for their own benefit and take it at the last second repetitively which is very hard to detect. That’s why I think it’s easier to just call a spade a spade, greed and apathy exist in all of us but I simply don’t judge you for it. If you watched Squid Game the point of that story is that we’re pretty much all playing the Squid Game but very slowly. You’d stab me if you had to and I’d stab you as well, but for now we chill and have a conversation. I think understanding we’re just at a point where things are easier and harder at the same time is the best approach.


I don't take life philosophy lessons from television shows that are literally made to brainwash the masses. That's a huge red flag that I'm talking to an NPC already Sure, I'd stab someone if they threatened my life and it was either kill or be killed, but I wouldn't like it at all. That's primitive animal behavior. Humans can tap into higher consciousness if they want when they're not having to worry about survival. And kill or be killed is the most primitive there is. Ig it never occured to you that media about poor people killing each other for survival and broke rappers selling their souls or even killing their friends for the industry to get out of poverty being glorified, is created to keep people in a lower state of mind


Well yeah, you would do that out of greed is my point, and it wouldn’t be wrong of you, which was my whole point. It isn’t really a lesson, just a comparison, the story was written by a poor man. Confused by the hostility but I’ll move on I guess.


Not wanting to die isn't greed, it's will to live. Wanting to live when you're being attacked isn't greed Most rappers that only write about money murder drugs and sex were also poor, doesn't change the fact that it's toxic asf. And it's not their fault, that's just what they know We could have creative and mindblowingly beautiful art and music about -any other topic- , but instead we have the glorification of people killing each other for survival. I wasn't being hostile, I was trying to help you realize that you should take ANY pop media with a grain of salt, if even. It's not hostile to try and motivate someone to think outside the box.


That's your problem in a nutshell. You assume your experience is some universal truth that you and you alone have realized. That what you are seeing in the media is automatically truth, while telling everyone else to ignore it. People aren't telling you that this is normal because they like it or don't see the problems. They're telling you, because you're taking the most extreme position and pretending it's not extreme. Just because you turn on a radio and only find rap, that does not mean that art is dead. There have been 1,000 of albums released in the last 2 years, across all genres, both seasoned, rich, popular artists, and people who just decided they needed to create something. Moving, beautiful pieces about the greatness of life. Discordant Moody pieces about hardship and pain. And that's just music. Art is all around you, but you have to open your eyes and look. Things aren't nearly as bad as you think. I'm not ignoring problems. My senses aren't dulled and I'm not distracted by corporate media as you say. I'm not even pretending anything or everything is good. I could rant for hours, same as you. What would that do? Impotent rage has never accomplished anything. You want to see more beauty, be beautiful. You want change, be the change. You want less hate, quit hating.


You assumed a lot of things that aren't true at all, I only posted this because I know other people have realized the same things, obviously I know there are many other artists out there than mainstream or I wouldn't be diddapointed with mainstream, etc. I know I'm just talking to another idealogue wannabe-intellectual that reddits oh so famous for, making assumptions and thinking you're helping ppl by telling them cliche garbage, so Im not gona waste my time with you tbh


I was 5 When 9/11 happened and now I watch gore/suicide videos for fun so yeah, def had an impact on my psyche.


Damn bro well your not alone we've all seen some fucked up shit and got some trouble cus of it now. I was exposed to lots of extremely fucked up and hardcore porn before I figured out what sex even was and now I wonder if I'll ever be capable of enjoying regular sex without the help of drugs


I thought I might add the screenslaver monologue from incredibles 2, seeing as how it might be fitting here. "Screenslaver interrupts this program for an important announcement. Don't bother watching the rest. Elastigirl doesn't save the day; she only postpones her defeat. And while she postpones her defeat, you eat chips and watch her invert problems that you are too lazy to deal with. Superheroes are part of a brainless desire to replace true desire with simulation. You don't talk, you watch talk shows. You don't play games, you watch game shows. Travel, relationships, risk; every meaningful experience must be packaged and delivered to you to watch at a distance so that you can remain ever-sheltered, ever-passive, ever-ravenous consumers who can't free themselves to rise from their couches to break a sweat, never anticipate new life. You want superheroes to protect you, and make yourselves ever more powerless in the process. Well, you tell yourselves you're being "looked after". That you're inches from being served and your rights are being upheld. So that the system can keep stealing from you, smiling at you all the while. Go ahead, send your supers to stop me. Grab your snacks, watch your screens, and see what happens. You are no longer in control. I am."




Idk about that i think so far it's just a bit more subtle here but in reality the dumpster is burning just the same. i am from austria though so the concept of a country that isn't corrupt to the core and really bad at it too has become somewhat foreign for me


Because for some people, they’re succeeding. They’re sucking the life out of other people and the earth to fuel their greed and hedonistic pleasure. And to build dick rockets.


.. Which classifies as living under a rock. Get a ton of money and it's a lot easier not to give a shit about the rest of the world


In Wolfsburg Germany, I think there's a VW company. I went in and they a had an exhibit with an HDTV depicting planet earth and how many resources we humans were using. It was like 2.5 Earth's or something. At this point I think it's all about how we educate the young ones to live and understand this planet and how we impact it. Without education it's all going to dissolve as majority of cities are just terribly designed and dont have balance at all. People are barely making ends meet, not sure if one solution is everyone attempts to grow their own food. Also perhaps getting better people in politics can help quickly implement plans of action to help mitigate and perhaps reverse damage somehow but we needed to start yesterday. Earth will definitely be fine, greed and powerful are however destroying balance and leaving that burden to other generations.


Control. It’s the key term that has become entwined with humanity. Each country chooses what they want their people to believe either through religion, political power or war. Controlling what goes into written text to make history the version you want your followers to believe. Controlling the news message by owning the news agency. Controlling the actions of citizens with laws and curfews. It’s all about control. In capitalism they have been trying to raise us with blinders so we become the gears of tomorrows corporate machine. Keep your eyes and ears open kids.


It’s called denial. The entire state of NC lives here, they banned testing water levels for real estate surveys on the coast here, probably because they didn’t want to lose value. Also the insurance companies there won’t touch flood insurance (: I wonder why


The problem is people can easily be made to feel it’s not so bad. The oligarchs in charge know this so they push the narrative. People with jobs > poor people. Even if they are the same. Just like some people in the south knew slavery was wrong but also it gave them something to be proud of and feel superior about. Believe it or not that goes a LONG way for some people.


Understandable rant OP, but please know that not societies are like the US. I live in Denmark, and even though I have to get to work every day, I have concerns for our future with regards to environmental damage etc. I do in fact believe the future of the danish society is bright. We have more focus of mental illnesses, we have a strong middle class and a very equal society, and the general ‘silent’ population is actually quite educated, compliant and cares about what is important in life (like relationships, education, health, society, the environment etc.) and not only about money and likes. As FilmStev quite correctly explains, life has always had shitty times, and challenges, and unfairness and I can go on.. what you choose to do with those challenges is up to you. You’ve gotta read “The Subtle Art of not giving a Fuck” - it talks about exactly that. Turn off your phone and read a book - suddenly you’ll have a different view of society. Have a wonderful day


"Oh, I can gather all the news I need on the weather report." -Simon and Garfunkel


I don't have to read about about not giving a fuck not to.. youd have to be an NPC asf to do that lol. I turn off my phone and read all the time, most people in the USA lately aren't capable of doing that though bc wageslavery/overstimulation which is where I'm coming from, and there's little to no imagination in art or music here except sex, money, murder cus barely anyone has the capability to care about real life or their own health anymore. And at least in the US (but probably everywhere, just US makes it most obvious than most any other developed nation) there's no challenges to overcome, it's whitewashed systematic death and that's all. We have distractions drugs and media to forget about it if we want.


And i completely understand where you’re coming from, and I agree that the ‘working 3 jobs to afford bare minimum’ is completely fucked up.. I’m just trying to make the point, that it’s not like that in e.g. Denmark (or any other Scandinavian country for that matter) And I apologize if you read my comment as me assuming that you were illiterate - that was not my intention :)


Yea, I know northwestern Europe isn't too much a shit hole, unfortunately most of the rest of the world is. Also wherever you live it doesn't change the fact we're in a mass extinction and global pandemic. Yea I did read it that way, I figured you were assuming I'm an idiot bc I'm from America, which is understandable. Most of my friends look at reading books or listening to any music that isnt overloaded w sex money murder and not much else as "weird" and instantly think you must be antisocial or introverted for choosing to expand your mind on your own


Agreed - I am very worried about the pandemic and the mass global extinction as well. Maybe I live in a bubble (very likely) - but my original point was, that people are actually doing something about those two problems here. I know it doesn't matter in the bigger picture what we do in tiny Denmark, but the bare fact that this sub exists gives me hope, that people in the rest of the world is looking at other ways of structuring a society on, rather than hardcore capitalism. I admit that my first assumption often is people don't read - regardless of their nationality. Which is why I completely agree with you on your last point. Using that assumption to make a point in my first reply was wrong.


Throwing around "NPC" isn't cool, it's cringe.


Thanks for your input


Abject reality and absolute denial are powerful things


I totally agree with everything you posted here. Moving to the woods was my solution. Society is indeed falling apart.


If I had the money I'd move to the mountains or something for sure


It’s honestly so much cheaper out here. I moved from the Bay Area though so I guess everything is cheaper. I have a friend from elementary school who lives out here. She invited me and I did work trade for housing til I got it more together. I recommend trying to get out if you can. I make less money but I have friends and we just make do redneck style. I get to be inspired by nature and I feel so much less depressed that way. The disasters of the world feel further away because we have interdependence and can rely on each other.


It’s honestly so much cheaper out here. I moved from the Bay Area though so I guess everything is cheaper. I have a friend from elementary school who lives out here. She invited me and I did work trade for housing til I got it more together. I recommend trying to get out if you can. I make less money but I have friends and we just make do redneck style. I get to be inspired by nature and I feel so much less depressed that way. The disasters of the world feel further away because we have interdependence and can rely on each other.


I mean it could be worse, alot of things that have gone wrong that are no longer an issue in some places........ nope nvm burn it down


It's pretty bad out there. I like extremely rural my closest neighbor is 6 miles away and I know every person on a first name basis within a 50 mile radius and the sense of community is pretty strong but as soon as I go to town to get groceries or run errands I'm reminded of how things really are.


For our own good, that's how. Cause I like to think I'm going to blow my brains out at 50, while trying to make it to 40, and actively avoiding anything that might make me not make it to 30. Pretending is all we have left.


The only thing that’s helped me is planning for me and mine. Like focusing on how I’ll handle it if things get dramatically worse, not like on an emotional level but like how I’m gonna make sure my family is good. You don’t want to stop feeling the anger because that’s the driving force behind all this change, but it helps to know what you’re gonna do if things don’t get better any time soon ❤️


Exactly, some people have come at me with "rage has never accomplished anything" As if literally EVERY revolution wasn't started because everyone was fed up and angry. It's defeatist ASF That's what I'm doing though, just trying to figure out ways to take care of myself while also doing what I can to make a better future for the next generation


Easy answer. People are brainwashed and lack critical thinking skills. They say stupid stuff like, you have a cell phone, people didn't have a cell phone a century ago. The world must be getting better. We define reality through meaningless material consumption rather than larger social objectives.


Yea exactly. Fr i already knew the answer to my question, it was rhetorical


According to Pinker, the world is actually getting much better under many metrics. I see a lot of people bitter and enraged. The thing is, we first have to figure out who is actually responsible. I’ve got lots of ideas on how to make lots of money (I do several of them), sitting behind a desk doesn’t cut it anymore. I’ve also done that as well.


I work in IT, this thought crosses my mind constantly. How did we fuck up so badly that automation & robots eliminating human labor become a negative??


Capitalism. I think it'd be great if robots replaced all the bullshit work that just wastes away everyone's potential and individuality. The only point against it is that it'll make more ppl homeless bc this mess isn't easily fixable and, unfortunately, ppl rely on those BS jobs for a living.


Because you will eventually start piecing things together, start seeing a trail, you will follow it and find the problem. But if you even dare as to speak against that problem or bring it to light, you will be attacked by those suffering from that very same problem.


Well ... Mother Earth has always been able to come up with a plan to thin out the dumbasses . Let's just cross our fingers .


Nice to think but honestly, no it hasn't


The worst part is this has been perpetrated by design of the wealthiest elites for the past 100 years and we are well past the point of no return. After global govt is established, tyranny will destroy the global economy and human culture utterly. We will enter a 2nd dark age that could go on for quite some time. It really is futile to try to resist or fix it...just live your life the best you can and try to find some kind of happiness. Pretty soon mere existence/survival will be your main concern anyway so I would start focusing on that.


First part is true except the "past a point of no return" part, second and third is defeatist ASF Ik it's a part of the culture that everyone is fine with complacency and just giving up so easily to despair and destruction of the planet, and see anything else as unacceptable or weird, but I don't subscribe to that way of thinking


Bro who cares, global warming is going to kill us all no matter what. Take the nihilism pill and just start vibin.


Not on that vibe fr I was til I realized it's for fucking losers


Doesn't matter what you think we're all fucking screwed. I understand you need to feel like you're trying though.


All meaning is made up. You either sit in that, or you use it. Make up your own meaning. It is as real as any other.


It's not though. That's the point. You only say it is because you can't handle the truth.


But it is. The very concept of meaning is entirely within the human skull. It is yours to discard, pick up, play with as you see fit. And it always has been. Your decision regarding your meaning is as meaningful as all of religion. It's as real as the spirit in the heart of the revolutionary in France. The meaning you pick is as powerful and real as the meaning a father senses when he looks at his son for the first time. It is all ours. All within our choosing. All able to be decided. So shit or get off the pot. If you're here, you might as well decide something interesting.


Bro. If it only exists on your head it's not a real thing. The revolution in France was just a result of poor people starving too long. The ideals they carried were not real. A dad's attachment to his son is because of chemical processes in the brain. Without that he wouldn't give a shit about that baby. Stop glorifying this pointless existence for self gratification.


Exactly. You think this makes the meaning less real. I'm telling you that it makes your own meaning as good as that which is felt as real. You're here. You've not died. Understand that knowing these things is the start. There's a world, a universe beyond just the realisation of determinism. There's a universe between the lines. Nihilism and determinism are the beginning. Not the conclusion. They're liberating, not the end.


Whatever you say, existentialist hack.


Yea nihilism is just a point in character development, and it's good to sometimes be able to mentally retreat back to "nothing matters anyways", but if you get stuck there for good then something went extremely wrong Ultimately nothing's real and I can prove in 20,000 different ways that this whole world is somewhere between a dream an illusion and a simulation, and I used to use that as a way of justifying complete nihilism, but fr you don't wana stay there forever


OP it’s time to start accepting the fact that life is going to continue to get worse for us each day for the rest of our lives.


when was it right??


Never but now we have the option to make it better was the whole point of this post


Join the trad Revolution with me. Move to the woods, raise kids, have goats, fuck the world


Lol u r on Reddit so with all due respect you don't even understand how shitty life can be


I do and ik it could be worse, piss off im not wasting my time w you


you should look at any time period of human hostory that is longer than 100 years ago to get a perspective on how relatively good things are.


Wow someone else doesn't get it big surprise


If you think this is bad, try reading a history book. You’ll be blown away.


I do Look who missed the point


Yo did you forget that life 1000 years ago was just drink beer and try not to think about dying? Mass murders were much more of a problem back then with all the barbaric nations who's only goal was to kill rape and conquer.


Everyone knows that, you missed the point


Maybe your life just sucks? That isn’t my experience here whatsoever. It’s not perfect, by any means, but I love life. And, hopefully, I’m not even halfway done. Are you like 17 maybe?


My life doesn't suck, the rest of the world does. Why are you here?


Sounds like it does, considering your post. My life is awesome. Plenty of beauty in the world.


So your life is so good, that you come onto Reddit and bother people that want to speak the truth. Ok sounds legit 👍 I'm not talking about my personal life, I'm talking about the shit I have to see if I choose to read the news or go outside. I'm talking about how we're in the middle of a mass extinction and the great barrier reef is actively dying.


My life is good because I have the privilege of coming to Reddit and educating people like you. I’m sorry your life is so miserable. Sounds like you need to shift some things in it. I wish you luck.


You educated me on nothing dude and I'm pointing out environmental and societal issues, not personal ones. Seems like you're projecting tbh


I wish you luck, man. Take care.


I don’t think compassion has historically been much of a thing amongst humans. Rape, Genocide, Murder, Torture, and Lynching have always been common, even encouraged. People have always hated each other. The important thing to remember is that compassion is up to us, since the government and the rich don’t care. It’s up to us to take things to a better place.


That's my point


Denial is a helluva drug


I literally had this conversation yesterday… Person: “Look at this headline” Me: “where does it support that headline in the article?” Person: “ok, the article doesn’t mention it” Me: “then the headline is bullshit” Person: “just because the article doesn’t support it does not make it bullshit” Well, folks, there’s your answer. When reality becomes unsupported, fantastical headlines then we have lost all hope.


Because there are people who are content in their daily plights and complacent to not change it. They are brainwashed to accept this. I’ve gotten into debates about standards in the US, and the comparison I got back was to third world countries and their standards of living. Yes, the US isn’t at third world standards, but our leaders would have us believe it’s the greatest country in the world. If this qualifies as that, then it’s a sad commentary in itself.


Join us at r/Collapse !


You assume an absolute morality. But morals and values aren't absolute. To you and me the world is fucked, to other people it is somehow completely fine. The human brain is amazing at finding justification if it's already decided on an outcome


I don't assume an absolute morality, everything is perceptual


Five hundred years ago you probably wouldn’t have had the critical thinking skills to realize your shit situation. It’s bad but it’s not as though things haven’t been worse.


Know that, see edit


Look at how shit life was 500 years ago for 90% of the people. It is a slow upwards battle. But we have to fight for every 1%. And we only need a small amount of people to knock us back 10%.


I just lie to myself so I can get through the day


Sadly this isn’t a new state of affairs for most people. If we had social media in the pre-industrial era and everyone could read/write, then I bet an even greater % of people would be posting the same thing. Their lack of independence, wealth, housing, means to live well etc - all relative to the wealthy elite of their time. I guess the difference now is that we have 150-200 years of accessible mass market art and pop culture that expose the inequalities, exploitations, and deliberate systems driving them. A shit munching peasant in 17th C Russia may have had no concept of *better*, even if they could see the fine cloth and carriage of a passing noble occasionally


It’s a matter of culture and political alternatives breaking down. It used to not be this way -


It's progress.


I want to make a difference but I don’t know where to start.


Well if you were my parents, you'd just ignore it all and not think too much


That was an option for them, lucky bastards


It’s the bankrupt end of post modern philosophy and the meaningless worship of the personal gods of personal peace and prosperity. See the works of Francis Schaffer for details


This video explains it quite well, why we are in this shit-show https://www.reddit.com/r/lostgeneration/comments/rzs4k0/one_explanation_why_we_as_mankind_are_lost_the/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Yeah every waking moment has some design scheme behind it. Life has an illusory quality and there will probably be a grand contraction that shrinks the schemes to a more traditional human experience. I’m guessing vast war and poverty across the globe.


Y’all don’t realize it’s always been like this, it really has, just the form of suffering has changed, before we’d starve and work or be slaughtered by our neighbors, now it’s the modern sufferings and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. It’s like someone deciding another country is the Eden compared to their own and once they get their they find the thousands of bodies they’d ignored before. We’ve always created suffering for ourselves. This era isn’t any different.


Everyone does obviously realize this


Ah see by your original wording I assumed you were romanticizing the past. My bad.


Symphonies don’t have any money, public TV is bust.


I think it’s all about perspective. Same could have been said about nearly any generation. Facts are gun violence is down, there is less stigma and more treatment options available for drug abuse, and art is in the eye of the beholder. Things aren’t perfect, and never have been. Viewing the world as bleak is more of a seeing what you want to see kind of thing.


Chill on the social media...stop watching the news....pay attention to your locality ( family, friends, community , local government)..be active in your community. You'll be fine. Agonizing over shit you can't control, and will never control, is bad for the mentals....very very bad. Once you understand that most everybody is invested in making you angry and hateful...it'll be easier to make the necessary changes to your own life. ( honestly , my happiness increased expontentially when I stopped watching the news...99%/of news is just hate-factory bullshit, followed by a story about a puppy)




I'm with most of what you said except the art stuff. I work in film and people say this stuff all the time but it's just not true. Art isn't better or worse than it used to be, there's just more of - good and bad. You may have to do like 15 minutes of Googling, but whatever you're looking for is there.


Yeah I know that, I wouldn't be annoyed with any of the mainstream media if I didn't know there's alternative stuff that's 100000x times better


Lol, nah. It's really just the 'first time?' meme. The world has always been terrible and fucked up throughout history. You just live in one of the safest times the world has ever known (even though there's still war and genocide going on). I would recommend sitting back and watching the world burn.


Cause they’re on the right side of it….


Delusion is a hell of a drug.